How many of these technologies from NASA have you seen?

  Today viewpoint

  Aerospace gives people a special feeling of "high cold", which reminds them of advanced fighter planes and magnificent space stations that ordinary people can’t see, touch or use.

  A few days ago, the well-known American website "GOBankingRates" took stock of 25 kinds of technologies originated from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in our daily life, which spread all over our "food, clothing, housing and transportation". They come from the distant sky, but they are convenient for our daily life.

  Food: baby milk powder, freeze-dried fruit, food safety packaging.

  At present, more than 90% of infant formula in the United States contains microalgae. It was originally the product of NASA research, the purpose of which was to test the potential use of algae as an oxygen "recycling agent" in space travel.

  Freeze-dried fruit is a common snack. However, the purpose of NASA’s development of freeze-drying technology is to make the fruits in the Apollo mission easier to carry, and this technology can maintain 98% nutrition with 20% quality.

  In order to ensure the safety and quality control method of space flight food development, NASA has now become a food industry standard to protect the food safety of consumers all over the world.

  Life: memory foam mattress, scratch-resistant lenses, anti-ultraviolet sunglasses, cordless vacuum cleaner, Nike air-cushion sports shoes, space blankets, ski boots.

  Comfortable memory foam mattress can fully fit the human body and relieve stress, which is necessary for many families. Memorable foam was not originally used to make mattresses. It was originally developed by NASA to cushion the impact of spacecraft landing on astronauts.

  Compared with ordinary glass, scratch-resistant lenses have a longer life. In fact, the scratch-resistant coating is a "by-product" accidentally discovered by Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) under NASA when researching the diamond hard coating for aerospace.

  In 1980s, two scientists from JPL developed a kind of welding glasses, which can absorb, filter and scatter the strong light emitted during welding. Later, this technology was widely used in anti-ultraviolet sunglasses.

  Initially, Black&Decker was ordered to develop a portable device for Apollo and Gemini missions, which was used to extract samples from below the surface of the moon. This technology has been improved to become a "cordless vacuum cleaner".

  Nike air-cushioned sneakers use the patent of "Blow Rubber Molding" obtained by M. Frank Rudy, a former engineer of NASA. The initial application target of this technology is spacesuit.

  The space blanket is insulated and heat-preserved, which is an essential item for survival in the wild and marathon. But it was originally developed by NASA to protect spacecraft and astronauts at low temperatures.

  In addition, the technology used by NASA in the joints of spacesuits has been improved and used in ski boots, which improves the athletes’ control ability in skiing.

  Home: swimming pool purification system, household heat insulation materials.

  In order to resist the extremely low space temperature, NASA made an insulating material called "radiation barrier" from aluminized polyester. According to JPL, aluminized polyester is now used in most household insulation materials.

  In 1960s, NASA developed an electrolytic silver iodide filter to provide clean drinking water for astronauts, and now it is widely used to purify swimming pools.

  Travel: aircraft deicing system, precision GPS, anti-skid groove on highway, better tires.

  According to NASA’s technology transfer plan, civil aircraft can fly in cold weather, mainly due to a thermoelectric deicing system called Thermawing developed by NASA.

  Many mobile phones are equipped with precision GPS technology developed by JPL, and its data comes from JPL global GPS receiver network. Even if there is no wireless connection, you can still use GPS positioning on your mobile phone.

  NASA’s Langley Research Center has developed anti-skid slot technology to prevent aircraft accidents on wet runways. Later, this technology was widely used in expressways.

  In 1970s, Goodyear Company developed a new tire material for NASA Viking Mars probe, which was used in parachute system. This technology was later used to improve ordinary tires, increasing their life by 10,000 miles.

  Electronic products: mobile phone camera, notebook computer, high-power solar cell, wireless headset, mouse, CAT scanner.

  In the 1990s, NASA asked JPL scientists to make a miniature camera that can be installed on spacecraft while ensuring the quality of photography. According to JPL, one-third of mobile phone cameras now use this technology.

  According to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, "Grid Compass" is the first notebook computer in the world. It was first used in the space shuttle mission in 1983, which is one of the inventions of NASA.

  The crystalline silicon solar cells used in the home originally came from the lightweight solar energy system developed by the Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology Alliance under NASA for electric aircraft.

  NASA has developed wireless headphones for astronauts to facilitate their communication. Now this technology has entered thousands of households.

  According to JPL, a NASA researcher developed a computer mouse in the 1960s, which allowed users to operate on the computer screen and made the computer more interactive.

  JPL initially developed a CAT scanner to scan aerospace components to get advanced digital images to detect defects. Now, it has become a commonly used medical instrument.

  Medical care: cochlear implant, invisible dental appliance, ear temperature thermometer.

  Adam Kiser, an engineer at Kennedy Space Center, used his working experience in electronic, sound and vibration sensor systems in the space shuttle project to develop early cochlear implants by using electric pulses instead of sound amplification technology.

  Compared with the traditional metal appliance, the invisible dental appliance is more beautiful. It is made of transparent polycrystalline alumina, which was originally developed by NASA to track heat-seeking missiles.

  Nowadays, many parents use ear thermometer to measure the temperature of sick babies or young children. According to JPL, this thermometer adopts infrared dissection technology invented by NASA and Diatek.

  There is always one of these 25 technologies that you have seen, touched and used. Aerospace technology can not only be used in high space, but also improve our quality of life after landing, which is one of the driving forces for human beings to explore and fly higher and farther.

  (Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, July 8 th)

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show him a thousand reasons to laugh.

  CCTV News:Today is the International Day of Disabled Persons. What is disability? Shi Tiesheng said that disability is nothing more than a limitation. What people can’t do is restriction and disability. In this way, life itself is a process of constantly surpassing its own limitations, and everyone is the same. In this process, we encounter pain, transcend limitations and feel happiness. After a "heavy fall" in life, get up again! Don’t be afraid, we are here.

  For blind children’s friends

  Author/Shi Tiesheng

  As long as the mind is healthy, all difficulties and obstacles are not terrible.

  Dear blind children friends, we are friends. I am also a disabled person. My legs have been unable to walk since I was 21 years old. Now, I have been in a wheelchair for 21 years.

  We all know the hardships and tribulations that disability has brought us, so we don’t have to say it. In the future, there is no doubt that disability will continue to bring us hardships and tribulations, and we must be psychologically prepared for this. I think all external difficulties and obstacles are not terrible, as long as our psychology is healthy.

  For example, we are friends, but we are not friends because we are all disabled. All healthy people are actually our friends, and everyone should be friends.

  Disability is nothing more than a limitation, and life itself is a process of constantly surpassing its own limitations.

  What is disability? Disability is nothing more than a limitation. You want to see it, but you can’t. As for me, I want to go but I can’t. What about healthy people? They want to fly, but they can’t-this is a metaphor, which means that healthy people also have limitations, and these limitations also give them hardships and hardships.

  It’s hard to say that healthy people will live easier than us, because pain and pain can’t be compared with size, just as happiness and happiness can’t be compared with size. There is no objective standard for pain and happiness, which is completely self-feeling. Therefore, whoever can keep unyielding courage can feel more happiness.

  Life is such a process, a process of constantly transcending our own limitations, and this is fate. Everyone is the same. In this process, we encounter pain, transcend our limitations and feel happiness. So all people are equal, and we are not special.

  As long as the "special" is eliminated, equality will naturally come.

  What we disabled people crave most is equality with healthy people. So what should we do? I think, equality is not something you can eat or wear, it is a quality or a realm. If you have it, you don’t have to be given it by others. If you don’t have it, others can’t give it to you.

  How can I have it? As long as the "special" is eliminated, equality will naturally come.

  In other words, we don’t have any special feelings because we are disabled. Apart from having two legs or a pair of eyes less than others, we have nothing less and nothing more than others, and there is nothing special about others. We don’t tolerate discrimination because of disability, nor do we win honors because of disability.

  If we do well and others praise us, it is only because we do well, not because we already have the advantage of being praised in advance. We win glory by real work.

  Of course, we can’t live without the help of others. Self-esteem doesn’t mean rejecting others’ kindness. Just want to help others and refuse others’ help, that’s not strong, that’s actually a psychological disability, because in fact, there is no one in the world who doesn’t need others’ help.

  We should not forget our disabled friends, but also strive to get out of the small circle of disabled people and walk freely into the world with broad love. This is the most important step to overcome disability and transcend limitations. /Figures are from vision china.

  Fate kissed me with pain. I return the favor with a song.

  The "apple" bitten by fate is still fragrant.


  Remember "Basketball Girl"? In 2000, Qian Hongyan, a 4-year-old from Luliang, Yunnan, suffered a car accident and was amputated below the pelvis. Grandpa cut the basketball in half and put it under her … … Later, she became attached to swimming. In 2010, she won three silver medals in the National Swimming Championships for the Disabled. This year, she swam into the Paralympic Games as she wished. She no longer sits in a basketball and looks up at the world. When talking about the feelings of participating in the Paralympic Games, Qian Hongyan said: "It feels like you can stand in a wider place and see the world."

  △ Figure/vision china
  In Yeli Village, Jingxing County, Hebei Province, Jia Haixia, who is blind, and Jia Wenqi, who has no arms, support each other. In 2001, the two contracted more than 50 mu of river beach in the village to plant trees. Every morning, Jia Haixia drags Jia Wenqi’s sleeve to the beach. When crossing the river, Jia Haixia helped Jia Wenqi roll up his trouser legs, and Jia Wenqi carried him over. For more than ten years, they planted tens of thousands of trees and insisted on not cutting down or selling a tree. They just turned the desolate wasteland into a dense jungle.

  Due to polio, Li Chuangye had to squat and walk since childhood. He was controlled by beggars at the age of 9, escaped from the magic cave at the age of 16, was admitted to the university at the age of 25, and joined the junior college this year to become an undergraduate. During the summer vacation, he walked in six provinces, climbed to the top of Wuyue Mountain by moving, traveled 7632 kilometers back and forth, climbed tens of thousands of steps, worn out 16 gloves, 6 pairs of shoes and 12 pairs of pants … …

  Zhang Rihui, who is 60 years old, is a courier in Xuancheng, Anhui Province. He has no feet because of his natural disability. He wraps his knees with rubber to send couriers, and he can send 70 or 80 pieces a day. He said that he had complained about his fate, but complaining could not solve the problem, and he believed that he could change his fate with his own hands.

  Wang Yajing, a post-90s "chin girl" in Fuyang, Anhui Province, was born with cerebral palsy in children and was severely paralyzed from the neck down. In 2008, she tried to operate the mouse with her chin. In the past eight years, she has created more than 4,000 poems, essays and fairy tales, and also published poetry collections and fairy tales. She said, "I know it’s hard to stick to my dream, but when my youth is still there, my dream is gone, which is very sad. Therefore, if my friend comes to me and says that he wants to give up and escape, I will definitely dissuade him and let him try again, because I am still on the road to my dream, and I believe that I will dispel other people’s doubts."

  Ruhr, a 26-year-old American, lost his legs due to illness since childhood. He made unremitting efforts to become a fitness instructor and gave free classes to the disabled. Doing push-ups and pull-ups with a wheelchair upside down can’t beat him. Ruhr always believed that he could do it, and also asked other disabled people to do so. What else do you want to say "can’t do it" when you see Ruhr?

  With love, winter is not cold.

  At present, there are more than one billion disabled people in the world, which is equivalent to one disabled person in every seven people.

  ② There are more than 100 million disabled children, and the possibility of violence is four times that of non-disabled children.

  ③80% of the disabled people live in developing countries.

  ④50% of the disabled can’t afford medical care.

  ⑤ There are more than 85 million disabled people in China, involving 280 million relatives.

  Many times, the temperature of a society is marked by how to treat the disabled.

  Chongqing, Xiaoyu, a bus arrived at the station, and a passenger with lower limbs was about to get off. Unexpectedly, the driver came and gently lifted him off the bus. The driver kept smiling and the disabled passenger shed tears … … Someone praised the driver as a good man, but he just answered, "What if it’s me?"

  Let every life be respected, at least ↓ ↓

A When greeting, keep your eyes on the other person and don’t stare at the disabled part.

B Be friendly when your eyes meet, and don’t show surprise and doubt.

C if you don’t know sign language, don’t gesticulate, so as not to cause misunderstanding. You can use lip reading or written conversation.

D attention is not onlookers, and it cannot affect the normal activities of disabled people.

E don’t ask about the cause and condition of disability, and avoid involving privacy and pain.

F before helping the disabled, you should ask for permission. Giving help rashly will hurt their self-esteem.

G use honorific words in conversation, and address them in a standardized way without insulting and discriminating language.

H when providing help, we should pay attention to the category of disability and determine the location and intensity of help.

I the national service hotline for the disabled is 12385. If you encounter difficulties, you can call it.

J Remember: Never deliberately imitate the speech and actions of disabled people.

  Source: CCTV news client

Women in 2023 | Facing bravely and living positively is the way that every woman should pursue.

Cover journalist Chen Ganlu Xu Yingman Li Jiayu
In early winter in Chengdu, the ginkgo leaves are not completely yellow. The synchronized swimming world champions Jiang Wenwen and Jiang Tingting both appeared in Taikoo Li wearing thin jackets. After taking off their sneakers, putting on high heels and changing clothes, the two sisters made a group of fashion blockbusters. In the past year, studios, video studios, and various blockbusters going up and down the mountain were familiar with "daily life". Talking about the harvest and growth of this year, my sister Jiang Wenwen said: "We spent a lot of time in different fields this year, exploring things that we have never tried before, and actively feeling the challenges and happiness brought by different fields."
Promoting the Universiade and the Asian Games is the pride of China athletes.
The coming year 2023 is a "big year" for sports, and the summer Universiade in Chengdu comes as scheduled, which makes college students all over the world feel the charm of Chengdu. As Chengdu residents and ambassadors for the image promotion of Chengdu Universiade, Jiang Wenwen and Jiang Tingting have been very busy. "All kinds of promotion activities and public welfare activities have been busy." After the opening of the Chengdu Universiade, the sisters really felt the atmosphere when they were familiar with the stadium. "During the Universiade, we really felt the enthusiasm of our Chengdu people and the great changes brought by this event to our city."
In the autumn Asian Games in Hangzhou, the sisters also went to the scene. "The Asian Games actually have a complex for us. We started to let everyone know about the Asian Games in 2006, so the Asian Games is a very story-telling sports event for both of us." In the 2006 Doha Asian Games, Jiang Wenwen and Jiang Tingting, twin athletes, bloomed in the swimming pool, which shocked the synchronized swimming circle. It was also from Doha that they stepped onto the big stage of the World Championships, the World Cup and the Olympic Games. In the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta, both of them were "upgraded" to their mothers’ two sisters who came back after giving birth, defeated the Japanese players in the double event, won the gold medal again after eight years, and won their sixth Asian Games gold medal.
Five years later, in Hangzhou, they became guests in the studio: "We watched many games, such as fencing and swimming, and then we also paid attention to the games of the older generation of athletes similar to us. It is also a rare learning process to communicate with them and share with athletes from different projects. "
The biggest emotion of the two major sports events is: "The two sports events were held in our motherland, and we are very proud to be athletes in China."
Youth volunteer service brings positive spirit to everyone.
Sharing on campus is no stranger to the two sisters. This year, as members of the Champion Volunteer Service Team, they entered the campus of Chengdu primary and secondary schools more frequently and participated in public welfare volunteer service. Not long ago, in the 44th track and field meeting of Chengdu No.7 Middle School, Jiang Wenwen shared the growth story and sports experience of the two sisters practicing flower swimming with all the teachers and students, and her sister Jiang Tingting lit the torch for the school sports meeting. Whether sharing or lighting the torch ceremony, the appearance of the two sisters made the children very excited. "I think that the athletes’ transformation to volunteer service is mainly through our own sportsmanship, growth experience, stories of setbacks and struggles to drive more teenagers and learn to grow through experience."
After retiring, the two sisters spent a lot of spare time on public welfare volunteer service. They are also directors of the Sichuan Youth Volunteers Association. "We just hope to use our positive spirit to lead and drive more young people to love sports and maintain an optimistic and positive attitude towards life."
As "Fengge women", Jiang Wenwen and Jiang Tingting are not absent from almost every session. "I think the activity of sealing women provides a very good platform for female friends, which gives us the opportunity to meet more outstanding female friends. I learn a lot from them through communication and sharing every year. "
In the new year, the two sisters actively embraced new changes and challenges and tried many new fields. "We spent a lot of time in different fields this year to explore things that we have never tried before and actively feel the challenges and happiness brought by different fields." This year, their "declaration of sealing the grid" has also gained new insights. My sister said: "Bravely facing a positive life state is a way of life that every woman must have and pursue." My sister said very tacitly, "I am the same. The only supplement is that I hope women can be more independent, have enough confidence in themselves and enjoy their own lifestyle and state independently."

Random thoughts: a cost-effective way to travel: time-saving, labor-saving, worry-free and comfortable.

Sunset on Weizhou Island

Bi Shumin said:Travel is a blind herb that can cure the bitterness of life.

It is also said that traveling is from a place where you are tired of living to a place where others are tired of living. Spend your own money, make others rich, then go back to the place where you are tired of living and continue to live tenaciously.

Like most people, I like to go out and have a look every year. In the past few years, the travel environment has been affected, and every time I go out, the troubles caused by the epidemic are not satisfactory.

After the Spring Festival in 2023, the epidemic was suddenly unsealed, which made people excited.

Retirees’ lives include not only pots and pans, but also poems and distant places. Gradually drifting away from society, it is inevitable to produce some spiritual internal friction. It is much better to spend some money to eliminate internal friction than to spend money on medical treatment.

Time and tide wait for no man, travel plan, put on the agenda.

After years of practice and feeling, I still prefer the semi-self-help travel mode: harmony but difference, casualness and freedom.

You don’t have to worry about the itinerary and accommodation, and you don’t have to worry too much about the safety of traveling alone. You can not only enjoy the leisure of seeing the mountains and water, but also have the opportunity to meet like-minded travelers.

Yuandadu site

Near the end of the year, summarize your travel situation in 2023.

1. Travel and expenses

First stop: 14-day tour of Guangxi Panorama.

The time is from February 11th to February 24th, 2023.

The places we visited were: Guilin Collection: Elephant Trunk Mountain, Tianxin Village, Longji Terrace, Yangshuo, Yulong River, Cuiping Wuzhishan, Xianggong Mountain, Huangyao Ancient Town, Liuzhou, Bama Changshou Village, Baimo Cave, Bainiaoyan Cave, Jingxi Goose Spring, Old Street in Jiuzhou, Detian Waterfall, Mingshi Manor, Quyang Lake, Anping Xianhu, Nanning City, Beihai Yintan.

Hydrangea Street, the Old Street of Jiuzhou in Jingxi.

Sunset in Wuzhishan, Cuiping

Tianxincun champion bridge

Anping Xianhexiao Foshan

Mingshi manor

Fees: Guilin assembly, Beihai delegation.

Tour fare (including tickets): about 4700 yuan,

Round-trip transportation cost: 1760 yuan.

Departure: 580 yuan (sleeper+bullet train)

Return: 1180 yuan by plane.

Total: 6450 yuan.

Second stop: Nine-day tour of Daliangshan-Yinji of Yi people.

Time: May 20-May 28, 2023.

The places we visited are: Suji Ancient Town, Jinkouhe Town, Jinkouhe Grand Canyon, Guluo Village, Yele Lake, Yihai Scenic Area, Yi Museum, Xichang Launch Center, Huanglian Tulin, Luojishan 99-grade Hot Spring Scenic Area, Gukede, Sanhe Village, Cliff Village, Mahu Scenic Area and Lizhuang Ancient Town in Zhaojue County.

Luojishan hot spring

Xichang Satellite Launch Center

Jinkouhe Grand Canyon


Cliff village

Fees: Chengdu assembly, break up.

The tour fee (including tickets) is 3680 yuan.

Transportation fee: None (the tour fare includes the return ticket from Xi ‘an to Chengdu).

Total: 3680 yuan.

Third stop: 10-day tour of Xilin Gol Great Ring Road. The time is from July 28th to August 7th, 2023.

The places we visited were: Hohhot, followed by Huanghuagou Scenic Area, Wulanhada Volcano Group, Grassland Volcano Scenic Area, Xilinhot Beizi Temple, Wulantai Scenic Area of Xiwuqi, Seoul Scenic Area of Mongolia, Bulinquan Scenic Area, Bingtuan Town, Wolf Totem Shooting Base, Shizhen Scenic Area of Ketengke Banner, Dali Lake Scenic Area, Yuanshangdu Site, Jining Campaign Memorial Hall, etc.

Shizhen scenic spot

Mongolia Hancheng scenic spot

Volcanic grassland exposed to the sun.

volcanic vent

Fees: Hohhot assembly, break up.

Tour fare (admission): 4280 yuan

Transportation: 580 yuan (going from Xi ‘an to Hohhot, returning to the sleeper).

Total: 4860 yuan.

The fourth stop, a four-day tour of the Qinling Mountains in the autumn. Time: October 24th to October 28th, 2023.

The tour fee (including tickets) is 1210 yuan. Transportation fee: Xi ‘an takes the bus.

The places visited are: Lingguan Gorge in Fengxian, Lover Valley, Shizigou Ranch, Liuba Old Town, Gao Jiang Road, the most beautiful highway in Qinling, and Longtou Mountain in Hanzhong.



Gao Jiang Road, the most beautiful highway in Qinling Mountains.

The total amount of the above expenses is: 16,200 yuan (including breakfast only), totaling 37 days.

During the trip, some people watch the culture, some people watch the scenery, some people punch in and take photos here, and some people relax and take a stroll.

Either way, the picture is a happy and happy mood. After being happy, it is not surprising that the body is tired and exhausted. After a comfortable sleep, the next day I will still be an old man and full of energy.


I like this kind of travel because:

one: The line arrangement is reasonable and comprehensive.

Urban scenery, natural scenery, historical sites and ancient towns, cultural heritage, historical sites, regional culture and other related places will be arranged in the route reasonably.

2:The accommodation is good.

According to the unique situation of each region, we will arrange the best hotel and live comfortably.

three: The service mode is intimate.

There are points for spending, signing in and writing travel notes, and the tour fee can be deducted. The team leader has high quality and strong sense of service.

fourThe most important point is that there is no consumption, pure tourism.

5. Various scenic spots, the time arranged is broad and general., high degree of freedom.

sixBecause I am traveling alone, consideringSafety factor.

Traveling alone, free, unaccompanied, but less lively. This kind of worry-free, labor-saving, time-saving and relaxing way of traveling is just right for me.

Lonely in the crowd at arm’s length,

Joy in like-minded mountains and rivers.

There is no best, only suitable. What suits you is the best.

Jingxi goose spring


On November 6th, Beijing time, let’s take a look at the European football situation yesterday morning.

1. Barcelona 2-0 almeria at home.

Levan missed a penalty, De Jong and Dembele each scored a goal, and Barcelona beat almeria 2-0 at home, winning four consecutive league games. Recently, Barcelona scored 10 goals in four league matches, but kept 0 goals.

After the game, 35-year-old Pique delivered a tearful farewell speech at Camp Nou, officially ending his 14-year career in Barcelona.

2, AC Milan home 2-1 spezia
Gill, 36, came off the bench in the 72nd minute and scored the winner in the 89th minute, helping AC Milan beat spezia 2-1 and scored the crucial 3 points, overtaking Atalanta and rising to the second place in Serie A..

Gill was sent off after taking off his clothes to celebrate the goal. It was his second yellow card in just seven minutes. He had just been warned by the referee for complaining too much.

3. Manchester City 2-1 Fulham at home

In the 95th minute, De Braune made a point, Harland hit a penalty kick, and 10-man Manchester City beat Fulham 2-1 at home. At first, they thought they were going to lose 2 points, but in the end, they got 3 points narrowly. Finally, they temporarily overtook Arsenal, who had one game less, by one point, and reached the top of the Premier League.

4, Bayern away 3-2 Hertha Berlin

Shu Bo-Mo Ting rang twice in two minutes. Bayern beat Hertha Berlin 3-2 away, winning 8 consecutive victories in all competitions and 4 consecutive victories in the Bundesliga, and temporarily surpassing Berlin by 2 points to reach the top position. In the last seven competitions, Shu Bo-Mo Ting scored nine goals for Bayern.

Bayern was chased by Hertha Berlin for 4 minutes with a 3-0 lead in the first half, but it was almost a draw by Hertha Berlin in the final stage of the second half.

5, Naples away 2-1 Atlanta

Osmain scored the winning goal, Elmas scored the winning goal, Napoli defeated Atalanta 2-1 away, won 9 consecutive victories in the league, and continued the unbeaten start of 13 rounds (11 wins and 2 draws), holding AC Milan at the top of the list by 6 points.

Three "magical" coincidences in history make people doubt that the world is a reincarnation.

In the ancient East, there seems to be a mysterious veil hidden in the long river of history, revealing some amazing strange coincidences from time to time. These coincidences seem to be legends woven by history itself, leaving future generations with deep thoughts, and these stories hover in my heart, making me feel the mystery of the world’s reincarnation between ink and paper.

Let’s focus on the experience of Emperor Gaozu Liu Bang. His life is full of legends, and his leap from Buyi to Tianzi has attracted worldwide attention. But also, an episode that happened in his escape career is even more incredible. According to the report, when Liu Bang passed through a mountain forest, he encountered an unusually white boa constrictor crossing the road, and he cut it in two with his sword without fear. This python can’t help being given symbolic meaning by later generations-it was the test and hint given to Liu Bang by the god of fate, and he declared to the world the possibility of his future success with courage and determination.

Then, we might as well compare the fate trajectories of Qin Shihuang and Emperor Wen of Sui in Sui Dynasty. Qin Shihuang helped the world, burned books to bury Confucianism, repaired the Great Wall, built Epang Palace and built water conservancy, which was a great achievement. However, the grievances created by his harsh and cool laws are like undercurrents. After his death, the Qin Dynasty declined rapidly and eventually collapsed after only a few short years. Hundreds of years later, Emperor Wen of Sui in the Sui Dynasty also created a prosperous era of reunification. However, after the second emperor Yang Guang ascended the throne, his extravagance and tyranny made Jiangshan once again step into the path of subversion. Two dynasties, after the death of the founder, ushered in a similar fate.

Finally, we turn to the story of Zhao Kuangyin in the Song Dynasty and the last son of heaven in the Southern Song Dynasty. Zhao Kuangyin, a general of the Zhou Dynasty, rose to fame in helping the imperial court to quell civil strife and expand its territory, and usurped the seven-year-old throne left by Zhou Shizong from humble origins through the Chen Qiao mutiny. A similar plot was staged again in the last years of the Southern Song Dynasty. When the Southern Song Dynasty was besieged by the Yuan Army and was on the verge of extinction, the young emperor Meng Gong chose to jump into the sea heroically to show his loyalty and loyalty. The two young emperors suffered different but similar fate twists and turns.

When we put these three sections of history together, it seems that we can perceive that the breath of reincarnation is slowly permeating the river of time. Every turn and coincidence is like a chess game arranged by God’s will, waiting for the chess pieces to perform.

But can we really assert that history is reincarnation? I’m afraid we still need to have reservations. Because history itself is made up of countless individual behaviors; It should be noted that although the waves are small, they can gather into an ocean, and people are small, but they can also affect the historical process. These seemingly "magical" coincidences are just a few fragments highlighted in countless events, which does not mean that all history follows a certain established pattern.

Perhaps we should learn wisdom from these stories and study the law: the extraordinary ambition of heroes often indicates extraordinary achievements; Authoritarianism leads to the boiling of national resentment and eventually to its demise; Power translocation is often accompanied by the fading of old forces and the birth of new forces.

To sum up, although history always gives us countless possibilities and associative spaces, every era that needs to learn from the past and diligently explore the true meaning of the laws behind them has its particularity and independence. Anyone can try his best to exert his style and contribute his strength in his position and become a small and powerful wave that pushes history forward.

Chinese and foreign scholars say cultural relics: capturing the "bright spot" of China culture in artifacts.

China news agency, Shanghai, November 25 th: Chinese and foreign scholars say cultural relics: capturing the "bright spot" of China culture in artifacts

China News Service reporter Wang Wei Kang Yuzhan

The World Congress on China Studies and the Shanghai Forum were held at the Shanghai International Conference Center from 23rd to 24th. At a sub-forum held on 24th, Wang Chunfa, director of the National Museum of China, presented a precious cultural relic in the museum-bronze rhinoceros statue with gold, silver and moire patterns in the Western Han Dynasty, from which he realized the unique charm of Chinese civilization.

This statue is in the shape of a rhinoceros, with its head held high and its eyes inlaid with black beads, which is the image of Sumen rhinoceros who lived in China in ancient times; The whole object is decorated with staggered gold and silver moire as thin as hairspring, which is exquisite and gorgeous, and it can be called a fine bronze ware in the Han Dynasty. The bronze statue made of animals shows the concept of harmony between man and nature and the nature of Taoism in ancient China.

"This precious cultural relic not only vividly narrates the past, but also profoundly affects the present and the future, enlightening us to respect history, respect our predecessors, respect nature and protect the environment." Wang Chunfa said that human knowledge is accumulated through exploration from generation to generation, and it should be passed down from generation to generation. Chinese and foreign scholars are welcome to the National Museum of China to feel the moving place of the bronze rhinoceros statue with wrong gold, silver and moire.

What are the China cultural relics that foreign scholars are interested in? In the face of a reporter’s question from China News Service, Han Yili, a former associate professor in the Literature Department of Moscow Humanities University, made a list on the spot-Oracle Bone Inscriptions, bronzes, silk books of Mawangdui … Some of them were related to the topic of Zhouyi he studied, and the other part was out of his personal interest.

In Han Yili’s view, the importance of ancient cultural relics and historical documents lies in helping people truly understand the ancient world outlook and living conditions. Compared with some subjectively recorded words, real artifacts can reflect a period of history more intuitively. "Many cities in China have their own museums, so that everyone can learn history and experience culture from ancient artifacts. How to better protect cultural relics and inherit culture is where we should learn from China. "

Yi Xin, an international student from Shanghai University in Mexico, immediately thought of blue and white porcelain. "I found that China’s blue and white porcelain is very similar to some artifacts I saw in Mexico. Later, I read the literature to know that these artifacts really came from China. Exploring how these artifacts arrived in Mexico from China and looking for connections between different cultures made me feel very interesting. "

Yi Xin told reporters that China has a long history and China culture has many "bright spots", which let her know the real China from different angles. "We will not stop exploring China, because there are many things worth studying here." (End)

What is culture? # hanli planner

So what do you think is culture? Tang culture; Song dynasty culture. Cultural history (time and space); Minnan culture; Bashu culture; This is the area; Southwest culture; Fragrant culture; This is an object. Tell you, these things are not culture, in fact, I have an answer in the Book of Changes. What do you mean by educated people? What do you mean by educated people? How wonderful is the word "behind people"?

When the culture of the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty is not humanized, it has nothing to do with the present. In terms of the existence and use of culture, it is no longer a culture only when it is not used. It is as simple as that. Therefore, we say that culture must be slowly accumulated and grown up in life. Is the melting of snow and ice a slow process? It’s so wonderful.

In fact, you don’t know what we understand until you think about it. There will be such guidance and opinions about what the country is, including why we should start such courses in colleges and universities slowly, that is, we want more young people and the power of the new generation to join in. What can build traditional culture together?

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