Ask the new M5 to open and book Yu Chengdong: super beautiful, super easy to open, super intelligent and super safe.

【TechWeb】Just now, the new M5 in Wenjie opened the booking channel, and can enjoy the discount of 2,000 yuan deposit and 5,000 yuan car purchase. Yu Chengdong said in Weibo: The Wujie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition released a year ago is the first vehicle equipped with Huawei Advanced Intelligent Driving ADS 2.0, which opened a new track for advanced intelligent driving. On April 23rd, the new M5 will bring a comprehensive upgrade, bringing consumers a brand-new experience of "super beautiful, super easy to open, super smart and super safe".

The new M5 has made some adjustments in design, including a bright red appearance, a blackened logo and a sports kit, and blackened double five sports wheels with red sports calipers to enhance the sporty atmosphere.

The 2024 M5 adopts a closed front face design, which cancels the original large-size banner air intake grille and only retains the lower air intake, making the front face look fuller. At present, the official has not released the interior and power information of the new M5, but it is expected to further increase the interior space, and may be equipped with Huawei Vision Intelligent Driving HUAWEI ADS Basic Edition.

Although the official has not released the configuration information of the new car, it is reported that the new M5 may adopt the strategy of "increasing the allocation and reducing the price", and the estimated price will be in the range of 230,000-250,000 yuan to enhance its competitiveness. The new M5 is expected to become a strong competitor of Xiaomi SU7, especially in the case of a new upgrade in face value and configuration.

The release of the new M5 is highly anticipated, which may bring new highlights and surprises in design, configuration and price. For consumers who are concerned about new energy vehicles, the listing of the new M5 is undoubtedly an event worthy of attention. The new M5 will be officially unveiled at the Beijing Auto Show on April 23rd, when more detailed information about the vehicle will be provided. (Suky)

Xiaomi SU7 third edition and nine colors officially appeared.

On March 28th, Xiaomi Group held the launch conference of Xiaomi Automobile with the theme of "Forward" in Beijing Yichuang International Convention and Exhibition Center, and officially released Xiaomi SU7.

At the press conference, Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, said: "This is the first official appearance of Xiaomi SU7 and the most important moment in my life. Dream cars in this era must have the most advanced intelligent technology and the best driving sense. We hope to build a car that is the most beautiful, the best to drive and the smartest within 500,000, and to build a high-quality car. "

It is understood that Xiaomi SU7 offers nine colors to choose from, with a price of 215,900. Among them, the standard version is priced at 215,900, the Pro version is priced at 245,900, and the Max version is priced at 299,900. In addition, there are Xiaomi SU7 Founding Edition and Xiaomi SU7 Max Founding Edition, and the price remains unchanged, limited to 5,000 units. It can be ordered through Xiaomi Auto App, Xiaomi Auto WeChat applet or Xiaomi Auto retail stores in 29 cities nationwide, and delivered as soon as it goes on the market. The founding version will be delivered as soon as April 3, and the standard version, Max version and Pro version will be delivered at the end of April and May respectively.

"Intelligent Technology" Leading, Advanced Factory Integration and Innovation

Lei Jun said that smart electric vehicles are essentially "cars × electricity × intelligence". In the past decade, the industry has solved the problem of electrification, and the next decade will be a decade of intelligence. "Intelligence is the soul of a car, and intelligence will become the decisive point of this era."

In terms of intelligent technology, Xiaomi has a good technical accumulation and ecological scale. Xiaomi has entered the smart phone market since 2010, and now it is the top three mobile phone companies in the world, and has built the world’s largest consumer-grade AIoT platform. With Xiaomi 澎湃 OS as the carrier, it has built a "full ecosystem of people and cars" and has an advanced intelligent experience that runs through the complete scene of "people and cars". At the same time, it has accumulated profound technical capabilities in the fields of OS, AI and robotics, and these capabilities will be gradually applied to Xiaomi cars.

For example, Xiaomi SU7 not only has Xiaomi 澎湃 OS, the cockpit interconnection experience at the bottom, the whole ecology of people, cars and homes, but also realizes the first time that Xiaomi’s self-developed end-side model got on the bus. Xiao Ai, who is fully blessed by the big model, can not only control the car interactively by voice, but also integrate information such as the position, direction and vision of the car, so that the car can understand the real world like a human being.

In addition to the guidance of intelligent technology, Xiaomi continues to increase investment in intelligent manufacturing and promote the integration and innovation of advanced intelligent technology and traditional manufacturing. To this end, Xiaomi built its own industry-leading automobile factory in Yizhuang, Beijing. Besides the traditional four processes of stamping, welding, painting and final assembly, it also built its own large die casting and battery workshop. There are 29 R&D laboratories in the factory, and a test runway with a length of 2.5 kilometers and a design speed of 120km/h, covering 18 test road conditions. After the production capacity of the factory is full, a brand-new millet SU7 will go offline every 76 seconds.

Lei Jun said that Xiaomi Automobile Factory is led by scientific and technological innovation, maintaining high efficiency, high quality, green and sustainable, and accelerating the development of new quality productivity.

"Intelligent driving+intelligent cabin+ecology", winning the technical commanding heights of automobile competition in the second half.

"Choosing a smart electric car is essentially the strength of choosing smart technology. This is everyone’s real expectation for Xiaomi and new energy vehicles." In Lei Jun’s view, intelligent driving+intelligent cabin+ecology will become the technical commanding height for Xiaomi Automobile to participate in the competition.

In terms of intelligent driving, Xiaomi Intelligent Driving insists on full-stack self-research, with a total test of 10 million kilometers. Xiaomi SU7 comes standard with high-level intelligent driving functions such as high-speed navigation, one-button parking service and intelligent parking assistance that can be opened all over the country.

It is reported that Xiaomi’s intelligent driving R&D team has more than 1,000 people, and it is expected to exceed 1,500 by the end of the year, with the goal of entering the first camp in the industry this year. NOA, Xiaomi’s smart driving city, plans to open user internal testing in April, 10 cities in May and the whole country in August.

In terms of intelligent cockpit, Xiaomi SU7 brought the surging intelligent cockpit with advanced intelligent technology Yu Dacheng.

Xiaomi 澎湃 smart cockpit regarded the mobile phone and tablet as a part of the cockpit at the beginning of design, realizing multi-terminal integrated native design. There is no inductive connection between the mobile phone and the car machine. The commonly used App on the mobile phone can be connected to the car machine with one-click PIN, and the tablet on the back extension screen can automatically switch to the native car control desktop, realizing real-time synchronization of navigation information and freely adjusting functions such as air conditioning, seat heating and car music.

In addition, Xiao Ai, an intelligent voice assistant with 117 million monthly users, gets on the bus, which can realize many voice interaction functions far beyond the industry, such as continuous dialogue, offline dialogue, high-noise wake-up, and multiple instructions in one sentence. Thanks to the multi-modal integration of Xiaomi’s self-developed "MiLM-1.3B" end-side large model and the whole vehicle perception, the full link of Xiaomi SU7 voice interaction is upgraded, which not only covers the function of hand control in the car, but also enables the car to understand the real world like a human.

In terms of intelligent ecology, Xiaomi SU7 was born for in-vehicle intelligent ecology, and it is convenient to access a variety of CarIoT devices. For example, the expansion of physical keys, the use of magnetic attraction+screw double fixed design, can quickly adjust the common functions related to air conditioning. The upper, lower, left and right sides of the central control panel can be expanded, and an intelligent double dial can be installed on the central control panel, which can display information such as time, speed and mileage. The center console can also be extended and connected to the smart walkie-talkie suite. When driving, you can talk to your friends through the steering wheel buttons without picking up the walkie-talkie.

It is worth mentioning that for Apple users, Xiaomi SU7 also supports access to wireless CarPlay, and the rear bracket is compatible with iPad car control, which is currently the most eco-friendly model for Apple.

"the whole ecology of people, cars and homes" is fully opened

"Intelligence is Xiaomi’s strength. Starting from Xiaomi SU7, users can feel today’s smart technology." Lei Jun said that looking forward to the future, Xiaomi’s "people, cars and homes are all ecological", which connects all intelligent terminals together like never before, without feeling interconnection and ability coordination, so that everyone can experience the ubiquitous intelligent life.

The official release of Xiaomi SU7 also marks the new stage of Xiaomi’s strategy of "people, cars and homes are all ecological" from "complete closed loop" to "full opening", which is also an important milestone for Xiaomi to make steady progress and strive forward in 2024.

In the three years since it was announced to build a car, Xiaomi has achieved a qualitative change in comprehensive strength, and its underlying capabilities such as R&D, organization, talents, processes and informatization have been greatly enhanced, and its ability to resist risks has been qualitatively improved. Among them, by the end of 2013, the global sales volume of Xiaomi’s smart phones remained in the top three in the world for 14 consecutive quarters, the monthly active users of mobile phones reached 641 million, the number of connected devices on the AIoT platform reached 740 million, and the cash reserve increased by 30 billion yuan compared with three years ago, reaching 136.3 billion yuan, a record high, laying a solid foundation for the automobile business to be ready and the "all-people, cars and homes" to be fully launched.

In addition, Xiaomi firmly promotes the steady landing of the goal of the new decade-investing in the underlying core technology on a large scale and striving to become a global leader in a new generation of hard-core technology. For example, Xiaomi’s total R&D investment in 2023 reached 19.1 billion yuan, up 19.2% year-on-year, and it is expected to exceed 24 billion yuan this year. At the same time, the number of R&D personnel in Xiaomi reached 17,800, accounting for 53% of the total number of employees.

It is worth mentioning that in defining the overall strategy of "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes", Xiaomi also defined six sub-strategies, including high-end strategy, industrial capability leading strategy, OS strategy, AI strategy, chip strategy and new retail strategy, to further consolidate the development potential of Xiaomi’s continuous leap forward.

Xiaomi SU7 21.59, Lei Jun became the man who lifted the table.

Original taoran AI lanmeihui

Author | Tao Ran Wei Xiao

Finally, with the familiar Xiaomi BGM ringing, Lei Jun in a suit and tie went to the center of the stage of Xiaomi SU7 conference.

In the audience, the front row are the heads of five automobile companies-Li Bin, He Xiaopeng, Li Xiang, Wei Jianjun and Zhang Jianyong.

Of course, there is also the concern of the rim and even the whole network-the three-year period has arrived, and Lei Jun has to hand in his homework.

The highlight is that everyone guessed the price for several months: Xiaomi SU7 standard version is 215,900 yuan, PRO version is 245,900 yuan, and MAX version is 299,900 yuan.

The audience exclaimed.

However, Lei Jun is still a little careful. He made so many preparations in the early stage and asked everyone to spray lightly if they have any opinions.

The logic of benchmarking with Tesla Model 3 and Porsche Taycan is very millet and honest.

Insufficient places, do not shy away. But at the same time, I am very confident. When talking about core competitiveness such as intelligent ecology and other higher configuration performance, the platform shouted "far ahead" and then quickly "floated, floated".

However, the sales data undoubtedly gave Xiaomi and Lei Jun a shot in the arm: only 27 minutes after the sale, Xiaomi SU 7 has exceeded 50,000 units.

Lei Jun is still the Lei Jun who lived up to expectations.

After the release of SU7, his last venture also entered a new chapter.

It is certainly difficult to achieve the goal that Xiaomi Automobile will hit the top five global car companies in 15-20 years, but Lei Jun has already taken the first step.

And this first step is a long-lost bombing of the car circle.

Lift the table

Lei Jun was very straightforward on the stage: Xiaomi SU7 was made according to Tesla Model 3.

But in fact, it only includes the standard version and the Pro version: the former configuration is basically the same as the Tesla Model 3 rear-drive version, but the price of 215,900 is 30,000 lower than that of Tesla (245,900), and the parameters of the latter are almost all-round. Rolling the rear-drive Model 3, the price is completely equal to it.

As for the Xiaomi SU7 Max version with a price of 299,900 yuan, Lei Jun said that he wanted to target Porsche Taycan and "leapfrog the benchmark".

Without the 300,000+previously speculated, after the momentum of the rim rushing to lift the millet table passed, Lei Jun used a set of pricing of 21.59-29.99 to lift the biggest one.

In the series of "Lei Jun answers questions from netizens" released some time ago, the top leader of Xiaomi Automobile said that he is a Tesla owner and a Porsche owner, and called the two car companies "time benchmarks" in the history of electric vehicles and sports cars.

However, he also stressed that if Xiaomi wants to build a car, it must be compared with these best car factories in the world: "There must be some places where they do well, and some places where we do well."

Today’s press conference, after pricing and configuration overwhelmed Model 3, Lei Jun mentioned Porsche and once again stressed that dare to compete is to win, and it will definitely surpass it in the future.

Very excited and confident.

Xiaomi SU7 is positioned as a "pure electric luxury car", and Lei Jun’s goal is to become "the best looking, best driving and most intelligent car within 500,000". In addition to Model 3 on PPT, there are actually P7 from Tucki and ET5 from Weilai.

Judging from the official pricing, the current dealer quotation of the latest Model 3 is 245,900-285,900, with 245,900 rear drives and 285,900 long-life four-wheel drives. The price ranges of Tucki P7 and Weilai ET5 are 20.99-339,900 and 298-356,000 respectively, which are almost overlapping.

As for the configuration and performance, as Lei Jun said, it is far ahead-taking the comparison between the new version of Model 3 and the standard version of SU7 as an example, in terms of performance, Model 3 has an acceleration of 6.1s, a peak power of 194kW, a total torque of 340N·m, and a pure electric cruising range of CLTC of 713km. The four data of Xiaomi SU 7 standard edition are 5.28s, 220kW, 400N·m and 700km, which are almost completely beyond the parameter level.

The only two shortcomings that have been circled are: first, the power consumption of 100 kilometers, Xiaomi’s 12.3kWh/100Km lags behind Tesla’s 11.3kWh/100Km, but Lei Jun said that the SU7 battery is bigger and the cruising range is longer when actually used; The other is intelligent driving and computing power, which Tesla leads by a wide margin, but Lei Jun thinks that Xiaomi’s intelligent driving system will be more suitable for the drivers’ physique in China and the domestic road system.

Obviously, Lei Jun is well prepared for the pure electric car market in the range of 200,000-300,000. Just, I don’t know how He Xiaopeng and Li Bin sitting in the audience feel now, where is the way out for P7 and ET5, and how to play the next generation products.

And, Musk on the other side of the ocean will take a look at Xiaomi SU7 with the time difference.

Create another millet

With the release of SU7, Xiaomi also officially entered the new energy track.

The role of Lei Jun has also changed significantly. It used to be Reebs, but now it is Reske. Looking around the world, only Lei Jun has managed to personally grasp the two mainstream smart consumer goods "mobile phone" and "car".

There are no tricks in the process.

In three years, 3,400 engineers spent more than 10 billion yuan on research and development, and of course, the model worker Lei Jun went all out.

The financial report shows that in 2023, Xiaomi invested as much as 19.1 billion in research and development, and it is expected to reach 24 billion in 2024. In innovative businesses such as automobiles, Xiaomi invested 6.7 billion yuan last year. In the words of Lei Jun, he used real money to express his attitude of seriously building cars.

Yes, only by building a car seriously can we get admission tickets. Lei Jun has a clear understanding of this.

Now that Xiaomi Automobile has officially entered the market, Xiaomi has formed a pattern of two-wheel development of the original Xiaomi basic disk and Xiaomi Automobile.

For Xiaomi, this is a brand-new stage of development, and it can even be said that it is an opportunity to recreate a millet.

More than a decade ago, Lei Jun stood on the cusp of smart phones and built a millet with a market value of 100 billion. In the new decade, Lei Jun has put all his accumulated achievements and reputation in life to catch up with the new energy vehicles.

This is Lei Jun’s last venture, and the imagination space is also on the scale of 100 billion.

There are opportunities as well as challenges, depending on whether Xiaomi SU7 can make the first shot.

Lanmeih/ Today’s Topic

Xiaomi SU7, do you have a crush?

Original title: "Xiaomi SU7 21.59, Lei Jun became the man who smashed the table"

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How big is the gap between the video number and Tik Tok?

After the vibrato burst into flames, the importance of the video number of WeChat in the interior also soared, asking for money, giving money and resources to resources. But up to today, there is still a big gap between the two: it is estimated that the gap between the video number and Tik Tok is between 3.3 times and 6.6 times. The second half of Touteng War will still be very exciting, please move the small bench ~

There is no doubt that video number, as a rising star, has already become one of the top three short video tracks in China after several years of catching up.

However, it is difficult for the industry to give a comprehensive and accurate data on how far the video number has developed and how far it is from Tik Tok.

The direct reason behind this is that WeChat is only a business group of Tencent, a listed company, and the video number is only a sub-product of WeChat, so there is no obligation to publicly disclose detailed data in the financial report. In addition, unlike independent apps, video is only a function of WeChat, which also makes it more difficult for third-party data monitoring.

Similarly, as the leader of short video industry, Tik Tok is also a non-listed company at present, so it is difficult for us to see the whole picture of Tik Tok data.

However, this does not mean that the video number and Tik Tok are completely two data black boxes. We can still make reasonable guesses from the limited public data at present, and then draw some meaningful conclusions-

In the business world, absolute data is important, while at other times, relative data is just as important or even more important.

Let’s take a look at two important absolute data of the video number-according to Tencent’s financial report and conference call, the advertising revenue of the video number Q2 in 2023 is 3 billion, and at the same time, the current advertising adsload of the video number is less than 3%.

Let’s look at some data from Tik Tok-

According to The Information, ByteDance’s Q2 revenue in 2023 was $29 billion, of which 20% came from overseas.

I think this data is relatively credible. On the one hand, The Information has disclosed the revenue of Byte many times before, including the revenue of Byte China of $69 billion last year, etc. These data are basically recognized and quoted by the industry.

On the other hand, if the data gap is large or untrue, bytes will jump out to refute or clarify. (For example, regarding the data of e-commerce GMV in 2022, bytes have been specifically denied. )

OK, based on the above data, we can actually make some relatively reasonable calculations-

Byte Q2 earned $29 billion, 20% of which came from overseas, that is, 80% came from China, and the domestic income was $23.2 billion.

Note: This $23.2 billion does not mean that it is all advertising revenue from Tik Tok. Only Tik Tok, a single product, also involves live broadcast revenue and e-commerce fee income (different from e-commerce advertising revenue).

In addition, Byte also has the income from a series of other businesses, such as today’s headlines, car owners, watermelon videos, tomato novels, flying books, games, Volcano Engine and so on. (You know, in 2017, when Tik Tok was just born, today’s headline income was as high as 15 billion)

So what is the proportion of advertising revenue in Tik Tok’s total domestic revenue?

This is a mysterious data, but fortunately, we also have some reference objects. Let’s take a look at the income composition of Aauto Quicker, a short video track listed company.

According to Aauto Quicker’s Q2 financial report this year, in Aauto Quicker’s income structure, advertising revenue accounts for 52.5%, live broadcast revenue accounts for 34.7%, and other income (including e-commerce) accounts for 12.6%;

Of course, we can’t directly use the proportion data of Aauto Quicker, because there is still a big difference between Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker.

Compared with Aauto Quicker, which started with the realization of live broadcast, Byte has been engaged in advertising business since 2013, and has formed a set of extremely strong tactics in advertising algorithm, product, operation and sales, so the proportion of natural advertising revenue will be higher. After all, live broadcast and e-commerce are the businesses that come later. (Although the fast-growing e-commerce GMV has surpassed Aauto Quicker)

I take Aauto Quicker as an example to illustrate that the revenue of Bytes is not all from advertising in Tik Tok. Compared with the early advertising revenue in ByteDance, which accounted for more than 90%, the proportion of advertising has dropped significantly now.

Therefore, when we estimate the advertising revenue, we need to make a discount. Considering the advantages of Byte in advertising and the existence of other huge business lines, we roughly give this discount a 60% discount.

At this time, we can calculate the income of Tik Tok’s advertising business-29 billion * 80% * 60% = 13.9 billion US dollars, or 99.5 billion RMB.

The reason why we have to calculate the advertising revenue of Tik Tok is because we have to compare it horizontally with the advertising revenue of the video number in the same period-

The revenue of video number Q2 this year is 3 billion, and the estimated revenue of Tik Tok Q2 advertising this year is 99.5 billion, which is 33 times.

Does this mean that the gap between video number and Tik Tok in user data is 33 times?

Of course not. We also have to consider two factors: the advertisement loading rate Adsload and the advertisement unit price ECPM.

Obviously, there are many advertisements in Tik Tok, but there are few advertisements for video numbers. According to the data disclosed by Tencent at present, the adsload of video numbers is less than 3%.

So, what is the advertising Adsload in Tik Tok?

This is also a mysterious data.

But we can still reasonably guess—

James Mitchell, chief strategy officer of Tencent, said: the competitor’s adsload exceeds 10%, and this competitor naturally includes Tik Tok;

According to a research report of Huachuang Securities, Tik Tok’s Adsload in 2019 has exceeded 12%;

In addition, according to the daily sense of body, it is very common for Tik Tok to insert five videos into one advertisement, which does not include the content-heated advertising product of Dou+ without advertising logo, and it is already 20% for five videos to insert one advertisement.

In fact, the advertisement Adsload of a product itself is not static, and it will be dynamically adjusted according to many factors such as supply and demand, time nodes and so on.

Based on the above data and some three-party calculations in the industry, we take Tik Tok’s Adsload as 15%;

At this time, we can work out the difference of the service volume of the video number on the user side, that is, the volume relationship between them needs to be divided by the multiple of their Adsload on the basis of the revenue multiple, that is, the above 33 times need to be divided by 5, which equals 6.6 times, that is, the current broadcast volume of the video number has a greater probability of being 6.6 times that of Tik Tok.

Of course, strictly speaking, this caliber is not entirely the amount of play, which can be roughly understood as the number of times the video information stream is refreshed, that is, the space for inserting advertisements.

Compared with the fuzzy process indicators such as daily activity, duration and duration of a single video, the total broadcast volume directly calculated above is obviously more meaningful. After all, the process indicators ultimately serve the result indicators.

It must be noted that our calculation is still rough, because there is a hidden assumption-the advertising unit price ECPM of video number and Tik Tok is the same;

This assumption and premise itself also have enough room for discussion-

In essence, ECPM reflects the efficiency of advertising.

In fact, the competition between Byte’s huge engine and Tencent’s advertisement in the whole advertising market is an extremely wonderful comprehensive combat of China Internet.

In the past few years, the two have competed in technology, products, operation, market, sales and ecology, and the two sides have come back and forth in the constant game;

Objectively speaking, after a long-term struggle, Tencent’s technical level, professionalism and comprehensive strength have reached the level of the first echelon in the Internet advertising industry, not only at home but also at the international level.

Of course, the overall efficiency of Byte advertising system is one of the best at present because of its relative advantages in algorithm and crowd level objectively. Many advertising agencies told me that in most cases, the ECPM of effect advertising Tik Tok is indeed higher than other advertising platforms.

I heard an unconfirmed data in the industry is that the advertising ECPM in Tik Tok is twice as high as that in Aauto Quicker. (Again, this data is unconfirmed)

I have every reason to believe that Tencent’s advertising, which has been deeply rooted in efficiency for a long time, will not have a gap of twice as large as that of Tik Tok. If we take twice as the lower limit, the ECPM of the two will be equal and twice.

Then according to the above calculation, the most important conclusion of this paper comes-The difference between the video number and Tik Tok is estimated to be between 3.3 times and 6.6 times.

OK, so the question is coming-how about the video number?

In my opinion, this is undoubtedly an excellent performance.

You know, according to Tencent’s latest financial report, the number of Q3 video numbers has surged by 50% this year, while the total duration of Q2 video numbers has nearly doubled this year.

That is to say, the video number is still growing at a high speed, which means that the gap of 3.3-6.6 times will continue to narrow in the context of the objective slowdown of Tik Tok’s growth momentum.

As a late-developing product, as the only remaining fruit after Tencent’s various short video products held high and played high, and as the "hope of the whole village", the video number achieved this order of magnitude in less than four years under the difficult background that the industry generally believed that the pattern had been set, and abruptly completed the task of playing the short video table.

Zhang Xiaolong and his WeChat team once again proved their strong strength as a latecomer, and the depth of Tencent’s bench was also vividly displayed in this campaign.

Going to the table doesn’t mean you can sit back and relax. Sustainable growth is the eternal theme of this infinite game. How will the video number cope with the competition at the table?

I noticed that in the conference call of Tencent Q3, Tencent talked about the following four logics when explaining the future potential of video number-

  1. Growth of traffic:This means that the data on the user side is still growing. According to the financial report, the total duration of Q2 video number nearly doubled year-on-year, and the number of Q3 plays increased by 50% year-on-year.
  2. Promotion of advertising Adsload;This means that the current Adsload of video number is indeed lower than that of competitors;
  3. The increase of click-through rate of AI-blessed advertisements;This means that the big model is used in advertising algorithms. For example, Tencent’s mixed-element big model was originally built for advertising.
  4. Closed-loop opportunities:This refers to the internal circulation growth space including enterprise WeChat, applet, payment and e-commerce.

From a logical point of view, there is nothing wrong with these four angles, but what I want to say is that there is actually a big logic in the opposite direction behind these four small logics, that is, the overall scale of Internet advertising-

According to Questmobile’s data, the total scale of domestic Internet advertising market will increase by 4% in 2022, and only by 2.3% in Q1 2023.

In view of the current economic situation, the Internet advertising market has objectively bid farewell to high-speed growth, and will enter the new normal of micro-growth.

At the same time, the substitution effect of short video advertisements preempting other types of advertisements is also disappearing. According to Questmobile’s data, the market share of short video advertisements has stabilized in the past year.

Under this premise, the increase of user-side growth, Adsload, click-through rate and closed loop mentioned by Tencent will certainly increase advertising revenue, but the increase of total supply and the constant total demand mean that this increase ratio will be discounted.

Simply put, your advertising volume will increase by 50%, and your advertising revenue will inevitably not increase by 50%, which is an important supplementary factor that restricts the imagination of video number revenue.

Indeed, personal struggle is very important, but we must also take into account the historical process.

Therefore, for the video number, the internal circulation revenue it emphasizes becomes quite important. The strong rise of e-commerce in Tik Tok and the simultaneous surge of advertising revenue fully prove the strategic significance of internal circulation.

In essence, the core of doing closed-loop e-commerce lies in two points-

The first is that the complete data link based on transaction brings efficiency improvement, that is, its advertisement is more accurate, and it knows what characteristics those people who place orders have;

Second, the extension of the value chain, including performance, makes it possible for the platform to collect taxes, and merchants are willing to contribute fees to the closed loop.

Obviously, Tencent is also greedy for the business increment brought by the closed loop. A new formulation of this financial report is "Pan-internal circulation advertising revenue linking WeChat applets, video numbers, WeChat official account and corporate WeChat landing pages", which increased by 30% year-on-year.

However, this is a difficult challenge for the video number, which is genetic in a sense-

The WeChat team is famous for its elitism within Tencent, and its prominent feature is its high human efficiency. It has been committed to doing things with fewer and more efficient people. For example, the team members of WeChat Pay are much smaller than Alipay in scale.

One of the drawbacks of elitism and focusing on human efficiency is that the WeChat team has not done dirty work.

In the past, the typical style of play was that Zhang Xiaolong launched a small team, made hard efforts and thought clearly from the top-level architecture and product mechanism, and used the super base of social interaction to pry a business sector, such as WeChat payment, applet and video number.

However, the internal circulation like e-commerce is very heavy, its chain is very long, there are many aspects of performance, the cost is extremely high, and the information flow, logistics and capital flow are intertwined and complicated, so it is difficult to solve the battle only by relying on the top-level design at the product level or the strategic level.

In a word, the video number is doing dirty work such as e-commerce and local life, and the long-term product leverage of the WeChat team will be discounted.

To get rid of this hard bone, WeChat must really sink, take the initiative to do some hard work that it didn’t want to do before, and change the tactics of promoting business based on products and strategies that have always been advantageous in the past.

So, does WeChat have this level of consideration?

The answer is that there is no very clear signal yet.

Why do you say that?

Let’s cut in from a small perspective. As an industry observer, I have a small habit when studying Tencent, that is, I go to its recruitment website to see the latest recruitment positions of various business departments. The types and quantity of these positions reflect the work focus and tendency of the business group to a certain extent from a unique angle.

I have seen 51 non-technical posts related to business in the posts recently released by WeChat business group, among which 13 are related to video numbers, which are not too many. There are many posts such as "senior strategic product manager for live broadcast with video numbers" and "senior product manager for business operation of small shops with video numbers".

It can be seen that, at least from the perspective of recruitment, the video number team has no idea of focusing on the business for the time being, and still plans to continue to promote the business through its product strategy advantages.

However, my view is different from that of the industry. I think Zhang Xiaolong is by no means a product defender who sticks to some so-called obsession.

On the contrary, his figure is quite soft, facing the business reality and being thoroughly remoulded at the business level many times-

From Foxmail to QQ mailbox, it is a change from software thinking to internet thinking, from QQ mailbox to WeChat is a change from PC thinking to mobile genes, and from the minimalist rule in the early days of WeChat to the hug algorithm now is a change in product logic.

Any one of these changes is actually a "sudden change" level, but each turn is quite silky.

Therefore, in this sense, as long as it is really necessary in business judgment, it is not an unexpected thing for WeChat and video number to change their long-standing strategies and focus on business in the next short video amount competition.

At the same time, we should also see that WeChat has its own advantages objectively.

This advantage lies in the fact that it has a set of interwoven components established by WeChat official account, applet and enterprise WeChat, which has been imperceptibly embedded in various business links of many advertisers to some extent.

This kind of embedding has a moat effect, and the migration cost is very high. For example, an education company uses enterprise WeChat as its private domain, so the link in WeChat must be the smoothest in the advertising process, which has become an important advantage of video number advertising.

In the future, VideoNo. and Tik Tok will definitely meet each other in heavier businesses such as e-commerce and local life, and the victory or defeat of the battle depends on their traffic utilization efficiency.

Tik Tok has always been data-rational, and the distribution of traffic depends on the cold ROI. Behind the inclination of traffic to e-commerce, the profit-making efficiency of e-commerce is indeed high. Tik Tok has also poured a lot of traffic into games and hardware Pico, but it turns out that the ROI of the latter two is not ideal, so it is cut off cleanly.

The traffic of the video number is the same logic. Today, the landing page is a relatively large proportion of enterprise WeChat and small programs, and if the ROI of e-commerce and local life continues to improve, it will inevitably get a traffic share that matches its efficiency.

The distribution and center of gravity of video number in the future will determine its commercial competitiveness, and it will also be an important point of competition between video number and Tik Tok in the future.

At this time today, the competition in the short video market has already entered the deep water area, and the competition on the track has become an incomparably real mixed fighting, which is worse than physique, skill, endurance and logistics, and at the same time, it has fewer mistakes than anyone.

In the short video business, the user’s migration cost is actually not as big as expected. In the end, it is based on the long-term retention and realization of content ecology and user habits.

In this sense, how far the video number can go on the short video track, what kind of ceiling it can reach, and how to differentiate itself from Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker are still the most anticipated challenges for China Internet in the next few years.

Under the background that the Internet in China has changed hands, the second half of Touteng War will still be extremely exciting. Please move the small bench ~

2018 Global Venture Capital Summit held in Xi ‘an to gather wisdom for industry development.

  In order to thoroughly implement the national innovation-driven development strategy and the decision-making arrangements for financial reform and opening up, promote the construction of Xi ‘an as a national central city and Silk Road as an international financial center, and promote the harmonious development of China with the world. On September 5-6, 2018, the "2018 Global Venture Capital Summit" hosted by Xi ‘an Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and Xi ‘an Municipal People’s Government, undertaken by Xi ‘an Municipal People’s Government Financial Work Office, Xi ‘an High-tech Industrial Development Zone Management Committee, Zero2IPO Group and Xi ‘an High-tech Industrial Venture Capital Co., Ltd., and co-organized by Daxian Industrial Fund, Xi ‘an Capital and Zhongke Chuangxing was successfully held in Xi ‘an, the starting city of the ancient Silk Road.

  The 2018 Global Venture Capital Summit is the most internationalized venture capital activity in China at present, and venture capitalists from the United States, Germany, France, Israel, Japan, South Korea and other countries have all participated in relevant forums. The big coffees shared their insights on venture capital, made suggestions for the development of Xi ‘an venture capital market, and let the passion of innovation and entrepreneurship collide with the power of capital in the ancient capital.

Wang Yongkang, Secretary of Municipal Party Committee

Wang Yongkang, Secretary of Xi ‘an Municipal Party Committee

  Seven highlights of the 2018 Global Venture Capital Summit were all announced.

  Aspect 1: Explore the driving force of capital, and star investors empower value investment.

  On September 5th, Vice Mayor Gao Gao, on behalf of the Xi ‘an Municipal Party Committee and the Xi ‘an Municipal People’s Government, expressed warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to everyone for coming. Wang Zhongmin, former vice chairman of the National Social Security Fund Council, Xu Xiaoping, founder of Zhenge Fund and co-founder of New Oriental, Dave Jones, president of Silicon Valley Bank Asia and president of Pudong Silicon Valley Bank, Bruno Bézard, managing partner of Caive Fund, Ni Zewang, chairman of Shenzhen Innovation Investment Group Co., Ltd., and Tang Ning, founder and CEO of CreditEase, Yao Jinbo, a famous angel investor and CEO of 58 Group, Zhou Kui, a partner of sequoia capital china, and more than 100 world-renowned investors, representatives of industry associations and entrepreneurs gathered in Xi ‘an to discuss global entrepreneurship and investment opportunities.

  Yao Jinbo, CEO of 58 Group, mentioned that no matter what the market development prospect is, entrepreneurs should learn to deal with it. For entrepreneurs, only those who don’t chase after the wind in the bubble can stand out.

  Ni Zhengdong, founder and chairman of Zero2IPO Group, said that in the next 20 years, China Venture Capital has prepared 3 billion funds to continue to support innovation and entrepreneurship. This year is a turning point for the whole venture capital industry. The challenge is only temporary and the future is still good.

  Xu Xiaoping, founder of Zhenge Fund and co-founder of New Oriental, said that the interaction between entrepreneurial miracle and equity incentive is very important when referring to the shocking reasons of venture capital landscape in China. In the face of equity incentives, people’s creativity, entrepreneurial motivation and imagination will be indescribable.

  Wang Zhongmin, former vice chairman of the National Social Security Fund Council, mentioned that under the trillion-dollar new opportunities of equity investment under the Belt and Road Initiative, if cities want to generate trillion-dollar markets, local governments should open their data resources to the most competitive cloud platform companies, so that they can expand into a broader digital business scene.

  Aspect 2: Expert forum will guide the new pattern of venture capital.

Gao Gao, member of the Standing Committee of Xi 'an Municipal Committee and Vice Mayor, issued "Ten Venture Capitals"

Gao Gao, member of the Standing Committee of Xi ‘an Municipal Committee and Vice Mayor, issued "Ten Venture Capitals"

  During the summit, 30 well-known investors from the venture capital industry in China had a talk with Wang Yongkang, member of the Standing Committee of Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and secretary of Xi ‘an Municipal Party Committee, Shangguan Jiqing, deputy secretary and mayor of Xi ‘an Municipal Party Committee, Gao Gao, member of the Standing Committee and deputy mayor of Xi ‘an Municipal Party Committee and other municipal leaders. During the exchange, guests and leaders of Xi ‘an made suggestions for Xi ‘an on the development of venture capital industry in China and how Xi ‘an can give full play to its regional advantages and promote the gathering and development of venture capital industry. The convening of this expert symposium has set up a direct communication window for leading venture capital institutions in Xi ‘an and China, and established deep links and mutual accommodation at the capital level; At the same time, we also share the historical and investment opportunities in Xi ‘an with many institutions, and jointly explore this fertile ground for innovation with rich scientific and educational resources and excellent science and technology industry.

  Aspect 3: "Ten Venture Capitals" to Construct a New Pattern of Innovation and Venture Capital Development in Xi ‘an

  In order to speed up the development of the financial industry, promote the deployment of the work related to the construction of the Silk Road International Financial Center, accelerate the gathering of venture capital resources, create a good atmosphere for venture capital, and create a highland for western investment, so as to better serve the innovation and entrepreneurship development of Xi ‘an. This summit put forward "Several Opinions of Xi ‘an Municipal People’s Government on Supporting Xi ‘an National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone to Gather Venture Capital Institutions and Talents" (referred to as "Ten Venture Capital Articles"). The "Ten Venture Capitals" will be tried first in the self-created zone, further promoting the deep integration of scientific and technological resources and venture capital, and making efforts to attract and cultivate a number of venture capital institutions with international influence and competitiveness, which will be conducive to creating a good atmosphere for the development of innovation and venture capital in Xi’ an and building a new pattern of coordinated and interactive development of "science and technology+innovation and entrepreneurship+venture capital".

  Aspect 4: Memorabilia of venture capital industry, the global Silk Road Venture Capital Alliance was formally established.

  "Global Silk Road Venture Capital Alliance" was formally established at the summit. It aims to give full play to capital strength, link global innovation resources, bear the mission of building a global venture capital force, and promote high-quality development. Professional institutions such as global VC, PE, investment banks and club law firms will form a huge operational force, bearing the important mission of building a global venture capital ecology and building a comprehensive service platform based on industrial aggregation. The first batch of participating institutions reached more than 100, with the full support of top investment institutions including Shenzhen Venture Capital, IDG Capital, Junlian Capital, Lenovo Venture Capital, Northern Lights Venture Capital, Detong Capital and Softbank China Capital. The alliance will set up its headquarters in Xi ‘an High-tech Zone, and will invite all alliance units to get together at the annual global venture capital summit, which will become an inexhaustible motive force and source for realizing linkage development in the world economic resonance.

  Aspect 5: Deepen cooperation, and all units in Xi ‘an have reached strategic cooperation with frontline institutions.

  In order to thoroughly implement the national innovation-driven development strategy and the decision-making arrangements for the reform and opening-up of the financial industry, at the summit, the Financial Work Office of Xi ‘an Municipal People’s Government held a strategic signing ceremony with first-line investment institutions such as Shenzhen Innovation Investment Group Co., Ltd., Zhenge Fund, sequoia capital china and Joy Capital. In addition, Xi’ an High-tech Zone and Qianhai Financial Holdings Co., Ltd., Silicon Valley Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and Xi’ an Madison Technology Service Co., Ltd.; Qujiang New District and Beijing Guokai Taifu Asset Management Co., Ltd.; The Economic Development Zone and Zheshang Venture Capital also reached a signing cooperation at the scene. A series of signing cooperation at the summit will attract investment and wisdom for the construction of Xi ‘an through the power of capital, and build it into a major central hinterland that will undertake the Great China, Northwest China and radiate Asia, Europe and Africa.

  Aspect 6: 2018 Xi’ an Future Star TOP100 is unveiled.

  As an important part of the "Longmen Action" plan, the selection of "TOP100 Future Stars of Xi ‘an in 2018" will further strengthen the integration of industry and capital and build a Silk Road International Financial Center in Xi ‘an. The selection process was strictly evaluated by nearly 160 investors and screened by nearly 20 experts for 72 hours. At the summit, the "TOP100 of the Future" which stood out from 1686 entries was grandly announced. This selection will discover a number of high-quality enterprises with good growth prospects, high technology content and great development potential for key promotion and key cultivation, so as to introduce more "flowing water from the source" for Xi ‘an’s economic development and promote more private enterprises with potential to take advantage of the situation to "leap forward". The "unicorns" who belong to Xi ‘an in the future will start from here and go to the world.

  Aspect 7: Hard technology+integration of defense and civilian technologies+big culture, three major industries empower innovation in Xi ‘an.

  The success of the 2017 Global Hard Technology Innovation Conference has started the hard technology brand in Xi ‘an, making "the global hard technology capital" a new city business card for Xi ‘an in the development of world cities. At the same time, the parallel of integration of defense and civilian technologies’s many initiatives has also given new opportunities for the development of Xi ‘an’s military industry. In addition, in 2018, Xi ‘an is focusing on the supply-side structural reform, accelerating the construction of cultural industry projects, parks and characteristic towns, and increasing investment attraction. The 2018 Global Venture Capital Summit combines the hard technology, integration of defense and civilian technologies and big culture industries in Xi ‘an to discuss the innovative development of Xi ‘an under the global entrepreneurial and investment opportunities.

  It is reported that the event attracted more than 2,500 spectators including more than 500 venture capital industry guests, more than 400 industry media, more than 100 domestic and foreign industry associations and innovation institutions, and more than 1,000 innovative and entrepreneurial enterprises. Xi’ an also took part in a cultural ceremony integrating the history of the ancient capital with the Silk Road customs — — Dream of Chang ‘an — The Great Tang Welcome Ceremony will show contemporary Chang ‘an in front of the world with a magnificent performance that integrates historical, cultural, scientific and technological, creative and other times. 2018 Global Venture Capital Summit Huizhi is a world-renowned venture capital leader. Trillion capital will be invested in this city that is fully running, bringing wisdom to the development of the industry, winning opportunities for Xi’ an and promoting the innovation and development of the global venture capital industry.

Exposure to mineral water can cause cancer? Worry too much

  Beijing has started the high-temperature roasting mode, followed by a series of rumors about "heat" — — Sunscreen clothes are not sunscreen after washing, heat stroke is a large heatstroke, and drinking mineral water that has been exposed to the sun in the car will cause cancer, etc., which are concentrated in the latest scientific rumor list.

  The monthly "scientific" gossip list is guided by Beijing Science and Technology Association, Beijing Municipal Committee Network Information Office, Capital Internet Association, and jointly released by Beijing Science and Technology Journalists Editors Association and Beijing regional website joint rumor platform.

  Rumor has it that heatstroke is heatstroke

  truth Some people think that heatstroke is heatstroke, not serious. In fact, it is not exactly the same as heatstroke, and it should not be taken lightly. Generally, the body temperature of heatstroke patients often exceeds 38℃, accompanied by facial flushing, profuse sweating, burning skin, nausea and vomiting, or cold limbs, pale face, decreased blood pressure, rapid pulse and other symptoms.

  Heat stroke is the most serious emergency related to high temperature, that is, "severe heatstroke", which is a serious and fatal disease with skin burning, consciousness disorder (such as delirium, convulsion, coma) and multiple organ dysfunction. Once it happens, the death rate will be high.

  Heat stroke does not happen suddenly. Before heatstroke develops into heat stroke, it will first experience "threatened heat stroke" and "mild heat stroke". To prevent heat stroke, we must first avoid heat stroke. Try to avoid staying in high temperature (high humidity) and unventilated environment, and avoid high temperature when traveling and do a good job of sun protection. In addition, some heatstroke prevention drugs can be prepared appropriately. When you have to do homework or activities outdoors, you should pay attention to your physical condition, drink plenty of water and rest in time. If you travel by car, don’t leave children and pets in the car. Pay attention to avoid dehydration and ensure adequate sleep.

  Rumor has it that the sunscreen will be invalid once it is cleaned.

  truth Is it true that sunscreen clothes can’t be washed with water? Excessive cleaning of sunscreen clothing will indeed lead to a decline in the anti-ultraviolet performance of clothing, but normal cleaning is no problem. Sunscreen clothing can enhance the anti-ultraviolet effect of clothes by adding ultraviolet absorbent and anti-ultraviolet agent to the cloth or adding sunscreen coating on the surface of the fabric, just like coating a lot of sunscreen on the surface of clothes.

  Professional sun protection clothes usually indicate the sun protection index on the tag, which is the result of the standard inspection of national professional institutions. Only when UPF is greater than 40 and T (UVA) is less than 5%, can they be called "anti-UV products" and "sun protection clothes".

  Under normal circumstances, the sunscreen effect will not be significantly reduced when the cleaning times of sunscreen clothing are less than 30 times. After more than 30 times, it depends on the water resistance of anti-ultraviolet agents and the processing level of sunscreen clothing. There are two main processes for adding ultraviolet shielding agent to clothes: one is to add it to spinning raw materials, and the other is to soak or coat the fabric. Generally speaking, the ultraviolet shielding agent added during spinning can be better combined with raw materials, and the ultraviolet resistance is still considerable after repeated washing; However, the ultraviolet shielding agent attached to the fabric after weaving is easier to be peeled off when washing.

  The service life of sun protection clothing is usually several months to one year, and the sun protection ingredients may be damaged to varying degrees, and the sun protection effect is definitely worse than when it was just bought. Replacing a new sunscreen suit every year can ensure a good sunscreen effect.

  Gossip exposed mineral water can cause cancer.

  truth Qualified mineral water bottles in the market are usually made of food-grade plastics, namely polyethylene terephthalate (PET). PET is not only acid-resistant, alkali-resistant and grease-resistant, but also can withstand the corrosion of most solvents. At the temperature below 120℃, PET is non-toxic and tasteless, and it is safe to pack drinks. However, at high temperature, it will slowly dissolve and release some organic solvents harmful to human health.

  The temperature in the car, even in summer, is generally difficult to reach 120℃, so there is no scientific basis for the statement that "mineral water exposed in the car can cause cancer".

  Gossip astronauts can’t be nearsighted

  truth People have been circulating this statement — — Astronauts can’t be nearsighted, let alone wear glasses, because wearing glasses in space may bring accidental injuries. Indeed, the selection criteria for astronauts are indeed very high. However, at present, low myopia is also allowed to enter space.

  In the ascending phase of the mission, there are complicated situations such as rocket vibration and overload. If astronauts wear frame glasses, it may lead to collision and other problems, so astronauts will not wear frame glasses (wearable contact lenses) at this stage. The environment of the space station is relatively stable, and you can wear frame glasses normally.

  Over the years, aerospace engineering technology has made great progress, and the mission environment is no longer strict with astronauts’ physical fitness requirements; On the other hand, in the future, we need more front-line researchers to "go to heaven" for scientific research. Obviously, it is not appropriate to use myopia as a hard standard to select researchers, so low myopia is now allowed to enter space. It is worth mentioning that people with high myopia are still unable to travel in space. After all, people with high myopia may fall off their retinas when riding a roller coaster, and it is even more impossible to bear the huge acceleration when the rocket is launched.

  Yang Liwei, deputy chief designer of China’s manned spaceflight project, once said that the selection criteria for astronauts are different with different tasks. "From the perspective of vision, high myopia is not good, and low myopia is ok. Several of our non-professional load expert astronauts wear glasses. "

  Gossip moles should be removed or they will become cancerous.

  truth Does the mole on our body really have a chance to develop into melanoma, a deadly malignant tumor, if it is not removed? In fact, nevus is a benign tumor of the skin. Most nevus are formed in response to sun exposure, and it is extremely unlikely that they will develop into melanoma.

  It is also possible to remove these moles for aesthetic reasons, or to observe them regularly (monthly) for life, and pay attention to their color changes and texture changes (such as increased thickness). Some moles may develop into melanoma more easily and need to be paid attention to, including: congenital giant moles, dysplasia moles, multiple moles (more than 50), moles at the ends of limbs, moles or pigmentation in digestive tract and genitourinary tract, moles exposed to sunlight for a long time, etc. If the mole is suspected to be bad, it must be completely removed under the guidance of an experienced doctor and sent to biopsy for pathological diagnosis.

  Myth "conjoined" cherries blame pesticides

  truth In life, cherries we buy sometimes appear "twins" phenomenon, that is, there are two fruits on a fruit stalk. But this has nothing to do with medication. The incidence of abnormal fruit of cherries is closely related to the high temperature weather last year, not caused by pesticides.

  From the botanical point of view, the abnormal fruit is caused by the appearance of multiple pistils during the flower bud differentiation of cherries. Studies have shown that if cherries encounter high temperature above 30℃ during flower bud differentiation (especially during sepals and petals differentiation), the incidence of deformed fruits will greatly increase in the second year without human intervention, and the proportion of conjoined double fruits will be higher with the increase of temperature. However, during this period (mid-July), the temperature in warm areas in China often exceeds 30℃, which easily leads to the formation of double pistils or even multiple pistils.

  Gossip dry eye drops work

  truth It is circulated on the Internet that "dry eye is ‘ Lack of water in eyes ’ As long as more drops of eye drops can be effectively relieved. This kind of practice is wrong, and it is likely to be counterproductive.

  Dry eye, also known as dry eye, refers to a series of diseases caused by various factors, such as abnormal quality and quantity of tears or abnormal dynamics, which leads to the decline of tear film stability, accompanied by eye discomfort or ocular surface tissue lesions.

  On the surface of our eyeball, there is a thin layer of liquid, that is, the "tear film". It consists of oil layer, tear layer and mucin layer. Although it is only a few microns thick, it is like the "lubricating oil" of eyes, which can keep the cornea and conjunctiva moist and improve the refractive performance of eyes.

  When dry eye is not too serious, patients just need to take a rest and drop some artificial tears, and it seems that they can see things clearly again, so it is easy to take it lightly. In fact, dry eye is a manifestation of the disorder of tear film secretion, not just "water shortage". Although it sounds strange, a considerable number of patients are easy to stimulate the lacrimal gland and produce a lot of tears because the balance of the tear film is destroyed. However, the extra tears that flow out cannot effectively exist on the surface of the eye to moisten the cornea in the form of tear film.

  External means can only help it gradually recover its physiological function, so we must pay attention to it at an early stage, get rid of bad habits in time, and don’t use eye drops indiscriminately to avoid getting worse. If there are symptoms of dry eyes, such as dry eyes, dry eyes and difficulty in opening eyes, please go to the ophthalmology department of a regular hospital immediately to determine the type of dry eyes and treat them symptomatically.

  Rumor has it that the green peel is not ripe litchi.

  truth This is a misunderstanding of fresh litchi. Litchi with green skin in the market is not picked before it is ripe. There are more than 300 kinds of lychees, many of which are not full of bright red. For example, the characteristic of "princess smile" is that the skin is green and red.

  The characteristic of hanging green litchi is that the peel is red and purple, and there is a green line running straight through it, so it is named "hanging green". Good quality "Guanyin Green" litchi, even the peel is green when it is mature. It is best for consumers to determine whether the peel color is normal according to the variety of litchi. The fresh litchi peel is cracked, flat and regular, and feels tight and elastic; There are also some lychees with blue color, which may belong to insufficient light or undercooked, so it is best not to eat them.

  Rumors are better absorbed by eating fruit before meals.

  truth In fact, eating fruits before or after meals will not affect the digestion and absorption of both nutrients.

  The main component of fruit is water, followed by a small amount of carbohydrates, protein, fat and a small amount of water-soluble vitamins and minerals. There is no direct correlation between the digestion and absorption of these nutrients and eating dinner. Therefore, you can choose the order of eating fruits according to your personal situation and habits. It should be noted that you should not be greedy or eat more than one kind of food in your diet, let alone overeat.

  Text/reporter Li Jie

In spring, Toona sinensis and shepherd’s purse in the country

Spring has come, and as usual, there are Chinese toon buds on the food stalls for sale. Fresh and tender Ye Er, with reddish and purplish leaf tips, leaves and branches are tender enough to pinch out water, and when you hold them in your hand, it is a strong smell of spring.
The most classic way to eat Toona sinensis buds is nothing more than frying Toona sinensis fish. In our hometown, the common way to eat Toona sinensis is to mix Tofu with Toona sinensis buds. The combination of bean fragrance and bud fragrance is not only a taste, but also a kind of enjoyment. Look at them in the bowl of orchids, and they are beautiful. Sometimes, when you look at it, you can’t bear it.
If you visit relatives in the spring, there will be scrambled eggs with Toona sinensis buds, and the color of yellow, yellow, green and green will be on the plate all spring.
But what impressed me the most was the Chinese toon sprouts pickled by my mother. Toona sinensis buds leave the branches, are washed and dried, finely cut into small pieces with a knife, mixed with salt, and can be eaten on the same day. Mom said that grandma’s teeth are not good, so she can bite if she cuts them carefully. A large jar of pickled Chinese toon sprouts can last for a spring, watching the green in the jar turn dark green and the light green in the field turn dark green.
In fact, the earliest country food was shepherd’s purse. It’s good that "it’s spring at the head of the stream". Shepherd’s shepherd’s purse is Depth Charge in spring, as if overnight, they occupied the fields, in front of the house and behind the house, and even under the grass by the river, they all smiled mischievously.
In the warm and cold spring breeze, shepherd’s purse, like Depth Charge, blew the horn of spring and issued a rally order to all things in the world. While dancing and jumping, she laughed and splashed jade all over the floor. In the spring fields, it was green and green.
Children from three or five villages were attracted, carrying bamboo baskets and sickles, and ran to a spring festival.
Dig down the shepherd’s purse, thick and dark green, holding hands like emerald flowers. When the green flowers are full of bamboo baskets, it will be time for the dolls to go home. There was a kind old woman who wore glasses and sat on a small stool. So I choose vegetables, wash them, cook them, chop them up, put eggs, fungus and shrimp skins, and make dumplings or big steamed buns. No sooner had I taken a bite than I got the laughter of spring. So loud, I desperately want to break free from my hands.
There are various ways to break free: shepherd’s purse spring rolls, shepherd’s purse fried dumplings, shepherd’s purse shrimp balls, shepherd’s purse wonton, shepherd’s purse wheat rice, shepherd’s purse cake, shepherd’s purse scrambled eggs, shepherd’s purse fried rice cakes, and seaweed mixed with shepherd’s purse. "Spring March 3rd, Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Egg Soup, Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Bean Curd Soup, Jade Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Fish Slice Soup … Love Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’ Every spring comes, we will think of that green childhood, which is full of shepherd’s purse flowers.
Thanks for the arrival of every spring, just like thanking every Toona sinensis and every shepherd’s purse. They gave us hope and vitality, and finally became a part of our blood. Let’s love the land under our feet, be full of awe and never give up.
Yidianhao Baiyang bridge
News clue reporting channel: download the "Qilu Yidian" APP in the application market, or search for the WeChat applet "Qilu Yidian", and 800 reporters in the province will wait for you to report online!

"extreme commuting" blows up the network! Workers, how long does it take you to commute to work every day?

Attention, all workers! Elephant wants to ask one thing: How long does it take you to commute to work every day?

In the past two days, the statement of "extreme commuting" detonated the internet, because a woman commuted 6.5 hours a day, which shocked netizens.

Miss Jin, who lives in Zhujing Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai, works in a company in Yangpu District. Because of the long distance, she has to ride an electric bike to the bus stop first. After taking the bus for an hour and a half, transfer to the subway. After arriving at the station, take the shuttle bus to work in the park where the company is located. It takes 3 hours and 15 minutes for one way, and it costs 800 yuan every month.

Miss Jin said that if you drive, the one-way trip is about 100 kilometers, and the one-way trip in the morning and evening peaks will take nearly 2 hours. Together with the fuel, tolls and parking fees, the monthly cost will be about 5,000 yuan. "I have also tried to rent a house near the company, but the cost is higher."

Commuting is an unavoidable topic for every migrant worker. And miss Jin’s way to work, let a person call away from the big spectrum.

However, there are not a few people who commute to work every day like Miss Jin, and many migrant workers have cried in the comment area.

Extreme commuting, in other words, is the exhaustion of young people. Some netizens calculated the account for Miss Jin: "24 hours a day, conservatively speaking, 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep, plus 6.5 hours on the road, three meals a day, a total of 1 hour, and 0.5 hours may not even be enough for makeup time, not to mention other things."

According to the data, over 14 million people in China are suffering from extreme commuting for more than 60 minutes. Studies generally believe that long commuting will reduce people’s happiness, but some financial experts believe that long commuting time is bad for individuals, but not necessarily "bad" for the development of enterprises and cities. Long commuting may increase residents’ income and stimulate household consumption.

Some papers even wrote: "Internet consumption has become an important consumption channel for office workers and a way to use commuting time, which is conducive to alleviating the negative impact of long commuting time and improving residents’ commuting happiness."

Perhaps, as some experts say, long commuting may increase residents’ income and stimulate household consumption. However, in today’s hot search for the topic of "why don’t young people XX", who is really concerned about the needs and difficulties of young people?

Congested traffic, time-consuming commuting, high-stress nerves, endless work, humble income and expensive rent are serious problems that most ordinary young people in China are facing, which has already overwhelmed young people.

Eight hours of work is enviable, and 6.5 hours of extreme commuting is really killing me.


Dad resigned to accompany his 14-year-old son, go on road trip China, who was tired of studying. His son lamented: Family love needs to be cherished, and I will persist no matter how hard I study!

Don’t ask about foreign land and hometown.

Where are people, where is Nian?

According to the data of railway administration,

This ugly year of the ox

More than 100 million people choose to "stay behind"

Celebrate the New Year on the spot and have a reunion.

every"original year person"the story of

It smells good!


"Clean year, leave some time to pay attention to yourself"

NingxinActress from mainland China, with representative works such as Eye of the Storm, Hot-blooded Companion, Smiling Beauty, etc. She is a popular contestant in Miss Chongqing contest in 2012, and also a typical Sichuan girl. She is straightforward and generous, and relatives and friends love to find her when they go to Beijing, calling her "Chongqing and Zigong’s receptionist in Beijing".

Ningxin likes excitement and likes Chinese New Year.

"In the year of my heart, there are beautiful frogs, sweet and sour ribs, a big table of red and spicy dishes, and a large family gathering together."Ning Xin said that in addition to Sichuan and Chongqing cuisine, their family’s Spring Festival must-have repertoire is to visit relatives and friends, and Chongqing-Zigong-Neijiang turns around, keeping up with the clockwork every day. It is necessary to string many doors and meet many people.

This year is different, because of work, Ningxin stayed in Haikou. During the post-epidemic period, in order to respond to the call of the country to "celebrate the New Year on the spot", she simply stayed in Haikou for the New Year.

Without special planning or preparation in advance, I ate a New Year’s Eve dinner package at the hotel. Although compared with previous years, the taste of the year is a little lighter, but it is plain and has a different flavor.

"The time spent playing mobile phones has been greatly shortened. I eat and sleep in the house and watch movies every day. When I am bored, I go out for a walk, look at the sea, stay for a long time, or think about my future plans.I like a lively year, and I also like a quiet year-to be quiet when it should be lively, to leave some time for myself, to pay attention to myself, and to let me see myself more clearly."NingXin said.


"With the’ comrades in arms’ group year, the human touch is the taste of the year."

Chen yuanqiShe is a nurse in the Department of Neurology, Kuanren Hospital in northern Chongqing. Her hometown is Luzhou, Sichuan. As a front-line medical staff, she knows better than ordinary people the meaning behind "celebrating the New Year on the spot".

Therefore, she decided to become a member of the "left-behind" army.

Although parents are distressed that the girl is alone in a foreign land, long live understanding in the face of the epidemic.

The hospital hoarded a lot of materials (delicious food) in advance, and also arranged some red decorations in advance, such as a small puppet in the shape of a cow, a red fruit flower arrangement and so on.

On the first day of junior high school, colleagues in the department sat together to make jiaozi and glutinous rice balls, and sent some hot jiaozi to patients and their families. Everyone was so moved that they thanked them again and again. "It’s so warm of you!"

Chen Yuanqi said that the year of Chongqing in 2021 is busy and warm.

"After the intense anti-epidemic and epidemic prevention war, the medical staff in our department are not only colleagues, but also comrades-in-arms and relatives. Although I can’t go home for the New Year, I’m not alone with everyone. It turns out that this is the meaning of the Spring Festival-where people are and where the year is. The human touch is the taste of the year. "


"The ceremonial feeling of the Spring Festival, a fireworks show worth 200 million yuan"

OliviaIt’s a western pastry chef. The reporter collected materials from the readers of the new women’s newspaper, and Olivia volunteered to share her story of "celebrating the New Year on the spot" in Xiamen.

Xiamen during the Spring Festival, in the words of writer Haruki Murakami, is that there is not a cloud in the sky and the wind is warm, which is an impeccable sunny day. The vast rape blossoms in Xiangshan and the cherry blossoms in Manshan are the most beautiful spring scenery.

Olivia said that in the past, during the Spring Festival in Chongqing, flannel thick cotton trousers were always unkempt-no fashionable white-collar worker could escape the fate of becoming a "village flower" every second. There is an advantage in Xiamen, a long skirt and a wave by the sea, showing the Hawaiian style.

"A person can’t brush his circle of friends when he is in the field for the New Year. He feels that happiness and carnival belong to others. But the first day of the New Year is the happiest, because I made an appointment with my friends to see the island road.A fireworks show worth 200 million yuan. "Fireworks were set off in Jinmen, Xiamen for half an hour. Olivia always wanted to shoot a romantic scene of waving fairy wand at the seaside, but the sea breeze and waves refused, and finally only took a video of sand sculpture wishing on fairy wand.

Fireworks for half an hour, traffic jams in the middle of the night, the grand occasion is comparable to the annual New Year’s Eve in Jie Fangbei, Chongqing, and this fireworks party finally ends with the operation of hotels and homestays around the island.

"I miss Chongqing’s grilled fish and hot pot skewers, miss the lights of Hongyadong, miss the excitement of Guanyin Bridge, and miss the home-cooked meals made by my parents. But when we grow up and work, we often can’t do whatever we want. But,It doesn’t matter if you don’t like the food, the dialect you don’t understand, or the climate with strong ultraviolet rays, because as long as you are brave enough, you will always wait for a beautiful fireworks feast."Olivia said.

Today is the sixth day of the Lunar New Year.

Spring is beautiful, the wind is soft and the sun is warm.

Some people are busy preparing for spring ploughing and driving out poverty.

Some people run out of holiday balance.

The workload is on the way.

I hope my friends will work hard.

Get rich in the year of the ox

All the wishes you want come true ~

Text _ Chief reporter Gong Zhengxing

Figure _ Provided by respondents

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Major changes! Is it more difficult to implement the driving test since October?

  CCTV News:Did you get your driver’s license?

  If not, hurry up!

  The driving test is going to be more difficult! Level! Yes!

  In order to implement the opinions of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Transport on the reform of the driver training and examination system, according to the requirements of "Motor Vehicle Driving Training Teaching and Examination Outline", the Traffic Management Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security undertook the revision of the industry standards such as "Contents and Methods of Motor Vehicle Driver Examination" (GA 1026). With the approval of the Ministry of Public Security,The new standard will be officially implemented on October 1, 2017.

  Main points of assessment change

  Point 1: Pay more attention to the assessment of safety civilization awareness.

  According to the requirements of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Transport’s "Motor Vehicle Driving Training Teaching and Examination Outline", adjust the relevant examination contents:

  ◆ Subject 1 involves the common sense of safe and civilized driving.All of them are adjusted to the general knowledge test of safe and civilized driving in subject three;

  ◆ Adjust the proportion of examination content, improve the proportion of road traffic safety laws and regulations, safe and civilized driving knowledge examination questions, and list common sense of civilized driving and typical accident cases;

  ◆ Adjust the examination operationFor example, "looking back" action is added to the starting, lane changing, parking aside and overtaking projects in subject 3, and the projects such as going straight through intersections and turning left and right are judged as unqualified, and the safety and civilization awareness is assessed from the detailed actions.

  Point 2: More in line with the actual road traffic environment.

  ◆ The theoretical examination simulates the real scene.Subject 1, Subject 3 Add situational test questions to the common sense test of safe and civilized driving, simulate the actual road traffic scene through text, pictures, videos and other situational forms, and assess the candidates’ ability to recognize, judge and deal with the actual road traffic situation.

  ◆ The venue driving test highlights practicality.On the premise of ensuring safe driving, in the second subject, such as reversing into storage, pile test, unilateral bridge, right-angle turning, continuous obstacle, etc., it is allowed to stop moderately to observe and confirm the safety before driving. If you stop halfway, you will be adjusted to "5 points each time" if you fail the exam.

  ◆ The road driving skill test emphasizes safe and civilized operation.For example, in the U-turn project, the requirements such as slowing down or stopping and turning on the turn signal are added, and in the crossing project, the operation and deduction requirements such as "turning on the turn signal in advance when changing direction" are added to highlight the actual road driving needs and cultivate candidates’ good driving habits.

  Point 3: It is more convenient for the masses to take exams and obtain certificates.

  Optimize and adjust the examination organization.

  ◆ Small car:Adjust the three-night examination method of subjects and adopt the simulated night lighting examination form.

  ◆ Large car:If the subject two fails to pass the exam on the spot, the items that have not been deducted will not be retaken; If the night exam fails to pass the make-up exam on the spot, the daytime exam results will be retained.

  mainChanging content

  Subject 1, Subject 3 Safe and Civilized Driving Common Sense Examination


   subject two Key points of examination evaluation revision


  Subject three Key points of operation and evaluation modification of road driving skill test


  (This article Source: CCTV News Economic Daily)