Interview with Wang Xueqi: I will never repeat myself in filming, and I will retire if there is no filming

Wang Xueqi

  Movie Network News(Text/Zhang Wei) He is the male lead of Chen Kaige’s work "The Yellow Land". As a hot actor in Chinese movies in the 1980s, he was once dull in the 1990s, but Wang Xueqi still continues to take on the role and act seriously. In the past two years, he has starred in many blockbusters that have been well-received and well-received. He also won the Golden Horse Award and the Golden Rooster Award in his arms, but he always uses the word "lucky" to describe himself. Wang Xueqi said that he will keep filming until the day when no one is looking for him anymore.

Wang Xueqi is always brave enough to break through himself. In "Sword Rain", he was kissed and seduced by Big S

Being popular is not a must, winning is just luck

  Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor, Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actor… Wang Xueqi won numerous awards for playing the role of the Thirteen Swallows in the movie "Mei Lanfang". After being brilliant and enduring loneliness, he now has many masterpieces, but he only calls himself lucky. If these well-received works did not appear, Wang Xueqi would still use his love for performance to shoot the show.

Movie Network: In the 1980s, you were the leading actor of many classic works. At that time, many people came to you for filming. Did you set a higher goal for yourself?

Wang Xueqi:No, in fact, actors are very passive, just looking forward to playing their roles well, let’s touch it, and I don’t know what will happen to a movie in the end, it’s hard to say.

Movie Network: In the 1990s, it seemed that you were a lot quieter? How could you stand loneliness at that time?

Wang Xueqi:There are also new films every year, and I have never been idle. I want to play every role well, but sometimes the book is limited. At that time, I thought that the next one would be better. It is not good to do it without this heart.

Movie Network: Does it feel uncomfortable to watch other actors become popular?

Wang Xueqi:Popularity is not a must. Opportunities are reserved for actors who are well-prepared. Some people may never have this opportunity in their entire lives. I have seen many directors who have been filming like this, from their initial enthusiasm to their diligence and hard work, and then to their retirement. Popularity is like winning a lottery. After all, it is a minority.

Movie Network: Your starring films such as "Mei Lanfang" and "Zhao’s Orphan" have achieved good reputation. Can it be regarded as another peak in your career?

Wang XueqiBefore the performance of "Mei Lanfang", I felt that this film was very important, because it was directed by Chen Kaige, it was a good book, and I had not worked with him for more than 20 years. Now I am not as curious as when I was young. I will take good care of my role and realize myself.

Movie Network: Having won so many awards, has your attitude towards movies changed now?

Wang Xueqi:Not much has changed, now there are more opportunities, the quality of the films is high, and many audiences look at the awards with an outcast mentality. It is rare to win an award, why is it so coincidental that it is you every year? Unless you are very good. The biggest reason I can win awards is because of luck. Many international directors don’t win every work.

64-Year-old Wang Xueqi hardly uses a stand-in in filming

I will never repeat myself in filming. If no one asks me to act, I will retire.

  In "Mei Lanfang", the thirteen swallows, the wheel-turning king in "Sword Rain", and every character portrayed by Wang Xueqi is very brilliant, in his own words, he is "never repeating himself". In "Zhao’s Orphan", he has become the villain Tu Anjia, and Wang Xueqi is really changeable. Looking closely at these three characters, there are many action scenes, but who would have thought that 64-year-old Wang Xueqi basically does not need a stand-in?

Movie Network: You will not only shoot commercial films like "Sword Rain", but also films with strong artistic colors like "Rizhao Chongqing". Is there any standard for receiving plays?

Wang Xueqi:Just reading the script. When I saw the script of "Sword Rain", I was very excited and wanted to play it, because this character has been a eunuch for 50 years, but in the world of rivers and lakes, it is a killer leader who is very enjoyable to act. Needless to say, "October Siege", so many movie champions and queens are there. I was very happy when "Mei Lanfang" found me, and in "Zhao’s Orphan", the role of Tu Anjia is very plump.

Movie Network: If the box office of a movie genre is not satisfactory, will you accept it in the future?

Wang Xueqi:As long as it can stimulate my creative desire, my standard for acting is to never repeat myself, and each character has to be different from the root.

Movie Network: I heard that your fights in "Sword Rain" are all in person, and you don’t use a substitute?

Wang Xueqi:There are stuntmen in the play of Dangweiya. I have a good imitation ability. I can learn fast gestures and have good physical coordination.

Movie Network: Do you also exercise regularly?

Wang XueqiPhysical training is very important, I insist on running and jumping every day, often filming outside without any fitness equipment, as long as I can exercise.

Movie Network: Is this also to extend the lifespan of art?

Wang Xueqi:Yes, someone asked me when I would retire. It’s not up to me to have the final say. When no one is looking for you to film, I should retire. When I was filming in other places, there were young actors on the crew. I went to eat mutton kebabs at 11 o’clock at night and woke up at 11 o’clock at noon the next day. How can I be in good health?

Wang Xueqi

Young actors will be forgotten if they don’t work hard, and Chinese films can’t just focus on commerciality

  When asked in an interview about the young actor’s broken file, Wang Xueqi’s tone was very earnest, with a heartfelt "hatred that iron can’t make steel". Indeed, he has experienced the ups and downs of Chinese movies, and he is outspoken in the face of today’s problems.

Movie Network: Most of the male actors with box office appeal are old actors. Are young male actors starting to break down?

Wang Xueqi:In fact, both opportunities and roles are very important. Nowadays, there are many excellent male actors, but the producer will have his own considerations. He wants to see your commercial value and return. Many reasons will affect whether the actor can participate in the film.

Movie Network: If you see young actors in the crew, would you give them any advice?

Wang Xueqi:Yes, I am very anxious when I see that they don’t work hard, and I will say it very rudely. It is not easy for them to have such an opportunity now. When I was young, I didn’t have such good conditions, so I was very anxious when I saw that they didn’t cherish it and acted inadvertently.

Movie Network: What’s your take on overnight success?

Wang Xueqi:Don’t learn some bad habits. It is true that some people become famous overnight, but if you don’t work hard and there is no good work, the audience will still forget you after a year or two. Many actors are like this, and they don’t know why they ended up going.

Movie Network: In fact, the return of your career to the peak has a lot to do with the prosperity of Chinese films as a whole, right?

Wang Xueqi:Of course, since I started filming "Loess", at that time, Chinese movies were just emerging. They followed the entire environment, the market expanded, and audiences were willing to enter the cinema. Now there are still few good movies, and there should be good movies all year round.

Movie Network: What problems do you think are still existing in Chinese films?

Wang Xueqi:There are many movies of an entertainment nature, and it is not enough to focus only on commerciality, not to pay attention to art, and it is not enough for the characters to fail to impress the audience.

Movie Network: What are your expectations for the future of Chinese film?

Wang Xueqi:It is definitely getting better and better. I can only catch up with a tail now. It is a good thing that Chinese movies have begun to develop in an all-round way. In addition to making money, we must also promote culture and instill good things. You can see the kind of heroism in American movies, which can especially boost morale. Chinese movies should be like this. They cannot just focus on business, but also have heroism and national spirit.

Next page More wonderful pictures

Fan Bingbing responded to rumors with Wang Xueqi: If you have anything, please come at me!

The hand-holding picture is actually a transfer microphone.

  In 2009, Fan Bingbing and Wang Xueqi met together. Fan Bingbing knew that his starring role was about to be released, and Wang Xueqi, an air government actor, did not have a publicity team. Fan Bingbing enthusiastically lent his publicity team to Wang Xueqi, and the collaboration between the two has since begun. It was during this period that Wang Xueqi won the Asian Film Award for Best Actor, the Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor, and the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actor. Fan Bingbing also won the "Queen Actor" honor at this year’s Tokyo Film Festival.

  At the same time that their careers were going well, in early 2010, the news of Wang Xueqi’s divorce from his wife appeared in the media, and rumors about Fan Bingbing and Wang Xueqi’s ambiguous relationship began to circulate. In December, when the upcoming New Year’s movie "Zhao’s Orphan" was recorded in Shanghai recently, some media took a photo of Fan Bingbing and Wang Xueqi "holding hands." The next day, rumors about "Fan Bingbing and Wang Xueqi living together" finally spread.

  Fan Bingbing could no longer sit still. This female star who dared to wear dragon robes and call herself a "wealthy family" decided to stand up and say a few words for Wang Xueqi and herself. She talked to reporters and responded to all the rumors: "If you have anything, come at me, don’t mention seniors again!"

Why "hold hands"?

"I passed the microphone to Teacher Wang’s chair, and Teacher Wang answered it."

  Reporter: What is the so-called cohabitation rumor?

  Fan Bingbing: Our whole company calls Teacher Wang Xueqi "Teacher Wang". In my mind, he is a good person and a good teacher. I really want to laugh off this nonsense. But this time I can’t. I must solemnly tell those who maliciously slander and spread malice that although I personally have no power to punish you, we have the protection of the law. I hope you understand that hurting an artist who only wants to act well will always make your conscience uneasy.

  Reporter: In the past two years, you and Wang Xueqi have often appeared in film and television works at the same time. Why did you cooperate so frequently?

  Fan Bingbing: I belong to the same company as Mr. Wang, and it is normal for any agency to cooperate with the company’s actors. And Mr. Wang is an actor I admire very much. Every cooperation is a learning experience for me. Of course, I am willing to study hard and make progress every day.

  Reporter: Then why did you "hold hands" in front of the media?

  Fan Bingbing: We often "hold hands", walk the red carpet together, and do activities together, both in Beijing and Cannes. The so-called holding hands two days ago was when "Zhao’s Orphan" recorded a program in Shanghai. There were hundreds of people on the scene, and the main creator was interviewed with only one microphone, and everyone passed it on in turn. I put the microphone on Mr. Wang’s chair, and Mr. Wang picked it up, and the good person looked at the picture and said "holding hands". Next time I go on a business trip with someone on the same plane, I guess he can still make up "eloping". It’s not easy for people to eat by making up sensational news, but he has to be more particular about this bowl of rice. It’s incredible to make up a story of people "holding hands" on stage and in front of everyone. In the end, he even made up the story that Teacher Wang and I lived together for two years, which was even more out of nothing. I can only say that this story is brainless and not advanced!

Wang Xueqi’s reaction after seeing the news?

"Teacher Wang has been a soldier all his life and values honor the most"

  Reporter: After Teacher Wang’s divorce, there was news that you were together, did you know?

  Fan Bingbing: I know it all. The staff will tell me the news on the Internet or hear other people’s discussions. Every time I tell them easily, it doesn’t matter. What I have to doubt with Mr. Wang is because I think everyone is "not afraid of shadows." Then they will "intimidate" me and say "just wait, when you are uncomfortable". I still teach repeatedly. I often eat and chat with Mr. Wang and company colleagues in private. Everyone is as happy as a family. Mr. Wang is our elder, and all young people like to listen to him tell stories. This feeling of joy will make people relax their guard. But this time, the degree of excess is indeed beyond my estimate. " I have experienced a lot of things about "Windless Three Foot Waves", and I couldn’t figure it out a few years ago. That dirty wave is "blossoming in my heart", but now that I have grown up, I understand that there are people in the world who have bad hearts. In the face of these, I have long been "a piece of water without clothes". I just want to be unfair for Teacher Wang! How nice he is, he is so decent that a friend has described it: In front of Teacher Wang, I feel that I am wrong if I don’t do anything. I want to emphasize that you must make up things out of nothing, and come at me if you have anything, don’t mention seniors again!

  Reporter: How did Wang Xueqi react after seeing the news? Have you talked?

  Fan Bingbing: I have contact. I contacted Teacher Wang as soon as I got off the plane and received a call from my colleagues. I told him, "Old Wang, Xiao Fan is sorry for you, and I have implicated you. It is very dangerous to be a colleague with me, and it has become a’cohabitation ‘." Teacher Wang said to me very seriously: "We are not just colleagues, we are also revolutionary comrades, and comrades should share weal and woe together." He spoke very easily, but I knew that his mood could not be good. Teacher Wang has been a soldier all his life, and he values honor the most. I have never experienced this… I have a strong sense of guilt in my heart.

Related LinksWhat is it?Fan Bingbing denies living with Wang Xueqi and will use legal means to investigate the slanderer

Next page: Will hold hands to celebrate "Zhao Gu"

66-Year-old Lin Qingxia released a new book on her birthday, sharing her fate with the late Shao’s Huadan Li Jing

Lin Qingxia exposes in her new book that she sent nude photos to Zhang Shuping

Lin Qingxia exposes in her new book that she sent nude photos to Zhang Shuping

66-Year-old Lin Qingxia releases new book on her birthday

66-Year-old Lin Qingxia releases new book on her birthday

Lin Qingxia reveals a fate with the late Shao's Huadan Li Jing

Lin Qingxia reveals a fate with the late Shao’s Huadan Li Jing

??   According to Hong Kong media reports, the great beauty Lin Qingxia’s 66th birthday yesterday (November 3), and her new book was also released on the same day. She shared a lot of unknown aspects of herself. For example, she had a good relationship with the famous clothing designer Zhang Shuping. When she was young, Lin Qingxia encountered emotional troubles and tried to cry to Zhang Shuping. Unexpectedly, Zhang Shuping praised her for crying well, which made her laugh. Lin Qingxia even tried to give Zhang Shuping her naked photos, scaring the other party to run away!

??The great beauty also has natural enemies. It turned out to be her friend Shi Nansheng. She said that every time she saw Shi Nansheng, she felt that her dress was lost. Lin Qingxia made many Qiong Yao love movies when she debuted. She recalled that many producers asked her to take the show with a travel bag of banknotes. She said that there were so many banknotes that she filled the safe and the bedside table. Lin Qingxia is an idol of many people, and she revealed that she is a fan of Zhen Zhen, and the two have a very good relationship in private. They will meet for afternoon tea.

??In addition, Lin Qingxia shared a fate with the late Shao’s Huadan Li Jing. Li Jing had a difficult life in her later years and could not afford to pay the rent. Once, Lin Qingxia met Li Jing and expressed her desire to write a story about Li Jing. Qingxia said that when she saw Li Jing walking, she needed to use a cane, her body was soft, and her left arm was swollen badly, which was caused by surgery to remove her breasts and lymph. Before leaving, Qingxia gave Li a red envelope and wanted to ask Li Jing to eat her favorite sea cucumber again. Who knew that more than ten days after the meeting, the news of Li Jing’s sudden death came.

Today, the party secretaries of 160 colleges and universities in Guangdong took to the stage one by one to report on their duties. This is what the party building work has done in the past year!

On January 15, the Education Working Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee held an expanded meeting to listen to the party secretaries of 160 colleges and universities in the province’s 2023 work on grass-roots party building and make comments. The meeting was divided into three groups: public undergraduate colleges and universities, public higher vocational colleges and universities, cooperative education and private colleges and universities. The party secretaries of each college focused on studying and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in-depth theme education, implementing the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee "1310" and the spirit of the national and provincial organization work conferences, implementing the responsibility system for grass-roots party building work, and promoting the high-quality development of party building leading the cause.

At the meeting, the party secretaries or relevant responsible persons of 40 public undergraduate colleges and universities made a specific report on the main work, existing problems, understanding and next steps in the process of promoting grass-roots party building in 2023 by promoting high-quality development with high-quality party building, implementing the specific deployment of the provincial party committee "1310".

In 2023, the party secretaries of various colleges and universities will perform the duties of the "first responsible person", implement the grass-roots party building work, and promote the high-quality development of colleges and universities.

Sun Yat-sen University adheres to the party’s political construction as the guide, and has successively organized activities such as micro-party class selection and broadcasting, "Best Party Day Activities" to enrich the form of party member education, and optimize the setting of party organizations in off-site school campuses (parks). Chen Chunsheng, secretary of the school’s party committee, introduced: "The school held the 14th party congress, leading the high-quality connotation development of the school’s cause with high-quality party building."

Peng Yonghong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Huizhou University, said that the school adheres to the implementation of the three-year action plan for grass-roots party building, improves the "1 + 2 + 10" "big ideological and political" work system, strengthens the construction of cadres, and closely adheres to the words "strict", "real", "break through" and "reform" to strengthen the party’s overall leadership over the school’s work and lead the school’s high-quality development.

The "Hundred Counties, Thousand Towns and Thousand Villages High-Quality Development Project" initiative is an important measure for Guangdong Province to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. In 2023, Guangdong universities will work together to promote the "Double Hundred Action" innovation bureau.

Chen Wenhai, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of Jiaying College, introduced that the school took the "Double Hundred Action" as a breakthrough point, organized the teachers and students of the School of Computer Science to overcome difficulties around the needs of Fengshun electroacoustic technology, empowered the construction of green and beautiful ancient trees and red villages with professional advantages in tourism planning and architectural design, mobilized the expert team of affiliated hospitals to help the Second People’s Hospital of Fengshun County, and interpreted the principle of "what the county needs, what the university can" with practice, injecting strong impetus into the high-quality development of the county.

Lin Lan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, said that the school uses its professional expertise as the engine, gives full play to the demonstration and organizational role of the "Double Hundred Action" Rural Construction Planning University Alliance, and hosts the 2023 "Yuemei Village" style design competition. It has solidly promoted the pairing assistance work with 12 villages in 3 towns of Yangchun, and creatively formed the "Art Design + N" working mode.

In 2023, Guangdong is one of the provinces with the fastest progress in higher education in the country. Zhu Kongjun, Secretary of the Provincial Education Work Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Department of Education, and Director of the Provincial Department of Education, stressed that there are currently more than 2.6 million college students in Guangdong, but there is still room for progress in higher education as a whole. College party secretaries should think about how to insist on doing something and not, focus on national strategic needs, focus on local economic development, focus on improving the ability to serve high-quality development, and "build a peak on the plateau".

Zhang Xichun, Secretary of the Party Committee of South China University of Technology, introduced that the school will further implement the "Double Hundred Action", deepen research and exchange, improve the cooperation mechanism, and accelerate the practical transformation of the scientific and technological achievements and governance advantages of Chinese workers into visible productivity in Heshan and Huilai. By 2027, through summary and condensation, a typical experience that can be replicated and promoted will be formed.

Lu Jinghui, party secretary and president of Guangdong Medical University, said that in 2024, Guangdong Medical University will further "strengthen the foundation, strengthen its advantages, and strengthen its characteristics", gather its resource advantages, consolidate the development of its core competitiveness foundation, and accelerate the creation of "marine and tropical medicine", "health big data and intelligent medicine" and other fields. It will continuously enhance its ability to serve national strategies and social development.

This time, a total of 56 party secretaries of cooperative schools and private universities will report their duties. Cooperative schools are the forefront of education opening up to the outside world. Multivariate subjects, different cultures and different systems intersect here, and the school’s party organization work needs to explore new methods and new paths.

As a cooperative university between the mainland and Hong Kong, Qu Sentinel, party secretary of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), mentioned that the school implements the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the council, and establishes and improves the daily communication and consultation mechanism between the party committee and the school’s administrative management and the joint meeting system under the premise of abiding by this system. The system of "two-way entry and cross-appointment" between party committee members and school administrative management is implemented.

"The goal of the party committee is to create a supportive environment for the successful operation of the partner university." Li Xueshi, party secretary of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), mentioned that the school has made concerted efforts to implement the specific deployment of the "1310" of the provincial party committee by promoting exchanges and cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong in an all-round way, vigorously introducing high-level talents, and improving the quality of international cooperation and exchanges. Strictly implement the main responsibility of party building.

Mao Yaqing, party secretary of the Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University Joint International College, said that the school has continuously strengthened the party’s system construction and ideological work, strengthened the construction of talent teams, deepened the sharing of party building, and strengthened the construction of group organizations.

In 2023, the cooperative universities will place great emphasis on promoting educational and cultural exchanges. Zhu Dijian, party secretary of Beili Moscow University in Shenzhen, mentioned that in April 2023, the school approved the establishment of a Marxist college under the promotion of the party committee. Offer 6 compulsory ideological and political courses, "Four History" compulsory courses and 1 elective course, and go LIVE university’s first Sino-Russian bilingual blog "Talking about" Russia "to carry out basic education counterpart assistance and Guangdong young college students" Million Project "commando action.

Lin Danming, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, introduced that in order to coordinate superior resources for the "Million Project", the school jointly carried out the "High-quality Development Project of Thousand Towns and Thousand Villages in Hundred Counties" with the People’s Government of Jinping District, Shantou City and the Fujiang Sub-district Office, and provided support and services for regional development through cooperation forms such as "building platforms, building bases, educating talents, cultivating leaders, and strengthening industries".

What to do next? Li Jinping, secretary of the Party Committee of Zhuhai College of Beijing Institute of Technology, mentioned that 2024 is a critical year for Zhuhai College to integrate into the Zhuhai campus. Next, it will adhere to the concept of people-centered, accelerate the all-round development of faculty and staff, and implement the fundamental task of building people through morality and further promote "three-complete education".

"In politics, we need to raise our standing, pay great attention to ideology, be practical in measures, focus on practical results in work, satisfy teachers and students in results, and promote development in goals," said Li Jianchao, party secretary of Guangzhou Southern University. Li Jianchao, the party secretary of Guangzhou Southern University, mentioned that the next step will be to further strengthen the theoretical study of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres. Continuously strengthen the self-construction of leading groups at all levels, further implement the responsibility system of grass-roots party building, consolidate and expand the effectiveness of thematic education.

Feng Xiaoning, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangzhou Vocational and Technical University of Science and Technology, said that in the next step, the school will continue to enhance the political and organizational functions of grass-roots party organizations, gather strong forces to promote school reform and development, and strive to build a party work team that matches the construction of vocational undergraduate universities.

Shao Yunzhen, a member of the Education Working Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, a member of the party group of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, and a deputy director, affirmed the party building of various cooperative schools and private universities in his summary comments. He believes that there are characteristics of paying more attention to improving the position, paying more attention to playing a role, paying more attention to strengthening the foundation and solidifying the foundation, paying more attention to serving the overall situation, and paying more attention to optimization and innovation. For the next work, Shao Yunzhen emphasized five requirements, namely, adhering to the correct political direction, consolidating the foundation on the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, improving quality and efficiency in strengthening the construction of grass-roots party organizations, uniting forces on high-quality party building leading high-quality development, and highlighting the advantages in serving the Chinese path to modernization Guangdong practice.

A total of 64 public higher vocational colleges were debriefed this time. The "top leaders" of many higher vocational colleges said that in the past year, the school party committees have given full play to the role of party branches as fighting fortresses, and have taken the lead in major projects such as "double high" construction, innovation and strengthening schools, and undergraduate application of vocational education. Carry the beam, deeply empower reform and development.

Du Anguo, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong Vocational College of Light Industry, introduced that Guangdong Light Industry led the establishment of Foshan’s "two highs and four new" industry-education consortium, was selected as the first batch of municipal industry-education consortia by the Ministry of Education, and led the establishment of three industry-education integration communities such as the National Industrial Internet. To build a university industry-education park, the school and the enterprise jointly built 43 productive training platforms for substantive operation, and improved the mechanism of industry-education collaboration and unveiling. There are 4 provincial-level exemplary modern industry colleges and 9 off-campus practice teaching bases. Scientific research has exceeded 35 million yuan, social services have reached nearly 40 million yuan, and technical services and training have reached more than 200 million yuan in 5 years.

Lin Qiasheng, party secretary of Guangzhou Panyu Vocational TechAcademy, said that in recent years, the school’s party committee has taken the initiative to plan and act proactively, closely following the industrial development planning and policy trends of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou City, and the Greater Bay Area, and facing high-end industries and high-end industries. Through professional dynamic adjustment, professional construction is more adaptable to the strategic emerging industry layout. Next, the school’s party committee will take the undergraduate major setting as an opportunity to focus on the development of regional strategic emerging industries to set up new engineering majors. The number of engineering majors and enrollment accounts for about 60%, making professional construction more adaptable to the strategic emerging industry layout.

Zhang Xiaoyan, president of Guangdong Vocational College of Finance and Trade, believes that high-quality party building leads the high-quality development of the school, and the level of school running is accelerated. At present, there are more than 16,000 students in the school, and the scale has increased by nearly 12 times in 4 years. The registration rate ranks among the top in the province, and the implementation rate of graduates ranks first in the province. The total number of Ministry of Education supply and demand docking employment education projects ranks third in the country’s higher vocational colleges.

Party building leads education assistance, and colleges and universities give full play to their professional, disciplinary, and talent advantages, and demonstrate the responsibility of Guangdong colleges and universities in the "Million Project" action of Lianbai County, a hundred schools in Guangdong Province.

"The school invested 1 million yuan to comprehensively promote the’Double Hundred Action ‘and rural revitalization." Zhao Weimin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational College, introduced that the school has partnered with Guangyao and Chinese workers to help Huilai and Huaiji counties, and the school has in-depth cooperation, selected deputy high-ranking cadres to be stationed in the county, and promoted 22 "Double Hundred Action" projects such as traditional Chinese medicine cultivation, food medicine and diet, and characteristic agricultural products.

Guangdong Vocational College of Foreign Languages and Arts has established four teams of innovative and entrepreneurial teachers and students to explore the local characteristic culture and advantageous industries in Lianjiang, accurately connect the school resources with the development of villages and towns, and enhance the "soft power" of villages and towns.

"The leadership of the superiors is very powerful, the guidance of Guangdong Light Industry is awesome, and the drive to promote the construction of’double highs’ is very strong." Wang Xiaohui, the party secretary of Shantou Vocational TechAcademy, lamented that under the help and guidance of higher vocational party committees such as Guangdong Light Industry Vocational TechAcademy and Guangdong Industry and Trade Vocational TechAcademy, the party building work of his school has made great progress. "We must increase the pressure and strive to meet the standards of Guangdong Provincial Model Colleges for Party Building Work. Although the current gap is very large, we must also increase the pressure to comprehensively improve the level of party building and better serve Shantou’s modernization."

The grass-roots party building in colleges and universities should be guided by students’ needs, using Marxist theory to quench students’ thirst, relieve students’ confusion, and break the dilemma of the curriculum, so that the "ideological and political vitality" of students’ education is stimulated. Pan Jianyong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong Administrative Vocational College (Guangdong Youth Vocational College), introduced that the school’s 2023 graduates’ employment destination implementation rate was 95.77%, professional matching rate was 92.45%, and the freshman registration rate was 90.61%, which was 13.58%, 23.76%, and 10.33% higher than that of the integration three years ago.

In the comment session, Feng Wei, deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, summarized the effectiveness of party building in higher vocational colleges in 2023, clarified the problems that need to be solved to promote reform, and put forward new requirements for party building in higher vocational colleges. Evaluated the achievements and weaknesses of each college, and clarified the key to "party building leads vocational education reform".

Text and pictures | Reporter, Sun Wei, Cui Wencan, Wang Moyi, Intern, Huang Xiaohan, Hu Yuxiao, Liang Manxin

Only then did Xiao Ai regret buying it, like a dragon.

  Author: Buy your own flowers and wear them yourself

  618 spent 99 yuan to buy a small love speaker. He thought it was cheap, but in fact, the performance of this speaker is not that good.

  Let me introduce this little love first, just that box, it is a little love smart speaker play.

  It is very small, the color is black, and the color is quite textured. It looks good at home. Its internal thermal infrared control system can be used to control traditional home appliances, such as non-smart ceiling lights, non-smart TVs, and non-smart air conditioners. As long as there is an infrared transmitter and receiver unit, it can be used to control it.

  When you go home, connect it and use it directly. It is really good to use, and it comes with a clock display function. It is quite convenient to place it near the bed and open your eyes to see the time.

  The sound of this router is also quite good, very balanced, I can’t say that he is particularly good when listening to music, at least I can’t pick out any big problems, the price is 99 yuan, after all, I can’t use too good materials, so I am already very satisfied, the disadvantage is that he is relatively dragon…

  Sometimes he couldn’t hear when he was called, but when he wasn’t called, he kept talking, which was very annoying.

  When signing a contract, you are also frequently asked to bind the APP, and you must also open a membership to listen to some more popular music.

  The rest is not a big problem. There are four more buttons on the top of the receiver speaker, the play pause button, the plus or minus volume button and the mute button.

  If you have a smart home at home, you can let him control it, such as controlling it, asking him to turn on the lights, start the sweeping robot, start the air purifier, start the air conditioner or electric fan, etc. He can do it very well for you.

  You can also use it to check the weather forecast and recent fortune, which is very convenient. It would be great if his reception sensitivity was improved a little more, and don’t talk like crazy when I don’t want him to appear, and don’t pretend to be deaf when I need him

Ministry of Transport: Guide and urge all localities to promote new energy buses and taxis

  China News Service, June 8, according to the website of the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Transport issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in Promoting Consumption Expansion and Quality of Transportation" on the 8th, saying that it is necessary to promote the development of green consumption in transportation, guide and urge localities to further promote the application of new energy buses and taxis, and gradually promote the electrification and cleanliness of urban public transportation and urban logistics distribution vehicles.

  According to reports, in order to implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on expanding domestic demand, promote the expansion and quality of consumption, promote the formation of a strong domestic market, serve the "Six Stability" work, and implement the "Six Guarantees" task, with the approval of the Ministry of Transport, the relevant work notice on promoting consumption expansion and quality of transportation is as follows:

  The first is to improve transportation infrastructure conditions and stimulate consumption potential. On the basis of promoting the perfect layout of transportation infrastructure and three-dimensional interconnection, we should highlight problem orientation and goal orientation, and focus on promoting a number of transportation infrastructure buildings that have obvious effects on promoting consumption, so as to create conditions for stimulating consumption potential.

  Accelerate intercity transportation infrastructure building. Focus on key urban agglomerations and metropolitan areas such as the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta region, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in the Chengdu-Chongqing region, and promote the formation of a multi-level rapid transportation network with rail transit and expressways as the skeleton. Improve urban agglomerations and metropolitan area center urban transportation infrastructure building, vigorously develop public transportation, and improve the level of transportation integration. Gradually form a 1-hour commute in metropolitan areas, and a 2-hour accessibility in urban agglomerations.

  Improve the rural transportation infrastructure network. Promote the high-quality development of "Four Good Rural Roads", vigorously promote the withdrawal of organized villages and other large-scale natural villages with a population, and the opening of hardened roads to border natural villages, and promote more transportation projects to enter villages and households. Deepen the reform of the rural highway management and maintenance system, and speed up the establishment of a long-term mechanism for management and maintenance. Promote the construction of facilities such as ferry reform bridges, land and island transportation terminals, Kuhu District waterways and convenience docks, and improve the conditions for ferries in remote areas. Improve rural logistics infrastructure and service facilities, guide township passenger terminals to expand their functions of commerce, logistics, postal express delivery, etc., and realize "one point and more capabilities, one network and multiple uses, and multi-station integration".

  Improve the development quality of comprehensive transportation hubs. Promote the construction of comprehensive passenger transportation hubs, and guide and drive the centralized layout, space sharing, three-dimensional or co-platform transfer of various transportation mode facilities. Encourage the use of large-scale comprehensive passenger transportation hubs as carriers to promote the agglomeration and development of related consumer industries such as commerce and finance, tourism and catering, shopping and entertainment, and build an urban complex. Promote the construction of logistics nodes such as national logistics hubs and freight hubs (logistics parks), and guide logistics nodes to expand service functions such as cold chain, postal express, cross-border e-commerce, and air logistics.

  The second is to improve the quality of transportation services and upgrade service consumption. In response to the difficulties and painpoints faced by passenger travel and lifestyle logistics services, efforts will be made to improve the speed and convenience of travel services, promote the green and efficient development of freight logistics services, and open up the "blockage point" restricting consumption in the transportation sector to enhance consumption vitality.

  Improve passenger transportation services. Speed up the remaining townships and villages with the conditions to pass buses, consolidate the achievements of the existing buses, and ensure the high-quality completion of the goal of passing buses by the end of September 2020. Fully realize the normal operation of the passenger rolling transport liner in the Qiongzhou Strait, and further shorten the average time for passengers to cross the sea. According to local conditions, promote the improvement of night economic transportation supporting services. Continuously meet the special needs of the disabled, the elderly and other groups, and improve the level of barrier-free and convenient travel services.

  Optimize passenger transfer services. Further enhance the service level of passenger intermodal transportation, and effectively improve passenger travel experience. Encourage localities to strengthen innovation, and promote the opening and sharing of information on various modes of transportation, management coordination, optimization of security inspection processes, and integration of ticketing services. Promote the experience and practices of passenger intermodal transportation in Heilongjiang, Beijing, Nanjing, Shenzhen and other places. Strengthen the connection of urban public transportation and auxiliary public transportation services in comprehensive passenger transportation hubs, and improve the level of passenger "last mile" connection services. According to market demand, encourage the establishment of car rental service outlets at airports, railway stations, port passenger terminals, etc.

  Improve the level of ticketing services. Encourage enterprises to use the Internet and other information technology applications to improve the level of ticketing services for networking, connecting, off-site, round-trip, and refund tickets, and guide Internet enterprises to provide "one-stop ticketing services" for intermodal transportation. Expand transportation card travel applications in taxis, city ferries, and road passenger transportation operated by buses. Promote road passenger e-tickets, and carry out pilot applications of road passenger e-tickets in Beijing, Jiangsu, Jiangxi and other provinces to improve the level of digitalization and informatization of road passenger transportation, and improve passenger travel experience. Promote the application of waterway passenger e-tickets, and carry out e-ticket applications in key waters such as Qiongzhou Strait and Bohai Bay. Continue to promote the implementation of the cruise ticket management system.

  Improve the service level of life logistics. Promote the construction of "Global 123 Express Logistics Circle" to support the growing demand of residents for fast and convenient logistics services. Deepen the urban green freight distribution demonstration project, and guide local governments to coordinate urban transportation and urban material distribution needs according to the actual development, and accurately formulate urban distribution vehicle traffic control policies. Encourage local governments to strengthen departmental cooperation, promote information and data sharing, and provide support for improving the informatization level of urban freight distribution. Improve cold chain transportation standards and norms, improve the technical equipment level of cold chain logistics vehicles, and improve the quality of cold chain transportation services. Continue to promote the integration of delivery and mail, and improve the rural logistics service system at the county, township, and village levels.

  The third is to promote the cross-industry integration of transportation and cultivate new consumption. Give full play to the advantages and characteristics of transportation points, long lines, and wide coverage, promote the integration and linkage of transportation "upstream and downstream, left and right" industries, and improve the application and development level of new technologies, new formats, and new models. Provide support for new consumption.

  Promote the integration of transportation and tourism and sports industries. Strengthen the connection between expressways and scenic transportation, fully consider the connection with key scenic roads in expressway planning and construction, and improve the setting of traffic guidance signs. Promote the expressway service area to expand tourism, consumption and other functions according to local conditions, and combine regional characteristics to support RV parking spaces, gas stations, new energy vehicle charging piles and other facilities and equipment. Continue to promote the construction of tourist roads, tourist waterways, cruise yacht terminals, promote the development of cruise economy, tourism trains, low-altitude flight tourism, etc., and promote the cruise port to improve service levels. Encourage the creation of independent brand sports events featuring transportation resources.

  Promote the integration of transportation and information industry. Promote the new transportation infrastructure building, improve the intelligent and digital level of transportation infrastructure. Promote the application of autonomous driving and vehicle-road coordination technology. Use "Internet +" technology to promote the healthy development of shared transportation, and encourage the development of new formats and models of travel services such as small and micro passenger car time-sharing leasing and road passenger transportation customization services. Encourage the development of "Internet +" efficient logistics, improve the level of automation, intelligence and digitalization of logistics, and improve the quality of services in areas such as timely delivery and cold chain express delivery, so as to effectively support the development of e-commerce and digital consumption.

  Promote the development of green consumption in transportation. Guide and urge all localities to further promote the application of new energy buses and taxis, and gradually promote the electrification and cleanliness of urban public transportation and urban logistics distribution vehicles. Speed up the elimination of scrapped and old diesel trucks. Study and establish relevant standards and specifications for the safety and operation and maintenance of new energy vehicles in the field of road transportation. Guide logistics enterprises to use packaging that meets environmental protection and recyclable standards, avoid repeated packaging and excessive packaging, and improve the level of resource reuse and recycling.

  The fourth is to create a safe transportation consumption environment and improve consumer satisfaction. Further enhance service awareness, and effectively safeguard consumer rights and interests through service innovation, transportation market supervision, and smooth rights protection channels, and strive to create a safe, convenient and comfortable transportation consumption environment.

  Encourage innovation in service methods. Encourage all kinds of Internet platforms and market players to participate in the development of big data products and value-added services for transportation and tourism services, and use the mobile Internet as a carrier to provide the public with comprehensive information services such as diversified transportation, tourism, and sports events. Continue to deepen the expansion and application of ETC. Promote differentiated toll collection on expressways.

  Maintain the order of the transportation market. Build a fair, open, competitive and orderly transportation market, improve market access and exit systems, and strive to improve the rules for the operation of the industry. In key areas such as transportation, transportation and logistics, build a new credit-based supervision mechanism, study and promote the interconnection of credit information, mutual recognition of credit evaluation, joint reward and punishment interaction, and credit repair interoperability. Cross-regional credit supervision and application, and optimize the overall credit environment of the industry. Promote the expansion and application of the electronic health file system for automobile maintenance to provide support for promoting used car transactions. Strengthen the supervision and management of transportation services, comprehensively use the Internet, WeChat, telephone and other channels to open up and accept problems reported by the masses, respond to problems in a timely manner and properly solve them, and improve consumer satisfaction.

  Guarantee the safety of passengers’ travel. In accordance with the relevant requirements of the "Guidelines for the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in passenger stations and transportation vehicles by zoning and grading", do a good job in epidemic prevention and control of passenger stations and transportation vehicles. Supervise transportation enterprises to implement the main responsibility of safety management. Further strengthen safety supervision and emergency response capacity building. Increase investment in infrastructure safety protection, and improve the safety protection capacity of key infrastructure. Build a safe vehicle and ship terminal, strengthen safety inspection and danger work, and create a safe environment. Promote the sharing of inter-provincial chartered passenger transportation sign information and external inquiries, and improve the safety and standardized operation level of tourist chartered vehicles. Implement key supervision of safety production on long-distance passenger routes and sleeper buses over 800 kilometers.

  Fifth, strengthen organization and implementation to ensure effective results. Strengthen organizational leadership, innovate working methods, strengthen publicity and guidance, strive to promote consumption expansion and quality improvement to achieve practical results, and provide strong support for coping with the adverse impact of the epidemic, effectively expanding domestic demand, and promoting the formation of a strong domestic market.

  Strengthen organizational leadership. Transportation authorities at all levels should raise their political standing and fully understand the importance of transportation to promote consumption expansion and quality improvement. In their work, they should strengthen organizational leadership, improve service awareness, strengthen departmental linkage, refine and implement measures in combination with actual conditions, and increase the reform of "decentralization, management and service" to form a joint force to promote consumption expansion and quality improvement.

  Innovate working methods. Strengthen policy innovation and system innovation, and encourage local transportation authorities to promote consumption expansion and quality improvement according to local conditions through pilot exploration, demonstration-driven, and policy support. For projects that meet the requirements of the pilot program for building a transportation power, are highly innovative and have outstanding demonstration-driven, the Ministry of Transport will be included in the pilot program according to the procedures.

  Strengthen propaganda and guidance. Give full play to the role of the media in guiding public opinion, make extensive use of key news websites, major commercial websites and media platforms such as Weibo, WeChat, mobile client side, etc., carefully set topics, vigorously publicize the good experience and good practices of transportation to promote consumption expansion and quality, and play a typical demonstration and driving role.

MagicOS 7.0 Experience: A Sci-Fi All-Scene Smart Operating System

The new systems launched by major smartphone manufacturers in the past two years all have a common evolutionary direction, that is, to move towards the direction of end point interconnection. Whether it is Hongmeng OS or Apple’s ecosystem is no exception. However, due to cultural nuances, Apple’s ecosystem is not satisfactory in some places, and Hongmeng OS, due to some objective reasons, at the end point level, whether it is scale or function, some hands and feet cannot be let go. The glory of independence from Huawei has been committed to exploring a more user-friendly and convenient end point interconnection experience. The previous Magic system is still exploring more, and the latest MagicOS 7.0 has achieved good results in ecological integration.

So what are the surprises of MagicOS 7.0’s ecological integration? Here, let’s give you a detailed explanation through the two highlights of smart interconnection and smart services.

MagicRing Trust Ring brings multiple devices together

First of all, it needs to be noted that the intelligent interconnection power of MagicOS 7.0 is all based on a technology called Honor MagicRing Trust Ring. Based on this technology, different Honor devices can automatically discover and connect after turning on WIFI and Bluetooth. There is no need to "scan", "touch", "connect" and other actions. And the connected devices can realize the mutual call of software and hardware, making different devices like one.

As the name implies, the smart interconnection of MagicOS 7.0 is to realize the interconnection of mobile phones, PCs, tablets and other end points under the glory ecosystem. The external manifestation of this interconnection is that calls and notifications of Honor mobile phones, PCs and tablets can be shared.

This function requires entering Settings – Smart Internet Notification Sharing, making sure that the notification sharing switch is turned on, and turning on the application switch that needs to share notifications.

After turning on the sharing switch, when the Honor mobile phone receives a notification message, it can directly view and reply on the tablet and PC device currently in use. For example, we are using the PC for work, and the Honor mobile phone is put aside. When the mobile phone receives the message, the PC will also push the notification in real time. Click on the message, the PC will prompt us to enter the mobile phone password, and we can reply directly on the computer.

It is worth noting that the notification sharing of MagicOS 7.0 does not simply push notifications to all devices, but will be based on a cross-device AI decision engine that only alerts notification messages on the devices we use.

Similar to the notification message, when the Honor mobile phone calls, the Honor tablet and PC can also answer, and during the call, it can also be transferred to other connected devices to continue the call. For example, if we make a call on the way home, when we get home, just open the Honor smart screen and click the "Speaker" button on the phone’s call interface to select the connected device to continue the call.

In order to avoid user privacy leakage, MagicOS 7.0’s call sharing also supports a cross-device AI decision engine. Only incoming calls are displayed on the device the user is using, and all supported devices will not ring when an incoming call is made. For example, if you are using a computer when the call comes, the tablet will not vibrate together; if you use a tablet, the computer will not vibrate together. It can not only avoid user confusion, but also take into account information security.

Although Hongmeng and iOS ecology also support notification sharing, according to our tests, Hongmeng and iOS notification sharing cannot achieve refined strategies such as owner identification and device status recognition similar to MagicOS 7.0. For example, iOS ecology, smart phones make calls, then PCs, tablets, and watches will play ringtones immediately.

Earlier this year, Honor released the HONOR Connect full-scene connection protocol, which can use the tablet as an extended screen of the computer and share the keyboard and mouse across screens. MagicOS 7.0 takes it a step further, with another revolutionary "sharing" feature – keyboard and mouse sharing.

To enter the settings – smart interconnection – keyboard and mouse sharing for this function, turn on the keyboard and mouse sharing switch. And place the mobile phone and tablet on both sides of the computer to ensure that all devices are unlocked and on the screen.

After that, move the computer mouse to the edge of the PC screen and touch it twice. After the connection is successful, we can use the PC keyboard and mouse to control the PC, tablet and mobile phone at the same time. For example, if we want to look at the mobile phone when we are working, we need to put down the computer, pick up the mobile phone, and unlock it to see the relevant information.

On MagicOS 7.0, we can simply swipe the PC’s mouse across the edge of the screen to switch to the mobile phone with one click. On the mobile phone, we can directly click the button through the PC’s mouse and enter text through the PC’s keyboard, which is convenient and fast.

It is worth noting that MagicOS 7.0 also supports device orientation recognition, which can automatically determine the direction of mouse penetration. For example, if we place a mobile phone on the right side of the PC and a tablet on the left, and then we switch the two devices, MagicOS 7.0 will also automatically match the direction of the screen.

Interestingly, we also connected the keyboard and mouse to the smartphone first, and then tried to share the keyboard and mouse on the mobile phone with the PC and tablet, but the result was not possible. The keyboard and mouse can only be used on the mobile phone. From this point of view, the keyboard and mouse sharing of MagicOS 7.0 can only be done on the PC center, not in reverse.

In comparison, although there are also systems that support keyboard and mouse sharing on the market, these platforms, keys and mice that share PCs, need to manually click the switch settings before each use. In comparison, MagicOS 7.0 is undoubtedly more user-friendly. Because MagicOS 7.0 not only supports mobile phone, tablet, and PC multi-terminal sharing, but also supports self-discovery ad hoc network, device orientation recognition and other functions, it is more user-friendly.

In addition to controlling all end points in the ecosystem through a set of keys and mice, MagicOS 7.0’s end points also support application connection.

The specific operation is to enter Settings – Smart Internet – Application Connection and turn on the application connection switch. Then under My Devices, click the device connected to the machine to ensure that its application connection switch is turned on.

Take the continuous video clip as an example, edit the video in the OviC of the mobile phone, close to the tablet. The tablet will display the connection prompt on the multitasking interface or the Dock bar. Click the prompt, and the application will seamlessly flow to the tablet to continue editing.

This feature must have hit a lot of video blogger’s pain points. During a business trip, we may use our mobile phone to edit videos. After arriving at the hotel, we can directly transfer the edited videos to the tablet device through the MagicOS 7.0 application connection function.

In addition, the application connection function of MagicOS 7.0 does not support mobile end point and PC connection, only supports mobile phones and tablets to connect to each other. It is speculated that this is because Android and Windows have different ecosystems, so it is difficult to synchronize the application state.

It is understood that MagicOS 7.0 applications continue to support office notes, emails, WPS, as well as entertainment applications such as Youku, Douyu, Kugou, Ovicut, etc. Honor said that it will continue to expand in the future to adapt to more applications.

Magic Live makes services actively integrated

In the previous upgrades, smart services have been the focus of MagicOS ‘evolution. In addition to the self-organizing and self-connecting experience mentioned above, the Magic Live smart engine platform-level AI capability built into MagicOS 7.0 has also been upgraded, and YOYO recommends and MagicLive will continue to work in the disconnected state. Recommended services.

After actual experience, MagicOS 7.0 covers a wider area with more accurate accuracy. For users with relatively regular daily behavior habits, it can understand user needs in as little as three days, and recommend scenarios to support combinations.

For example, if we want to take the subway, the original single scene recognition will only push us a subway ride code. Now MagicOS 7.0 will give us a combined ride code + health treasure. In short, MagicOS 7.0 can automatically determine the scene we are in, determine which services we need, and then push the advance.

In addition to the smart scenes actively pushed by the system, the text smart recognition function of MagicOS 7.0 also supports just a click away of the scene. For example, if a friend sends us a screenshot of a scenic spot, then we just need to click the recognition button in the lower right corner of the album, and then click the recognized address to one-click jumping to the navigation app.

Although the current iOS and Hongmeng systems also support text recognition, these two systems can only recognize text and cannot be linked with other apps, which is not as practical as MagicOS 7.0.

30 apps, only kill two backstage

Since it is a new system, the basic fluency experience cannot be ignored. It is worth noting that this has always been the strength of MagicOS.

According to official data, Magic OS 7.0 has three Turbo X technologies: OS Turbo X, GPU Turbo X, and Link Turbo X. With the support of Turbo X and Magic live’s intelligent capabilities, Magic OS 7.0 can provide the most suitable smooth experience according to user habits, surrounding environment perception, and device status.

Magic OS 7.0 system virtual memory has been greatly increased to 7GB, plus 12GB of physical memory, the total number reaches 19GB. In this regard, we chose to find a 6.0 system glory phone with the same physical memory to test the background survival of Magic OS 7.0 system and 6.0 system.

The specific test steps are to use the Magic OS 7.0 system and the 6.0 system to download 30 Top applications in the built-in app store, open them all, wait for 5 minutes, and then check the background situation.

As a result, only two apps, Meituan and Autonavi, were reloaded in the Magic OS 7.0 system, and six apps were killed in the background in the 6.0 system. From this point of view, the virtual memory function of the Magic OS 7.0 system does perform well.

In addition, the scanning speed of the Magic OS 7.0 system has also been upgraded. The actual measurement is not only faster than 6.0, but also has a certain speed advantage compared to the Hongmeng flagship.

Summary: Magic OS 7.0 surprises

Overall, Magic OS 7.0 system has brought us a lot of surprises. Because it not only brings new changes in appearance, but also brings many new experiences in functionality.

For example, in response to users’ needs for multi-end point interconnection, Magic OS 7.0 system has added mouse sharing, notification sharing, application continuation and other functions. This fully shows that Honor has always built products from the perspective of consumers.

Therefore, if you want to have a mobile phone with high security, smooth and convenient operation, simple and creative page design, and smart functions, then you can focus on the Magic OS 7.0 system products launched by Honor.

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In "Moscow Action", he was so bad that even Andy Lau was afraid!

1905 movie network feature Since its release, the word-of-mouth has been stable at 7.2 points. It can be said that the quality of the movie "Moscow Action" is in the first tier of the National Day. At the same time, the box office continued to decline.

The ++ configuration became the most "hardcore" point of view in the film. Andy Lau played the villain again after a lapse of 16 years, giving young audiences a different perception. But compared with the villain image of "Brother Hua", the most unexpected thing is that Miao Qingshan played by Huang Xuan is not only a villain, but also a villain with extreme madness.

After all, in the eyes of the public, Huang Xuan had been immersed in various literary and artistic film creations in the past, and the image of warmth and intelligence was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Buddhism, elegance, and gentleman… In this male actor, it is difficult to find details that belong to "evil".

It’s just that when "Moscow Action" found him, he uncharacteristically offered to be bad to the end, and even became the big villain, betraying his master Vasily (Andy Lau, played). When he faced the 1905 film network camera, he confessed, "When I saw the invitation, I was a little surprised, but it invisibly increased my ambition."

Sure enough, after he joined the play, he made Andy Lau feel oppressive, made his former partner feel unfamiliar, and even made actor Huang Xuan sigh "not suitable" after a year.

Although it was unfamiliar and unsuitable, Huang Xuan found another excitement for an actor.

"Villain" Miao Qingshan

"Since you want me to play the villain, why don’t you fight for a more extreme role?" When the script of "Moscow Action" was handed to Huang Xuan, he was also very surprised. So far in the performance, he has rarely seen such a role. Even in the hearts of the audience, he is more like "White Moonlight", even if the image of the husband in it is contrary to public perception.

When the producer learned of Huang Xuan’s request, he was also stunned and said that everyone should discuss it first. As a result, there was no news for a month. During this process, the crew team kept debating whether Huang Xuan could be qualified for Miao Qingshan. Even Andy Lau, one of the producers, said, "We discussed it many times." He didn’t know what Huang Xuan would look like, "Why don’t we let him play."

"But I don’t want to play a face-to-face villain." Huang Xuan made a request to himself.

To this end, before joining the group, he watched many domestic and foreign movies, trying to find the temperament and emotion that could be grafted on Miao Qingshan from those villains, "Everyone is not Miao Qingshan, I have to use my own expression and the state that fits the story situation to combine." In addition, like every actor, real criminal interviews are the way for Huang Xuan to find the most suitable fulcrum for the role.

Only when he arrived on the set, he temporarily put aside the things he had studied and studied before, and Huang Xuan slowly found the feeling of "Miao Qingshan".

"Operation Moscow" is the second collaboration between Mr. Huang and Ms. Wen, after playing a sea-loving couple in the series "Kyushu Sea Muyun." After filming, the two also established a good relationship, but this time, Huang Xuan’s studio "refused" to speak to Wen Yongshan. "She came to see me on the spot, so she immediately kept a distance from me."

In order to be more immersed in the character, Huang Xuan wrote a rich biography of the character before the boot, and the scene was basically like Miao Qingshan, wearing earphones and listening to Shostakovich’s music, "I stay by myself, and tell myself before the game, I am not Huang Xuan, she is not Wen Yongshan, don’t worry about others looking at me like this, just go to the scene to do stress reactions."

"He’s really unfamiliar." Wen Yongshan didn’t adapt to Huang Xuan’s state at first, but the tacit understanding of the actors soon understood the other party’s intentions.

All the ruthlessness and ferocity belonged to the character Miao Qingshan, "During that process, I didn’t think about whether I was fierce or not, right?" It was just that after a year, when the movie was about to be released and Huang Xuan met Miao Qingshan again, even he felt unfamiliar, "A little uncomfortable."

When the premiere saw the audience’s feedback on Miao Qingshan, Huang Xuan’s hesitant heart for this challenge seemed to fall, "Because this character is too bad, I’m afraid the audience will have other opinions about me, but I’m really happy to see that everyone still encourages me."

"Huang Xuan" · Play space

In order to allow himself to play out the possible details in the limited space as much as possible, Huang Xuan discussed with the director in advance whether he could add some details, such as his concern for his mother or his girlfriend. "For the rhythm of the film, there are some cuts and fades."

However, in the film, the director still retains the fantasy of Miao Qingshan playing the flute. During filming, Huang Xuan felt that since the character likes classical music so much, should he know a musical instrument? This proposal was quickly approved by the director.

During the filming, Huang Xuan had learned the flute and had a certain foundation. To this end, he asked the director for a month, and he found a teacher from the Qingdao Symphony Orchestra to guide him. Finally, for this scene, he learned "Evening on the Outskirts of Moscow".

The two-way rush of directors and actors to create is on display here. To this end, Qiu Litao mobilized various foreign musicians from all over the country and assembled a symphony orchestra full of foreign artists to cooperate with Miao Qingshan’s fantastical performance. Although the final film only took three seconds, which is a little regrettable, "I think it can still bring some reverse things to this character."

In addition, the rivalry between Miao Qingshan and Cui Zhenhai (played by Zhang Hanyu) in prison allowed Huang Xuan to play independently after "understanding Miao Qingshan and becoming Miao Qingshan".

In the original script, it was written that Miao Qingshan was handcuffed in prison and was very decadent. But when the scene was filmed, the police outside the prison were celebrating, singing and dancing very happily, "I instinctively got up. At that time, I felt that whether it was fear or depression, I always had a reverse emotion, and I used an emotion that was happier than you to confront you."

Huang Xuan understood Miao Qingshan with a completely human personality. Even when Cui Zhenhai handed the dumplings, he said, "I organized some of the lines myself. I think that scene can still hit the softest part of him, but it will soon change and talk to them."

"Actor" · Possibility

"Moscow Action" is a commercial film that Huang Xuan has rarely tried. Compared with past dramas or literary films that pay attention to the flow of life, it has higher requirements for the performance rhythm.

In this type of film, actors are not allowed to mix muddy things in their performances, and they often explain a lot in a few shots. When Huang Xuan starts to perform, he still has the usual performance inertia, "instinctively want to play a little more, or precipitate a little more." Qiu Litao always tells him directly, "This will be more." He will tell the actor very accurately how much time is needed here, and the rhythm will be good.

Fortunately, "Moscow Action" was the second collaboration between Huang Xuan and the director. Although it had been 10 years, he could still quickly find a tacit understanding of the rhythm. "At the beginning, the director would remind me, and soon he knew the rhythm he wanted."

Looking back at "Miao Qingshan" now, "This is what I want to try. The state of every scene in" Moscow Action "is something I have not expressed before." Whether it is his own cognition or the feedback from the audience, Huang Xuan is satisfied, "I seem to have the feeling of filming for the first time."

Every actor would have their own ambitions for acting, and Miao Qingshan unwittingly opened up Huang Xuan’s ambitions. There was never a world where this character was completely different from himself. In the past, Huang Xuan would always travel or recuperate to find the essence of the character and bring himself closer to the soul of the character, but this time it was completely different.

"I mobilized the energy I didn’t have before, and I think I can still do this, or I can try this, and I have transformed myself into that state as much as possible. As an actor, I am really excited." But if there was still a chance, Huang Xuan still wanted to play the villain again, "But it will definitely be different from Miao Qingshan."

Since his debut, Huang Xuan has also been slowly adjusting his state, just like "Moscow Action", which has never been tried before, and has the courage to take steps. But he also has a new understanding of the plan or goal. In 2022, he took an 8-month break, "Rest may also be faster to complete a self-improvement."

But this year, he may also be busy, seeing that he is interested in the script, "If you are tired, you may stop and do what you want to do. Let yourself be more pure and focus on the performance."

Betel nut blood won the best film in the "China Star" unit of Seattle Film Festival.

At 10: 45 am on June 9, 2018, Beijing time, the China Star Unit Award Ceremony of the 44th Seattle International Film Festival was held in Seattle, USA. It was produced by Weishi Brothers (Hong Kong) Entertainment Group, directed by young director Hu Jian, and the film starring Zhao Bingrui, Yue Ye and Shen Shiyu won the best film in this unit.



The rise of emerging film forces has won many international awards to shine.

This time, Hu Jian was selected as the "China Star" unit of the Seattle International Film Festival with Betel Blood, and won the best film. Along with the finalists, female directors Yang Mingming’s, Wu Hao’s "The People’s Republic of Desire" and Xin Yukun’s. After some fierce competition, in the end, Betel Blood won the grand prize in deus ex. Previously, "Betel Blood" was shortlisted for the 67th Berlin Film Panorama Unit and the 41st Hong Kong International Film Festival, respectively. After the screening, it received a lot of praise such as "exceeding expectations" and "good surprise film", and its word-of-mouth was bursting, and it was praised by both inside and outside the industry. When the film was screened live in Seattle, many international filmmakers were amazed that the level of China’s new director was beyond imagination.


Talking about the award, Hu Jian, director of Betel Nut Blood, said, "I am grateful to the Seattle International Film Festival for giving China films a chance to be shown on the international stage. I hope more and more audiences can see more different types of China films. When filming this film, our producer, Mr. Sun Wei, gave me infinite trust and tolerance. I would like to thank him again, and thank those who are willing to support the young directors in China. I hope that more beautiful works will be dedicated to you in the future. " At the screening scene, producer Sun Wei also shared a lot of interesting things behind the scenes, and said that he would spare no effort to be the driving force behind the emerging film industry in China.


The production company of this film is Weishi Brothers (Hong Kong) Entertainment Group. As the chairman of Weishi Brothers Entertainment, Sun Wei has dug deep into the development of the film and television industry, and combined with the exploration experience in original content in recent years, the company has produced and produced such film and television works as Betel Nut Blood, and the film and TV series "Sending Children" which are being prepared for shooting recently have also attracted the attention of the industry. In Sun Wei’s view, the rise of a work, the content is the core, and works supported by substantive content can be regarded as excellent works and worthy of the audience.

As an emerging entrepreneurial film and television company, Weishi Brothers pays more attention to the content and quality of the project itself, and hopes to create high-quality works by working hand in hand with more young film talents.



The film reproduces the cruel story of youth and releases the sadness and helplessness under the hustle and bustle.

"Betel Blood" tells a cruel and ideal story of youth: a tropical seaside town and a surfing place. With the arrival of summer, three young people are involved in the whirlpool of feelings and desires. Qi Li, who works in the Aquarium, and Ren Yu, who is cheerful and handsome, have lived together in the town for many years, and the arrival of female college student Bailing has caused irreversible changes in their feelings. The three gradually forged a profound friendship, and the young passion reached its peak one night. However, the local hooligans disturbed them, and the tragedy was also difficult to reverse. The noisy beach and the shiny black back of surfers reflect the faces of youth. In this summer, nothing has changed and everything continues.

In the film, the stories of several young people originated from the accidental inspiration of director Hu Jian, generate. Because a social news triggered him to want to create a story about cruel youth, he quickly made clear the theme of the film after completing the first draft. "I don’t care what time and where she is, because no matter what time and place, such a story of three young people may happen. It’s like a closed space, where anything can happen. In that environment, people may be more natural and primitive. What I want is the kind that dares to love and hate. "

Andy Lau denies rumors of marriage within 100 days for the first time


Andy Lau and Zhu Liqian made an appearance hand in hand.

Hua Zai saw the scene of chaos, that is, he embraced Zhu Liqian, who was pale, and comforted her with tenderness.

The appearance of the two was surrounded by the media, and the scene was very chaotic.

  Oriental Daily reported on August 26 Andy Lau has been adhering to "singleism" for 24 years, refusing to recognize the "invisible girlfriend" Zhu Liqian who is silently guarding behind his back, but yesterday he dramatically destroyed the "Chastity Archway" and dragged Zhu Liqian back to Hong Kong with his fingers clasped tightly. Although it seems that he has tacitly agreed to the intimate relationship with Zhu Liqian on the surface, Andy still owes the other party an official status. The affair between Andy and Zhu Liqian has been spread for 24 years, which is a semi-open secret in the circle. However, in order to protect the image of the idol school, Andy is afraid that the disclosure of his girlfriend’s relationship will break the hearts of thousands of girls. Over the years, his girlfriend has been photographed in and out of his apartment, appearing in his concerts, and even being photographed by the media in Malaysia as suspected of "talking about marriage". Andy still insists on "zero response". Until Andy’s rumored "grandfather" and Zhu Liqian’s father Zhu Jiancheng died suddenly in Malaysia and held a funeral, Andy’s "secret" that he had kept for nearly a quarter of a century finally failed to keep, and he and his girlfriend both appeared in public.

  Last Tuesday (18th), it was rumored that in addition to Andy and Zhu Liqian flying to Malaysia to see Zhu’s father for the last time, there was also a child with him. Until the funeral was held after Zhu’s father passed away last Saturday (22nd), Andy and Zhu Liqian did not show up to bid a final farewell to Zhu’s father, which aroused discussion among the outside world and netizens.

  Couple outfit any auction

  It is unknown whether Andy can’t bear the pressure of public opinion, and his attitude suddenly softened. On the seventh day of Zhu’s father’s first day, Andy and Zhu Liqian "for the first time" appeared in the new grave of Fujian Yishan in Malaysia, accompanied by the Zhu family, to pay tribute to Zhu’s father and do their filial piety.

  Yesterday at 5:00 pm in Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Andy and Zhu Liqian, dressed in plain clothes and wearing "couple masks", showed up to take Malaysia Airlines back to Hong Kong. The most surprising thing was that Andy did not dodge and held Zhu Liqian tightly with his fingers to take pictures. However, when the media approached, his assistant stood between the two. The group walked quickly to the special VIP room and launched a chase battle with the media. The whole journey lasted no more than three minutes.

  Go home to rest

  Andy and Zhu Liqian flew to Hong Kong at around 10:30 last night. Although more than 100 media and fans gathered at the scene, Andy and Zhu Liqian, wearing masks and wearing couple’s beads, still walked out of the gate hand in hand. In order to protect Zhu Liqian from being knocked down by the crowd, Andy freed up his other hand to hold Zhu Liqian, and the two never left, showing their love. Andy and Zhu Liqian left the airport under the protection of several security guards and police officers, but due to the extremely chaotic scene, people fell and threw their shoes from time to time. In the face of more than 100 media follow-up, Andy said politely: "Thank you for your concern." When a reporter asked if Andy and Zhu Liqian would get married within 100 days of Zhu’s father’s death, Andy finally broke the silence and responded for the first time: "No, I won’t talk about everything again, I won’t explain more, give me some time, I’ll wait for me to take her home to rest, I’m sorry to make everyone like this."

  After that, when someone asked Andy whether he would disclose Mrs. *******dentity and whether he had a son and a daughter, Andy remained silent. During Andy’s interview, Zhu Liqian kept bowing her head as the woman behind him, but during the chaos, it seemed as if she had been hit on the cheek by a wheat brand. Seeing that Zhu Liqian seemed to be frightened by the media, Hua Zai immediately appeased her.

  In addition, Andy earlier accepted an interview with Yongquan, a cable live streaming host, saying that he should get married early in the morning, just thinking of the future to carefully consider how to protect the family, if he really gets married, it will definitely be announced, and twice stressed: "Not in the future." The answer is intriguing, he thinks it is more difficult to keep the secret of marriage than to announce, he said that if there is a child, how can it be hidden, that child is too miserable, he will not be such a person.

  (Source of this article: Oriental Daily)

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