The myth of "heart-stabbing" gym: How many times have you been there since you got the card?

  Beijing, Jan. 23 (Yu Wang): "Swimming, fitness, find out." I don’t know when, you can always hear such a voice at street intersections. Behind it, in addition to countless gyms springing up like mushrooms after rain in recent years, it also reflects the rise of the national fitness boom. However, correspondingly, although more and more people walk into the gym, it is more common to give up halfway. Why on earth is this happening?

  According to the White Paper on Fitness Industry in China in 2016-2017 published by relevant institutions, the fitness population in China has increased at an average annual rate of 10% in recent years, and the awareness of national fitness has become stronger and stronger. Fitness has gradually become one of the public’s concerns at present and in the future, and national fitness has become a trend.

  At the same time, the gym has become the choice of more people with fitness needs. According to the Report on Market Demand Forecast and Investment Prospect of Gym Industry in China from 2017 to 2022 released by Zhiyan Consulting, the size of China’s gym market will approach 90 billion in 2017, and it is expected to maintain a compound annual growth rate of 12% in the next five years, reaching 123 billion yuan in 2020. In addition, according to statistics, there are currently 37,627 gymnasiums in China, the number of which has surpassed that of the United States.

  Why do gyms get more and more people’s favor? Some experts said: On the one hand, gyms provide rich equipment to meet the needs of different groups of people, and can provide different choices for different body parts that need exercise; On the other hand, commercial gyms are generally equipped with professional coaches for guidance. While enhancing physical fitness, you can gain a good figure and get the maximum effect in limited leisure time, which is in line with the pain points of the current urban population.

  However, when people apply for a fitness card at a high price after careful choice, how to develop the habit of continuous fitness has become an oncoming problem for many newcomers in the gym. In the face of day-to-day exercise, strict diet control, laziness or even giving up has become a common phenomenon of this group of people. Some insiders revealed to the reporter of Zhongxin. com: "At present, 70% members of the gym can’t develop the habit of continuous fitness."

  Wang Qian, who works in Beijing, is one of these 70%. A year ago, she was attracted by the gym leaflets distributed downstairs by the company, and she applied for a fitness year card not far from the company. However, after insisting on going there several times, Wang Qian found that fitness was something that she found hard to accept. "The process of fitness is very boring and tiring, and it has a high control over diet."

  Wang Qian, a company project, has been very busy for a month, and she finds it hard to summon up the courage to go into the gym. Every time after work, Wang Qian will rush through the gym, and in her spare time, she will find various reasons to convince herself. Over time, Wang Qian completely lost interest in the gym.

  Wang Qian told reporters that if she hadn’t tidied up her purse some time ago, she would have forgotten that she had ever had a fitness card. As for why she wanted to go to the gym at the beginning, she had already thrown it away, so without any hesitation, she threw this fitness card into the depths of the drawer.

  Although friends around me mentioned this matter, they all felt sorry for her money hitting Shui Piao, but Wang Qian, who has always claimed to be a "Buddhist youth", said: "Why do you have to embarrass yourself and do things you don’t want to do?" After the fitness card expired, she naturally did not choose to renew it.

  As the owner of a gym with thousands of people in Beijing, Qiao Liang believes that the reason why many people give up is that their beliefs are not firm enough. "In fact, fitness will not only bring about qualitative changes to the body, but also temper the mind." He said, "To be able to walk into the gym and stick to it, this person’s will and mentality must be very good. Relatively speaking, if he can’t stick to it, there are impetuous factors in it, except subconsciously."

  Qiao Liang revealed that according to statistics, the annual renewal rate of the gym he runs is less than 20%. Apart from factors such as changes in the living environment of members, this data also reflects that there are still many people who lack long-term fitness plans. "The number of people who can persist in one year is even less." Qiao Liang said that this situation is widespread in Beijing.

  To measure whether a gym is professional, besides the number and types of equipment and the variety of courses, the professionalism of fitness instructors is also the most important thing to inspect. Undeniably, the fitness instructor not only plays a multiplier role for the bodybuilders, but also provides them with the function of accompanying and supervising. There are also more than one bodybuilder who told reporters that their ability to keep exercising has a lot to do with the fitness coach.

  "Fitness is to eat better things." Yang Jing said that what the coach said to her on the first day of fitness became the biggest motivation for her to grit her teeth and enter the gym every day.

  As a new media editor, Yang Jing, who graduated only two years ago, not only developed the habit of sedentary due to work, but also "swelled up" at a speed visible to the naked eye. "My salary has not risen much, but my weight has risen a lot. Every time I go home on holiday, my family will sigh that I am fat again."

  At the same time, knowing that she doesn’t have strong enough perseverance, whenever she makes up her mind to step into the gym, how to stick to it has repeatedly become the main reason why she flinches before "getting a foot in the door". Finally, six months ago, following the advice of a friend, Yang Jing got his first fitness card and hired a personal trainer.

  But in the first class, the strictness of the coach made Yang Jing, who didn’t like sports since childhood, suffer enough. It never occurred to her that a coach who usually looks polite can almost be described as "heartless" in every class. "There are 20 opening jumps in each group, and I have to do four groups. I have no strength when I sit in the third group, but the coach will only let me rest for a while and then finish the rest." Yang Jing said that "being lazy" became a forbidden area that she couldn’t reach in the gym.

  High-intensity training courses often make Yang Jing ache all over the next day and can hardly get out of bed. But what made her collapse even more was that when she told the coach about this and hoped that the coach could reduce the workload of the next training as appropriate, all she got was "just practice more." So she had to bite the bullet and walk into the gym again as planned.

  Nevertheless, Yang Jing has to admit that the existence of the coach has benefited him a lot. "If there is no coach, I can’t complete these movements at all, and I may give up halfway." Yang Jing said frankly that the coach’s company and encouragement can eliminate her fatigue and boredom during exercise.

  At the same time, the coach also told Yang Jing to write down her progress and the whole fitness process, because it can give you a sense of accomplishment, and help you understand how far and how fast she ran or walked, how much calories she burned, and how much progress she made. Use these to challenge herself and set new goals.

  Today’s Yang Jing will consciously go to the gym to exercise even if there is no coach’s supervision. "Sometimes I don’t go to the gym for a few days, and I always feel uncomfortable without anything." After every party, Yang Jing would go to the gym for a run and sweat, which she said would reduce her "guilt".

  On the question-and-answer platform of Zhihu, one question asked, "How do you stick to fitness after you get a fitness card?" The Q&A has been read by nearly 500,000 people and caused extensive discussion. Some netizens said, "If it’s so painful to insist, don’t go." Some netizens also said: "I have gained attitude and courage to face life from fitness. So I insist and hope that I will pursue it to the end. " "It is worthwhile to plan ahead for health, no matter how difficult it is."

  Some people think that the gym exists to meet those who need to exercise but have no equipment and suitable environment, so they should become a bodybuilder first, and then they will become a bodybuilder who needs a gym. Qiao Liang is deeply impressed by this.

  He believes that bodybuilders should change their cognition from "I have to go to the gym" to "I want to go to the gym". The key to "insisting on going to the gym" is not whether to go to the gym or not, but whether you think it is important to improve your physical fitness from the bottom of your heart and actively adopt different training methods to strengthen yourself. "

  Five years ago, when Jia Xuan first stepped into the gym, he was shocked by the intense atmosphere in front of him and countless muscular bodybuilders. Since he was weak, he also hoped to become healthier through fitness.

  In order to avoid exercising aimlessly in the gym like a headless fly, he made a rigorous fitness plan for himself from the first day and approved it every 4-6 weeks. "The information is all found online, and setting a plan and goal can help me stick to it better."

  Jia Xuan believes that it is also very important to have a "comrade-in-arms" who fights side by side during the fitness process. "Going to fitness with friends will help to better implement the fitness plan and support and encourage each other." Jia Xuan said, "There will be situations where friends compete secretly, but this is also a competition with themselves. Over time, they have developed the habit of continuous breakthrough."

  What impressed Jia Xuan most was that the gym at that time was not large, and when there were many people, there would be many people queuing to use one equipment. When he lamented that there were so many people, an "old gun" in the gym told him, "Nothing, you will never see most people again in a few weeks." Sure enough, most of them went every other day to every three days, then every five days, and never showed up again.

  "I don’t think that the so-called insistence on going to the gym and running can really bring me a sense of superiority or enhance my attractiveness. For me, when the novelty of fitness fades, it is more a lifestyle and habit that is naturally formed for health." Jia Wei said. (At the request of the interviewee, some characters in the text are pseudonyms) (End)

How can Guo Caijie’s red carpet style be worn by tucao stars without making mistakes

  BEIJING, Beijing, June 15 (Reporter Tommy) Recently, Guo Caijie’s style on the red carpet at the opening of the 19th Shanghai Film Festival was vomited by netizens. In fact, the dress of many celebrity artists attending major events often causes controversy. For example, G.E.M. is keen on wearing leather pants, and Viann used to wear red and green "flower quilts" to walk the red carpet. How can a star wear to avoid bad reviews? The reporter from Zhongxin. com interviewed a number of fashion people. Some people said that it is necessary to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses when wearing, while others said that they should pay more attention to fashion circle information.

  The star style is self-defeating and is spit out.

  A few days ago, Guo Caijie appeared in Shanghai, because she had to change four sets of clothes in a day, and it was inevitable that her style was not up to standard. First, her hairstyle was too short and she was accused of being ugly, and then her style at the Shanghai Film Festival was also criticized.

  In fact, there are many people in the entertainment circle who are controversial because of their poor styling. For example, G.E.M. changed four sets of styles in New York Fashion Week last year but was ridiculed. When he went to Shenzhen to participate in activities this year, white high-waist hot pants were ridiculed as "adult diapers"; Viann’s red and green "flower quilt" on the red carpet of Cannes International Film Festival last year was impressive; Tang Yan was dragged into trouble by the clothing purchasing company and attended the event directly in a big-name long skirt in the cottage. It was not until afterwards that the brand’s public relations informed Tang Yan’s studio that the dress was not the same as the real one, and Tang Yan and his studio suddenly realized.

  How to determine the artist’s makeup clothing?

  What is the modeling process for celebrity artists to attend the event? What impact will mistakes have? According to Crystal, the public relations executive of a luxury public relations company, "the average artist will ask a reliable stylist or styling studio to co-ordinate the management. As long as you choose something that fits the occasion of the event and your own image positioning, she also said that when borrowing clothes, you will also consider whether the clothes match the artist’s temperament and the content of the event.

  Jiang Mengjie, an actor, told reporters that "the choice of styling should be simple and generous, but also fashionable and suitable for the activities". Liu Shishi, Angelababy and other actresses’ royal makeup artists, and the founder of EBI hair makeup shop, Chun Nan, said that they need to make up and do their hair according to the clothes that stylists choose for artists.

  Looking into the reasons why artists make mistakes in dressing, Tristan, a senior fashion media person, analyzed that "it may be that stylists are not suitable for artists, or that artists have too strong subjective aesthetics but low level". In his view, once modeling fails, it will have a long-term impact on artists: "Photos will become black history forever. In fact, almost every artist has had a style that is not suitable for him. What is terrible is that some looks will make people more impressed. Therefore, finding the right image positioning is critical to career development. "

  People in the industry share fashion rules

  In the entertainment circle, it is particularly important for stars to appear in a suitable shape. How to cultivate accurate and unique fashion taste, Tristan gave a trick: "foster strengths and avoid weaknesses. Show your legs when your legs are beautiful, and cover your arms when your arms are thick. It is also important to conform to the age temperament of the individual. For example, young artists are most afraid of dressing old, and it is strange for artists with deep qualifications to dress too young. " After that, he also stressed, "If the stylist has new ideas, he might as well give it a try. After all, fashion is not only beautiful, but also fun. " Wu Xiubo felt the same way about this. Previously, he had long hair in advance for filming costume dramas, but in order to have a neat hairstyle for attending activities, he tried a half-ball head, which was widely praised by netizens.

  Since her debut, Jiang Mengjie has repeatedly appeared in fashion activities, and has successfully managed her own brand. Regarding her daily wearing habits, she said, "She tends to choose simple and generous designs, so the error rate will be lower". At the same time, she also said that accumulation is very important: "Because of my own clothing brand, there are relatively many books related to art and design. If I go abroad, I will go to some art galleries and art galleries to study, which will also help me improve my taste and brand design." (End)

Interview with Qiao Li of Luchuan Academy on the 29th World Reading Day —— Reading according to the soul, reading abroad and reading loudly

  Reading is not aware that spring is deep, and an inch of time is an inch of gold. Time flies, the spring is deep and the day is warm, and the 29th "World Reading Day" is approaching. Let’s walk into Ruili Luchuan Academy, talk with Qiao Li, the head of the academy and a Dai writer, and visit the past and mental journey of Luchuan Academy since its establishment 14 years ago.

Qiaoli life photo

  Qiao Li, female, Dai, Ruili. He is a member of Chinese Writers Association, the seventh director of Yunnan Writers Association, a registered literary volunteer of Yunnan Writers Association, a member of the Standing Committee of Dehong CPPCC, a member of Ruili CPPCC, and the president of Ruili Literature and Art Creation Association. Published a collection of essays, Southwest Book: A Person’s Geography, etc.

  Huang Likang: In 1995, UNESCO announced April 23rd as World Book Day, which is called World Book and Copyright Day, also known as World Book Day. The purpose of the establishment is to promote more people to read and write. I hope everyone can respect and thank the masters who have made great contributions to human civilization. These masters, as Stefan Zweig wrote in When the Stars Shine, "always shine like stars in the sky of human civilization." It is beautiful to look up at the starry sky, but when we look up at the starry sky, we should also look down and see that there are still people quietly trying to promote reading and writing in the lights of the world. Luchuan Academy is such a candle-like existence. In the past 14 years, the Academy has held hundreds of cultural activities and has always insisted on promoting reading and writing in a public welfare way. Today, let’s walk into Luchuan Academy and listen to its story.

The first activity of reading club, 2010 poetry reading meeting.

  Qiao Li: I am an ordinary young Dai writer living in the southwest border of China. I am very happy to talk about my reading and life in the name of literature and reading, and talk about Luchuan Academy, which has been insisting on carrying out activities. I am grateful for this moment, because I have met many teachers and friends and traveled to many places because of reading and literature, and my life has been nourished by literature and reading. In 2010, I was lucky enough to join the Chinese Writers Association. Over the years, I have been studying hard and absorbing more nutrition, hoping to write books that people read and like to read. If the written works can have social significance and value, so much the better. This is the direction of my efforts.

At the 2024 annual meeting, some book lovers took a group photo.

  Huang Likang: You are a person with a sense of social responsibility, and I like your enthusiasm and initial heart. The efforts and hardships of persisting in promoting reading and writing in a public welfare way are probably only known to the authorities. For 14 years, Luchuan Academy has always been the position that you and your friends stick to. Please tell us something about Luchuan Academy.

  Qiao Li: In 2010, I founded the "Ruili Public Welfare Reading Club" in Ruili. In 2015, the reading club was named "Luchuan Academy". In August 2022, the academy was officially registered as a social group "Ruili Literature and Art Creation Association".

Since its establishment 14 years ago, Luchuan Academy has invited Cheng Zengyue (former executive vice president of Lu Xun College of Literature), writer Shi Zhongshan (Years of Burning Passion), Myanmar poet and scholar Mr. Huang He, national jade carving masters Wang Chaoyang, Xu Yanping, Yu Fengye, Zhang Zhiming, film and television actor Wu Jun, professor Tien Lung Yu of Yunnan University, teacher Ni Guoqiang, chairman of Dehong Federation, Yang Delong of Ruili Delong Group, and Ruili Painting and Calligraphy Association. Before 2020, Luchuan College will give regular public welfare lectures every weekend, including writing, drones, martial arts, English, calligraphy and Chinese studies. Later, due to the limitation of offline activities, rich online reading activities were carried out: weekly reading and ten-minute reading every day. Now we carry out offline reading exchange activities 1-3 times a month, and go out for sightseeing and cultural exchange activities irregularly.

  After 14 years’ development, the Academy now has more than 100 book lovers from all walks of life, including many members of Chinese Writers Association, China Prose Society, Chinese Minority Writers Association, Chinese Poetry Society, Chinese Miniature Fiction Society, Yunnan Writers Association, Yunnan Literary Critics Association, Yunnan Reportage Society and Dehong Writers Association.

Annual meeting in 2024, giving awards to outstanding book lovers in 2023.

In March, 2024, Luchuan Academy held the camping bonfire annual meeting in 2024 and the award ceremony for outstanding book friends in 2023.

  Luchuan Academy brings together a group of people who are willing to walk on the road of knowledge all their lives, and are also peers who pursue their dreams.

  Huang Likang: Friends with literature, high mountains and flowing water, the time that exists because of reading, flashing with starlight, ink and piano sound. If Luchuan Academy is a skeleton and a face, then those who get together because of literature are the body temperature and soul of the Academy. As a writer, you must know that reading has a profound and great influence on a person. Please talk about your reading life and the influence and change of reading on you and the people around you.

  Qiao Li: As a writer, it is a shame that I am not so diligent in writing, so I have always been very low-yield. But for reading, I have never relaxed for a moment. At home and on the road, I can read every day. And this kind of reading is conscious rather than compulsory. In the autumn of 2020, when Luchuan Academy first entered a village in Ruili, because the venue was a deserted yard, I was busy weeding and cleaning every day, and I couldn’t study for several days. At that time, I really realized the feeling of "not studying for three days, and my face was disgusting". Probably because of my enthusiasm for reading, many friends around me were unconsciously influenced and began to buy books and read. Later, it developed into "Luchuan Academy", from one person to a group of people. It is also because Luchuan Academy has always insisted on promoting reading in the border areas of Yunnan, and its influence has slowly spread unconsciously. There is an old gentleman in Myanmar, who is a scholar, poet and translator. After hearing about Luchuan Academy and me, he found us and was very happy to join us. He brought us lectures on Myanmar culture and explained the beauty of China’s ancient poems to Myanmar children. As for whether there is more and greater influence, I dare not talk nonsense about it.

  Huang Likang: In a month, we will celebrate the annual "World Reading Day". Reading Day is not only the birthday of books, but also the festival for scholars. Excuse me, Mr. Qiao, what do you think is the significance of World Reading Day?

  Qiao Li: I don’t know which book I read some time ago. The deep reason for saying "World Reading Day" is that there are fewer people reading, so this is a wake-up call. I think it makes sense. Reading may not make us richer materially, but there is no doubt that it can give our souls a place to live in this world. It is not the most terrible thing to choose fewer readers to read paper books, but to "stop reading" and even think that the weird behavior of "reading" is a terrible phenomenon.

In May 2019, the poetry recital "Poetry is the medicine of the world".

In 2018, I went to Mr. Lianghe College to collect the wind.

  Reading is the noblest with the lowest threshold and the commonest with the highest threshold. If everyone reads books and reads good books, there is no doubt that this society can be better promoted. The recording and inheritance functions of characters can make us understand what the "past events" and "unreachable" are like when reading; The thinking and tension of words can enlighten us and expand our mind in reading, thus opening up the pattern and horizon.

  The world is still the world, but after reading and thinking, your perception of the world will change.

  Moreover, I think the significance of reading day is not to ask you to study on this day, but to remind you that reading can be carried out at any time. The length of time is not a reason not to read. Fragment reading is also an accumulation and a habit.

  Huang Likang: Yes, I quite agree with Mr. Qiao’s view that reading is a "habitat". The Polish poetess Sin Posca has a very beautiful poem, "I flaunted myself in another fate and had a rest in a vivid mystery". Reading and writing bring us "another fate" and "mysterious rest". In the past 14 years, Luchuan Academy has insisted on hosting public welfare activities, and the existence of the Academy is the habitat of a scholar. It is said that people gather firewood, so we would like you to tell us some stories about "reading and people" and "academy and people".

  Qiao Li: The difficulty is certain, but fortunately, there are several friends who have been traveling together and are full of affection for the academy, and there are also book lovers who have joined in one after another. Their love and support for the academy is the reason for us to persist. Many things are deeply touching:

When the Academy was invited to settle in a village in 2020, because the site had been abandoned for decades, it needed to invest a lot of money to complete water and electricity connection, interior decoration and other matters. At this time, more than 100 people from the college volunteered to donate money. One of the mothers donated one month’s salary. In just over ten days, we raised enough money. Then, there are book lovers in the academy who know how to decorate, take on these tasks and decorate at the lowest price. Because labor is particularly expensive, he did it himself. Other book lovers have also joined in the construction of the academy, picking up hoes and sickles to weed the ground and planting flowers and plants specially brought by book lovers. In a short period of time, the venue that will be settled in will be completely new, and everyone’s efforts are touching. Although the academy is no longer in that village, the memories of our common struggle are always beautiful.

  In addition to reading together and making progress together, the academy also participated in social donation activities. The donor is two children who are now in high school among the citizens of the state. Some people will wonder why there are still students who need financial aid to continue their studies. Because they have completed the nine-year compulsory education stipulated by the state, they will not be able to pay for their future studies. Their families are very poor, and if they can’t get help from the outside world, their children can only give up continuing their studies and return to rural agriculture or live in society. Therefore, the trickle-down actions of each of us will be of great help to their life at this stage. It is against this background that we began to donate money for their education. From July 2021 to March 2024, we have donated 33,000 yuan to support two students. Our plan is to support our children until they graduate.

  There are many touching things, so I won’t list them one by one. Some people in the academy impressed me deeply, and their transformation is also the significance of our persistence.

  The first one is a father, who has been reading (reciting) with his children for more than 500 days now, without interruption. Sometimes I hear that my child has a cold and is still reading, coughing and reading aloud. Children sometimes read Chinese textbooks, sometimes read The Journey to the West, and sometimes read fairy tales. Father reads poetry, prose and so on.

  The second is a mother, the mother of two sons. My impression of her is that she is very shy, timid and afraid to speak too loudly. Suddenly one day, she began to read the clock in the group. This surprised me very much. Many times, family ensembles are often heard in her background: the voices of old people, the shouts of children, and all kinds of voices.

  The third book club, he is a boiling water station, and usually delivers water and gas to people. One day, I learned about the existence of the academy in a guest’s office and joined in. After a year, he wrote the first article in his life, and it was not bad, full of emotion, and his expression was complete and smooth.

There are also many book lovers who pay no attention to the writing and publishing of WeChat official account articles in the academy, the statistics of reading time, the notification of various matters, data sorting and other trivial matters for many years … …

Therefore, it is these people who have continuously and continuously provided impetus for the academy over the years. Without them, the academy would not be able to go now.

  Huang Likang: It’s great. These people and stories are touching and bring people strength and hope. The short time spent together is brilliant because of reading and literature. I hope this wonderful time can always accompany everyone who loves reading and literature. All good things must come to an end. Finally, I would like to ask Mr. Qiao about his outlook and expectation for the future of Luchuan Academy.

  Qiao Li: Time keeps going forward. One day, due to the limitations of age and energy, when I can’t continue to insist, I hope that someone who is willing to pay will take over and continue this literary and artistic marathon, and strive to make Luchuan Academy a "century-old academy" in Yunnan.

  I hope that with the efforts of Luchuan Academy, more people will join in reading and make reading our daily life. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to seek some help. The venue and funds have always been the shortcomings that restrict the development of the academy. Although we have persisted for so long without a venue, there is no doubt that these shortcomings have definitely restricted the development of the academy. Therefore, I hope that Luchuan Academy can get support in this respect when all conditions permit.

  Yunnan net reporter Huang Likang

In the third grade, boys played games for their uncle’s WiFi. cut class squatted in the grass for a day.

  On the morning of the 2 nd, Ms. Lin, who lives in a community in Longchi Street, Liuhe District, Nanjing, went out early in the morning and found a teenager in school uniform squatting in the grass next to the unit building; When Ms. Lin came home at 5 o’clock in the evening, she still saw the child sitting there, with almost no change in posture. She called him and he ignored him. The abnormal behavior of the teenager worried Ms. Lin, and she called the police for help. The police arrived at the scene and learned that the teenager was a junior three student, and his uncle lived in this building. On that day, he stayed here in cut class for one day to play mobile games on his uncle’s WiFi, which made the mother who came to the scene angry with Ms. Yu.

  The reporter’s investigation found that the popularity of smart phones and children becoming "mobile phone controllers" have become a common worry for many families. Yangzi Evening News All-Media Reporter Ren Guoyong Correspondent Lu Gongxuan

  A crazy teenager.

  Sit in the grass and rub my uncle’s wireless network to play games.

  Cut class, a teenager, squatted down to numb his legs and feet one day.

  "There is a big boy I don’t know downstairs who has been sitting in the grass all day. I don’t care if I call him. Come and have a look." At 5 o’clock in the evening on the 2 nd, Ms. Lin reported the police.

  After receiving the police, the police of Longchi police station arrived at the scene to check that a teenager was sitting downstairs in a unit of the community. He sat under his schoolbag cushion and held his mobile phone intently.

  "He has been sitting here in this posture. I saw him when I went out in the morning. I didn’t expect him to be here when I came back in the evening. I don’t know what happened. I called him and he ignored me." Ms. Lin said that she noticed that the child was also enthusiastic and worried about what bad things would happen to him.

  The policeman walked next to the teenager, and he was still absorbed in playing with his mobile phone, unaware that the policeman was approaching. The policeman patted him on the shoulder, and the boy suddenly got up, but he almost fell down because of numbness in his legs and feet. "What are you doing here?" In the face of the police’s question, the child bowed his head and did not answer, only saying that he had something to do.

  After repeated inquiries by the police, he said that his surname was Cao, and he was in the third grade of a nearby middle school. His uncle lived in this building, and he squatted here to play games on the Internet with his uncle’s WiFi. "I didn’t do anything bad, I just wanted to surf the Internet." He said.

  Subsequently, the police contacted Cao’s mother. Cao’s mother was surprised when she received the phone call, saying that she didn’t expect her son to go to cut class to play games, and spent a day squatting downstairs in her brother’s house for surfing the Internet.

  Soon, Cao’s mother rushed to the scene angrily, and immediately scolded him for being unprincipled again and again in order to surf the Internet. Cao’s mother said that her son secretly bought a mobile phone with a birthday red envelope given to him by his elders a month ago. After the parents found out, they criticized him and advised him to return the mobile phone, which was awkward. Later, the parents confiscated the mobile phone, but I didn’t expect him to take it away from his family and come here to play. "He must know that my brother went out these days before he came here to surf the internet. The senior high school entrance examination is coming soon, and he is still so confused."

  The police also persuaded and educated Cao, and Cao said that he would make up his mind to quit playing mobile phone addiction and prepare for the exam carefully. The police also reminded Cao’s mother to communicate with her children more often, divert his attention from playing mobile phones, and persuade her in time if she has bad habits. After the exchange between the two sides, Cao followed his mother home.

  Parents’ troubles

  Smashed the phone, and both girls cried sadly.

  Do you want to buy it for your daughter now? Mom is very entangled.

  "I want to use regret to describe my current mood. Now I am in a dilemma!" Ms. Zhang from Laifeng Community in Nanjing told the Yangzi Evening News reporter that her daughter had bought a children’s mobile phone in order to facilitate contact, and she could only answer the phone.

  But later, my daughter always said that all her classmates used smart phones, and they used smart phones to check their study materials online. Ms. Zhang was hesitant at first. After discussing with her husband, she felt that the times were developing and her daughter’s ideas were reasonable. It might be helpful to use smart phones to access information. Later, I bought my daughter a smart machine with a price of more than 1,000 yuan. After using the smart phone, my daughter quickly played on WeChat and Weibo.

  "We think there is nothing wrong with sending WeChat Weibo, but now the situation is getting worse and worse." Ms. Zhang said that her daughter’s grades plummeted and the teacher even found her playing mobile phones in class.

  After discovering the problem, Ms. Zhang began to control her daughter to use her mobile phone. But when my daughter does her homework, she asks her for a mobile phone to consult the information from time to time, but sometimes she finds that she is using QQ or WeChat.

  Ms. Zhang asked her daughter how to chat? The daughter’s answer is to exchange learning problems with her classmates. In this way, the daughter’s learning efficiency is getting lower and lower. Not long ago, I found my daughter playing small games until the early hours of the morning, and there were novels in the trace of mobile phone search. I clicked and found that my daughter was reading a "messy" article. In this way, the mother and daughter quarreled many times for the mobile phone, and in the end, she smashed the mobile phone.

  "I smashed my daughter’s mobile phone, and both girls cried. She ignored me for two weeks, and I was heartbroken." Ms. Zhang said that recently, her daughter repeatedly assured her to study hard, proposed to buy a mobile phone again and promised to use it only for consulting materials and communicating with classmates. "I am very entangled, I am afraid to buy it for her, and she can’t control it." Ms. Zhang said.

  Online small survey

  Children are forbidden to use smart phones? Not all are objections.

  In two examples, children have become "mobile phone controllers", which annoys parents. So, at the moment when smart phones are so popular, should children use smart phones? The reporter made a small survey through his circle of friends.

  Should primary and secondary school students use smart phones?

  The online survey lasted for one hour, and 51 people voted.

  A: About 84% are against it.

  Some parents who indicate the reasons think that underage students are addicted to their opponents’ opportunities, which are difficult to control, and most of them are used for entertainment.

  B There is one case in which the parents fully agree with the opinion.

  This parent believes that smart phones are the general trend, otherwise they will be out of touch with society.

  C about 14% supported by conditions.

  This part of parents believe that children need to attach conditions to the use of smart phones. If they want to use them, they must know what their children’s purpose is, and it is ok to check the study materials.

  Teacher’s opinion

  Every time a parent-teacher meeting is held, many parents complain to the teacher. Children can’t live without mobile phones all day. Should they use them? How can I quit cell phone addiction? Jiang bo, a senior teacher and grade leader of a senior middle school in Nanjing, said — —

  Even using a mobile phone to check information has great disadvantages.

  Jiang bo thinks that the only advantage for students to use smart phones is that they are easy to contact.

  "Access to information is a cover. I found that the questions and answers of some so-called learning software are copied from each other, and there are many mistakes and typos. Students who are used to finding answers online lose the ability to think independently. I strongly appeal to students from primary school to high school to stay away from smartphones." Teacher jiang bo thinks that students who are used to finding answers through the Internet will have a decline in their habit and ability to use reference books, and their learning efficiency is very poor. Usually, they click on a window and another one pops up on the Internet. Students are so curious that they can’t control their reading that they can’t concentrate on completing their homework. Indulging in mobile phones is not good for health, typically, the eyesight drops, and you can only see farther if you look up. Holding mobile phones all day long causes some students to have poor face-to-face communication skills; Some parents are afraid that their children will be out of touch with society without using smart phones. This kind of worry is unnecessary. Mobile phones, like computers, can be learned as soon as they are learned, and there is no need to hold them every day. The mobile phone network has a search function, so it is difficult for parents to monitor whether the content they read is healthy or not.

  Parents should set a good example for children to quit cell phone addiction.

  How to quit cell phone addiction? Teacher jiang bo said that depending on the situation, some parents are strong and radical. If they don’t agree to their children’s demands, they will not agree, confiscate their mobile phones and shut down the Internet. Some students have problems in their early education, and their parents have not established an authoritative image at home, and they can’t do the three chapters of the contract. Even if their mobile phones are confiscated and the network is cut off, the effect is not good. Some parents can’t stand the soft grinding and hard foam, but still return their mobile phones to them. When the mobile phone is smashed and the network is closed, it will stimulate such children’s rebellious psychology and stronger curiosity about smart phones. A better way is for parents not to hang their heads all day playing with their mobile phones, but to turn off the home network skillfully, such as changing passwords, limiting traffic, limiting phone bills, and reading famous books on paper. Let children know that mobile phones are just tools and toys, and do not deny that mobile phones are getting more and more fun, but there are more exciting things in life. Parents should take their children to participate in colorful outdoor activities on rest days to divert their attention from mobile phones.

  ● Children’s voice

  Hungry for respect, disgusted parents smash mobile phones.

  Yangzi Evening News reporter also communicated with some middle school students. Some students also admitted that mobile phones are basically used for entertainment except making phone calls and finding answers. Sometimes parents will get angry with them after playing for an hour or two.

  "I am more disgusted with my parents’ tough tone, and it is even more unacceptable to smash my mobile phone." Liu Tong Jr. said that sometimes it was late at night when he was playing with his mobile phone, and he knew that it was not good for him, but the momentum of his father rushing in made people sad.

  Liu Tongxue Jr. said that even if he made a mistake, he hoped parents could communicate in an equal tone. "Confiscation when you come in is disrespect and distrust," Xiao Liu told reporters.

  The teacher’s truth is in place, and the child’s voice should also be heard. But have you noticed that children are actually concerned about the same problem at a different level from us adults? They are more concerned about the attitude of parents when dealing with the use of mobile phones than whether they use the mobile phones themselves.

  Therefore, we want to remind parents that every child has his own personality characteristics, and parents should consider their children’s situation comprehensively, find a communication method suitable for them, and handle this "mobile phone problem" well.

English League Cup: Manchester United vs Newcastle United! If you don’t rotate, you will collapse? Newcastle are afraid to give up the cup

Let’s have our first chat today.United Cup: Manchester United vs Newcastle!

However, Manchester United has been very poor recently, and the Internet is full of posts about Teng Hager. Last season’s "Teng Sheng" and "Da Ming" have become "Teng Hi" and "Incompetence".

But Newcastle’s crisis may be even bigger. If Eddie Howe doesn’t handle it well, it may become the next Berlin League.

The Berlin United we talked about yesterday was overwhelmed by two-track operations, causing a lot of injuries, and then both strength and morale collapsed.

Newcastle haven’t collapsed yet, and it’s still the sixth place in the Premier League, but it may be soon.

Now they have a lot of injuries, Xiao wine made a simple picture, Isaac, Boatman and other six main or semi-main players will come back at the end of the month as soon as possible.

With so many injuries, what has caused a situation?

Last time they played Wolves, there was no striker on the bench.

There are 9 people on the bench, but they are almost all goalkeepers and defenders, with only two midfielders and none strikers.

Moreover, the two midfielders, Willock and Ritchie, are in poor condition. On the one hand, they are weak. On the other hand, they have only played 53 minutes in the Premier League this season, and they are very lacking in competition.

This is actually a terrible thing-A team that plays on two fronts in the Champions League and Premier League has no reliable strikers and midfielders on the bench.

So we can see that against Wolves, Newcastle only changed one person … There is really no one to change.

This is very dangerous.

You know, playing Dortmund on the 26th is a tough battle, and it costs a lot. And the number 29 wolvesIt rained heavily.,The physical consumption of rain fighting is greater.

Newcastle played two high-intensity games in these four days, and the starting lineup actually changed only one injured Isaac! Wolves have only changed one substitute to play!

You know, their starting lineupThe average age is 29.2 years.! Very old! Their game style is still fierce and easy to get hurt.

Today’s game against Manchester United is the third game in eight days. If Eddie Howe dares to fight again, if one or two people are injured again, I’m afraid it will become Berlin United.

Of course, even if they want to fight,I’m afraid these main players can’t fight any more.

In the last game against wolves, their performance was very poor.

Yes, I did get two, but how did these two get in?

The first one was that armand traore, the Wolves’ midfielder, knocked over his goalkeeper, selling half and giving one to Newcastle.

The second was to give Newcastle a controversial penalty.

Although Taylor gave the penalty the first time, from the VAR replay, Schell was suspected of diving, maybe not a penalty, but also to Newcastle Huang Ka.

On the contrary, wolves have more opportunities here, such asNeto has unlimited military training on the side, Bourne.

Bowen is not weak, of course, but you should know that as the tallest giant defender in the Premier League, the full-back who played this season is very physically exhausted. The third consecutive game is still a rainy battle. How can he get the physical strength to defend Neto?

If Neto hadn’t been injured by accident, I’m afraid Wolves would have entered.

On the other side, Trippier is also terrible-only two of the 11 confrontations were successful, with a success rate of 18.2%.

Trippier, a first-class defender, was beaten so badly, mainly because he was too tired. After all, a 33-year-old man played the whole game twice in four days, which one can hold up?

If Newcastle can’t stand the wolves’ strong flank, then why play Manchester United today?

Manchester United and Rachford, these wingers, are better than Neto Huang Xican, right?

The pressure on Manchester United is too great, and it has been sprayed all the time. The last Manchester derby made people hang easily, and it was even worse.

Tenghage is different from Eddie Howe.

Eddie Howe can bring Newcastle to this height, and there is no need to worry about prestige, class crisis and so on.

But Tenghage should consider these. If he loses again, can he still convince the public? Will class be over? These are really hard to say.

Therefore, Newcastle can not fight, just stay and play the League and the precious Champions League. Even if you want to play the domestic cup, there will be a more important FA Cup. What is the British Cup? Tottenham Hotspur, which fights on a single line, rotates greatly.

But Manchester United really have no retreat. For them, victory will be more important than rotation.

Therefore, although the recent situation is worse for Manchester United, Manchester United really needs a victory.

On the Newcastle side, what Eddie Howe needs most is the health of the players. As for the British League Cup, the priority may not be too high.

Although the strength of the two sides is close, the gap in fighting spirit may be huge, and in the chicken rib cup, fighting spirit may be more important than strength, for example, Wolfsburg played Leipzig yesterday.

All things considered, can Manchester United satisfy the fans? What do you think? The cocktail party will look forward to their victory.

Well, in other competitions today, Xiaojiu will still send you text analysis in the evening. If you have anything unclear, you can ask me, "Look at the ball and see clearly", and we will be there or not!

If you like it, move your fingers and pay attention to it!

What do my sisters think of My Sister?

  From Ode to Joy, Everything’s Fine to My Sister, every film and television work of "Brothers" involving the issue of son preference will always become the focus of public opinion.


  On April 10th, the total box office of the movie My Sister broke 600 million.

  The story of My Sister takes place in a patriarchal family, and the relationship between brother and sister is estranged. However, after her parents died in a car accident, her sister "Enron" faced a dilemma: giving up her dream of developing in a big city and raising her younger brother "An Ziheng" by herself; Or let others adopt their younger brothers and pursue their own independent lives?

  Sister’s entanglement and pain can be imagined. In some families, brothers and sisters who are determined by blood will feel resistant and alienated from each other.

  From the TV series Ode to Joy and Everything is Fine to the movie My Sister, every film and television work of "Brothers" involving the issue of son preference will always become the focus of public opinion.

  The reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network interviewed several "sisters" in real life and the creator of My Sister. Some sisters refused to go to the cinema to be "abused" because of problems with their younger brothers; Some sisters, crying uncontrollably during the movie, went home and wrote a long diary to review the story with their younger brother for more than ten years; Some sisters decided to have a good chat with their parents and untie the knot.

  My Sister is not just a multiple-choice question. Do "sisters" have to choose between independence and sacrifice? How should parents of two-child families establish a healthy and positive educational concept? Female growth, brotherhood, and the concept of two-child family education … … These are issues that we need to examine outside the film.

  "Where am I from" is a problem that everyone can’t get rid of.

  Yin Xi, a girl born after 1995, has a younger brother who is 7 years younger. At first, she was poked in tears by the trailer of My Sister. This kind of experience, experienced people will understand, self-knowledge, not one or two simple labels can be summarized.

  "I think of going home in the winter vacation in the first grade of primary school. My parents claimed that they had picked up a younger brother from the hospital gate. At that time, I had no feeling at all about this sudden extra child, because he suddenly appeared in my life, and my parents didn’t give me any time to warm up and accept."

  This kind of brotherhood came from "airborne" without warning, especially when Yin Xi was young, she spent a long time accepting the fact and "reconciling with herself".

  "When I see the plot of" My Sister ",I will think of the night when I was unaccompanied from the first grade to the fifth grade of primary school. On the night of power failure, I read a book with a flashlight, and I was very sad why my mother took my brother to my grandmother’s house but ignored me; During a rainstorm, the water in front of the school reached my knees, and all the children next to me had adults’ backs. I refused my strange grandmother’s kindness and walked alone with an umbrella. When I got home, I found that my mother actually came back. While helping me change my socks, I asked why I didn’t let the people next to me hold me. "

  Yin Xi was puzzled for many years about her position in her parents’ hearts and why her younger brother existed. She felt that her world had "no mother" for quite some time. When she was in junior high school, she was complaining that her younger brother had "taken away" her mother.

  Yin Xi said frankly that after recognizing the fact of "stealing her mother", she once disliked her brother very much. Until Yin Xi went to college and returned to school during the winter vacation, he accidentally found his fifth-grade elementary school brother and secretly wrote on the mist in the mirror of the sink: "Goodbye, sister, can you leave later?" At that moment, Yin Xi felt a sad mood in her heart, reflecting that she didn’t seem to be a good sister, and her brother would miss her when she was not at home.

  "It took me a long time to make up with myself. My mother didn’t want me, but my brother also needed care." Therefore, Yin Xi feels that Enron’s alienation and entanglement with his younger brother in My Sister is real, and his desire to protect his younger brother is also real.

  You Xiaoying, the screenwriter of My Sister, said that she would pay more attention to the "family" element when creating. "I think it is possible for a person not to experience love or have children in his life, but ‘ Where do I come from ’ It’s hard to break free. You can choose your friends and lovers, but parents and children can’t choose, just like my uncle said ‘ Children are debts ’ This debt was doomed from the beginning. "

  You Xiaoying said that family has a profound influence on a person, so she wants to discuss women’s situation and self-growth from this aspect and express "the collision between family fetters and personal pursuits".

  A bowl of water is flat, and good family of origin helps us tide over the difficulties.

  After 90, Gugu, a media person, is 6 years older than his younger brother. After watching My Sister, her colleagues ridiculed that Gugu is not like a "sister" in the traditional impression of the public, because the whole person "can’t see the feeling of sacrifice".

  "Now some people’s views are a bit extreme, opposing women’s independence and sacrifice." Gugu thinks that when it comes to elder sister, many people either think of pathetic "helping the younger brother" or "selfish ghost" who is too self-centered. These two impressions are too rigid. Why can’t elder sister and younger brother live in harmony and develop independently of each other?

  After work, Gugu, who is financially independent, bought his younger brother a computer as a gift, considering his learning needs. My girlfriend was deeply impressed by the generosity of Gugu and sent a circle of friends. As a result, her friend commented at the bottom: "Ah, is this sister Fan Shengmei in Ode to Joy?"

  Gugu was quite helpless when he learned that: "Why do you label all your sisters with bitterness without any understanding?"

  Gugu and his younger brother have always had a good relationship since childhood, and his younger brother likes to stick to himself when he is at home in primary school. Gugu middle school lives on campus and goes home once a week. When you get home, you will see your brother sitting at the door waiting for you.

  "In the final analysis, the misfortune of Enron in My Sister comes from the wrong idea that parents prefer sons to daughters. My brother and I can have deep feelings all the way ‘ Priming ’ I would like to thank my parents for always insisting on a bowl of water, not treating my brother and sister differently, and not ignoring my emotional needs. " Gugu also saw that families with bad relations between their brothers and sisters often caused wars because of their parents’ "willful preferences", causing emotional troubles for innocent brothers and sisters out of thin air.

  Whether a good and fair educational atmosphere is formed in family of origin is very important for the cultivation of healthy and sunny brotherhood. In family of origin, where the environment is good, children with brothers and sisters may be better able to take care of the feelings of all members, and learn to share the pressure of parents’ roles and the potential risks in the period of family instability earlier.

  Yin Ruoxin, director of My Sister, said frankly: "Everyone’s family of origin can’t be perfect, but a good family of origin can really protect you. The impact of the problematic family of origin will grow on the body, and it doesn’t know when it will emerge. "

  In Yin Ruoxin’s view, family of origin’s influence can only be solved in a completely corresponding way. "When you are older, you will form a close relationship yourself, and then you will be able to solve those problems, but it is also possible that these traces will always be there."

  You Xiaoying also believes that a good family of origin can help us to get through the hard times and cheer up.

  "I have some friends, you think she is a completely independent woman, live very self, but she will find how many traces of family of origin in a moment. Family of origin’s shaping of character is still very profound, sometimes when you are unconscious. " You Xiaoying said.

  Sisters independently do multiple-choice questions in life

  Yoga Yu refused to go to the cinema to see My Sister — — Her younger brother is rebellious, and he is favored by his parents (focusing on the issue of education funds), so Yoga Yu foresees that watching movies is an act of "self-abuse".

  However, Yoga Yu went to read the relevant comments in Douban and Weibo. She said that at this stage, I am afraid that I can’t solve the relationship problem with my younger brother, and the relationship with my parents is also "dark clouds rolling" from time to time, but she doesn’t want to be deeply entangled in the dilemma, which is tantamount to wasting time and emotions. It is better to actively live a good life in a big city and work hard for her career.

  Yoga Yu firmly believes that no matter whether the relationship between elder sister and younger brother is hot or cold, the first priority is to stick to the path you want, which does not conflict with anything.

  In the Douban review of My Sister, a "younger brother" said that he felt indebted to his sister. "As men and younger brothers, what can we do for our sisters? Perhaps we should start by respecting their will, understanding their plight and supporting their voices! "

  It is undoubtedly commendable that "My Sister" directly pokes the pain point of the topic of "independent growth of women".

  In the film, the role that forms a strong sense of dramatic contrast with Enron is the aunt. After Enron’s parents passed away, my aunt was the first to stand up and say the words "eldest sister is like a mother", telling Enron that the most important task now is to bring up his younger brother. This "moral kidnapping" is naturally easy to cause extreme discomfort.

  Later, the audience found out that my aunt was the "elder sister" who was forced to sacrifice herself in the previous generation. She once dreamed in the distance, but now she can only read Russian to Russian dolls to pay homage to the youth destroyed by the words "eldest sister is like a mother".

  You Xiaoying pointed out that the kindness of my aunt’s nature in the movie was suppressed by the daily necessities of life, but when Enron inspired her inner things, my aunt actually hoped that Enron could replace her to complete the image of a rebel. She saw another possibility in Enron’s life and didn’t want to stop it.

  Arranging the dialogue between two generations of "sisters", You Xiaoying thought of the image of "Taowa". "Finally my aunt said ‘ Dolls don’t have to be put into the same condom, and they have to go their own way ’ It means that you can have your own life choices, and you don’t have to follow the path planned by everyone like your aunt. This is my aunt’s love and understanding of Enron. "

  The ending of the movie is open, and there is no clear answer. Sisters outside the movie still have to do every question in life.

  Yin Xi said that her younger brother, who is now in the third year of high school, "quietly grew up" in her invisible time. One of them is that under her influence, my brother is determined to pursue his dream of life independently, instead of reaching out to his parents for a better life. People need independence. Parents have paid a lot to raise themselves. The future involves personal problems. Parents help you because they love you, not because they have to. After all, you are an adult.

  Gugu, who lives and works in a big city by her own ability, is also pleasantly surprised to find that her younger brother’s habits and values are subtly influenced by her. "Sisters always give priority to their own lives. If they have independent sisters, they will have independent brothers".

  (At the request of the interviewee, Yin Xi, Gu Gu and Yoga Yu are pseudonyms)

  Zhongqingbao Zhongqingwang reporter Shen Jiequn

Eat Yuanxiao healthily and don’t be willful.

The Lantern Festival is approaching, and the food for family reunion is naturally indispensable. Although Yuanxiao is delicious, it is a high-sugar and high-calorie food. Experts from Changsha CDC reminded that people with "three highs" should eat Yuanxiao as little as possible, and healthy people should also pay attention to healthy eating, so don’t be willful.

Experts remind that the skin of Yuanxiao is sticky, the stuffing is high in sugar and calories, and some of them also contain high fat, which is not easy to digest, so it is not suitable to eat more. In cooking techniques, many people like crispy and delicious fried Yuanxiao, but after high-temperature frying, the oil content of Yuanxiao is higher and more difficult to digest, so it is best to cook it. It is suggested that eating Yuanxiao with green leafy vegetables and other foods rich in dietary fiber can not only reduce the viscosity of food balls in the digestive tract, but also improve the greasy feeling caused by Yuanxiao stuffing. In addition, glutinous rice is the main raw material of Yuanxiao skin, which is more difficult to digest after cooling, so it should be eaten while it is hot, and the intake of staple food should be reduced after eating Yuanxiao.

Experts also reminded that people with hyperglycemia, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and other "three highs", patients with coronary heart disease and acute gastroenteritis should eat less Yuanxiao, so as not to aggravate the condition. Old people and infants with weak chewing, swallowing and digestive functions should also eat Yuanxiao as little as possible, and guardians should pay special attention to them not to be stuck in the esophagus and trachea. (Reporter Peng Fang correspondent Cao Kezhen)

Ten autumn colors in autumn tourism are worth seeing (Figure)

    People’s Network News Autumn is a mature season and also a tourist season. After a burst of autumn rain, the autumn wind sent a continuous coolness, and the leaves changed their colors one after another. It’s crisp in autumn everywhere, and autumn scenery is pleasant everywhere. Everyone goes out one after another, truly tasting these autumn flavors, and they are all intoxicated with the pleasant autumn.

    Kanas in Altay, Xinjiang

    When I went to Kanas, I knew what the real autumn colors were. The leaves of Betula platyphylla and Populus cathayensis changed from green to yellow in the touch of autumn wind, and then from yellow to red. From a distance, the forest was dyed. The smoke from the Kazakh wooden house rises, surrounds the treetops and permeates the fields, which is long and quiet. Under the sunshine in autumn, Kanas Lake is blue and green, and a faint mist is transpiration on the lake … Kanas in autumn shows a little European scenery, reflecting the climate characteristics with four distinct seasons. Unfortunately, autumn in Kanas comes and goes quickly. Generally, the Golden Week of November is the best autumn outing season.

    Sichuan daocheng

    October and November are not the best time to travel to Daocheng, because winter comes earlier here, but the scenery at this time is unique, especially on the way from Daocheng to Aden. In the riverside and salad, Boxwood and Hongcaotan are the most beautiful, attracting many people who like photography.

    Napahai, Shangri-La, Yunnan

    Autumn and winter are coming, and when you walk into the Napa Sea in Shangri-La, you are greeted by golden grasslands, snowy mountains and various birds full of spirituality. Napahai is located 8 kilometers northwest of Shangri-La County. It is called "Napachuo" in Tibetan and "Lake behind the forest" in Chinese.

    Aba miyaluo, Sichuan

    Miyaluo, located in Lixian County, Sichuan Province, is the largest red leaf scenic spot in China at present. The biggest feature of miyaluo is that there are red leaves everywhere. Three needles and five-pointed maple in the 3688-square-kilometer deep mountain canyon are breathtaking. The Gulgou hot spring is refreshing, and the Tibetan and Qiang customs make people want to stay.

    Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan

    Jiuzhaigou is a fairy tale world made of water, and too much has been said about its beauty. Jiuzhaigou in autumn has become colorful, and this is the best time to travel to Jiuzhaigou. The red and yellow leaves are intertwined with the blue and green lake, which is amazing. This scene is really made in heaven and earth.

    Beijing Xiangshan

    Although the red leaves in Xiangshan are not as big as those in miyaluo, their fame is incomparable to that in miyaluo. Many people regard going to Xiangshan to see red leaves as an important project of Beijing tourism in autumn. At the same time, along with the red leaves of Xiangshan, there are activities such as climbing and winning. However, when the red leaves in Xiangshan are intoxicating, it is also when tourists are weaving, and often watching the red leaves becomes watching people.

    Hebei Chengde Bashang

    "It’s a late spring evening in the north, with poplars rustling and lush vegetation, and reddish clouds standing still at last, and I saw pine trees full of balsam …" This is Haizi’s poem "Trees in the North". When you walk into the dam in autumn, you will feel that the leaves and grass are beginning to change their colors, the sky is high and the clouds are light, and there is a trace of silence everywhere.

    West Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang

    "Wanqing Lake is as long as a mirror, and it is best to be in autumn at four o’clock." This is an ancient description of the autumn moon in Pinghu, one of the ten scenic spots in the West Lake. The best time to feel the beauty of the autumn moon in Pinghu is the Mid-Autumn Festival every year. Unfortunately, there may be many people at this time, or the weather may not be beautiful. However, September and October of the next lunar calendar are also good times to feel the beauty of Pinghu autumn moon. Compared with other beautiful autumn scenery, the autumn moon in Pinghu, West Lake, has a little more money, a little more urban flavor and romance.

    Qixia Mountain in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province

    "Spring cattle head, autumn Qixia." In the ancient city of Nanjing, this is well known to women and children. Qixia Mountain is famous. Besides Mingjing Lake and qixia temple, it is also famous for its red leaves in late autumn, which is the main attraction for tourists.

    Juzizhou, Changsha, Hunan

    Fifty years ago, the great man Mao Zedong revisited Orange Island and wrote the word "Qinyuanchun Changsha", which made Orange Island famous. As one of the eight scenic spots in Xiaoxiang, Orange Island, where the snow falls on the river, has different scenery in four seasons, especially in autumn.

Editor: Liu Li

Those Lantern Festival guests must eat delicious food. See if there is anyone you don’t know.

Love yuanxiao

It’s another Lantern Festival, the same festival, different local customs are different, so let’s take a look at the food customs of Lantern Festival all over the country. See if there’s anything else we haven’t eaten.

1. Tangyuan Tangyuan, also known as "Tangtuan" and "Floating Yuanzi", is one of the must-eat delicacies in the Lantern Festival recognized by most people in China. It is said to have originated in the Song Dynasty. It is made of black sesame seeds and pork suet, with a little sugar added, and kneaded into a round shape with glutinous rice flour outside. When cooked, it tastes sweet and soft, with endless aftertaste. Eating glutinous rice balls also means family happiness and reunion in the new year.

2. Yuanxiao Many people confuse glutinous rice balls with Yuanxiao, but they are actually two kinds of food. Yuanxiao is a favorite of northerners. The stuffing is made into blocks and then rolled in a dustpan with glutinous rice noodles. The stuffing sticks to glutinous rice noodles and gets bigger and bigger. When eating, it is cooked or fried. Yuanxiao symbolizes that the days ahead are getting more and more prosperous.

3. The meaning of lettuce: making money is favored by Cantonese people. Cantonese people "steal" lettuce during the Lantern Festival. They mix lettuce with cakes and cook them, which means wealth and good luck.

4. Yuanxiao Tea has the custom of eating Yuanxiao tea in Shaanxi and other places, that is, putting all kinds of vegetables and fruits in hot soup noodles, much like the ancient "Yuanxiao porridge". People in Huangmei county like to call "coriander" Yuanxiao, and the tea made of fried grains and coriander is called Yuanxiao tea. On the one hand, it will be over after the Lantern Festival, and people take out the remaining coriander to make tea. On the other hand, this kind of tea is moisture-free, nutritious and delicious.

6. Camellia oleifera In some places, there is a saying that "15 dozen Camellia oleifera, 16 pinch flat food". The flat forefinger is dumplings, while the camellia oleifera is similar to a kind of salty porridge or sweet porridge pasta snack with vegetables and fruits. During the Chinese New Year, people eat a lot of fish every day. By the Lantern Festival, it is estimated that nothing is more refreshing than a bowl of hot and delicious camellia oleifera.

7. Of course, jiaozi eats jiaozi during the Lantern Festival. On every reunion festival, China people definitely eat jiaozi. Needless to say, most Chinese people eat jiaozi.

8. Jujube Cake Eat jujube cakes during the Lantern Festival in western Henan. Jujube is a vitamin-rich food, with a rich and mellow fragrance, and has always had the reputation of "live vitamin pills". Jujube cake made of red dates has always been a kind of court cake in the past, with rich jujube fragrance, sweet and pleasant taste, mellow and long aftertaste. It is also an auspicious meaning that implies a step-by-step increase.

9. Wheat Cake The area around Pujiang County, Jinhua, Zhejiang Province has the custom of eating steamed buns and wheat cakes during the Lantern Festival. It is said that the reason is that the steamed bread is made of dough and the wheat cake is round, which means "a happy reunion of the hair and grandchildren". Wheat cakes are sweet and salty, the sweet ones are filled with sugar and sesame seeds, and the salty ones are filled with shrimp skin, chopped green onion, diced meat and dried incense, or mixed with eggs, rolled into the size of a round fan and baked. In Pujiang, handy peasant women often entertain their guests with wheat cakes, especially during the Lantern Festival. In Pujiang, almost every household eats wheat cakes.

10. There is a saying in Taizhou that "the fourteenth day of the first month is the Lantern Festival, and every family has a bad soup." People in Taizhou celebrate the Lantern Festival on 14th, 15th and 2nd, and the real midnight snack is the 14th day of the first month. After the Lantern Festival, people in Taizhou generally don’t eat glutinous rice balls, and the whole family sit around and eat bad soup. Bad soup is thickened with mountain flour, so it is also called mountain flour paste. As the old saying goes, the bitter comes first, and the salty soup pays attention to the taste, highlighting the "fresh" taste. It is better to taste it first, and put the "sweet" behind, so we eat salty soup for fourteen nights and sweet soup for fifteen nights.

Different regions have different customs and habits, and there are different foods. In short, they all mean reunion and good luck.

Program and New Media Production: Zhu Fen

Editor: Li Xia Zhao Wenli

Final review: Ma Xiang and the Red Army


Screenwriter of its moments of beauty: Xu Lu has a sense of substitution. Lin Yi is the only candidate.

Stills of "Beautiful Days and Good Times"

Stills of "Beautiful Days and Good Times"

Stills of "Beautiful Days and Good Times"

Stills of "Beautiful Days and Good Times"

Stills of "Beautiful Days and Good Times"

Stills of "Beautiful Days and Good Times"

     Liang chen and Lu Jing, the sweet couple CP, have become the new wall of the audience. The love between them from the internet to reality has brought the sweetest candy in spring to countless audiences.

  Of course, this drama is more than just "sprinkling sugar". In the love relationship between liang chen and Lu Jing, the audience can see that the feelings are clean and pure. Under this emotional core, it also stands out in the "sister-brother relationship".

  At the end of the drama, Xu Mengjia, the screenwriter, accepted an exclusive interview with Sina Entertainment. In addition to sharing the creative process of the drama, she also responded to some questions raised by the audience.

  From network to reality, it takes a process.

  Sina Entertainment: Why did liang chen and Lu Jing fall in love online for so long? Many viewers are anxious to see their sweet interaction.

  Xu Mengjia: The first story tells that online dating comes into reality. Online dating is different from love in real life. It can quickly fall in love with a person at first sight. When online dating, Lu Jing didn’t know liang chen’s true identity, let alone his height, weight, age and appearance. Moreover, liang chen also turned on a voice changer, which will make Lu Jing even more uneasy. Another point is that Lu Jing and liang chen didn’t go for online dating at first.

  During the game, we let two people have feelings for each other, and then admit that they like him/her without knowing the identity of the other person, and they are willing to go to real life. This decision is not so easy to make, and it needs to be cautious, so it needs some emotional foreshadowing to reach the degree that the last two people are willing to go to the show.

  Sina Entertainment: In the process of playing games, how do two people’s emotions progress step by step?

  Xu Mengjia: When we first made the outline, we sorted out the emotional progressive relationship between the two people. First of all, we always think that the first five episodes of the game are very important. In the first game, it was Lu Jing who fully demonstrated his skills, and liang chen admired him very much. But at the same time, liang chen also fully demonstrated his own dishes, and Lu Jing was actually a little disgusted and depressed.

  By the second time, liang chen had already made him a human backpack and sent him bullets. This kind of behavior was actually touching for Lu Jing. At the same time, because he felt the admiration of liang chen, he also wanted to show off his skills. Unexpectedly, he overturned, and it would be a little fun for them to start playing again.

  When we arrived at the prison scene, we wanted to make an obvious progress in their feelings, so we emphasized that liang chen had some funny operations during his play, and liang chen was there to protect Lu Jing when he hung up. When Lu Jing came back, he asked liang chen why you didn’t run? Liang chen said that because we are going to die together, in this process, Lu Jing felt that the girl was very helpful. So I have changed a lot for her.

  Through these games, we let Lu Jing and liang chen feel the joy and fun of playing with each other, and at the same time let them see each other’s bright spots.

  Sina Entertainment: What are the considerations in the design of game scenes?

  Xu Mengjia: We changed the original PVP game into PVE, and changed the battle between players into a confrontation between people and robots. First, we kept the foundation of the gunfight game, followed by the collaboration between players, and the design of the copy of the game. If we just beat around in a map, it would be too boring, so we set different scenes for each copy, including the royal banquet hall, the prison and the ancient tomb jungle. In this case, it means that the audience can have a visual ice cream effect, and they can see that the hero and heroine have different costumes and different tasks in different scenes, and they will have a sense of freshness every time they are in the game mode.

  Sina Entertainment: In the previous plot, there were many coincidences between liang chen and Lu Jing, and netizens commented that it was "too routine". What do you think of such comments as a screenwriter?

  Xu Mengjia: I admit that this problem does exist, but there are actually objective reasons. First of all, the two of them are online dating. As I said before, there needs to be a process to warm up their feelings in the game. Two people don’t meet, but we are worried about them, because not meeting for a long time won’t do, so they also have some intersections in real life. In the process of writing, it’s impossible for them to really make any progress in real life, because they don’t know each other that you are the object of playing games with me every day, so everyone will think that there may be some drama in this part. Now I see the back and find that there is such a problem.

  There is no contrast between liang chen and Lu Jing, but they grow together.

  Sina Entertainment: Compared with Liang Chen, Lu Jing is a college student. Will the relationship between two people have a sense of disparity between feelings because of the disparity in status?

  Xu Mengjia: Although there is a certain gap temporarily, I think the two people are evenly matched. First of all, in her career, Liang Chen is certainly needless to say. She is a successful female star with many awards. However, although Lu Jing is a student, he has also won many awards, and he is still a good student. He is also the first Asian champion, and now he is still trying to participate in various competitions and big data competitions. Therefore, Lu Jing’s future is actually not lost to Liang Chen, which is in his career.

  Emotionally, I think these two people are independent personalities, and they don’t say that one party is completely obedient to the other. First of all, they all have clear plans for their own lives, their own careers and their own future. Two people belong to the common growth, even if there are problems, they will discuss with each other, run in with each other, and then reach an optimal and harmonious state, so I think the state of these two people is very equal and also a very good state.

  Sina Entertainment: Apart from the setting of two schoolmates, what is the uniqueness between Lu Jing and liang chen, which is different from the love between male and female protagonists in other plays?

  Xu Mengjia: First of all, they are different in identity. One is a student and the other is a singer. They are bound to encounter secular prejudice, for example, some people think that primary school students eat soft rice, etc. What we want to say is, don’t care too much and be too afraid of secular prejudice. Once you choose, you should pursue it bravely and fall in love bravely.

  There are two people together, liang chen and Lu Jing are actually problematic, but don’t give up easily. We should communicate well, run in with each other and grow together.

  Finally, don’t care too much about some external conditions. The essence of love is the attraction of the soul, so I think I hope that after watching it, the audience can stick to true love and don’t choose a relationship or enter a marriage just because it is suitable.

  Sina Entertainment: In the process of watching the drama, do you think that Lin Yi performed your imaginary landscape?

  Xu Mengjia: I think he is Lu Jing in my heart. He performed an unconventional schoolmaster. Lu Jing is very friendly to his roommate, the people around him, his neighbors and his friends. I think this is very similar to the feeling that Lin Yi himself gave me. Lu Jing is a very hard-working person, and I think Lin Yi is also a very serious person.

  In fact, in the preparatory stage, I have already discovered that he is a very serious actor I have ever seen. He will often attend script meetings with us and give opinions. For example, Lin Yi thinks that maybe the Lu Jing written in our script is sometimes too pretentious. Unlike a college student, he will advise us to accept it. I think what he said is very reasonable, so we try to make Lu Jing change him to be more grounded, more like a college student, and not too pretentious.

  We will talk with Lin Yi about his own understanding of Lu Jing. In the process of the actor’s own search and understanding of the role, Lin Yi did a very good job. The biggest surprise he gave me was actually kissing the scene. Lin Yi was really good at meeting relatives and acting very well.

  Sina Entertainment: What do you think is higher than the script in liang chen performed by LULU?

  Xu Mengjia: What surprises me about LULU is that her acting skills are very good. In the process of acting these romantic dramas, she will make me feel particularly substituted.

  In the process of performing this role, she will give us something that is not written in the script. For example, she has her own thoughts on the career development of this role. In fact, I think there are still some places that are not quite like a female star in our script. But through LULU’s performance, I think this is what I want to show a female star in her life. She actually makes up for some shortcomings in the script.

  Sina Entertainment: liang chen chose Lu Jing instead of Ding Jiayun. In the love between the year and the year, why are there more "love under the year" in recent years?

  Xu Mengjia: First of all, I think sister-in-law love is different from the traditional idol drama, which is generally a mode in which men are older than women. It is a quite new theme, and the audience doesn’t watch it very much. At the same time, I think it also reflects the rise of women’s consciousness in society. Now the audience doesn’t particularly like to see women’s roles attached to men.

  The audience’s ideas are similar to those we want to convey, that is, they strip off the external conditions of a man, such as his age, his income and his career. If you only look at him, his personality and his quality, will you still like him? What we want to convey is that you like his soul and his personality, not his external conditions. Under such circumstances,

  There is something wrong with the rhythm. We have tried to restore the famous scene.

  Sina Entertainment: How to convince the audience of the heroine’s identity background?

  Xu Mengjia: We didn’t package liang chen as a "big star". liang chen is just a popular female singer. As a singer, she is still a little different from the current star. But I think LULU has actually performed the feeling of being a popular singer.

  I think whether liang chen can become a popular singer depends on her own ability and strength, rather than focusing on things like hype and publicity. We want to shape her into an image that attaches great importance to her work and cares about her future career growth, and is also an image that dares to break through herself.

  LULU performed particularly well in this respect. In the 26th episode, she had a match with Liu Yiqing. At that time, liang chen insisted on singing "The First Dance in Winter", but Liu Yiqing just felt that we couldn’t do it for the time being. Can you put it down for the time being and get through this competition before making a breakthrough in the future? But LULU, she played with tears in her eyes at that time. Just say that you have been following the arrangement of the company for so many years, but you have never thought about my feelings. Why did you join this program? I came to this program just to break through myself, otherwise why did I come? When I saw this scene, I was actually particularly moved.

  Sina Entertainment: It’s almost the end of the show. Now let’s take a look at the creation of the whole drama. What do you think is the gain and loss of this drama?

  Xu Mengjia: First of all, the biggest feature of this drama is sweet and funny. I think we have done it in this respect. Whether it is the leading role or the supporting role, the image of the role is vivid and can be remembered by the audience. I think this is what we have done. There is also the famous scenes and lines of the original, and we have tried our best to restore them. There are some problems. First of all, there are still some problems in the rhythm. Everyone says that there are too many passes, which feels like a routine. We admit that there is indeed a problem. There is also my feeling that we paved the line between Sun Binyu and Mashanshan too late. In fact, their scenes should be mentioned in the male and female two, and more scenes should be given to them in the early stage, which is also a problem that we will try to avoid in future works.

  (Text/Meat English)