Must-read in the morning: Shenzhen State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission made a heavy voice to support Vanke (November 7)

  [Market Review]

  The three A-share indexes collectively closed up on the last trading day. At the close, the Shanghai Composite Index rose by 0.91%, the Shenzhen Component Index rose by 2.21%, the North Stock Exchange 50 rose by 2.4%, the Growth Enterprise Market Index rose by 3.26%, and the turnover of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets was 1,064.2 billion yuan. More than 4,600 stocks in the two cities rose. Northbound funds bought a net of 5.273 billion yuan throughout the day. On the theme of the sector, media, games, securities, computing power leasing and other sectors were among the top gainers; Oil and gas, coal, pork and other plates are floating green.

  [breaking news]

  OpenAI has launched a customized version of ChatGPT, which will be launched in the GPT store soon.

  On November 6th, local time, OpenAI announced the launch of a customized version of ChatGPT in official website. According to reports, anyone can easily create their own GPT-without coding. From now on, users can create GPTs and share them publicly. In addition, later this month, OpenAI will launch the GPT store.

  Xinhua News Agency: Accelerating the construction of a financial power is an inevitable choice for development.

  On November 6, Xinhua News Agency published an article "Accelerating the construction of a financial power is an inevitable choice for development", which pointed out that to accelerate the construction of a financial power, finance should provide high-quality services for economic and social development. At present, China has embarked on a new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. Whether it is to solve the problem of insufficient development imbalance, to build a modern industrial system, and to continuously improve people’s quality of life, it needs high-quality financial development as a strong support. It is necessary to implement the "three efforts" put forward by the Central Financial Work Conference, strive to create a good monetary and financial environment, strive to build a modern financial institution and market system, and strive to promote high-level financial opening. We should take serving the real economy as the foundation of our career, anchor the requirements of high-quality economic development, and do five major articles on technology and finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance, so as to provide higher-quality, more efficient and safer financial services for the development of the real economy, and let the high-quality financial development lay a solid foundation and add vitality to China’s economic and social development.

  Asked the car to issue a document, Popular Science AEB: Reject "invalid braking" and don’t fight meaningless arguments.

  According to Sina Technology, during this period, the "AEB dispute" between Xpeng Motors CEO He Xiaopeng and Huawei Yu Chengdong has become heated. This morning, Xpeng Motors officially started the "popular science mode" directly, and in the evening, the "official popular science" from AITO car also came. The official of the car company said that under the blessing of Huawei ADS 2.0, the AEB of the car company "has its own discretion" and refuses "invalid braking", which has become a function respected by every car owner.

  The ninth batch of 41 kinds of drugs successfully purchased by the state, and the average price of the selected drugs was reduced by 58%.

  According to CCTV news, today (November 6), the ninth batch of centralized drug procurement organized by the state produced a quasi-winning result in Shanghai. 41 kinds of drugs were successfully purchased in this collection, and the average price of the drugs to be selected was reduced by 58%. It is estimated that the annual drug cost can be saved by 18.2 billion yuan. This collection covers infections, tumors, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, mental diseases and other common and chronic diseases, as well as key drugs such as emergency rescue drugs and short-term drugs. Lenalidomide capsules for the treatment of multiple myeloma were collected in time after the patent expired in May, 2023. Each capsule (25mg) was reduced from 200 yuan to 15 yuan on average, which saved about 3880 yuan per month, and the burden on patients was obviously reduced. Rabeprazole oral sustained-release dosage form and esmomeprazole magnesium enteric-coated dry suspension for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases have significantly reduced the prices of key drugs for rational drug use in three countries. Five kinds of short-term drugs and emergency drugs, such as amiodarone injection for arrhythmia, dopamine injection for shock rescue and oxytocin injection for induced labor, stabilize the enterprise’s expectation through "quantity" procurement, and realize the multi-objective balance of guaranteed supply and reasonable price reduction.

  Central Bank: The work of reducing the interest rate of existing mortgage loans has been basically completed.

  According to a document issued by the Monetary Policy Department of the People’s Bank of China on November 6, the work of reducing the interest rate of existing mortgage loans has been basically completed. The interest rate of existing mortgage loans exceeding 22 trillion yuan has been lowered, with an average decrease of 0.73 percentage point, benefiting more than 50 million households and 150 million people, and reducing the interest expenditure of borrowers by 160-170 billion yuan every year, with an average annual decrease of 3,200 yuan per household.

  Vanke: Domestic and foreign debts will be guaranteed to be paid on schedule, and the capital situation will be ensured to be safe.

  In the face of the recent irrational fluctuations in Vanke’s bonds, on November 6th, Vanke held a third-quarter performance briefing meeting with domestic and foreign financial institutions. Vanke said that domestic and foreign debts would be guaranteed to be paid as scheduled, and the market did not need to worry about it at all. Vanke’s management stressed that Vanke has always maintained a normal daily rolling cash flow management and stress test, which can know and control the capital situation in real time and ensure the company’s safety through pre-plans.

  Shenzhen state-owned assets include Vanke in the scope of statistical statements, and its profits account for over 30% of Shenzhen state-owned assets.

  Vanke held an exchange meeting with financial institutions. At the meeting, Ye Xinming, a member of the Party Committee of Shenzhen State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, said, "Vanke is an important member of Shenzhen State-owned Assets System. Shenzhen State-owned Assets has included Vanke in the scope of statistical statements. Vanke’s total assets, operating income and profits account for more than 30% of Shenzhen State-owned Assets. Vanke’s business development has a significant impact on Shenzhen State-owned Assets. At the same time, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the Shenzhen Municipal Government trusts the management. As a native of Shenzhen, Vanke has a healthy corporate culture and has a correct judgment on the trend of the real estate industry. "

  Shenzhen SASAC put forward specific measures to support Vanke: actively organize municipal state-owned enterprises to participate in bond subscription in a market-oriented way.

  On November 6th, Vanke held an online meeting to exchange information with financial institutions on its operation and recent bond price fluctuations in the secondary market. At the meeting, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Shenzhen not only expressed its support for Vanke, but also put forward specific support measures: under the principle of marketization and rule of law, use all possible means and ways to jointly deal with possible risks with Vanke, including but not limited to accelerating the development and construction of Vanke’s large-scale urban renewal projects through transferee and cooperative development; Improve the liquidity of all kinds of investment real estate held by Vanke through coordination and cooperation; Cooperate with Vanke to optimize the long-term equity investment structure; Actively organize municipal state-owned enterprises to participate in bond subscription in a market-oriented way; Actively coordinate various financial institutions to increase their support for Vanke’s financing.

  Shenzhen State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission: Vanke has sufficient security, which will help Vanke to actively respond in case of extreme circumstances.

  According to The Paper, on November 6th, Vanke held an online meeting to exchange business information with financial institutions and recent bond price fluctuations in the secondary market. At the meeting site, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Shenzhen stated that Vanke has sufficient security, no financial risks and management risks, and is an important member of Shenzhen’s state-owned assets system. If there is a need or extreme situation, we have full confidence, sufficient financial resources and tools to help Vanke actively respond through all possible market-oriented and legal means.

  Regulate short-term health insurance business again: words such as "low premium" and "high guarantee" should not be used for improper publicity.

  According to the Securities Times, on November 6, the regulatory authorities issued a document to insurance companies to remind them of the risks related to short-term health insurance products and further standardize the short-term health insurance business. It is required to clearly inform and prompt consumers about the deductible, liability, payment ratio, surrender agreement, premium payment method and other important contents of the product when selling. Words such as "the premium is as low as (minimum) X yuan", "from X yuan per month", "the guarantee is as high as (maximum) X million" and "from (minimum) to (maximum)" should not be used for improper publicity. For the business underwritten through the Internet, the insured will clearly inform him that the insurance process has been completed after completing the insurance process for a single product. Words such as "guarantee perfection", "product upgrade" and "guarantee promotion" should not be used to improperly guide the insured to carry out new insurance or preservation actions. It is not allowed to hide or hide the entrances such as surrender and security in disguised form by telephone call back or customer service follow-up, so as to ensure the smooth and barrier-free service process such as surrender. At the same time, the regulatory authorities suggest that if short-term health insurance products pay commissions and expenses based on the annual total premium, it is necessary to guard against arbitrage risks caused by the high surrender rate of business.

  Chen Shaojie, the 39-year-old CEO of Betta, lost contact last month. Insiders of Betta: The company is operating normally and has not been affected.

  A number of people familiar with the matter confirmed to reporters that Chen Shaojie had lost contact in October. As for the reason of losing contact, it is rumored in the industry that Chen Shaojie’s loss of contact may be related to the "Changsha Rural Death Squad" in the previous live broadcast of fighting fish. An insider of Betta told reporters that at present, the company’s operations are all normal and have not been affected. Earlier on October 13th, the official "Legal Compliance Department of Social Products" issued a document saying that recently, the person in charge of a large-scale live broadcast platform was arrested by an organ in Sichuan for allegedly opening a casino, which triggered many speculations. On November 6th, the reporter called the person in charge of WeChat official account and the team of Kenting Law Firm. The other party said that the pushed article was not directly related to the loss of the CEO Chen Shaojie of Betta, and the article has been deleted. (The Paper)

  Central Bank: Continue to improve the marketization of mortgage interest rate to better support rigid and improved housing demand.

  The Monetary Policy Department of the People’s Bank of China published a column entitled "Continuously Deepening the Reform of Interest Rate Marketization". Among them, it is proposed to continuously improve the marketization of mortgage interest rates and better support rigid and improved housing demand. Resolutely implement the requirements of promoting a virtuous circle of finance and real estate, continuously improve the differentiated housing credit policy, give play to the role of the dynamic adjustment mechanism of the new first home loan interest rate policy, continue to expand the independent pricing space of mortgage interest rates in an orderly manner, and support the city government to make good use of the policy toolbox for the city. Insist on promoting the development of financial innovation on the track of marketization and rule of law, urge financial institutions to continue to implement the effect of reducing the interest rate of stock mortgage, straighten out the relationship between incremental and stock mortgage interest rates, reduce the interest burden of residents, and support investment and consumption.

  ASML, a giant in mask aligner, the Netherlands: He is very optimistic about the business in China next year.

  In an exclusive interview during his stay in China International Import Expo(CIIE), Shen Bo, global senior vice president of Dutch mask aligner giant ASML and president of China, said that the business in China, ASML has grown rapidly this year. It is expected that China will account for more than 20% of ASML’s global revenue in the whole year, and he is also very optimistic about his business in China next year. Shen Bo said: "We recruited more than 200 people in China in 2023. In 2024, we expect that the business development will continue to bring a lot of demand, and the expansion of our team should be a relatively large scale." (China Daily)

  HarmonyOS Zhixing released the new product of Zhijie S7 on November 9, and opened the pre-sale on the same day.

  According to HarmonyOS Zhixing official micro-news, the HarmonyOS Smart Car Technology Ecological Alliance gathered momentum on November 9. HarmonyOS Zhixing’s first high-energy smart car, Zhijie S7, will be pre-sold on the same day.

  Shanghai take-out medicine pilot medical insurance payment

  According to The Paper, Shanghai take-out medicine can be paid by medical insurance. On November 6th, the reporter learned from people familiar with the matter that the relevant departments in Shanghai have contacted Hungry and Meituan platform to pilot the payment of medical insurance for Internet pharmacies, and dozens of pharmacies have been included.

  He Lifeng will visit the United States

  According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin announced that at the invitation of US Treasury Secretary Yellen, He Lifeng, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Vice Premier the State Council and Chinese leader of China-US economic and trade relations, will visit the United States from November 8 to 12.

  He Lifeng has served as director of the Office of the Central Financial Committee and secretary of the Central Financial Work Committee.

  According to the Financial Times reported on November 6th, on November 3rd, the Central Financial Work Committee held a meeting to convey the spirit of studying the Central Financial Work Conference. He Lifeng, director of the Office of the Central Financial Committee and secretary of the Central Financial Work Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, stressing that studying and implementing the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference is the most important political task in the financial system at present, and the leading comrades of party committees (party groups) of financial institutions should take the lead in learning, preaching and implementing it, so as to drive the whole system to go deep and practical in implementing the spirit of the conference. According to the above report, He Lifeng has served as the director of the Office of the Central Financial Committee and the secretary of the Central Financial Work Committee.

  [Important Announcement]

  [Institutional point of view]

  [A little knowledge every day]