Didi says it has zero tolerance for the discrepancy between people and vehicles, and it is its duty to control illegal production

  Our reporter, Du Xiao 

  The intern of this newspaper, Liu Yanqing

  Recently, the person in charge of Didi’s access security publicly stated that the conservative estimate of the market size of online car-hailing black production reached 1 billion yuan.

  Didi also said that the phenomenon of "people do not match" is directly a permanent suspension of service processing. The current platform targets the average daily face verification of drivers to 4.30 million times, covering 100% of the total number of drivers’ out-of-the-car verification and in-trip sampling, and the monthly average manual sampling review 600,000 times. Despite possibly facing the strictest controls, some drivers still take risks.

  The Legal Daily reporter learned in the interview that at first, the illegal production of online car-hailing was mainly to register false driver accounts and receive orders to obtain platform subsidies. Later, some "vest cars" appeared in the development process of online car-hailing, that is, online car-hailing cars whose actual information does not match the registration information. However, with the increasing supervision and crackdown, the problem of black production of online car-hailing cars is gradually improving.

  Called a car and found that the information did not match

  Some passengers will not report

  According to Didi, "the latest information from Didi’s intelligence team shows that the quotation of the black industry’s plan to bypass the face has exceeded 2,000 yuan."

  After searching the Internet, the reporter found that relevant information such as registration can still be found, but the number is very small. Once contacted, the other party will ask to add WeChat for further details.

  "If you don’t have enough driving experience to register with the original license plate, change the foreign license plate to the local license plate, and solve the problem that the system does not send orders," a merchant offering online registration services said in the advertisement. The price of this service is 200 yuan.

  The reporter searched the other party’s public WeChat and found that the WeChat account could not be displayed abnormally, and then the other party provided another contact information. The other party told the reporter that the driving age is insufficient and cannot be handled, but the car age is over and the foreign license plate can be replaced with a local license plate. The average asking price is 1,000 yuan. "The 200 yuan price is just to attract buyers to come to consult."

  When asked whether they could guarantee that they would not be banned, the other party said that whether a normal car could be banned depended on whether it would be complained by passengers. If there were many complaints, the number would be banned, and if there were few complaints, it would not. False registrations pose a risk of being banned. Think carefully before registering.

  Regarding the issue of being banned, the other party also offered a trick: "Once the customer finds that there is a problem, he has to rely on his words to convince the customer, and if he can convince the customer, he will not be complained. Or when he is almost at the boarding location, he will call the customer again, divert the customer’s attention and make him not pay attention to the license plate, and then he will be fine."

  Another registered merchant who advertised on the forum told reporters that it is generally impossible to register if the driving age does not match, and the online car-hailing platform has stricter supervision on this. However, there are also individual online car-hailing platforms that can register if the driving age is not enough. Although the review also has driving age requirements, it can be operated in the background. Charge 200 yuan to help register and activate the account, and ensure that it is in compliance with the registration, there will be no risk of being banned, and access to the order pool to grab the reservation will cost extra.

  For passengers who encounter "people do not match", some people will not choose to report or complain.

  A female passenger told reporters that she placed an order through the platform, and when the car arrived, she found that the license plate number was not the one displayed when she placed the order.

  "At first I thought the driver was looking for the wrong person, but the driver explained to me that the platform had mistaken his information. The driver gave his mobile phone number to prove his identity, and other information displayed on the order was correct, so I got on the bus," the passenger said.

  Another passenger also encountered a similar situation. He told the reporter that the waiting car did not match the information of the called car, but the driver said that it was his friend who took the order, and he came on behalf of the friend because of something temporary. If you are not at ease, you can place a new order. For safety reasons, the passenger chose to place a new order.

  "It’s not credible to get the wrong information." Hu Ping (a pseudonym), who has been working as a part-time online ride-hailing driver since 2016, told reporters that if there is indeed an error in the registration of information, it is more difficult to correct the information, because the customer service is usually busy and cannot take care of it.

  "Whether the information is true or not has a big impact on the driver. Once the passenger complains about this, the platform will block the driver," Hu Ping said. "When registering a driver’s account on the online ride-hailing platform, you need to upload a driver’s license, vehicle driving license, ID card, etc. As long as the information is true and the certificate is valid, the review can basically be passed within three to five working days."

  There are many hidden dangers of fake accounts

  The compliance process needs to be accelerated

  It is understood that the Guangdong police had previously announced the top ten cyber security cases in 2017, among which the "Didi black product" case attracted attention. The police revealed that there were hundreds of thousands of accounts involved, and the amount involved was as high as tens of millions of yuan.

  Zhao Zhanzhan, a special researcher at the Intellectual Property Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, believes that online car-hailing black production involves issues such as the sale of personal information and vehicle information. At present, the supervision is already very strict. The reason why online car-hailing black production exists is because of market demand and profitability, coupled with some deficiencies in the management of online car-hailing platforms, which are exploited by criminals.

  "Drivers registering fake accounts will bring safety hazards to passengers. On the one hand, they avoid the safety review of the platform, and on the other hand, they will increase the risk of personal harm to passengers. For example, some people may want to engage in illegal and criminal activities, some people may not be qualified to drive, and some people may not be skilled in driving." Zhao Zhanzhi said.

  Fu Weigang, a researcher at the Shanghai Institute of Finance and Law, believes that in recent years, regulators have increasingly strictly regulated the online car-hailing market.

  According to Fu Weigang, in January 2019, the Ministry of Transport issued the "Notice on the Key Points of Transportation Safety Production Work in 2019", proposing to speed up the process of online car-hailing compliance, and all localities have also continuously urged online car-hailing platform enterprises to speed up the process of compliance. The Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission Law Enforcement Corps issued a notice requiring all online car-hailing platform enterprises to complete by the end of June: clear the registered vehicles without online car reservation qualifications in the platform, clear the non-compliant personnel and vehicles in the blacklist that were seized and warned in the early stage, improve the basic information of vehicles and drivers, and synchronize the supervision platform in real time. At the same time, platform companies are required to conduct offline entity inspections or reviews of newly registered vehicles and vehicles suspected of "vest" complaints, and strengthen legal education for drivers on the platform.

  "In fact, for many users, they are mainly concerned about whether the driver drives well or not, whether the service is good or not, and whether the driver’s registration information matches the actual situation and whether the household registration is local. Some users may even worry that if the driver’s entry threshold is too high, the number of drivers will be reduced, which will lead to more expensive taxi prices," Fu Weigang said.

  Zhao Zhan suggested that passengers themselves should raise their safety awareness and make more efforts within their means, including complaining to the platform if they find that the driver does not match the vehicle information, and assisting the platform in strengthening the management of drivers and vehicles.

  Appropriately lowering the entry threshold

  Promote the regular operation of drivers

  In 2016, after the Ministry of Transport, MIIT and other seven ministries jointly issued the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services, various localities successively issued detailed implementation rules.

  According to media reports, in 2018, Hangzhou introduced a new policy, canceling a number of requirements for online car-hailing drivers, and at the same time adopting a policy of one test and two certificates. Once the driver passes the test, he not only obtains the qualification to drive an online car, but also can drive a taxi. This also makes the number of compliant drivers increase more than 3 times in 2018. At present, the number of online car-hailing drivers in Hangzhou who have obtained the qualification certificate has reached 55,000.

  Yu Mingyuan, director of the Highway Traffic Development Research Center of the Highway Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, said in an interview with the media that, for example, excessive requirements are placed on technology, and even excessive requirements are placed on the length and frame of the vehicle. Some also require local household registration, and now there are also requirements that the manufacturer is also local.

  In Fu Weigang’s opinion, some places have set more restrictions on the access of online car-hailing drivers, which will lead to some people not meeting the conditions, which will lead to the creation of online car-hailing illegal production. The stricter the similar standards, the larger the scale of online car-hailing illegal production may be. "If the standards are too high, it will be more unsafe to have black cars. If the standards are relaxed, then some drivers can directly operate online car-hailing through regular channels."

  Zhao Zhan also believes that to rectify the illegal production of online car-hailing, the threshold for online car-hailing should be appropriately lowered to solve the problem of non-compliance of some online car-hailing drivers. Judging from the implementation of online car-hailing policies, some places have introduced stricter policies, and there are fewer qualified drivers and vehicles. Although the high threshold for access to the online car-hailing market is one of the reasons for the emergence of illegal production of online car-hailing, if there is no access threshold, it will not meet the current laws and regulations, and it will also be opposed by the traditional taxi industry. The threshold for access to online car-hailing needs to be set, mainly whether the level is appropriate.

  Fu Weigang suggested that to solve the problem of illegal production of online car-hailing, from the platform side, we should first improve the mechanism and system, so that passengers can promptly identify drivers with good service and poor service, and eliminate drivers with poor service. Secondly, the online car-hailing platform should be responsible for reviewing driver information and promptly connecting with the information systems of the public security department, transportation department and other relevant departments.

  Zhao Zhan added that the platform side should play a leading role in the rectification of online car-hailing black production, and can identify fake accounts through technical means, increase the crackdown, and ensure the safety of passengers.