How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  If you tell an American that "pickup trucks are life-oriented", he must be surprised, because pickup trucks were born to provide the greatest convenience for life and business, and they are life-oriented. In fact, however, the value of pickup trucks in China has been underestimated. Most domestic pickup trucks are regarded as commercial vehicles or special vehicles, which are far away from the lives of ordinary users. This market environment also causes the vacancy of domestic passenger pickup trucks.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  Until the appearance of the Great Wall Gun, it redefined the domestic pickup truck. In terms of products and services, Great Wall Gun has subverted users’ traditional cognition of pickup trucks. More importantly, in the past year, the Great Wall Gun has continuously led the life of full-scene pickup trucks and successfully made domestic pickup trucks "live". So, how did the Great Wall Gun do it?

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  "Life-oriented" can not be separated from the users of the Great Wall Gun, and there are many deep players in all circles, which also brings vitality and diversity to the "life-oriented pickup truck". Take the Che Youhui with the Great Wall Gun — — As far as the "Artillery Alliance" is concerned, some people exchange cross-country experiences, while others discuss fishing skills. Some car owners meet for weekends and go riding in the mountains, and some team up to participate in cross-country running competitions. Deep players from various outdoor fields gather in the circle of Great Wall Artillery, which is also a rare phenomenon in the whole industry, and this team has been growing continuously.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  With the establishment of the "Artillery Alliance" in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Lujin, Heilongjiang, Henan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Shanghai provinces, Guangdong, Guangxi, Qiongmin, Hunan and Jiangxi provinces, the chemical reaction of cross-border car play continues to penetrate. At the same time, the "APP with guns" was launched, and through the four attributes of "social", "off-road", "game" and "intelligence", it created a pickup truck experience for car owners without going offline for 24 hours. Online and offline amphibious force, Great Wall Gun builds a fair and just communication platform for riders, and jointly unlocks the life of the ultimate full-scene pickup truck, making playing pickup trucks a trend.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  "Life-oriented" can’t be separated from the circle. In 2020, the Great Wall Gun will cross-border eight outdoor interest circles, including cross-country, cycling, luya, motorcycle and camping, to create a full-scene pickup truck life. In the past year, the cross-border of the Great Wall Gun has never stopped. Help the locomotive culture festival, tour the city with 100 locomotives, and interpret the collision between pickup trucks and locomotive culture; The strength helps cycling around Miyun Reservoir, flying freely around the reservoir with cycling enthusiasts, and leading the "4+2" new lifestyle; Escort the Himalayan extreme cross-country running, stage an outdoor drama with boundless cross-country, and realize the perfect integration of pickup life culture and cross-country running culture. This series of activities has gathered deep players in various fields and regarded the Great Wall Gun as the first car in outdoor life.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  At the just-concluded 2020 Great Wall Gun Luya International Championship-Luya Pioneer Professional Tour Finals, nearly 100 Luya rowing boats, champions of various sub-races and nearly 200 top Luya masters drove the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck with a million-class off-road configuration to drag Luya boats and get rid of the terrain restrictions. The Great Wall Gun brand and Luya spirit are perfectly integrated to create a top-level event in the fishing circle. The Great Wall Gun proves to people that pickup trucks can be used for living and specialization.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  "Life-oriented" is inseparable from the brewing of any culture supported by sales volume, and it must be based on a certain amount. Great Wall Cannon can promote the development of pickup culture and life in China, and it can’t be separated from excellent sales results. As of October, the statistics show that the sales volume of Great Wall Gun has exceeded 10,000 for six consecutive months, ranking first in pickup truck sales. On October 26th, the 100th Great Wall Gun rolled off the assembly line in Chongqing factory, only one year before the first one rolled off the assembly line. The Great Wall Cannon constantly sets its own record with "Great Wall Speed", making it a phenomenal product.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  "Life-oriented" can not be separated from strong product strength. When we explore the reasons behind the life-oriented phenomenon of pickup trucks, we will eventually return to product strength. Co-creation by users, cooperation in circles and sales support are nothing more than a result of the strong products of Great Wall Gun. When the first model of Great Wall Gun was released, it created a number of industry firsts. Including it is the first domestic pickup truck equipped with 8AT gearbox, the first domestic pickup truck equipped with L2 automatic driving, and the first domestic pickup truck with multi-link rear suspension. In terms of product strength, Great Wall Gun took the lead in defining the appearance of the next generation pickup truck, and opened the era of multi-purpose passenger use of pickup truck 3.0.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  Subsequently, the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck went on the market, which was an unprecedented combination of 11 top off-road configurations, such as three locks, crawling mode and tank U-turn, and became the first all-terrain mass-produced off-road pickup truck in China, which once again shocked the pickup truck market in China. Up to now, the Great Wall Gun has opened up three sub-categories of markets, including passenger, commercial and off-road, and developed N-type modified vehicles, bringing the potential of unlimited modification of pickup trucks to the extreme.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  "Life-oriented" New Starting Point Releases Brand-new User Strategy At this Guangzhou International Auto Show, Great Wall Gun released a brand-new user strategy, announcing that it will take users as the center and join hands with users to build a co-creation, co-construction and sharing Internet user ecosystem. The specific contents include: let users participate in the product co-creation of the whole life cycle in all directions, not only the concept, shape and name, but also the peripheral products that users like; With the concept of fully upgraded digital user service, the APP+ artillery alliance motorists’ club will build China pickup culture base camp and grow together with users, making pickup a life, an attitude and a spirit; Let every user have the opportunity to become a shareholder of Great Wall pickup truck, crowdfunding cars and sharing dividends; Open up cross-border circles such as modification and outdoor, and build a pickup park, so that users can enjoy the life of high-quality pickup trucks. Through co-creation, co-construction and sharing, Great Wall Gun will better "play together" with users and "live" pickup trucks to the end.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  The status of the industry is unshakable. 200,000 sales go global.

How to make pickup trucks live by selling 100 thousand Great Wall cannons a year

  To sum up, Great Wall Gun firmly occupies the leading position in the industry in terms of product strength, cultural circle and sales performance, and constantly sets standards for the industry in terms of brand value and service system. The outstanding performance of Great Wall Cannon also helped the global sales of Great Wall pickup trucks to exceed 200,000 vehicles in 2020, and the global cumulative users reached 1.8 million vehicles, once again pulling domestic pickup trucks to an unprecedented new height. In the period of great changes in the automobile market, the annual sales volume of 200,000 Great Wall pickup trucks has brought more profound influence to the whole industry. With the help of the rising brand, Great Wall Gun has entered the global market, and has taken the lead in listing in Australia, opening up the global territory for pickup trucks in China, ranking among the top three in the world!

Newly built car report card in February: ideal win, Nezha rebound, zero run on the street.

Editor’s Note: This article comes from WeChat WeChat official account Shenrancaijing (ID: shenrancaijing). Author: Zou Shuai, editor: Dawn, Entrepreneurial State is reproduced with authorization, and the first picture is from the photo network.

January’s collective street beating is still in sight. Did the new forces of building cars return to blood in February?

On March 1st, the February sales data of new car-making forces arrived as scheduled. The leader is still ideal, with the delivery volume of 16,620 vehicles in February, up 97.5% year-on-year, and 1,479 vehicles more than last month. After the setback in January, Weilai also returned to 10,000 vehicles, with a delivery volume of 12,157 vehicles, up 98.3% year-on-year. The delivery volume in Tucki was less than 10,000, with only 6,010 vehicles, which was still down year-on-year, but increased by 15% compared with last month.

The momentum of the second echelon is also very strong. Nezha delivered 10,073 vehicles in February, and the last time Nezha delivered 10,000 vehicles in a month was last November. 3,198 vehicles were delivered at zero run and 5,455 vehicles were delivered at extreme krypton.

It is still in the off-season, and it is still too early to discuss the momentum and follow-up actions of the new forces that build cars. However, there are several changes worthy of attention: First, the subsidies of new energy countries have been withdrawn this year, which is a big test for new forces. Whether they can maintain the growth trend, or at least not to fall behind, depends on the ability of each family. Second, influenced by the "price butcher" Tesla, "Wei Xiaoli" has made price reduction adjustments this year, and it is necessary to observe whether the market pays the bill.

The main players are temporarily out of the sales gloom in January, and the car circle is still lively. Tucki P7 is revised, and the ideal L7 is about to be delivered. Wei Laiqing’s "866" and "775" are about to stir up the beams, and Weimar’s chicken feathers have not been cleaned yet. It is conceivable that there will be many variables to happen in the future, and the new forces should also set a plate and what trump cards they have.


The ideal is "close to the ideal" and Tucki is "unable to fly"

As usual, let’s name the new forces first.

The sales crown in February was ideal, with a delivery volume of 16,620 vehicles. In the same period last year, the ideal delivery of 8414 vehicles has doubled. The second place was Weilai, which delivered 12,157 vehicles. This month, Nezha returned to 10,000 vehicles and delivered 10,073 vehicles, winning the third place.

Tucki still didn’t run, and only 6,010 vehicles were delivered in February. As of the time of publication, the official of the press has not announced the delivery volume in February. According to the production and sales express of Sailis Group, the sales volume of Sailis cars (including AITO series) in February was 3,505. 5455 vehicles were delivered in Krypton and 3198 vehicles were delivered in Zero Run.


Cartography/deep combustion

In February this year, both Weilai and Ideality achieved a year-on-year increase of nearly 100%, and only Tucki was slightly embarrassed, with a year-on-year decrease of 3.45%. In the second half of last year, the state of Tucki was very general, and it went down all the way from August to November. In 2023, it seems that Tucki hasn’t recovered in the first two months.

These days, when the ideal sits on the pin crown, it looks very stable. The situation in January is quite special. With the Spring Festival holiday and the withdrawal of subsidies from new energy countries, the monthly performance of new car-making forces is relatively low, and only ideals have maintained a momentum of over 10,000. In February, although it was still in the off-season of sales of new energy vehicles, it kept the trend of rising delivery volume, with 1,479 vehicles more than last month.

Weilai’s delivery in February increased by 42.92% month-on-month, and the surge in delivery was probably related to its inventory clearance activities in that month. Now, only a few old models ES8, ES6 and EC6 are on sale, and "866" is about to bid farewell to the historical stage. It is "775", that is, ET7, ES7 and ET5.

The delivery data in February also shows how well the handover of "866" and "775" has been done. In January, Weilai sold 2,190 SUVs (ES7, ES6, EC6 and ES8), accounting for 25.75% of the total delivery, and 6,316 cars (ET5 and ET7), accounting for 74.25% of the total delivery. It can be seen that SUVs including "866" old models are not the main sales force, and the proportion of SUVs and cars is not small.

Looking at the situation in February, 5037 SUVs and 7120 cars were delivered. The delivery of SUVs accounted for 41.43% of the total delivery, and cars accounted for 58.57%. The proportion of SUVs increased significantly. It seems that "866" sold well.

Next, the first echelon also has key nodes that need to be tested. Ideal L7 was officially launched on February 8th, and it is the first 5-seat version of the ideal vehicle. According to the news, Pro and Max models will be delivered one after another on March 1, and Air models will be delivered one after another in early April. The results of the new car will not be seen until the delivery data in March and April. This time is well timed. After a part is delivered in March, the sales volume in the first quarter may be guaranteed. After another delivery in April, the beginning of the second quarter is also a "good start".

In March, the redesigned Tucki P7 will enter the market under the new name P7i. The arrival of the new P7 is very important for Tucki to fight a "turnaround". According to the news, the new car has been upgraded with lidar, and Tucki is still willing to invest in the auxiliary driving of new energy vehicles. And Tucki’s ability in intelligence is also the reason why the outside world still has confidence in it.

Nezha desperately wants to squeeze into the top three. In February, Nezha’s report card was not bad. According to the official, Nezha S recorded 2,048 sets in February, up 35% from January, accounting for about 20% of the total sales in that month. From the perspective of total delivery, the year-on-year and month-on-month increases were 41.5% and 67.4% respectively, and the trend of blood return was obvious.

Nezha’s record in February, to a certain extent, can also be confirmed, and its price increase has passed smoothly. In January, Nezha raised the prices of some models, with Nezha S, Nezha U-II and Nezha V each increasing by 3,000-6,000 yuan, with Nezha S having the highest price after adjustment, ranging from 202,800-341,800 yuan.

The reason for the price increase is that Nezha wants to hit the market upward.

Last July, Nezha became the top seller of new cars for the first time, and it also held the first place from August to November. However, compared with others, only from Nezha’s own situation, the delivery volume in October was 18,016 vehicles. Since then, the monthly delivery data has been falling all the way, even falling out of the 10,000-vehicle mark. Last December, everyone did well, but only 7,795 vehicles were sold in Nezha, down 48% from the previous month.


In January this year, the monthly delivery volume of Nezha was the lowest in the past year, with 6,016 vehicles. After four months of continuous decline, the outside world began to suspect that Nezha’s hot wheels was no longer useful. Nezha’s style of play has always kept a big gap with "Wei Xiaoli". "Wei Xiaoli" occupies the mass market of 100,000-300,000 yuan, and the middle and high-end market of 300,000-500,000 yuan. Nezha has targeted the low-end market from the beginning, focusing on models below 200,000 yuan. The exchange of price for quantity has indeed brought about the rapid growth of Nezha, and it is not surprising to reach the top.

However, the fatigue in delivery means that it is difficult for this strategy to push Nezha further. Price increase is a risky move, but "seeking wealth and risk".

In the second echelon, another thing worthy of attention is the zero run. In February, Zero Run and Tucki were the only car companies that saw a year-on-year decline in sales. In January of this year, the delivery volume of zero-running was only 1139, which was the bottom of the month. Compared with January 2022, it plummeted by nearly 80%. In February, 3,198 vehicles were delivered at zero speed, which is still far from 10,000 vehicles.

In February, the run-by-run C11 extended-range version officially opened for pre-sale, with the pre-sale range of 159,800-200,000 yuan, and will be delivered in mid-March. In the face of weak sales for several months in a row, the zero-run may have to open the market by increasing the program.

The growth rate of krypton is second only to zero run. In February, 5,455 vehicles were delivered, an increase of 87.07%. Krypton once triumphed all the way, once surpassing Tucki. After jumping on the street with various families in January, its recovery situation in February was relatively clear. However, the "hidden worry" of extreme krypton is hard to ignore. Recently, there have been a lot of controversies about "extremely Kryptonian car owners", "non-refundable orders" and "two-faced". It remains to be seen whether the crisis in public opinion will affect the momentum of extremely Kryptonian.

Lantiu and Wenjie are the only car companies with a month-on-month decline. Lantu delivered only 1,107 vehicles, compared with 1,548 vehicles last month. The sales volume of the industry was 3,505 vehicles, a decrease of 21.68% from the previous month.

Weimar is still invisible. Employees leave their jobs without pay, factories shut down, suppliers cut off their supply, and there is no door after sale. These may be issues that Weimar should be more worried about. On February 27th, according to the staff of the Labor and Social Security Supervision Bureau of Huanggang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, the Municipal Labor and Social Security Supervision Bureau and the Municipal Department of Human Resources and Social Security have set up a special class to intervene in this matter and are accepting the rights protection of Weimar employees.

The state of several second echelon can be divided into two categories. One is Nezha and Zero Run, both of which showed fatigue in the past period of time and picked up in February. The other is extreme krypton, Lan Tu and Wen Jie, who walk slowly in small steps, but at the same time walk carefully.

As early as before each company announced its sales volume, some insiders predicted that the delivery volume would probably increase in the off-season this year. The reason is obvious, the price has been reduced, and the volume has gone.

The biggest strength is Wei Lai. According to the limited-time preferential car purchase plan released by Weilai’s official community in February, in February 2023, users who bought 2022 ES8, ES6 and EC6, that is, the old model "866", Weilai covered the state subsidy in 2022. It is understood that the "866" model is no longer customized, so it is also stated in the plan that only a small number of 2022 ES8, ES6 and EC6 long-term exhibition cars can be purchased by users, and they can enjoy additional exhibition discounts according to different storage ages and vehicle conditions. Users who purchase ES8 exhibition cars can enjoy a maximum cash discount of 24,000 yuan, while users who purchase ES6 and EC6 exhibition cars can enjoy a maximum discount of 18,000 yuan.

Weilai’s price reduction has also received a response from Qin Lihong, president of Weilai. It is rumored that Weilai will reduce the price by 100,000 yuan, but Qin Lihong said that in fact, there are very few models with a total discount of 100,000 yuan. He also explained that the price reduction of "866" is because Weilai is clearing the first-generation model and preparing for the "866" model of the second-generation platform.

Weilai’s decline is about 20,000 yuan, and the situation in Tucki is similar. On January 17th, Xpeng Motors lowered the prices of G3i, P5 and P7, with an overall decrease of 20,000-36,000 yuan. Since February, Tucki has given an insurance subsidy of 7,000 yuan and a final payment subsidy of 10,000 yuan for specific models, and the maximum discount is nearly 50,000 yuan.

Weilai, who once shouted that he would not cut prices, can’t hold back now? In fact, it is normal for the new and old models to alternate, and it is normal to reduce prices and promote sales because of clearing inventory. From the perspective of Weilai’s strategy, it is reasonable to hand over the "866" to the next generation.

In addition, a necessary prerequisite for the replacement of old and new cars is that old cars can’t be sold. Take Weilai as an example, the sales of the three models of "866" all dropped by 1,000 units in January this year. EC6 bid farewell to four figures from last September, and the last one was ES6, which delivered 872 vehicles in January this year and 1,731 vehicles in December last year. Not surprisingly, the sales of the "866" three cars have also continued to decline in the past six months. In the case of the overall cold of the new energy vehicle market, the "775" all showed a downward trend after November last year. It is necessary to complete the handover drastically at this moment.


There is also room for cost reduction. The price of lithium carbonate, the main raw material of batteries, began to fall in December last year. At present, the price of battery-grade lithium carbonate is less than 400,000/ton. Last year, the highest point was close to 600,000/ton, and now it has dropped by 30%. Some analysts believe that the sales market of new energy vehicles is sluggish at the beginning of this year, the demand for batteries is weak, and the finished product inventory of lithium salt manufacturers is also at a high level, which is cold in the market. In the future, under the influence of the weak price of lithium carbonate, the price of spodumene may also fall further.

Looking back at the industry, new forces have cut prices one after another, and it is difficult to get rid of Tesla, the "price butcher". Recently, it was reported that Tesla may usher in a new round of price cuts in March, with Model 3 dropping to 159,900 and Model Y dropping to 179,900. There is another saying that Model 3 dropped to 199,000. The news has not yet received a response from Tesla.

Two facts are in front of us. First, the rumors of Tesla’s price reduction are probably not groundless. According to its consistent style, price reduction is not only a habitual action, but even a downward trend. Second, the price reduction of Tesla and the price reduction of the new domestic car-making forces are interactive. Tesla gradually approached the price band of the new forces, and the new forces had to cut prices to deal with it.

The industry believes that whether the new energy vehicle market can rebound depends on the situation in the second quarter.

Indeed, the ideal L7 is about to be delivered, and Tucki on hot bricks will also have its own "trump card upgrade", ending the embarrassing situation of being green and yellow, and accepting the market challenge again. Weilai has completed the new generation and the old generation, and the sales data in February also prove that this decision is right and it has been completed well. Next, it is necessary to rely on "775" to conquer the world.

Extreme Krypton, Lan Tu and Wen Jie belong to cumulative players. If there are no big moves, there is a high probability that they will make a steady breakthrough under the general trend. Nezha and Zero Run have gone the same difficult road, becoming high-end and brand-building. As for the result, there should be an answer in the next few months. Of course, the outside world is also waiting for an answer, and there is a silent Weimar.

* The pictures in this article are from pexels. At the request of the respondents, Fan Gao, Tan Lin, A Chen and A Dong are pseudonyms.

This article is published by Entrepreneurial State authorized by the columnist, and the copyright belongs to the original author. The article is the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the position of the entrepreneurial state. Please contact the original author for reprinting. If you have any questions, please contact

The dance of "Subject III" is popular all over the network, and the three Davids also come to join in the Spring Festival Evening.

Original title: "Subject III" dance is popular all over the network, and the three Davids also come to join in the Spring Festival Evening.

Recently, a song named "Subject III" became popular on the Internet. Its style is unique and has brainwashing effect, and the magic of dance steps is unforgettable. The original author of this song is a young man from Guangxi. He shared the story of his unsuccessful attempts to take the driving test (subject 3) on the Internet. However, when he successfully passed an exam, he excitedly danced this magical dance to celebrate and named it "Subject 3".

The appearance of this incident has made "Subject III" a hot topic on the Internet. To push this phenomenon to a wider audience, more promotion and publicity are needed. In this regard, the employees of a bottom fishing hot pot restaurant showed their talents. They performed the song "Subject 3" for customers to express their wishes to customers. This move instantly triggered a hot discussion on the Internet, making "Subject III" once again the focus of public attention. Today, "Subject 3" has become a household name, and it can be seen in both the Spring Festival Evening of David and other occasions.

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Editor in charge:

Chery Tiggo 8 PRO’s listed technology is "full" and its performance is "awesome"

On May 18th, PRO was officially launched, and nine models with 1.6TGDI and 2.0TGDI were launched, with the price range of 126,900-171,900 yuan.

Tiggo 8 PRO products are positioned as "the flagship of global power technology"-technology and power are the core competitiveness of this car. In terms of science and technology, the Tiggo 8 PRO is equipped with a new generation of "Lion 5.0 AI Technology Smart Cockpit", including 6 modules including the AI Emotional Super Interactive System and over 15 emotion recognition interactive functions, which can not only monitor the driver’s safe driving and take the initiative to care for him, but also support multi-mode voice, no wake-up and intelligent car control.

Tiggo 8 PRO is equipped with the first W-HUD interstellar flying head-up display function, which can display various functions such as speed, dynamic ADAS, navigation, telephone and so on, so that users can display the required vehicle information just by looking straight ahead.

In terms of power, the Tiggo 8 PRO is equipped with Kunpeng Power 1.6TGDI/2.0TGDI engines, both of which have won the China Heart Top Ten Engine Award. The 2.0TGDI engine has a maximum power of 187kW and a peak torque of 390N·m, which also accelerates the 100 km of the Tiggo 8 PRO into the 7-second range.

It is worth mentioning that the Tiggo 8 PRO is also equipped with the "CHERY AWD" full-scene intelligent four-wheel drive system built by ZF, which provides six full-scene road modes including economy, ordinary, sports, snow, mud and off-road, which can easily adapt to more scenes and make users’ travel more interesting.

It is reported that in addition to the fuel-powered version, the future Tiggo 8 PRO will also have a hybrid version equipped with Kunpeng DHT. With the core technical advantages of "3 engines, 3 gears, 9 models and 11 speeds", it will bring users a more economical, worry-free and enjoyable car experience. Among them, "3 engines" refers to three power sources consisting of a 1.5T hybrid engine and dual motors, which can simultaneously drive the dual motors and generate electricity. With three physical gears, the technical strength covering 11 kinds of all-vehicle scenes ensures efficient power output, and at the same time, it can cope with more working conditions and balance power and fuel consumption.

At present, the Tiggo 8 has become a successful "big single product" model under the brand, with sales exceeding 50,000 vehicles in the first four months of this year. Just last month, the 500,000 th Tiggo 8 was officially rolled off the assembly line, and its ability to continue selling well can be seen. With higher-tech configuration and stronger performance, Tiggo 8 PRO will certainly attract more Z-generation young consumers.

In-depth cooperation between Cyrus and Huawei leads to fruitful results. M5 Zhijia Edition is the first to take HUAWEI ADS2.

Following the installation of the HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit, the HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system was first launched on the M5 series intelligent driving version of AITO, and the "double intelligent ceiling" will be intellectualized to a new height in the industry.

On April 17th, AITO’s M5 Series Huawei Advanced Intelligent Driving Edition (AITO’s M5 Intelligent Driving Edition) was officially launched. Further expand the matrix of high-end smart products of the series of vehicles, including 279,800 yuan for the M5 two-wheel drive intelligent driving version and 299,800 yuan for the four-wheel drive intelligent driving version; Wenjie M5 pure electric intelligent driving version is 289,800 yuan, and four-wheel drive intelligent driving version is 309,800 yuan.

As another high-end smart electric vehicle product jointly designed by Celestial Automobile and Huawei, Zhang Xinghai, the chairman (founder) of Celestial Group, said on social media: "The M5 Smart Driving Edition of AITO was officially unveiled today! The deep cross-border cooperation between Celestial Auto and Huawei has achieved fruitful results again. The two sides have always followed the idea of "software-defined cars" and polished every product from the perspective of user experience, so as to promote the high-quality development of high-end smart new energy vehicles in China! Whether the product is good or not, the user has the final say. Welcome everyone to test drive first, experience first and then buy a car! "

It is reported that at present, AITO Wenjie M5 series intelligent driving version and AITO Wenjie M7, a six-seat SUV model, jointly designed by Celestial Automobile and Huawei, have appeared in Hall 6.1 of the 2023 Shanghai Auto Show, attracting many visitors with the charm of smart luxury products.

Open a new era of wisdom with "double wisdom"

Once the series of models of Wenjie were launched, they were called "intelligent cockpit ceiling" by many users. With the launch of HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system released at the same time on April 17th, the intelligent driving version of Wenjie M5 will also become "intelligent driving ceiling", and the genes of double intelligent ceiling will be further upgraded in Wenjie M9, equipped with the latest HarmonyOS and Huawei ADS, which will bring common and new intelligent experiences.

It is worth noting that, as the first vehicle equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, Wenjie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition is equipped with an overhead laser radar, three millimeter-wave radars, 11 high-definition cameras and 12 ultrasonic radars, and the new antenna technology is superimposed to double the signal, taking the lead in realizing high-speed and urban advanced intelligent driving functions independent of high-precision maps, bringing an infinitely high-order intelligent driving experience close to L3.

On the basis of integrating BEV(Bird Eye View) perception ability, the M5 series intelligent driving version of AITO Jiejie is the first GOD network in the industry, which can identify alien objects outside the white list of general obstacles. Combined with the road topology inference network, vehicles can drive with or without maps, so that vehicles can see, understand and drive better.

In order to solve the problem that the intelligent driving function encounters difficult road conditions in highly complex scenes, Huawei pioneered the intelligent driving interactive game algorithm, which can solve more than 70% of the interactive scene takeover problems, shorten the transit time by 40%, and make the intelligent driving performance of vehicles more like experienced "old drivers". At the same time, a rich scene library is built through the AI ? ? training cluster, and tens of millions of kilometers of simulation tests are carried out every day, and difficult scenes are excavated. With massive data, the intelligent driving algorithm and scene strategy are continuously iterated and optimized, making the vehicles smarter and smarter.

AITO’s M5 series intelligent driving edition is equipped with the latest HarmonyOS 3 system, which brings many new functions, not only a very intelligent new experience-the brand-new super desktop function allows the mobile phone head to apply a seamless direct train, and the application can navigate when it touches the train; Passengers can also access the super desktop, and the private song list can be easily played; In addition, the smart assistant of the car-mounted Xiaoyi cooperates with the high-quality parking service provider Jie Parking to provide users with one-stop indoor navigation service.

In addition, this new model is equipped with MagLink magic car interface. MagLink defines the interface standard of extended ecological equipment, with 27W fast charging, ultrasonic position identification, magnetic child lock anti-pinch and 25KG mounting capacity. It can be combined with Huawei MatePAD, and it can be linked with multiple devices around the cockpit to build a user-insensitive PAD boarding scene, and the entertainment office learning space can be switched in seconds.

Two-way empowerment "Sailis model" industry leader

In addition to the M5 series intelligent driving version of AITO, in this auto show, AITO booth also brought six luxury intelligent electric SUV M7, DE-i super electric drive intelligent technology platform and extended-range three-in-one intelligent generator set.

As the key module of DE-i super electric drive intelligent technology platform at present, Celeste extended-range three-in-one intelligent generator set adopts deep Miller cycle technology, and the compression ratio is as high as 15:1. The generator adopts oil-cooled flat wire hybrid winding technology, the winding crown size is reduced by 10%, the efficient working range of range extender accounts for more than 90%, and the oil-electricity conversion rate is ≥3.36kWh/L, which is in the leading position in the industry.

Thanks to the DE-i super electric drive intelligent technology platform, the two extended-range models, M5 and M7, have the characteristics of high performance, long battery life and low energy consumption. They not only have flexible ways to replenish energy with oil and electricity, but also bring an extraordinary driving and control experience of "double performance and half fuel consumption".

From the intelligent cockpit to the intelligent driving, the intelligent level of the M5 series vehicles in Wenjie has achieved the leading position in the industry, and the comprehensive quality has been recognized by consumers and highly praised by many well-known media. The recognition of the market is inseparable from the empowerment of Huawei’s core technology, and it is also inseparable from the strong strength of Kailisi Automobile in intelligent manufacturing, technology research and development, and quality control.

As early as 2016, Celestial Auto foresaw the layout of high-end electric vehicle R&D field, and the annual investment in innovative R&D exceeded 10% of sales revenue, with a cumulative investment of over 10 billion yuan in six years. As a self-sustaining person of new energy technology, Sailis Automobile always insists on self-sustaining and self-research of technology. Build software and hardware integrated R&D capabilities, including "full-stack self-research+system integration", covering five major vehicle functional domains such as intelligent vehicle control, intelligent electronic control, intelligent cockpit, intelligent network connection and intelligent driving, so as to create products and services with the ultimate experience, comfort, convenience and sustainable growth for users.

Focusing on users, Sailis Auto actively explores a "four-in-one" intelligent manufacturing architecture: one hard+one soft+one network+one platform. Realize the full value chain coverage of research, production, supply, sales and service and the intelligent operation of the whole process of the factory. In Celestial’s smart factory, advanced technologies such as AI vision and big data are integrated through intelligent equipment, achieving 100% intelligence of key processes and 600+ key quality control points of the whole vehicle, meeting the needs of multi-vehicle lean, flexible, digital, intelligent, customized and ecological production.

Empowered by the core technologies of Cyrus Auto and Huawei, in 2022, AITO brand successively released three products, namely, Wenjie M5, Wenjie M7 and Wenjie M5 pure electricity, and sold nearly 100,000 vehicles in more than one year, with excellent user reputation. Behind the outstanding product strength is the practice that Sailis Automobile insists on defining cars by software and resolutely serving users wholeheartedly.

As the earliest participant in Huawei’s smart car selection model, the deep cooperation between Celestial Automobile and Huawei is continuing to bear fruit, and the cooperation between the two sides is also continuing to deepen. In February this year, the two sides signed an agreement on deepening cooperation in joint business. Recently, the two sides jointly released the M5 series Huawei advanced intelligent driving version, and the flagship SUV AITO intelligent driving M9 based on the new D-class luxury SUV platform will also be released in the fourth quarter of this year. The two sides will continue to deepen cooperation, and on the basis of solid cooperation, continue to promote the growth of the "smart car selection" model, bringing more value to the industry and the market.

Surprise in the Deep Sea: Looking back at the history, Do not forget your initiative mind’s spy war dramas explore new developments.

  On October 22 nd, the spy war suspense drama "The Scare of the Deep Sea" was officially launched. The changing background of the Anti-Japanese War, the All-Star cast and the compact narrative rhythm made "The Scare of the Deep Sea" highly praised on the first night.

  Throughout the history of China’s spy war drama, its development has gone through a long and tortuous process. From the first anti-special film Invisible Front in 1949 to now, China’s spy war movies and TV series have gone through decades of historical process, and both the theme content, narrative style and audio-visual rhetoric have entered the development stage of "letting a hundred flowers blossom". This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China. In the new era, outstanding film and television works that promote the main theme are constantly emerging. In this year’s tribute dramas, The Scare of the Spy War in the Deep Sea has just started, and its ratings have gone up. With excellent production and strong values, it has once again attracted the audience’s attention to the TV series with the theme of "Spy War".

  Looking back at the historical situation, thrilling and lurking, highlighting the national conditions of the country

  "The Scare of the Deep Sea" tells the story that Chen Shan, a street thug who lives by selling intelligence in Shanghai in 1941, was accidentally taken a fancy to by Araki, the spy chief of Japanese Mei agency, because he looks like Xiao Zhengguo, and was involved in an underground war. Chen Shan was forced to become a Japanese spy, pretending to be Xiao Zhengguo and going to Chongqing to lurk inside the military system, ready to steal important information. However, as a native of China, Chen Shan didn’t want to betray his motherland. Under the constant influence of Communist party member Zhang Li and Qian Shiying, Chen Shan gradually grew up and resolutely stood in the anti-Japanese camp. In the battle of wits and courage with the enemy again and again, Chen Shan finally established his faith, grew into a real soldier, and successfully crushed the sinister plot of the invaders.

  Judging from the broadcast series, the story of "Scared" is ups and downs, the relationship between characters is complicated, and the plot rhythm is relaxed. The natural performance of the actors also makes the audience naturally immersed in the plot. The personal fate of Chen Shan and other characters is closely combined with history in the play. In a specific historical period, the strong patriotic feelings and distinctive national justice choices displayed by ordinary people provide people living in the new era with the important significance of examining yesterday, looking back at history and strengthening the mainstream values of society.

  Little people carry forward the unchangeable Chinese soul in the era of righteousness

  The success of an excellent TV drama is inseparable from the guidance of correct values, and it is also an important foundation and prerequisite for the success of literary and artistic works. Carrying forward patriotism and communism is an unquestionable narrative theme of spy war dramas. "The Scare of the Deep Sea in the Spy War" tells the changing process of the protagonist Chen Shan from an idle social youth to a heroic fighter who bravely resists the enemy and has a sense of national justice. Different from the stereotyped hero images on the screen before, The Scare of the Spy Wars enters from a special incision, focusing on Chen Shan, describing a group of people or a profession in a more profound way, and then extending from the incision of "Chen Shan", reflecting the profile of the society at that time: even if the struggle requires struggle, risking one’s life, hurting the feelings of relatives and friends, and even sacrificing one’s own life, the characters in the play still stick to their beliefs.

  In The Scare of the Deep Sea, the characterization is more diversified, and the characters and stories in the war years are given more modern thinking to interpret and interpret. People’s heroes are becoming more and more popular with the people. They are no longer omnipotent, but grow up from ordinary people. The whole drama describes the process of self-transformation of little people in the treacherous history and under the correct guidance of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and conveys and praises communist party people’s unswerving revolutionary spirit and noble character of sticking to faith in a quiet way, and also enlightens and ponders modern audiences.

  Type masterpieces emerge, and film and television people will always keep China’s heart.

  In recent years, there have been many "bourne shadows" on the screen. There are many excellent domestic spy war suspense dramas represented by The Scare of the Deep Sea. Since the beginning of Vow Silence in 2002, the creation of spy war dramas has gradually flourished; In 2009, the popularity of Latent became the peak of China’s spy war dramas, and later dramas such as Red, Pretender, Decryption, Cliff and Kite gave birth to a new wave of creation and viewing of spy war dramas. The thrilling and gripping storyline of spy war drama makes the audience’s enthusiasm for it increase, showing different style characteristics in the development of the times.

  This year, as a representative of high-quality tribute drama, The Scare of the Spy Wars in the Deep Sea won the recognition and love of the audience just after its launch. The root of it is that the whole drama "The Scare of the Spy War in the Deep Sea" is based on national justice and national feelings, responds to the voice of the times, conforms to the trend of the times, organically combines the mainstream socialist values with the innovation and development of the cultural market, and is finally loved and praised by the audience.

Xiaomi SU7 third edition and nine colors officially appeared.

On March 28th, Xiaomi Group held the launch conference of Xiaomi Automobile with the theme of "Forward" in Beijing Yichuang International Convention and Exhibition Center, and officially released Xiaomi SU7.

At the press conference, Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, said: "This is the first official appearance of Xiaomi SU7 and the most important moment in my life. Dream cars in this era must have the most advanced intelligent technology and the best driving sense. We hope to build a car that is the most beautiful, the best to drive and the smartest within 500,000, and to build a high-quality car. "

It is understood that Xiaomi SU7 offers nine colors to choose from, with a price of 215,900. Among them, the standard version is priced at 215,900, the Pro version is priced at 245,900, and the Max version is priced at 299,900. In addition, there are Xiaomi SU7 Founding Edition and Xiaomi SU7 Max Founding Edition, and the price remains unchanged, limited to 5,000 units. It can be ordered through Xiaomi Auto App, Xiaomi Auto WeChat applet or Xiaomi Auto retail stores in 29 cities nationwide, and delivered as soon as it goes on the market. The founding version will be delivered as soon as April 3, and the standard version, Max version and Pro version will be delivered at the end of April and May respectively.

"Intelligent Technology" Leading, Advanced Factory Integration and Innovation

Lei Jun said that smart electric vehicles are essentially "cars × electricity × intelligence". In the past decade, the industry has solved the problem of electrification, and the next decade will be a decade of intelligence. "Intelligence is the soul of a car, and intelligence will become the decisive point of this era."

In terms of intelligent technology, Xiaomi has a good technical accumulation and ecological scale. Xiaomi has entered the smart phone market since 2010, and now it is the top three mobile phone companies in the world, and has built the world’s largest consumer-grade AIoT platform. With Xiaomi 澎湃 OS as the carrier, it has built a "full ecosystem of people and cars" and has an advanced intelligent experience that runs through the complete scene of "people and cars". At the same time, it has accumulated profound technical capabilities in the fields of OS, AI and robotics, and these capabilities will be gradually applied to Xiaomi cars.

For example, Xiaomi SU7 not only has Xiaomi 澎湃 OS, the cockpit interconnection experience at the bottom, the whole ecology of people, cars and homes, but also realizes the first time that Xiaomi’s self-developed end-side model got on the bus. Xiao Ai, who is fully blessed by the big model, can not only control the car interactively by voice, but also integrate information such as the position, direction and vision of the car, so that the car can understand the real world like a human being.

In addition to the guidance of intelligent technology, Xiaomi continues to increase investment in intelligent manufacturing and promote the integration and innovation of advanced intelligent technology and traditional manufacturing. To this end, Xiaomi built its own industry-leading automobile factory in Yizhuang, Beijing. Besides the traditional four processes of stamping, welding, painting and final assembly, it also built its own large die casting and battery workshop. There are 29 R&D laboratories in the factory, and a test runway with a length of 2.5 kilometers and a design speed of 120km/h, covering 18 test road conditions. After the production capacity of the factory is full, a brand-new millet SU7 will go offline every 76 seconds.

Lei Jun said that Xiaomi Automobile Factory is led by scientific and technological innovation, maintaining high efficiency, high quality, green and sustainable, and accelerating the development of new quality productivity.

"Intelligent driving+intelligent cabin+ecology", winning the technical commanding heights of automobile competition in the second half.

"Choosing a smart electric car is essentially the strength of choosing smart technology. This is everyone’s real expectation for Xiaomi and new energy vehicles." In Lei Jun’s view, intelligent driving+intelligent cabin+ecology will become the technical commanding height for Xiaomi Automobile to participate in the competition.

In terms of intelligent driving, Xiaomi Intelligent Driving insists on full-stack self-research, with a total test of 10 million kilometers. Xiaomi SU7 comes standard with high-level intelligent driving functions such as high-speed navigation, one-button parking service and intelligent parking assistance that can be opened all over the country.

It is reported that Xiaomi’s intelligent driving R&D team has more than 1,000 people, and it is expected to exceed 1,500 by the end of the year, with the goal of entering the first camp in the industry this year. NOA, Xiaomi’s smart driving city, plans to open user internal testing in April, 10 cities in May and the whole country in August.

In terms of intelligent cockpit, Xiaomi SU7 brought the surging intelligent cockpit with advanced intelligent technology Yu Dacheng.

Xiaomi 澎湃 smart cockpit regarded the mobile phone and tablet as a part of the cockpit at the beginning of design, realizing multi-terminal integrated native design. There is no inductive connection between the mobile phone and the car machine. The commonly used App on the mobile phone can be connected to the car machine with one-click PIN, and the tablet on the back extension screen can automatically switch to the native car control desktop, realizing real-time synchronization of navigation information and freely adjusting functions such as air conditioning, seat heating and car music.

In addition, Xiao Ai, an intelligent voice assistant with 117 million monthly users, gets on the bus, which can realize many voice interaction functions far beyond the industry, such as continuous dialogue, offline dialogue, high-noise wake-up, and multiple instructions in one sentence. Thanks to the multi-modal integration of Xiaomi’s self-developed "MiLM-1.3B" end-side large model and the whole vehicle perception, the full link of Xiaomi SU7 voice interaction is upgraded, which not only covers the function of hand control in the car, but also enables the car to understand the real world like a human.

In terms of intelligent ecology, Xiaomi SU7 was born for in-vehicle intelligent ecology, and it is convenient to access a variety of CarIoT devices. For example, the expansion of physical keys, the use of magnetic attraction+screw double fixed design, can quickly adjust the common functions related to air conditioning. The upper, lower, left and right sides of the central control panel can be expanded, and an intelligent double dial can be installed on the central control panel, which can display information such as time, speed and mileage. The center console can also be extended and connected to the smart walkie-talkie suite. When driving, you can talk to your friends through the steering wheel buttons without picking up the walkie-talkie.

It is worth mentioning that for Apple users, Xiaomi SU7 also supports access to wireless CarPlay, and the rear bracket is compatible with iPad car control, which is currently the most eco-friendly model for Apple.

"the whole ecology of people, cars and homes" is fully opened

"Intelligence is Xiaomi’s strength. Starting from Xiaomi SU7, users can feel today’s smart technology." Lei Jun said that looking forward to the future, Xiaomi’s "people, cars and homes are all ecological", which connects all intelligent terminals together like never before, without feeling interconnection and ability coordination, so that everyone can experience the ubiquitous intelligent life.

The official release of Xiaomi SU7 also marks the new stage of Xiaomi’s strategy of "people, cars and homes are all ecological" from "complete closed loop" to "full opening", which is also an important milestone for Xiaomi to make steady progress and strive forward in 2024.

In the three years since it was announced to build a car, Xiaomi has achieved a qualitative change in comprehensive strength, and its underlying capabilities such as R&D, organization, talents, processes and informatization have been greatly enhanced, and its ability to resist risks has been qualitatively improved. Among them, by the end of 2013, the global sales volume of Xiaomi’s smart phones remained in the top three in the world for 14 consecutive quarters, the monthly active users of mobile phones reached 641 million, the number of connected devices on the AIoT platform reached 740 million, and the cash reserve increased by 30 billion yuan compared with three years ago, reaching 136.3 billion yuan, a record high, laying a solid foundation for the automobile business to be ready and the "all-people, cars and homes" to be fully launched.

In addition, Xiaomi firmly promotes the steady landing of the goal of the new decade-investing in the underlying core technology on a large scale and striving to become a global leader in a new generation of hard-core technology. For example, Xiaomi’s total R&D investment in 2023 reached 19.1 billion yuan, up 19.2% year-on-year, and it is expected to exceed 24 billion yuan this year. At the same time, the number of R&D personnel in Xiaomi reached 17,800, accounting for 53% of the total number of employees.

It is worth mentioning that in defining the overall strategy of "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes", Xiaomi also defined six sub-strategies, including high-end strategy, industrial capability leading strategy, OS strategy, AI strategy, chip strategy and new retail strategy, to further consolidate the development potential of Xiaomi’s continuous leap forward.

After 80s, he gave up his million-dollar annual salary and went back to his hometown to plant figs: His ideal is that all the villagers plant figs.

Jin and Liu Cuiping are discussing how to make a video with traffic.

Jin and Liu Cuiping are discussing how to make a video with traffic.

After 6 o’clock in the morning on September 27, just after picking figs, gold was broadcast live.

  "Have you increased your powder recently?" They greet each other like this.

  Gold grows figs and Liu Cuiping raises peacocks. The base of the two people is on a hill, less than 1 km apart, but they rarely see each other.

  At noon on September 27th, they met unexpectedly in Zhangfei North Road and sat down for lunch by the roadside.

  Both of them were born in 1986. Two years ago, Gold was the senior operation manager of the glory of the king Mobile Games, with an annual salary of one million. Three years ago, Liu Cuiping was still engaged in real estate sales in Beijing and opened a real estate sales company in Guangyuan, Sichuan, which also earned a lot of money.

  Then, why did they suddenly transform and return to their hometown to become farmers? To this end, Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star journalists conducted an in-depth interview with them.


  Using short video platform overhead path

  I am most concerned about "Is it getting pink recently?"

  Seven or eight kilometers away from Langzhong City, Sichuan Province, National Highway 212 passes through a mountain pass, to the left is Liu Cuiping’s peacock farm, and to the right is the golden fig base.

  On September 27th, Jin got up at 4am and picked figs with his brother and sister-in-law and four villagers invited. The weather is cold and the dew is heavy. You must wear rain boots when going to the fields. But the grass is deep and leafy, and the trouser legs are still wet with dew.

  As soon as the fruit was picked, it was immediately repackaged and sent to more than 10 stalls in the city at 7 o’clock on time. After 9 o’clock, he drove the van to send the figs ordered online to the courier company for delivery.

  On Zhangfei North Road, it was Liu Cuiping who stepped on the brake and opened the door. Liu Cuiping is preparing a PPT for a speech. When she meets gold, she wants to "ask for help".

  But when they met, they first asked, "Is it pink?"

  "It has risen by more than 10,000 this month. What about you?"

  Liu Cuiping plays Tik Tok, and Gold plays Aauto Quicker, and they all shoot short videos. The video of Liu Cuiping holding a peacock for praise has more than 2 million clicks. This is her most "hot" video. It has only been three or four months since she officially updated the vibrato video. At present, there are 30,000 fans, and her goal is to reach 300,000 fans in two years.

  Gold’s Aauto Quicker account has also been opened for several months, but its popularity is much slower, but he thinks his fan conversion rate is better. Gold also posts in forums such as Aika and Tianya, which are updated every day and broadcast live in Aauto Quicker. The fans of several platforms add up to tens of thousands.

  "The conversion rate is high because my figs are cheaper." Gold says that a box of figs costs only tens of yuan, while a peacock egg costs 100 yuan, and a peacock costs 2,000 yuan. Not everyone can afford it.

  In addition to shooting short videos, Liu Cuiping also does live broadcasts. Compared with gold, she is fully equipped, bought a tripod and a live microphone that can fill the light.

  When she broadcast live, she introduced her own farm, peacock and pheasant. Some netizens left a message in the live broadcast room, "Sister Peacock, sing a song." She giggled and told people that "Sister Peacock doesn’t sell art, she only sells peacocks". She is sweet and lovely, and 80% of the live broadcast rooms are male netizens.

  Just after picking, the gold was also broadcast live, eating figs live, how to sort and package, how to plant them, and introducing that the orchard with weeds has not used herbicides and fertilizers. A netizen entered the live broadcast room, and he greeted him next to him. "Come, welcome the old irons … …”

  On the morning of September 27th, there were only more than 10 online viewers in the live broadcast room. He said that it was very touching that someone came to watch my live broadcast so early. In the live broadcast room, some people asked to buy fruit, and some people asked to buy seedlings … … He answered patiently one by one.

  After a little leisure, he would sit on the ridge and look up at the sky, lost in thought. In this state, he also made his own Aauto Quicker video, and he often posted it late into the night in the forum, recording in detail his own figs in the past two years. He said that he "sucked powder" by sincerity and hard work.

  In this regard, Liu Cuiping has another view. She said that she should be "new, strange and unique, and she should seize the audience in the first three seconds" and "sometimes she has to be thick-skinned" … … As soon as she shook her hair, she acted like a wait for a while, then turned and walked into the pheasant pen and went to catch the pheasant with open arms. She told Jin, who was holding a mobile phone, that she must shoot a feeling of "very dragging".

  one’s original intention

  I’m afraid I won’t have the strength to re-plan the future in a few years.

  Under the hill, it is Jingu Village in Shaxi Street. Grapes and peaches are planted in the village, which has long been a piece of scale, and some people have invested in building luxurious farmhouses. The local government is also trying to build the village into a cultural tourism project with drainage ability around the ancient city of Langzhong.

  At first, Gold "quietly returned to the village", and contacted a familiar village cadre for consultation. The other party directly advised him not to come back.

  When Jin was a child, his family was poor. He was the first college student in the village to be admitted to an undergraduate course, and he made a fortune in a big city. He worked in Tencent with an annual salary of one million, so everyone should give a thumbs up.

  Come back to farm, everyone thinks this choice is unwise. In April 2017, he began to come back to see the land. It was not until October that he officially signed a 100-mu land transfer contract with Murakami that he told his brother and sister-in-law who were working outside. Brother Huang Jun became angry with his younger brother, but it was too late to stop him.

  Gold left five years’ living expenses for his wife and children, and returned to the village with 2 million savings and a quilt. He said that if he couldn’t do it in five years, he would admit it and then go back to Chengdu to continue to find a job.

  In fact, at that time, he was planning to start a technology company with several partners. Deng Jia, his former colleague in Tencent, told the reporter that he was shocked when Jin told him that he was going to plant fruit. This colleague, who runs games and deals with data and players every day, "crossed the border too much". But now he sees the marketing of gold to his orchard, and he still feels the shadow of his Internet days.

  Liu Cuiping started to do real estate sales in Beijing. After resigning, she ran a real estate sales company in Guangyuan, Sichuan for several years, and the income was very good.

  In 2016, she came back to raise peacocks. Its farm, located in Wufeng Village, Shaxi Street, was the house and land that my uncle bought when raising silkworms. When my uncle stopped raising silkworms, she took the site from my uncle.

  Over the past three years, Liu Cuiping’s peacock farm has invested more than 2 million yuan. At present, it is far from returning to the original, and the monthly income and expenditure can only be basically the same. Liu Cuiping said that she has suffered a lot in recent years. Last time a TV station interviewed her and talked about these bitterness, she cried herself.

  Speaking of the original intention of starting a business, Liu Cuiping laughed and said that it was "hot head" at that time. Gold’s understanding of "fever" is that he is about 30 years old and wants to re-plan his future. "A few years later, I am afraid that I will not have this strength."


  Representatives of new professional farmers hope to lead more villagers to find a good way out.

  In April 2017, Jin resigned from the game company, took his wife and children for a trip, and then officially returned to his hometown to bury his head in farming. He is extremely low-key and afraid to contact his colleagues and friends in the past. For a whole year, his circle of friends has not updated his movements. He is afraid of failure and "criticism", which many people don’t understand and he doesn’t want to explain to others.

  It was not until the end of May 2018 that the orchard began to bear fruit that he took a group of photos in the circle of friends and introduced himself as "one year of silence, intensive cultivation in October, 100 acres of orchard … …” Friends just "watched", and there were more than 200 comments and praises at once.

  A neighbor wanted to invest in planting with him, but he refused. "At that time, he had no bottom in his heart." He was afraid of losing money. "All this money was saved by their frugality." In the Spring Festival of 2019, he began to introduce his orchard and his long-term planning to the villagers. At present, he has received phone calls from seven villagers, saying that he will plant figs this winter and ask him for seedlings.

  Liao Youjun, who works in Shenzhen, is a primary school classmate of Gold. He said that when Gold came back, it was hard for him to understand that he had to give up such a good job and come back to farm as a farmer. When he came home for the Spring Festival this year, he saw Jin "pulling branches and tying strings" alone in the field. He really looked like a farmer, but he was impressed. He has been working in Shenzhen for more than 10 years, but he feels that he will return to his hometown sooner or later, so he is considering planting figs with gold. "Just next to his orchard, start with a few acres of land and step by step."

  Jin said that he expects to recover the cost next year, but the goal is far from being achieved. His ideal is that the whole village will plant figs, so he desperately does online marketing. Langzhong City can digest 1,000 Jin of figs a day, and its own 100 mu can be sold locally, but if more villagers plant them, he will try to sell them to distant places.

  Liu Cuiping also sells her own pheasant seedlings and peacock seedlings online. Recently, she is preparing to open a peacock noodle restaurant in Langzhong ancient city, where peacock handicrafts and peacock eggs are displayed and sold offline. She spared no effort to "raise the powder", but also felt that with more fans, she could "bring goods" and drive other villagers to raise them.

  Tan Chaolin, the stationmaster of the Science and Education Station of Langzhong Agriculture and Rural Bureau, is familiar with gold. He said that gold moved him and made him admire. This young man has confidence, determination and ways. His internet work experience made him do a very good job in marketing. The Agricultural and Rural Bureau specially invited him to give lectures. He was sent to Sichuan Agricultural University to study before. As a result, when he introduced his experience, he suddenly became a "lecturer".

  In Tan Chaolin’s view, under the background of rural revitalization strategy, gold is a typical representative of new professional farmers. Tan Chaolin said that he is also very confident in the fig of gold, and the relevant government units will also give strong support to this project, so that gold can play a leading role in the local area.

  Regarding online marketing, Liu Cuiping is also deeply touched. In the past six months, she has traveled to three provinces and five cities, all of which are for investigation and study, some at her own expense, and some are organized by the government. She said that in Yiwu, you can find various anchors and online celebrity by searching people nearby on WeChat, but in Langzhong, the marketing of traditional industries is still in the traditional routine.

  At the gate of Liu Cuiping’s farm, there are several government-made signs, and the local government also strongly hopes that they will take the lead and lead more villagers to find a good way out.

Xiaomi SU7 21.59, Lei Jun became the man who lifted the table.

Original taoran AI lanmeihui

Author | Tao Ran Wei Xiao

Finally, with the familiar Xiaomi BGM ringing, Lei Jun in a suit and tie went to the center of the stage of Xiaomi SU7 conference.

In the audience, the front row are the heads of five automobile companies-Li Bin, He Xiaopeng, Li Xiang, Wei Jianjun and Zhang Jianyong.

Of course, there is also the concern of the rim and even the whole network-the three-year period has arrived, and Lei Jun has to hand in his homework.

The highlight is that everyone guessed the price for several months: Xiaomi SU7 standard version is 215,900 yuan, PRO version is 245,900 yuan, and MAX version is 299,900 yuan.

The audience exclaimed.

However, Lei Jun is still a little careful. He made so many preparations in the early stage and asked everyone to spray lightly if they have any opinions.

The logic of benchmarking with Tesla Model 3 and Porsche Taycan is very millet and honest.

Insufficient places, do not shy away. But at the same time, I am very confident. When talking about core competitiveness such as intelligent ecology and other higher configuration performance, the platform shouted "far ahead" and then quickly "floated, floated".

However, the sales data undoubtedly gave Xiaomi and Lei Jun a shot in the arm: only 27 minutes after the sale, Xiaomi SU 7 has exceeded 50,000 units.

Lei Jun is still the Lei Jun who lived up to expectations.

After the release of SU7, his last venture also entered a new chapter.

It is certainly difficult to achieve the goal that Xiaomi Automobile will hit the top five global car companies in 15-20 years, but Lei Jun has already taken the first step.

And this first step is a long-lost bombing of the car circle.

Lift the table

Lei Jun was very straightforward on the stage: Xiaomi SU7 was made according to Tesla Model 3.

But in fact, it only includes the standard version and the Pro version: the former configuration is basically the same as the Tesla Model 3 rear-drive version, but the price of 215,900 is 30,000 lower than that of Tesla (245,900), and the parameters of the latter are almost all-round. Rolling the rear-drive Model 3, the price is completely equal to it.

As for the Xiaomi SU7 Max version with a price of 299,900 yuan, Lei Jun said that he wanted to target Porsche Taycan and "leapfrog the benchmark".

Without the 300,000+previously speculated, after the momentum of the rim rushing to lift the millet table passed, Lei Jun used a set of pricing of 21.59-29.99 to lift the biggest one.

In the series of "Lei Jun answers questions from netizens" released some time ago, the top leader of Xiaomi Automobile said that he is a Tesla owner and a Porsche owner, and called the two car companies "time benchmarks" in the history of electric vehicles and sports cars.

However, he also stressed that if Xiaomi wants to build a car, it must be compared with these best car factories in the world: "There must be some places where they do well, and some places where we do well."

Today’s press conference, after pricing and configuration overwhelmed Model 3, Lei Jun mentioned Porsche and once again stressed that dare to compete is to win, and it will definitely surpass it in the future.

Very excited and confident.

Xiaomi SU7 is positioned as a "pure electric luxury car", and Lei Jun’s goal is to become "the best looking, best driving and most intelligent car within 500,000". In addition to Model 3 on PPT, there are actually P7 from Tucki and ET5 from Weilai.

Judging from the official pricing, the current dealer quotation of the latest Model 3 is 245,900-285,900, with 245,900 rear drives and 285,900 long-life four-wheel drives. The price ranges of Tucki P7 and Weilai ET5 are 20.99-339,900 and 298-356,000 respectively, which are almost overlapping.

As for the configuration and performance, as Lei Jun said, it is far ahead-taking the comparison between the new version of Model 3 and the standard version of SU7 as an example, in terms of performance, Model 3 has an acceleration of 6.1s, a peak power of 194kW, a total torque of 340N·m, and a pure electric cruising range of CLTC of 713km. The four data of Xiaomi SU 7 standard edition are 5.28s, 220kW, 400N·m and 700km, which are almost completely beyond the parameter level.

The only two shortcomings that have been circled are: first, the power consumption of 100 kilometers, Xiaomi’s 12.3kWh/100Km lags behind Tesla’s 11.3kWh/100Km, but Lei Jun said that the SU7 battery is bigger and the cruising range is longer when actually used; The other is intelligent driving and computing power, which Tesla leads by a wide margin, but Lei Jun thinks that Xiaomi’s intelligent driving system will be more suitable for the drivers’ physique in China and the domestic road system.

Obviously, Lei Jun is well prepared for the pure electric car market in the range of 200,000-300,000. Just, I don’t know how He Xiaopeng and Li Bin sitting in the audience feel now, where is the way out for P7 and ET5, and how to play the next generation products.

And, Musk on the other side of the ocean will take a look at Xiaomi SU7 with the time difference.

Create another millet

With the release of SU7, Xiaomi also officially entered the new energy track.

The role of Lei Jun has also changed significantly. It used to be Reebs, but now it is Reske. Looking around the world, only Lei Jun has managed to personally grasp the two mainstream smart consumer goods "mobile phone" and "car".

There are no tricks in the process.

In three years, 3,400 engineers spent more than 10 billion yuan on research and development, and of course, the model worker Lei Jun went all out.

The financial report shows that in 2023, Xiaomi invested as much as 19.1 billion in research and development, and it is expected to reach 24 billion in 2024. In innovative businesses such as automobiles, Xiaomi invested 6.7 billion yuan last year. In the words of Lei Jun, he used real money to express his attitude of seriously building cars.

Yes, only by building a car seriously can we get admission tickets. Lei Jun has a clear understanding of this.

Now that Xiaomi Automobile has officially entered the market, Xiaomi has formed a pattern of two-wheel development of the original Xiaomi basic disk and Xiaomi Automobile.

For Xiaomi, this is a brand-new stage of development, and it can even be said that it is an opportunity to recreate a millet.

More than a decade ago, Lei Jun stood on the cusp of smart phones and built a millet with a market value of 100 billion. In the new decade, Lei Jun has put all his accumulated achievements and reputation in life to catch up with the new energy vehicles.

This is Lei Jun’s last venture, and the imagination space is also on the scale of 100 billion.

There are opportunities as well as challenges, depending on whether Xiaomi SU7 can make the first shot.

Lanmeih/ Today’s Topic

Xiaomi SU7, do you have a crush?

Original title: "Xiaomi SU7 21.59, Lei Jun became the man who smashed the table"

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"Spider-Man: Heroic Expedition" Brazil’s first show was full of surprises.

Dutch brother, Jake Gyllenhaal and Jacob Bartrand laughed heartily.

The main creative team of the film Spider-Man: Heroic Expedition, jointly produced by American Columbia Pictures and Marvel Pictures, recently appeared at CCXP in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Actors Tom Holland, Jake Gyllenhaal and Jacob Bartrand attended the event. There was not only close interaction between the main creator and the fans, but also a number of movie materials were released. The new version of Spider-Man’s battle dress was cool and exquisite, and the first trailer was full of material. During the trip to Brazil, the filmmakers were full of sincerity.

Dutch brother, Jake Gyllenhaal and Jacob Bartrand danced live.

Spider-Man’s surprise at the comic exhibition continued, and Dutch brother’s impromptu dance smashed the audience.

The movie Spider-Man: Heroic Expedition recently appeared in the Comic-Con in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This time, the official sent three important roles-Tom Holland, the new version of Spider-Man, Jake Gyllenhaal, the secret guest, and Jacob Bartrand, Spider-Man’s friend Ned. The three leading actors interacted closely with fans at the press conference, and performed an impromptu dance with the famous song September by the famous band Earth, wind&fire, and the atmosphere was instantly ignited.

It is worth mentioning that Tom Holland released a selfie video during the exhibition. At the end of the video, he actually caught Jake Gyllenhaal practicing Spider-Man’s spinning, as if he was playing a spider but was discovered by the owner. Tom froze for a few seconds, then smiled smugly, while Jake Gyllenhaal on the other side closed the door awkwardly. Jake Gyllenhaal is a well-known movie star in Hollywood. He has starred in many blockbusters, including Brokeback Mountain and Source Code. In Spider-Man: Heroic Expedition, he will play the mysterious guest in Spider-Man’s sworn enemy "The Evil Six".

Spider-Man new battle suit

Heavy notice, on-site release of new battle clothes, surprise appearance

In addition to the interaction of the creative team, the film also released two new versions of Spider-Man battle clothes. The first edition is a classic red and blue color matching suit, which is more refined and slim than the first one, and the color tone is darker than the original one, which looks more mature. The other version of the black suit, known as the "stealth suit", is dark and equipped with a pair of special glasses. The most surprising thing is that the suit is wearing a S.H.I.E.L.D. badge, and the identity of Spider in the second part is expected.

In addition to two new battle suits, the first trailer carried a lot of shocking materials and was released. In the trailer, Spider and his classmates came to Europe to play along the Venice Canal. However, the good times did not last long. European cities were suddenly attacked, and Spider-Man stepped forward again. The live fans responded enthusiastically after watching it. It is reported that the new version of the preview will be released globally next week, and the mystery of Spider-Man: Heroic Expedition will be officially unveiled.

Dutch brother and Jacob Bartrand made a surprise appearance.

Spider-Man: The Heroic Expedition is directed by Jon Watts and co-starred by Tom Holland (Spider-Man: The Return of Heroes, Captain America: Civil War), michael keaton (Focus, Bird Man), Jake Gyllenhaal (Source Code, Brokeback Mountain), samuel jackson (Pulp Fiction, Inglourious Basterds) and Zandaya. The film will be held on July 5, 2019.