Schools should also be concerned about eating takeout? Why is there such a "ban"?

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 12 Question: Schools also need to regulate eating takeout? Why is there such a "ban"?

  Xinhua News Agency "China Network" reporters Li Xiongying, Cao Yiming, Tang Yang

  In the Internet age, takeout has become a dining choice for many groups due to its time-saving and labor-saving characteristics. However, Guangxi University of Foreign Languages has issued a regulation banning takeout into dormitories, which has sparked discussion among netizens. Recently, Chinese online reporters conducted an investigation and interview on this.

  What is the purpose of banning takeout?

  A few days ago, Guangxi University of Foreign Languages issued the "Notice on Not Allowing Disposable Tableware and Lunch Boxes to Enter the Campus". The notice requires that in order to strengthen the management of food safety and hygiene on campus, starting from November 1, the school will prohibit takeaway, disposable lunch boxes and plastic bags from entering the dormitory.

  Convenient and flexible takeaway fast food, why are schools shut out?

  Su Junlu, director of the Student Affairs Office of Guangxi University of Foreign Languages, told reporters that the school’s introduction of this regulation is mainly based on considerations such as safety and environmental protection.

  Su Junlu said that at present, the food delivery merchants are mixed with fish, the food production environment is uneven, and there are certain hidden dangers in food hygiene and safety. At the same time, some plastic bags and disposable tableware used for catering may release toxins under high temperature and other conditions, which may cause damage to the health of students. In addition, the delivery vehicles have also disrupted the daily management of the school while increasing the hidden dangers of campus safety.

  Su Junlu said that the purpose of the school’s introduction of this regulation is to let students develop good living habits. "During the daily management work of the school, some students were found to stay in the dormitory for a long time, eating takeaway while surfing the Internet and playing games." Su Junlu said, "The takeaway makes life easier, but also makes some students develop lazy habits."

  In addition, Su Junlu introduced that the increase in plastic waste has put tremendous pressure on environmental protection, and students in school should also start with small things around them, try not to use disposable plastics and carton packaging, and contribute to green environmental protection.

  Are safety and hygiene grounds for the ban?

  In fact, the ban on takeout at Guangxi University of Foreign Languages is nothing new. In recent years, some domestic universities have successively introduced bans on takeout and packaged food entering the campus, basically on the grounds that foreign food has safety issues and is not conducive to environmental protection.

  The reporter combed through the opinions of netizens and found that some netizens questioned whether there was some kind of unwritten agreement between Guangxi University of Foreign Languages and the school cafeteria. The regulations were issued to protect the operators of on-campus restaurants.

  Su Junlu told reporters that the school’s introduction of this regulation only prohibits the use of plastic products to pack hot food into the dormitory, does not prohibit students from eating outside the school, and does not require students to go to the school cafeteria to eat.

  What did the students think about the school’s ban? The reporter interviewed several students at random on campus.

  Liu, a freshman student, told reporters that during the peak dining hours, the school cafeteria has a long queue time, and eating in the school cafeteria often takes up lunch breaks, while takeout provides great convenience.

  Regarding safety and hygiene issues, many students said that since they choose takeout, they must take responsibility for their actions.

  "For the sake of environmental protection, all the teachers in the school are prohibited from driving to work, okay?"

  Liu Junhai, a law professor at Renmin University of China, said that strictly speaking, the university’s ban does limit students’ right to choose: the relationship between students and food delivery companies is a civil contractual relationship, which is in principle free of contract, and the school does not control when, what and how students buy.

  In addition, Liu Junhai said that there is an educational contract between the school and the students, and the students living in the school should accept the management of the school dormitory. As a property manager, the school has basic property management rights, such as not bringing firecrackers and other items that endanger public safety into the dormitory. But takeaway itself is not a dangerous product and does not hinder the public safety of the school. Although the school is under great pressure to clean up, the school also has the obligation to clean up after the students pay the tuition fee.

  Takeaway should be sparse rather than blocked

  Many students and netizens have expressed that the reason for choosing takeout is on the one hand because of the convenience and flexibility of takeout; on the other hand, it is also because the school cafeteria itself has objective problems such as serious queues and single food tastes.

  Zhang Xiang, a professor at Fudan University, said that although lunch boxes may not be safe and cause environmental burden, school administrations should also consider the other side of the problem: why do students choose takeout, and should schools use more thought in cafeteria management?

  A smart plate system recently unveiled in the third cafeteria of the Emerald Lake Campus of Hefei University of Technology has allowed students to bid farewell to the state of running to the cafeteria after class.

  At noon, the reporter saw in the dining area of the cafeteria that the students took the dishes on different plates into the tray according to their own taste. As long as they put them on the checkout table, the number of dishes in the tray and the total price will be displayed immediately at the end point. Take out the campus card and swipe it lightly, and the whole settlement process is completed in an instant with a "beep".

  "This is really good, and it reduces the waiting time in line. In winter, you don’t have to worry about the food being cold, and the efficiency is improved." Li Meng, a dining classmate, said.

  Mei Rui, manager of the third canteen at the Emerald Lake Campus of Hefei University of Technology, said that they hope to provide more convenient logistics services for students through the application of new technologies.

  Su Junlu also said that the cafeteria of Guangxi University of Foreign Languages has started to increase the number of dining tables, chairs and sales windows, and plans to open 24-hour dining windows to do its best to meet the needs of students.

  Students’ choice of takeout may bring some problems, but the solution should not be a one-size-fits-all ban. "First, let takeout operators strengthen their environmental awareness and provide degradable and safe environmentally friendly materials; second, school cafeterias strengthen innovation and provide diverse exploration in terms of time, queuing methods, dish selection, etc.; third, encourage students to eat in cafeterias and strengthen education for students in environmental awareness and good habit formation." Liu Junhai suggested.