Nicholas Tse blew himself up with a broken tear gland in his right eye, and relied on eye drops to shoot crying scenes

    Nicholas Tse personally climbed up the advertising rack.

    Ting Feng, whose tear glands had been broken in his right eye, could only rely on eye drops to play.

    Nicholas Tse, Zhang Jingchu and Zhang Jiahui were filming the Emperor’s film "Witness" in the hot summer. The actors were shooting in a 37-degree temperature and no air-conditioning secret room, sweating profusely. Ting Feng even blew himself up because the tear glands in his right eye had been broken, and he had to rely on eye drops to fight.

    In the Emperor’s film "Witness," starring Nicholas Tse, Zhang Jingchu, Zhang Jiahui, Liao Qizhi and Nursery, the actors were trapped in a room without air conditioning. At that time, the temperature was as high as 37 degrees, and with more than 30 staff members in the room, everyone was so hot that they were sweating profusely. Although there was a fan on site, it was blowing hot air, like being in an oven. Fortunately, the staff had already prepared a lot of frozen drinks to cool everyone down. Although the shooting environment was harsh, Ting Feng was still energetic and exchanged kung fu with the director from time to time. As for Zhang Jingchu, he was all smiles, without complaints, and quite professional.

  Filming emotions to bring home

    Ting Feng admits that making this film made him quite tired. In addition to climbing the outer walls of the building in person, the emotional scenes were also difficult to grasp. He said: "The emotions started from the wrong hand killing the child at the beginning, and he has always maintained the feelings of dissatisfaction, heaviness, helplessness and guilt. He can’t even let go when he goes home after finishing." One of the scenes tells of his tearful attempt to swallow a gun and commit suicide. Unfortunately, he broke his right lacrimal gland in the film many years ago. Since then, he can no longer shed tears and can only rely on eye drops to communicate.

Editor in charge: Sun Jie

John Woo doesn’t believe in martial arts characters and exposes himself to giving up Hollywood for a romantic film

Director John Woo talks about mentor Zhang Che

        Movie Network News(Photo/Yang Yaru) On June 22, coinciding with the 8th anniversary of the death of director John Woo’s mentor Zhang Che, the (original name) producer held a commemorative viewing event in Beijing, and Woo also came from Shanghai. Woo said that Zhang Che is very good at creating heroes, and his movies are all shadow of Zhang Che’s movies. Referring to the latest executive martial arts romance "Sword Rain", Woo revealed that they actually replaced Chow Yun-fat’s character with Yeoh Michelle Yeoh, but he himself never read martial arts novels. Woo even revealed that he left Hollywood because no one believed he could make a romance film.

John Woo created a martial arts movie "Rain of Swords" and revealed that he gave up Hollywood for a romantic film

        On the day of the event, the organizers screened Zhang Che’s "Thorn Horse" and "Revenge." John Woo said, "’Thorn Horse’ was the last play I worked with Zhang Che, and he taught me a lot of techniques and techniques for shooting martial arts films. Back then, I replaced the swords in Zhang Che’s movies with guns, and now I’m making’Sword Rain ‘and replacing the original guns with swords."

        Unlike previous works, John Woo’s "Sword Rain" features a woman as the protagonist. "Actually, I don’t like to make male movies. I believe that women also have feelings.

        John Woo admitted that he has not made a real martial arts film yet, which is something he will definitely accomplish in the future, but Woo also revealed that he has never read martial arts novels and is more eager to direct a romance movie. "I never read martial arts novels because I don’t believe that one can jump into the air and turn around. Although’Sword Rain ‘is a martial arts film, the action is not exaggerated. In addition, I have always wanted to make a romance film, but no one wants to believe me, which is one of the reasons why I left Hollywood temporarily."

John Woo

Renowned film critic Wei Junzi talks to John Woo

John Woo exaggerates the innocence of S’s smile, saying he wants to cooperate with Jiang David and will remake "Revenge".

        Speaking of Big S and Pei-ci Wu, who have no foundation in kung fu, Woo explained, "They both fit the characters’ personalities very well, like Big S playing a cold-blooded killer, with a beautiful appearance and a cold heart. In real life, Big S’s smile is very innocent and cute, and I didn’t expect her fighting scenes to surprise me." Woo also didn’t forget to praise his precious daughter, "Although my daughter has very few roles in’Blade Rain ‘, she has worked very hard to learn swordsmanship and taekwondo. When I was hanging my head, I was nervous, but she was very brave!"

        "This is something I wanted to do before I went to Hollywood, but I didn’t have a good script, and I really want to work with Jiang David again." When Woo revealed that he was so poor back then, it was Jiang David who extended a helping hand. "Jiang David is also very heroic in real life. I remember that we both had long hair at that time, and he was a big star, but I was very poor, so he gave me the money and took care of me for one or two years." Woo said with a smile, "Don’t look at Jiang David playing a tough guy, in fact, he often writes poetry in private. If there is a chance, I will definitely invite him to appear in my movies."

Next page More wonderful pictures

Interview with Wang Xueqi: I will never repeat myself in filming, and I will retire if there is no filming

Wang Xueqi

  Movie Network News(Text/Zhang Wei) He is the male lead of Chen Kaige’s work "The Yellow Land". As a hot actor in Chinese movies in the 1980s, he was once dull in the 1990s, but Wang Xueqi still continues to take on the role and act seriously. In the past two years, he has starred in many blockbusters that have been well-received and well-received. He also won the Golden Horse Award and the Golden Rooster Award in his arms, but he always uses the word "lucky" to describe himself. Wang Xueqi said that he will keep filming until the day when no one is looking for him anymore.

Wang Xueqi is always brave enough to break through himself. In "Sword Rain", he was kissed and seduced by Big S

Being popular is not a must, winning is just luck

  Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor, Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actor… Wang Xueqi won numerous awards for playing the role of the Thirteen Swallows in the movie "Mei Lanfang". After being brilliant and enduring loneliness, he now has many masterpieces, but he only calls himself lucky. If these well-received works did not appear, Wang Xueqi would still use his love for performance to shoot the show.

Movie Network: In the 1980s, you were the leading actor of many classic works. At that time, many people came to you for filming. Did you set a higher goal for yourself?

Wang Xueqi:No, in fact, actors are very passive, just looking forward to playing their roles well, let’s touch it, and I don’t know what will happen to a movie in the end, it’s hard to say.

Movie Network: In the 1990s, it seemed that you were a lot quieter? How could you stand loneliness at that time?

Wang Xueqi:There are also new films every year, and I have never been idle. I want to play every role well, but sometimes the book is limited. At that time, I thought that the next one would be better. It is not good to do it without this heart.

Movie Network: Does it feel uncomfortable to watch other actors become popular?

Wang Xueqi:Popularity is not a must. Opportunities are reserved for actors who are well-prepared. Some people may never have this opportunity in their entire lives. I have seen many directors who have been filming like this, from their initial enthusiasm to their diligence and hard work, and then to their retirement. Popularity is like winning a lottery. After all, it is a minority.

Movie Network: Your starring films such as "Mei Lanfang" and "Zhao’s Orphan" have achieved good reputation. Can it be regarded as another peak in your career?

Wang XueqiBefore the performance of "Mei Lanfang", I felt that this film was very important, because it was directed by Chen Kaige, it was a good book, and I had not worked with him for more than 20 years. Now I am not as curious as when I was young. I will take good care of my role and realize myself.

Movie Network: Having won so many awards, has your attitude towards movies changed now?

Wang Xueqi:Not much has changed, now there are more opportunities, the quality of the films is high, and many audiences look at the awards with an outcast mentality. It is rare to win an award, why is it so coincidental that it is you every year? Unless you are very good. The biggest reason I can win awards is because of luck. Many international directors don’t win every work.

64-Year-old Wang Xueqi hardly uses a stand-in in filming

I will never repeat myself in filming. If no one asks me to act, I will retire.

  In "Mei Lanfang", the thirteen swallows, the wheel-turning king in "Sword Rain", and every character portrayed by Wang Xueqi is very brilliant, in his own words, he is "never repeating himself". In "Zhao’s Orphan", he has become the villain Tu Anjia, and Wang Xueqi is really changeable. Looking closely at these three characters, there are many action scenes, but who would have thought that 64-year-old Wang Xueqi basically does not need a stand-in?

Movie Network: You will not only shoot commercial films like "Sword Rain", but also films with strong artistic colors like "Rizhao Chongqing". Is there any standard for receiving plays?

Wang Xueqi:Just reading the script. When I saw the script of "Sword Rain", I was very excited and wanted to play it, because this character has been a eunuch for 50 years, but in the world of rivers and lakes, it is a killer leader who is very enjoyable to act. Needless to say, "October Siege", so many movie champions and queens are there. I was very happy when "Mei Lanfang" found me, and in "Zhao’s Orphan", the role of Tu Anjia is very plump.

Movie Network: If the box office of a movie genre is not satisfactory, will you accept it in the future?

Wang Xueqi:As long as it can stimulate my creative desire, my standard for acting is to never repeat myself, and each character has to be different from the root.

Movie Network: I heard that your fights in "Sword Rain" are all in person, and you don’t use a substitute?

Wang Xueqi:There are stuntmen in the play of Dangweiya. I have a good imitation ability. I can learn fast gestures and have good physical coordination.

Movie Network: Do you also exercise regularly?

Wang XueqiPhysical training is very important, I insist on running and jumping every day, often filming outside without any fitness equipment, as long as I can exercise.

Movie Network: Is this also to extend the lifespan of art?

Wang Xueqi:Yes, someone asked me when I would retire. It’s not up to me to have the final say. When no one is looking for you to film, I should retire. When I was filming in other places, there were young actors on the crew. I went to eat mutton kebabs at 11 o’clock at night and woke up at 11 o’clock at noon the next day. How can I be in good health?

Wang Xueqi

Young actors will be forgotten if they don’t work hard, and Chinese films can’t just focus on commerciality

  When asked in an interview about the young actor’s broken file, Wang Xueqi’s tone was very earnest, with a heartfelt "hatred that iron can’t make steel". Indeed, he has experienced the ups and downs of Chinese movies, and he is outspoken in the face of today’s problems.

Movie Network: Most of the male actors with box office appeal are old actors. Are young male actors starting to break down?

Wang Xueqi:In fact, both opportunities and roles are very important. Nowadays, there are many excellent male actors, but the producer will have his own considerations. He wants to see your commercial value and return. Many reasons will affect whether the actor can participate in the film.

Movie Network: If you see young actors in the crew, would you give them any advice?

Wang Xueqi:Yes, I am very anxious when I see that they don’t work hard, and I will say it very rudely. It is not easy for them to have such an opportunity now. When I was young, I didn’t have such good conditions, so I was very anxious when I saw that they didn’t cherish it and acted inadvertently.

Movie Network: What’s your take on overnight success?

Wang Xueqi:Don’t learn some bad habits. It is true that some people become famous overnight, but if you don’t work hard and there is no good work, the audience will still forget you after a year or two. Many actors are like this, and they don’t know why they ended up going.

Movie Network: In fact, the return of your career to the peak has a lot to do with the prosperity of Chinese films as a whole, right?

Wang Xueqi:Of course, since I started filming "Loess", at that time, Chinese movies were just emerging. They followed the entire environment, the market expanded, and audiences were willing to enter the cinema. Now there are still few good movies, and there should be good movies all year round.

Movie Network: What problems do you think are still existing in Chinese films?

Wang Xueqi:There are many movies of an entertainment nature, and it is not enough to focus only on commerciality, not to pay attention to art, and it is not enough for the characters to fail to impress the audience.

Movie Network: What are your expectations for the future of Chinese film?

Wang Xueqi:It is definitely getting better and better. I can only catch up with a tail now. It is a good thing that Chinese movies have begun to develop in an all-round way. In addition to making money, we must also promote culture and instill good things. You can see the kind of heroism in American movies, which can especially boost morale. Chinese movies should be like this. They cannot just focus on business, but also have heroism and national spirit.

Next page More wonderful pictures

Guo Fucheng opposed the deletion of emotional dramas and blew up "Don’t Hao Lei" crying for eight hours

The Chinese-language blockbuster "Silver Empire", which was invested and shot by Taiwan’s Crystal Pictures and Bona International Film Group, has recently stepped up its publicity offensive as the August 21 release day approaches. Starring Guo Fucheng, Hao Lei and Zhang Tielin gathered in Beijing, they deeply revealed the triangular love affair in which "father and son become rivals in love" in the film, and the interesting shooting stories behind it.


In the film, Guo Fucheng, who plays Shaodong with the ticket number "Tianchengyuan", freely admits when talking about the plot and the relationship between the characters: he loves his father, but loves "stepmother" more, and sums up his "Third Master Kang" as "deviant". He said: "In the play, because I have a’strange ‘relationship with my’mother’, I am confused and pretend to be mature in the first part of the play. This part is the most difficult to act! Later, I can’t express my most intimate love in my heart, and I feel more uncomfortable than death!"


When a reporter suggested that there were too many emotional scenes between the third master and the stepmother in the film, Guo Fucheng quickly expressed his disagreement: "Silver Empire uses a lot of space to describe the relationship between the third master and the stepmother, and there may even be a lot of passionate scenes. Of course, I think it is absolutely necessary, and it is absolutely unnecessary. Because even growing up in the Qing Dynasty, people will have seven emotions and six desires. It is absolutely reasonable and necessary to have a passionate scene in the plot, just to explain the development of the plot at that time. As for their final ending, it is a beautiful romance, because this plot of’love until separation is still love ‘is more evocative and heart-wrenching. I like this ending very much!"

When talking in detail about playing such a pair of hard-working lovers with Hao Lei, Guo Fucheng lamented that the most memorable thing was that there were a lot of "crying scenes" in the play, and Hao Lei’s moving eyes and rich emotions were an important reason for him to be able to participate very smoothly. "I remember that not long after the filming started, there was a scene where Hao Lei and I were riding a horse and breaking up in the wilderness. I had to hold back a deep feeling and sadness to cooperate with Hao Lei’s turning back. I don’t know why, looking at the moment she turned back, I felt very unforgettable! My tears fell leisurely! That scene is hard to forget!"

After that, the two cried for seven or eight hours "encouraging each other", setting a record, "I feel like our opponent was crying, and every time we cried for a long time, from dawn to dark. I remember one time, we started crying early in the morning. Hao Lei’s makeup artist went to catch up on sleep because she worked all night. When she woke up, she saw that we were still crying there, wow! It felt really incredible!"

Fan Bingbing responded to rumors with Wang Xueqi: If you have anything, please come at me!

The hand-holding picture is actually a transfer microphone.

  In 2009, Fan Bingbing and Wang Xueqi met together. Fan Bingbing knew that his starring role was about to be released, and Wang Xueqi, an air government actor, did not have a publicity team. Fan Bingbing enthusiastically lent his publicity team to Wang Xueqi, and the collaboration between the two has since begun. It was during this period that Wang Xueqi won the Asian Film Award for Best Actor, the Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor, and the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actor. Fan Bingbing also won the "Queen Actor" honor at this year’s Tokyo Film Festival.

  At the same time that their careers were going well, in early 2010, the news of Wang Xueqi’s divorce from his wife appeared in the media, and rumors about Fan Bingbing and Wang Xueqi’s ambiguous relationship began to circulate. In December, when the upcoming New Year’s movie "Zhao’s Orphan" was recorded in Shanghai recently, some media took a photo of Fan Bingbing and Wang Xueqi "holding hands." The next day, rumors about "Fan Bingbing and Wang Xueqi living together" finally spread.

  Fan Bingbing could no longer sit still. This female star who dared to wear dragon robes and call herself a "wealthy family" decided to stand up and say a few words for Wang Xueqi and herself. She talked to reporters and responded to all the rumors: "If you have anything, come at me, don’t mention seniors again!"

Why "hold hands"?

"I passed the microphone to Teacher Wang’s chair, and Teacher Wang answered it."

  Reporter: What is the so-called cohabitation rumor?

  Fan Bingbing: Our whole company calls Teacher Wang Xueqi "Teacher Wang". In my mind, he is a good person and a good teacher. I really want to laugh off this nonsense. But this time I can’t. I must solemnly tell those who maliciously slander and spread malice that although I personally have no power to punish you, we have the protection of the law. I hope you understand that hurting an artist who only wants to act well will always make your conscience uneasy.

  Reporter: In the past two years, you and Wang Xueqi have often appeared in film and television works at the same time. Why did you cooperate so frequently?

  Fan Bingbing: I belong to the same company as Mr. Wang, and it is normal for any agency to cooperate with the company’s actors. And Mr. Wang is an actor I admire very much. Every cooperation is a learning experience for me. Of course, I am willing to study hard and make progress every day.

  Reporter: Then why did you "hold hands" in front of the media?

  Fan Bingbing: We often "hold hands", walk the red carpet together, and do activities together, both in Beijing and Cannes. The so-called holding hands two days ago was when "Zhao’s Orphan" recorded a program in Shanghai. There were hundreds of people on the scene, and the main creator was interviewed with only one microphone, and everyone passed it on in turn. I put the microphone on Mr. Wang’s chair, and Mr. Wang picked it up, and the good person looked at the picture and said "holding hands". Next time I go on a business trip with someone on the same plane, I guess he can still make up "eloping". It’s not easy for people to eat by making up sensational news, but he has to be more particular about this bowl of rice. It’s incredible to make up a story of people "holding hands" on stage and in front of everyone. In the end, he even made up the story that Teacher Wang and I lived together for two years, which was even more out of nothing. I can only say that this story is brainless and not advanced!

Wang Xueqi’s reaction after seeing the news?

"Teacher Wang has been a soldier all his life and values honor the most"

  Reporter: After Teacher Wang’s divorce, there was news that you were together, did you know?

  Fan Bingbing: I know it all. The staff will tell me the news on the Internet or hear other people’s discussions. Every time I tell them easily, it doesn’t matter. What I have to doubt with Mr. Wang is because I think everyone is "not afraid of shadows." Then they will "intimidate" me and say "just wait, when you are uncomfortable". I still teach repeatedly. I often eat and chat with Mr. Wang and company colleagues in private. Everyone is as happy as a family. Mr. Wang is our elder, and all young people like to listen to him tell stories. This feeling of joy will make people relax their guard. But this time, the degree of excess is indeed beyond my estimate. " I have experienced a lot of things about "Windless Three Foot Waves", and I couldn’t figure it out a few years ago. That dirty wave is "blossoming in my heart", but now that I have grown up, I understand that there are people in the world who have bad hearts. In the face of these, I have long been "a piece of water without clothes". I just want to be unfair for Teacher Wang! How nice he is, he is so decent that a friend has described it: In front of Teacher Wang, I feel that I am wrong if I don’t do anything. I want to emphasize that you must make up things out of nothing, and come at me if you have anything, don’t mention seniors again!

  Reporter: How did Wang Xueqi react after seeing the news? Have you talked?

  Fan Bingbing: I have contact. I contacted Teacher Wang as soon as I got off the plane and received a call from my colleagues. I told him, "Old Wang, Xiao Fan is sorry for you, and I have implicated you. It is very dangerous to be a colleague with me, and it has become a’cohabitation ‘." Teacher Wang said to me very seriously: "We are not just colleagues, we are also revolutionary comrades, and comrades should share weal and woe together." He spoke very easily, but I knew that his mood could not be good. Teacher Wang has been a soldier all his life, and he values honor the most. I have never experienced this… I have a strong sense of guilt in my heart.

Related LinksWhat is it?Fan Bingbing denies living with Wang Xueqi and will use legal means to investigate the slanderer

Next page: Will hold hands to celebrate "Zhao Gu"

Di Lizheba revealed that he could eat as much as he wanted, and laughed that his good figure depended on "keeping it".





       On the evening of January 11, the 2019 Sina Weibo Night was held in Beijing, and Di Lizheba made an appearance.

  Earlier, Reba had posted a post on "Oasis", ridiculing himself that walking the red carpet is often "super cold and pretending that the years are quiet and I am very used to it". When meeting with Sina Entertainment today, Reba also lamented that Beijing is very cold in winter, and it was freezing when it was just walking the red carpet. Although it is cold, Reba’s black tight dress today is really stunning. Talking about the secret of maintaining his figure, Reba laughed that in fact, he has recently gained weight after indulging in various night snacks such as roadside stalls, hot pot, and lobster noodles. His good figure is only due to the tight dress.

  Today’s Weibo night, Reba will also reunite with the previous students of "Creation Camp 2019", the boy group R1SE, who successfully debuted from the program. "Mentor" Reba said that he has been following the development of R1SE, especially impressed by their interesting interviews, "For example, they say they’don’t deserve it ‘!"

  Recently, Reba has also presented the singing and dancing stage on some occasions. When asked if he is interested in developing in the direction of "singing and dancing singers" in the new year, Reba "applies what he has learned" to R1SE’s famous saying: "I don’t deserve it! (laughs) "

  When asked about the loss of singing and dancing skills, "I don’t deserve it" exposed that I was addicted to supper and gained weight

  Sina Entertainment: Before, when I teased female artists on the red carpet on the oasis, it was "super cold and pretend that the years are quiet and I am very used to it." Are you also walking the red carpet with this mentality today?

  Di Li Reba: Yes, always. Then today at the Water Cube (the event venue) I thought it would be very warm, because just after swimming, I thought it should be steaming hot, but I didn’t expect it to be so cold.

  Sina Entertainment: Every time you walk the red carpet, it will become a hot topic. Share with us your little Tips for walking the red carpet?

  Di Lizheba: Actually not. I used to be a little less confident, but I didn’t know where to put my hands when walking, so I would put a "yeah" or something, but now it doesn’t matter, just because I walk too much, I may have a little more confidence.

  Sina Entertainment: Some celebrities have shared that there will be some warm measures on the red carpet in winter, such as wearing long johns under the skirt. Do you have any secrets like this?

  Di Lizheba: In fact, when I was a child, I used to watch celebrities walk the red carpet. In winter, I watched them wear dresses. I always thought that if they had some kind of oil that could be rubbed on their bodies, they would not be cold. I always thought so. But I didn’t expect that they would really rely on raw endurance! For example, if I wear a longer or more fluffy dress, I should be able to wear long johns, flesh-colored. But if not, like what I have today, I can’t wear anything, just resist.

  Sina Entertainment: We saw your students in "Creation Camp 2019", and R1SE was also on our Weibo night today. Do you have anything to say about their development and changes this year?

  Di Lizheba: It’s the relief of an old sister. Like they have gone from a particularly stressful stage to now being able to complete so much high-intensity work independently, and there are many interviews that require emergency response. I think they have all done a good job and are very interesting.

  Sina Entertainment: Did you watch their interview?

  Di Lizheba: Yes, as they said in the interview, "I don’t deserve it" hahaha, I saw it all!

  Sina Entertainment: Actually, the boy band dance you danced in "Creation Camp" had a very enthusiastic response. Recently, there have been many singing and dancing performances. Do you want to develop into singing and dancing singers?

  Di Lizheba: No. Because in fact, when I first entered this industry, everyone also chased after the girl group, and I also watched some girl group and boy group dances. So many beautiful little sisters and little sisters played together, I think it was a very happy thing. Everyone could take care of each other, and I felt very happy and surrounded by love. I quite envied them. So in 2019, because I was a promoter, I used this opportunity to try it, but I didn’t want to develop in this direction. I don’t deserve it (laughs)!

  Sina Entertainment: I saw that you also opened an Oasis account last year. You often post some daily things that female celebrities want to eat but don’t dare to eat.

  Di Lizheba: I didn’t dare to eat it, I just wanted to eat it and went to eat it.

  Sina Entertainment: Fans are also curious, like the crayfish and hot pot you sent, which one is your favorite?

  Di Lizheba: Even these night snacks are my favorite. Because we are filming during the day, sometimes we can’t order takeout in some more remote places, and we can only order a lot of takeout when we go back to the city at night, so I may eat more at night, but I am indeed fat, so I will control it a little bit.

  Sina Entertainment: Are there any favorite foods recently?

  Di Li Reba: Recently, I like to eat crayfish noodles, which is to put noodles in crayfish, rice cakes, and a green thing like winter squash, which I think is delicious. There are also some cinnamon buns and the like.

  Sina Entertainment: You really studied these things carefully.

  Di Lizheba: Yes, there really is.

  Sina Entertainment: But your "good body" related topics often rush into our hot search list. How do you maintain a good body while eating?

  Di Li Reba: (Clothes) Keep it! Don’t you keep it all, let it out and scare you to death (laughs)!

  Thank you for becoming an actor in 2020. I hope to focus on filming and not accept variety shows.

  Sina Entertainment: It has been 10 years since our Weibo. Do you still remember what you were doing 10 years ago?

  Di Lizheba: I was 17 years old 10 years ago. When I was 17, I should have been working and commuting to work every day in a song and dance troupe.

  Sina Entertainment: Did you set a goal to become an actor at that time?

  Di Lizheba: I didn’t have any such dreams at that time, including after I went to the Shanghai Theater Academy. I wanted to be a dancer at the age of 17 and perform well on the stage.

  Sina Entertainment: After 10 years, what do you think of the current state of Di Lizheba?

  Di Lizheba: How should I evaluate it? It’s just an unexpected surprise. I think being an actor is a happy thing. First, I am a girl who likes novelty very much, and I changed places in three or four months to play different roles. Second, like I did a lot of new things in 2019, such as being the host and promoter of "Creation Camp 2019", and being a little sister who accompanies everyone in "Extreme Challenge". So I think that being an actor has actually given me a lot of new attempts. If I didn’t become an actor, I would never have been able to try it in my life, so I am very grateful that I chose to act at that time, chose to be an actor, and then I can always stick to my dream.

  Sina Entertainment: You also shared a lot of breakthroughs last year, such as participating in "Creation Camp 2019" and "Extreme Challenge". I don’t know what new attempts you want to make in the variety field this year?

  Di Lizheba: Because last year was a relatively relaxed state, it was also a time to think about how I should plan my work in the future. In fact, at the end of the year, including the beginning of 2020, I took a few days off and thought about it carefully. I think this year, I may still go to filmmaking and do my major seriously. For variety shows, I may not have too much time, because I still hope to devote myself to filmmaking.

  Sina Entertainment: I just said that I took a break, did I secretly go on vacation?

  Di Lizheba: No, I just had a good night’s sleep, washed clothes or something, and piled up a lot of clothes.

  Sina Entertainment: Can you cook for yourself?

  Di Lizheba: Yes, but I haven’t paid for natural gas recently, so I didn’t do it.

  Sina Entertainment: Let’s talk about the plans for the recent TV series. It seems that "Three Lives and Three Worlds Pillow Book" will also be broadcast. Can you introduce it?

  Di Li Reba: "Three Lives Three Worlds Pillow Book" I don’t know when it will be broadcast, but I have been looking forward to meeting you soon. Fans may have been waiting for a long time. I hope you can also support it when you see "Three Lives Three Worlds Pillow Book", and then see if it will be different from the previous "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles Peach Blossom".

  Sina Entertainment: Finally, let me share my wishes for 2020.

  Di Lizheba: In 2020, I hope I can play the role I want to play, and then I can be myself forever, and I can be healthy and everything goes well.

Chen Edison’s comeback, who is stalling for time?

 On March 17, 2010, at 9 p.m., the launch of Levi’s Jeans at the Taipei Creative Factory was crowded with people. Although the opening guest Jolin Tsai kept the spotlight on, the male model who appeared in the finale was the focus of the whole scene. His name was Edison Chen. Then came the bigger news: the hipster who left the entertainment industry two years ago for "pornographic photos" officially announced his comeback. Despite the nervous performance of the day, a few days later’s blog revealed his flamboyant personality more realistically: "I want to take my world back!"

 Since the beginning of this year, Edison Chen has been interviewed by mainland magazines one after another, and his self-created brand stores have also expanded fiercely. Edison Chen is really ready, but the key ****** the public ready too? The reporter interviewed Edison Chen’s partners, media people who interviewed him, and brand representatives who endorsed him to sort out Edison Chen’s experience in the past two years and take the pulse for his comeback plan.

 Indefinite = 2 years and 1 month

 I will retire from the Hong Kong entertainment industry indefinitely. "- Hong Kong, February 21, 2008

 "It’s the best of times, the best of times, and I’m ready for my comeback." – March 22, 2010 Blog

 Edison Chan once sang in the 2007 song "It’s Me": "Edison has matured, um, more mature, more clear about the direction of my life, so many changes, but my personality has not changed, I am still the little *** who ran around Lan Kwai Fong seven years ago…" At that time, Edison Chan, who had been entangled in scandals such as picking up girls and having a bad temper, was indeed gradually maturing, but "pornographic photos" made him return to the "little ***" era overnight.

 "Indefinitely" is a slippery word, and now everyone knows that in Edison Chen’s dictionary, it means "two years and one month." On March 22, Edison Chen posted a photo of himself attending an endorsement event in Taiwan on his blog, showing his smile a little childish. Then there is the "return" rhetoric: "From now on, I want to take back my world! Yes, it is to take back, not to join!" Return, the first time Edison Chen mentioned the word after "pornographic photos", but it was not an impulse. His return to the entertainment industry has been under way since he testified in court in Vancouver in late February 2009.

 On May 13, 2009, the final trial of the "Porn Porn" case, the judge sentenced the defendant Shi Kejun to all three counts of "dishonest use of computers" and imprisoned him for 8 months and 15 days. Chen Edison was identified as the victim. Although this verdict caused controversy among netizens, and even Nicholas Tse "didn’t know what to say", it did legally relieve Chen Edison. In an interview with CNN in June 2009, Chen Edison first talked about the "Porn Porn" incident. He did not deny that he had made mistakes, but emphasized his identity as the victim and apologized to Cecilia Cheung and other female celebrities who were implicated. In the same interview, Chen Edison revealed his ambition to return to the entertainment industry by saying that the indefinite period "can be 5 minutes, or it can be 2000 years."

 According to media reports, Edison Chen’s boss, Lin Jianyue, has been "public relations" for Edison Chen’s comeback. In March this year, he responded to the media on when Edison Chen will return: "To be honest, everyone knows that he made mistakes, but the crime is not enough to die. If he is not dead and he is not sentenced to death, then why give up on him? If the law really sentenced him to death, then we will give up on him."

 Retire from the entertainment industry, not the fashion industry

 God is so kind to me, fortunately I still have my business, otherwise it would be difficult for me to come, I don’t know what will happen to me. "

 - Interviewed in November 2009

 After "quitting the entertainment industry," Edison Chen continued to operate in the public eye as a trendy store owner. As he later said in an interview with China Entrepreneur magazine, "business" became the biggest support point in his life.

 Edison Chan’s efforts to explore the fashion field originated from a "betrayal" experience in 2002. At that time, Edison Chen had just finished filming Chen Musheng’s film "Wish Tree", only to learn that the agency contract had been sold to Lin Jianyue’s Red House manager without his knowledge. Chen Edison began to feel insecure as an entertainer, and he hid in Tokyo, Japan for two months, where he and his friend Pan Shiheng from the United States "paid homage" to the Tokyo trend representative and fashion designer Hiroshi Fujiwara. With Fujiwara’s encouragement, on May 20, 2003, Chen and Pan opened the trend store Juice in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, and later created their own brand CLOT, and started their own trend brand business. Later, the Shanghai store ACU also opened.

 In April 2008, just after the "pornographic photo door" controversy passed, there were media reports that Edison Chen’s Shanghai trendy store was deserted, and the whole store was sold and no one cared. At that time, a regular customer said, "I can’t wear his clothes anymore, I will be laughed at by my friends." It turned out that the clearance was just a respite for Edison Chen before finding a new location.

 On December 5 last year, Edison Chen’s new Shanghai store Juice held an opening ceremony. Liu Weiqiang, Eason Chan’s wife Xu Haoying, Fujiwara Hao and others were present to congratulate. This was Edison Chen’s first public appearance in mainland China after "pornographic photos". Many die-hard fans also came to help out. Contrary to the depression before the store was closed, the entire road was surrounded that day, and the police had to come forward to maintain order.

 Recently, Edison Chen was photographed in Shanghai to check the performance of the new store and lead his employees to celebrate the success, and the second store in Shanghai is also planning to open in May this year. Previously, there were media reports that Edison Chen’s development in the fashion field is due to the large financial support of a "mainland female rich". In early December 2009, when Edison Chen was renovating the store, a mysterious woman was photographed by the media beside him. But the staff Rachel later said that the woman was just a good friend of Edison Chen, not a female rich man at all. But she confirmed the expansion plan of Edison Chen’s trendy brand: Beijing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and other places are all under planning.

 Open your heart at the right time

 I know that many people know Edison Chen through reporters and the media. You can believe their nonsense, or you can make your own decisions with your own head. "

 - June 16, 2007 Blog

 Chen Edison’s comeback impulse is also reflected in his attitude towards Chinese-language media. When the JUICE trend store opened in Shanghai, Chen Edison publicly invited a number of fashion and entertainment media to interview. Although he didn’t talk much about entertainment, the reporters present felt that Chen Edison enjoyed talking to the media and answered questions incessantly. It seems that things are changing. In a long interview published in the February 2010 issue of the mainland magazine "GQ Zhizu", Chen Edison talked about his single-parent family and his childhood urge to enter the underworld.

 Xiaohong (a pseudonym), a staff member of GQ Zhizu magazine who contacted the interview, told this reporter that the interview was conducted in November last year. Through contact with her, she found that Edison Chen’s attitude towards the media is candid, detached, and his purpose is very clear. "If he needs your magazine and newspaper and wants to talk to you, he will open his heart." In her opinion, Edison Chen’s choice to give an interview in November must be related to the opening of a store in Shanghai in December, and his return to the entertainment industry is also to use his popularity to expand his business. "He did not hide such an attitude outside of the interview," Xiaohong said.

 The interview lasted four hours, and Edison Chen was very cooperative. When it came to his feelings for his father, his attitude towards girls and sensitive topics such as "pornographic photos", he asked to answer in English, because he was worried that his Mandarin could not be expressed correctly. Edison Chen admitted at the time that he had not yet decided whether to return to the front job of the entertainment industry, but that he would definitely be a producer. "I have decided to make three movies, one funny movie, one ghost movie, and one police and gangster movie."

 Edison Chan’s flamboyant personality is not only a must-have character for "hipsters", but also often leads to displeasure because he is too frank. For example, in an interview with the US media, he bluntly said that "he has forgiven himself", "indefinite is not forever", "pornographic photos are a gift from God", etc., all of which once aroused public disgust. According to media reports, Edison Chan is frank and true in the eyes of friends, and sometimes overly happy and angry. A Man, a Hong Kong reporter who has interviewed Edison Chan many times, also told this reporter that Edison Chan is the most authentic Hong Kong artist he has ever met. He has a clear love and hatred, and sometimes it is not easy to control himself.

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 ■ Edison Chen’s memorabilia

 ● May 13, 2009

 The final trial of the "Porn Photo Door" case convicted the defendant Shi Kejun of all three counts of dishonest use of computers.

 ● End of May 2009

 In an interview with CNN in Hong Kong, Chen Edison talked about the "pornographic photo door" incident for the first time.

 November 20, 2009

 Chen Edison went to Taiwan to promote the album for his artist DJ TOMMY.

 ● December 5, 2009

 Chen Edison attended the opening ceremony of Shanghai Chaodian JUICE and was interviewed by the media.

 ● March 22, 2010

 Edison Chan blogged about his comeback.

76-Year-old queen drag racing! "Fast and Furious 9" Helen Mirren London Drift

1905 movie network news The annual action giant recently released the "Queen’s Drag Racing" special! The 76-year-old British veteran and Oscar actress came back with a surprise, and personally presented their own series of drag racing debut. When the queen of temperament turns into a domineering driver, when the noble elegance collides with the wild excitement, an unprecedented wonderful drama is about to be staged. "Fast and Furious 9" will be released nationwide on May 21, and the pre-sale of the film is now open, so stay tuned!

At the time of filming, Helen Mirren said that she wanted to try drag racing scenes the most. The dream that was not realized at that time finally came true in "Fast and Furious 9". She, who is not old at the time, has a series of smooth operations, driving luxury supercars, carrying her fellow "old drivers", and starting crazy racing mode on the streets of London. For this powerful night hurricane, the team specially equipped Helen Mirren with a limited number of high-end supercars in the world, and even arranged a scene of speeding in front of the British landmark Buckingham Palace. Helen Mirren couldn’t hide her excitement, laughing: "The last time I came to Buckingham Palace was to take a taxi, this time it was a completely different experience."

As the eldest parent of the Shaw family, Helen Mirren’s Quinny Shaw in the few scenes of "Fast and Furious 8" interprets the contrast between the criminal leader of the East End of London and the loving mother to be very full, showing danger and cunning in every move, and earning countless loves with the style of both good and evil. This time, Boss Tang is facing the most powerful villain and the most dangerous task in the series, and Quinny Shaw is also out again. While showing off her driving skills, she shows her huge energy on the international stage and becomes a point person to help him.

In the film, the relationship between Quinny and Boss Tang can be described as mutual admiration, while outside the scene, Helen Mirren and Van Diesel also have a good friendship, as can be seen from the close interaction between the two in the special. This time, Fan warmly invited Helen to return, and the cooperation process also made Helen very happy: "Fan is very serious about the scene, and I appreciate him very much." Fan also praised Helen for "the car skills are really good, and the shooting is very interesting." This collaboration between the two makes people even more looking forward to the audio-visual feast of "Fast and Furious 9", which is jointly dedicated by the super lineup. A dangerous screen showdown is about to start, and the horsepower is on full swing without delay!

Feel the charm of "Queen" Helen Mirren’s screen, and your aura will soar through London! On May 21, "Fast and Furious 9" will be shocked!

66-Year-old Lin Qingxia released a new book on her birthday, sharing her fate with the late Shao’s Huadan Li Jing

Lin Qingxia exposes in her new book that she sent nude photos to Zhang Shuping

Lin Qingxia exposes in her new book that she sent nude photos to Zhang Shuping

66-Year-old Lin Qingxia releases new book on her birthday

66-Year-old Lin Qingxia releases new book on her birthday

Lin Qingxia reveals a fate with the late Shao's Huadan Li Jing

Lin Qingxia reveals a fate with the late Shao’s Huadan Li Jing

??   According to Hong Kong media reports, the great beauty Lin Qingxia’s 66th birthday yesterday (November 3), and her new book was also released on the same day. She shared a lot of unknown aspects of herself. For example, she had a good relationship with the famous clothing designer Zhang Shuping. When she was young, Lin Qingxia encountered emotional troubles and tried to cry to Zhang Shuping. Unexpectedly, Zhang Shuping praised her for crying well, which made her laugh. Lin Qingxia even tried to give Zhang Shuping her naked photos, scaring the other party to run away!

??The great beauty also has natural enemies. It turned out to be her friend Shi Nansheng. She said that every time she saw Shi Nansheng, she felt that her dress was lost. Lin Qingxia made many Qiong Yao love movies when she debuted. She recalled that many producers asked her to take the show with a travel bag of banknotes. She said that there were so many banknotes that she filled the safe and the bedside table. Lin Qingxia is an idol of many people, and she revealed that she is a fan of Zhen Zhen, and the two have a very good relationship in private. They will meet for afternoon tea.

??In addition, Lin Qingxia shared a fate with the late Shao’s Huadan Li Jing. Li Jing had a difficult life in her later years and could not afford to pay the rent. Once, Lin Qingxia met Li Jing and expressed her desire to write a story about Li Jing. Qingxia said that when she saw Li Jing walking, she needed to use a cane, her body was soft, and her left arm was swollen badly, which was caused by surgery to remove her breasts and lymph. Before leaving, Qingxia gave Li a red envelope and wanted to ask Li Jing to eat her favorite sea cucumber again. Who knew that more than ten days after the meeting, the news of Li Jing’s sudden death came.

Today, the party secretaries of 160 colleges and universities in Guangdong took to the stage one by one to report on their duties. This is what the party building work has done in the past year!

On January 15, the Education Working Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee held an expanded meeting to listen to the party secretaries of 160 colleges and universities in the province’s 2023 work on grass-roots party building and make comments. The meeting was divided into three groups: public undergraduate colleges and universities, public higher vocational colleges and universities, cooperative education and private colleges and universities. The party secretaries of each college focused on studying and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in-depth theme education, implementing the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee "1310" and the spirit of the national and provincial organization work conferences, implementing the responsibility system for grass-roots party building work, and promoting the high-quality development of party building leading the cause.

At the meeting, the party secretaries or relevant responsible persons of 40 public undergraduate colleges and universities made a specific report on the main work, existing problems, understanding and next steps in the process of promoting grass-roots party building in 2023 by promoting high-quality development with high-quality party building, implementing the specific deployment of the provincial party committee "1310".

In 2023, the party secretaries of various colleges and universities will perform the duties of the "first responsible person", implement the grass-roots party building work, and promote the high-quality development of colleges and universities.

Sun Yat-sen University adheres to the party’s political construction as the guide, and has successively organized activities such as micro-party class selection and broadcasting, "Best Party Day Activities" to enrich the form of party member education, and optimize the setting of party organizations in off-site school campuses (parks). Chen Chunsheng, secretary of the school’s party committee, introduced: "The school held the 14th party congress, leading the high-quality connotation development of the school’s cause with high-quality party building."

Peng Yonghong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Huizhou University, said that the school adheres to the implementation of the three-year action plan for grass-roots party building, improves the "1 + 2 + 10" "big ideological and political" work system, strengthens the construction of cadres, and closely adheres to the words "strict", "real", "break through" and "reform" to strengthen the party’s overall leadership over the school’s work and lead the school’s high-quality development.

The "Hundred Counties, Thousand Towns and Thousand Villages High-Quality Development Project" initiative is an important measure for Guangdong Province to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. In 2023, Guangdong universities will work together to promote the "Double Hundred Action" innovation bureau.

Chen Wenhai, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of Jiaying College, introduced that the school took the "Double Hundred Action" as a breakthrough point, organized the teachers and students of the School of Computer Science to overcome difficulties around the needs of Fengshun electroacoustic technology, empowered the construction of green and beautiful ancient trees and red villages with professional advantages in tourism planning and architectural design, mobilized the expert team of affiliated hospitals to help the Second People’s Hospital of Fengshun County, and interpreted the principle of "what the county needs, what the university can" with practice, injecting strong impetus into the high-quality development of the county.

Lin Lan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, said that the school uses its professional expertise as the engine, gives full play to the demonstration and organizational role of the "Double Hundred Action" Rural Construction Planning University Alliance, and hosts the 2023 "Yuemei Village" style design competition. It has solidly promoted the pairing assistance work with 12 villages in 3 towns of Yangchun, and creatively formed the "Art Design + N" working mode.

In 2023, Guangdong is one of the provinces with the fastest progress in higher education in the country. Zhu Kongjun, Secretary of the Provincial Education Work Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Department of Education, and Director of the Provincial Department of Education, stressed that there are currently more than 2.6 million college students in Guangdong, but there is still room for progress in higher education as a whole. College party secretaries should think about how to insist on doing something and not, focus on national strategic needs, focus on local economic development, focus on improving the ability to serve high-quality development, and "build a peak on the plateau".

Zhang Xichun, Secretary of the Party Committee of South China University of Technology, introduced that the school will further implement the "Double Hundred Action", deepen research and exchange, improve the cooperation mechanism, and accelerate the practical transformation of the scientific and technological achievements and governance advantages of Chinese workers into visible productivity in Heshan and Huilai. By 2027, through summary and condensation, a typical experience that can be replicated and promoted will be formed.

Lu Jinghui, party secretary and president of Guangdong Medical University, said that in 2024, Guangdong Medical University will further "strengthen the foundation, strengthen its advantages, and strengthen its characteristics", gather its resource advantages, consolidate the development of its core competitiveness foundation, and accelerate the creation of "marine and tropical medicine", "health big data and intelligent medicine" and other fields. It will continuously enhance its ability to serve national strategies and social development.

This time, a total of 56 party secretaries of cooperative schools and private universities will report their duties. Cooperative schools are the forefront of education opening up to the outside world. Multivariate subjects, different cultures and different systems intersect here, and the school’s party organization work needs to explore new methods and new paths.

As a cooperative university between the mainland and Hong Kong, Qu Sentinel, party secretary of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), mentioned that the school implements the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the council, and establishes and improves the daily communication and consultation mechanism between the party committee and the school’s administrative management and the joint meeting system under the premise of abiding by this system. The system of "two-way entry and cross-appointment" between party committee members and school administrative management is implemented.

"The goal of the party committee is to create a supportive environment for the successful operation of the partner university." Li Xueshi, party secretary of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), mentioned that the school has made concerted efforts to implement the specific deployment of the "1310" of the provincial party committee by promoting exchanges and cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong in an all-round way, vigorously introducing high-level talents, and improving the quality of international cooperation and exchanges. Strictly implement the main responsibility of party building.

Mao Yaqing, party secretary of the Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University Joint International College, said that the school has continuously strengthened the party’s system construction and ideological work, strengthened the construction of talent teams, deepened the sharing of party building, and strengthened the construction of group organizations.

In 2023, the cooperative universities will place great emphasis on promoting educational and cultural exchanges. Zhu Dijian, party secretary of Beili Moscow University in Shenzhen, mentioned that in April 2023, the school approved the establishment of a Marxist college under the promotion of the party committee. Offer 6 compulsory ideological and political courses, "Four History" compulsory courses and 1 elective course, and go LIVE university’s first Sino-Russian bilingual blog "Talking about" Russia "to carry out basic education counterpart assistance and Guangdong young college students" Million Project "commando action.

Lin Danming, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, introduced that in order to coordinate superior resources for the "Million Project", the school jointly carried out the "High-quality Development Project of Thousand Towns and Thousand Villages in Hundred Counties" with the People’s Government of Jinping District, Shantou City and the Fujiang Sub-district Office, and provided support and services for regional development through cooperation forms such as "building platforms, building bases, educating talents, cultivating leaders, and strengthening industries".

What to do next? Li Jinping, secretary of the Party Committee of Zhuhai College of Beijing Institute of Technology, mentioned that 2024 is a critical year for Zhuhai College to integrate into the Zhuhai campus. Next, it will adhere to the concept of people-centered, accelerate the all-round development of faculty and staff, and implement the fundamental task of building people through morality and further promote "three-complete education".

"In politics, we need to raise our standing, pay great attention to ideology, be practical in measures, focus on practical results in work, satisfy teachers and students in results, and promote development in goals," said Li Jianchao, party secretary of Guangzhou Southern University. Li Jianchao, the party secretary of Guangzhou Southern University, mentioned that the next step will be to further strengthen the theoretical study of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres. Continuously strengthen the self-construction of leading groups at all levels, further implement the responsibility system of grass-roots party building, consolidate and expand the effectiveness of thematic education.

Feng Xiaoning, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangzhou Vocational and Technical University of Science and Technology, said that in the next step, the school will continue to enhance the political and organizational functions of grass-roots party organizations, gather strong forces to promote school reform and development, and strive to build a party work team that matches the construction of vocational undergraduate universities.

Shao Yunzhen, a member of the Education Working Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, a member of the party group of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, and a deputy director, affirmed the party building of various cooperative schools and private universities in his summary comments. He believes that there are characteristics of paying more attention to improving the position, paying more attention to playing a role, paying more attention to strengthening the foundation and solidifying the foundation, paying more attention to serving the overall situation, and paying more attention to optimization and innovation. For the next work, Shao Yunzhen emphasized five requirements, namely, adhering to the correct political direction, consolidating the foundation on the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, improving quality and efficiency in strengthening the construction of grass-roots party organizations, uniting forces on high-quality party building leading high-quality development, and highlighting the advantages in serving the Chinese path to modernization Guangdong practice.

A total of 64 public higher vocational colleges were debriefed this time. The "top leaders" of many higher vocational colleges said that in the past year, the school party committees have given full play to the role of party branches as fighting fortresses, and have taken the lead in major projects such as "double high" construction, innovation and strengthening schools, and undergraduate application of vocational education. Carry the beam, deeply empower reform and development.

Du Anguo, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong Vocational College of Light Industry, introduced that Guangdong Light Industry led the establishment of Foshan’s "two highs and four new" industry-education consortium, was selected as the first batch of municipal industry-education consortia by the Ministry of Education, and led the establishment of three industry-education integration communities such as the National Industrial Internet. To build a university industry-education park, the school and the enterprise jointly built 43 productive training platforms for substantive operation, and improved the mechanism of industry-education collaboration and unveiling. There are 4 provincial-level exemplary modern industry colleges and 9 off-campus practice teaching bases. Scientific research has exceeded 35 million yuan, social services have reached nearly 40 million yuan, and technical services and training have reached more than 200 million yuan in 5 years.

Lin Qiasheng, party secretary of Guangzhou Panyu Vocational TechAcademy, said that in recent years, the school’s party committee has taken the initiative to plan and act proactively, closely following the industrial development planning and policy trends of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou City, and the Greater Bay Area, and facing high-end industries and high-end industries. Through professional dynamic adjustment, professional construction is more adaptable to the strategic emerging industry layout. Next, the school’s party committee will take the undergraduate major setting as an opportunity to focus on the development of regional strategic emerging industries to set up new engineering majors. The number of engineering majors and enrollment accounts for about 60%, making professional construction more adaptable to the strategic emerging industry layout.

Zhang Xiaoyan, president of Guangdong Vocational College of Finance and Trade, believes that high-quality party building leads the high-quality development of the school, and the level of school running is accelerated. At present, there are more than 16,000 students in the school, and the scale has increased by nearly 12 times in 4 years. The registration rate ranks among the top in the province, and the implementation rate of graduates ranks first in the province. The total number of Ministry of Education supply and demand docking employment education projects ranks third in the country’s higher vocational colleges.

Party building leads education assistance, and colleges and universities give full play to their professional, disciplinary, and talent advantages, and demonstrate the responsibility of Guangdong colleges and universities in the "Million Project" action of Lianbai County, a hundred schools in Guangdong Province.

"The school invested 1 million yuan to comprehensively promote the’Double Hundred Action ‘and rural revitalization." Zhao Weimin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational College, introduced that the school has partnered with Guangyao and Chinese workers to help Huilai and Huaiji counties, and the school has in-depth cooperation, selected deputy high-ranking cadres to be stationed in the county, and promoted 22 "Double Hundred Action" projects such as traditional Chinese medicine cultivation, food medicine and diet, and characteristic agricultural products.

Guangdong Vocational College of Foreign Languages and Arts has established four teams of innovative and entrepreneurial teachers and students to explore the local characteristic culture and advantageous industries in Lianjiang, accurately connect the school resources with the development of villages and towns, and enhance the "soft power" of villages and towns.

"The leadership of the superiors is very powerful, the guidance of Guangdong Light Industry is awesome, and the drive to promote the construction of’double highs’ is very strong." Wang Xiaohui, the party secretary of Shantou Vocational TechAcademy, lamented that under the help and guidance of higher vocational party committees such as Guangdong Light Industry Vocational TechAcademy and Guangdong Industry and Trade Vocational TechAcademy, the party building work of his school has made great progress. "We must increase the pressure and strive to meet the standards of Guangdong Provincial Model Colleges for Party Building Work. Although the current gap is very large, we must also increase the pressure to comprehensively improve the level of party building and better serve Shantou’s modernization."

The grass-roots party building in colleges and universities should be guided by students’ needs, using Marxist theory to quench students’ thirst, relieve students’ confusion, and break the dilemma of the curriculum, so that the "ideological and political vitality" of students’ education is stimulated. Pan Jianyong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong Administrative Vocational College (Guangdong Youth Vocational College), introduced that the school’s 2023 graduates’ employment destination implementation rate was 95.77%, professional matching rate was 92.45%, and the freshman registration rate was 90.61%, which was 13.58%, 23.76%, and 10.33% higher than that of the integration three years ago.

In the comment session, Feng Wei, deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, summarized the effectiveness of party building in higher vocational colleges in 2023, clarified the problems that need to be solved to promote reform, and put forward new requirements for party building in higher vocational colleges. Evaluated the achievements and weaknesses of each college, and clarified the key to "party building leads vocational education reform".

Text and pictures | Reporter, Sun Wei, Cui Wencan, Wang Moyi, Intern, Huang Xiaohan, Hu Yuxiao, Liang Manxin