Everyone has a talent for running, and accumulating exercise can activate your talent …

But I didn’t know running was romantic until I ran for a few hundred meters. I was short of breath, my heart was pounding, and I kept running for a while. I immediately realized the meaning of filling my legs with lead. It was really filling my legs with lead. I didn’t have the strength to take a step forward. I really couldn’t hold on. I stopped and gasped. Look at my mobile phone. It was only six or seven hundred meters, and it was still far from 1 kilometer. At this moment, I suddenly thought about those marathon runners. How did they run down? I really can’t figure it out. I feel tired when I think about it. . .

Practice has proved that waking up your running genes has little to do with the distance you run each time, but with the total amount you run. If you can only run 500 meters at a time, it’s not a problem, as long as you can run the total amount, you can achieve your goal.

The first goal is to run 100 kilometers. If a rookie who can only run 500 meters at a time wants to achieve this goal, he must do one thing, that is, insist. He is not afraid of running less, but he is afraid of not insisting. Theoretically, he can run 100 kilometers in 200 days, but in practice, as long as he insists, he will certainly not use 200 days, because your running genes have begun to wake up. By the time you reach 100 kilometers, the distance you run at a time will definitely exceed.

The second goal is to run 200 kilometers. Why is the goal improved? It is because your single running distance has been greatly improved. The time you spend running 200 kilometers now must be less than the time you spent running the first 100 kilometers. The core of achieving the second goal is still to stick to it. As long as you stick to 200 kilometers, you will soon finish running. When you finish running, you will find that you have stopped talking about 5 kilometers at a time.

After running down 300 kilometers, some people’s running genes are almost completely awakened, and they can even run half a horse or more. Others’ running genes are only partially awakened, but their progress will surprise them, because they didn’t believe they could run 5 kilometers before.

Real runners have accumulated a huge amount of exercise, and with the increase of the total amount, runners will continue to enter a new realm, which will only make runners more convinced.Everyone has a running gene.

Which of the 23 values of love do you value most?

Original eclipse APP KnowYourself

Plan, write/master

Message sorting/rock sugar

Editor/KY creators

Intimacy plays an extremely important role in most people’s lives. But even the same pursuit of love, what everyone wants from an intimate relationship is different.

So, what do you pursue in love? Last week, we collected this question from everyone and received many people’s different understandings of love. Let’s have a look. Is there the one you are looking for?


Loyalty, incomparable loyalty.

I am not a person who puts such characteristics as loyalty and singleness in the first place, and I never use a certain standard to ask each other. But after two times of betrayal and deception in my feelings, I realized that loyalty is a very important standard for me, but I used to regard it as a "default" condition. However, not everyone obeys this principle by default in their feelings like me. So, I began to regard this loyalty as my first emotional standard. If you can’t do it, don’t both.


I hope that I can be a listener and confidante with my lover, and share my experiences and feelings all my life. When you see fireworks and puppies, send them to each other as soon as possible or save them in a mobile phone photo album for him to see. When chatting, you spit and cry without scruple, and never hide the darkness and fragility.


What I pursue in love is a unique passion and a long-flowing romance. Whether it is passionate love when I was young or companionship when I was old, the spark of love is different and gorgeous every day, and every bit of life exudes a romantic atmosphere.


I’ve always longed for a close diamond cut diamond love.

My predecessor and friends around me say that I am sometimes too strong, and I admit it. My personality seems to be more suitable for a typical relationship of "women are strong and men are weak", but I am partial. I know myself. Only when the other person is really strong and confident, let me appreciate and admire from the heart and feel pressure at the same time, will I stay in this relationship with satisfaction. I wonder if I can meet such a person again?


I only pursue passionate and short-lived romance and passion in love. I don’t believe in long-term love. I believe those love stories that are full of daily necessities, but I deeply doubt whether such feelings can be called love in the end.

What I want is the purest love, even if it is only for a few hours. I don’t want to last long, just love.


Eager to be seen.

After many years of marriage, he never ignored my efforts and all my living habits and preferences. Is it because he is a science and engineering man?

After reading "My fragrance", I doubt whether this marriage is really worth it.


As soon as I say it, you will understand. Or, you’ll understand before I tell you.


I am extremely looking forward to a person who can give me justice! This fairness is for my personal feelings, not the kind of fairness that both sides come and go.

I always measure whether I am more happy or unhappy when I am in love, because I think the essence of love is also a trade-off. The accumulation of positive emotions is gain, and the accumulation of negative emotions is loss. When I lose too much, I must stop loss in time. Therefore, there will be a balance in my heart. When unhappiness is obviously more important than happiness, I will break up even if I endure the pain. After all, my happiness is the most important.

Don’t say anything like "Are you happy for each other’s happiness?". When you fall in love with your brain in the early stage, you may take pleasure in sacrificing yourself to fulfill each other, but in the long run, something will happen.


What I have been pursuing is to be myself with ease and peace of mind.


In love, I feel that I am eager to be loved. Maybe it’s because of family of origin that she has become very fond of her brain and is changing, because it’s really not good.


Tacit understanding. Always speak in unison or say what the other person wants to say.


What I pursue in love is the little happiness in plain life. I can wake up every night to tuck me in, go home from work and run into the kitchen to finish the housework I’m too lazy to do, wake up in the morning and deliberately scratch me like a kitten’s paw, and then run away. Like a child in front of me, I can go all out for my career and be my strongest backing when I am anxious. There are so many warm things at ordinary times that I can’t remember them at the moment. In short, when I think of him, I will laugh, from the heart.


I hope both of us can remain sincere. Give love sincerely, express it sincerely, face yourself sincerely, and treat this feeling sincerely.


What if you don’t even want to pursue love?


Absolute honesty and trust. Maybe it’s too idealistic, but I want both sides to be naked and unreserved in a relationship, not mindless, but to give their backs to each other completely and enjoy the rainbow together through thick and thin.


What I pursue in love is tolerance and attention.

I am a person who can’t take care of myself and has a lot of small temper. I need my partner to tolerate and accept my living habits, take care of me like my parents and make me happy. At the same time, I also need a lot of attention, and I need him to respond every time when I seek attention, and I can provide some interesting suggestions when I am bored. Although my current partner is not the same as my checklist, he is patient, tolerant and responsive. I can be happy every day and have more energy to focus on what I like.


I want a friend who can talk to me and always talk to me. Passion in love is often unsustainable. Compared with lovers, it is better to be close friends who can talk about life philosophy from poetry and songs.


Absolute possession, absolute freedom

Possession means that we all know clearly that "you are mine". Freedom means that we have independent space and time for each other.


I always hope to find a partner who can share my views, discuss various topics and even debate with me. I am a typical "broad but not refined" person, who knows a lot and is interested in everything, but rarely stays in a pit for a long time. So I hope to find such a person, so that I can share and discuss with her at any time. It would be better if I can hold different views. I prefer to seek common ground while reserving differences, and I can respect each other while developing our ideas.


I want a comfortable relationship. When I get along with each other, I don’t need too much scheming. I can say whatever I want and do whatever I want. I can be myself with confidence and boldness. The other party likes my advantages and can tolerate my minor faults, so both of them can feel comfortable and at ease in the unique magnetic field.


I pursue a partner who can empathize with me and always support me.

I have a lot of thoughts in my feelings, and I am a sensitive person. Sometimes I cry easily. Even my parents sometimes can’t understand my emotions and behaviors. Therefore, I hope my future partner will be a person with strong empathy and can give me affirmation and comfort when I am sensitive and fragile.

Probably it is also a sensitive reason. Although I have a lot of ideas, I am often not confident. I gave up as soon as others persuaded me to quit. But if someone around me can give me a little affirmation, I will actually rush. I hope my partner can be such a person who will support my decision when I am not firm and let me realize my ideas more freely.


That conviction and peace of mind. Even if you don’t reply to the information in time, you won’t be too worried or angry; Will share interesting news and photos in the first time; When good dishes are served, they will be fed without opening their mouths; Don’t stick together, do what you like, and come and ask for a hug from time to time … Good love should not make you anxious.


Why do you have to pursue something in love? I think every relationship in my past has its own unique bright spot. The reasons why I love everyone and cherish every relationship are also different, and there is nothing I pursue in my relationship.

KY author said:

When I was a teenager, I thought about the meaning of love to people. Later, when I grew up, I found that this question had no meaning at all, because there was no fixed standard answer, only the best answer for everyone.

Just like the answer sheet of life, each has its own reasons and its own wonderful things. Quantifiable standards such as money, status and life span are not worthy of being measured.

However, the appearance of various voices and answers is not to disturb the audience, but to provide a "reference answer", a possibility of "not yet seen".

We put the answers on the table, surround and examine them, like going shopping in the mall to buy shoes, holding them over and over in our hands, and trying to put them on for two steps. I can see that it is infinitely good in the future, and I can also see the bad things that need to be endured behind the glamorous fantasy. Then I finally decided, "Well, that’s it" or "Let’s see".

In any case, the choices you make have to be borne by yourself, just like the shoes you buy are put on your feet. You may not notice whether they look good or not, but only you know whether they are comfortable or not.

I hope we can all know what we want, find what we want, and what we want is the most suitable.

The true love of young people in small towns strikes back. Shanghai girls find happiness and true love in his interest

In the concept of dating, Shanghai girl Zhou Jie is indeed a bit "crazy". Under the traditional mindset of marriage equality and matching, Zhou Jie’s road to marriage seems to be getting narrower and narrower. With the increasing age and persistence in the inherent concept of mate selection, Zhou Jie has been "single". Looking at Zhou Jie, who is too high to be low, the girlfriends who are in a hurry have "pulled" her to his interest! Girlfriends think that so many people have successfully found the right partner in their own interests. How can Zhou Jie not?

To tell the truth, although Zhou Jie has always had some difficulties in making friends in marriage and love, and her personality and feelings have always been somewhat cold, she has a well-off family and a rich life working as a dance teacher, which can be called "high quality" in all aspects. No matter in his family in the same city or in his live broadcast room, Zhou Jie’s interaction with her friends will always show her high artistic talent and always attract the attention of many opposite sex. There are more and more opposite sex who take the initiative to chat up Zhou Jie in his interest, but Zhou Jie doesn’t seem to "call" them.

Including Zhou Jie herself and her girlfriends, no one expected the opportunity of true love to come. One day, a young man from Yunnan named Yang Hui finally let Zhou Jie "fall" in love. The two people were introduced to each other automatically by the system through his interesting voice speed matching function. Zhou Jie likes Yang Huifu’s magnetic voice, which is gentle and special. In the following interactive communication, Zhou Jie learned that Yang Hui came from a small town in Yunnan and worked hard in Shanghai alone for many years. She was particularly smart and motivated. Although family background, education and appearance are not as good as Zhou Jie’s, many of Yang Hui’s ideas and attitudes towards some things are surprisingly consistent. Their sense of tacit understanding and mutual understanding make them deeply attracted to each other at the same time.

Every day, there are endless topics to talk about in his interest, and there will be endless happiness when he is with him. Zhou Jie is more and more aware that marriage equality, door-to-door matching and so on are not the whole of true love. Love doesn’t have to be born in the same background, but based on the spiritual harmony and mutual understanding. In this relationship, Zhou Jie and Yang Hui changed each other and grew together. Two people choose each other, Zhou Jie has changed the traditional concept of marriage and love, and the small town guy has also achieved the counterattack of marrying a Shanghai girl.

As a dating service platform that has been committed to building efficient ice-breaking, high-frequency interaction and multi-interest links for single young people, the real high rate of single-off-order of Taqu APP is an accurate cut-in to the actual single-off demand of single groups, and on the other hand, technology empowers single groups to intelligently match the needs of the other half, which greatly reduces the time cost and energy input cost of single young people in finding the right other half, and it is easy to find the right other half in Taqu APP.

Fujian Sports Lottery Center: Lottery players with valid lottery numbers can apply for live viewing if they are interested.

  Screenshot of the "31 Choose 7" live TV lottery on April 12th of Fujian Sports Lottery.

  Recently, the video of the No.4 lottery ball stopping at the top of the slope of the lottery machine and blocking the No.5, No.6 and No.7 lottery balls at the "31 Choose 7" lottery scene of Fujian Sports Lottery triggered a heated discussion on the Internet. On April 24th, the staff of Fujian Sports Lottery Center responded that this phenomenon was accidental after on-site inspection by lottery machine manufacturers. The lottery system was operating normally and the current lottery results were valid. The manufacturer of the lottery machine also responded that there is no abnormality in the lottery machine involved, there is no fault in the equipment operation system, and there is no situation that the lottery is affected by the fault.

  The lottery ball is stuck at the top of the slope.

  Netizens questioned "fraud"

  Webcast video shows that the first three balls fell out and rolled into the exhibition area below the slope, but the fourth ball stopped at the top of the slope and did not roll into the exhibition area. Subsequently, the fifth, sixth and seventh lottery balls were also blocked by the fourth lottery ball and stopped at the top of the slope. On-site notaries announced the winning number according to the dropped ball number.

  According to the lottery announcement, the lottery numbers are 07, 14, 11, 01, 05, 17, 19, and the special number is 28. The sales amount of this period is more than 930,000 yuan. Two bets won the second prize, with a single prize of 18,799 yuan, 19 bets won the third prize, with a single prize of 1,200 yuan, 75 bets won the fourth prize, 200 yuan won the fifth prize in 2207 bets, 20 yuan won the sixth prize in 20729 bets, and 6 yuan won the single prize. The bonus of more than 1.01 million yuan rolled into the next prize pool.

  On April 24, the staff of Fujian Sports Lottery Management Center told Beijing Youth Daily that after the incident, the Sports Lottery Center also contacted the lottery machine manufacturer to check on the spot. At present, the conclusion given by the manufacturer is that this is an accidental phenomenon. "The lottery system itself is operating normally, and the scene is also supervised by notaries. According to the management measures stipulated in the lottery, as long as the lottery ball is shaken out of the mixing bin, this lottery is effective. This time, the ball should have rolled to the exhibition area after it was shaken out. However, due to this accidental scene, the fourth ball stopped there and the balls behind it could not come down, but this did not affect the lottery results. " The staff said that after the incident, the Sports Lottery Center sent the video to the lottery machine manufacturer for the first time. Later, everyone paid more attention to this situation, and the manufacturer should also ask to go to the scene to check the equipment on the spot. What is the specific reason for this accidental phenomenon? Subsequent manufacturers will also issue a written explanation letter, and the Sports Lottery Center will also announce it to the public.

  In response to netizens’ suspicion that "the notary prepared the winning number before the lottery results came out", the above-mentioned staff also said, "If you watch the video carefully, you can find that the lottery ball has stayed on the upper step for a few seconds before falling to the slope. The notary usually sees the lottery ball fall down the steps before preparing the winning number. There is nothing wrong with this. It may be a problem with editing (lens switching), and there is no situation of preparing winning numbers in advance. In addition, our lottery is always open to the public. If the public has doubts about the lottery results, we also welcome everyone to watch and supervise the lottery. "

  In addition, the staff told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that the manufacturer of the lottery machine will maintain it regularly, and the Sports Lottery Center will also inspect the machine before the lottery. Generally, when the lottery machine reaches a certain age, the Sports Lottery Center will replace it. It said that the lottery machine used at the lottery site on April 12 had no problem in operation and was currently in normal use.

  Regular maintenance of lottery machine

  After inspection, there is no fault or abnormality.

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily learned that the manufacturer of the lottery machine is Shanghai Junti Science and Technology Equipment Company. The staff of the company said that the lottery machine at the "31-7" lottery scene of Fujian Sports Lottery on April 12 was a relatively new machine. During the normal service period, there was no such situation that the lottery ball stopped at the top of the slope before the lottery. "This is an accidental phenomenon, not man-made. We have checked on the spot, and there is no problem with the machine and the lottery system. This situation has nothing to do with the lottery machine. "

  Regarding the speculation that netizens questioned the machine failure or the static influence of the lottery machine, the staff of Shanghai Military Sports Science and Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. said that they would carry out regular maintenance, inspection and overhaul of the lottery machine according to regulations to ensure that the lottery machine can operate normally. "At present, what we have learned and seen is that there is no abnormality in this machine, there is no fault in the equipment operation system, and there is no situation that the lottery is affected by the fault."

  Notary before each lottery

  Will check the lottery machine and the ball

  According to public information, "7 out of 31" is a Chinese sports lottery authorized by China Lottery Center and underwritten by Fujian Sports Lottery Distribution Center in its jurisdiction, referred to as Fujian Sports Lottery — 7/31。 The lottery ticket is distributed and sold by computer network system, and the lottery ticket is drawn on TV regularly, and the winning prize is determined according to the number of matching betting numbers and winning numbers.

  In view of the special situation of the "7 out of 31" lottery scene in Fujian Sports Lottery Center on April 12, Beiqing Daily reporter called the customer service of China Sports Lottery. The staff introduced that the relationship between China Sports Lottery Center and Fujian Sports Lottery Center is business guidance, and "7 out of 31" belongs to local gameplay. The lottery situation is mainly handled by Fujian Sports Lottery Center. According to the China Sports Lottery Center, the lottery at that time was normal, but the lottery ball that was shaken out did not roll to the exhibition area, and the ball behind it did not roll down. "Every time the lottery is broadcast live, there will be relevant notaries to supervise the whole process. The winning number is no problem. Fujian Sports Lottery Center also contacted the supplier to analyze the situation afterwards, and tested the lottery machine and related lottery videos. There is really no problem, and the lottery number is true and effective."

  The customer service staff said that under normal circumstances, before each lottery, the notary will check the equipment and the lottery ball, and after confirming that there is no problem, put the lottery ball into the lottery machine and seal it before the lottery. Except the notary, no one else will touch the lottery ball. "If you are interested, you can also apply for a look at the lottery site through China Sports Lottery Network. If you have any questions, you can also consult the on-site staff."

  Yesterday afternoon, the staff of Fujian Sports Bureau also told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that the staff of the bureau were understanding the investigation about the situation of the "31-7" lottery on April 12.

  Text/Reporter Dai Youqing Coordinator/Jiang Wei

Finance and economics are once deep | How to grasp the key of real estate finance to implement "housing and not speculating"?

  Food, clothing, housing and transportation are the basic needs of life, among which "living" is regarded as just needed by many people. These two days, there was an interesting meeting, which was closely related to "living".

  The video and telephone conference on accelerating the development of affordable rental housing and further improving the regulation of the real estate market held on the 22nd reiterated that the house should be used for living, not for speculation, and the real estate should not be used as a short-term means to stimulate the economy.

  The positioning of "staying in the house and not speculating" continued to consolidate, which made many people eat "reassuring".

  The picture shows a commercial house near Madang Road in Shanghai. Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Fei photo

  Whether buying a house, renting a house or building a house, it is inseparable from money. Therefore, real estate finance is a key link in the implementation of "housing without speculation".

  In recent years, China has accelerated the establishment and improvement of a long-term mechanism for real estate financial management, especially under the guidance of the "three lines and four files" rule and the real estate loan concentration management system, many housing enterprises have become more cautious and self-disciplined, and the concentration of real estate loans and personal housing loans of banking financial institutions has steadily decreased.

  In June, the sales price increase of commercial housing in 70 large and medium-sized cities showed a steady and declining trend as a whole; At the same time, at the end of June, the growth rate of RMB real estate loans in China dropped by 2.2 percentage points from the end of last year.

  It can be seen that the regulatory policies, including real estate financial policies, have been effective, the real estate credit environment in some cities has changed, and the price increase has stabilized.

  What is the "sharp weapon" that can make regulation so immediate? How do the "three lines and four gears" rule and the real estate loan concentration management system play a role? Come and get to know it.

  To promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, first of all, real estate enterprises need to be healthy. However, some real estate enterprises are greedy for perfection and blindly expand, and the financial indicators of core operations are "red light", which also leads to the phenomenon of high leverage and high debt in the real estate industry.

  In order to enhance the marketization, regularity and transparency of financing for real estate enterprises, in August last year, the People’s Bank of China, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and relevant departments formed the fund monitoring and financing management rules for key real estate enterprises, that is, the "three lines and four files" rules.

  The "three lines" are actually "three red lines", which specifically refer to: the asset-liability ratio is greater than 70%, the net debt ratio is greater than 100%, and the cash short-term debt ratio is less than 1 times after excluding advance payments.

  According to the situation of stepping on the line, real estate enterprises are divided into four grades: red, orange, yellow and green: the scale of interest-bearing liabilities of "red-file" enterprises cannot be higher than the existing level; The annual growth rate of interest-bearing liabilities of "orange file" enterprises shall not exceed 5%; "Yellow file" enterprises shall not exceed 10%; "Green file" enterprises shall not exceed 15%.

  With a clear "three lines and four gears", housing enterprises must meet the corresponding requirements and constantly optimize financial indicators if they want to raise funds. This is equivalent to a "physical examination" of the financial health of housing enterprises to help them better improve their financial management.

  Behind health is self-discipline. When the financing behavior of housing enterprises is more prudent and self-disciplined, the overall operation tends to be stable. Having tasted the sweetness, more and more real estate enterprises have joined the ranks of "self-discipline". At the beginning of the pilot, the central bank selected 12 representative real estate enterprises as the pilot targets, and at the beginning of this year it expanded to 30 real estate enterprises with large debts.

  Zou Lan, director of the Financial Market Department of the People’s Bank of China, said that the "three-line and four-gear" rule is effective from the situation and reactions from all walks of life in the past year. The three core operating financial indicators of the pilot enterprises, namely, asset-liability ratio, net debt ratio and short-term cash debt ratio, have obviously improved, and the debt scale has steadily declined. Many other real estate enterprises outside the pilot also actively benchmark the rules and optimize their own business practices.

  The picture shows a qionghai city resident passing by an advertising slogan in front of a bank. Xinhua news agency

  In addition to keeping an eye on the demand side, financing management cannot ignore the supply side. In addition to monitoring and managing the liabilities of housing enterprises, the People’s Bank of China also strengthens the management of banking financial institutions — — Formulate the management system of real estate loan concentration.

  The system sets "two red lines" for the balance of real estate loans and the balance of personal housing loans for different types and sizes of banking institutions. The former ranges from 40% to 12.5%, while the latter ranges from 32.5% to 7.5%.

  As the saying goes, eggs can’t be put in one basket. Bank credit should also focus on structural optimization, which is not only related to the risk of the institution itself, but also of great significance to the healthy and steady development of the whole economy.

  Since the implementation of the system, the concentration of real estate loans and personal housing loans of banking financial institutions has steadily decreased. The data shows that at the end of June, the growth rate of China’s real estate development loan balance and personal housing loan balance dropped by 3.3 and 1.6 percentage points respectively compared with the end of the previous year.

  In Zou Lan’s view, while the real estate loan business is subject to certain constraints, commercial banks have put more energy into supporting small and micro, "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and other weak economic links, while the proportion of loans in key areas such as manufacturing and technological innovation has been improved.

  The data shows that at the end of June, the balance of China’s Pratt & Whitney small and micro loans increased by 31% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 18.7 percentage points higher than that of various loans in the same period; The balance of medium and long-term loans in manufacturing industry increased by 41.6% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 16.9 percentage points higher than the same period of last year.

  The People’s Bank of China said that the next step will continue to adhere to the positioning that houses are used for living, not for speculation, implement a long-term real estate mechanism, constantly improve the "three lines and four files" rules and the centralized management system of real estate loans, do a good job in policy implementation, improve the resilience and stability of the financial system, and promote the balanced development of finance, real estate and the real economy.

  To firmly grasp the key of real estate finance, we must continue to strictly implement the "sharp weapon" of regulation and control, manage the supply and demand ends of real estate finance, and make the regulation and control policies more precise, which will not only accurately crack down on real estate speculation, but also better meet the needs. (Reporter Wu Yu)

In order to make everyone pay attention to themselves, the stars have put together.

  Gao Xixi (Middle)

  Lu Han; Aires

  Wallace Chung

  What are the most lively days of Shanghai International Film Festival? The first two days of the opening ceremony.

  After walking the red carpet at the opening ceremony, most of the stars chose to stay one more day to promote their own films.

  Therefore, these two days are the days with the most film festivals.

  Zhang Ziyi, Jason Wu, Hugh, Zhang Yi, Deng Chao, Wallace Chung, Zhou Yiwei, Gao Xixi, Shao Bing, Lu Han, Shu Qi, Zhang Jiahui, Guan Xiaotong, Hu Jun, Guo Degang … … There are nearly a hundred stars shining on the beach.

  When stars get together, the most important thing is, of course, to find a topic and attract attention. In these two days, no matter how big a star is, he has to make some moves to become the focus.

  Trick 1: Fight for the right time and play the father’s love card.

  Stars: Deng Chao, Yu Baimei, Gao Xixi

  June 16th is Father’s Day, so playing "Father’s Love Card" is a good way to suit the occasion.

  Looking Up, co-directed by Deng Chao and Yu Baimei, held an advanced viewing in Shangxi Theater. There was a long queue in front of the theater one hour in advance.

  After the screening, Yu Baimei explained why he wanted to shoot Looking Up: "My child is over 5 years old, and Deng Chao has two children, one is 8 years old and the other is 5 years old. Like everyone else, we encounter many puzzles in life and can’t solve problems. This movie tells us what we both want to say most as fathers or as sons. "

  The "father-son relationship" here is touching, and Gao Xixi, the director of the film Eight Sons, which will be released this Friday, is even more clever — — Father’s Day is his birthday.

  Liu Duanduan, Shao Bing and Yue Hong, starring in Eight Sons, sang birthday songs with hundreds of fans in the audience to celebrate Gao Dao’s birthday. A video was also broadcast on the scene, recording the scene when Gao Dao’s daughter sang a song to explore the crew of Eight Sons.

  Gao Xixi said frankly: "This film has a very special meaning to me, and it entrusts me with a love and tribute to my hometown red land. In addition, as I told my daughter, we made this film mainly to show it to young people, hoping that they can know more about ‘ Hero ’ These two words also cherish everything today. "

  Trick 2: seize the geographical position and get the maximum diffusion surface through the fan base.

  Stars: Lu Han, Shu Qi

  To say that the most popular star in Shanghai on 16th was Lu Han.

  The sci-fi film "Shanghai Fortress" directed by Huatao Teng and starring Lu Han and Shu Qi held a press conference, and the hotel lobby was full of fans.

  What makes Qianbao reporter curious is that the fans who are waiting in the lobby and holding the sign "Lu Han" consciously give up a passage.

  Is Lu Han going to walk through the lobby and the fans? As a rule, this is unlikely.

  But this day is no ordinary day. At about 1 pm, Lu Han got off a business car and, surrounded by several bodyguards, really came in directly from the lobby. The scene was once very chaotic, but fans or passers-by who took photos and videos at the same time began to spread wildly in social media such as friends circle and Weibo.

  At the press conference, director Huatao Teng first exposed the reasons for choosing Lu Han, two key words — — "juvenile sense" and "fighting righteousness"

  "When the deer first debuted, I took a fancy to his sense of youth at first sight and thought he was Jiang Yang in the movie. Because the preparation period is relatively long, I will start shooting soon after 3 years and go to see him again. He has not forgotten our agreement, and the sense of youth has not diminished. "

  In the movie, Lu Han has been secretly in love with Shu Qi, but he did not dare to confess. Lu Han was ashamed. "We are at war with alien civilizations, and there is no time for secret love.".

  Shu Qi smiled and said, "When I took this play, I asked Teng Dao first. Who is the character Jiang Yang? After learning that it was Lu Han, I thought I could pick it up. ".

  Trick 3: Talk about people and make a measured disclosure.

  Stars: Zhou Yiwei, Wallace Chung, Jason Wu, Darren Wang, Daxun Wei and Peng Yuchang.

  A little breaking news at the press conference is also a common trick for stars to catch their eyes.

  In the movie "Liberation", Zhou Yiwei plays the artillery in the film. He has a loud voice, basically shouts, and is often thirsty, so the set must have a "thermos cup". Wallace Chung recalled that he had worn out several pairs of leather gloves for the crew to complete complex action scenes.

  In The Climbers, where superstars gather, the press conference is the most lively. Because both Jason Wu and Hugh have a lot of fans, there are also many scalpers outside the stadium.

  Jason Wu said that he likes mountain climbing, but because of his leg injury, he hasn’t been there at an altitude of more than 6 thousand meters. In order to shoot The Climbers, he went to the Xuefeng Mountain in Gangshika, Qinghai Province to experience life. It was January, and in the cold winter, he was dismissed because of a cold. After two days’ rest, he wanted to rush to the top, but his body did not allow him to do so.

  The release of the comedy "Great Wish" directed by Yu-sheng Tian, the director of "Former" series, directly made Wang Dalu, Daxun Wei and Peng Yuchang form a "Wish Brothers Group".

  The three men talked to each other, and the golden sentences were frequent, which caused laughter at the scene.

  For example, Darren Wang vomited that Daxun Wei was "too tall to play high school students".

  Daxun Wei responded: "Probably Tian Dao saw that my temperament was outstanding. Thanks to Tian Dao’s trust, I returned to 18 years old."

  For Peng Yuchang, who was lying in bed almost all the time in the movie, Daxun Wei teased him for "acting only with Adam’s apple".

  Not to mention the war of words, the three male hosts also "joined hands", successfully unlocked the classic disco dance steps and the iconic movements of the men’s team in the interactive session, and pushed the atmosphere of the conference to a climax in a hot song and dance and the old square dance.

Prosecutor: Zhou Liangluo, the star district chief, thought about "nightlife" at night.

    Zhou Liangluo (data map)

    The "Yilin" illegal pyramid scheme, which has attracted much attention from the society, made a first-instance judgment in Beijing No.2 Intermediate People’s Court on the morning of March 23rd this year. The public prosecution of this case is undertaken by the Public Prosecution Division 2 of the Second Branch of Beijing Procuratorate. A few days ago, the reporter went to the hospital and interviewed Gao Jinghui, the chief prosecutor of the "Yilin" case. Coincidentally, in March 2008, Zhou Liangluo, the former mayor of Haidian District, Beijing, was also the chief prosecutor of the bribery case. Looking back on the experience of handling these two cases, Gao Jinghui’s thoughts went back to two years ago …

  The moving company’s big truck brought in the case file.

    In late April 2007, there are still a few days to go before the May Day holiday. That day, I remember very clearly that the public security personnel said that they would transfer the files of the "Yilin" case. After waiting for a while, I saw a moving company’s big truck drive into the yard. "Don’t make a mistake!" I’m a little skeptical. Yes, the file of the "Yilin" case is filled in the spacious truck compartment. More than 2500 copies! I was really dumbfounded.

    Looking at the files that almost occupied the whole room, everyone was silent. This silence indicates that some great pressure is coming quietly, indicating that a "hard battle" is about to start.

    According to the arrangement in the hospital, our Public Prosecution Division II is responsible for the prosecution of the "Yilin" case. After receiving the case, we immediately set up a public prosecution team composed of five people. Director Zhang Xuming guided the overall situation, and my colleague Sun Qing and I undertook it specifically. The other two colleagues cooperated as clerks.

    In order to complete the review task as scheduled, after a simple division of labor, Sun Qing and I plunged into the "ocean of files". More than 2,500 files almost need to be reviewed in this book, and important facts and key evidence should be carefully verified and checked one by one. At the same time, around the qualitative problem of the case, our public prosecution group has conducted many detailed and in-depth discussions.

    During that time, it goes without saying that we worked overtime, and we also spent the last 7-day long holiday on May Day in the office. In September 2007, the review task was finally completed. When two police cars transferred the case file of "Yilin" to the court several times, we felt that another tough battle was about to begin.

  We are facing an unprecedented "team"

    In September 2008, the case of "Yilin", which caused a sensation in the whole country, was heard in Beijing No.2 Intermediate People’s Court.

    On the day of the trial, we were faced with an unprecedented "team"-28 defendants and 44 lawyers, and all the famous criminal defense lawyers in Beijing and even the whole country basically arrived.

    As soon as the war started, the other side showed considerable momentum. Among the 28 defendants, only a small number admitted that their actions were illegal pyramid schemes, while many defendants, including the principal, refused to plead guilty and kept saying that they were operating legally. Among these defendants, there are several northeast people who are particularly eloquent. They regard the court as their own lecture hall, and they talk eloquently.

    Because individual’s "speech" was extremely inflammatory, more than a dozen defendants were so excited that they ignored the judge’s warning and got up to "help the war" one after another. At this moment, the principal Zhao Pengyun suddenly made a gesture, and the defendants immediately quieted down, and no one made any noise.

    I was deeply impressed by this dramatic change. They tried their best to defend their innocence, but their behavior just taught every bystander present the domination and control of illegal pyramid schemes on people’s minds.

    The lawyers also performed quite well, defending the defendant’s innocence with one voice, which was really eloquent.

    Due to the large number of people involved and the complexity of the case, the trial of the "Yilin" case lasted for 8 days. For eight days, we were always calm. Out of the understanding of the case, the grasp of laws and regulations, and the full preparation for the trial, we have already made a well-informed response to all the acquittals. Our public prosecution opinions were all adopted by the court.

  While prosecuting the "Yilin" case, I came into contact with Zhou Liangluo.

    At the same time as the prosecution of "Yilin" case, the bribery case of Zhou Liangluo, the former district head of Haidian District, Beijing, also entered the prosecution stage. According to the arrangement of the hospital, I am responsible for the public prosecution of this case.

    Zhou Liangluo, known as the "Star District Chief", is famous, but his bribery case is not complicated. When reviewing the case file, from the transcripts provided by investigators, I can feel that Zhou Liangluo seems to have a hunch about this day after arriving at the case, and he knows very well that only by actively cooperating and taking the initiative to explain can he win the greatest forgiveness for his sins. And this is almost the common feature of all corrupt officials I have reviewed.

    During the arraignment, Zhou Liangluo was very calm. He said that in fact, I knew that I would have such a day, and I thought of it when I received the first money. I was still very nervous at that time, and later I found that nothing happened, so I relaxed a little. Slowly, if you receive more, you will be numb. If you don’t receive it, you will feel abnormal.

    According to Zhou Liangluo, for a long time before the incident, he had a dual identity, one was the head of Haidian District, and the other was "Manager Chen" given by a friend. During the day, mayor Zhou presided over a clean government meeting and solemnly educated his subordinates to be honest and clean; In the evening, "Mr. Chen" went in and out of the exclusive high-end club, accompanied by beautiful women, singing and dancing. Playing such a "two-faced man" once made him feel very uneasy and contradictory. "I am, after all, a cadre trained by the Party, educated, and know what to do and what not to do, but after a long time, it is hard to resist by personal consciousness and self-control, and those temptations are too great …" Later, at night, he thought about that kind of "nightlife".

    After the arraignment, three words used by Zhou Liangluo to sum up himself often ring in my ears: "Too smooth". Indeed, from the secretary of the Communist Youth League Committee in colleges and universities to the bureau-level leaders, all the way is smooth. The power in his hands is constantly expanding, but there is no effective supervision and restriction on these powers. When all kinds of temptations flood, Zhou Liangluo, who walked too smoothly, finally failed to resist.

  Interview notes

    In fact, the major and important cases prosecuted by Gao Jinghui are far more than these two cases. Wu Zhenhan, former president of Hunan Higher People’s Court, took bribes; Li Ding, former deputy director of the Bureau of Reclamation of the Ministry of Agriculture and former deputy director of the Agricultural Industrialization Office, took bribes; Wu Gongyang, the former full-time secretary of the Ministry of Commerce, was involved in or independently undertaken by her. When talking about those cases, Gao Jinghui was very calm: "The prosecutors in our office are all excellent, and Wu Chunmei (the sixth" Top Ten Outstanding Prosecutors in China ") is a good example."

    According to the reporter’s understanding, in recent years, the public prosecution department of the Second Branch of the Beijing Municipal Procuratorate has undertaken many major cases and important cases, many of which have been designated by higher-level procuratorial organs. In this regard, Gao Jinghui often feels stressed, but more is exciting. "It is our affirmation and trust that the leaders are assigned by name, and we have no reason not to do it well." When saying this, the reporter seemed to see Gao Jinghui on the public prosecution bench-calm, confident and firm. (Reporter Yang Bo interviewed)

Editor: Li Xiuwei

"CyberChina" is popular outside the network! Chongqing night scenes and cars look foolish. Foreign netizens: Do China people live in 2050?

To say that China is the hottest city on the Internet recently, Chongqing must be on the TOP 1 list.

The Title of "8D City" has gone overseas, and the subway can go through the wall, and you can’t tell which floor you are in. The surreal magical cyber night scene has become the "Three tales of mystery in Chongqing" in the eyes of foreign friends.

Let the American little brother dream, let the little sisters in Europe feel excited, Chongqing has been included in the future fantasy list of contemporary young people:

"I was shocked into aphasia, and it felt like time had traveled to 2050."

"I just went there last year and was completely impressed. Being in it is like reaching the future 100 years later. It’s a great city."

"Spider-Man went crazy in Chongqing."

Of course, the sense of Cyberpunk in China city is just one of the topics that have exploded on the Internet. Speaking of playing with Cyberpunk’s sense of the future, we are all used to new energy technology and intelligent driving, and foreign netizens were shocked when they saw it.

Just brush the video of the external network. Under the content of introducing China’s new energy, foreign netizens are basically shocked by "never seeing the world":

"Can you buy it in America? This car looks more upscale than all our cars here."

"The United States will never let such a China car enter the market, and once it rushes into the United States, it will surely kill similar competing products."

"China car, best car."

Even the car navigation can predict that the red light will end in a few seconds, which is a function that everyone in China uses and takes for granted, and it can make them stunned on the spot.

"It’s cool to predict the red light by car navigation! I feel that our country has been left far behind. "

"Can traffic lights be linked with in-car navigation?"

It’s no wonder that the car ideas of foreign netizens still stay in the last century. After all, our country’s sense of existence in the global new energy field has reached the point of "terror".

For ordinary people in China, not only is the proportion of taking taxis to new energy vehicles swishing upward, but the recruitment of new energy enterprises is striding forward in the public opinion field. If you pay attention to the choices of people around you when buying a car, you will find that new energy vehicles, which were once ignored, have now become the first choice of many basin friends.

In their words, it is-"I used to look down on new energy vehicles, but now I am the first to shout".

It is no exaggeration to say that China’s new energy is not just a "rise", but now the general trend is that China’s new energy has gone overseas to "beat up" the world and make up for the lost share in the automobile industry for decades.

How strong is this momentum? Even the traditional car-making powers have a sense of crisis.

Fortune magazine just reported last Sunday that China’s electric vehicles attacked the city overseas, forcing German auto parts manufacturers to change their thinking: "We must adapt to the trend of making cars in China in order to survive."

(Holger Klein, CEO of German auto parts manufacturing giant ZF)

Germans’ worries are not unreasonable. According to the investigation report of Allianz, Germany’s largest financial group, if China’s new energy vehicles continue to develop, by 2030, the total annual net profit loss of European automakers will exceed 7 billion euros (about 54.6 billion yuan).

This figure made them "panic". After all, the sales of European cars are not as good as before, while the sales of local cars in China have been increasing, which has squeezed the living space of European car companies in China.

Now, coupled with the fact that we have finished building cars and exported them to Europe, and rolled them up to Europe at home, we have taken a two-pronged approach, so that comfortable Europeans really feel the cold winter of sales.

(The sales of new energy vehicles in China broke out in the decade from 2011 to 2021, from visualcapitalist)

In addition to the panicked Germans, Japan, another car-making power, could not stand it. Japanese cars also showed signs of "crash" in China, and Japanese experts began to spread anxiety, saying that China had entered a new era ahead of schedule.

According to them, for every four new energy vehicles sold in the world, one of them is from China. In Norway, the number of new cars sold by China New Energy accounts for 79.3% of the total market. Japanese experts sighed greatly: our Japanese car got up early, and now it’s late.

Why did Germany and Japan, a car-making power, suddenly feel a sense of crisis?If we carefully study the export data of new energy vehicles in China, we will find that the brand represented by MAXUS, SAIC Datong, has gradually taught foreign friends over the past few years what is called dimension reduction.

In terms of sales volume, in the wave of China’s new energy export overseas,The cumulative sales volume of SAIC MAXUS in overseas markets in 73 countries and regions has exceeded 300,000 units, and it has become the top stream in developed markets such as Australia, New Zealand, Britain and Norway, accounting for more than 80% of the sales volume.

With the hard power of "All-around Hexagon Warrior", foreign traditional brands of fuel vehicles can no longer stand on the same starting line with us.

From the price point of view, while maintaining the same quality at home and abroad, SAIC Chase MAXUS has successfully played a high premium in overseas markets.

Take TESCO, which has opened stores all over the streets in Britain, as one of the three largest retail enterprises in the world, TESCO has purchased 150 sets of MAXUS pure electric light passenger EV90 refrigerated trucks.

You know, in Britain, the price of new energy products such as pure electric light passenger EV90 has been higher than that of Renault in France, and the sword refers to Mercedes-Benz. Although the domestic price is nearly doubled, SAIC Chase MAXUS still won the order with the strength matching the pricing.

What is even more amazing is that when these cars were delivered, they also created the largest air transport record of electric light commercial vehicles in the world.

TESCO chose air transportation to let SAIC Chase MAXUS send the car to the UK. The freight is more expensive than the goods themselves, which shows how much you want to pick up the car. It is really a two-way trip.

Reliable plus high-end, high premium can also take orders. The more you know about SAIC MAXUS, the more developed countries with long-term cooperation are interested in the brand itself, and the more willing they are to award a wave of industry awards to SAIC MAXUS.

After the British bought it from MAXUS, SAIC Chase, in buy buy, they put the Green Fleet for six consecutive years.(New Energy Vehicle Enterprise Award)The honor of "Electric Vehicle Manufacturer of the Year" was awarded to SAIC Chase MAXUS, and the days when Japanese car companies in Europe, America and Japan once monopolized the awards have become a thing of the past.

Last August, SAIC MAXUS also won one of the most authoritative automobile awards in the world, the "Automobile Innovation Award" in Germany.

This year’s SAIC Chase MAXUS is still like chopping melons and vegetables, and it won the best new energy brand award of the year by autocosmos, the authoritative automobile media in Chile, the "best van 2023" by Businessvan, the preferred strategy website of British container trucks, and the best design model award of Havana Industrial Fair in Cuba in 2023. …

Behind the world’s soft hand in winning prizes, high quality and high premium, it is the cultivation of SAIC Chase MAXUS’s "two blossoms":

On the one hand, it is the hard work of the new energy technology system, on the other hand, it is the foresight of the strategic layout.

Take MIFA 9, the first full-size pure electric luxury intelligent MPV that landed in Europe, as the flagship model facing the global market, positioning the high-end "global hard currency" in environmental protection, technology, comfort and other aspects, which shocked foreign friends with high product strength from the East.

(MIFA 9 unveiled at Birmingham Motor Show, UK)

The early deployment of new energy MPV products has also made MIFA 9 shine in overseas markets and take the lead in stabilizing the high-end.

Now we can see that the results of cultivation have spread all over the world, all over the industry and all fields.

In the logistics industry, SAIC Chase MAXUS won the reputation of "handing the king’s car".SAIC Chase MAXUS light passenger pure electric light passenger EV series stands out among the "picky" car selection standards in developed countries, and postal systems in Ireland, Belgium, Australia and other places have been praised and repurchased.

The logistics team of DPD, the second largest logistics group in Europe, in the UK also heard the news, and signed the largest single order of China brand light passenger car overseas with SAIC Chase MAXUS, which also set a new record for the largest single order of China automobile brand in the UK.

In the chemical industry, T90 EV, a pure electric pickup recognized by the Ministry of Communications of New Zealand at the national level, has also attracted the attention of Chilean lithium mining giant SQM.

Lucky, energy-saving, smart and easy to drive, this car has officially settled in the largest chemical enterprise in Chile.

It can be seen that SAIC Chase MAXUS and other domestic cars have appeared all over the world and in all fields. In the past, I only felt that domestic new energy sources were making progress, but I really didn’t think about the extent of progress. However, judging from the explosive development trend this year and the real data at hand, we have reached this step that can lead the global industry reform.

Once in the era when fuel vehicles occupied an absolute dominant position, our country could not get the core technology, and it was always suppressed by the first superior. Nowadays, generations of technology cultivation and accumulation in the field of new energy have finally ushered in the time of flowering and fruition.

The domestic new energy brand represented by MAXUS, SAIC Datong, has done things silently and made a blockbuster. With the spirit of hard work and steady progress, it has been exported overseas and staged an over-burning reversal.

Looking at today’s new energy field, we have undoubtedly stood on the cusp of a new era.

In the new era, SAIC Chase MAXUS has stood firm at the high end. The road to the future has never been smoother.

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[Video] Hu Jintao visits Ping-Pong Keys and gives gifts to women’s team members.

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Random thoughts: a cost-effective way to travel: time-saving, labor-saving, worry-free and comfortable.

Sunset on Weizhou Island

Bi Shumin said:Travel is a blind herb that can cure the bitterness of life.

It is also said that traveling is from a place where you are tired of living to a place where others are tired of living. Spend your own money, make others rich, then go back to the place where you are tired of living and continue to live tenaciously.

Like most people, I like to go out and have a look every year. In the past few years, the travel environment has been affected, and every time I go out, the troubles caused by the epidemic are not satisfactory.

After the Spring Festival in 2023, the epidemic was suddenly unsealed, which made people excited.

Retirees’ lives include not only pots and pans, but also poems and distant places. Gradually drifting away from society, it is inevitable to produce some spiritual internal friction. It is much better to spend some money to eliminate internal friction than to spend money on medical treatment.

Time and tide wait for no man, travel plan, put on the agenda.

After years of practice and feeling, I still prefer the semi-self-help travel mode: harmony but difference, casualness and freedom.

You don’t have to worry about the itinerary and accommodation, and you don’t have to worry too much about the safety of traveling alone. You can not only enjoy the leisure of seeing the mountains and water, but also have the opportunity to meet like-minded travelers.

Yuandadu site

Near the end of the year, summarize your travel situation in 2023.

1. Travel and expenses

First stop: 14-day tour of Guangxi Panorama.

The time is from February 11th to February 24th, 2023.

The places we visited were: Guilin Collection: Elephant Trunk Mountain, Tianxin Village, Longji Terrace, Yangshuo, Yulong River, Cuiping Wuzhishan, Xianggong Mountain, Huangyao Ancient Town, Liuzhou, Bama Changshou Village, Baimo Cave, Bainiaoyan Cave, Jingxi Goose Spring, Old Street in Jiuzhou, Detian Waterfall, Mingshi Manor, Quyang Lake, Anping Xianhu, Nanning City, Beihai Yintan.

Hydrangea Street, the Old Street of Jiuzhou in Jingxi.

Sunset in Wuzhishan, Cuiping

Tianxincun champion bridge

Anping Xianhexiao Foshan

Mingshi manor

Fees: Guilin assembly, Beihai delegation.

Tour fare (including tickets): about 4700 yuan,

Round-trip transportation cost: 1760 yuan.

Departure: 580 yuan (sleeper+bullet train)

Return: 1180 yuan by plane.

Total: 6450 yuan.

Second stop: Nine-day tour of Daliangshan-Yinji of Yi people.

Time: May 20-May 28, 2023.

The places we visited are: Suji Ancient Town, Jinkouhe Town, Jinkouhe Grand Canyon, Guluo Village, Yele Lake, Yihai Scenic Area, Yi Museum, Xichang Launch Center, Huanglian Tulin, Luojishan 99-grade Hot Spring Scenic Area, Gukede, Sanhe Village, Cliff Village, Mahu Scenic Area and Lizhuang Ancient Town in Zhaojue County.

Luojishan hot spring

Xichang Satellite Launch Center

Jinkouhe Grand Canyon


Cliff village

Fees: Chengdu assembly, break up.

The tour fee (including tickets) is 3680 yuan.

Transportation fee: None (the tour fare includes the return ticket from Xi ‘an to Chengdu).

Total: 3680 yuan.

Third stop: 10-day tour of Xilin Gol Great Ring Road. The time is from July 28th to August 7th, 2023.

The places we visited were: Hohhot, followed by Huanghuagou Scenic Area, Wulanhada Volcano Group, Grassland Volcano Scenic Area, Xilinhot Beizi Temple, Wulantai Scenic Area of Xiwuqi, Seoul Scenic Area of Mongolia, Bulinquan Scenic Area, Bingtuan Town, Wolf Totem Shooting Base, Shizhen Scenic Area of Ketengke Banner, Dali Lake Scenic Area, Yuanshangdu Site, Jining Campaign Memorial Hall, etc.

Shizhen scenic spot

Mongolia Hancheng scenic spot

Volcanic grassland exposed to the sun.

volcanic vent

Fees: Hohhot assembly, break up.

Tour fare (admission): 4280 yuan

Transportation: 580 yuan (going from Xi ‘an to Hohhot, returning to the sleeper).

Total: 4860 yuan.

The fourth stop, a four-day tour of the Qinling Mountains in the autumn. Time: October 24th to October 28th, 2023.

The tour fee (including tickets) is 1210 yuan. Transportation fee: Xi ‘an takes the bus.

The places visited are: Lingguan Gorge in Fengxian, Lover Valley, Shizigou Ranch, Liuba Old Town, Gao Jiang Road, the most beautiful highway in Qinling, and Longtou Mountain in Hanzhong.



Gao Jiang Road, the most beautiful highway in Qinling Mountains.

The total amount of the above expenses is: 16,200 yuan (including breakfast only), totaling 37 days.

During the trip, some people watch the culture, some people watch the scenery, some people punch in and take photos here, and some people relax and take a stroll.

Either way, the picture is a happy and happy mood. After being happy, it is not surprising that the body is tired and exhausted. After a comfortable sleep, the next day I will still be an old man and full of energy.


I like this kind of travel because:

one: The line arrangement is reasonable and comprehensive.

Urban scenery, natural scenery, historical sites and ancient towns, cultural heritage, historical sites, regional culture and other related places will be arranged in the route reasonably.

2:The accommodation is good.

According to the unique situation of each region, we will arrange the best hotel and live comfortably.

three: The service mode is intimate.

There are points for spending, signing in and writing travel notes, and the tour fee can be deducted. The team leader has high quality and strong sense of service.

fourThe most important point is that there is no consumption, pure tourism.

5. Various scenic spots, the time arranged is broad and general., high degree of freedom.

sixBecause I am traveling alone, consideringSafety factor.

Traveling alone, free, unaccompanied, but less lively. This kind of worry-free, labor-saving, time-saving and relaxing way of traveling is just right for me.

Lonely in the crowd at arm’s length,

Joy in like-minded mountains and rivers.

There is no best, only suitable. What suits you is the best.

Jingxi goose spring