How to deal with imported fruits when imported cherries are positive?

CCTV News:Following Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, cherries imported from a vegetable wholesale market in Shijiazhuang have also tested positive for nucleic acid recently. Shijiazhuang Municipal Market Supervision Administration issued the "Emergency Notice on Suspending Imported Fruits in the City". From January 24th, the food production and business operation units in Shijiazhuang suspended the purchase of imported fruits. The county market supervision and management bureaus carry out comprehensive investigations on the enterprises that store, process, produce and sell imported fruits within their respective jurisdictions, and all the imported fruits sold on shelves in the whole city shall be sealed off the shelves, and all the imported fruits in existing stocks shall be sealed on the spot.

Although Shijiazhuang officially announced on January 25th that after re-inspection of relevant products and personnel, the test results were all negative, and no COVID-19 virus was found. As soon as the news that many imported cherries were positive came out, many consumers were worried that imported cherries could still be eaten with confidence. What does it mean that its nucleic acid test is positive?

Wu Zunyou, chief epidemiologist of China CDC, said that nucleic acid positivity is not the same as infectivity: on the one hand, the temperature of preserved fruits is higher than that of frozen fish and other foods, and the virus has a short survival time at the temperature of preserved fruits; On the other hand, the nucleic acid test is positive, which may be a live virus or a dead virus or virus fragment, and it is not necessarily contagious. Wu Zunyou reminded that as long as you pay attention to hand hygiene and wash with running water before eating fruit, there should be no risk of infection.

Feng Zijian, deputy director of the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention, also said that positive detection does not mean infection with the virus. "It depends on the amount of pollution, and whether the polluted virus is active." Take Wuxi as an example. The imported cherries in Wuxi are positive for nucleic acid, and the virus load is very low, which will not cause too much infection risk to consumers. Feng Zijian said that people engaged in food processing or handling were infected before because they had been exposed to the virus for a long time and many times. For consumers, imported fruits generally do not cause infection, and they can be safely eaten after cleaning.

Eat Yuanxiao healthily and don’t be willful.

The Lantern Festival is approaching, and the food for family reunion is naturally indispensable. Although Yuanxiao is delicious, it is a high-sugar and high-calorie food. Experts from Changsha CDC reminded that people with "three highs" should eat Yuanxiao as little as possible, and healthy people should also pay attention to healthy eating, so don’t be willful.

Experts remind that the skin of Yuanxiao is sticky, the stuffing is high in sugar and calories, and some of them also contain high fat, which is not easy to digest, so it is not suitable to eat more. In cooking techniques, many people like crispy and delicious fried Yuanxiao, but after high-temperature frying, the oil content of Yuanxiao is higher and more difficult to digest, so it is best to cook it. It is suggested that eating Yuanxiao with green leafy vegetables and other foods rich in dietary fiber can not only reduce the viscosity of food balls in the digestive tract, but also improve the greasy feeling caused by Yuanxiao stuffing. In addition, glutinous rice is the main raw material of Yuanxiao skin, which is more difficult to digest after cooling, so it should be eaten while it is hot, and the intake of staple food should be reduced after eating Yuanxiao.

Experts also reminded that people with hyperglycemia, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and other "three highs", patients with coronary heart disease and acute gastroenteritis should eat less Yuanxiao, so as not to aggravate the condition. Old people and infants with weak chewing, swallowing and digestive functions should also eat Yuanxiao as little as possible, and guardians should pay special attention to them not to be stuck in the esophagus and trachea. (Reporter Peng Fang correspondent Cao Kezhen)

Those Lantern Festival guests must eat delicious food. See if there is anyone you don’t know.

Love yuanxiao

It’s another Lantern Festival, the same festival, different local customs are different, so let’s take a look at the food customs of Lantern Festival all over the country. See if there’s anything else we haven’t eaten.

1. Tangyuan Tangyuan, also known as "Tangtuan" and "Floating Yuanzi", is one of the must-eat delicacies in the Lantern Festival recognized by most people in China. It is said to have originated in the Song Dynasty. It is made of black sesame seeds and pork suet, with a little sugar added, and kneaded into a round shape with glutinous rice flour outside. When cooked, it tastes sweet and soft, with endless aftertaste. Eating glutinous rice balls also means family happiness and reunion in the new year.

2. Yuanxiao Many people confuse glutinous rice balls with Yuanxiao, but they are actually two kinds of food. Yuanxiao is a favorite of northerners. The stuffing is made into blocks and then rolled in a dustpan with glutinous rice noodles. The stuffing sticks to glutinous rice noodles and gets bigger and bigger. When eating, it is cooked or fried. Yuanxiao symbolizes that the days ahead are getting more and more prosperous.

3. The meaning of lettuce: making money is favored by Cantonese people. Cantonese people "steal" lettuce during the Lantern Festival. They mix lettuce with cakes and cook them, which means wealth and good luck.

4. Yuanxiao Tea has the custom of eating Yuanxiao tea in Shaanxi and other places, that is, putting all kinds of vegetables and fruits in hot soup noodles, much like the ancient "Yuanxiao porridge". People in Huangmei county like to call "coriander" Yuanxiao, and the tea made of fried grains and coriander is called Yuanxiao tea. On the one hand, it will be over after the Lantern Festival, and people take out the remaining coriander to make tea. On the other hand, this kind of tea is moisture-free, nutritious and delicious.

6. Camellia oleifera In some places, there is a saying that "15 dozen Camellia oleifera, 16 pinch flat food". The flat forefinger is dumplings, while the camellia oleifera is similar to a kind of salty porridge or sweet porridge pasta snack with vegetables and fruits. During the Chinese New Year, people eat a lot of fish every day. By the Lantern Festival, it is estimated that nothing is more refreshing than a bowl of hot and delicious camellia oleifera.

7. Of course, jiaozi eats jiaozi during the Lantern Festival. On every reunion festival, China people definitely eat jiaozi. Needless to say, most Chinese people eat jiaozi.

8. Jujube Cake Eat jujube cakes during the Lantern Festival in western Henan. Jujube is a vitamin-rich food, with a rich and mellow fragrance, and has always had the reputation of "live vitamin pills". Jujube cake made of red dates has always been a kind of court cake in the past, with rich jujube fragrance, sweet and pleasant taste, mellow and long aftertaste. It is also an auspicious meaning that implies a step-by-step increase.

9. Wheat Cake The area around Pujiang County, Jinhua, Zhejiang Province has the custom of eating steamed buns and wheat cakes during the Lantern Festival. It is said that the reason is that the steamed bread is made of dough and the wheat cake is round, which means "a happy reunion of the hair and grandchildren". Wheat cakes are sweet and salty, the sweet ones are filled with sugar and sesame seeds, and the salty ones are filled with shrimp skin, chopped green onion, diced meat and dried incense, or mixed with eggs, rolled into the size of a round fan and baked. In Pujiang, handy peasant women often entertain their guests with wheat cakes, especially during the Lantern Festival. In Pujiang, almost every household eats wheat cakes.

10. There is a saying in Taizhou that "the fourteenth day of the first month is the Lantern Festival, and every family has a bad soup." People in Taizhou celebrate the Lantern Festival on 14th, 15th and 2nd, and the real midnight snack is the 14th day of the first month. After the Lantern Festival, people in Taizhou generally don’t eat glutinous rice balls, and the whole family sit around and eat bad soup. Bad soup is thickened with mountain flour, so it is also called mountain flour paste. As the old saying goes, the bitter comes first, and the salty soup pays attention to the taste, highlighting the "fresh" taste. It is better to taste it first, and put the "sweet" behind, so we eat salty soup for fourteen nights and sweet soup for fifteen nights.

Different regions have different customs and habits, and there are different foods. In short, they all mean reunion and good luck.

Program and New Media Production: Zhu Fen

Editor: Li Xia Zhao Wenli

Final review: Ma Xiang and the Red Army


Which of the 23 values of love do you value most?

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Intimacy plays an extremely important role in most people’s lives. But even the same pursuit of love, what everyone wants from an intimate relationship is different.

So, what do you pursue in love? Last week, we collected this question from everyone and received many people’s different understandings of love. Let’s have a look. Is there the one you are looking for?


Loyalty, incomparable loyalty.

I am not a person who puts such characteristics as loyalty and singleness in the first place, and I never use a certain standard to ask each other. But after two times of betrayal and deception in my feelings, I realized that loyalty is a very important standard for me, but I used to regard it as a "default" condition. However, not everyone obeys this principle by default in their feelings like me. So, I began to regard this loyalty as my first emotional standard. If you can’t do it, don’t both.


I hope that I can be a listener and confidante with my lover, and share my experiences and feelings all my life. When you see fireworks and puppies, send them to each other as soon as possible or save them in a mobile phone photo album for him to see. When chatting, you spit and cry without scruple, and never hide the darkness and fragility.


What I pursue in love is a unique passion and a long-flowing romance. Whether it is passionate love when I was young or companionship when I was old, the spark of love is different and gorgeous every day, and every bit of life exudes a romantic atmosphere.


I’ve always longed for a close diamond cut diamond love.

My predecessor and friends around me say that I am sometimes too strong, and I admit it. My personality seems to be more suitable for a typical relationship of "women are strong and men are weak", but I am partial. I know myself. Only when the other person is really strong and confident, let me appreciate and admire from the heart and feel pressure at the same time, will I stay in this relationship with satisfaction. I wonder if I can meet such a person again?


I only pursue passionate and short-lived romance and passion in love. I don’t believe in long-term love. I believe those love stories that are full of daily necessities, but I deeply doubt whether such feelings can be called love in the end.

What I want is the purest love, even if it is only for a few hours. I don’t want to last long, just love.


Eager to be seen.

After many years of marriage, he never ignored my efforts and all my living habits and preferences. Is it because he is a science and engineering man?

After reading "My fragrance", I doubt whether this marriage is really worth it.


As soon as I say it, you will understand. Or, you’ll understand before I tell you.


I am extremely looking forward to a person who can give me justice! This fairness is for my personal feelings, not the kind of fairness that both sides come and go.

I always measure whether I am more happy or unhappy when I am in love, because I think the essence of love is also a trade-off. The accumulation of positive emotions is gain, and the accumulation of negative emotions is loss. When I lose too much, I must stop loss in time. Therefore, there will be a balance in my heart. When unhappiness is obviously more important than happiness, I will break up even if I endure the pain. After all, my happiness is the most important.

Don’t say anything like "Are you happy for each other’s happiness?". When you fall in love with your brain in the early stage, you may take pleasure in sacrificing yourself to fulfill each other, but in the long run, something will happen.


What I have been pursuing is to be myself with ease and peace of mind.


In love, I feel that I am eager to be loved. Maybe it’s because of family of origin that she has become very fond of her brain and is changing, because it’s really not good.


Tacit understanding. Always speak in unison or say what the other person wants to say.


What I pursue in love is the little happiness in plain life. I can wake up every night to tuck me in, go home from work and run into the kitchen to finish the housework I’m too lazy to do, wake up in the morning and deliberately scratch me like a kitten’s paw, and then run away. Like a child in front of me, I can go all out for my career and be my strongest backing when I am anxious. There are so many warm things at ordinary times that I can’t remember them at the moment. In short, when I think of him, I will laugh, from the heart.


I hope both of us can remain sincere. Give love sincerely, express it sincerely, face yourself sincerely, and treat this feeling sincerely.


What if you don’t even want to pursue love?


Absolute honesty and trust. Maybe it’s too idealistic, but I want both sides to be naked and unreserved in a relationship, not mindless, but to give their backs to each other completely and enjoy the rainbow together through thick and thin.


What I pursue in love is tolerance and attention.

I am a person who can’t take care of myself and has a lot of small temper. I need my partner to tolerate and accept my living habits, take care of me like my parents and make me happy. At the same time, I also need a lot of attention, and I need him to respond every time when I seek attention, and I can provide some interesting suggestions when I am bored. Although my current partner is not the same as my checklist, he is patient, tolerant and responsive. I can be happy every day and have more energy to focus on what I like.


I want a friend who can talk to me and always talk to me. Passion in love is often unsustainable. Compared with lovers, it is better to be close friends who can talk about life philosophy from poetry and songs.


Absolute possession, absolute freedom

Possession means that we all know clearly that "you are mine". Freedom means that we have independent space and time for each other.


I always hope to find a partner who can share my views, discuss various topics and even debate with me. I am a typical "broad but not refined" person, who knows a lot and is interested in everything, but rarely stays in a pit for a long time. So I hope to find such a person, so that I can share and discuss with her at any time. It would be better if I can hold different views. I prefer to seek common ground while reserving differences, and I can respect each other while developing our ideas.


I want a comfortable relationship. When I get along with each other, I don’t need too much scheming. I can say whatever I want and do whatever I want. I can be myself with confidence and boldness. The other party likes my advantages and can tolerate my minor faults, so both of them can feel comfortable and at ease in the unique magnetic field.


I pursue a partner who can empathize with me and always support me.

I have a lot of thoughts in my feelings, and I am a sensitive person. Sometimes I cry easily. Even my parents sometimes can’t understand my emotions and behaviors. Therefore, I hope my future partner will be a person with strong empathy and can give me affirmation and comfort when I am sensitive and fragile.

Probably it is also a sensitive reason. Although I have a lot of ideas, I am often not confident. I gave up as soon as others persuaded me to quit. But if someone around me can give me a little affirmation, I will actually rush. I hope my partner can be such a person who will support my decision when I am not firm and let me realize my ideas more freely.


That conviction and peace of mind. Even if you don’t reply to the information in time, you won’t be too worried or angry; Will share interesting news and photos in the first time; When good dishes are served, they will be fed without opening their mouths; Don’t stick together, do what you like, and come and ask for a hug from time to time … Good love should not make you anxious.


Why do you have to pursue something in love? I think every relationship in my past has its own unique bright spot. The reasons why I love everyone and cherish every relationship are also different, and there is nothing I pursue in my relationship.

KY author said:

When I was a teenager, I thought about the meaning of love to people. Later, when I grew up, I found that this question had no meaning at all, because there was no fixed standard answer, only the best answer for everyone.

Just like the answer sheet of life, each has its own reasons and its own wonderful things. Quantifiable standards such as money, status and life span are not worthy of being measured.

However, the appearance of various voices and answers is not to disturb the audience, but to provide a "reference answer", a possibility of "not yet seen".

We put the answers on the table, surround and examine them, like going shopping in the mall to buy shoes, holding them over and over in our hands, and trying to put them on for two steps. I can see that it is infinitely good in the future, and I can also see the bad things that need to be endured behind the glamorous fantasy. Then I finally decided, "Well, that’s it" or "Let’s see".

In any case, the choices you make have to be borne by yourself, just like the shoes you buy are put on your feet. You may not notice whether they look good or not, but only you know whether they are comfortable or not.

I hope we can all know what we want, find what we want, and what we want is the most suitable.

"extreme commuting" blows up the network! Workers, how long does it take you to commute to work every day?

Attention, all workers! Elephant wants to ask one thing: How long does it take you to commute to work every day?

In the past two days, the statement of "extreme commuting" detonated the internet, because a woman commuted 6.5 hours a day, which shocked netizens.

Miss Jin, who lives in Zhujing Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai, works in a company in Yangpu District. Because of the long distance, she has to ride an electric bike to the bus stop first. After taking the bus for an hour and a half, transfer to the subway. After arriving at the station, take the shuttle bus to work in the park where the company is located. It takes 3 hours and 15 minutes for one way, and it costs 800 yuan every month.

Miss Jin said that if you drive, the one-way trip is about 100 kilometers, and the one-way trip in the morning and evening peaks will take nearly 2 hours. Together with the fuel, tolls and parking fees, the monthly cost will be about 5,000 yuan. "I have also tried to rent a house near the company, but the cost is higher."

Commuting is an unavoidable topic for every migrant worker. And miss Jin’s way to work, let a person call away from the big spectrum.

However, there are not a few people who commute to work every day like Miss Jin, and many migrant workers have cried in the comment area.

Extreme commuting, in other words, is the exhaustion of young people. Some netizens calculated the account for Miss Jin: "24 hours a day, conservatively speaking, 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep, plus 6.5 hours on the road, three meals a day, a total of 1 hour, and 0.5 hours may not even be enough for makeup time, not to mention other things."

According to the data, over 14 million people in China are suffering from extreme commuting for more than 60 minutes. Studies generally believe that long commuting will reduce people’s happiness, but some financial experts believe that long commuting time is bad for individuals, but not necessarily "bad" for the development of enterprises and cities. Long commuting may increase residents’ income and stimulate household consumption.

Some papers even wrote: "Internet consumption has become an important consumption channel for office workers and a way to use commuting time, which is conducive to alleviating the negative impact of long commuting time and improving residents’ commuting happiness."

Perhaps, as some experts say, long commuting may increase residents’ income and stimulate household consumption. However, in today’s hot search for the topic of "why don’t young people XX", who is really concerned about the needs and difficulties of young people?

Congested traffic, time-consuming commuting, high-stress nerves, endless work, humble income and expensive rent are serious problems that most ordinary young people in China are facing, which has already overwhelmed young people.

Eight hours of work is enviable, and 6.5 hours of extreme commuting is really killing me.


Visiting the "isolation examination room" of the college entrance examination: What are the differences between special examination rooms?

  On July 3rd, the staff (right) simulated the temperature test results of the candidates in zhounan middle school, Changsha. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, July 3 (Reporter Xie Ying Zhang Ge) The college entrance examination is just around the corner, and the preparations for the college entrance examination under the epidemic situation are also under intense pressure. On the 3rd, the reporter participated in the college entrance examination exercise in zhounan middle school, and visited the "isolation examination room" exclusively.

  At the test center in zhounan middle school, Changsha, the warning stakes, warning tape and sunshade awning erected in front of the school gate were neatly placed, and more than 100 "candidates" lined up outside the test center at a distance of one meter to receive infrared temperature measurement.

  On July 3, the staff (right) simulated the arrangement of examination seats for the fever candidates. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  "Candidates whose body temperature is higher than 37.3 degrees Celsius will be led by the epidemic prevention commissioner to rest in the rest area, and then re-examined with a mercury thermometer. If the temperature is lower than 37.3 degrees Celsius, they can take the test normally. If the candidate’s body temperature is still higher than 37.3 degrees Celsius, after comprehensive evaluation, the candidate’s physical condition is suitable for continuing to take the exam, then the standby isolation examination room will be started. " Liu Luochun, dean of Changsha Education Examinations Institute, said.

  Zhang Siyu, a senior two student in zhounan middle school, plays a "suspected case". "In the re-examination room, the disease control personnel asked me ‘ Condition ’ At the same time, you have been giving me psychological counseling. Tell me ‘ Don’t be nervous, just have a simple test, and it won’t affect the exam ’ 。”

  On July 3, the medical staff (middle) simulated the rest area in the body temperature check area to appease the mood of candidates with high body temperature. Candidates will receive a second temperature test after taking a short rest in the rest area to prevent the temperature from being affected by excessive temperature and emotional tension. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  After that, Zhang Siyu was guided to a special passage by medical staff and went to the isolation examination room. In the examination room, two invigilators, wearing protective clothing, goggles and gloves, carried out security check on Zhang Siyu.

  There are epidemic prevention supplies such as temperature guns, disinfectant and disposable gloves on the podium in the isolation examination room. There are only four examination tables in the examination room, and the seat spacing is more than 2 meters. In addition, there is a letter to parents on each desk: "We have opened a backup examination room for your child, and the facilities and time schedule of the examination room are the same as those of other examination rooms". "After the examination is completed, you and your child need to wear masks strictly, and you are not allowed to take public transport or school buses to take the exam, and try not to get in close contact with others" … …

  On July 3, the medical staff (first from left) simulated and led the fever examinee (middle) to enter the isolated standby examination room from the special passage of the isolated examination room. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  The reporter learned in the on-site exercise that it only took less than 20 minutes for the "suspected case" candidates to measure their body temperature and enter the isolation examination room. If the isolation examination room starts the examination later than the normal examination time, the examination time can be postponed later.

  "There are school doctors and professionals from the disease control department in the test center, which will comprehensively judge the symptoms of candidates and give them proper treatment in time. After the candidates finish the exam, they will also be tested by a special person. " Luo Shu, the invigilator of the isolation examination room, said.

  On July 3, the medical staff simulated the physical condition of the candidate (right) in the temperature check area. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  After the examination, the group examination work in the isolation examination room is still going on. The test papers, answer sheets and draft papers used by candidates with "suspected cases" should be packaged, sterilized and stored separately for special collection. The epidemic prevention personnel will also sterilize the examination room, examination table and door handle to prepare for the next subject examination.

  On July 3, the staff (right) simulated the security check for the fever candidates. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  Liu Luochun told reporters that the isolation examination room is a special setting for the college entrance examination under the epidemic situation. Each test center will conduct centralized training and group examination drills for examinees before the college entrance examination to ensure the safety of candidates and the smooth examination. "In fact, there is nothing different about the isolation examination room for candidates, just changing places."

  On July 3, the staff of the Kaifu District Center for Disease Control and Prevention simulated the isolation of the spare examination room. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuxi photo

  "I can imagine that college entrance examination candidates will inevitably feel nervous under the epidemic, but I feel the safety and order of the examination process and the completeness and intimacy of the group examination from the exercise. I believe that even in the isolation examination room, this life exam can be successfully completed. " Zhang Siyu said.

The beauty industry has been bombarded: sunscreen spray causes white lungs, and hydrating products are all "IQ taxes"?

Image source: vision china

Blue whale financial reporter Wang Hanyi

"Sunscreen spray may lead to the risk of white lung. Can the relevant tips be implemented on every package?" "When will the hydration lie end?" "If there are problems with the test report and various lists, what can consumers believe?"

Recently, a video about "female R&D engineers after 1995 questioned experts at the skin care industry conference" attracted attention. At present, the specific identity of the woman in the video, the information of the industry conference she attended and who the industry experts she questioned are still unclear, but the three issues raised by the woman and some industry status reflected behind these issues are worth discussing.

Is it true that using sunscreen spray on the face causes pneumonia?

An emergency doctor who didn’t want to be named told Blue Whale Financial reporter that the ingredients in sunscreen spray are generally non-toxic to the body, but some sunscreen sprays do contain high-risk ingredients. "It is common for chemicals to cause skin allergies, and lung cancer is an example. If you hold your breath or cover your mouth and nose when using it, the spray will not have any adverse effects on your body."

In fact, some sunscreen sprays also have tips on how to use them correctly when selling. Blue Whale Financial reporter searched on the shopping platform with "sunscreen spray" as the key word, and randomly selected an adult spray and a child spray, both of which had relevant risk warnings or precautions such as "Do not inhale when using" and "Not recommended for people with respiratory diseases".

A research and development personnel in the front line of cosmetics production told Blue Whale Financial reporter: "At present, there is really no clear provision requiring sunscreen sprays to indicate the use method on the packaging, but many sunscreen sprays will be indicated on the details page or packaging."

Bai Yunhu, an expert in cosmetics industry management, said: "Whether it is necessary to mark some possible risk warnings on products, similar to the’ warning’ information marked on cigarettes by the tobacco industry, depends on industry norms and regulatory requirements. In most cases, CFDA (China Food and Drug Administration) has professional judgment, and if necessary, it will formulate relevant laws and regulations. For example, there are strict requirements for the identification of the sun protection index, and sun protection is also a special cosmetic, which needs to be filed separately. "

Adult sunscreen spray details page Image source: Cut from Taobao

Children’s sunscreen spray details page Image source: Cut from Taobao

In addition, the reporter of Blue Whale Finance also interviewed consumers who would buy such products every day. Everyone said that it is common sense to avoid inhaling sunscreen spray, just like "inhaling smog and dust may cause pneumoconiosis". In fact, it’s not just sunscreen spray, but also the prickly heat powder used by children is risky to inhale.

Bing Han, the initiator of rational skin care and a doctor of dermatology at Tongji University, also said in his popular science article that sunscreen spray itself is safe, but it is unsafe to inhale sunscreen spray in respiratory tract. "It is very easy to use sunscreen spray correctly and avoid risks. I hope that everyone will not understand it as’ sunscreen spray causes pneumonia and must not be used.’ This is one-sided and wrong. "

It is worth noting that the sunscreen ingredients added in the sunscreen spray may be solid particles like titanium dioxide, and other soluble sunscreen ingredients such as emulsifiers and solvents may also cause lung damage after being inhaled into the respiratory tract. "Therefore, for the sake of consumer safety, especially for some careless consumers who are not very informed about it, the industry should really print the risk warning more prominently." Ice cold is called.

Is "hydrating" a lie?

The above-mentioned doctor said: "The general hydrating skin care products really can’t achieve the function of hydrating the skin. At most, it is to repair the stratum corneum when the skin is dry in autumn and winter, and human skin can maintain the balance of water and oil."

Although hydrating products can’t "replenish" water directly, they have certain soothing and moisturizing effects, which can increase the moisture content of users’ skin epidermis in a short time and reduce water loss, which is actually "hydrating" in the eyes of ordinary consumers.

Some industry veterans said, "There is important information hidden in the video, only saying that’ so-and-so hydration is invalid’. If the conclusion that the hydrating product is invalid is taken out of context. "

In fact, "hydrating" is just a conventional name, not all water enters the skin. Take the hydrating mask as an example, the patch mask has a function called hydration. To put it simply, the mask is attached to the face, which will soften the cuticle of the skin, that is, the skin is hydrated. "Skin hydration can accelerate the absorption of nutrients, like a kind of infrastructure. Therefore, I don’t recognize that hydrating is an IQ tax. " The above R&D personnel said.

After using the hydrating products, the water will still evaporate, and more importantly, how to retain the water. The "hydrating spray" on the market, take a bottle with you and spray it when your face is dry; Trying to absorb water by slapping hard is actually a misunderstanding of skin care caused by not understanding the principle of skin care. A more effective way is to take advantage of the short hydration time of the stratum corneum and use moisturizing products to retain water. Retaining water is what everyone often says about moisturizing and locking water. Skin care is a systematic project, and it can’t be a single efficacy theory.

Is the sunscreen effect test reliable?

Blue whale financial reporter learned that the standard method for testing sunscreen is human body test. In the test of SPF value and PA value, it is necessary to manually interpret the erythema and melanosis of skin.

For the human testing method of sunscreen, national standards are different. China, Japan, the United States, Australia and the European Union use the human testing method of at least 10 subjects for SPF testing. Among them, the EU standard is ISO24444;; Japanese standard is JCIA; of Japan Cosmetics Industry Association; China is the Technical Specification for Cosmetic Safety in 2015. Even if these standards are generally consistent, changes in details will affect the final test results, such as reference substance, smear area, irradiation measurement and so on.

This leads to that even if the results are tested according to the requirements, they will change because of the skin quality, race, state and even seasons of the subjects. Therefore, even if the same sunscreen product has different results in two human tests, it is normal.

In this regard, Bing Han believes: "The testing institution of sunscreen products is a designated institution, and its management is relatively strict. It must have CMA certification. From the recruitment of subjects, experiments and data statistics to the issuance of the final report, it must follow the norms, and the laboratory must regularly re-examine and parallel reference. It is not easy to obtain the inspection qualification of sunscreen products. Falsification will not only ruin your job, but also ruin your reputation. If I were the leader of a sunscreen testing institution, I wouldn’t take this risk. "

For the above viewpoints, what do the post-95 formulators think of the "rights fighter" in the video? The Blue Whale financial reporter contacted the blogger of the "skin care industry documentary for Lingfei" account, but as of press time, he has not received a reply yet.

According to the data of 36Kr Research Institute, the market size of precision skin care in China will be 48.8 billion yuan in 2022, and it is estimated that the market size will exceed 100 billion yuan in 2026, reaching 123.6 billion yuan. Consumers pay more and more attention to skin health and skin care, so they are more likely to be "anxious".

For consumers, they should learn more about relevant popular science knowledge and avoid being "kidnapped" by deliberate anxiety.


Do you need hot cars in winter?

In cold weather, whether it is necessary to warm up the car has always been a concern of car owners. In some areas, the engine needs to run at high idle speed for a period of time to reach the normal working temperature. Specifically, the fast idle speed of cold car is to let the engine run at a high speed for tens of seconds to about 1 minute, and after the water temperature reaches the temperature set by the driving computer, the idle speed returns to normal. The normal working temperature of the engine is generally 80-90℃, and the calibration of individual engines is about 100℃, but it is not necessary to make the engine reach this temperature in daily hot cars. Generally, the coolant temperature is 60℃ and the engine oil temperature is above 50℃, which can meet the requirements. In addition, the fast idle speed of the cold car is not only for the temperature of the engine, but also for the engine to inject more fuel to preheat and let the three-way catalyst enter the working temperature as soon as possible to reduce automobile emissions. A secondary air pump is also installed in the American standard large-displacement car to preheat the three elements and control emissions during idling. Therefore, it is necessary to warm up the car in winter, but it is not necessary to warm up the car for a long time.

The temperature reached a record high in September, and 2023 may become the hottest year on record.

  According to Xinhua News Agency, CCTV News and other media reports, Copernicus Climate Change Service, the European Union’s climate monitoring agency, said on the 5th that September this year was the hottest September on record, and the global average surface temperature was 16.38 degrees Celsius, 0.93 degrees Celsius higher than the average in the same period from 1991 to 2020, and 0.5 degrees Celsius higher than the previous hottest September, that is, September 2020. 2023 may become the hottest year on record.

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  On July 13, 2022, in the glass pyramid square of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France, a woman put iced mineral water on her face to relieve the heat (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

  The high temperature weather is spread all over the world mainly because the ocean temperature has been abnormally high and continuous since spring.

  According to Copernicus Climate Change Service, September 2023 is the "most abnormal warm month" since 1940. The global average temperature in this month is 1.75 degrees Celsius higher than that in September from 1850 to 1900 (before industrialization). The earliest data collected by ERA5, a meteorological database in european centre for medium-range weather forecasts, was recorded in 1940.

  The Associated Press quoted Carlo Buontempo, director of Copernicus Climate Change Service Bureau, as saying that the temperature in September this year was "amazing" and "there has never been a month like this in our records".

  According to the report "Global Climate Status" released by the World Meteorological Organization, 2016 is the hottest year on record. Copernicus Climate Change Service predicts that this record will be broken this year.

  The global average temperature from January to September this year was 1.4 degrees Celsius higher than that from 1850 to 1900, 0.52 degrees Celsius higher than that from 1991 to 2020, and 0.05 degrees Celsius higher than that in 2016.

  Buontempo said that this year’s hot weather has spread all over the world, mainly because the ocean temperature has been abnormally high since spring and has not dropped to the usual level in September. He believes that the El Ni? o phenomenon has played a certain role in the high global temperature this year, but the greater impact is the overall warming trend.

  Copernicus Climate Change Service said that in September this year, the average sea surface temperature from 60 degrees north latitude to 60 degrees south latitude reached 20.92 degrees Celsius, the highest in the same period on record, second only to the highest record set in August this year.

  According to the Paris Agreement reached in 2015, all parties will strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change, control the global average temperature increase within 2 degrees Celsius compared with the pre-industrial level, and make efforts to control the temperature increase within 1.5 degrees Celsius.

  There are frequent island fires, and the summer temperatures in many islands are above average.

  At the beginning of September this year, the website of Spain’s Confidential newspaper mentioned in the report that one month after the summer solstice, the Greek islands of Crete, Corfu and Evia caught fire on all sides. The fire destroyed more than 14,000 hectares of land and killed more than 20 people. A few days later, another island caught fire, and this time it was Sicily’s turn. At the same time, on the other side of the globe, Maui Island (located in the Hawaiian Islands) was also burned into ruins. The fire killed 115 people, and with the rescue work, the death toll will rise. Just when Spain thought there would be no more fires this summer, another fire broke out on Tenerife Island, which turned into the worst fire this summer. All fires have one thing in common: they originated from the island. This is unusual. So what are the causes of all these fires?

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  On September 7, in Washington, DC, a man drank water to resist the hot weather. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

  Summer temperatures in Tenerife, Hawaii, Sicily and Crete are all above average. However, this is not the only reason for these fires. Experts pointed out that in recent years, fires occurred in dry conditions and also in bad weather conditions.

  Although all these fires seem to be more like a coincidence, scientific observation stations have not observed any coincidence or fixed pattern in the course of several recent fires. Experts pointed out that many meteorological factors may lead to this situation. In the next few months or years, or there will be a study to analyze this in detail.

  On the other hand, Hawaii, Tenerife and Sicily are all volcanic islands, so it is easier to ignite fires to some extent. They themselves have a historic fire mechanism, which depends on their volcanic activity. Another reason is that these islands are rugged, and once a fire breaks out, it is more difficult to put it out. The wind that affects the island is also much stronger than that on the mainland. In addition, in the process of reducing agricultural and forestry production, such as in Hawaii or Canary Islands, the reduction of land management means that the population is highly concentrated in coastal areas, because it is more suitable for developing tourism. However, there is a lack of management inside the island, neither agricultural management nor forestry management. Once a fire breaks out, these areas are easily affected by such disasters.

  Experts point out that there will be many fires in the future, and all kinds of environments will be affected by them, including urban areas, which people thought would be spared more or less. Scientists’ predictions seem to be getting more and more accurate — — The summer of the earth will be shrouded in fire. And the "perfect storm" that brought all this is not accidental. All indications show that climate change is the main reason for the increasingly destructive, frequent, unpredictable and violent fires every year.

  Jimu News integrates Xinhua News Agency, CCTV News and Reference News Network, etc.

In order to make everyone pay attention to themselves, the stars have put together.

  Gao Xixi (Middle)

  Lu Han; Aires

  Wallace Chung

  What are the most lively days of Shanghai International Film Festival? The first two days of the opening ceremony.

  After walking the red carpet at the opening ceremony, most of the stars chose to stay one more day to promote their own films.

  Therefore, these two days are the days with the most film festivals.

  Zhang Ziyi, Jason Wu, Hugh, Zhang Yi, Deng Chao, Wallace Chung, Zhou Yiwei, Gao Xixi, Shao Bing, Lu Han, Shu Qi, Zhang Jiahui, Guan Xiaotong, Hu Jun, Guo Degang … … There are nearly a hundred stars shining on the beach.

  When stars get together, the most important thing is, of course, to find a topic and attract attention. In these two days, no matter how big a star is, he has to make some moves to become the focus.

  Trick 1: Fight for the right time and play the father’s love card.

  Stars: Deng Chao, Yu Baimei, Gao Xixi

  June 16th is Father’s Day, so playing "Father’s Love Card" is a good way to suit the occasion.

  Looking Up, co-directed by Deng Chao and Yu Baimei, held an advanced viewing in Shangxi Theater. There was a long queue in front of the theater one hour in advance.

  After the screening, Yu Baimei explained why he wanted to shoot Looking Up: "My child is over 5 years old, and Deng Chao has two children, one is 8 years old and the other is 5 years old. Like everyone else, we encounter many puzzles in life and can’t solve problems. This movie tells us what we both want to say most as fathers or as sons. "

  The "father-son relationship" here is touching, and Gao Xixi, the director of the film Eight Sons, which will be released this Friday, is even more clever — — Father’s Day is his birthday.

  Liu Duanduan, Shao Bing and Yue Hong, starring in Eight Sons, sang birthday songs with hundreds of fans in the audience to celebrate Gao Dao’s birthday. A video was also broadcast on the scene, recording the scene when Gao Dao’s daughter sang a song to explore the crew of Eight Sons.

  Gao Xixi said frankly: "This film has a very special meaning to me, and it entrusts me with a love and tribute to my hometown red land. In addition, as I told my daughter, we made this film mainly to show it to young people, hoping that they can know more about ‘ Hero ’ These two words also cherish everything today. "

  Trick 2: seize the geographical position and get the maximum diffusion surface through the fan base.

  Stars: Lu Han, Shu Qi

  To say that the most popular star in Shanghai on 16th was Lu Han.

  The sci-fi film "Shanghai Fortress" directed by Huatao Teng and starring Lu Han and Shu Qi held a press conference, and the hotel lobby was full of fans.

  What makes Qianbao reporter curious is that the fans who are waiting in the lobby and holding the sign "Lu Han" consciously give up a passage.

  Is Lu Han going to walk through the lobby and the fans? As a rule, this is unlikely.

  But this day is no ordinary day. At about 1 pm, Lu Han got off a business car and, surrounded by several bodyguards, really came in directly from the lobby. The scene was once very chaotic, but fans or passers-by who took photos and videos at the same time began to spread wildly in social media such as friends circle and Weibo.

  At the press conference, director Huatao Teng first exposed the reasons for choosing Lu Han, two key words — — "juvenile sense" and "fighting righteousness"

  "When the deer first debuted, I took a fancy to his sense of youth at first sight and thought he was Jiang Yang in the movie. Because the preparation period is relatively long, I will start shooting soon after 3 years and go to see him again. He has not forgotten our agreement, and the sense of youth has not diminished. "

  In the movie, Lu Han has been secretly in love with Shu Qi, but he did not dare to confess. Lu Han was ashamed. "We are at war with alien civilizations, and there is no time for secret love.".

  Shu Qi smiled and said, "When I took this play, I asked Teng Dao first. Who is the character Jiang Yang? After learning that it was Lu Han, I thought I could pick it up. ".

  Trick 3: Talk about people and make a measured disclosure.

  Stars: Zhou Yiwei, Wallace Chung, Jason Wu, Darren Wang, Daxun Wei and Peng Yuchang.

  A little breaking news at the press conference is also a common trick for stars to catch their eyes.

  In the movie "Liberation", Zhou Yiwei plays the artillery in the film. He has a loud voice, basically shouts, and is often thirsty, so the set must have a "thermos cup". Wallace Chung recalled that he had worn out several pairs of leather gloves for the crew to complete complex action scenes.

  In The Climbers, where superstars gather, the press conference is the most lively. Because both Jason Wu and Hugh have a lot of fans, there are also many scalpers outside the stadium.

  Jason Wu said that he likes mountain climbing, but because of his leg injury, he hasn’t been there at an altitude of more than 6 thousand meters. In order to shoot The Climbers, he went to the Xuefeng Mountain in Gangshika, Qinghai Province to experience life. It was January, and in the cold winter, he was dismissed because of a cold. After two days’ rest, he wanted to rush to the top, but his body did not allow him to do so.

  The release of the comedy "Great Wish" directed by Yu-sheng Tian, the director of "Former" series, directly made Wang Dalu, Daxun Wei and Peng Yuchang form a "Wish Brothers Group".

  The three men talked to each other, and the golden sentences were frequent, which caused laughter at the scene.

  For example, Darren Wang vomited that Daxun Wei was "too tall to play high school students".

  Daxun Wei responded: "Probably Tian Dao saw that my temperament was outstanding. Thanks to Tian Dao’s trust, I returned to 18 years old."

  For Peng Yuchang, who was lying in bed almost all the time in the movie, Daxun Wei teased him for "acting only with Adam’s apple".

  Not to mention the war of words, the three male hosts also "joined hands", successfully unlocked the classic disco dance steps and the iconic movements of the men’s team in the interactive session, and pushed the atmosphere of the conference to a climax in a hot song and dance and the old square dance.