Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng’s new drama is coming, and under the siege of the Xianjian series, can it create another explosion?

Seeing the hottest winter break in a year, all four platforms have tried their best to attract effective audiences and improve the retention rate of high-quality audiences. The most typical performance is that all four platforms chose to lift out the dark horse series that the platform is optimistic about during this period. Like iQIYI and Tencent chose "Xianjian IV" and "Praying for the Present", which have a large fan base and potential audience groups. Although the male and female fans of "Xianjian IV" are quarreling because of the ranking issue, this is not wrong for the show itself.

On the contrary, it is because of the dispute between the male and female protagonists that many melon-eating netizens have noticed the setting of the drama, and the correct choice of the controversial point can also reduce the expenditure of the drama’s publicity expenses. At present, it seems that because the fans of the male and female protagonists are not united, the broadcast performance and online performance of this drama are slightly behind. The male protagonist of "Praying for the Present" is Xu Kai, a small student with both good looks and acting skills, and the female protagonist is Yu Shuxin, a small flower who takes into account the popularity of the drama. Compared with the discordant protagonist fans next door, the fans of these two people get along very harmoniously, and they are all focused on the promotion of

It is worth mentioning that "Praying for the Morning" attaches great importance to the promotion of a certain sound in the drama, and the selected staff is also full of enthusiastic and energetic young people. For now, the drama’s drama-chasing atmosphere is not bad. In the face of the strong offensive of iQIYI and Tencent video, Mango TV chose the most popular Chinese horror + unlimited stream theme among young audiences. Although the male and female protagonists of this drama are small and transparent, the novelty of the theme and the excitement of the script still attract many potential audience groups to watch the drama in real time.

Compared with the other two dramas, the only advantage of "19 Layers" is probably that it is starred and can win the attention of a diverse audience. It’s just that the budget of the drama promotion makes it still in the period of word-of-mouth fermentation, and there is no clear word-of-mouth explosion point and plot coolness. But in the current online environment, the most feared thing is that the quality of the drama itself is very good, but because of the negligence of online marketing, this good drama has been completely buried. "The fragrance of wine is also afraid of deep alleys" is the current situation of the film and television drama market.

Although there are many choices of Xianxia themes that are heavily marketed, some audiences with special tastes are still in the period of drama shortage, and they urgently need new dramas of special types to provide nutrients. "Beginning", which is consistent with the theme of "19 Layers", wins from large-scale publicity investment. Only by letting more viewers know when the show will be broadcast and what is the main content, can the purpose of drama promotion be achieved to a greater extent. There are new dramas on all three platforms, and only the slow Youku has no major dramas, which makes users anxious.

Speaking of Cao Cao, the urban emotional drama "Love for a Long Time" starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng was successfully broadcast on Jiangsu Satellite TV. It is said that the production company of this drama and Yang Zi are already old acquaintances, and the new drama of the second cooperation is quite exciting. Although Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng’s CP sense is a little lacking, it should still be expected to become a hit under the blessing of the plot and character, otherwise Youku would not choose to broadcast it on such an important schedule. It can be seen that Youku has always trusted Yang Zi.

It is worth mentioning that several of the dramas that are competing with Yang Zi this time are still films and TV dramas starring 95 Shenghua. If Yang Zi loses the battle at 95 Shenghua’s hands again, it will be easy to be laughed at by the same period of Shenghua and Youku platform, and the identity of the queen of drama and explosive drama will also be questioned. In fact, Yang Zi has seen the power of 95 Shenghua as early as the summer of 2022. For example, the three-party statement during the casting period of "Agarwood Fragrance Like Pieces" and the three official seals shocked the entertainment industry. The reason is that Youku trusts Yang Zi too much.

However, the broadcast results of "Agarwood Like Crumbs" hit Youku hard in the face. The two major traffic cooperation Xianxia dramas were actually crushed by the costume dramas starring 95 Shenghua. First, Wu Lei and Zhao Ruth’s "Star Han Brilliant. Moonrise Canghai" dominated the summer season, and the broadcast results and online performance were unparalleled. Then there is Yu Shuxin, the "Canglan Jue" starring Wang Hedi, which triggered a craze for young people to follow dramas, almost monopolizing the entire summer audience. And Yang Zi’s new drama "Agarwood Like Crumbs" is too average.

So shortly after the show was broadcast, Youku posted a blog post that seemed to contain Yang Zi. Not only was it accompanied by Yang Zi’s hot topic "cake" at that time, but also the text "purple butt explosion" was marked on the picture, which can be said to be merciless ridicule and connotation. Youku’s unkind approach has also attracted Yang Zi’s fans to be dissatisfied for a long time. Now, Yang Zi and Youku have joined forces again to present "Love for a Long Time", or the same 95 flowers as opponents. Can Yang Zi use this drama to make up for the shame and protect the face of carrying the drama flowers?

Objectively speaking, it was not realistic for Yang Zi to achieve respectable success this time. First of all, because of the subject matter limitations of "Going to Love for a Long Time", the film and television dramas starring 95 Shenghua all have a certain degree of basic fans and theme chassis. However, the episode positioning of "Going to Love for a Long Time" urban emotional drama is not advantageous first, and it is easy to be easily crushed by the three dramas broadcast on other platforms. After all, the main factor that determines the broadcast performance of a drama is the audience, not fans, and the influence of fans on the drama is negligible.

Under the circumstance that most drama-chasing audiences prefer Xianxia dramas and costume dramas, the success of the new drama starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng depends on the blood of dogs, but on marketing. Urban dramas with a little blood of dogs have always been able to get very good ratings in the process of going to the stars, and marketing can make the audience understand the main content of the drama as much as possible, and then generate interest in chasing dramas. In addition, the drama "To Love for a Long Time" is a starred drama, and compared with other dramas, it is inevitable that there will be diversions.

But even so, the ratings of Shangxing drama are firmly controlled by 95 flowers. The family ethics drama starring Zhong Chuxi and Yang Chaoyue has been unfavorable from the beginning to the audience rating has been rising, which cannot be separated from the audience rating contributed by the remote control audience. Many viewers are attracted to this drama, and they are also accidentally attracted by Yang Chaoyue’s acting. So if the ratings of this drama starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng are not satisfactory, they will also be complained and connotations by the melon-eating masses of the same period of flowers and fan groups.

Because there are too many ancient costume idol dramas starring in these years, which is far from Yang Zi’s idea of seeking transformation and breakthrough in his early years, what Yang Zi needs most at this time is good results on different tracks. But it is not easy for a drama like "Love for a Long Time" to get very good CVB results, and the most likely step is probably to make a loss. Wanting to get very good network data in a clean situation is nothing short of a dream. Whether Yang Zi can break the label of only being excellent in ancient puppet dramas depends on this performance.