Google Pixel 3 only supports gesture navigation: future Android will do the same

Gesture-based user interfaces, if well designed, may be better than traditional button-based operations, especially on larger screens. Google introduced gesture-based navigation in 9.0 Pie as an alternative to traditional navigation bars. And in the latest Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL, Google went a step further and made gesture navigation its default and only option, which means that Android’s traditional three-key navigation method has disappeared completely.

On the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL, users won’t be able to disable gesture navigation and opt for the familiar three-button scheme. Importantly, the decision also reflects Google’s overall Android plans for the future. In a response to a user’s question on Twitter, Google’s official @madebygoogle account tweeted: "The Pixel 3 introduces a new model that will represent the way navigation is done on all future Android phones."

This means that gesture-based navigation will become an integral part of Android in the future, not just on Pixel devices. Of course, given the open nature of the Android operating system, Google is unlikely to make it the only option.

That being said, many manufacturers, such as Samsung, OnePlus, Xiaomi, and Huawei, have started rolling out their own gesture-based navigation features with varying degrees of success. Looking to the future, we will definitely see more Android phone manufacturers offering gesture-based interfaces. We just hope that most Android UIs will still have the option to switch back to traditional button-based navigation.

Online sales of personalized customized power banks, hidden dangers: virtual standard capacity, disassembly sparks fly out

Recently, citizen Xiao Zhang received a brand power bank presented by a cooperative enterprise, but the power bank clearly marked with a capacitance of 10,000 mAh charged the mobile phone once and then ran out of power. Recently, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily found that many personalized power banks customized for enterprises online are counterfeit products, not only in the name of big brands in the market, but also falsely marked battery capacity. After dismantling these "counterfeit products" power banks, the batteries inside are rusty, and even some power banks use cement batteries.

The "big-name" power bank network sells for less than 20 yuan.

Like Xiao Zhang’s partner companies, many companies would choose to give customers power banks as gifts, and there were also many stores selling customizable and lettering "brand" power banks online. Through the introduction of these sellers, it can be seen that these power banks are called customized power banks because they can print text and patterns, and because the actual capacitance of these power banks can be customized.

In an online store labeled Shenzhen, there are 10 different styles of power banks on sale, many of which are used by some companies as gifts.

In this store, the reporter of Beiqing Daily chose a "Xiaomi mobile power bank" priced at 12 yuan and sold more than 100 times a month. The capacity in the product introduction is 10,400 mAh. From the pictures uploaded by the seller, the shape of the power bank sold is the same as that of the Xiaomi brand. The pictures of the product details used are also the product introduction of the Xiaomi power bank.

After clicking on the purchase button, a reporter from Beiqing Daily saw that options for capacity and logo customization appeared on the purchase page. Optional capacities ranged from 1,800 mAh to 4,800 mAh. Depending on the capacitor selected, the actual price would also vary, ranging from 12 yuan to 19.2 yuan.

In addition, buyers can also buy the packaging and wire corresponding to the selected power bank separately, the price is 12 yuan per set. If you order a large number of packaged power banks, the price of each set is 19 yuan.

After the reporter of Beiqing Daily chose to buy four more mainstream "brand" power banks in the store, he was told by the owner that the power banks photographed were "not for sale, but at least 100 for sale". After many negotiations, the owner agreed to increase the price and sell them separately.

Batteries are rusty
Disassembly sparks fly out

After getting the four power banks purchased, the reporter of Beiqing Daily compared the "Xiaomi Power Bank" purchased with the power bank sold by Xiaomi official, and disassembled the two power banks.

If you don’t look carefully at the appearance, there is basically no difference between "counterfeit products Xiaomi" and the real "Xiaomi". After careful comparison, it is found that the shell of the "counterfeit products Xiaomi" power bank feels rougher than the real "Xiaomi" power bank. The MI mark of "counterfeit products Xiaomi" can see obvious imprints, but the MI mark of the real "Xiaomi" has no imprints. The capacity mark of the tail power bank of "counterfeit products Xiaomi" is darker in color, and it does not feel like the real "Xiaomi" has a raised feeling. The URL of "Xiaomi" written on the back of "counterfeit products Xiaomi" is "", while the URL written on the back of the real "Xiaomi" is "".

When a reporter from Beiqing Daily disassembled the two power banks, he found that "counterfeit products Xiaomi" are very easy to disassemble, and the internal components of the power bank can be pulled out by prying open the plastic cover at the top. The real "Xiaomi" has a closed part fixed by screws after prying open the plastic cover at the top. All the screws at the top and bottom must be removed before the internal components of the power bank can be pulled out.

After removing the shell, the circuit boards and batteries of the two power banks were completely different. The circuit boards of the "counterfeit products Xiaomi" were simple and the workmanship was rough. The batteries were wrapped in blue plastic.

After disassembling the plastic outside the batteries of the two power banks, it was found that there were obvious rust marks on the batteries of "counterfeit products Xiaomi".

During the dismantling process, sparks could be seen flying out of the battery anode of "counterfeit products Xiaomi" when it came into contact with metal items such as scissors.

Cement batteries are sold online for 0.24 yuan each.

In addition to the "counterfeit products Xiaomi" power bank, the reporter of Beiqing Daily also dismantled another common polymer lithium battery ultra-thin power bank, which mostly appears in the gifts issued by enterprises. Similarly, the workmanship of this counterfeit products ultra-thin power bank is also very rough, it is easy to be pried open, the circuit board is simple, and the packaging of the battery is only an extremely thin metal film. After the metal film is broken, the liquid overflows, and the taste is very pungent.

As early as 2015, Jiangxi Province had destroyed a power bank counterfeiting den, and the seized "counterfeit products" power bank contained 6 batteries, of which 4 were counterfeit filled with cement.

In various forums and Tieba, some netizens also discovered the "tricks" of inferior power banks, and some netizens disassembled the cement batteries in the power banks. From the disassembly pictures provided by netizens, the reporter of Beiqing Daily saw that some of the cement batteries were filled with sand, while others were filled with cement columns.

In some online shopping platforms, Beiqing Daily reporters found by searching for cement batteries that the price of pure cement core batteries is as low as 0.24 yuan each, starting at 100, and wholesale prices will be lower in large quantities. Some businesses selling cement batteries have power bank components and power banks working in progress.

At the same time, the Beiqing Daily reporter also found that many manufacturers have purchased 18650 batteries used in power banks online at a price of 1 yuan each, with a sales price of about 4 yuan. The price of genuine brand-new columnar 18650 batteries is around 10 yuan.

Low-quality batteries are dangerous
Easily cause fire

What exactly is a customized low-priced power bank battery sold online? The seller of the online store said, "The battery in the power bank he sells is a real battery, a product A battery, not a cement battery used for heavy charging, but a small capacitor, so there will be no short circuit, and long-distance transportation will not catch fire and explode."

Industry insiders told Beiqing Daily reporters that the batteries used in the power banks sold on the market are columnar 18650 batteries and flake polymer lithium batteries similar to mobile phone batteries, while some of the power banks made by "small workshops" use real batteries bought by Beiqing Daily reporters, but the power content is very small, and some use real batteries and fake "cement batteries" for mixed charging.

Generally, if a real battery is used, several batteries are connected together. If it is mixed and assembled, the cement battery will not be connected to the real battery. "The cement battery is placed separately and cannot be powered on when connected together."

The industry insider also said that most of the batteries in "small workshops" are made by the workshop itself or purchased from the outside world, and the safety cannot be guaranteed. If there is a problem with the columnar 18650 battery, it may cause a fire, "because the power content is small, although it will not explode, there will be flames in severe cases." And polymer lithium batteries, if the packaging is not good enough, once the electrolyte in the battery leaks, it will chemically react with the air, which will affect the human respiratory system, and ingestion will endanger the health.

Photo by this reporter, Wang Tianqi

Annual box office 55.90 billion! Top ten keywords take you to revisit the 2017 film market

1905 movie network feature In 2017, the total box office reached 55.911 billion yuan, an increase of 13.45% year-on-year. Domestic film box office 30.104 billion yuan, accounting for 53.84% of the total box office; 92 films with a box office of over 100 million yuan, including 51 domestic films. City cinema attendance 1.62 billion, an increase of 18.08% year-on-year.

Looking back on the changes in the film market this year, it is still turbulent and diverse. From the data point of view, the overall trend of the mainland film market is still catching up, with unlimited potential. In 2017, there were 9,597 new screens in the country, and the total number of screens has reached 50,776, surpassing North America to rank first in the world.


Judging from the works, the main theme film and the literary film based on insisting on originality have become two dark horses that cannot be ignored. Among them, the bold attempt of "Wolf Warrior 2" to integrate commercial style not only brought a string of amazing figures in China – single-day box office 426 million, final box office 5.68 billion, but also attracted great attention internationally. It successfully ranked 55th in the top 100 global box office list, once again proving the importance of the main theme film to demonstrate cultural confidence.


   In addition, the literary and artistic films represented by "Gang Rinpoche" and "Twenty-Two" can break through the encirclement with very few films and become well-known films with quality, which also proves that the audience’s thirst for realistic films has been growing, and the level of appreciation has also been rapidly improved.



The impressive market results are also due to the increasingly rational trend of the film market this year. Traffic actors no longer only focus on popularity but also think about acting, and ticketing websites reshuffle to change the distribution power structure. These phenomena can be described as a return to basics after washing away the lead.


The official implementation of the "Film Industry Promotion Law" has also given the film industry a law to abide by, providing a lot of convenience for film creators and a basis for the rectification of industry chaos. Of course, in the journey of the prosperous film market, there are still some episodes that make people reflect. But small cleverness cannot shake the big market.


Now, let’s take a look at the top ten keywords of the film market in 2017, and reminisce about this year’s "big surprises and little secrets".

01 Film Industry Promotion Law


On March 1, 2017, the "Film Industry Promotion Law" came into effect, providing for the first time in China to regulate and develop the film industry in a legal form.



As the first industry law in the field of China’s cultural industry, the Film Industry Promotion Law has made clear provisions on decentralizing film approval rights, increasing support for rural films and ethnic minority films, and protecting the rights and interests of audiences.


From then on, film censorship will be reduced to the provincial film authorities, and for the issue of film viewing in border areas and ethnic areas, the Promotion Law stipulates that social funds should be actively directed to invest in rural film screening.


In addition, for some larger-scale movies, the promotion law also stipulates that theaters should "prompt movies that may cause physical or psychological discomfort to minors and other audiences." Many theaters reminded audiences at online and offline ticket windows during the release of "Wolverine 3."



As an industry law that regulates the order of the film market, the Film Industry Promotion Law also makes relevant provisions on the protection of film intellectual property rights and the act of stealing and concealing the box office.


Film intellectual property rights are subject to law, and piracy, plagiarism, and other acts in the industry will be severely cracked down. For theaters to steal and conceal box office and set up ghost fields, in addition to facing fines, serious circumstances will be ordered to suspend business for rectification. If the circumstances are particularly serious, the original licensing authority will revoke the license.


Shortly after the implementation of the Industrial Promotion Law, the competent authorities punished 326 cinemas that had stolen and concealed the box office in 2016, severely cracking down on them, with remarkable results.


Hu Zhifeng

Dean of School of Art and Media, Beijing Normal University

The introduction of the "Film Industry Promotion Law" not only directly promotes the film itself, but also the ideology and industrial culture associated with the film, as well as the improvement of the international dissemination ability of Chinese culture and the improvement of the country’s cultural soft power.

Yin Hong

Director of the Film and Television Communication Research Center of Tsinghua University

The Film Industry Promotion Law, as the first industry law in the field of Chinese culture, is not only the culmination of China’s film industry reform experience, but also can escort the continued development of Chinese film.


02 Art film


In 2017, several art films broke through the siege under the attack of many blockbusters, gaining a good reputation and box office.


The first to bear the brunt is the Tibetan theme of "Gang Rinpoche", the first week of the film box office only 17.03 million, but with people’s word of mouth good word of mouth, the second week of the film box office more than 3 times, the third week is in accordance with 5 times attack.



In an instant, the discussion of beliefs and the value of life in the film has also become a hot topic in society, and netizens have responded very enthusiastically.


Also in this performance is the recently released "Twenty-Two", which uses the experiences of the 22 surviving "comfort women" in the Chinese mainland as a backdrop to objectively present their living conditions.



The film finally 170 million box office, and evoked people’s memories of that history, causing people to reflect on reality.


On the one hand, the two art films that made a comeback at the box office meant that the audience’s appreciation ability was generally improved. On the other hand, it also showed that the audience had an increasing demand for films with realistic themes and films with social topics.


Chen Zhixiong

Co-founder and Chief Content Officer of Poisonous Tongue Films

Instead of just asking the audience to yearn for art, sometimes art can also be audience-oriented. We need too much attention to reality, movies with social topics.

Zhou Liming

film critic

The counter-attack of excellent niche films means that the audience’s appreciation ability is generally improved. It does not mean that all films with good reputation can get the box office results they deserve, but at least it announces the end of the era of box office and word-of-mouth inversion.


03 Business theme


If 2016’s "Mekong River Action" allowed us to see the charm of the main theme film commercialization 1.0 for the first time, then in 2017’s "Wolf Warrior 2" and "Army Building", we saw the infinite possibilities of the main theme film commercialization 2.0.


The sharp and clean editing, the tight-paced narrative, the cheerful martial arts footage, and the positive theme of home country have all opened up a new path for "Chinese blockbusters," and these elements also make the audience’s blood boil and passion.



The box office performance of "Wolf Warrior 2" and "Army Founding" also proves the success of the commercialization of the main theme film. Among them, "Wolf Warrior 2" broke 100 million in 4 hours, the single-day box office 426 million, and the final box office 5.68 billion RMB, which has surpassed the "Mermaid" opening 280 million. The single-day box office reached 310 million and the final box office was 3.389 billion yuan, setting a new record for domestic film box office.



As a tribute to the 90th anniversary of the founding of the army, the film "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Army" also reproduces the difficult process of the Chinese Communists to create a revolutionary army with its majestic image style and magnificent war scenes, and has won 400 million box office success.


It can be said that the high box office of "Wolf Warrior 2" has revolutionized the audio-visual language of domestic main theme films, making the main theme theme the main theme of the market. In addition, the inner theme of the main theme film is more important to bear social responsibility and carry forward the national spirit.


in winter

Founder, Chairperson and President of Bona Pictures Group’s joint stock company

Nowadays, the main theme film is taking up its due social responsibility, not only strengthening "road confidence, theoretical confidence, system confidence, and cultural confidence", but also the main theme film itself is more confident.

Liu Yang

Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Cultural Interview Room of the Ministry of Political and Cultural Affairs of People’s Daily

The high box office of "Wolf Warrior 2" has broken the curse that has haunted domestic main theme films for many years. The main theme theme can also become the main theme of the market. The key lies in how the characters are shaped and how the story is told.


04 Traffic star


In the past two years, the traffic star was the "handle" on the big screen. Its huge fan traffic could make a movie of mediocre quality continuously stir up hot topics, thus driving the box office to improve.


However, in such a state, a large number of assembly line works with celebrities as gimmicks appeared in the market, which also gave rise to a lot of industry chaos in which traffic stars "use stunts for performances and rely on pictures for filming".


This year, the influence of traffic stars on the performance of a movie has gradually weakened, and the joining of small fresh meat and small flowers is no longer equivalent to high box office, and audiences are gradually returning to the movie itself.



In the second half of the year, whether it was "The Performer’s Word" or "The Birth of an Actor", a number of programs to discuss performance came into being, inviting many powerful actors to speak out, returning the performance to the essence of art and providing an excellent demonstration to the traffic stars.



Zeng Jian

Tencent network film and television team leader

The appearance of streaming stars is not a problem, but in a movie market, only streaming stars are a big problem. People’s demand for streaming stars is real, but people’s demand for excellent acting is also real. 

Chen Zhixiong

Co-founder and Chief Content Officer of Poisonous Tongue Films

We see from movies (works) that the characters of celebrities are getting thinner and thinner, but the noise received from outside movies (works) is becoming more and more noisy.


05 original


The popularity of IP has ebbed, and the originality has been improved, which is the indicator of the film market in 2017. IP adaptations have been very popular in the past few years. A large number of romance novels and fantasy novels have been brought to the screen, but adaptations themselves are a technical task. If they are not changed well, it is easy to become a mediocre work that relies on piling up stars to cash in, thus losing the soul of the original work.



The ebb of IP craze does not mean that IP will withdraw from the market, but that IP adaptations are becoming more rational and no longer blindly followed. At the same time, the power of originality has once again attracted people’s attention and become the focus of the market.


This year, many creators have created a number of high-quality films such as "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves", "Carnival", "Love and Blind Date" in the spirit of originality.



In addition to showcasing the imaginative imagination, these films still do not forget to focus the camera on real life, depicting the joys and sorrows of each living individual, resonating with the audience, which is also the charm of originality.



film critic

In 2017, Chinese films were imaginative and unrestrained, but they still did not forget to carve out individual dignity. And all of this is the source of originality. What is the source is the honesty and bravery of the creator.

Next page: Big screen, ticketing website, lock field, batch, new power

Suqian Xingyue L Zhiqing cuts prices! The latest offer is 152,700, so act quickly.

Welcome to [car home Suqian Preferential Promotion Channel] to bring you the latest and anticipated preferential information. At present, the high-profile models are undergoing a vigorous promotion campaign, aiming at giving back to consumers’ love for this high-performance new energy SUV. In Suqian area, you have the opportunity to enjoy a car purchase discount of up to 0.7 million yuan, which makes Xingyue L Zhiqing at your fingertips at a more competitive price. The starting price has been adjusted to 152,700 yuan, which is a good opportunity to buy a car. Want to seize this opportunity, get more specific discount details and real-time quotations, please click the "Check Car Price" button below, and let’s explore more benefits and surprises together.

The design of Xingyue L Zhiqing is full of modernity and strength. The front face is exquisitely designed in a family style, and the air intake grille is chrome-plated in a large area, creating an atmosphere without losing exquisite visual effects. The overall style is both business and sports, with smooth lines and coordinated proportions, showing the elegant temperament of luxury mid-level SUV. Whether it is the details or the overall proportion, it reflects the unremitting pursuit of quality and aesthetics by Xingyue L Zhiqing.

The side lines of Xingyue L Zhiqing are smooth and dynamic, and the body size is 4795 mm in length, 1895 mm in width and 1689 mm in height, showing a steady body proportion. Its wheelbase is as long as 2845 mm, which makes the interior space spacious, and the front and rear wheel tracks are 1610 mm, which ensures the stability and comfort of driving. Tyre size is 235/50 R19, and the tire width is moderate, which not only improves the driving grip, but also complements the rim style, creating a delicate and powerful visual effect. The overall design gives consideration to practicality and aesthetics, which makes people shine.

The interior of Xingyue L Zhiqing is exquisite and full of science and technology, and adopts modern and luxurious design concept. The center console is centered on a 12.3-inch large-size touch screen, with advanced multimedia system and voice recognition control system. It is easy to operate and supports navigation, telephone, air conditioning and skylight control. The steering wheel is made of leather with good texture, which is not only comfortable to touch, but also equipped with manual up and down+front and rear adjustment function to ensure the driver has the best control experience.

In the seat part, Xingyue L Zhiqing adopts imitation leather material, paying attention to comfort and durability. The main driver’s seat supports front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment (4-way) and lumbar support (4-way), and is equipped with electric seat memory function to meet individual requirements. The co-pilot seat also supports front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment and height adjustment (2-way), and the driver’s seat is additionally equipped with heating and ventilation functions. The backrest of the second row of seats can be adjusted, and the rear seats support proportional reclining, which makes the space utilization more flexible.

Xingyue L Zhiqing is equipped with a 1.5T turbocharged engine with a maximum power of 120kW and a power output of 163 HP. This engine is combined with the 3-speed DHT gearbox to ensure the smoothness and fuel economy of the vehicle in daily driving. In terms of torque, the maximum torque is 255 Nm, which provides strong power support for the vehicle.

Summarizing the evaluation of car home car owners, the interior design of Xingyue L Zhiqing has won his approval, which is simple and full of layers, and the big screen is full of science and technology. Although it is slightly dull, it obviously conforms to his aesthetics. The owner specifically mentioned that although the air volume of the rear air outlet was not satisfactory, it did not seriously affect his satisfaction with the overall interior. Therefore, the interior design of Xingyue L Zhiqing, despite minor regrets, can still provide a comfortable driving experience as a whole, showing its unique charm.

3.9 seconds BYD Han EV is a performance car? Test drive to change the Chinese EV, or home-based

When it comes to new energy vehicles, we can’t help talking about BYD. When it comes to BYD, we can’t help talking about Han EV (parameter picture), because Han EV is the flagship model in BYD cars. Although B-class cars are the traditional weakness of independent brands, Han EV sold 110,000 units last year. Last time, I analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the old Han EV. Not long ago, BYD made a small change to the Han EV in the first round. Have the shortcomings of the Han EV been improved after the change? Have the advantages been retained? Are there any new advantages and disadvantages? Today, let’s take a look at the changed Han EV.

After the change, the high match still highlights the comfort of home.

The positioning of the old Han EV is a little vague, and it is indecisive between the performance car and the family car, which eventually leads to the triple self-contradiction between driving and control, cost and configuration, sense of advanced and sense of movement, which affects the use experience to some extent. However, the new Han EV may have noticed this problem because of some subtle changes in its naming method.

The flagship version of the old Han EV is called "Four-wheel Drive High Performance Edition", which highlights the performance, while the new one is changed to "Four-wheel Drive Privilege Type", which highlights the privilege. This shows that BYD has set the tone in the general direction, even if it is a four-wheel drive, even if the acceleration of 100 kilometers takes only 3.9 seconds, the positioning of Han EV is still home, and the sense of advanced is the temperament it wants to present, not the performance. In the past, I always saw people discussing how to control the Han EV and how to run laps on the track. If the word "high performance" caused misunderstanding to everyone before, then the "exclusive" after the change completely eliminated this misunderstanding. Let’s take a look at what changes it has made to this end.

The biggest change in the interior is the seat.

The biggest change in appearance is the taillight shape, which has changed from the original dumbbell shape to the arch shape. This is also the easiest way to distinguish between the old and new models. If you change the model, there must always be a place where you can see the difference at a glance, otherwise you will be lonely. The biggest change in the interior is that it provides an integrated sports seat. Maybe you will say, didn’t you take the home route? Why did you change it into an integrated seat? In fact, as long as you have experienced it, you will understand that its biggest feature is to improve comfort, because it optimizes the support on both sides of the waist and thighs and reduces the hardness of filling, so it is softer and more wrapped. BYD’s sports seat is more comfortable, which is also reflected in models such as Yuan PLUS and Song PLUS.

The cruising range has increased slightly.

The old Han EV has a long battery life of 605 kilometers and a four-wheel drive version of 550 kilometers, while the modified version has a long battery life of 715 kilometers and a four-wheel drive version of 610. Although the book number is 60-110 kilometers more, the actual upgrade may be discounted, because the old one uses the NEDC test method and the modified one uses CLTC, which has a little more moisture under high-speed conditions. However, the battery capacity is indeed larger, from the original 64.8 and 76.9 kWh to 85.4 kWh, and the whole system comes standard with heat pump air conditioning, and the power consumption per 100 kilometers has dropped by about 0.5 kWh, which is really conducive to increasing the cruising range.

The power limit has not changed, and the driving experience has improved.

In fact, the power limit of Han EV has not changed. Although the power of the front motor has increased by 17 kilowatts, the vehicle weight has also increased by 80 kilograms, and the ratio of horsepower to vehicle weight has not changed much, so the acceleration of 100 kilometers is still 7.9 seconds for two-wheel drive and 3.9 seconds for four-wheel drive. However, after my test drive, I found that its power output characteristics have changed obviously.

The old driving modes are only Eco and Sport, not to mention Sport mode. Even the pedal adjustment of ECO mode is radical, and it is not easy to control the ride comfort. There is a Normal mode in the modified model. In order to understand it, I describe it this way, that is, the current Sport mode is still the previous Sport mode, and there is no change. The new Normal mode is the previous Eco, and the current Eco is the previous Eco soft version, which means that the adjustable range of power style is wider, the upper limit has not changed, and the lower limit has become softer. If it is a daily driving in the city, the Eco mode is the first to be promoted, which can solve the problem of abrupt acceleration on the old model.

Four-wheel drive version introduces active electromagnetic suspension.

Because the old Han EV always wants to take into account the sports attributes, there is a problem that the suspension is hard, which is also criticized by many old car owners. The most resolute place to optimize the change is the suspension adjustment. First, it filters the fine pavement more thoroughly and is more stable on the potholes. Second, the four-wheel drive version introduces an active electromagnetic suspension system, which can adjust the damping of the rear axle according to the vibration feedback of the front axle to reduce the vibration of the rear axle, and can also customize the hardness of the suspension. Active suspension used to be a configuration that can only be seen in high-end luxury cars. In order to improve the chassis texture, Han EV was willing to use such a powerful drug in a small change. I really didn’t expect it, which shows how determined Han EV is. Of course, there are some regrets. Only the four-wheel drive version can enjoy the hardware upgrade, while the two-wheel drive version is optimized by tuning.

Car stuck disappeared.

The most obvious change in the redesigned configuration is the car system, which has been upgraded from DiLink3.0 to 4.0 supporting 5G, and synchronized with BYD’s latest car. Therefore, the jams that many people complained about before have disappeared, and the UI and screen brightness have also been improved. The instrument can also support the display of navigation maps, and the head-up display has been added. These are all functions that can quickly improve the driving sense.

In addition, the new model also comes standard with Dana audio. Although I can’t tell the difference with my appreciation level, Dana’s logo is really eye-catching.

Driving assistance undercooked

In addition, the intelligent driver assistance system has added some functions, such as the automatic lane change function of HWA, etc. However, I have tried many times, and the probability of failure is high, and the accuracy needs to be improved. The original ADAS functions have not changed much in the use experience, and the feeling is still a little less interesting than that of the new forces.

After the change, the product orientation of Han EV becomes very clear, that is, it further strengthens the household attribute and weakens the performance attribute. The three major contradictions of the old model have not been seen this time, but those structural-related shortcomings have remained, such as too large turning radius and too small trunk volume, which may not be solved until the big replacement. As for the new problems, there are some, mainly focusing on the newly added ADAS functions, and the experience has not reached the standard of "easy to use". I always think that it is meaningful to make the configuration of domestic cars big and not at all, but to do little but fine.

Generally speaking, after the change, the positioning of Han EV is higher, and the positioning is higher rather than simply referring to higher prices. There is a difference between the two. Higher positioning is not a disadvantage, which is necessary for Han EV to further enter the mid-to high-end market, but at the same time, it will also lose part of the original market, but fortunately, the old low-profile models are still on sale, which is another choice for Han EV fans. These are my comments on the modified EV, and I will follow up on the test drive experience of Han DM-i and DM-p later.

The unexpected explosion of the new M7 in the world has made Huawei’s industrial chain the focus of A shares again.

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  In the peak season of "Golden September and Silver 10" automobile sales, the new M7 in the world has been listed for 25 days, with a total of over 50,000 units (referring to the order that is locked after paying a certain deposit through official channels, and the lock order means that the purchase can not be unsubscribed, and the order will be arranged in order), which not only makes it possible."Returning to life" also makes A sharesThe car sector is heating up again.

  Since the opening of the market in October, Huawei’s industrial chain has always maintained a strong position. On October 10, thanks to the bursting of new car orders from Huawei, Huawei’s industrial chain stocks continued their upward trend again.The smart driving and other sectors were among the top gainers. At the close, the concept of liquid-cooled high pressureClose at 20cm daily limit,Wait for the capture of the second board.

  Huawei’s industrial chain stocks continue to be active

  In the news, as of October 6, only 25 days after its release on September 12, the cumulative number of new M7 cars has exceeded 50,000. Among them, on October 6th, the number of new M7 cars will reach 7,000, and on October 5th, it will reach 3,500. In other words, in the last two days of the Mid-Autumn National Day holiday, its large quantity exceeded 10,000 vehicles.

  Yu Chengdong, chairman of BU, Huawei’s smart car solution, said on social media that "it’s not easy to come back to life" for the excellent "report card" handed over by the new M7.

  With regard to the sales situation of the new M7 in Wenjie, the reporter learned from the sales office of Huawei stores that after the first sales period, that is, from September 12th to October 7th, the scheduled preferential amount of the new M7 in Wenjie was reduced from 6,000 yuan to 3,000 yuan, while the matching fund of 12,000 yuan for interior and exterior decoration and the matching rights and interests of 15,000 yuan remained unchanged, and the activity deadline was October 31st.

  It is worth noting that in the positioning asAt the same time, the new M7, which is the flagship SUV of Panoramic Wisdom, which has not yet been listed, has won tens of thousands of orders just by "blind ordering".

  In fact, the pre-sale price of 500,000-600,000 yuan was officially opened for blind subscription on September 25th. At present, there are only a few renderings and a small amount of configuration information, and even official website has not disclosed relevant information. According to Yu Chengdong, as of October 7th, the customer M9 had accumulated 10,450 orders for blind booking and retained 8,040 orders. On that day, 333 units were blindly ordered, 26 units were unsubscribed and 307 units were blindly ordered.

  As a brand born under the joint mode of "smart car selection" business with Huawei, the sales volume of cars has also increased recently. According to the sales data in September, the monthly sales volume of Celestial Automobile was 10,246 taels, which exceeded the 10,000-vehicle mark for the first time this year. Although it decreased by 41.77% year-on-year, it achieved an increase of 64.12% month-on-month, which reversed the decline of sales volume for two consecutive months.

  On the whole, as the national consumption promotion policy continues to increase, the economy continues to stabilize, and this year is full.The sales volume of passenger car manufacturers maintained a strong growth trend. The Federation comprehensively estimated that the wholesale sales volume of new energy passenger car manufacturers in September was 830,000, a year-on-year increase of 23% and a quarter-on-quarter increase of 4%. According to preliminary estimates, from January to September this year, 5.92 million vehicles were wholesale, up 36% year-on-year.

  Affected by the above-mentioned good news, on October 9, the first trading day after the Mid-Autumn National Day holiday, under the performance that the overall sector rose less and fell more, Cyrus,,Waiting for more than 10 "Huawei Industrial Chain" stocks to go against the trend.

  On October 10, Huawei’s industrial chain continued to be active. As of the close of the day, the direction of HarmonyOSAt the daily limit, Sailis in the direction of the car,Also harvest the daily limit. It is worth mentioning that since September this year, the share price has doubled, and the cumulative increase of Sellers’ share price has exceeded 85%.

  Institutions are optimistic about the intelligent acceleration of new energy vehicles.

  The Financial Investment News reporter learned that before the Mid-Autumn National Day holiday, many private placements had entered the market.”。 At the same time, the organization is optimistic about Huawei’s industrial chain stocks and the intelligent iterative acceleration brought by the new M7.

  On the policy side, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will improve the supporting policies, standards and regulations of intelligent networked vehicles, speed up the revision of key standards, strengthen the coordination of standards in the fields of automobiles, infrastructure, information and communication, and continue to promote the high-quality development of intelligent networked automobile industry. Xin Guobin, vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that after years of continuous efforts, the development of China’s intelligent networked automobile industry has achieved positive results. The vitality of technological innovation is enhanced, and it is solidLarge-scale application, intelligent driving of large computing chips to achieve mass production and loading.

  For Huawei, the new M7 continues to sell well.latestIt is believed that, through Huawei’s deep empowerment, the new model M7 is equipped with Huawei HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0, HUAWEI ADS 2.0 Advanced Intelligent Driving System, HUAWEI DriveONE Extended Range Electric Drive Platform and other black technologies. At the same time, the new M7 in Wenjie is equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 high-order intelligent driving system, which is the first to realize high-speed and urban high-order intelligent driving without relying on high-precision maps.

  He said that he once again reiterated his optimism about Huawei’s industrial chain. In this transformation of intelligent electrification of automobiles, outstanding companies in the industrial chain are expected to achieve sustained high growth as compared with the smart phone industry chain ten years ago. The current innovation is expected to drive the industrial chain to develop in a more competitive direction and empower the overall competitiveness of domestic new energy vehicles to continue to improve.

  Cui Yan, an analyst, believes that the order of the M7 in the world exceeded expectations, and it has exceeded 50,000 units after 25 days of listing, and the MAX version of Zhijia accounts for about 60%, which effectively drives the purchase rate to increase. Huawei builds a full-stack intelligent solution based on algorithm, hardware and data accumulation, which is expected to accelerate the data accumulation and the cultivation of users’ consumption habits with the increase in the number of users’ M7, the listing of intellectual S7 (23Q4) and the iteration of ADS2.0. He said that intelligent driving ability is expected to become an important factor in the competition between car companies, and attaches importance to the industrial chain opportunities brought about by the intelligent turning point and independent technology output.

  GuoshengIt is also pointed out that as the benchmark model of domestic autonomous driving, the intelligent driving version is absolute in the orders of Tucki G6, G9 and Wenjie M7.With the acceleration of intelligent iteration, car companies are expected to start to switch from hardware to software ecology, change their profit model and improve brand stickiness, and head car companies are expected to benefit first. At the same time, domestic car companies are actively laying out the city NOA, and the number of cities is accelerating, with embedded hardware and sufficient computing power reserves.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  If you tell an American that "pickup trucks are life-oriented", he must be surprised, because pickup trucks were born to provide the greatest convenience for life and business, and they are life-oriented. In fact, however, the value of pickup trucks in China has been underestimated. Most domestic pickup trucks are regarded as commercial vehicles or special vehicles, which are far away from the lives of ordinary users. This market environment also causes the vacancy of domestic passenger pickup trucks.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  Until the appearance of the Great Wall Gun, it redefined the domestic pickup truck. In terms of products and services, Great Wall Gun has subverted users’ traditional cognition of pickup trucks. More importantly, in the past year, the Great Wall Gun has continuously led the life of full-scene pickup trucks and successfully made domestic pickup trucks "live". So, how did the Great Wall Gun do it?

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  "Life-oriented" can not be separated from the users of the Great Wall Gun, and there are many deep players in all circles, which also brings vitality and diversity to the "life-oriented pickup truck". Take the Che Youhui with the Great Wall Gun — — As far as the "Artillery Alliance" is concerned, some people exchange cross-country experiences, while others discuss fishing skills. Some car owners meet for weekends and go riding in the mountains, and some team up to participate in cross-country running competitions. Deep players from various outdoor fields gather in the circle of Great Wall Artillery, which is also a rare phenomenon in the whole industry, and this team has been growing continuously.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  With the establishment of the "Artillery Alliance" in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Lujin, Heilongjiang, Henan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Shanghai provinces, Guangdong, Guangxi, Qiongmin, Hunan and Jiangxi provinces, the chemical reaction of cross-border car play continues to penetrate. At the same time, the "APP with guns" was launched, and through the four attributes of "social", "off-road", "game" and "intelligence", it created a pickup truck experience for car owners without going offline for 24 hours. Online and offline amphibious force, Great Wall Gun builds a fair and just communication platform for riders, and jointly unlocks the life of the ultimate full-scene pickup truck, making playing pickup trucks a trend.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  "Life-oriented" can’t be separated from the circle. In 2020, the Great Wall Gun will cross-border eight outdoor interest circles, including cross-country, cycling, luya, motorcycle and camping, to create a full-scene pickup truck life. In the past year, the cross-border of the Great Wall Gun has never stopped. Help the locomotive culture festival, tour the city with 100 locomotives, and interpret the collision between pickup trucks and locomotive culture; The strength helps cycling around Miyun Reservoir, flying freely around the reservoir with cycling enthusiasts, and leading the "4+2" new lifestyle; Escort the Himalayan extreme cross-country running, stage an outdoor drama with boundless cross-country, and realize the perfect integration of pickup life culture and cross-country running culture. This series of activities has gathered deep players in various fields and regarded the Great Wall Gun as the first car in outdoor life.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  At the just-concluded 2020 Great Wall Gun Luya International Championship-Luya Pioneer Professional Tour Finals, nearly 100 Luya rowing boats, champions of various sub-races and nearly 200 top Luya masters drove the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck with a million-class off-road configuration to drag Luya boats and get rid of the terrain restrictions. The Great Wall Gun brand and Luya spirit are perfectly integrated to create a top-level event in the fishing circle. The Great Wall Gun proves to people that pickup trucks can be used for living and specialization.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  "Life-oriented" is inseparable from the brewing of any culture supported by sales volume, and it must be based on a certain amount. Great Wall Cannon can promote the development of pickup culture and life in China, and it can’t be separated from excellent sales results. As of October, the statistics show that the sales volume of Great Wall Gun has exceeded 10,000 for six consecutive months, ranking first in pickup truck sales. On October 26th, the 100th Great Wall Gun rolled off the assembly line in Chongqing factory, only one year before the first one rolled off the assembly line. The Great Wall Cannon constantly sets its own record with "Great Wall Speed", making it a phenomenal product.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  "Life-oriented" can not be separated from strong product strength. When we explore the reasons behind the life-oriented phenomenon of pickup trucks, we will eventually return to product strength. Co-creation by users, cooperation in circles and sales support are nothing more than a result of the strong products of Great Wall Gun. When the first model of Great Wall Gun was released, it created a number of industry firsts. Including it is the first domestic pickup truck equipped with 8AT gearbox, the first domestic pickup truck equipped with L2 automatic driving, and the first domestic pickup truck with multi-link rear suspension. In terms of product strength, Great Wall Gun took the lead in defining the appearance of the next generation pickup truck, and opened the era of multi-purpose passenger use of pickup truck 3.0.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  Subsequently, the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck went on the market, which was an unprecedented combination of 11 top off-road configurations, such as three locks, crawling mode and tank U-turn, and became the first all-terrain mass-produced off-road pickup truck in China, which once again shocked the pickup truck market in China. Up to now, the Great Wall Gun has opened up three sub-categories of markets, including passenger, commercial and off-road, and developed N-type modified vehicles, bringing the potential of unlimited modification of pickup trucks to the extreme.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  "Life-oriented" New Starting Point Releases Brand-new User Strategy At this Guangzhou International Auto Show, Great Wall Gun released a brand-new user strategy, announcing that it will take users as the center and join hands with users to build a co-creation, co-construction and sharing Internet user ecosystem. The specific contents include: let users participate in the product co-creation of the whole life cycle in all directions, not only the concept, shape and name, but also the peripheral products that users like; With the concept of fully upgraded digital user service, the APP+ artillery alliance motorists’ club will build China pickup culture base camp and grow together with users, making pickup a life, an attitude and a spirit; Let every user have the opportunity to become a shareholder of Great Wall pickup truck, crowdfunding cars and sharing dividends; Open up cross-border circles such as modification and outdoor, and build a pickup park, so that users can enjoy the life of high-quality pickup trucks. Through co-creation, co-construction and sharing, Great Wall Gun will better "play together" with users and "live" pickup trucks to the end.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  The status of the industry is unshakable. 200,000 sales go global.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  To sum up, Great Wall Gun firmly occupies the leading position in the industry in terms of product strength, cultural circle and sales performance, and constantly sets standards for the industry in terms of brand value and service system. The outstanding performance of Great Wall Cannon also helped the global sales of Great Wall pickup trucks to exceed 200,000 vehicles in 2020, and the global cumulative users reached 1.8 million vehicles, once again pulling domestic pickup trucks to an unprecedented new height. In the period of great changes in the automobile market, the annual sales volume of 200,000 Great Wall pickup trucks has brought more profound influence to the whole industry. With the help of the rising brand, Great Wall Gun has entered the global market, and has taken the lead in listing in Australia, opening up the global territory for pickup trucks in China, ranking among the top three in the world!

Test drive the Great Wall "off-road gun". Is this the off-road pickup you want?

  When you drive an off-road vehicle armed to the teeth and confidently go to Kuqi, Laozhanggou, Hunshandake and Helan Mountain, I guess what you are most afraid of is not the harsh natural environment, but the police uncles at large and small checkpoints. Because all they need is a word, your heavily armed off-road vehicle will soon be restored to its original factory."streaking" state.

  The appearance of the Great Wall Gun Off-road pickup truck can avoid your worries in this respect, because it has been equipped with hard-core configurations such as winch, wading hose, front and rear hard bars and three locks in the original factory, which not only has good off-road performance, but also makes the police uncle unable to pick out any faults. You can calmly go to your destination through various checkpoints, large and small.

  Compared with the passenger version we have tested before, the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck has a hotter body color scheme, and the fiery red body painting is particularly dazzling against the Alashan yellow sand.

  Anti-roll frame, shield design engine cabin cover, rough black matte mesh, exposed rivets embedded above black wheel eyebrows, all details of the design exude tough guy hormones, even at the scene of heroes gathering in various exaggerated and alternative modified cars, the Great Wall gun off-road pickup truck is enough to attract attention.

  Unlike many off-road vehicles, which are like straight men, the Great Wall Gun is more like a warm man who cares for you, because its performance in comfort and many technologies and entertainment configurations are very rich.

  First of all, compared with the pickup truck of the same level or even higher, the rear suspension of the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck adopts a multi-link structure, which can not only improve the comfort of the vehicle when driving on the paved road, but also greatly reduce the vibration and restless beating of the vehicle when driving on the paved road, so that the drivers and passengers in the car can always get a more comfortable ride experience.

  The seats in the car and the accessible parts of the body are also wrapped with a lot of leather materials, which greatly improves the ride comfort. The red and black interior design also adds a touch of fashion to the vehicle.

  In terms of configuration, the performance of the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck is also very kind.7-inch color screen instrument cluster, 9-inch color LCD screen and rich car networking functions are not only completely ahead of pickup trucks of the same class, but also not inferior to passenger cars of the same price. In addition, the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck is equipped with advanced L2-level automatic driving technology, with intelligent driving functions such as ESP, semi-automatic parking radar, lane departure, lane keeping and ACC adaptive cruise.

  For off-road people, the most concerned is obviously the performance of the off-road pickup truck of the Great Wall Gun. The biggest difference between the off-road pickup truck of the Great Wall Gun and the ordinary passenger version is that it has an extremely powerful off-road configuration.The keywords "three locks, tank turning around and crawling mode" are enough to make cross-country people secrete a lot of dopamine.

  This set of two-speed pickup truck with Great Wall Gun.TOD intelligent four-wheel drive system with front and rear axles with locking mechanism. In actual driving, when encountering road conditions such as cross shafts and bullet holes, the speed of system intervention is satisfactory, and because it has seven driving modes including snow, mud and sand, more intelligent settings can help drivers get out of trouble more easily, which is also a very friendly configuration for novices.

  In addition, when the vehicle speed is lower than15km/h, when the rear axle differential is in the open state, the steering radius can be reduced by braking the inner wheel through the electronic system. This function called "tank turning around" is believed to be familiar to everyone, which can really help drivers to pass through narrow road sections more smoothly when SUVs and pickups with large sizes encounter narrow road conditions.

  In terms of power, the Great Wall gun off-road pickup truck is equipped.The 2.0T turbocharged engine is matched with an 8-speed automatic manual transmission from ZF. The maximum power of the engine is 140kW and the peak torque is 360 N m.. When driving on paved roads, the performance of the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck is almost the same as that of the passenger version, which can provide a very comfortable driving experience for drivers and passengers.

  When driving in the desert, a good power reserve can provide enough confidence for the driver, and because the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck is equipped with shift paddles, the shift speed is also satisfactory in actual driving, and the faster shift response speed can ensure the continuous power output of the engine, making the vehicle travel more smoothly in the desert.

  The great wall gun off-road pickup truck not only has the coveted off-road people."Three locks, crawling mode, tank turning around", and rich modified accessories can be provided in the original factory state, which can make your off-road journey more assured, even if you are questioned by the police uncle, you can take your time. In addition, rich technology configuration, entertainment configuration, comfortable configuration and good power performance make it capable of more roles.

  Then the question is coming. Is the Great Wall Gun Off-road Pickup a big toy you want?

  This article is from "The More Cross-country Play"

Office workers like it, and its appearance is fashionable and its performance is good. BYD Qin PLUS EV has 129,700 cases nationwide.

Many consumers think that the cost of buying a car plus the cost of maintaining a car every year is really a lot of money, but now taxi software is so popular that it is convenient and cheap to take a car, so it is not practical to buy a car. However, in bad weather such as cold or hot, carrying a heavy shopping bag or dragging a huge suitcase, or when the driver is in an emergency, he will feel the pain of waiting. Although cars are consumables, and even the rate of preservation is not high, there is no denying that owning a car of your own can really bring great convenience to life, such as going to go on road trip.

Today, we will take a look at the new car BYD Qin PLUS EV, including its design, rough interior, high and low performance, etc. Presumably, small owners have dived into major forums and dug numerous evaluation videos, so there is no need to go into details in small series. Now, our focus is on the transaction price, discount, sales volume, value preservation and other aspects of Qin PLUS EV, helping small owners who are basically targeting and waiting for the right time to start to judge whether BYD Qin PLUS EV is worth winning more comprehensively.

The biggest discount of BYD Qin PLUS EV’s transaction price in the past month reached 8.79 fold, the cash of new cars dropped by 17,900 yuan, and the national sales of new cars started at 129,700 yuan. The point price is for reference only, and the actual transaction price is subject to the local dealer.

The picture below shows the sales data of BYD Qin PLUS EV. The national sales volume in the last month was 410 vehicles. I wonder if BYD is still satisfied with this result. Most people will follow the sales volume when buying a car, which is the main basis for most people to judge whether a car is good or not without in-depth understanding of a car. Although it is not accurate, it is not groundless, but if you have higher requirements for car selection, you need to make more efforts to fully understand it.

When we buy a car, we will pay attention to all aspects of this model in advance, especially the posts and word-of-mouth posted by car owners in major forums and vertical websites. Apart from the navy, there are still some car owners’ real car experience that is worth learning. Let’s take a look at the word-of-mouth score of BYD Qin PLUS EV. The comprehensive score of BYD Qin PLUS EV is 4.72, and the result is not bad, so BYD Qin PLUS EV can be considered.

After watching it for a while, it turns out that BYD Qin PLUS EV is not your dish? Let’s take a look at its powerful competitors. At present, there are basically good discounts on this site. Among them, the discounts for Beijing EU5 and Emgrand EV are 8.7 and 8.6 respectively, which is quite suitable. Take a quick look and choose!

If the price of Qin PLUS EV is right in the near future, then friends will hurry up! Linkage promotion in many places across the country, and there are even more discount models as low as 30%.

Starting from 5499 yuan, Huawei Pura 70 series was launched in a raid, and the first batch was sold out instantly.

Wen | Lei Technology leitech

On April 18th, Huawei officially announced the launch of "HUAWEI Pura 70 Series Pioneer Program", and Pura 70 Ultra and Pura 70 Pro went on sale at 10:08 today. Xiaolei noticed that these two models have been sold online in Huawei, and they will be sold out soon after the sale. The next sale time is 10:08 on April 22.

In addition, some offline channels of Huawei also opened the sales of corresponding models simultaneously. The small partners sent by Lei Technology came to Huawei’s Sakata flagship store in Shenzhen and felt the fiery atmosphere of the first sale of Huawei Pura 70 series.

Huawei Pura 70 series has once again adopted the "before sale" mode. With the official launch of the new machine, the corresponding parameter information of the product is also announced, and we can finally take a quick look.

Huawei Pura 70 series has four models, namely Pura 70, Pura 70 Pro, Pura 70 Ultra and Pura 70 Pro+. Pura 70 Pro and Pura 70 Ultra, which are first sold this time, are expected to be the main models of this series. Let’s first understand their basic information.

The first is Huawei Pura 70 Pro, whose main parameters and specifications are as follows:

  • 6.8-inch 120Hz LTPO OLED screen

  • Rear 50MP super spotlight main camera +12.5MP super wide angle +48MP super spotlight macro telephoto.

  • Front 13MP Super Wide Angle Lens

  • 12GB memory

  • 256GB/512GB/1TB flash memory

  • 5050mAh capacity battery

  • 100W wired fast charging, 80W wireless fast charging and 20W reverse wireless fast charging.

  • 220g weight, supporting IP68 dustproof and waterproof.

And Pura 70 Ultra, the main parameter information is:

  • 6.8-inch 120Hz LTPO OLED screen

  • Rear 50MP super spotlight telescopic main camera +40MP super wide angle +50MP super spotlight macro telephoto.

  • Front 13MP Super Wide Angle Lens

  • 16GB memory

  • 256GB/512GB/1TB flash memory

  • 5200mAh capacity battery

  • 100W wired fast charging, 80W wireless fast charging and 20W reverse wireless fast charging.

  • 220g weight, supporting IP68 dustproof and waterproof.

The basic version of Pura 70, the core parameters are:

  • 6.6-inch 120Hz LTPO OLED screen

  • Rear 50MP super spotlight telescopic main camera +13MP super wide angle +12MP periscope telephoto.

  • Front 13MP Super Wide Angle Lens

  • 12GB memory

  • 512GB/1TB flash memory

  • 4900mAh capacity battery

  • 66W wired fast charging, 50W wireless fast charging and 7.5W reverse wireless charging.

  • 207g weight, supporting IP68 dustproof and waterproof.

Pura 70 Pro+, the parameter information is:

  • 6.8-inch 120Hz LTPO OLED screen

  • Rear 50MP super spotlight main camera +12.5MP super wide angle +48MP super spotlight macro telephoto.

  • Front 13MP Super Wide Angle Lens

  • 16GB memory

  • 512GB/1TB flash memory

  • 5050mAh capacity battery

  • 100W wired fast charging, 80W wireless fast charging and 20W reverse wireless fast charging.

  • 220g weight, supporting IP68 dustproof and waterproof.

After the hardware configuration of these four models, it can be seen that the differences between them are mainly reflected in the aspects of image, storage and fast charging.

Both Pura 70 Ultra and Pura 70 Pro series adopt super-focusing macro telephoto, which is also a major change brought by Huawei’s new machine in image.This lens can be used for long-distance shooting and close-up micro-scene shooting, and the focal length it covers is also very suitable for taking portraits.

It is understood that Huawei, a super-concentrated macro telephoto lens, has a recent focus distance of 5cm and a macro zoom of 35X. Moreover, it has an aperture of F2.1, which Huawei says is the largest aperture in the industry’s periscope telephoto. In this way, in the dark environment, it can shoot clearer and higher-quality image works at macro or telephoto.

It is worth noting that among the four new machines, Pura 70 Ultra is the only one equipped with a super-concentrated telescopic main camera. This is a major innovation of Huawei in the field of mobile images, and it is equipped with the first rotating telescopic lens structure in the industry. In actual use, if the user turns on the main lens, it will automatically extend through the mechanical structure.

Compared with the conventional lens, one of the great advantages of this design is that it can take into account the thickness of the lens and the fuselage, and at the same time, plug in a high-standard camera lens. Thanks to this technology, Huawei Pura 70 Ultra put a 1-inch outsole lens in an 8.4mm thick body and realized the physical aperture of F1.6.

Huawei officials also demonstrated the capture ability of Pura 70 Ultra through specific scenes and proofs. Through the super-spotlight image system and XD Motion motion engine, it can capture the moment when the car is flying at a high speed of 300 km/h.

The outsole and large aperture have further improved the imaging quality of Huawei Pura 70 super-large cup model. At the same time, its weight of 220 grams and thickness of 8.4mm will not bring inconvenience to users in daily use. Undoubtedly, through another innovation in the field of imaging, Huawei Pura 70 Ultra has built a differentiated competitive advantage.

Last August, when Huawei Mate60 series was released, its first satellite call function attracted the attention of countless people. Since then, satellite communication related functions have been the standard of Huawei products. Most of the Huawei Pura 70 series that debuted this time support satellite communication, but different models support it differently.

First of all, Huawei Pura 70 Pro, Pura 70 Pro+ and Pura 70 Ultra first supported the Beidou satellite image sending function.Specifically, when using the Beidou message function in the mobile phone, users can not only send text messages, but also send pictures now, and the experience is closer to the IM application that users use every day.

Secondly, Huawei Pura 70 Pro+ and Huawei Pura 70 Ultra not only support Beidou satellite messages, but also support satellite call function (based on Tiantong satellite), which can be activated by inserting the mobile phone card of China Telecom.In other words, if you want to use satellite calls, then these two models are available.

In terms of chips, Huawei officials have not released specific information. However, according to netizens, through testing software, it was found that the chip on Huawei Pura 70 Pro/Ultra is Kirin 9010, and its CPU architecture is 2 2.3GHz+6 2.18GHz+4 1.55GHz, with a total of 12 cores. However, @ Fixed Focus Digital said that the current software identification is wrong. The CPU architecture of this chip is still 8 cores, and the GPU is Maliang 910, which is the same as Kirin 9000S.

Looking at it now, the chip carried by Huawei Pura 70 series should be a small change of Kirin 9000S. The actual performance of Kirin 9000S has been experienced by Huawei Mate60 Pro before. For Kirin 9010, Xiao Lei’s initial judgment is that the performance is enough to meet the daily use needs of users.

In terms of appearance, Huawei Pura 70 series has made great changes. On the back of the fuselage, Pura 70 series adopts triangular lens module design, which greatly increases the recognition of appearance.

In addition, Pura 70 Pro+ uses nano-weaving technology to etch stripe-like texture on the glass back cover. Different models of Pura 70 series also have their own exclusive color matching, which is consistent in appearance design, but there are also differences, forming a positioning division.

In terms of price, PURA 70,5499 yuan, Pura 70 Pro 6499 yuan, Pura 70 Pro+ 7999 yuan and Pura 70 Ultra 9999 yuan. Obviously, Huawei Pura 70 series mainly covers the flagship and high-end markets, and the products with price ranging from 5,000 to 10,000+are the target range of this series.

Generally speaking, the highly anticipated Huawei Pura 70 series has achieved satisfactory performance at the product level. In terms of specific functions closely related to users, it has greatly upgraded the configuration and technology of images, brought super-focusing macro telephoto lens, and provided users with better experience in macro and telephoto scenes.

The Pura 70 Ultra is the first super-spotlight telescopic main camera, which breaks the convention and crams a high-specification outsole lens into a narrow space, taking into account the image quality and the thinness of the fuselage, providing enough product selling points for positioning the new products of the super flagship.

In addition, Pura 70 series has brought satisfactory innovation and upgrade in design, satellite communication and fast charging technology, which has supported the positioning of high-end flagship of new products.

The first sale of Huawei Pura 70 series was undoubtedly a great success. Under the premise of no clear official notice, Huawei Sakata flagship store quickly gathered a large number of people, and the first batch of Pura 70 Pro and Pura 70 Ultra quickly sold out. Online channels, we have also witnessed similar sales.

At this point, we don’t need to use too many languages to demonstrate the success of Pura 70 series. Now, what Huawei needs to do most is still to prepare the goods as soon as possible and use more sources to meet the next sale.

The emergence of Pura 70 series means that the flagship mobile phone market in 2024 has ushered in a strong player. Whether it is the iPhone 15 series or many flagship products of the Android camp, they have to face this opponent who has caused them a headache. The chaos in the high-end mobile phone market has just entered the climax stage.