Chen Edison’s comeback, who is stalling for time?

 On March 17, 2010, at 9 p.m., the launch of Levi’s Jeans at the Taipei Creative Factory was crowded with people. Although the opening guest Jolin Tsai kept the spotlight on, the male model who appeared in the finale was the focus of the whole scene. His name was Edison Chen. Then came the bigger news: the hipster who left the entertainment industry two years ago for "pornographic photos" officially announced his comeback. Despite the nervous performance of the day, a few days later’s blog revealed his flamboyant personality more realistically: "I want to take my world back!"

 Since the beginning of this year, Edison Chen has been interviewed by mainland magazines one after another, and his self-created brand stores have also expanded fiercely. Edison Chen is really ready, but the key ****** the public ready too? The reporter interviewed Edison Chen’s partners, media people who interviewed him, and brand representatives who endorsed him to sort out Edison Chen’s experience in the past two years and take the pulse for his comeback plan.

 Indefinite = 2 years and 1 month

 I will retire from the Hong Kong entertainment industry indefinitely. "- Hong Kong, February 21, 2008

 "It’s the best of times, the best of times, and I’m ready for my comeback." – March 22, 2010 Blog

 Edison Chan once sang in the 2007 song "It’s Me": "Edison has matured, um, more mature, more clear about the direction of my life, so many changes, but my personality has not changed, I am still the little *** who ran around Lan Kwai Fong seven years ago…" At that time, Edison Chan, who had been entangled in scandals such as picking up girls and having a bad temper, was indeed gradually maturing, but "pornographic photos" made him return to the "little ***" era overnight.

 "Indefinitely" is a slippery word, and now everyone knows that in Edison Chen’s dictionary, it means "two years and one month." On March 22, Edison Chen posted a photo of himself attending an endorsement event in Taiwan on his blog, showing his smile a little childish. Then there is the "return" rhetoric: "From now on, I want to take back my world! Yes, it is to take back, not to join!" Return, the first time Edison Chen mentioned the word after "pornographic photos", but it was not an impulse. His return to the entertainment industry has been under way since he testified in court in Vancouver in late February 2009.

 On May 13, 2009, the final trial of the "Porn Porn" case, the judge sentenced the defendant Shi Kejun to all three counts of "dishonest use of computers" and imprisoned him for 8 months and 15 days. Chen Edison was identified as the victim. Although this verdict caused controversy among netizens, and even Nicholas Tse "didn’t know what to say", it did legally relieve Chen Edison. In an interview with CNN in June 2009, Chen Edison first talked about the "Porn Porn" incident. He did not deny that he had made mistakes, but emphasized his identity as the victim and apologized to Cecilia Cheung and other female celebrities who were implicated. In the same interview, Chen Edison revealed his ambition to return to the entertainment industry by saying that the indefinite period "can be 5 minutes, or it can be 2000 years."

 According to media reports, Edison Chen’s boss, Lin Jianyue, has been "public relations" for Edison Chen’s comeback. In March this year, he responded to the media on when Edison Chen will return: "To be honest, everyone knows that he made mistakes, but the crime is not enough to die. If he is not dead and he is not sentenced to death, then why give up on him? If the law really sentenced him to death, then we will give up on him."

 Retire from the entertainment industry, not the fashion industry

 God is so kind to me, fortunately I still have my business, otherwise it would be difficult for me to come, I don’t know what will happen to me. "

 - Interviewed in November 2009

 After "quitting the entertainment industry," Edison Chen continued to operate in the public eye as a trendy store owner. As he later said in an interview with China Entrepreneur magazine, "business" became the biggest support point in his life.

 Edison Chan’s efforts to explore the fashion field originated from a "betrayal" experience in 2002. At that time, Edison Chen had just finished filming Chen Musheng’s film "Wish Tree", only to learn that the agency contract had been sold to Lin Jianyue’s Red House manager without his knowledge. Chen Edison began to feel insecure as an entertainer, and he hid in Tokyo, Japan for two months, where he and his friend Pan Shiheng from the United States "paid homage" to the Tokyo trend representative and fashion designer Hiroshi Fujiwara. With Fujiwara’s encouragement, on May 20, 2003, Chen and Pan opened the trend store Juice in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, and later created their own brand CLOT, and started their own trend brand business. Later, the Shanghai store ACU also opened.

 In April 2008, just after the "pornographic photo door" controversy passed, there were media reports that Edison Chen’s Shanghai trendy store was deserted, and the whole store was sold and no one cared. At that time, a regular customer said, "I can’t wear his clothes anymore, I will be laughed at by my friends." It turned out that the clearance was just a respite for Edison Chen before finding a new location.

 On December 5 last year, Edison Chen’s new Shanghai store Juice held an opening ceremony. Liu Weiqiang, Eason Chan’s wife Xu Haoying, Fujiwara Hao and others were present to congratulate. This was Edison Chen’s first public appearance in mainland China after "pornographic photos". Many die-hard fans also came to help out. Contrary to the depression before the store was closed, the entire road was surrounded that day, and the police had to come forward to maintain order.

 Recently, Edison Chen was photographed in Shanghai to check the performance of the new store and lead his employees to celebrate the success, and the second store in Shanghai is also planning to open in May this year. Previously, there were media reports that Edison Chen’s development in the fashion field is due to the large financial support of a "mainland female rich". In early December 2009, when Edison Chen was renovating the store, a mysterious woman was photographed by the media beside him. But the staff Rachel later said that the woman was just a good friend of Edison Chen, not a female rich man at all. But she confirmed the expansion plan of Edison Chen’s trendy brand: Beijing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and other places are all under planning.

 Open your heart at the right time

 I know that many people know Edison Chen through reporters and the media. You can believe their nonsense, or you can make your own decisions with your own head. "

 - June 16, 2007 Blog

 Chen Edison’s comeback impulse is also reflected in his attitude towards Chinese-language media. When the JUICE trend store opened in Shanghai, Chen Edison publicly invited a number of fashion and entertainment media to interview. Although he didn’t talk much about entertainment, the reporters present felt that Chen Edison enjoyed talking to the media and answered questions incessantly. It seems that things are changing. In a long interview published in the February 2010 issue of the mainland magazine "GQ Zhizu", Chen Edison talked about his single-parent family and his childhood urge to enter the underworld.

 Xiaohong (a pseudonym), a staff member of GQ Zhizu magazine who contacted the interview, told this reporter that the interview was conducted in November last year. Through contact with her, she found that Edison Chen’s attitude towards the media is candid, detached, and his purpose is very clear. "If he needs your magazine and newspaper and wants to talk to you, he will open his heart." In her opinion, Edison Chen’s choice to give an interview in November must be related to the opening of a store in Shanghai in December, and his return to the entertainment industry is also to use his popularity to expand his business. "He did not hide such an attitude outside of the interview," Xiaohong said.

 The interview lasted four hours, and Edison Chen was very cooperative. When it came to his feelings for his father, his attitude towards girls and sensitive topics such as "pornographic photos", he asked to answer in English, because he was worried that his Mandarin could not be expressed correctly. Edison Chen admitted at the time that he had not yet decided whether to return to the front job of the entertainment industry, but that he would definitely be a producer. "I have decided to make three movies, one funny movie, one ghost movie, and one police and gangster movie."

 Edison Chan’s flamboyant personality is not only a must-have character for "hipsters", but also often leads to displeasure because he is too frank. For example, in an interview with the US media, he bluntly said that "he has forgiven himself", "indefinite is not forever", "pornographic photos are a gift from God", etc., all of which once aroused public disgust. According to media reports, Edison Chan is frank and true in the eyes of friends, and sometimes overly happy and angry. A Man, a Hong Kong reporter who has interviewed Edison Chan many times, also told this reporter that Edison Chan is the most authentic Hong Kong artist he has ever met. He has a clear love and hatred, and sometimes it is not easy to control himself.

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 ■ Edison Chen’s memorabilia

 ● May 13, 2009

 The final trial of the "Porn Photo Door" case convicted the defendant Shi Kejun of all three counts of dishonest use of computers.

 ● End of May 2009

 In an interview with CNN in Hong Kong, Chen Edison talked about the "pornographic photo door" incident for the first time.

 November 20, 2009

 Chen Edison went to Taiwan to promote the album for his artist DJ TOMMY.

 ● December 5, 2009

 Chen Edison attended the opening ceremony of Shanghai Chaodian JUICE and was interviewed by the media.

 ● March 22, 2010

 Edison Chan blogged about his comeback.