Show Me China | Ergun Band: Inner Mongolia not only has prairies, but also welcomes everyone to experience the beauty of winter.

    There are still 15 days before the opening of the 14th National Winter Games. The Ergun Band calls out netizens and invites everyone to come to Inner Mongolia in winter to experience the different beauty of prairies, forests, deserts, lakes and rivers.

    Reporter: Ye Ziyan.

    Reporter: Yu Guang Tian Haolin

    Ye Ziyan studio

    Produced by Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency

Major changes! Is it more difficult to implement the driving test since October?

  CCTV News:Did you get your driver’s license?

  If not, hurry up!

  The driving test is going to be more difficult! Level! Yes!

  In order to implement the opinions of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Transport on the reform of the driver training and examination system, according to the requirements of "Motor Vehicle Driving Training Teaching and Examination Outline", the Traffic Management Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security undertook the revision of the industry standards such as "Contents and Methods of Motor Vehicle Driver Examination" (GA 1026). With the approval of the Ministry of Public Security,The new standard will be officially implemented on October 1, 2017.

  Main points of assessment change

  Point 1: Pay more attention to the assessment of safety civilization awareness.

  According to the requirements of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Transport’s "Motor Vehicle Driving Training Teaching and Examination Outline", adjust the relevant examination contents:

  ◆ Subject 1 involves the common sense of safe and civilized driving.All of them are adjusted to the general knowledge test of safe and civilized driving in subject three;

  ◆ Adjust the proportion of examination content, improve the proportion of road traffic safety laws and regulations, safe and civilized driving knowledge examination questions, and list common sense of civilized driving and typical accident cases;

  ◆ Adjust the examination operationFor example, "looking back" action is added to the starting, lane changing, parking aside and overtaking projects in subject 3, and the projects such as going straight through intersections and turning left and right are judged as unqualified, and the safety and civilization awareness is assessed from the detailed actions.

  Point 2: More in line with the actual road traffic environment.

  ◆ The theoretical examination simulates the real scene.Subject 1, Subject 3 Add situational test questions to the common sense test of safe and civilized driving, simulate the actual road traffic scene through text, pictures, videos and other situational forms, and assess the candidates’ ability to recognize, judge and deal with the actual road traffic situation.

  ◆ The venue driving test highlights practicality.On the premise of ensuring safe driving, in the second subject, such as reversing into storage, pile test, unilateral bridge, right-angle turning, continuous obstacle, etc., it is allowed to stop moderately to observe and confirm the safety before driving. If you stop halfway, you will be adjusted to "5 points each time" if you fail the exam.

  ◆ The road driving skill test emphasizes safe and civilized operation.For example, in the U-turn project, the requirements such as slowing down or stopping and turning on the turn signal are added, and in the crossing project, the operation and deduction requirements such as "turning on the turn signal in advance when changing direction" are added to highlight the actual road driving needs and cultivate candidates’ good driving habits.

  Point 3: It is more convenient for the masses to take exams and obtain certificates.

  Optimize and adjust the examination organization.

  ◆ Small car:Adjust the three-night examination method of subjects and adopt the simulated night lighting examination form.

  ◆ Large car:If the subject two fails to pass the exam on the spot, the items that have not been deducted will not be retaken; If the night exam fails to pass the make-up exam on the spot, the daytime exam results will be retained.

  mainChanging content

  Subject 1, Subject 3 Safe and Civilized Driving Common Sense Examination


   subject two Key points of examination evaluation revision


  Subject three Key points of operation and evaluation modification of road driving skill test


  (This article Source: CCTV News Economic Daily)

Visiting the "isolation examination room" of the college entrance examination: What are the differences between special examination rooms?

  On July 3rd, the staff (right) simulated the temperature test results of the candidates in zhounan middle school, Changsha. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, July 3 (Reporter Xie Ying Zhang Ge) The college entrance examination is just around the corner, and the preparations for the college entrance examination under the epidemic situation are also under intense pressure. On the 3rd, the reporter participated in the college entrance examination exercise in zhounan middle school, and visited the "isolation examination room" exclusively.

  At the test center in zhounan middle school, Changsha, the warning stakes, warning tape and sunshade awning erected in front of the school gate were neatly placed, and more than 100 "candidates" lined up outside the test center at a distance of one meter to receive infrared temperature measurement.

  On July 3, the staff (right) simulated the arrangement of examination seats for the fever candidates. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  "Candidates whose body temperature is higher than 37.3 degrees Celsius will be led by the epidemic prevention commissioner to rest in the rest area, and then re-examined with a mercury thermometer. If the temperature is lower than 37.3 degrees Celsius, they can take the test normally. If the candidate’s body temperature is still higher than 37.3 degrees Celsius, after comprehensive evaluation, the candidate’s physical condition is suitable for continuing to take the exam, then the standby isolation examination room will be started. " Liu Luochun, dean of Changsha Education Examinations Institute, said.

  Zhang Siyu, a senior two student in zhounan middle school, plays a "suspected case". "In the re-examination room, the disease control personnel asked me ‘ Condition ’ At the same time, you have been giving me psychological counseling. Tell me ‘ Don’t be nervous, just have a simple test, and it won’t affect the exam ’ 。”

  On July 3, the medical staff (middle) simulated the rest area in the body temperature check area to appease the mood of candidates with high body temperature. Candidates will receive a second temperature test after taking a short rest in the rest area to prevent the temperature from being affected by excessive temperature and emotional tension. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  After that, Zhang Siyu was guided to a special passage by medical staff and went to the isolation examination room. In the examination room, two invigilators, wearing protective clothing, goggles and gloves, carried out security check on Zhang Siyu.

  There are epidemic prevention supplies such as temperature guns, disinfectant and disposable gloves on the podium in the isolation examination room. There are only four examination tables in the examination room, and the seat spacing is more than 2 meters. In addition, there is a letter to parents on each desk: "We have opened a backup examination room for your child, and the facilities and time schedule of the examination room are the same as those of other examination rooms". "After the examination is completed, you and your child need to wear masks strictly, and you are not allowed to take public transport or school buses to take the exam, and try not to get in close contact with others" … …

  On July 3, the medical staff (first from left) simulated and led the fever examinee (middle) to enter the isolated standby examination room from the special passage of the isolated examination room. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  The reporter learned in the on-site exercise that it only took less than 20 minutes for the "suspected case" candidates to measure their body temperature and enter the isolation examination room. If the isolation examination room starts the examination later than the normal examination time, the examination time can be postponed later.

  "There are school doctors and professionals from the disease control department in the test center, which will comprehensively judge the symptoms of candidates and give them proper treatment in time. After the candidates finish the exam, they will also be tested by a special person. " Luo Shu, the invigilator of the isolation examination room, said.

  On July 3, the medical staff simulated the physical condition of the candidate (right) in the temperature check area. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  After the examination, the group examination work in the isolation examination room is still going on. The test papers, answer sheets and draft papers used by candidates with "suspected cases" should be packaged, sterilized and stored separately for special collection. The epidemic prevention personnel will also sterilize the examination room, examination table and door handle to prepare for the next subject examination.

  On July 3, the staff (right) simulated the security check for the fever candidates. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  Liu Luochun told reporters that the isolation examination room is a special setting for the college entrance examination under the epidemic situation. Each test center will conduct centralized training and group examination drills for examinees before the college entrance examination to ensure the safety of candidates and the smooth examination. "In fact, there is nothing different about the isolation examination room for candidates, just changing places."

  On July 3, the staff of the Kaifu District Center for Disease Control and Prevention simulated the isolation of the spare examination room. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  "I can imagine that college entrance examination candidates will inevitably feel nervous under the epidemic, but I feel the safety and order of the examination process and the completeness and intimacy of the group examination from the exercise. I believe that even in the isolation examination room, this life exam can be successfully completed. " Zhang Siyu said.

Fujian Sports Lottery Center: Lottery players with valid lottery numbers can apply for live viewing if they are interested.

  Screenshot of the "31 Choose 7" live TV lottery on April 12th of Fujian Sports Lottery.

  Recently, the video of the No.4 lottery ball stopping at the top of the slope of the lottery machine and blocking the No.5, No.6 and No.7 lottery balls at the "31 Choose 7" lottery scene of Fujian Sports Lottery triggered a heated discussion on the Internet. On April 24th, the staff of Fujian Sports Lottery Center responded that this phenomenon was accidental after on-site inspection by lottery machine manufacturers. The lottery system was operating normally and the current lottery results were valid. The manufacturer of the lottery machine also responded that there is no abnormality in the lottery machine involved, there is no fault in the equipment operation system, and there is no situation that the lottery is affected by the fault.

  The lottery ball is stuck at the top of the slope.

  Netizens questioned "fraud"

  Webcast video shows that the first three balls fell out and rolled into the exhibition area below the slope, but the fourth ball stopped at the top of the slope and did not roll into the exhibition area. Subsequently, the fifth, sixth and seventh lottery balls were also blocked by the fourth lottery ball and stopped at the top of the slope. On-site notaries announced the winning number according to the dropped ball number.

  According to the lottery announcement, the lottery numbers are 07, 14, 11, 01, 05, 17, 19, and the special number is 28. The sales amount of this period is more than 930,000 yuan. Two bets won the second prize, with a single prize of 18,799 yuan, 19 bets won the third prize, with a single prize of 1,200 yuan, 75 bets won the fourth prize, 200 yuan won the fifth prize in 2207 bets, 20 yuan won the sixth prize in 20729 bets, and 6 yuan won the single prize. The bonus of more than 1.01 million yuan rolled into the next prize pool.

  On April 24, the staff of Fujian Sports Lottery Management Center told Beijing Youth Daily that after the incident, the Sports Lottery Center also contacted the lottery machine manufacturer to check on the spot. At present, the conclusion given by the manufacturer is that this is an accidental phenomenon. "The lottery system itself is operating normally, and the scene is also supervised by notaries. According to the management measures stipulated in the lottery, as long as the lottery ball is shaken out of the mixing bin, this lottery is effective. This time, the ball should have rolled to the exhibition area after it was shaken out. However, due to this accidental scene, the fourth ball stopped there and the balls behind it could not come down, but this did not affect the lottery results. " The staff said that after the incident, the Sports Lottery Center sent the video to the lottery machine manufacturer for the first time. Later, everyone paid more attention to this situation, and the manufacturer should also ask to go to the scene to check the equipment on the spot. What is the specific reason for this accidental phenomenon? Subsequent manufacturers will also issue a written explanation letter, and the Sports Lottery Center will also announce it to the public.

  In response to netizens’ suspicion that "the notary prepared the winning number before the lottery results came out", the above-mentioned staff also said, "If you watch the video carefully, you can find that the lottery ball has stayed on the upper step for a few seconds before falling to the slope. The notary usually sees the lottery ball fall down the steps before preparing the winning number. There is nothing wrong with this. It may be a problem with editing (lens switching), and there is no situation of preparing winning numbers in advance. In addition, our lottery is always open to the public. If the public has doubts about the lottery results, we also welcome everyone to watch and supervise the lottery. "

  In addition, the staff told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that the manufacturer of the lottery machine will maintain it regularly, and the Sports Lottery Center will also inspect the machine before the lottery. Generally, when the lottery machine reaches a certain age, the Sports Lottery Center will replace it. It said that the lottery machine used at the lottery site on April 12 had no problem in operation and was currently in normal use.

  Regular maintenance of lottery machine

  After inspection, there is no fault or abnormality.

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily learned that the manufacturer of the lottery machine is Shanghai Junti Science and Technology Equipment Company. The staff of the company said that the lottery machine at the "31-7" lottery scene of Fujian Sports Lottery on April 12 was a relatively new machine. During the normal service period, there was no such situation that the lottery ball stopped at the top of the slope before the lottery. "This is an accidental phenomenon, not man-made. We have checked on the spot, and there is no problem with the machine and the lottery system. This situation has nothing to do with the lottery machine. "

  Regarding the speculation that netizens questioned the machine failure or the static influence of the lottery machine, the staff of Shanghai Military Sports Science and Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. said that they would carry out regular maintenance, inspection and overhaul of the lottery machine according to regulations to ensure that the lottery machine can operate normally. "At present, what we have learned and seen is that there is no abnormality in this machine, there is no fault in the equipment operation system, and there is no situation that the lottery is affected by the fault."

  Notary before each lottery

  Will check the lottery machine and the ball

  According to public information, "7 out of 31" is a Chinese sports lottery authorized by China Lottery Center and underwritten by Fujian Sports Lottery Distribution Center in its jurisdiction, referred to as Fujian Sports Lottery — 7/31。 The lottery ticket is distributed and sold by computer network system, and the lottery ticket is drawn on TV regularly, and the winning prize is determined according to the number of matching betting numbers and winning numbers.

  In view of the special situation of the "7 out of 31" lottery scene in Fujian Sports Lottery Center on April 12, Beiqing Daily reporter called the customer service of China Sports Lottery. The staff introduced that the relationship between China Sports Lottery Center and Fujian Sports Lottery Center is business guidance, and "7 out of 31" belongs to local gameplay. The lottery situation is mainly handled by Fujian Sports Lottery Center. According to the China Sports Lottery Center, the lottery at that time was normal, but the lottery ball that was shaken out did not roll to the exhibition area, and the ball behind it did not roll down. "Every time the lottery is broadcast live, there will be relevant notaries to supervise the whole process. The winning number is no problem. Fujian Sports Lottery Center also contacted the supplier to analyze the situation afterwards, and tested the lottery machine and related lottery videos. There is really no problem, and the lottery number is true and effective."

  The customer service staff said that under normal circumstances, before each lottery, the notary will check the equipment and the lottery ball, and after confirming that there is no problem, put the lottery ball into the lottery machine and seal it before the lottery. Except the notary, no one else will touch the lottery ball. "If you are interested, you can also apply for a look at the lottery site through China Sports Lottery Network. If you have any questions, you can also consult the on-site staff."

  Yesterday afternoon, the staff of Fujian Sports Bureau also told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that the staff of the bureau were understanding the investigation about the situation of the "31-7" lottery on April 12.

  Text/Reporter Dai Youqing Coordinator/Jiang Wei

The turnover of shares in the North Exchange was 11.34 billion yuan, and the turnover of 27 shares exceeded 100 million yuan.

On January 26th, the total volume of shares in the North Stock Exchange was 863 million shares, with a turnover of 11.34 billion yuan, a decrease of 885 million yuan compared with the previous trading day. In terms of individual stocks, 50 stocks closed up.

According to the statistics of data treasure of Securities Times, among the tradable stocks in the North Stock Exchange today, 50 stocks closed up, accounting for 20.58% of the tradable stocks. Huami New Materials closed at the daily limit, and Xuchang Intelligent, Fuheng New Materials and Kaihua Materials closed up at the top, rising by 61.30%, 18.79% and 14.26% respectively. At the close, 192 stocks fell, with Boxun Bio, Tieda Technology and Zhongke Meiling among the top losers, falling by 14.60%, 12.77% and 11.62% respectively.

Xuchang Intelligent (831396), which was listed today, rose by 61.30%, with a turnover rate of 68.73% and a turnover of 492.0674 million yuan.

In terms of transactions, there are 27 stocks with a turnover of over 100 million yuan in the whole day. The top stocks in the North Stock Exchange are Zhongfangbiao, Xuchang Intelligent and Kaihua Materials, with turnover of 542 million yuan, 492 million yuan and 465 million yuan respectively.

In terms of stock activity, among the stocks traded in the North Exchange today, 52 stocks have a turnover rate of over 10%, of which 24 stocks have a turnover rate of over 20%, 61 stocks have a turnover rate of between 5% and 10%, and 114 stocks have a turnover rate of between 1% and 5%. The stocks with the highest turnover rate in the whole day include China Textile Standard, Xuchang Intelligent and Tianfang Standard, with turnover rates of 75.96%, 68.73% and 65.40% respectively. (data treasure)

Details of today’s transactions of stocks in the North Exchange

Note: This article is a news report and does not constitute investment advice. The stock market is risky, so investment should be cautious.
Super complex
North exchange, transaction, active stocks, market performance, turnover rate, activity, trading, resumption

A gold medal carries all the hopes of a country.

Qianjiang evening news Hour Journalist Cao Linbo
At present, there are 26 countries with one gold medal in the gold medal list of Tokyo Olympic Games, and there are many gold medals among them. Only one gold medal bears all the expectations of this country and creates the history of this country.
The rugby sevens final of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games can be called the peak matchup. New Zealand is the triple world cup champion and Fiji is the double world cup champion. In the end, Fiji defeated New Zealand 27-12, successfully defending the champion of the project, and won the only gold medal for Fiji so far. New Zealand won the silver medal and Argentina won the bronze medal.
In fact, at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, Fiji won the men’s rugby sevens championship. Before the Rio Olympic Games, Fiji participated in 14 Summer Olympic Games and 3 Winter Olympic Games, but it never got any medals.
In this Tokyo Olympic Games, they once again successfully defended their title with strong strength. In the men’s rugby sevens, Fiji is a top power. This stems from their strong popular base.
Since New Zealand and Britain brought this sport to Fiji in the late 19th century, rugby has gradually become the national sport here. Almost all the citizens are enthusiastic about it. Boys are proud to enter Fiji’s national echelons at all levels, and there are countless rugby clubs, large and small, in China. There are 890,000 people in China, with 80,000 registered rugby players, accounting for nearly 10%! It is no exaggeration to describe that all men, women and children in the country play rugby.
At the Tokyo Olympic Games, Fiji sent a delegation of 30 people: 12 of them participated in the men’s rugby sevens (and one reserve player) and 12 participated in the women’s rugby sevens.
However, there are many unknown stories behind this popular gold medal.
In April this year, Fiji ushered in the second wave of COVID-19 epidemic. In order to participate in the Tokyo Olympic Games, Fiji gave full support to the rugby team. The government quickly blocked the border and shut down all foreign-related flights.
In order to participate in the Olympic Games this time, all the Fiji team members were separated from their families and isolated at the designated place from the beginning of April. They even had to build a gym in the garage of the station to keep training, and then they were isolated in Australia and Japan. Fiji captain Jerry Tuwai said, "I miss my family so much that I almost want to skydive from the plane and go home to see them."
At the beginning of July, the Fiji team set out and boarded a cargo plane to transport frozen fish. After many hardships, they arrived in Tokyo to participate in the Olympic Games.
In the end, Fiji rugby team defended its title as expected. Although Fiji could not go to the streets as it did in the last Olympic Games because of the epidemic, they still lit fireworks and celebrated with the players from a distance.
Two days later, the Fiji women’s rugby sevens team also performed brilliantly in this Olympic Games. Although Fiji narrowly lost to New Zealand this time, it finally beat Britain to win the bronze medal, which has also created the best record of Fiji women’s rugby in the Olympic Games.
The presence of Bermuda’s delegation may be at most in the entrance ceremony of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. This country, which sounds quite mysterious, also achieved a breakthrough of zero gold medal in this Olympic Games.
In the women’s triathlon of the Tokyo Olympic Games, Duffy, an athlete from Bermuda, won the first gold medal in the Olympic history of the Bermuda delegation, and Bermuda became the smallest country in the Olympic history.
"This is a great moment, it’s incredible! I will be proud of this day for the rest of my life. Winning the first Olympic gold medal for Bermuda is of extraordinary significance far beyond my personal dream. " As one of the only two members of the Bermuda delegation, Duffy, who fought in the Olympic Games for four times, finally welcomed his dream.
In 2008, 21-year-old Duffy was a fledgling. At the Beijing Olympic Games, her bike broke down and she didn’t win the ranking. Duffy ranked 45th in the 2012 London Olympic Games; In the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, she won the eighth place in the individual Olympic Games, and she finally won the championship in this Olympic Games.
Since then, Bermuda, with an area of only 53 square kilometers and a population of only 63,000, has not only the legend of God and the Sunshine Coast, but also has its own place on the map of the Olympic history gold medal list. The last time a Bermuda athlete stood on the Olympic podium was 45 years ago. The male boxer Clarence Hill won a bronze medal at the 1976 Montreal Olympics.
Duffy is now Bermuda’s brightest tourist card. Open Bermuda’s official travel website, the first page is a photo of Duffy, which reads: Bermuda may not be a popular venue for triathlon. But Bermuda has produced a large number of iron athletes (both men and women)-including Olympic athlete Duffy, who brought home Bermuda’s first gold medal.
The Prime Minister of Bermuda sent her a congratulatory voice message. Even michael douglas, a famous Hollywood actress whose mother is from Bermuda, shouted congratulations to her on her social account.
This article is an original work of qianjiang evening news. Without permission, it is forbidden to reprint, copy, extract, rewrite and spread the copyright of all works on the Internet. Otherwise, this newspaper will pursue the legal responsibility of the infringer through judicial channels.

Sticking to his post | He waited for a 20-minute reunion dinner for 7 years.

During the Spring Festival holiday, there are always some people who can’t go home because of their work, but for many people, wherever they are, the Year of the League is Chinese New Year. Follow the camera together and witness a special reunion dinner.
Li Ningyun is a motor train driver in Chongqing Locomotive Depot’s Chongqing Wanke Special. His home happens to be in Wanzhou. Although he travels to Wanzhou several times every day, it is only an extravagant hope to go home and have dinner with his family. He hasn’t been home for a group year for seven years. He took the latest EMU to Wanzhou North Station today.
Arriving at Wanzhou North Station at 22: 45, Li Ningyun’s home is less than 12 kilometers away from Wanzhou North Station. For him, it is so close and so far away.
Li Ningyun, EMU driver of Chongqing Locomotive Depot:No one is allowed to leave the apartment for the night on the north side of Wanzhou, because they will get up at 4 o’clock tomorrow morning and then start their work tomorrow.
To Li Ningyun’s surprise, Li Haiyun, his younger brother, came back from abroad, specially bought a ticket for this train, and told his parents in Wanzhou in advance to prepare a surprise for Li Ningyun’s small year in the south.
Li Ningyun’s father Li Shengan:Usually we don’t see him. When we miss him, we can only look at his car outside the fence of the station and wave to him.
In order to prepare a good meal for their son, Li Ningyun’s parents also came to the vegetable market early and carefully selected the ingredients for the reunion dinner. When I got home, my mother cut vegetables and my father cooked them, all of which were Li Ningyun’s favorite dishes.
Under the coordination of the railway staff, parents came to their son’s apartment early with anticipation and arranged the reunion dinner in advance.
Li Ningyun, EMU driver of Chongqing Locomotive Depot:I have been working for more than 7 years, and I haven’t spent much time with them for the New Year. Let’s go back and spend the New Year with them when our son is busy.
Li Ningyun ate the reunion dinner in a hurry for only 20 minutes, but he felt the love of his parents and the warmth of home. In these 20 minutes, they have been waiting for seven years, and their next group annual banquet will be unknown.

The temperature reached a record high in September, and 2023 may become the hottest year on record.

  According to Xinhua News Agency, CCTV News and other media reports, Copernicus Climate Change Service, the European Union’s climate monitoring agency, said on the 5th that September this year was the hottest September on record, and the global average surface temperature was 16.38 degrees Celsius, 0.93 degrees Celsius higher than the average in the same period from 1991 to 2020, and 0.5 degrees Celsius higher than the previous hottest September, that is, September 2020. 2023 may become the hottest year on record.

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  On July 13, 2022, in the glass pyramid square of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France, a woman put iced mineral water on her face to relieve the heat (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

  The high temperature weather is spread all over the world mainly because the ocean temperature has been abnormally high and continuous since spring.

  According to Copernicus Climate Change Service, September 2023 is the "most abnormal warm month" since 1940. The global average temperature in this month is 1.75 degrees Celsius higher than that in September from 1850 to 1900 (before industrialization). The earliest data collected by ERA5, a meteorological database in european centre for medium-range weather forecasts, was recorded in 1940.

  The Associated Press quoted Carlo Buontempo, director of Copernicus Climate Change Service Bureau, as saying that the temperature in September this year was "amazing" and "there has never been a month like this in our records".

  According to the report "Global Climate Status" released by the World Meteorological Organization, 2016 is the hottest year on record. Copernicus Climate Change Service predicts that this record will be broken this year.

  The global average temperature from January to September this year was 1.4 degrees Celsius higher than that from 1850 to 1900, 0.52 degrees Celsius higher than that from 1991 to 2020, and 0.05 degrees Celsius higher than that in 2016.

  Buontempo said that this year’s hot weather has spread all over the world, mainly because the ocean temperature has been abnormally high since spring and has not dropped to the usual level in September. He believes that the El Ni? o phenomenon has played a certain role in the high global temperature this year, but the greater impact is the overall warming trend.

  Copernicus Climate Change Service said that in September this year, the average sea surface temperature from 60 degrees north latitude to 60 degrees south latitude reached 20.92 degrees Celsius, the highest in the same period on record, second only to the highest record set in August this year.

  According to the Paris Agreement reached in 2015, all parties will strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change, control the global average temperature increase within 2 degrees Celsius compared with the pre-industrial level, and make efforts to control the temperature increase within 1.5 degrees Celsius.

  There are frequent island fires, and the summer temperatures in many islands are above average.

  At the beginning of September this year, the website of Spain’s Confidential newspaper mentioned in the report that one month after the summer solstice, the Greek islands of Crete, Corfu and Evia caught fire on all sides. The fire destroyed more than 14,000 hectares of land and killed more than 20 people. A few days later, another island caught fire, and this time it was Sicily’s turn. At the same time, on the other side of the globe, Maui Island (located in the Hawaiian Islands) was also burned into ruins. The fire killed 115 people, and with the rescue work, the death toll will rise. Just when Spain thought there would be no more fires this summer, another fire broke out on Tenerife Island, which turned into the worst fire this summer. All fires have one thing in common: they originated from the island. This is unusual. So what are the causes of all these fires?

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  On September 7, in Washington, DC, a man drank water to resist the hot weather. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

  Summer temperatures in Tenerife, Hawaii, Sicily and Crete are all above average. However, this is not the only reason for these fires. Experts pointed out that in recent years, fires occurred in dry conditions and also in bad weather conditions.

  Although all these fires seem to be more like a coincidence, scientific observation stations have not observed any coincidence or fixed pattern in the course of several recent fires. Experts pointed out that many meteorological factors may lead to this situation. In the next few months or years, or there will be a study to analyze this in detail.

  On the other hand, Hawaii, Tenerife and Sicily are all volcanic islands, so it is easier to ignite fires to some extent. They themselves have a historic fire mechanism, which depends on their volcanic activity. Another reason is that these islands are rugged, and once a fire breaks out, it is more difficult to put it out. The wind that affects the island is also much stronger than that on the mainland. In addition, in the process of reducing agricultural and forestry production, such as in Hawaii or Canary Islands, the reduction of land management means that the population is highly concentrated in coastal areas, because it is more suitable for developing tourism. However, there is a lack of management inside the island, neither agricultural management nor forestry management. Once a fire breaks out, these areas are easily affected by such disasters.

  Experts point out that there will be many fires in the future, and all kinds of environments will be affected by them, including urban areas, which people thought would be spared more or less. Scientists’ predictions seem to be getting more and more accurate — — The summer of the earth will be shrouded in fire. And the "perfect storm" that brought all this is not accidental. All indications show that climate change is the main reason for the increasingly destructive, frequent, unpredictable and violent fires every year.

  Jimu News integrates Xinhua News Agency, CCTV News and Reference News Network, etc.

"Video" is healthy and has a bright future! Students at home and abroad wish readers of Yangcheng Evening News a Happy New Year’s Day.

The pace of the new year is getting closer and closer, and the festive and peaceful atmosphere is filled in the air. The new year is full of our expectations and hopes, and it is slowly opening. On this festive season, many China students studying abroad are still overseas due to their academic arrangements, and many foreign students in China will spend New Year’s Day in China in 2024. At this special moment, they sent their most sincere wishes to readers and friends through Yangcheng Evening News.
In the past 2023, many international students set foot on the overseas study trip for the first time, and they groped and grew up alone with a strong homesickness. "I embarked on the journey of studying abroad for the first time, far away from my family, and my homesickness flooded into my heart. In the dead of night, my thoughts about my family and friends often appeared in my dreams, but I was not knocked down by strong thoughts and the pressure of life. On the contrary, I began to write poems, express my true feelings in words, and tell every mood." Meng Yuchen, who is now studying comparative literature at the University of Edinburgh in the UK, said. "This year, I saw a bigger and farther world. I have experienced the customs of different cultures and the perspectives of subject learning under different teaching modes. Living away from my family and friends has also taught me to be alone with myself and honed my life ability, "shared Ying Yi, who is now studying statistics, economics and finance at University of London.
There are also some international students who spent a rich and fulfilling year in 2023 in China. Zhang Hao, a Bangladeshi business Chinese major at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, shared: "I had a very full life in 2023, and I took part in many activities. Among them, there is a computer design competition for college students in China and a sports meeting in the sports center. I also went to Chongqing on behalf of our school. " "In the past year, in the dormitory and in the classroom, I have made many friends from all over the world and met many students from China. At the same time, in Guangzhou, a city full of fireworks, we also walked around and saw a lot. Now we have seen a lot, then we ate a lot and played a lot of new things. " Chen Ziyang, from Malaysia and now studying in the history department of Sun Yat-sen University, said.
In the days of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, many international students also expect that they can achieve better themselves in China in the future. Fang Yijia, who is from Malaysia and now studying in the Chinese Department of Sun Yat-sen University, said: "In the new year, if there is enough time, I hope to visit more other places in China in the future, such as the Forbidden City in Beijing, the West Lake in Hangzhou, the watchtower in Jiangmen, etc. I want to know more about the customs of these places, and I hope that I can continue to gain more knowledge, continue to make progress and become better during my study trip at CUHK." Feng Yinyu, from Venezuela and now studying business Chinese at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, shared: "In 2024, I look forward to continuing to learn and grow in a multicultural environment. Make greater progress in personal growth and academics, and make better plans for your future career! "
The bell of the new year is about to ring, and students at home and abroad have sent their most sincere wishes to the motherland and the readers of Yangcheng Evening News. Zhang Hao blessed: "I wish you good health, all the best and a bright future!" Meng Yuchen sent a wish: "I sincerely wish the motherland better and better and prosperous! May our country be brilliant in its development! The country is safe and the people are happy! May the mountains and rivers of the motherland be more beautiful and the heritage of civilization become more profound. " "I wish all those who are still working hard for their goals can get what they want and do it smoothly!" Fang Yijia blessed.
The gongs and drums on New Year’s Day are about to ring, and warm wishes have been delivered. On this occasion, I also wish students at home and abroad a happy New Year’s Day, a healthy family and successful studies!
Text, video | Reporter Sun Wei Intern Li Bo Hu YuxiFigure | Photo courtesy of respondents

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show him a thousand reasons to laugh.

  CCTV News:Today is the International Day of Disabled Persons. What is disability? Shi Tiesheng said that disability is nothing more than a limitation. What people can’t do is restriction and disability. In this way, life itself is a process of constantly surpassing its own limitations, and everyone is the same. In this process, we encounter pain, transcend limitations and feel happiness. After a "heavy fall" in life, get up again! Don’t be afraid, we are here.

  For blind children’s friends

  Author/Shi Tiesheng

  As long as the mind is healthy, all difficulties and obstacles are not terrible.

  Dear blind children friends, we are friends. I am also a disabled person. My legs have been unable to walk since I was 21 years old. Now, I have been in a wheelchair for 21 years.

  We all know the hardships and tribulations that disability has brought us, so we don’t have to say it. In the future, there is no doubt that disability will continue to bring us hardships and tribulations, and we must be psychologically prepared for this. I think all external difficulties and obstacles are not terrible, as long as our psychology is healthy.

  For example, we are friends, but we are not friends because we are all disabled. All healthy people are actually our friends, and everyone should be friends.

  Disability is nothing more than a limitation, and life itself is a process of constantly surpassing its own limitations.

  What is disability? Disability is nothing more than a limitation. You want to see it, but you can’t. As for me, I want to go but I can’t. What about healthy people? They want to fly, but they can’t-this is a metaphor, which means that healthy people also have limitations, and these limitations also give them hardships and hardships.

  It’s hard to say that healthy people will live easier than us, because pain and pain can’t be compared with size, just as happiness and happiness can’t be compared with size. There is no objective standard for pain and happiness, which is completely self-feeling. Therefore, whoever can keep unyielding courage can feel more happiness.

  Life is such a process, a process of constantly transcending our own limitations, and this is fate. Everyone is the same. In this process, we encounter pain, transcend our limitations and feel happiness. So all people are equal, and we are not special.

  As long as the "special" is eliminated, equality will naturally come.

  What we disabled people crave most is equality with healthy people. So what should we do? I think, equality is not something you can eat or wear, it is a quality or a realm. If you have it, you don’t have to be given it by others. If you don’t have it, others can’t give it to you.

  How can I have it? As long as the "special" is eliminated, equality will naturally come.

  In other words, we don’t have any special feelings because we are disabled. Apart from having two legs or a pair of eyes less than others, we have nothing less and nothing more than others, and there is nothing special about others. We don’t tolerate discrimination because of disability, nor do we win honors because of disability.

  If we do well and others praise us, it is only because we do well, not because we already have the advantage of being praised in advance. We win glory by real work.

  Of course, we can’t live without the help of others. Self-esteem doesn’t mean rejecting others’ kindness. Just want to help others and refuse others’ help, that’s not strong, that’s actually a psychological disability, because in fact, there is no one in the world who doesn’t need others’ help.

  We should not forget our disabled friends, but also strive to get out of the small circle of disabled people and walk freely into the world with broad love. This is the most important step to overcome disability and transcend limitations. /Figures are from vision china.

  Fate kissed me with pain. I return the favor with a song.

  The "apple" bitten by fate is still fragrant.


  Remember "Basketball Girl"? In 2000, Qian Hongyan, a 4-year-old from Luliang, Yunnan, suffered a car accident and was amputated below the pelvis. Grandpa cut the basketball in half and put it under her … … Later, she became attached to swimming. In 2010, she won three silver medals in the National Swimming Championships for the Disabled. This year, she swam into the Paralympic Games as she wished. She no longer sits in a basketball and looks up at the world. When talking about the feelings of participating in the Paralympic Games, Qian Hongyan said: "It feels like you can stand in a wider place and see the world."

  △ Figure/vision china
  In Yeli Village, Jingxing County, Hebei Province, Jia Haixia, who is blind, and Jia Wenqi, who has no arms, support each other. In 2001, the two contracted more than 50 mu of river beach in the village to plant trees. Every morning, Jia Haixia drags Jia Wenqi’s sleeve to the beach. When crossing the river, Jia Haixia helped Jia Wenqi roll up his trouser legs, and Jia Wenqi carried him over. For more than ten years, they planted tens of thousands of trees and insisted on not cutting down or selling a tree. They just turned the desolate wasteland into a dense jungle.

  Due to polio, Li Chuangye had to squat and walk since childhood. He was controlled by beggars at the age of 9, escaped from the magic cave at the age of 16, was admitted to the university at the age of 25, and joined the junior college this year to become an undergraduate. During the summer vacation, he walked in six provinces, climbed to the top of Wuyue Mountain by moving, traveled 7632 kilometers back and forth, climbed tens of thousands of steps, worn out 16 gloves, 6 pairs of shoes and 12 pairs of pants … …

  Zhang Rihui, who is 60 years old, is a courier in Xuancheng, Anhui Province. He has no feet because of his natural disability. He wraps his knees with rubber to send couriers, and he can send 70 or 80 pieces a day. He said that he had complained about his fate, but complaining could not solve the problem, and he believed that he could change his fate with his own hands.

  Wang Yajing, a post-90s "chin girl" in Fuyang, Anhui Province, was born with cerebral palsy in children and was severely paralyzed from the neck down. In 2008, she tried to operate the mouse with her chin. In the past eight years, she has created more than 4,000 poems, essays and fairy tales, and also published poetry collections and fairy tales. She said, "I know it’s hard to stick to my dream, but when my youth is still there, my dream is gone, which is very sad. Therefore, if my friend comes to me and says that he wants to give up and escape, I will definitely dissuade him and let him try again, because I am still on the road to my dream, and I believe that I will dispel other people’s doubts."

  Ruhr, a 26-year-old American, lost his legs due to illness since childhood. He made unremitting efforts to become a fitness instructor and gave free classes to the disabled. Doing push-ups and pull-ups with a wheelchair upside down can’t beat him. Ruhr always believed that he could do it, and also asked other disabled people to do so. What else do you want to say "can’t do it" when you see Ruhr?

  With love, winter is not cold.

  At present, there are more than one billion disabled people in the world, which is equivalent to one disabled person in every seven people.

  ② There are more than 100 million disabled children, and the possibility of violence is four times that of non-disabled children.

  ③80% of the disabled people live in developing countries.

  ④50% of the disabled can’t afford medical care.

  ⑤ There are more than 85 million disabled people in China, involving 280 million relatives.

  Many times, the temperature of a society is marked by how to treat the disabled.

  Chongqing, Xiaoyu, a bus arrived at the station, and a passenger with lower limbs was about to get off. Unexpectedly, the driver came and gently lifted him off the bus. The driver kept smiling and the disabled passenger shed tears … … Someone praised the driver as a good man, but he just answered, "What if it’s me?"

  Let every life be respected, at least ↓ ↓

A When greeting, keep your eyes on the other person and don’t stare at the disabled part.

B Be friendly when your eyes meet, and don’t show surprise and doubt.

C if you don’t know sign language, don’t gesticulate, so as not to cause misunderstanding. You can use lip reading or written conversation.

D attention is not onlookers, and it cannot affect the normal activities of disabled people.

E don’t ask about the cause and condition of disability, and avoid involving privacy and pain.

F before helping the disabled, you should ask for permission. Giving help rashly will hurt their self-esteem.

G use honorific words in conversation, and address them in a standardized way without insulting and discriminating language.

H when providing help, we should pay attention to the category of disability and determine the location and intensity of help.

I the national service hotline for the disabled is 12385. If you encounter difficulties, you can call it.

J Remember: Never deliberately imitate the speech and actions of disabled people.

  Source: CCTV news client