Xiaomi SU7 21.59, Lei Jun became the man who lifted the table.

Original taoran AI lanmeihui

Author | Tao Ran Wei Xiao

Finally, with the familiar Xiaomi BGM ringing, Lei Jun in a suit and tie went to the center of the stage of Xiaomi SU7 conference.

In the audience, the front row are the heads of five automobile companies-Li Bin, He Xiaopeng, Li Xiang, Wei Jianjun and Zhang Jianyong.

Of course, there is also the concern of the rim and even the whole network-the three-year period has arrived, and Lei Jun has to hand in his homework.

The highlight is that everyone guessed the price for several months: Xiaomi SU7 standard version is 215,900 yuan, PRO version is 245,900 yuan, and MAX version is 299,900 yuan.

The audience exclaimed.

However, Lei Jun is still a little careful. He made so many preparations in the early stage and asked everyone to spray lightly if they have any opinions.

The logic of benchmarking with Tesla Model 3 and Porsche Taycan is very millet and honest.

Insufficient places, do not shy away. But at the same time, I am very confident. When talking about core competitiveness such as intelligent ecology and other higher configuration performance, the platform shouted "far ahead" and then quickly "floated, floated".

However, the sales data undoubtedly gave Xiaomi and Lei Jun a shot in the arm: only 27 minutes after the sale, Xiaomi SU 7 has exceeded 50,000 units.

Lei Jun is still the Lei Jun who lived up to expectations.

After the release of SU7, his last venture also entered a new chapter.

It is certainly difficult to achieve the goal that Xiaomi Automobile will hit the top five global car companies in 15-20 years, but Lei Jun has already taken the first step.

And this first step is a long-lost bombing of the car circle.

Lift the table

Lei Jun was very straightforward on the stage: Xiaomi SU7 was made according to Tesla Model 3.

But in fact, it only includes the standard version and the Pro version: the former configuration is basically the same as the Tesla Model 3 rear-drive version, but the price of 215,900 is 30,000 lower than that of Tesla (245,900), and the parameters of the latter are almost all-round. Rolling the rear-drive Model 3, the price is completely equal to it.

As for the Xiaomi SU7 Max version with a price of 299,900 yuan, Lei Jun said that he wanted to target Porsche Taycan and "leapfrog the benchmark".

Without the 300,000+previously speculated, after the momentum of the rim rushing to lift the millet table passed, Lei Jun used a set of pricing of 21.59-29.99 to lift the biggest one.

In the series of "Lei Jun answers questions from netizens" released some time ago, the top leader of Xiaomi Automobile said that he is a Tesla owner and a Porsche owner, and called the two car companies "time benchmarks" in the history of electric vehicles and sports cars.

However, he also stressed that if Xiaomi wants to build a car, it must be compared with these best car factories in the world: "There must be some places where they do well, and some places where we do well."

Today’s press conference, after pricing and configuration overwhelmed Model 3, Lei Jun mentioned Porsche and once again stressed that dare to compete is to win, and it will definitely surpass it in the future.

Very excited and confident.

Xiaomi SU7 is positioned as a "pure electric luxury car", and Lei Jun’s goal is to become "the best looking, best driving and most intelligent car within 500,000". In addition to Model 3 on PPT, there are actually P7 from Tucki and ET5 from Weilai.

Judging from the official pricing, the current dealer quotation of the latest Model 3 is 245,900-285,900, with 245,900 rear drives and 285,900 long-life four-wheel drives. The price ranges of Tucki P7 and Weilai ET5 are 20.99-339,900 and 298-356,000 respectively, which are almost overlapping.

As for the configuration and performance, as Lei Jun said, it is far ahead-taking the comparison between the new version of Model 3 and the standard version of SU7 as an example, in terms of performance, Model 3 has an acceleration of 6.1s, a peak power of 194kW, a total torque of 340N·m, and a pure electric cruising range of CLTC of 713km. The four data of Xiaomi SU 7 standard edition are 5.28s, 220kW, 400N·m and 700km, which are almost completely beyond the parameter level.

The only two shortcomings that have been circled are: first, the power consumption of 100 kilometers, Xiaomi’s 12.3kWh/100Km lags behind Tesla’s 11.3kWh/100Km, but Lei Jun said that the SU7 battery is bigger and the cruising range is longer when actually used; The other is intelligent driving and computing power, which Tesla leads by a wide margin, but Lei Jun thinks that Xiaomi’s intelligent driving system will be more suitable for the drivers’ physique in China and the domestic road system.

Obviously, Lei Jun is well prepared for the pure electric car market in the range of 200,000-300,000. Just, I don’t know how He Xiaopeng and Li Bin sitting in the audience feel now, where is the way out for P7 and ET5, and how to play the next generation products.

And, Musk on the other side of the ocean will take a look at Xiaomi SU7 with the time difference.

Create another millet

With the release of SU7, Xiaomi also officially entered the new energy track.

The role of Lei Jun has also changed significantly. It used to be Reebs, but now it is Reske. Looking around the world, only Lei Jun has managed to personally grasp the two mainstream smart consumer goods "mobile phone" and "car".

There are no tricks in the process.

In three years, 3,400 engineers spent more than 10 billion yuan on research and development, and of course, the model worker Lei Jun went all out.

The financial report shows that in 2023, Xiaomi invested as much as 19.1 billion in research and development, and it is expected to reach 24 billion in 2024. In innovative businesses such as automobiles, Xiaomi invested 6.7 billion yuan last year. In the words of Lei Jun, he used real money to express his attitude of seriously building cars.

Yes, only by building a car seriously can we get admission tickets. Lei Jun has a clear understanding of this.

Now that Xiaomi Automobile has officially entered the market, Xiaomi has formed a pattern of two-wheel development of the original Xiaomi basic disk and Xiaomi Automobile.

For Xiaomi, this is a brand-new stage of development, and it can even be said that it is an opportunity to recreate a millet.

More than a decade ago, Lei Jun stood on the cusp of smart phones and built a millet with a market value of 100 billion. In the new decade, Lei Jun has put all his accumulated achievements and reputation in life to catch up with the new energy vehicles.

This is Lei Jun’s last venture, and the imagination space is also on the scale of 100 billion.

There are opportunities as well as challenges, depending on whether Xiaomi SU7 can make the first shot.

Lanmeih/ Today’s Topic

Xiaomi SU7, do you have a crush?

Original title: "Xiaomi SU7 21.59, Lei Jun became the man who smashed the table"

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[See you at 8: 00] Nanjing bus caught fire: passengers put batteries in their backpacks.

  Cctv newsAt 8 o’clock every day, CCTV will sort out the big and small things that happened around us within 24 hours.

  The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transport once again issued a subsidy of 135 million yuan for highway emergency rush.

  The central bank and other three departments: increase the lending and adjust and optimize the real estate credit policy.

  Embassy of China in Algeria: A vicious robbery against overseas Chinese enterprises occurred in Algeria, and solemn representations have been made to Albania.

  On the 21st, China successfully launched the Gaofen No.12 04 star at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.

  Yunnan Forestry and Grass Bureau: The overseas yellow-ridged bamboo locust moved into the country, and the damage of 3,000 mu of forest land in Yunnan was mainly mild, which has not yet caused disasters.

  Dalian Maritime Safety Administration issued a navigation warning: From August 20 to August 27, some areas in the northern part of the Bohai Strait and the Yellow Sea were on military missions and were prohibited from entering.

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  Ukrainian President Zelensky: Seven people were killed and 137 injured when the city of Chernigov was attacked by missiles.

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  The military leaders of the coup in Niger severely warned the ECOWAS military intervention plan in Nigeria.

  Korean media: President Yin Xiyue sent a message on Twitter account, expressing his hope to host the next Korea-US-Japan summit.

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  In the final of the 2023 Women’s World Cup held in Sydney, Australia, Spain beat England 1-0 and won the Women’s World Cup for the first time.

  Nanjing Jiangbei New District: A bus caught fire, causing 2 deaths and 5 injuries, because the lithium battery carried by passengers spontaneously ignited.

  Yunnan police informed that "a 26-year-old man drove an off-road vehicle and collided with multiple cars": Seven people were injured, and the suspect had a history of mental illness and had been detained.

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  The railway department responded that "a train in Benxi, Liaoning Province was blocked at the railway crossing, causing passers-by to turn over the train": the local enterprise special line equipment failed, and the railway crossing resumed normal traffic after the failure was restored that day.

  After 00, the young man turned into a world champion. After winning a prize of 100,000 yuan in the village, he donated 60,000 yuan to the elderly canteen in the village on the spot.

  Recently, four minors in Guangxi were suspected of being abducted by 16-year-old fellow villagers to the North Myanmar Internet Fraud Park. At present, the Yulin police in Guangxi have filed a case.

  Whether children cry or make noise depends on whether parents do something. There is no original sin in taking children out. Even if you meet someone who doesn’t understand, just have a good exchange and negotiation and be kind. If you encounter such unreasonable passengers, parents can also ask the flight attendants to handle them, and there is no need to argue about winning or losing.

  — — Extremely eye-catching news "Extremely eye-catching review | One-year-old children crying on high-speed rail are asked by women to shut up, and strong people will not be supported."

  On August 20, 2023, Aba, Sichuan, the scenery of Shenxianchi scenic spot. Located in Zhangzha Town and Dalu Township of Jiuzhaigou County, Shenxianchi Scenic Area is picturesque and attracts many tourists for sightseeing.

  On August 19, 2023, local time, the mountain fire in British Columbia, Canada continued to spread. Affected by mountain fires, British Columbia has declared a state of emergency in the province. At present, 35,000 people in the province have received evacuation orders, and another 30,000 people have received warnings to prepare for evacuation.

  On August 20th, Beijing time, UFC292 started in Boston, USA. After five rounds of fighting, Zhang Weili of China defeated Amanda Lemos of Brazil 288∶21 with absolute advantage, and successfully defended the women’s lawn weight gold belt.

  After winning, Zhang Weili shouted at the scene: I amZhang Weili! I’m from China!

  See you at 8 o’clock tomorrow!

  Editor in charge: Guo Qian Luo Meng

  Editor: Yang Wenjun Su Danghui

The "white list" withdrew from the historical stage, and the market structure of power batteries changed.

  The day before the new subsidy standard for new energy vehicles was officially implemented, the power battery market ushered in a big change.

  On June 24th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued an announcement (No.22, 2019), indicating that it decided to abolish the Specification Conditions for Automotive Power Battery Industry (hereinafter referred to as "Specification Conditions") from June 21st, 2019 (Announcement No.22, 2015 of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology), and the first, second, third and fourth batch of enterprise directories meeting the specification conditions were abolished at the same time. This means that the "white list" of power batteries for new energy vehicles, which existed in the industry for four years, was officially cancelled and withdrew from the stage of history.

  Where does the "white list" of power batteries come from, what impact will its disappearance have, and what will be the trend of the competition pattern in the power battery market? The reporter exchanged and discussed with many experts and scholars in the industry on these issues that people care about.

  Has helped the rapid development of the power battery industry.

  In 2015, when the new energy vehicle market in China was booming, a large number of independent brands launched new energy vehicles intensively. As one of the core components of new energy vehicles, the situation of power battery market at this time is not so optimistic.

  "Due to the low production threshold of low-end power batteries, stimulated by high subsidies, there are too many manufacturers in China’s automobile power battery industry, with uneven technical level and generally low technical strength." Liu Zhichao, an auto industry analyst, recalled.

  In fact, by the end of 2014, there were as many as 177 supporting manufacturers of power batteries, while the sales of new energy vehicles in 2014 were less than 75,000. At the same time, there are as many as 1,600 new energy vehicles in the Announcement of Vehicle Manufacturers and Products.

  It is not difficult to see from the huge gap between the sales volume of new energy vehicles and the types of products that many enterprises made low-priced and low-quality new energy vehicles in order to "cheat" at that time. Obviously, such enterprises can’t make a difference in the technological exploration and growth of power batteries.

  More importantly, Japanese and Korean battery companies saw the market potential of new energy vehicles in China at that time. These enterprises have long been eyeing the local market in China. In this case of "internal troubles and foreign invasion", except for a few enterprises, the vast majority of local power battery manufacturers have entered a critical moment of life and death.

  In view of this situation, in order to promote the healthy and stable development of the new energy automobile industry, on March 26th, 2015, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued "Specification Conditions", clearly requiring that from May 1st, 2015, power battery enterprises should make online declaration according to the requirements of the Specification Conditions through the "Management System for Automobile Power Battery Production Enterprises". New energy vehicles can only enter the Recommended Catalogue for Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles if they are equipped with power batteries in the "white list", and then get subsidies.

  Subsequently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology successively released four batches of enterprise catalogues that met the "Specification Conditions", and a total of 57 enterprises were shortlisted. Since then, four batches of 57 power battery and system enterprises have entered the white list.

  Nowadays, the number of new energy vehicles in China has jumped from less than 75,000 in 2014 to an industrial pillar with an annual sales of 1.256 million vehicles. At the same time, domestic power battery enterprises also increase investment and research and development.

  "We can see that in ‘ White list ’ Under the guidance of, excellent power battery enterprises such as Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, BYD, Lishen and Funeng have emerged in the domestic power battery industry. The low-end factories that had been shoddy and sought subsidies were also forced to switch to sub-sectors such as electric bicycles, power tools, energy storage and low-speed vehicles, and domestic batteries entered an era of steady and rapid development. " Liu Zhichao said.

  Power batteries enter a new era of market competition.

  Although the "white list" of power batteries has helped the rapid growth of the power battery industry and the new energy automobile industry. However, with the development of new energy automobile industry in China, the "white list" no longer meets the development needs of the market and industry.

  “‘ White list ’ It has a strong correlation with the subsidy for new energy car purchase. As the subsidy continues to decline, the subsidy will disappear completely in 2020, and the order-oriented role of the white list will also fade away. " Liu Zhichao said, "‘ White list ’ During its existence, the policy has played a guiding role in industry norms. Local battery companies have generally reached the standard in standardized operations, and the competitive pattern within the industry has emerged. During this period, market regulation will play a greater role than policy norms. "

  He also believes that the "white list" not only protects the market share of power batteries, but also actually misses the golden time when China power batteries should make great efforts to curb the innovative research and development of power batteries by car companies to some extent.

  Nowadays, under the new market competition, the "white list" has completed its original historical mission. And its withdrawal has also become a signal of the pattern change of the power battery industry and even the new energy automobile industry.

  "The cancellation of the battery white list is a major new energy benefit, which is conducive to full competition in the industry, to the construction of a stronger industrial chain system, to the launch of new energy vehicles of international car companies in the China market, and to the reduction of costs and better battery resources of independent brands. It is a good thing to reflect the deepening of reform and opening up and greatly promote the development of the automobile market." Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, said bluntly that due to the influence of the "white list", the pace of domestic new energy vehicles of some international car companies was slow, and it was also very difficult for these companies to switch to domestic batteries. Therefore, the release of battery control this time is conducive to the industrial development of international car companies in China, resulting in the "catfish effect" and promoting the new energy industry to make further progress.

  With the official cancellation of the "white list", it is generally believed in the industry that Japanese and Korean power battery enterprises will enter the China market on a large scale. With the entry of Japanese and Korean battery companies, new energy vehicle companies have more choices. An analysis report of South Korea’s securities industry also believes that in the next three years, the foreign investment of Korean power battery enterprises will reach 10 trillion won (about 58.5 billion yuan), of which nearly 40% will be invested in the China market.

  Although the involvement of Japanese and Korean power battery companies will increase the intensity of market competition, Cui Dongshu is optimistic. "In those days, mobile phone manufacturers such as Apple and Motorola entered the China market, which brought great help to the construction of mobile phone industry chain in China. Similarly, the entry of foreign battery companies will stimulate the development of the domestic industrial chain, promote the technological upgrading of independent supporting products, and realize the integrated development of industries. "

Report on the progress of the investigation of the flight accident of MU5735 aircraft of China Eastern Airlines on March 21.

    On March 21, 2022, China Eastern Airlines Yunnan Co., Ltd. Boeing 737-800 (registration number B-1791) carried out a scheduled passenger flight from Kunming Changshui Airport to Guangzhou Baiyun Airport. At 13: 16, the plane took off from Kunming Changshui Airport. After 64 minutes, it deviated from the cruising altitude of 8,900 meters and quickly descended. It crashed near Moguang Village, Langnan Town, tengxian, Wuzhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. All 123 passengers and 9 crew members on board were killed.

    The Civil Aviation Administration of China, in conjunction with relevant departments, conducted a technical investigation on this accident in accordance with the China Civil Aviation Regulations "Provisions on Technical Investigation of Civil Aircraft Accidents" (CCAR-395) and the relevant provisions of Annex 13 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation. The main progress is as follows:

    First, the search, identification and analysis of the wreckage. Organize the search for physical evidence of the wreckage, identify the main wreckage, take photos to collect evidence, mark the location of discovery, and make a map of the location of the wreckage; Conduct special technical investigation on aircraft structure, flight control system, engine and other wreckage, and analyze the attitude of the aircraft before falling to the ground and the possible working state of key control components; Send the engine parts, control system parts and other important wrecks to the laboratory for analysis to determine the cause of damage.

    Two, flight operation and aircraft airworthiness. Investigate the crew members’ technical status, health status and actual performance; Investigate the release plan, load balance, performance calculation, operation monitoring and crew preparation of the incident flight; Investigate the company’s safety management, training management, personnel qualification management, maintenance management and other organizational management; Investigate the implementation of aircraft airworthiness instructions and service notices, the maintenance of routes and scheduled inspections, and the maintenance of faults; Investigate and analyze the fuel filling and fuel quality of the incident flight; Integrate monitoring data, video recording, etc., and analyze the flight state of the aircraft in the final stage; Repair the damaged recorder and analyze the obtained data.

    Third, the flight security situation. To investigate the qualifications of security personnel and the working conditions of facilities and equipment at the take-off airport; Investigate the routine inspection and maintenance of runways, taxiways, taxiways and apron pavements used by the incident flights; Investigate the qualifications of air traffic controllers, communication, navigation and monitoring equipment, air traffic control automation system, air traffic control command process and air route weather conditions; Investigate the basic information, security inspection and loading of passengers, luggage, goods and mail; Check the dangerous goods carrying information of the incident flight and the dangerous goods training of the crew and related support personnel.

    After investigation, the flight crew and cabin crew of the incident flight held valid licenses and certificates, and the flight, duty and rest time met the requirements. The physical examination before the flight on that day was qualified, and the crew qualification and configuration met the requirements; The airworthiness certificate of the incident aircraft is valid, and the qualifications of relevant maintenance personnel meet the requirements; No faults or abnormal conditions were found in the aircraft system, fuselage structure and engine before take-off, and no faults were reserved; The qualification of relevant operation support personnel on the day of departure airport meets the requirements, the facilities and equipment work normally, and the operation and operation conform to the working procedures; The qualification of relevant air traffic controllers meets the requirements, the communication, navigation and monitoring equipment works normally, there is no abnormality in radio communication and control command before the incident, and there is no dangerous weather report in the airspace and flight altitude of the aircraft at the time of the incident; The flight of the incident met the requirements, there was no cargo mail declared as dangerous goods, and there was no evidence that there were dangerous goods in the cargo mail and luggage.

    Subsequently, the technical investigation team will continue to carry out experimental verification and cause analysis, and release relevant information in a timely manner according to the progress of the investigation.

How can Guo Caijie’s red carpet style be worn by tucao stars without making mistakes

  BEIJING, Beijing, June 15 (Reporter Tommy) Recently, Guo Caijie’s style on the red carpet at the opening of the 19th Shanghai Film Festival was vomited by netizens. In fact, the dress of many celebrity artists attending major events often causes controversy. For example, G.E.M. is keen on wearing leather pants, and Viann used to wear red and green "flower quilts" to walk the red carpet. How can a star wear to avoid bad reviews? The reporter from Zhongxin. com interviewed a number of fashion people. Some people said that it is necessary to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses when wearing, while others said that they should pay more attention to fashion circle information.

  The star style is self-defeating and is spit out.

  A few days ago, Guo Caijie appeared in Shanghai, because she had to change four sets of clothes in a day, and it was inevitable that her style was not up to standard. First, her hairstyle was too short and she was accused of being ugly, and then her style at the Shanghai Film Festival was also criticized.

  In fact, there are many people in the entertainment circle who are controversial because of their poor styling. For example, G.E.M. changed four sets of styles in New York Fashion Week last year but was ridiculed. When he went to Shenzhen to participate in activities this year, white high-waist hot pants were ridiculed as "adult diapers"; Viann’s red and green "flower quilt" on the red carpet of Cannes International Film Festival last year was impressive; Tang Yan was dragged into trouble by the clothing purchasing company and attended the event directly in a big-name long skirt in the cottage. It was not until afterwards that the brand’s public relations informed Tang Yan’s studio that the dress was not the same as the real one, and Tang Yan and his studio suddenly realized.

  How to determine the artist’s makeup clothing?

  What is the modeling process for celebrity artists to attend the event? What impact will mistakes have? According to Crystal, the public relations executive of a luxury public relations company, "the average artist will ask a reliable stylist or styling studio to co-ordinate the management. As long as you choose something that fits the occasion of the event and your own image positioning, she also said that when borrowing clothes, you will also consider whether the clothes match the artist’s temperament and the content of the event.

  Jiang Mengjie, an actor, told reporters that "the choice of styling should be simple and generous, but also fashionable and suitable for the activities". Liu Shishi, Angelababy and other actresses’ royal makeup artists, and the founder of EBI hair makeup shop, Chun Nan, said that they need to make up and do their hair according to the clothes that stylists choose for artists.

  Looking into the reasons why artists make mistakes in dressing, Tristan, a senior fashion media person, analyzed that "it may be that stylists are not suitable for artists, or that artists have too strong subjective aesthetics but low level". In his view, once modeling fails, it will have a long-term impact on artists: "Photos will become black history forever. In fact, almost every artist has had a style that is not suitable for him. What is terrible is that some looks will make people more impressed. Therefore, finding the right image positioning is critical to career development. "

  People in the industry share fashion rules

  In the entertainment circle, it is particularly important for stars to appear in a suitable shape. How to cultivate accurate and unique fashion taste, Tristan gave a trick: "foster strengths and avoid weaknesses. Show your legs when your legs are beautiful, and cover your arms when your arms are thick. It is also important to conform to the age temperament of the individual. For example, young artists are most afraid of dressing old, and it is strange for artists with deep qualifications to dress too young. " After that, he also stressed, "If the stylist has new ideas, he might as well give it a try. After all, fashion is not only beautiful, but also fun. " Wu Xiubo felt the same way about this. Previously, he had long hair in advance for filming costume dramas, but in order to have a neat hairstyle for attending activities, he tried a half-ball head, which was widely praised by netizens.

  Since her debut, Jiang Mengjie has repeatedly appeared in fashion activities, and has successfully managed her own brand. Regarding her daily wearing habits, she said, "She tends to choose simple and generous designs, so the error rate will be lower". At the same time, she also said that accumulation is very important: "Because of my own clothing brand, there are relatively many books related to art and design. If I go abroad, I will go to some art galleries and art galleries to study, which will also help me improve my taste and brand design." (End)

In the third grade, boys played games for their uncle’s WiFi. cut class squatted in the grass for a day.

  On the morning of the 2 nd, Ms. Lin, who lives in a community in Longchi Street, Liuhe District, Nanjing, went out early in the morning and found a teenager in school uniform squatting in the grass next to the unit building; When Ms. Lin came home at 5 o’clock in the evening, she still saw the child sitting there, with almost no change in posture. She called him and he ignored him. The abnormal behavior of the teenager worried Ms. Lin, and she called the police for help. The police arrived at the scene and learned that the teenager was a junior three student, and his uncle lived in this building. On that day, he stayed here in cut class for one day to play mobile games on his uncle’s WiFi, which made the mother who came to the scene angry with Ms. Yu.

  The reporter’s investigation found that the popularity of smart phones and children becoming "mobile phone controllers" have become a common worry for many families. Yangzi Evening News All-Media Reporter Ren Guoyong Correspondent Lu Gongxuan

  A crazy teenager.

  Sit in the grass and rub my uncle’s wireless network to play games.

  Cut class, a teenager, squatted down to numb his legs and feet one day.

  "There is a big boy I don’t know downstairs who has been sitting in the grass all day. I don’t care if I call him. Come and have a look." At 5 o’clock in the evening on the 2 nd, Ms. Lin reported the police.

  After receiving the police, the police of Longchi police station arrived at the scene to check that a teenager was sitting downstairs in a unit of the community. He sat under his schoolbag cushion and held his mobile phone intently.

  "He has been sitting here in this posture. I saw him when I went out in the morning. I didn’t expect him to be here when I came back in the evening. I don’t know what happened. I called him and he ignored me." Ms. Lin said that she noticed that the child was also enthusiastic and worried about what bad things would happen to him.

  The policeman walked next to the teenager, and he was still absorbed in playing with his mobile phone, unaware that the policeman was approaching. The policeman patted him on the shoulder, and the boy suddenly got up, but he almost fell down because of numbness in his legs and feet. "What are you doing here?" In the face of the police’s question, the child bowed his head and did not answer, only saying that he had something to do.

  After repeated inquiries by the police, he said that his surname was Cao, and he was in the third grade of a nearby middle school. His uncle lived in this building, and he squatted here to play games on the Internet with his uncle’s WiFi. "I didn’t do anything bad, I just wanted to surf the Internet." He said.

  Subsequently, the police contacted Cao’s mother. Cao’s mother was surprised when she received the phone call, saying that she didn’t expect her son to go to cut class to play games, and spent a day squatting downstairs in her brother’s house for surfing the Internet.

  Soon, Cao’s mother rushed to the scene angrily, and immediately scolded him for being unprincipled again and again in order to surf the Internet. Cao’s mother said that her son secretly bought a mobile phone with a birthday red envelope given to him by his elders a month ago. After the parents found out, they criticized him and advised him to return the mobile phone, which was awkward. Later, the parents confiscated the mobile phone, but I didn’t expect him to take it away from his family and come here to play. "He must know that my brother went out these days before he came here to surf the internet. The senior high school entrance examination is coming soon, and he is still so confused."

  The police also persuaded and educated Cao, and Cao said that he would make up his mind to quit playing mobile phone addiction and prepare for the exam carefully. The police also reminded Cao’s mother to communicate with her children more often, divert his attention from playing mobile phones, and persuade her in time if she has bad habits. After the exchange between the two sides, Cao followed his mother home.

  Parents’ troubles

  Smashed the phone, and both girls cried sadly.

  Do you want to buy it for your daughter now? Mom is very entangled.

  "I want to use regret to describe my current mood. Now I am in a dilemma!" Ms. Zhang from Laifeng Community in Nanjing told the Yangzi Evening News reporter that her daughter had bought a children’s mobile phone in order to facilitate contact, and she could only answer the phone.

  But later, my daughter always said that all her classmates used smart phones, and they used smart phones to check their study materials online. Ms. Zhang was hesitant at first. After discussing with her husband, she felt that the times were developing and her daughter’s ideas were reasonable. It might be helpful to use smart phones to access information. Later, I bought my daughter a smart machine with a price of more than 1,000 yuan. After using the smart phone, my daughter quickly played on WeChat and Weibo.

  "We think there is nothing wrong with sending WeChat Weibo, but now the situation is getting worse and worse." Ms. Zhang said that her daughter’s grades plummeted and the teacher even found her playing mobile phones in class.

  After discovering the problem, Ms. Zhang began to control her daughter to use her mobile phone. But when my daughter does her homework, she asks her for a mobile phone to consult the information from time to time, but sometimes she finds that she is using QQ or WeChat.

  Ms. Zhang asked her daughter how to chat? The daughter’s answer is to exchange learning problems with her classmates. In this way, the daughter’s learning efficiency is getting lower and lower. Not long ago, I found my daughter playing small games until the early hours of the morning, and there were novels in the trace of mobile phone search. I clicked and found that my daughter was reading a "messy" article. In this way, the mother and daughter quarreled many times for the mobile phone, and in the end, she smashed the mobile phone.

  "I smashed my daughter’s mobile phone, and both girls cried. She ignored me for two weeks, and I was heartbroken." Ms. Zhang said that recently, her daughter repeatedly assured her to study hard, proposed to buy a mobile phone again and promised to use it only for consulting materials and communicating with classmates. "I am very entangled, I am afraid to buy it for her, and she can’t control it." Ms. Zhang said.

  Online small survey

  Children are forbidden to use smart phones? Not all are objections.

  In two examples, children have become "mobile phone controllers", which annoys parents. So, at the moment when smart phones are so popular, should children use smart phones? The reporter made a small survey through his circle of friends.

  Should primary and secondary school students use smart phones?

  The online survey lasted for one hour, and 51 people voted.

  A: About 84% are against it.

  Some parents who indicate the reasons think that underage students are addicted to their opponents’ opportunities, which are difficult to control, and most of them are used for entertainment.

  B There is one case in which the parents fully agree with the opinion.

  This parent believes that smart phones are the general trend, otherwise they will be out of touch with society.

  C about 14% supported by conditions.

  This part of parents believe that children need to attach conditions to the use of smart phones. If they want to use them, they must know what their children’s purpose is, and it is ok to check the study materials.

  Teacher’s opinion

  Every time a parent-teacher meeting is held, many parents complain to the teacher. Children can’t live without mobile phones all day. Should they use them? How can I quit cell phone addiction? Jiang bo, a senior teacher and grade leader of a senior middle school in Nanjing, said — —

  Even using a mobile phone to check information has great disadvantages.

  Jiang bo thinks that the only advantage for students to use smart phones is that they are easy to contact.

  "Access to information is a cover. I found that the questions and answers of some so-called learning software are copied from each other, and there are many mistakes and typos. Students who are used to finding answers online lose the ability to think independently. I strongly appeal to students from primary school to high school to stay away from smartphones." Teacher jiang bo thinks that students who are used to finding answers through the Internet will have a decline in their habit and ability to use reference books, and their learning efficiency is very poor. Usually, they click on a window and another one pops up on the Internet. Students are so curious that they can’t control their reading that they can’t concentrate on completing their homework. Indulging in mobile phones is not good for health, typically, the eyesight drops, and you can only see farther if you look up. Holding mobile phones all day long causes some students to have poor face-to-face communication skills; Some parents are afraid that their children will be out of touch with society without using smart phones. This kind of worry is unnecessary. Mobile phones, like computers, can be learned as soon as they are learned, and there is no need to hold them every day. The mobile phone network has a search function, so it is difficult for parents to monitor whether the content they read is healthy or not.

  Parents should set a good example for children to quit cell phone addiction.

  How to quit cell phone addiction? Teacher jiang bo said that depending on the situation, some parents are strong and radical. If they don’t agree to their children’s demands, they will not agree, confiscate their mobile phones and shut down the Internet. Some students have problems in their early education, and their parents have not established an authoritative image at home, and they can’t do the three chapters of the contract. Even if their mobile phones are confiscated and the network is cut off, the effect is not good. Some parents can’t stand the soft grinding and hard foam, but still return their mobile phones to them. When the mobile phone is smashed and the network is closed, it will stimulate such children’s rebellious psychology and stronger curiosity about smart phones. A better way is for parents not to hang their heads all day playing with their mobile phones, but to turn off the home network skillfully, such as changing passwords, limiting traffic, limiting phone bills, and reading famous books on paper. Let children know that mobile phones are just tools and toys, and do not deny that mobile phones are getting more and more fun, but there are more exciting things in life. Parents should take their children to participate in colorful outdoor activities on rest days to divert their attention from mobile phones.

  ● Children’s voice

  Hungry for respect, disgusted parents smash mobile phones.

  Yangzi Evening News reporter also communicated with some middle school students. Some students also admitted that mobile phones are basically used for entertainment except making phone calls and finding answers. Sometimes parents will get angry with them after playing for an hour or two.

  "I am more disgusted with my parents’ tough tone, and it is even more unacceptable to smash my mobile phone." Liu Tong Jr. said that sometimes it was late at night when he was playing with his mobile phone, and he knew that it was not good for him, but the momentum of his father rushing in made people sad.

  Liu Tongxue Jr. said that even if he made a mistake, he hoped parents could communicate in an equal tone. "Confiscation when you come in is disrespect and distrust," Xiao Liu told reporters.

  The teacher’s truth is in place, and the child’s voice should also be heard. But have you noticed that children are actually concerned about the same problem at a different level from us adults? They are more concerned about the attitude of parents when dealing with the use of mobile phones than whether they use the mobile phones themselves.

  Therefore, we want to remind parents that every child has his own personality characteristics, and parents should consider their children’s situation comprehensively, find a communication method suitable for them, and handle this "mobile phone problem" well.

"Football Manager 2024" homeless evaluation 8.4 points this damn and wonderful football.

At one o’clock in the morning, I took my eyes off the screen at the end of the game.

The coke can creaked when I pinched it.

"Buy clique, eat kickbacks, no tactics, substitution suicide; One will be unable to exhaust the three armies, so please give me a class, Tenghage. "

I opened "Football Manager 2024", which is a completely different world line-Manchester United is no longer the fish-eating team that was slaughtered by others, but once again embarked on the journey of triple crown.

This time, the official will also use the "parallel world" model as a propaganda point, but in fact it is to start a season without initial transfer.

The reason why "Football Manager" can make players fondle it, not only because it brings a parallel football world, so that you can make up for those regrets in reality, but also because it can help you become the uncompromising supreme leader of the team and make the players who are already millionaires bow to you. And you are in charge of their life and death: criticism, fines, decentralization of the reserve team, immediate dismissal, as long as you see them unhappy, then the game can satisfy you.

Of course, Football Manager can do more than that. It can satisfy almost all your wishes for the football world. Its player database is accurate to amateur leagues that ordinary people can participate in. The complexity of tactics allows you to accurately reproduce the concept of real football masters, and the freedom of operation gives you the possibility of doing everything in detail, and also allows you to entrust AI with full responsibility.

It can be said that whether you are a fan or not, Football Manager will gradually make you feel the charm of the whole football world.

Damn football, football is wonderful.

Compared with the previous generation’s minor repairs, this "Football Manager 2024" has made many fruitful changes. After about 50 hours of exploration, I think the most important adjustment in this work is the upgrade of the positioning ball system.

In fact, no matter corner kicks, free kicks or foul balls, they only account for a small part in football matches. Many times, it is difficult for you to see the team score goals directly with them.

But that doesn’t mean the set-pieces aren’t important. It is a unique part of tactics, which can directly create opportunities beyond defense and is also a magic weapon to defeat the strong with the weak.

Whenever I talk about the famous corner kick, I always think of the Champions League final between Manchester United and Bayern Munich at Camp Nou in 1999.

Dozens of seconds ago, Manchester United just equalized the score with a close-range shot, and in the subsequent corner kick, Beckham scored a long pass with precise guidance, Sheringham headed the ferry in front, and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, who was ambushed later, succeeded in overtaking at the last stoppage time.

At that time, Johansson, the president of the Football Association, was ready to present the Big Ear Cup to the Germans. However, when he walked out of the player’s aisle, he was shocked: "Why are the winning teams crying, while the losing team is dancing?"

It was this scene that Sir Alex Ferguson witnessed that led to the famous saying "Football, bloody hell".

This is the charm of the positioning ball, which has the power to create miracles in a moment. Now in Football Manager 2024, you finally have a chance to create a unique set of set-pieces tactics.

The game will provide complete guidance. You only need to answer a few questions briefly, and the coaching staff can help you tailor a set of appropriate corner kick tactics. After that, you can adjust each player’s position and responsibilities in detail.

You can let the air bully in the team attack the middle road, as long as you reach the ball, it will pose a fatal threat, but it will also be surrounded by heavy troops on the opposite side; If you send him to the near post or the far post, you can disperse the enemy’s defensive forces, but it will be easier for the goalkeeper to catch the ball or give the opposing players more reaction time.

Therefore, you need to let many attacking players take care of each other. Some people are responsible for pushing forward to distract the enemy, some people ambush in situ to try to head the ferry, some people meet at the top of the restricted area to fight for the second point, and some people secretly ambush a fatal blow. Only in this way can we find a chance in the well-defended attack zone 3.

Actual combat effect

Almost the same goal in the same game proves the power of a good corner kick tactic.

The tactical freedom of "Football Manager 2024" is not limited to this. You can refine the corner kick to play an inner arc ball or an outer arc ball, arrange players to open a tactical short corner kick near the corner flag area, or throw the football into the restricted area with a "Grenade tactic" when the foul ball is close to the restricted area. It can be said that in this generation, you can’t reproduce the volley world wave connected by two people, and no matter what set-pieces tactics you want to build, you have everything in the game.

It is worth mentioning that it may be because this generation has more options to "interfere with the opposing goalkeeper" when deploying players. In every season of "Football Manager 2024", the main goalkeeper will encounter much higher risk of injury than previous generations, and often will be absent for weeks or even more than a month because of cracked palms. Although this may weaken the team’s strength, it finally gives those substitute goalkeepers more opportunities to play.

Expert: This is the fracture price.

It’s hard to buy people, and it’s even harder to sell them.

Transfer transaction has always been the top priority in running the team, but this book has added two new mechanisms to the process of selling players.

Before selling the players, you can have a cup of tea with their agents and talk about whether any team wants to buy them.

They will tell the truth and take the initiative to help you contact the team to make an offer if there is an opportunity. And if even they don’t like the deal, you can almost give up.

Moreover, your conversation may only be regarded as a casual chat by the players, which is much milder than putting them on the transfer list or recommending them directly to other clubs, and will not make the players have any opinions on you.

If you are not satisfied with the quotation found by the broker, you can contact the middleman again and ask them to help you broker several deals, and you need to pay them an expensive intermediary fee. Fortunately, their feedback speed is usually fast enough to save you a lot of time.

These two new mechanisms seem to provide you with more means to sell players, but they don’t actually make the transfer transaction in Football Manager 2024 easier.

The reason is that this generation has the most outrageous rising speed of players’ worth, the most stingy team budget and the most savvy AI.

In the second summer transfer window of the game, Osman, who scored 16 league goals in a season, was worth 230 million euros, but even if I wanted to sell him, other teams had no money at all. Bayern and Manchester United, the only ones who have made an offer, are only willing to pay a mere 50 million.

However, the transfer budgets of the powerful teams in this play are surprisingly small. Even Newcastle, which is kept by Saudi local tyrants, has only 6 million euros left, while the middle and lower reaches, such as Bournemouth and Burnley, simply have no money left.

And according to the official, the AI ? ? coach in this game will also become more rational when buying people, not only paying attention to the player’s ability and potential (CA/PA), but also considering whether his key attributes meet the needs.

Therefore, even if Football Manager 2024 adds some auxiliary trading systems, it will only benefit marginal players who are not worth a few dollars. And if you want to sell the stars at a good price, it may be even more difficult than the previous ones.

What’s even more embarrassing is that even if your team has an oil dad in Football Manager 2024, you can’t wave money and hit people casually, because the fiscal fairness policy of this play is very strict.

Even if your transfer budget is as much as 300 million, but limited by financial fairness, you may only spend 60 million of it to buy people, and if you accidentally spend too much, you will have to sell players to even the bill or take the risk of suspension.

Of course, it does not rule out that it is caused by a BUG in the pre-experience version.

This is another problem for the coaches. At least, it is the first time for a player like me who has been playing the Football Manager series for seven years to run into a financial fairness policy in the game. Perhaps when you are thinking hard about how to balance the accounts, you can finally understand that it is not easy to manage the team’s finances in reality.

New league, new position

This generation of "Football Manager" also introduced Japan’s third-class J League for the first time.

The level of players in J1 League matches that of the British Championship, but limited by the prestige of the League, it may be difficult for you to dig up high-potential calves from Europe-even if the development of Japanese football is not what it used to be, they are not willing to bet their future on this far east island country. Moreover, the J League, which starts in spring and ends in autumn every year, is far from the European League, which usually starts in autumn. If you want to sign foreign aid, you may have to wait until the end of the whole season before they can join the team.

In addition, your experience in other leagues can basically be applied to J League. Compared with some low-level leagues, the budget of J League is quite sufficient. After all, the Kobe Victory Ship, which I expected to rank eighth when I started the file, also has a transfer budget of about 10 million euros available.

Let’s focus on the team itself again, and look at an optional position added by the full-backs in this game-Inverted Full-Backs (IFB).

This change is probably to better conform to the ever-changing football tactics. Although Barcelona had a similar tactical design in cruyff’s time, it was Guardiola who now coached Manchester City that really carried it forward.

The side and back waist will be retracted when controlling the ball, and will come to the back waist position to help the defenders create opportunities to pass the ball forward, while when there is no ball, they will return to the back line for traditional defense work. Representative players in this field are Cancelo in Manchester City, kyle walker today and Ram in Bayern.

Correspondingly, the central defender also increased the position of free agent. Similar to the flank and waist, he will insert forward to help the team pass the ball when holding the ball, and will retreat to the back line when defending. This new tactical requirement is different from the traditional "scavenger" and beckenbauer-style freemen, and it is also a play created by Guardiola for stones.

In order to cooperate with these two new positions, the players’ positions have become more intelligent now. For example, when the side and back waist push forward, you will see that the remaining three defenders also adjust their positions during the running, transforming the four-defender system into a defensive state more similar to that of the three-defender.

Of course, in fact, most players don’t really play tactics that carefully, but these brand-new designs can be regarded as providing a completely different system for those players who like to study tactics.

Other piecemeal changes

After upgrading the lighting and turf materials, the picture of "Football Manager 2024" has made gratifying progress. With the further adjustment of player animation and football trajectory in the previous work, it will also bring a lot of improvement to your watching experience.

The official comparison chart (the left is the previous work and the right is the present work)

In addition, when you created the coach, this book also added some optional accessories, including glasses, medals and face color. Of course, for me, I’m even more surprised to find that Football Manager doesn’t know when to pinch a female coach-although this is just an old function that has been around since last year.

What is limited to our play is still the pre-experience version of the game launched two weeks in advance, so there are still many outrageous bugs in it. For example, when adjusting the lineup in the game, you may find that after changing the positions of two players on the list, only an animated performance was played, but they still stayed in their original positions and did not move.

However, from last year’s experience, I believe that these bugs can basically be fixed after the game is officially released.

general comment

Perhaps Football Manager 2024 looks a little similar to the previous generation, but only when you actually experience it can you find that its changes in all aspects have changed the whole football world. It has made some outstanding upgrades to the set-piece system, added two brand-new tactical positions for the players, and also made some fine-tuning to the transfer trading system, plus some screen improvements, which is enough to make you feel that it is different from the previous experience.

Under the premise that "Football Manager 2025" has decided to switch to the Unity engine and there are many unknown factors, perhaps "Football Manager 2024" is the best simulation football game you can play under the traditional framework.

Milk and rice soup are actually water for taking medicine. You have to understand the knowledge of taking medicine.

  With the popularization of health knowledge, many of us know that we can’t take medicine with tea or juice. However, do you know that warm water is not a "universal water" suitable for all drugs, and some drugs will reduce their efficacy if they are matched with it? In addition, rice soup and milk instead of water can also be the "drug primer" for some drugs. Today, we will ask the pharmacist in the Pharmacy Department of Tsinghua Chang Gung Memorial Hospital to teach you how to take medicine in the safest and most effective way.

  What is an empty stomach? It’s time to take medicine.

  The drug instructions will indicate the time of taking the drug in the usage, so what is an empty stomach? Is it not an empty stomach as long as you have eaten? How to define before and after meals? Pharmacists in the Pharmacy Department of Tsinghua Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Beijing give a correct concept of medication time here.

  Taking medicine on an empty stomach: generally, 1-2 hours before meals and 2-3 hours after meals belong to an empty stomach, and general laxatives and tonics are suitable for taking on an empty stomach;

  Taking medicine before meals: it means taking medicine within 15-30 minutes before meals, and drugs for promoting gastric motility or protecting gastric mucosa are recommended to be taken before meals;

  Taking medicine after meals: it means taking medicine 15-30 minutes after meals. Most medicines can be taken after meals, mainly to reduce the irritation of medicines to gastrointestinal tract or increase the efficacy when taken with food.

  Are there any medicines that are not suitable for warm boiled water? exactly

  With the popularization of health knowledge, many of us know that when taking oral drugs, we should avoid taking them with tea, fruit juice soda and alcoholic drinks. Not only that, the pharmacist said that there is still a lot to pay attention to in this medicine.

  Live bacteria medicine is not suitable to be taken with hot water, so it is advisable to drink warm milk 30 minutes after meals, which is beneficial to form a protective film in the stomach and prevent gastric acid from damaging the medicine.

  Heat-clearing drugs or purgative drugs with severe effects are taken with rice soup, which can not only protect the stomach, but also improve the efficacy; However, syrup drugs, if taken with warm water, are easy to dilute the drugs and reduce their efficacy.

  Besides, can the sustained-release dosage form be chewed or broken in half? Pharmacists said that most sustained and controlled release preparations achieve sustained release through membrane dissolution and osmotic pump technology, such as breaking, chewing or crushing drugs, which may easily lead to drug overdose and adverse reactions; Only a few sustained-release preparations achieve sustained-release effect through multi-unit and unique microcapsule technology. These preparations can be taken apart, but not chewed or crushed.

  See the ingredients clearly, avoid repeated medication and overeating.

  When we use drugs ourselves, we must see the ingredients clearly and avoid repeated use of drugs. For example, the main components of two drugs with different trade names may be the same, so we should check the drug components when using them to avoid overdose.

  At the same time, some people think that the greater the dosage, the greater the effect and the faster the effect. In fact, this is very wrong. The dosage of a drug is determined through rigorous scientific experiments and a large number of clinical observations. The dosage of the drug is beyond the therapeutic dosage range, which can produce toxic and side effects, damage human health and endanger life.

  It is worth mentioning that some people are ill and impatient, and wish they could not take medicine as soon as possible. They often seek medical treatment from all directions or blindly buy a variety of drugs, which leads to the phenomenon of disorderly use of drugs. Due to the interaction between drugs and the combination of multiple drugs, the incidence of adverse reactions will increase exponentially. Therefore, we must be cautious about the combination of multiple drugs, which must be determined by doctors according to the needs of the disease, and do not blindly use drugs without authorization.

  "Use with caution" is not that it cannot be used.

  We usually keep some standing medicines at home in case of emergency. Pharmacists in the Pharmacy Department of Tsinghua Chang Gung Memorial Hospital said that when using drugs, they should read the instructions when purchasing drugs, and doctors should follow the prescription when prescribing drugs. For those who are not symptomatic, it depends on the indication of the drug. If you buy over-the-counter drugs in a pharmacy, you must choose the appropriate drugs according to the indications stated in the instructions.

  If you are in a hospital and take the medicine according to the prescription prescribed by the doctor, you should follow the doctor’s advice when taking the medicine. In fact, prescription is not only a voucher for taking medicine, but also a medical document for patients to use medicine. At present, many hospitals are equipped with self-printing equipment, so that patients can print the corresponding prescription and use drugs according to the prescription.

  Experts especially advise not to take "taboos" seriously. Children, the elderly, pregnant women and patients with poor heart, liver and kidney function should be cautious when using drugs, because these people have poor drug metabolism function and high possibility of adverse reactions. In addition, drugs labeled "use with caution" for specific groups are not unusable. But to remind you to be careful before using it. Be aware of adverse reactions: if you feel serious discomfort during medication, you must stop taking the drug in time.

  In addition, the "storage method" of drugs is directly related to the effect of drugs and the stability of ingredients. Pay attention to whether to use cold storage, whether to avoid light, and how to store it.

  Pay more attention to these five drugs for the elderly.

  An expert from the Pharmacy Department of Tsinghua Chang Gung Memorial Hospital explained that the elderly need to pay more attention to medication safety because of the decline of liver and kidney function, the slow elimination of drugs and the high sensitivity of related receptors in the central nervous system. Especially the following five drugs, pay more attention when taking them.

  Digitalis drugs, including digoxin, cedilanid, strophantoside K, etc. Because the elderly excrete these drugs slowly, it is easy to cause drugs to accumulate in the body and produce toxicity. Therefore, when using these drugs, the dosage should be reduced, and the blood drug concentration should be monitored if necessary.

  Anticoagulants, including oral anticoagulants and injections, are at risk of bleeding, so it is necessary to standardize the use of such drugs, take them on time according to the doctor’s advice, and monitor the coagulation function regularly;

  Diuretics have many potential adverse effects on the elderly, and it is easy to cause hyponatremia if used improperly. If it is not corrected in time, the risk rate of adverse events such as postural dizziness, hypotension and falls will increase, so it is necessary to take it according to the doctor’s advice according to the dose course.

  A small dose of sedative and hypnotic drugs can produce therapeutic effects. At the same dose, the risk of adverse reactions in the elderly is higher than that in the young and middle-aged people.

  Laxatives such as phenolphthalein and rhubarb can easily cause colon spasm and make defecation more difficult. In addition, long-term use of laxatives may also lead to the lack of calcium and vitamins in the body, so it should be used with caution. If necessary, glycerol suppository, kaiselu and rectal lubricants can be selected. Old people with constipation should adjust their diet, strengthen proper exercise and develop the habit of defecation regularly.

  Tips for drug safety

  Know drugs: Before taking drugs, you should know the name, function, side effects or risks of the drugs used and how to keep them.

  Taking drugs: when taking drugs, you should first know the dosage and whether there are any contraindications, and stop using them in time if you feel unwell.

  Adding drugs: if you need to add drugs, you should consult a doctor to prevent multiple drugs from interacting and causing harm.

  Check drugs: keep the list of drugs and check drugs regularly to prevent taking expired, symptomatic or ineffective drugs.

  Stop using drugs: Do you need to stop using drugs? When to stop using drugs? Please follow the doctor’s advice or drug instructions. If you feel unwell, seek medical advice in time. (Reporter Li Jie)

The Olympic menu no longer has ridiculous English translations.

Husband and wife lung film (data picture)

  Starting from June 12th, all three-star hotels in the eighth district of Beijing can get the English Translation of Chinese Menu from the Catering Management Office of the Tourism Bureau, and more than 2,300 Chinese dishes finally have their own fixed names. From now on, foreigners coming to Beijing will no longer be "on tenterhooks" about ordering Chinese food. However, the English translation of these Chinese dishes has gone through a difficult process from ridiculous to standardization and regularization. The English translation of Chinese food used to be ridiculous.

  Chen Lin, a professor at Beijing Foreign Studies University, is a core member of the translation team of "Olympic Menu", and he participated in the translation of "Olympic Menu" all the time. When he and his colleagues saw the ironic English translations of many Chinese dishes, they felt a heavy sense of mission while laughing.

  "The standardization of English translation of Chinese food began in 2006." Chen Lin said, "At that time, the Beijing Foreign Affairs Office and Tourism Bureau organized some old professors and started this work in cooperation with the translation room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We collected more than 6,000 kinds of China dishes, then reduced them to more than 2,600 kinds, and finally determined more than 2,300 kinds for translation. " Experts who have been engaged in foreign language teaching and research for many years, such as Chen Lin, couldn’t help laughing after seeing the original English translations of these Chinese dishes.

  For example, "Mapo Tofu" is translated into "bean curd made by a pock-marked woman" (tofu made by a woman with freckles); "Husband and wife's lungslice" is translated into "hubband and wife’s lung slice"; "Broiler" is translated into "Chicken without sexual life" (chicken without sexual life), and these English translations are reported by the media as news.

  "There are many others. For example,’ Braised lion’s head’ is literally translated. Like’ husband and wife lung slices’, who dares to order such a dish from a foreigner who doesn’t know?" Chen Lin said with a smile, "To this end, we have formulated seven principles for the translation of dish names, including trying to keep the cultural color contained in the dish names, expressing the raw materials, tastes and practices of the dishes, trying to keep the commonly known names as agreed, trying to be concise and to the point, and then dealing with special situations." Now, the above Chinese dishes finally have an official name in English. MapoTofu is transliterated as Mapo Tofu, Broiler Chicken is literally translated as Steamed Spring Chicken, and Braised Pork Balls in SoySauce is translated as Braised Pork Balls according to raw materials and production methods. Similarly, "Husband and wife lung slices" is translated into "Beef and Ox Tripe in Chili Sauce" (beef and tripe in Chili sauce).

  Experts also argue in the process of translation.

  Since it is a translation, there is bound to be an argument. "This is normal." Chen Lin said, "For example, some people translate it into delicious pork meatballs, and some people translate it into sour and sweet meatballs. After discussion, we finally think that the later translation is more appropriate, so the English translation that appears on the menu is the pinyin of" Gollum Meat "in front and the taste" ‘Sweet and Sour Pork with Fat‘ "in the back. "Chen Lin said that all the people involved in the Chinese-English translation of this dish name are equal, and anyone’s opinion may be rejected. "For example, one translation of’ shredded pork with fish flavor’ is’ pork strips with fish flavor’, but some people suggest that’ fish flavor’ doesn’t seem to have a fixed taste, which makes sense. Although I agree with the above translation, I followed everyone’s meaning and finally translated this dish into’ pork strips with sweet and sour taste’."

  "The name of the dish can’t be too long. Our primary purpose is to let foreigners know the raw materials, tastes and practices. The China culture contained in the name of the dish can only be covered as much as possible. It is impossible to list long paragraphs on the menu to explain the origin of’ kung pao chicken’ or’ crossing the bridge rice noodles’. The spread of China culture and China food culture is indeed very important, but we hope that these will become the conversation materials at the dinner table. For example, through the introduction of tour guides, the mission of spreading food culture should be better. "

  Therefore, on the menu, all the dishes with the word Gong Bao are prefixed with "KungPao", and the most common translation is "practice+raw materials+taste", and special circumstances need special treatment. "For example,’ Buddha jumps over the wall’ can’t be translated directly, so you can only use Pinyin, and indicate the materials and practices, so that foreigners can understand it at a glance." Chen Lin said.

  The inexplicable translation of the name is more than the name of the dish.

  The translation of "Olympic Menu" has aroused great concern, not only in China media, but also in many foreign media. For example, the Washington Post published a full-page report on the Chinese-English translation of the "Olympic Menu" on the front page. They can’t help sighing that they won’t be puzzled by the strange names of dishes when they arrive in China. In fact, it is not just the English translation of Chinese food that puzzles foreigners.

  "Before translating the names of dishes, we have done many other translations, including signs and road signs in public places, and we have seen more jokes, such as’ Be careful of falling into the water’ being translated into’ falling into the water slowly’ and’ Don’t trample on the green land’ being translated into’ Greenland’, but this English word refers specifically to’ Greenland’." Chen Lin said.

  Chen Lin also used the words of foreign friends to emphasize the importance of standardizing the translation of dish names. Some foreign friends told Chen Lin that it is better not to change some existing translations. For them, these translations are very interesting. In this case, they can communicate with their friends. They even suggested that a related museum should be established.

  "When I was interviewed by foreign media, I said that there are historical reasons for this situation in China. Now, these efforts we have made for the Olympic Games are to provide convenience for them and also reflect the overall English level of our country, so it is very meaningful to do this work. " Chen Lin said.

Editor: Li Erqing

Ten autumn colors in autumn tourism are worth seeing (Figure)

    People’s Network News Autumn is a mature season and also a tourist season. After a burst of autumn rain, the autumn wind sent a continuous coolness, and the leaves changed their colors one after another. It’s crisp in autumn everywhere, and autumn scenery is pleasant everywhere. Everyone goes out one after another, truly tasting these autumn flavors, and they are all intoxicated with the pleasant autumn.

    Kanas in Altay, Xinjiang

    When I went to Kanas, I knew what the real autumn colors were. The leaves of Betula platyphylla and Populus cathayensis changed from green to yellow in the touch of autumn wind, and then from yellow to red. From a distance, the forest was dyed. The smoke from the Kazakh wooden house rises, surrounds the treetops and permeates the fields, which is long and quiet. Under the sunshine in autumn, Kanas Lake is blue and green, and a faint mist is transpiration on the lake … Kanas in autumn shows a little European scenery, reflecting the climate characteristics with four distinct seasons. Unfortunately, autumn in Kanas comes and goes quickly. Generally, the Golden Week of November is the best autumn outing season.

    Sichuan daocheng

    October and November are not the best time to travel to Daocheng, because winter comes earlier here, but the scenery at this time is unique, especially on the way from Daocheng to Aden. In the riverside and salad, Boxwood and Hongcaotan are the most beautiful, attracting many people who like photography.

    Napahai, Shangri-La, Yunnan

    Autumn and winter are coming, and when you walk into the Napa Sea in Shangri-La, you are greeted by golden grasslands, snowy mountains and various birds full of spirituality. Napahai is located 8 kilometers northwest of Shangri-La County. It is called "Napachuo" in Tibetan and "Lake behind the forest" in Chinese.

    Aba miyaluo, Sichuan

    Miyaluo, located in Lixian County, Sichuan Province, is the largest red leaf scenic spot in China at present. The biggest feature of miyaluo is that there are red leaves everywhere. Three needles and five-pointed maple in the 3688-square-kilometer deep mountain canyon are breathtaking. The Gulgou hot spring is refreshing, and the Tibetan and Qiang customs make people want to stay.

    Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan

    Jiuzhaigou is a fairy tale world made of water, and too much has been said about its beauty. Jiuzhaigou in autumn has become colorful, and this is the best time to travel to Jiuzhaigou. The red and yellow leaves are intertwined with the blue and green lake, which is amazing. This scene is really made in heaven and earth.

    Beijing Xiangshan

    Although the red leaves in Xiangshan are not as big as those in miyaluo, their fame is incomparable to that in miyaluo. Many people regard going to Xiangshan to see red leaves as an important project of Beijing tourism in autumn. At the same time, along with the red leaves of Xiangshan, there are activities such as climbing and winning. However, when the red leaves in Xiangshan are intoxicating, it is also when tourists are weaving, and often watching the red leaves becomes watching people.

    Hebei Chengde Bashang

    "It’s a late spring evening in the north, with poplars rustling and lush vegetation, and reddish clouds standing still at last, and I saw pine trees full of balsam …" This is Haizi’s poem "Trees in the North". When you walk into the dam in autumn, you will feel that the leaves and grass are beginning to change their colors, the sky is high and the clouds are light, and there is a trace of silence everywhere.

    West Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang

    "Wanqing Lake is as long as a mirror, and it is best to be in autumn at four o’clock." This is an ancient description of the autumn moon in Pinghu, one of the ten scenic spots in the West Lake. The best time to feel the beauty of the autumn moon in Pinghu is the Mid-Autumn Festival every year. Unfortunately, there may be many people at this time, or the weather may not be beautiful. However, September and October of the next lunar calendar are also good times to feel the beauty of Pinghu autumn moon. Compared with other beautiful autumn scenery, the autumn moon in Pinghu, West Lake, has a little more money, a little more urban flavor and romance.

    Qixia Mountain in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province

    "Spring cattle head, autumn Qixia." In the ancient city of Nanjing, this is well known to women and children. Qixia Mountain is famous. Besides Mingjing Lake and qixia temple, it is also famous for its red leaves in late autumn, which is the main attraction for tourists.

    Juzizhou, Changsha, Hunan

    Fifty years ago, the great man Mao Zedong revisited Orange Island and wrote the word "Qinyuanchun Changsha", which made Orange Island famous. As one of the eight scenic spots in Xiaoxiang, Orange Island, where the snow falls on the river, has different scenery in four seasons, especially in autumn.

Editor: Liu Li