In "Moscow Action", he was so bad that even Andy Lau was afraid!

1905 movie network feature Since its release, the word-of-mouth has been stable at 7.2 points. It can be said that the quality of the movie "Moscow Action" is in the first tier of the National Day. At the same time, the box office continued to decline.

The ++ configuration became the most "hardcore" point of view in the film. Andy Lau played the villain again after a lapse of 16 years, giving young audiences a different perception. But compared with the villain image of "Brother Hua", the most unexpected thing is that Miao Qingshan played by Huang Xuan is not only a villain, but also a villain with extreme madness.

After all, in the eyes of the public, Huang Xuan had been immersed in various literary and artistic film creations in the past, and the image of warmth and intelligence was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Buddhism, elegance, and gentleman… In this male actor, it is difficult to find details that belong to "evil".

It’s just that when "Moscow Action" found him, he uncharacteristically offered to be bad to the end, and even became the big villain, betraying his master Vasily (Andy Lau, played). When he faced the 1905 film network camera, he confessed, "When I saw the invitation, I was a little surprised, but it invisibly increased my ambition."

Sure enough, after he joined the play, he made Andy Lau feel oppressive, made his former partner feel unfamiliar, and even made actor Huang Xuan sigh "not suitable" after a year.

Although it was unfamiliar and unsuitable, Huang Xuan found another excitement for an actor.

"Villain" Miao Qingshan

"Since you want me to play the villain, why don’t you fight for a more extreme role?" When the script of "Moscow Action" was handed to Huang Xuan, he was also very surprised. So far in the performance, he has rarely seen such a role. Even in the hearts of the audience, he is more like "White Moonlight", even if the image of the husband in it is contrary to public perception.

When the producer learned of Huang Xuan’s request, he was also stunned and said that everyone should discuss it first. As a result, there was no news for a month. During this process, the crew team kept debating whether Huang Xuan could be qualified for Miao Qingshan. Even Andy Lau, one of the producers, said, "We discussed it many times." He didn’t know what Huang Xuan would look like, "Why don’t we let him play."

"But I don’t want to play a face-to-face villain." Huang Xuan made a request to himself.

To this end, before joining the group, he watched many domestic and foreign movies, trying to find the temperament and emotion that could be grafted on Miao Qingshan from those villains, "Everyone is not Miao Qingshan, I have to use my own expression and the state that fits the story situation to combine." In addition, like every actor, real criminal interviews are the way for Huang Xuan to find the most suitable fulcrum for the role.

Only when he arrived on the set, he temporarily put aside the things he had studied and studied before, and Huang Xuan slowly found the feeling of "Miao Qingshan".

"Operation Moscow" is the second collaboration between Mr. Huang and Ms. Wen, after playing a sea-loving couple in the series "Kyushu Sea Muyun." After filming, the two also established a good relationship, but this time, Huang Xuan’s studio "refused" to speak to Wen Yongshan. "She came to see me on the spot, so she immediately kept a distance from me."

In order to be more immersed in the character, Huang Xuan wrote a rich biography of the character before the boot, and the scene was basically like Miao Qingshan, wearing earphones and listening to Shostakovich’s music, "I stay by myself, and tell myself before the game, I am not Huang Xuan, she is not Wen Yongshan, don’t worry about others looking at me like this, just go to the scene to do stress reactions."

"He’s really unfamiliar." Wen Yongshan didn’t adapt to Huang Xuan’s state at first, but the tacit understanding of the actors soon understood the other party’s intentions.

All the ruthlessness and ferocity belonged to the character Miao Qingshan, "During that process, I didn’t think about whether I was fierce or not, right?" It was just that after a year, when the movie was about to be released and Huang Xuan met Miao Qingshan again, even he felt unfamiliar, "A little uncomfortable."

When the premiere saw the audience’s feedback on Miao Qingshan, Huang Xuan’s hesitant heart for this challenge seemed to fall, "Because this character is too bad, I’m afraid the audience will have other opinions about me, but I’m really happy to see that everyone still encourages me."

"Huang Xuan" · Play space

In order to allow himself to play out the possible details in the limited space as much as possible, Huang Xuan discussed with the director in advance whether he could add some details, such as his concern for his mother or his girlfriend. "For the rhythm of the film, there are some cuts and fades."

However, in the film, the director still retains the fantasy of Miao Qingshan playing the flute. During filming, Huang Xuan felt that since the character likes classical music so much, should he know a musical instrument? This proposal was quickly approved by the director.

During the filming, Huang Xuan had learned the flute and had a certain foundation. To this end, he asked the director for a month, and he found a teacher from the Qingdao Symphony Orchestra to guide him. Finally, for this scene, he learned "Evening on the Outskirts of Moscow".

The two-way rush of directors and actors to create is on display here. To this end, Qiu Litao mobilized various foreign musicians from all over the country and assembled a symphony orchestra full of foreign artists to cooperate with Miao Qingshan’s fantastical performance. Although the final film only took three seconds, which is a little regrettable, "I think it can still bring some reverse things to this character."

In addition, the rivalry between Miao Qingshan and Cui Zhenhai (played by Zhang Hanyu) in prison allowed Huang Xuan to play independently after "understanding Miao Qingshan and becoming Miao Qingshan".

In the original script, it was written that Miao Qingshan was handcuffed in prison and was very decadent. But when the scene was filmed, the police outside the prison were celebrating, singing and dancing very happily, "I instinctively got up. At that time, I felt that whether it was fear or depression, I always had a reverse emotion, and I used an emotion that was happier than you to confront you."

Huang Xuan understood Miao Qingshan with a completely human personality. Even when Cui Zhenhai handed the dumplings, he said, "I organized some of the lines myself. I think that scene can still hit the softest part of him, but it will soon change and talk to them."

"Actor" · Possibility

"Moscow Action" is a commercial film that Huang Xuan has rarely tried. Compared with past dramas or literary films that pay attention to the flow of life, it has higher requirements for the performance rhythm.

In this type of film, actors are not allowed to mix muddy things in their performances, and they often explain a lot in a few shots. When Huang Xuan starts to perform, he still has the usual performance inertia, "instinctively want to play a little more, or precipitate a little more." Qiu Litao always tells him directly, "This will be more." He will tell the actor very accurately how much time is needed here, and the rhythm will be good.

Fortunately, "Moscow Action" was the second collaboration between Huang Xuan and the director. Although it had been 10 years, he could still quickly find a tacit understanding of the rhythm. "At the beginning, the director would remind me, and soon he knew the rhythm he wanted."

Looking back at "Miao Qingshan" now, "This is what I want to try. The state of every scene in" Moscow Action "is something I have not expressed before." Whether it is his own cognition or the feedback from the audience, Huang Xuan is satisfied, "I seem to have the feeling of filming for the first time."

Every actor would have their own ambitions for acting, and Miao Qingshan unwittingly opened up Huang Xuan’s ambitions. There was never a world where this character was completely different from himself. In the past, Huang Xuan would always travel or recuperate to find the essence of the character and bring himself closer to the soul of the character, but this time it was completely different.

"I mobilized the energy I didn’t have before, and I think I can still do this, or I can try this, and I have transformed myself into that state as much as possible. As an actor, I am really excited." But if there was still a chance, Huang Xuan still wanted to play the villain again, "But it will definitely be different from Miao Qingshan."

Since his debut, Huang Xuan has also been slowly adjusting his state, just like "Moscow Action", which has never been tried before, and has the courage to take steps. But he also has a new understanding of the plan or goal. In 2022, he took an 8-month break, "Rest may also be faster to complete a self-improvement."

But this year, he may also be busy, seeing that he is interested in the script, "If you are tired, you may stop and do what you want to do. Let yourself be more pure and focus on the performance."