Interview with Wang Xueqi: I will never repeat myself in filming, and I will retire if there is no filming

Wang Xueqi

  Movie Network News(Text/Zhang Wei) He is the male lead of Chen Kaige’s work "The Yellow Land". As a hot actor in Chinese movies in the 1980s, he was once dull in the 1990s, but Wang Xueqi still continues to take on the role and act seriously. In the past two years, he has starred in many blockbusters that have been well-received and well-received. He also won the Golden Horse Award and the Golden Rooster Award in his arms, but he always uses the word "lucky" to describe himself. Wang Xueqi said that he will keep filming until the day when no one is looking for him anymore.

Wang Xueqi is always brave enough to break through himself. In "Sword Rain", he was kissed and seduced by Big S

Being popular is not a must, winning is just luck

  Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor, Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actor… Wang Xueqi won numerous awards for playing the role of the Thirteen Swallows in the movie "Mei Lanfang". After being brilliant and enduring loneliness, he now has many masterpieces, but he only calls himself lucky. If these well-received works did not appear, Wang Xueqi would still use his love for performance to shoot the show.

Movie Network: In the 1980s, you were the leading actor of many classic works. At that time, many people came to you for filming. Did you set a higher goal for yourself?

Wang Xueqi:No, in fact, actors are very passive, just looking forward to playing their roles well, let’s touch it, and I don’t know what will happen to a movie in the end, it’s hard to say.

Movie Network: In the 1990s, it seemed that you were a lot quieter? How could you stand loneliness at that time?

Wang Xueqi:There are also new films every year, and I have never been idle. I want to play every role well, but sometimes the book is limited. At that time, I thought that the next one would be better. It is not good to do it without this heart.

Movie Network: Does it feel uncomfortable to watch other actors become popular?

Wang Xueqi:Popularity is not a must. Opportunities are reserved for actors who are well-prepared. Some people may never have this opportunity in their entire lives. I have seen many directors who have been filming like this, from their initial enthusiasm to their diligence and hard work, and then to their retirement. Popularity is like winning a lottery. After all, it is a minority.

Movie Network: Your starring films such as "Mei Lanfang" and "Zhao’s Orphan" have achieved good reputation. Can it be regarded as another peak in your career?

Wang XueqiBefore the performance of "Mei Lanfang", I felt that this film was very important, because it was directed by Chen Kaige, it was a good book, and I had not worked with him for more than 20 years. Now I am not as curious as when I was young. I will take good care of my role and realize myself.

Movie Network: Having won so many awards, has your attitude towards movies changed now?

Wang Xueqi:Not much has changed, now there are more opportunities, the quality of the films is high, and many audiences look at the awards with an outcast mentality. It is rare to win an award, why is it so coincidental that it is you every year? Unless you are very good. The biggest reason I can win awards is because of luck. Many international directors don’t win every work.

64-Year-old Wang Xueqi hardly uses a stand-in in filming

I will never repeat myself in filming. If no one asks me to act, I will retire.

  In "Mei Lanfang", the thirteen swallows, the wheel-turning king in "Sword Rain", and every character portrayed by Wang Xueqi is very brilliant, in his own words, he is "never repeating himself". In "Zhao’s Orphan", he has become the villain Tu Anjia, and Wang Xueqi is really changeable. Looking closely at these three characters, there are many action scenes, but who would have thought that 64-year-old Wang Xueqi basically does not need a stand-in?

Movie Network: You will not only shoot commercial films like "Sword Rain", but also films with strong artistic colors like "Rizhao Chongqing". Is there any standard for receiving plays?

Wang Xueqi:Just reading the script. When I saw the script of "Sword Rain", I was very excited and wanted to play it, because this character has been a eunuch for 50 years, but in the world of rivers and lakes, it is a killer leader who is very enjoyable to act. Needless to say, "October Siege", so many movie champions and queens are there. I was very happy when "Mei Lanfang" found me, and in "Zhao’s Orphan", the role of Tu Anjia is very plump.

Movie Network: If the box office of a movie genre is not satisfactory, will you accept it in the future?

Wang Xueqi:As long as it can stimulate my creative desire, my standard for acting is to never repeat myself, and each character has to be different from the root.

Movie Network: I heard that your fights in "Sword Rain" are all in person, and you don’t use a substitute?

Wang Xueqi:There are stuntmen in the play of Dangweiya. I have a good imitation ability. I can learn fast gestures and have good physical coordination.

Movie Network: Do you also exercise regularly?

Wang XueqiPhysical training is very important, I insist on running and jumping every day, often filming outside without any fitness equipment, as long as I can exercise.

Movie Network: Is this also to extend the lifespan of art?

Wang Xueqi:Yes, someone asked me when I would retire. It’s not up to me to have the final say. When no one is looking for you to film, I should retire. When I was filming in other places, there were young actors on the crew. I went to eat mutton kebabs at 11 o’clock at night and woke up at 11 o’clock at noon the next day. How can I be in good health?

Wang Xueqi

Young actors will be forgotten if they don’t work hard, and Chinese films can’t just focus on commerciality

  When asked in an interview about the young actor’s broken file, Wang Xueqi’s tone was very earnest, with a heartfelt "hatred that iron can’t make steel". Indeed, he has experienced the ups and downs of Chinese movies, and he is outspoken in the face of today’s problems.

Movie Network: Most of the male actors with box office appeal are old actors. Are young male actors starting to break down?

Wang Xueqi:In fact, both opportunities and roles are very important. Nowadays, there are many excellent male actors, but the producer will have his own considerations. He wants to see your commercial value and return. Many reasons will affect whether the actor can participate in the film.

Movie Network: If you see young actors in the crew, would you give them any advice?

Wang Xueqi:Yes, I am very anxious when I see that they don’t work hard, and I will say it very rudely. It is not easy for them to have such an opportunity now. When I was young, I didn’t have such good conditions, so I was very anxious when I saw that they didn’t cherish it and acted inadvertently.

Movie Network: What’s your take on overnight success?

Wang Xueqi:Don’t learn some bad habits. It is true that some people become famous overnight, but if you don’t work hard and there is no good work, the audience will still forget you after a year or two. Many actors are like this, and they don’t know why they ended up going.

Movie Network: In fact, the return of your career to the peak has a lot to do with the prosperity of Chinese films as a whole, right?

Wang Xueqi:Of course, since I started filming "Loess", at that time, Chinese movies were just emerging. They followed the entire environment, the market expanded, and audiences were willing to enter the cinema. Now there are still few good movies, and there should be good movies all year round.

Movie Network: What problems do you think are still existing in Chinese films?

Wang Xueqi:There are many movies of an entertainment nature, and it is not enough to focus only on commerciality, not to pay attention to art, and it is not enough for the characters to fail to impress the audience.

Movie Network: What are your expectations for the future of Chinese film?

Wang Xueqi:It is definitely getting better and better. I can only catch up with a tail now. It is a good thing that Chinese movies have begun to develop in an all-round way. In addition to making money, we must also promote culture and instill good things. You can see the kind of heroism in American movies, which can especially boost morale. Chinese movies should be like this. They cannot just focus on business, but also have heroism and national spirit.

Next page More wonderful pictures

66-Year-old Lin Qingxia released a new book on her birthday, sharing her fate with the late Shao’s Huadan Li Jing

Lin Qingxia exposes in her new book that she sent nude photos to Zhang Shuping

Lin Qingxia exposes in her new book that she sent nude photos to Zhang Shuping

66-Year-old Lin Qingxia releases new book on her birthday

66-Year-old Lin Qingxia releases new book on her birthday

Lin Qingxia reveals a fate with the late Shao's Huadan Li Jing

Lin Qingxia reveals a fate with the late Shao’s Huadan Li Jing

??   According to Hong Kong media reports, the great beauty Lin Qingxia’s 66th birthday yesterday (November 3), and her new book was also released on the same day. She shared a lot of unknown aspects of herself. For example, she had a good relationship with the famous clothing designer Zhang Shuping. When she was young, Lin Qingxia encountered emotional troubles and tried to cry to Zhang Shuping. Unexpectedly, Zhang Shuping praised her for crying well, which made her laugh. Lin Qingxia even tried to give Zhang Shuping her naked photos, scaring the other party to run away!

??The great beauty also has natural enemies. It turned out to be her friend Shi Nansheng. She said that every time she saw Shi Nansheng, she felt that her dress was lost. Lin Qingxia made many Qiong Yao love movies when she debuted. She recalled that many producers asked her to take the show with a travel bag of banknotes. She said that there were so many banknotes that she filled the safe and the bedside table. Lin Qingxia is an idol of many people, and she revealed that she is a fan of Zhen Zhen, and the two have a very good relationship in private. They will meet for afternoon tea.

??In addition, Lin Qingxia shared a fate with the late Shao’s Huadan Li Jing. Li Jing had a difficult life in her later years and could not afford to pay the rent. Once, Lin Qingxia met Li Jing and expressed her desire to write a story about Li Jing. Qingxia said that when she saw Li Jing walking, she needed to use a cane, her body was soft, and her left arm was swollen badly, which was caused by surgery to remove her breasts and lymph. Before leaving, Qingxia gave Li a red envelope and wanted to ask Li Jing to eat her favorite sea cucumber again. Who knew that more than ten days after the meeting, the news of Li Jing’s sudden death came.

The opening is imminent! 2023 Industrial Internet platform empowers in-depth line highlights to see in advance

The 2022 Industrial Internet Platform Development Index released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shows that the development level of our country’s industrial Internet platform has been comprehensively improved, and the industrial Internet has empowered the manufacturing industry to continuously transform and upgrade. With the gradual development of the industrial Internet, a large number of industrial Internet industry events and industrial clusters that have kept pace with the times have emerged in various places, helping the industrial Internet industry to iterate and upgrade.

As the highest-level industrial Internet event in China, the China Industrial Internet Competition has a profound impact on the development of China’s industrial Internet. In 2022, the 4th China Industrial Internet Competition established the Beijing Competition for the first time. As one of the four national demonstration bases for new industrialization in Beijing, it successfully hosted the Beijing Competition in Shijingshan.

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On April 18, the industrial Internet industry is about to usher in another heavyweight event. The People’s Government of Shijingshan District will organize the 2023 Industrial Internet Platform Empowering Deep Tour and the 4th China Industrial Internet Competition Beijing Station Award Ceremony with the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center, Zhongguancun Development Group, North University of Technology and other units. There is only one day left before the opening, what will be the highlights of the event? Now let’s reveal the secrets in advance.

Highlight 1: The 4th China Industrial Internet Competition Beijing Station Award Ceremony

In the finals of the 4th China Industrial Internet Competition in Beijing, more than 20 high-level works won the final honor. The winning works closely follow the direction of "Solutions to promote innovative applications in industrial parks", focusing on the management side and enterprise application side of industrial parks, helping enterprises in the park digital transformation, accelerating the green, safe and intensive development of the park, covering a series of industry applications such as smart logistics, smart energy, and smart mining areas, as well as scene-based applications such as intelligent scheduling and intelligent control, and strive to realize the comprehensive connection of the industrial Internet to people, machines, things and systems.

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The 4th China Industrial Internet Competition Beijing Station Final Site

In tomorrow’s event, the winning teams of the 4th China Industrial Internet Competition Beijing Station will step onto the podium from behind the scenes to receive awards from heavyweight guests. Shijingshan District and Zhongguancun Industrial Internet Industrial Park will also provide all-round support for the winning teams to help the excellent solutions to be implemented quickly.

Highlight 2: Academicians and experts share cutting-edge insights, and exchange activities build consensus

As an important part of the main forum of the 2023 Industrial Internet Platform Empower in-depth activity, Ni Guangnan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a researcher at the Institute of Computing of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, will bring a wonderful keynote speech to the guests on the topic of industrial Internet empowering industrial digital transformation, sharing forward-looking and leading industry insights.

In order to further promote the popularization of industrial Internet technology and build broad consensus, a series of cutting-edge exchange activities will be held at the scene to bring together cutting-edge thinking from all walks of life in "production, education and research". Representatives of academia will share the practice of "integration of production and education" on the spot, and representatives of well-known enterprises will share their experience based on the practice of empowering enterprises with digital transformation on the industrial Internet platform, so as to help more enterprises in urgent need of digital transformation to avoid detours. 

Highlight 3: Building a government-enterprise exchange platform to improve the industrial ecosystem

Zhongguancun Industrial Internet Industrial Park, as an industrial Internet industry cluster in Shijingshan District, has increased its efforts to attract investment and talents in recent years. It has brought together a group of excellent industrial Internet enterprises and become a new business card for Shijingshan District to deepen the construction of the national new industrialization industry demonstration base. The site of this event will provide a detailed interpretation of the development plan of the park, conduct in-depth negotiations with enterprises, solve problems point-to-point, and accurately match the needs of enterprises. Relying on the profound industrial foundation of Shijingshan District, it will attract more leading enterprises and growth enterprises to settle in the park.

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The pilot area of Zhongguancun Industrial Internet Industrial Park has attracted a large number of "Product R & D" forces from all walks of life, such as industrial software, industrial Internet platform enterprises, industrial control security technology research and development enterprises, industrial Internet industry alliances, and scientific research institutes, etc., and has initially formed an industrial agglomeration advantage. The construction of the second phase of the park was also officially launched in March. In the future, it will further integrate the upstream and downstream resources of the industrial chain, promote the strengthening and expansion of industrial clusters, and build the industrial Internet industry into an important base for the development of the capital’s "high-precision" industries.

The 2023 Industrial Internet Platform Empowers Deepin and the 4th China Industrial Internet Competition Beijing Station Award Ceremony is about to open. People from all walks of life are welcome to seize the opportunity and sign up for the conference.

event details

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The delivery staff received "safe delivery".

Recently, the traffic police detachment of Fuxin Public Security Bureau, the Fuxin Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the Fuxin Branch of China Mobile brought "traffic safety takeout" to the takeaways. The police combined the work characteristics of the takeaways and common traffic violations to remind the takeaways not to run red lights, retrograde or speed in order to grab time during the delivery process, and always keep in mind safety first.

Leng Jifeng, our correspondent in Fuxin, photo by Sun Chengchao

Steam Summer Sale Officially Begins: Recommended Games Worth Buying

  Steam has officially launched its summer sale, which ends on July 5th (Pacific Time). So what’s worth buying for this special offer? Let’s take a look…

  Note:We only talk about the newly discounted games in this special offer. It does not count if the discount has not been restored to the original price before.

Main special recommendations (1):

The price of "GTA5" is reduced by 67% to only 62 yuan:(Record low)

Nomad Starry Sky

  "GTA5" is a crime-themed open-ended action adventure game produced and published by Rockstar. The game background is based on Los Angeles and Southern California in the real world. The game has almost the same world view as the real world. Players can play as three protagonists and switch at any time. Each protagonist has his own unique personality and story background, as well as intertwined plots.

  In addition to the main body, the game also has a platinum OL version, which is currently priced 66% off for only 117 yuan.

  In addition, the game also has a "Platinum OL + Whale Shark Card" collection version and a "Platinum OL + Great White Shark Card" collection version, which are currently sold for only 243 yuan at 25% and 181 yuan at a 58% price reduction.

  The game only has one "Crime Group Beginner Pack" DLC, and the price is currently reduced by 50% for only 79 yuan.

  "GTA5" Steam Mall promotional address:

"Dark Souls 3" Deluxe Edition has a 70% price reduction of only 119 yuan:(Record low)

Nomad Starry Sky

  "Dark Souls 3" is the orthodox work of the hardcore action role-playing game series Dark Souls. Miyazaki Hideko himself serves as the production director of the game. This game still implements its trademark high difficulty. Players will explore a wider world in this game, and fight the bosses named "Salary Kings". In addition, the game also enhances the overall atmosphere performance, so that the picture is not just dark, but will use weather effects such as dusk or fog to strengthen the "doomsday" theme set by the game.

  The main body of the game is 67% off for only 75 yuan. (flat record low)

  The deluxe version of the game includes the game itself and "Season Pass" DLC.

  The game has three DLCs, all of which are currently on sale at their original price.

  Dark Souls 3 Deluxe Edition Steam Mall Promotion Address:

The price of Final Fantasy XV for Windows has been reduced by 50% to only 164 yuan.(Record low)

Nomad Starry Sky

  "Final Fantasy XV" is the latest installment of Square Enix’s world-renowned RPG "Final Fantasy" series to land on the next generation PS4 and Xbox One platforms. The game is remade from the long-delayed work "Final Fantasy V13", and the genre is also changed from the original turn-based to real-time combat, but it is finally confirmed that the SE change is correct.

  The graphics of the game have reached an amazing level with the performance of the next-generation console, and the combat is exciting and refreshing. Players can drive cars to adventure in the world, and they can also fight against huge bosses and monsters. The overall level of the game is worthy of the players’ ten-year wait. It is an absolute masterpiece, with a vast environment and a seamless customizable combat system, providing players with a lot of freedom.

  The game has only one "4K high definition" DLC, which is currently free.

  "Final Fantasy XV" Steam Store for Windows Promotion Address:

"Far Cry 5" has a 25% price reduction of only 186 yuan:(Record low)

Nomad Starry Sky

  Far Cry 5 is a first-person shooter game developed by Ubisoft. Players will enter a chaotic, unknown and incredibly dangerous world. The game is set in Montana, USA for the first time, and players can explore this seemingly peaceful but deeply distorted world with complete freedom in single-player or double-player cooperation.

  The game takes place in the fictional "Town of Hope" in Montana, and players will take on the role of a newly arrived young sheriff. Soon players will find that their arrival accelerates a year-long silent change, and the mastermind behind it is a fanatical ****. The violence sparked by their "Eden’s Gate" plan takes over the entire town. Players caught off guard in a power struggle must stop this carefully laid plan, and the flames of rebellion will rise to liberate "Town of Hope" and rekindle hope.

  In addition to the main body, the game also has a deluxe version and a gold version, which are currently sold at a 25% price reduction of only 216 yuan and a 25% price reduction of only 276 yuan.

  The game has three DLCs, all of which are currently on sale at their original price, with the "Season Pass" DLC priced at 118 yuan.

  "Far Cry 5" Steam Mall promotional address:

NIO’s long-termism enters harvest period

The fourth-generation substation was officially put into operation, and the cumulative driving mileage of NOP/NOP + users reached 1 billion kilometers. The market share of NIO ES6 and EC6 in the high-end pure electric vehicle market above 300,000 was as high as 49.76%. In recent months, the major sections of NIO have reported frequently.

Relying on the continued growth momentum, NIO forecasts that the total revenue in the second quarter will reach 16.587 billion yuan to 17.135 billion yuan, an increase of about 89.1% to 95.3% compared with the same period in 2023.

The beautiful business expectations suggest that NIO’s long-term strategy in various fields such as products, services, and technologies is enjoying a harvest period.

Leverage star models and play a good product combination

In Quarter 1 this year, in the high-end pure electric vehicle market above 300,000, the share of NIO ES6 and EC6 is as high as 49.76%, sitting on half of the market segment. This also means that for every two high-end pure electric vehicles sold above 300,000, one comes from NIO ES6 or EC6.

The NIO ES6 and EC6 together with BBA’s GLC, Q5L and X3 form the first echelon of high-end mid-size SUVs. In May this year, the NIO ES6 and EC6, two high-end mid-size SUVs, the Gemini Star, sold 10,836 units in a single month, surpassing the BMW X3 with monthly sales of 9,378 units and the Mercedes-Benz GLC with monthly sales of 10,150 units, and second only to the Audi Q5L with monthly sales of 11,130 units.

At the end of May this year, NIO ES6 ushered in the delivery of the 200,000 vehicle. Since its birth, NIO ES6 has become the sales responsibility of NIO. From December 2018 to April 2023, the first generation ES6 has delivered 120,000 vehicles, ranking first in the sales list of 300,000 pure electric SUVs all year round. In May 2023, the second generation ES6 was launched, and the sales volume exceeded 70,000 vehicles in just one year, which was significantly faster than the previous generation.

Compared with traditional high-end luxury fuel vehicles such as GLC, X3 and Q5L, the NIO ES6 is slightly better in terms of power performance and flexibility of the vehicle system. The maximum horsepower of the NIO ES6 is 490Ps and the total power is 360kW. In comparison, the maximum horsepower of the Audi Q5L is only 190Ps and the total power is only 140kW. The NIO ES6 smart cockpit has functions such as automatic speech recognition control system, mobile APP remote control, OTA remote online upgrade, facial recognition, rear LCD screen, and rear central control system, while the Audi Q5L only has automatic speech recognition control system and mobile APP remote control two smart cockpit functions.

While the star models are leading the way, NIO’s product matrix is also becoming increasingly complete.

At present, the NIO brand except ET5 and ET5T, the other models are priced at more than 300,000 yuan, positioning in the high-end pure electric market. Among them, NIO ET5, ET7, ET5T, ET9 together constitute NIO’s car matrix, covering the B-class to C +-class market; NIO ES6, ES8, EC6, ES7, EC7 together constitute NIO’s SUV matrix, covering the medium to large market. Among them, 2024 NIO ET7 Executive Edition has been listed at the Beijing Auto Show. This car is positioned as an intelligent electric high-end executive sedan, starting at 428,000 yuan. With the official launch of the 150kWh ultra-long battery pack service, 2024 ET7 Executive Edition will become the only pure electric executive sedan in the same class with a battery life of more than 1000 kilometers.

But in the 200,000 mainstream home market, NIO also did not let down its guard and launched the LODO brand in the first half of the year. At present, LODO has released its first product, and the market response is enthusiastic. In the more affordable price range of 100,000-200,000 yuan, NIO’s third sub-brand, Firefly, will also be launched in the first half of next year.

The three major brands complement each other. Driven by a broader price range, a more complete product matrix, and the effect of star models, NIO is expected to experience another increase in sales.

Polish the service signboard and create a supplementary "moat"

User service has always been the golden signboard of NIO, and the construction of supplementary infrastructure has become a symbol of NIO user service level. Recently, there have been frequent reports of NIO’s supplementary capabilities.

On June 13, NIO’s first batch of fourth-generation power exchange stations was officially put into operation. Compared with the previous generation of power exchange stations, the power exchange speed was increased by 22%, and the fastest power exchange took only 2 minutes and 24 seconds. The power exchange experience is very close to that of fuel vehicles. In addition, NIO’s fourth-generation power exchange stations can also support multi-brand shared power exchange. From the expansion of power exchange Moments to the implementation of multi-brand shared power exchange functions, NIO is mastering more and more power exchange standards has the voice over.

Not long ago, NIO Power once again received 1.50 billion yuan strategic investment from Wuhan Guangchuang Fund and other institutions, which will be used for technology research and development, manufacturing, operation and maintenance, and charging and swapping infrastructure building in the fields of charging, power exchange, energy storage, battery service, energy Internet, etc. The introduction of 1.50 billion yuan strategic investment not only provides funds for the rapid development of NIO Power, but also optimizes the capital structure of NIO Power.

In the field of power replacement, NIO’s leading position has become an industry consensus. As of June 19, NIO has built 2,435 power stations and 22,685 charging piles across the country, including 804 high-speed power stations and 1,666 high-speed overcharging piles. It is the car brand with the most power stations and charging piles in the country.

At present, NIO has reached a strategic cooperation with GAC, Changan Automobile, Geely Holding Group, Chery Automobile, Jiangqi Group and Lotus to jointly promote a larger-scale, standardized and unified energy infrastructure network, and use C-end user resources to improve the "penetration rate" of the power exchange and charging network. In addition, NIO has also carried out all-round power exchange cooperation with Sinopec, CNOOC, Shell, State Grid, China Southern Power Grid, Wanneng Group, Zhongan Energy and other energy and power enterprises.

From the entry of a number of car companies to the injection of state-owned assets, the outside world’s attitude towards NIO’s power swap Moments is changing from initial skepticism to acceptance. From serving oneself to serving external customers, supplementation has become a "moat" for NIO.

Focus on the future, refresh the technology base color

As a household enterprise, in the minds of many people, NIO’s service seems to have become its duty. But since 2023, NIO Li Bin has repeatedly emphasized that technology is the base color of NIO.

In 2023, NIO announced 12 major technological innovations, covering key technology fields such as chips and in-vehicle intelligent hardware, battery systems, operating systems, intelligent driving, and intelligent cockpit, showcasing a full-stack self-research layout at the bottom.

In 2024, NIO will further apply AI technology to the car chassis, adding 4D comfort piloting function to the intelligence system Banyan 2.4.0 version. The 4D comfort piloting function opens up the intelligent chassis domain, intelligent driving domain and intelligent cockpit domain. Users can get on the car to open the navigation, combined with real-time vehicle sensor capabilities, and the cloud bump layer to the car, which can predict road bumps, potholes, etc., through intelligent suspension feedforward adjustment, improve ride comfort and safety, and is not affected by external environments such as weather. More stable and reliable.

The 4D Comfort Pilot feature is just the tip of the iceberg of NIO’s technological prowess.

NIO’s 2024 models launched this year integrate one of the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 cockpit chips and four NVIDIA Orin X intelligent driving chips, which greatly improve the CPU computing power and AI computing power compared with the previous generation 8155. Since April 30, NIO has fully pushed intelligent driving functions. On June 19, NIO Pilot Assist NOP/NOP + users have accumulated a mileage of 1 billion kilometers, and became the first pilot auxiliary driving product in China with a total mileage of more than 1 billion kilometers. Recently, NIO also obtained the access qualification for L3 autonomous driving.

According to the plan, in the second quarter of this year, the first lidar-specific driver chip "Yang Jian" developed by Weilai will be mass-produced and loaded, which can greatly reduce the power consumption of lidar. This year, the second chip "Shenji" developed by Weilai will also be unveiled. This chip is a super computing power autonomous driving driver chip, with nearly the sum of Nvidia’s four chips, and the cost is less than half, which plays an extremely important role in improving vehicle functions and reducing costs.

Since its establishment, NIO has never been stingy in investing heavily in technology research and development. According to NIO’s first-quarter financial report, NIO invested up to 2.86 billion yuan in R & D in the first quarter of this year alone, "far ahead" compared with friends. For NIO, R & D investment is also a long-term strategy. It is also based on the continuous deepening and long-term dedication to products, services and technologies that has brought about a stable recovery in NIO’s sales.

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MagicOS 7.0 Experience: A Sci-Fi All-Scene Smart Operating System

The new systems launched by major smartphone manufacturers in the past two years all have a common evolutionary direction, that is, to move towards the direction of end point interconnection. Whether it is Hongmeng OS or Apple’s ecosystem is no exception. However, due to cultural nuances, Apple’s ecosystem is not satisfactory in some places, and Hongmeng OS, due to some objective reasons, at the end point level, whether it is scale or function, some hands and feet cannot be let go. The glory of independence from Huawei has been committed to exploring a more user-friendly and convenient end point interconnection experience. The previous Magic system is still exploring more, and the latest MagicOS 7.0 has achieved good results in ecological integration.

So what are the surprises of MagicOS 7.0’s ecological integration? Here, let’s give you a detailed explanation through the two highlights of smart interconnection and smart services.

MagicRing Trust Ring brings multiple devices together

First of all, it needs to be noted that the intelligent interconnection power of MagicOS 7.0 is all based on a technology called Honor MagicRing Trust Ring. Based on this technology, different Honor devices can automatically discover and connect after turning on WIFI and Bluetooth. There is no need to "scan", "touch", "connect" and other actions. And the connected devices can realize the mutual call of software and hardware, making different devices like one.

As the name implies, the smart interconnection of MagicOS 7.0 is to realize the interconnection of mobile phones, PCs, tablets and other end points under the glory ecosystem. The external manifestation of this interconnection is that calls and notifications of Honor mobile phones, PCs and tablets can be shared.

This function requires entering Settings – Smart Internet Notification Sharing, making sure that the notification sharing switch is turned on, and turning on the application switch that needs to share notifications.

After turning on the sharing switch, when the Honor mobile phone receives a notification message, it can directly view and reply on the tablet and PC device currently in use. For example, we are using the PC for work, and the Honor mobile phone is put aside. When the mobile phone receives the message, the PC will also push the notification in real time. Click on the message, the PC will prompt us to enter the mobile phone password, and we can reply directly on the computer.

It is worth noting that the notification sharing of MagicOS 7.0 does not simply push notifications to all devices, but will be based on a cross-device AI decision engine that only alerts notification messages on the devices we use.

Similar to the notification message, when the Honor mobile phone calls, the Honor tablet and PC can also answer, and during the call, it can also be transferred to other connected devices to continue the call. For example, if we make a call on the way home, when we get home, just open the Honor smart screen and click the "Speaker" button on the phone’s call interface to select the connected device to continue the call.

In order to avoid user privacy leakage, MagicOS 7.0’s call sharing also supports a cross-device AI decision engine. Only incoming calls are displayed on the device the user is using, and all supported devices will not ring when an incoming call is made. For example, if you are using a computer when the call comes, the tablet will not vibrate together; if you use a tablet, the computer will not vibrate together. It can not only avoid user confusion, but also take into account information security.

Although Hongmeng and iOS ecology also support notification sharing, according to our tests, Hongmeng and iOS notification sharing cannot achieve refined strategies such as owner identification and device status recognition similar to MagicOS 7.0. For example, iOS ecology, smart phones make calls, then PCs, tablets, and watches will play ringtones immediately.

Earlier this year, Honor released the HONOR Connect full-scene connection protocol, which can use the tablet as an extended screen of the computer and share the keyboard and mouse across screens. MagicOS 7.0 takes it a step further, with another revolutionary "sharing" feature – keyboard and mouse sharing.

To enter the settings – smart interconnection – keyboard and mouse sharing for this function, turn on the keyboard and mouse sharing switch. And place the mobile phone and tablet on both sides of the computer to ensure that all devices are unlocked and on the screen.

After that, move the computer mouse to the edge of the PC screen and touch it twice. After the connection is successful, we can use the PC keyboard and mouse to control the PC, tablet and mobile phone at the same time. For example, if we want to look at the mobile phone when we are working, we need to put down the computer, pick up the mobile phone, and unlock it to see the relevant information.

On MagicOS 7.0, we can simply swipe the PC’s mouse across the edge of the screen to switch to the mobile phone with one click. On the mobile phone, we can directly click the button through the PC’s mouse and enter text through the PC’s keyboard, which is convenient and fast.

It is worth noting that MagicOS 7.0 also supports device orientation recognition, which can automatically determine the direction of mouse penetration. For example, if we place a mobile phone on the right side of the PC and a tablet on the left, and then we switch the two devices, MagicOS 7.0 will also automatically match the direction of the screen.

Interestingly, we also connected the keyboard and mouse to the smartphone first, and then tried to share the keyboard and mouse on the mobile phone with the PC and tablet, but the result was not possible. The keyboard and mouse can only be used on the mobile phone. From this point of view, the keyboard and mouse sharing of MagicOS 7.0 can only be done on the PC center, not in reverse.

In comparison, although there are also systems that support keyboard and mouse sharing on the market, these platforms, keys and mice that share PCs, need to manually click the switch settings before each use. In comparison, MagicOS 7.0 is undoubtedly more user-friendly. Because MagicOS 7.0 not only supports mobile phone, tablet, and PC multi-terminal sharing, but also supports self-discovery ad hoc network, device orientation recognition and other functions, it is more user-friendly.

In addition to controlling all end points in the ecosystem through a set of keys and mice, MagicOS 7.0’s end points also support application connection.

The specific operation is to enter Settings – Smart Internet – Application Connection and turn on the application connection switch. Then under My Devices, click the device connected to the machine to ensure that its application connection switch is turned on.

Take the continuous video clip as an example, edit the video in the OviC of the mobile phone, close to the tablet. The tablet will display the connection prompt on the multitasking interface or the Dock bar. Click the prompt, and the application will seamlessly flow to the tablet to continue editing.

This feature must have hit a lot of video blogger’s pain points. During a business trip, we may use our mobile phone to edit videos. After arriving at the hotel, we can directly transfer the edited videos to the tablet device through the MagicOS 7.0 application connection function.

In addition, the application connection function of MagicOS 7.0 does not support mobile end point and PC connection, only supports mobile phones and tablets to connect to each other. It is speculated that this is because Android and Windows have different ecosystems, so it is difficult to synchronize the application state.

It is understood that MagicOS 7.0 applications continue to support office notes, emails, WPS, as well as entertainment applications such as Youku, Douyu, Kugou, Ovicut, etc. Honor said that it will continue to expand in the future to adapt to more applications.

Magic Live makes services actively integrated

In the previous upgrades, smart services have been the focus of MagicOS ‘evolution. In addition to the self-organizing and self-connecting experience mentioned above, the Magic Live smart engine platform-level AI capability built into MagicOS 7.0 has also been upgraded, and YOYO recommends and MagicLive will continue to work in the disconnected state. Recommended services.

After actual experience, MagicOS 7.0 covers a wider area with more accurate accuracy. For users with relatively regular daily behavior habits, it can understand user needs in as little as three days, and recommend scenarios to support combinations.

For example, if we want to take the subway, the original single scene recognition will only push us a subway ride code. Now MagicOS 7.0 will give us a combined ride code + health treasure. In short, MagicOS 7.0 can automatically determine the scene we are in, determine which services we need, and then push the advance.

In addition to the smart scenes actively pushed by the system, the text smart recognition function of MagicOS 7.0 also supports just a click away of the scene. For example, if a friend sends us a screenshot of a scenic spot, then we just need to click the recognition button in the lower right corner of the album, and then click the recognized address to one-click jumping to the navigation app.

Although the current iOS and Hongmeng systems also support text recognition, these two systems can only recognize text and cannot be linked with other apps, which is not as practical as MagicOS 7.0.

30 apps, only kill two backstage

Since it is a new system, the basic fluency experience cannot be ignored. It is worth noting that this has always been the strength of MagicOS.

According to official data, Magic OS 7.0 has three Turbo X technologies: OS Turbo X, GPU Turbo X, and Link Turbo X. With the support of Turbo X and Magic live’s intelligent capabilities, Magic OS 7.0 can provide the most suitable smooth experience according to user habits, surrounding environment perception, and device status.

Magic OS 7.0 system virtual memory has been greatly increased to 7GB, plus 12GB of physical memory, the total number reaches 19GB. In this regard, we chose to find a 6.0 system glory phone with the same physical memory to test the background survival of Magic OS 7.0 system and 6.0 system.

The specific test steps are to use the Magic OS 7.0 system and the 6.0 system to download 30 Top applications in the built-in app store, open them all, wait for 5 minutes, and then check the background situation.

As a result, only two apps, Meituan and Autonavi, were reloaded in the Magic OS 7.0 system, and six apps were killed in the background in the 6.0 system. From this point of view, the virtual memory function of the Magic OS 7.0 system does perform well.

In addition, the scanning speed of the Magic OS 7.0 system has also been upgraded. The actual measurement is not only faster than 6.0, but also has a certain speed advantage compared to the Hongmeng flagship.

Summary: Magic OS 7.0 surprises

Overall, Magic OS 7.0 system has brought us a lot of surprises. Because it not only brings new changes in appearance, but also brings many new experiences in functionality.

For example, in response to users’ needs for multi-end point interconnection, Magic OS 7.0 system has added mouse sharing, notification sharing, application continuation and other functions. This fully shows that Honor has always built products from the perspective of consumers.

Therefore, if you want to have a mobile phone with high security, smooth and convenient operation, simple and creative page design, and smart functions, then you can focus on the Magic OS 7.0 system products launched by Honor.

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How should the new policy of online car-hailing start with controversy and end with consensus?

  CCTV News:Following the exposure draft of the four cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou yesterday, Chongqing, Hangzhou and other places have also followed up quickly, and will make specific provisions on local online car pricing, driver qualifications, vehicle qualifications, etc.

  Driver’s household registration and vehicle license plates have become hot topics for netizens to discuss

  After the release of the detailed exposure draft, it immediately caused a heated discussion. In the message area of the CCTV News WeChat public platform, netizens discussed the hottest, mainly focusing on issues such as ride safety, driver’s household registration and vehicle license plates.Some netizens believe that the restrictions on driver registration and license plates in Beijing and Shanghai are too strict, and the top priority should be to ensure the safety of passengers.

  Phantastishch:I think these conditions must first ensure the safety of ride-hailing customers, which is a major premise. Is it possible to require drivers who engage in online ride-hailing to go to the local public security department for the record first, which is a constraint on them.

  Empty Valley Orchid:Personally, I don’t think it is necessary to have a household registration and a vehicle in this city, but the quality of the driver should be good and the integrity should be high.

  At the same time, there are also netizens who believe that a large number of online car-hailing vehicles are located outside the country, causing illegal parking and charging disputes to continue.

  Mr. lonely:A local license plate should be required. In addition, the driver should be strictly reviewed to see if there is any illegal record. I personally feel that after all, in big cities, if you have a driving experience of less than 2 to 3 years, don’t come out to pick people up!

  Back to nature. : I think the online car-hailing should be from this city, and the car in this city. In this case, personal information is easier to understand, and even if there is anything wrong, it is not so difficult to deal with!

  Recently, when the Shanghai traffic law enforcement department rectified the chaos of online car-hailing, it was found that in the Hongqiao transportation hub area, the three online car-hailing platforms, Didi, Uber, and Yidao, all had lax checks and acquiesced in the situation of drivers and foreign-branded vehicles who did not have operating qualifications.

  In the vicinity of Dawang Road in Beijing, at night, online taxis waiting for orders and picking up passengers queue up with some carpooling vehicles to the suburbs, stretching for hundreds of meters, accounting for two of the four lanes. Among them, online taxis with foreign license plates also account for a considerable proportion.


  Beijing Transportation Commission: "Beijing People and Beijing Vehicles" Consider Population, Congestion and Air Quality

  On the one hand, many people think that the rules are too strict. If implemented as such, it will inevitably lead to a significant decrease in the number of qualified online car-hailing drivers (taking Shanghai as an example, there are data showing that there are only more than 10,000 online car-hailing drivers with Shanghai household registration, and only a fraction of the 410,000 drivers who have been activated), which will lead to rising prices and affect the convenience of travel. On the other hand, it is also impossible to ignore that since the establishment of the online car-hailing platform, various problems have emerged one after another, especially the fact that although the car-hailing in other places has brought convenience to some people, it has also objectively exacerbated the congestion in some areas.

  In response to why "Beijing people, Beijing cars" are required in the exposure draft of Beijing’s online car-hailing implementation rules, the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission explained today that online car-hailing,This is determined by considering factors such as the city’s population, urban traffic congestion, and air quality.Some experts said that the "Beijing People and Beijing Car" was formulated with full consideration of Beijing’s needs for employment and population relief, and should be affirmed.

  Around the net about car exposure draft centralized introduction, which revealed those important signals? As the net about car market ultimate participants, how should we participate in the formulation of policy?

  CCTV Review

  Strict management of online car-hailing "savage growth" stage will end

  With the introduction of the new net car exposure draft, although it has not been officially implemented, it has made the entire net car field face new policy thresholds.A series of regulations, from local hukou and local cars to the large number of new cars, all suggest that the current new policy may be stricter on the management of online car-hailing. This may mark the end of the stage of "wild growth" of online car-hailing.

Map/Visual China

  In the past few years, under the trend of "Internet +" and "sharing economy", the online car-hailing market has flourished from scratch, and a number of powerful enterprises have emerged. At the same time, with a large number of subsidies, cheap and fast online car-hailing has also changed the travel habits of many people.

  However, due to the fact that online car-hailing is a new thing in the market, the management of this field is relatively lagging behind, so there are also some problems in the market. For example, there are large loopholes in the standards of people and vehicles, and lax security measures. The management of these aspects has stayed at the level of internal norms of each company, and has not yet formed a unified rule for the whole industry. The introduction of the new policy is to make up for the shortcomings of the policy by summarizing the practice of the online car-hailing industry.

  The New Deal should be "economic fast", not black humor

  Regulating and supervising new things is a necessary way. The question is how to regulate and supervise? At present, the whole society has reached a consensus on some general aspects. For example, making transportation more efficient and safer through Internet platforms, reducing congestion, reducing carbon emissions, and relieving the functions of core cities. No matter whether it is the regulators in Beijing and Shanghai, or the people living in these places and the online car-hailing platforms, they will not object to these.

  Therefore, the New Deal certainly cannot go against these. But from the current exposure draft,In the setting of online ride-hailing management, many standards are higher than those of taxis. This can certainly reduce the impact on the traditional industry, but in this way, whether online ride-hailing can continue to maintain its economic and fast advantages will be put into question, and online ride-hailing platforms will become more and more like taxi companies. Passengers originally hoped that the development of online ride-hailing could force taxi companies to reform, but if the result turned into online ride-hailing "being recruited", it would become a black humor in the development of the Internet economy.


  In addition, the restrictions on displacement and vehicle wheelbase in the exposure draft are also considered to be inconsistent with the concept of green travel.

  Thirdly, there is also a lot of controversy over whether online ride-hailing drivers must have local household registration. After all, many places (including Beijing and Shanghai itself) are implementing the residence permit system, and gradually realizing that the public services enjoyed by the residence permit are consistent with those of registered residents.

  Finally, the provisions on ride-hailing in the exposure draft are basically determined to be newly added operating vehicles, rather than encouraging private car owners to engage in ride-hailing or ride-sharing business. This essentially solves the travel problem by increasing the operation of vehicles, which is contrary to the essence of the sharing economy. Because the sharing economy itself solves the travel problem of more people by improving the operating efficiency of existing vehicles.

  Only by asking the people for policies can we find the greatest common denominator of the interests of all parties

  Judging from the feedback from all parties on the exposure draft, the controversy is relatively large, which is not a bad thing. In essence, these disputes should only be differences in the ways in which the parties achieve the common goal, rather than the pursuit of the goal itself. And this goal is to facilitate travel, travel safely, and reduce congestion. To solve this problem, we need to really listen to public opinion and find the intersection of interests between the parties after full controversy.

  More than two months ago, the Ministry of Transport officially issued the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Further Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services". The legalization of online car-hailing has ushered in unanimous praise from all parties. This is also the result of collecting public opinion after 9 months. The exposure draft released in October last year was also criticized by the society at the beginning, and the jokers jumped out to complain. However, the rules issued after extensive consultation finally relaxed some standards based on actual feedback, and gained recognition in the design of innovative systems to give play to local autonomy, as well as the "tailor-made" standardized development of online car-hailing.

  At present, the details of online car-hailing, including Beijing and Shanghai, are also soliciting public opinion, hoping to fully absorb the opinions of all parties in the decision-making process. Start with dispute and end with consensus. This is the result of a win-win situation for all parties. Written by CCTV Commentary, Wang Yahong

Comprehensive analysis: multi-parent mobile phone market essence, in-depth recommendation and comparison of four popular models

In the digital age, parents are increasingly concerned about their children’s mobile phone use, especially in the areas of learning and health. DuoPro brand has responded to this trend with four anti-addiction mobile phones designed specifically for students, designed to assist them in achieving a balance between academics and entertainment. Here is a detailed analysis of these four products:

1. ** Qin3Ultra ** – As a 4G full Netcom smart learning machine with anti-addiction function, it is especially suitable for junior high school and high school students. This starry sky gray color scheme product is equipped with 8GB random access memory and 256GB storage space to ensure smooth operation and provide ample storage space. Built-in self-developed anti-addiction system and parental control tools, it is convenient for parents to monitor their children’s online activities, and supports convenient life service functions such as payment code and ride code. Although it does not support wireless charging, it has 18W wired fast charging.

2. ** F21Pro ** – The F21Pro integrates button and touch screen operation, and the built-in Xiao Ai student assistant is convenient for information inquiry or voice interaction. The 3GB RAM and 32GB ROM design are simple and practical, and are compatible with China Mobile, China Unicom, and Telecom’s triple network 4G network connection. Although there is no high definition camera and waterproof characteristics, it is an ideal choice for students or the elderly who need simple communication.

3. ** Qin3 ** – This health-conscious student version of the phone comes with an MTK 6762 processor in a black exterior and a rear 8 million pixel camera and front 5 million pixel lens for basic photography needs. Its compact and minimalist design is easy to carry and features autofocus to ensure call quality.

4. ** Platinum Qin3 ** – Although there are minor parameter differences (such as battery capacity), the version based on the same MTK 6762 CPU provides a large capacity of 4GB + 64GB storage space to accommodate file management and game download needs. The thin and light body design is comfortable to hold, and it is equipped with a Type-C interface for easy data transfer.

With everything from assisted learning to healthy internet access to basic communication tools, DuoPro’s products are ideal partners for fostering digital habits and protecting privacy, whether in school or at home.

Ask the world’s new M7 Ultra five extraordinary upgrades, reshaping the new benchmark of national SUV value

With the vigorous development of the new energy vehicle market, consumers’ demand for high-quality and intelligent models is increasingly strong. In this context, Wenjie Automobile, with its latest masterpiece – Wenjie New M7 Ultra, has achieved a leap in sales in a short period of time with its excellent product strength and market strategy, becoming a new force leader in the new energy vehicle market.

Dading breaks the 30,000, delivers super 10,000, and the market responds enthusiastically

Since the new listing at the end of May this year, the new M7 Ultra has quickly attracted the attention of a large number of consumers with its five extraordinary upgrades and the ultimate smart price ratio. In just 20 days, the number of the car has exceeded 30,000 units, which not only highlights the enthusiastic pursuit of the model by consumers, but also fully proves the strong strength of the car in the new energy vehicle market.

What is more remarkable is that the delivery volume of the new M7 Ultra exceeded 10,000 units after only 18 days of listing, setting a new record in the new energy vehicle market. This achievement not only proves the efficient capacity and strong supply chain management capabilities of the new energy vehicle market, but also further consolidates its leading position in the new energy vehicle market.

Five extraordinary upgrades, creating excellent quality

The reason why the new M7 Ultra can stand out in the market is inseparable from the blessing of its five extraordinary upgrades. First, in terms of appearance design, the new M7 Ultra follows the latest family-style front face design, exquisite small grille and new body color, giving the vehicle a stronger sense of technology and luxury. Secondly, in terms of interior design, the new M7 Ultra adopts Hongmeng intelligent cockpit design, bringing users a more intelligent and comfortable driving experience.

In terms of intelligent driving, the new M7 Ultra comes standard with the HUAWEI ADS 2.0 high-end intelligent driving system, which cooperates with the high-performance computing platform and Huawei’s self-developed anthropomorphic algorithm to achieve more comprehensive intelligent safety protection and easier intelligent driving experience. At the same time, the car has also been upgraded with the CDC continuous variable damping shock absorber, bringing a more luxurious driving texture.

Sales rank first, market competitiveness highlights

Under the strong promotion of the new M7 Ultra, the new M7 series models have achieved remarkable results in the market. As of June 16, the cumulative sales of the new M7 series reached 100,900 units, which not only ranked first in the sales list of new power models in the Chinese market in 2024, but also successfully surpassed the sales of the competing ideal L7 + L8 models. This achievement fully proves the strong appeal of the new M7 series models in the market and the high recognition of consumers.

Continuous innovation, leading the development trend of the industry

As a new force leader in the new energy vehicle market, Wenjie Automobile has always adhered to user requests as the center, continuously increased R & D and innovation efforts, and actively launched more high-quality and intelligent models. In the future, Wenjie Automobile will continue to uphold the core values of "innovation, quality, service", continuously improve product strength and service level, and bring users a better and more convenient travel experience.