How many of these technologies from NASA have you seen?

  Today viewpoint

  Aerospace gives people a special feeling of "high cold", which reminds them of advanced fighter planes and magnificent space stations that ordinary people can’t see, touch or use.

  A few days ago, the well-known American website "GOBankingRates" took stock of 25 kinds of technologies originated from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in our daily life, which spread all over our "food, clothing, housing and transportation". They come from the distant sky, but they are convenient for our daily life.

  Food: baby milk powder, freeze-dried fruit, food safety packaging.

  At present, more than 90% of infant formula in the United States contains microalgae. It was originally the product of NASA research, the purpose of which was to test the potential use of algae as an oxygen "recycling agent" in space travel.

  Freeze-dried fruit is a common snack. However, the purpose of NASA’s development of freeze-drying technology is to make the fruits in the Apollo mission easier to carry, and this technology can maintain 98% nutrition with 20% quality.

  In order to ensure the safety and quality control method of space flight food development, NASA has now become a food industry standard to protect the food safety of consumers all over the world.

  Life: memory foam mattress, scratch-resistant lenses, anti-ultraviolet sunglasses, cordless vacuum cleaner, Nike air-cushion sports shoes, space blankets, ski boots.

  Comfortable memory foam mattress can fully fit the human body and relieve stress, which is necessary for many families. Memorable foam was not originally used to make mattresses. It was originally developed by NASA to cushion the impact of spacecraft landing on astronauts.

  Compared with ordinary glass, scratch-resistant lenses have a longer life. In fact, the scratch-resistant coating is a "by-product" accidentally discovered by Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) under NASA when researching the diamond hard coating for aerospace.

  In 1980s, two scientists from JPL developed a kind of welding glasses, which can absorb, filter and scatter the strong light emitted during welding. Later, this technology was widely used in anti-ultraviolet sunglasses.

  Initially, Black&Decker was ordered to develop a portable device for Apollo and Gemini missions, which was used to extract samples from below the surface of the moon. This technology has been improved to become a "cordless vacuum cleaner".

  Nike air-cushioned sneakers use the patent of "Blow Rubber Molding" obtained by M. Frank Rudy, a former engineer of NASA. The initial application target of this technology is spacesuit.

  The space blanket is insulated and heat-preserved, which is an essential item for survival in the wild and marathon. But it was originally developed by NASA to protect spacecraft and astronauts at low temperatures.

  In addition, the technology used by NASA in the joints of spacesuits has been improved and used in ski boots, which improves the athletes’ control ability in skiing.

  Home: swimming pool purification system, household heat insulation materials.

  In order to resist the extremely low space temperature, NASA made an insulating material called "radiation barrier" from aluminized polyester. According to JPL, aluminized polyester is now used in most household insulation materials.

  In 1960s, NASA developed an electrolytic silver iodide filter to provide clean drinking water for astronauts, and now it is widely used to purify swimming pools.

  Travel: aircraft deicing system, precision GPS, anti-skid groove on highway, better tires.

  According to NASA’s technology transfer plan, civil aircraft can fly in cold weather, mainly due to a thermoelectric deicing system called Thermawing developed by NASA.

  Many mobile phones are equipped with precision GPS technology developed by JPL, and its data comes from JPL global GPS receiver network. Even if there is no wireless connection, you can still use GPS positioning on your mobile phone.

  NASA’s Langley Research Center has developed anti-skid slot technology to prevent aircraft accidents on wet runways. Later, this technology was widely used in expressways.

  In 1970s, Goodyear Company developed a new tire material for NASA Viking Mars probe, which was used in parachute system. This technology was later used to improve ordinary tires, increasing their life by 10,000 miles.

  Electronic products: mobile phone camera, notebook computer, high-power solar cell, wireless headset, mouse, CAT scanner.

  In the 1990s, NASA asked JPL scientists to make a miniature camera that can be installed on spacecraft while ensuring the quality of photography. According to JPL, one-third of mobile phone cameras now use this technology.

  According to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, "Grid Compass" is the first notebook computer in the world. It was first used in the space shuttle mission in 1983, which is one of the inventions of NASA.

  The crystalline silicon solar cells used in the home originally came from the lightweight solar energy system developed by the Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology Alliance under NASA for electric aircraft.

  NASA has developed wireless headphones for astronauts to facilitate their communication. Now this technology has entered thousands of households.

  According to JPL, a NASA researcher developed a computer mouse in the 1960s, which allowed users to operate on the computer screen and made the computer more interactive.

  JPL initially developed a CAT scanner to scan aerospace components to get advanced digital images to detect defects. Now, it has become a commonly used medical instrument.

  Medical care: cochlear implant, invisible dental appliance, ear temperature thermometer.

  Adam Kiser, an engineer at Kennedy Space Center, used his working experience in electronic, sound and vibration sensor systems in the space shuttle project to develop early cochlear implants by using electric pulses instead of sound amplification technology.

  Compared with the traditional metal appliance, the invisible dental appliance is more beautiful. It is made of transparent polycrystalline alumina, which was originally developed by NASA to track heat-seeking missiles.

  Nowadays, many parents use ear thermometer to measure the temperature of sick babies or young children. According to JPL, this thermometer adopts infrared dissection technology invented by NASA and Diatek.

  There is always one of these 25 technologies that you have seen, touched and used. Aerospace technology can not only be used in high space, but also improve our quality of life after landing, which is one of the driving forces for human beings to explore and fly higher and farther.

  (Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, July 8 th)

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show him a thousand reasons to laugh.

  CCTV News:Today is the International Day of Disabled Persons. What is disability? Shi Tiesheng said that disability is nothing more than a limitation. What people can’t do is restriction and disability. In this way, life itself is a process of constantly surpassing its own limitations, and everyone is the same. In this process, we encounter pain, transcend limitations and feel happiness. After a "heavy fall" in life, get up again! Don’t be afraid, we are here.

  For blind children’s friends

  Author/Shi Tiesheng

  As long as the mind is healthy, all difficulties and obstacles are not terrible.

  Dear blind children friends, we are friends. I am also a disabled person. My legs have been unable to walk since I was 21 years old. Now, I have been in a wheelchair for 21 years.

  We all know the hardships and tribulations that disability has brought us, so we don’t have to say it. In the future, there is no doubt that disability will continue to bring us hardships and tribulations, and we must be psychologically prepared for this. I think all external difficulties and obstacles are not terrible, as long as our psychology is healthy.

  For example, we are friends, but we are not friends because we are all disabled. All healthy people are actually our friends, and everyone should be friends.

  Disability is nothing more than a limitation, and life itself is a process of constantly surpassing its own limitations.

  What is disability? Disability is nothing more than a limitation. You want to see it, but you can’t. As for me, I want to go but I can’t. What about healthy people? They want to fly, but they can’t-this is a metaphor, which means that healthy people also have limitations, and these limitations also give them hardships and hardships.

  It’s hard to say that healthy people will live easier than us, because pain and pain can’t be compared with size, just as happiness and happiness can’t be compared with size. There is no objective standard for pain and happiness, which is completely self-feeling. Therefore, whoever can keep unyielding courage can feel more happiness.

  Life is such a process, a process of constantly transcending our own limitations, and this is fate. Everyone is the same. In this process, we encounter pain, transcend our limitations and feel happiness. So all people are equal, and we are not special.

  As long as the "special" is eliminated, equality will naturally come.

  What we disabled people crave most is equality with healthy people. So what should we do? I think, equality is not something you can eat or wear, it is a quality or a realm. If you have it, you don’t have to be given it by others. If you don’t have it, others can’t give it to you.

  How can I have it? As long as the "special" is eliminated, equality will naturally come.

  In other words, we don’t have any special feelings because we are disabled. Apart from having two legs or a pair of eyes less than others, we have nothing less and nothing more than others, and there is nothing special about others. We don’t tolerate discrimination because of disability, nor do we win honors because of disability.

  If we do well and others praise us, it is only because we do well, not because we already have the advantage of being praised in advance. We win glory by real work.

  Of course, we can’t live without the help of others. Self-esteem doesn’t mean rejecting others’ kindness. Just want to help others and refuse others’ help, that’s not strong, that’s actually a psychological disability, because in fact, there is no one in the world who doesn’t need others’ help.

  We should not forget our disabled friends, but also strive to get out of the small circle of disabled people and walk freely into the world with broad love. This is the most important step to overcome disability and transcend limitations. /Figures are from vision china.

  Fate kissed me with pain. I return the favor with a song.

  The "apple" bitten by fate is still fragrant.


  Remember "Basketball Girl"? In 2000, Qian Hongyan, a 4-year-old from Luliang, Yunnan, suffered a car accident and was amputated below the pelvis. Grandpa cut the basketball in half and put it under her … … Later, she became attached to swimming. In 2010, she won three silver medals in the National Swimming Championships for the Disabled. This year, she swam into the Paralympic Games as she wished. She no longer sits in a basketball and looks up at the world. When talking about the feelings of participating in the Paralympic Games, Qian Hongyan said: "It feels like you can stand in a wider place and see the world."

  △ Figure/vision china
  In Yeli Village, Jingxing County, Hebei Province, Jia Haixia, who is blind, and Jia Wenqi, who has no arms, support each other. In 2001, the two contracted more than 50 mu of river beach in the village to plant trees. Every morning, Jia Haixia drags Jia Wenqi’s sleeve to the beach. When crossing the river, Jia Haixia helped Jia Wenqi roll up his trouser legs, and Jia Wenqi carried him over. For more than ten years, they planted tens of thousands of trees and insisted on not cutting down or selling a tree. They just turned the desolate wasteland into a dense jungle.

  Due to polio, Li Chuangye had to squat and walk since childhood. He was controlled by beggars at the age of 9, escaped from the magic cave at the age of 16, was admitted to the university at the age of 25, and joined the junior college this year to become an undergraduate. During the summer vacation, he walked in six provinces, climbed to the top of Wuyue Mountain by moving, traveled 7632 kilometers back and forth, climbed tens of thousands of steps, worn out 16 gloves, 6 pairs of shoes and 12 pairs of pants … …

  Zhang Rihui, who is 60 years old, is a courier in Xuancheng, Anhui Province. He has no feet because of his natural disability. He wraps his knees with rubber to send couriers, and he can send 70 or 80 pieces a day. He said that he had complained about his fate, but complaining could not solve the problem, and he believed that he could change his fate with his own hands.

  Wang Yajing, a post-90s "chin girl" in Fuyang, Anhui Province, was born with cerebral palsy in children and was severely paralyzed from the neck down. In 2008, she tried to operate the mouse with her chin. In the past eight years, she has created more than 4,000 poems, essays and fairy tales, and also published poetry collections and fairy tales. She said, "I know it’s hard to stick to my dream, but when my youth is still there, my dream is gone, which is very sad. Therefore, if my friend comes to me and says that he wants to give up and escape, I will definitely dissuade him and let him try again, because I am still on the road to my dream, and I believe that I will dispel other people’s doubts."

  Ruhr, a 26-year-old American, lost his legs due to illness since childhood. He made unremitting efforts to become a fitness instructor and gave free classes to the disabled. Doing push-ups and pull-ups with a wheelchair upside down can’t beat him. Ruhr always believed that he could do it, and also asked other disabled people to do so. What else do you want to say "can’t do it" when you see Ruhr?

  With love, winter is not cold.

  At present, there are more than one billion disabled people in the world, which is equivalent to one disabled person in every seven people.

  ② There are more than 100 million disabled children, and the possibility of violence is four times that of non-disabled children.

  ③80% of the disabled people live in developing countries.

  ④50% of the disabled can’t afford medical care.

  ⑤ There are more than 85 million disabled people in China, involving 280 million relatives.

  Many times, the temperature of a society is marked by how to treat the disabled.

  Chongqing, Xiaoyu, a bus arrived at the station, and a passenger with lower limbs was about to get off. Unexpectedly, the driver came and gently lifted him off the bus. The driver kept smiling and the disabled passenger shed tears … … Someone praised the driver as a good man, but he just answered, "What if it’s me?"

  Let every life be respected, at least ↓ ↓

A When greeting, keep your eyes on the other person and don’t stare at the disabled part.

B Be friendly when your eyes meet, and don’t show surprise and doubt.

C if you don’t know sign language, don’t gesticulate, so as not to cause misunderstanding. You can use lip reading or written conversation.

D attention is not onlookers, and it cannot affect the normal activities of disabled people.

E don’t ask about the cause and condition of disability, and avoid involving privacy and pain.

F before helping the disabled, you should ask for permission. Giving help rashly will hurt their self-esteem.

G use honorific words in conversation, and address them in a standardized way without insulting and discriminating language.

H when providing help, we should pay attention to the category of disability and determine the location and intensity of help.

I the national service hotline for the disabled is 12385. If you encounter difficulties, you can call it.

J Remember: Never deliberately imitate the speech and actions of disabled people.

  Source: CCTV news client

"China Table Tennis" exposes eggs. The "memory killing" of table tennis in the past dynasties has caused tears.

1905 movie network news On February 21st, the film directed by and starring Deng Chao,,,,,, and so on was released "Salute! At the end of the title, the "famous scene" of China table tennis history reappeared one by one in the song "Glorious Road", and the "memory killing" of table tennis in past dynasties attracted people’s tears. Previously, the main players of table tennis in active service also cheered for the film under the leadership of Liu Guoliang, chairman of the Chinese Table Tennis Association. Players of all ages interacted from a distance, and the spirit of table tennis in China was passed on. The film is now being shown nationwide.

Opening the Glorious Moment of China Table Tennis from Rong Guotuan and Reproducing China Table Tennis "Glorious Road" for 71 years.

"117 world champions and 254 gold medals." — — "China table tennis Jedi counterattack" "salute! The legend of table tennis history in China has been digitally recorded in the first frame of the egg at the end of the title. Since the establishment of China Table Tennis Team in 1952, the historical curtain of table tennis in China has been opened. Rong Guotuan, the legendary table tennis player who won the first men’s singles world championship for China at the World Table Tennis Championships in Dortmund in 1959, was the first world champion in the sports history of New China. Since then, table tennis fever has swept across the land of China, and the ups and downs of the national table tennis legend has also opened. Clockwise jump to 1961, the 26th World Table Tennis Championships was held in Beijing, which was the first time to host a world competition since the founding of New China. Starting from this World Table Tennis Championships, the focus of world table tennis began to shift from Japan to China. At this World Table Tennis Championships, China won three championships, namely men’s team, men’s singles and women’s singles. Qiu Zhonghui, the champion of women’s singles, became the first person in China to win the world women’s table tennis championship, and also the first women’s world champion in China — — China’s first men’s and women’s world champions were both won through table tennis.

The road to glory is not always smooth sailing. In the 1980s, European men’s table tennis launched an attack on China. In the early 1990s, swaythling cup, the highest honor of the men’s table tennis team, was won by the Swedish team for three consecutive times. This also achieved the "Jedi counterattack" of China Ping-pong in the 1995 Tianjin World Table Tennis Championships, winning all six gold medals in men’s team, women’s team, men’s doubles, women’s doubles, men’s singles and women’s singles. On the podium of the men’s team in the’ 95 Tianjin Video Game with the ending egg, the "General Five Tigers" who finally won the championship was even more energetic against the background of swaythling cup, the head coach. Since then, China men’s table tennis has gone through the Gemini era of Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui, the Gemini era of Wang Liqin, Wang Hao, Ma Lin and Ma Long, and then ZhangJike, Xu Xin and Fan Zhendong have become the mainstay of table tennis. In women’s table tennis, Wang Nan, Zhang Yining, Li Xiaoxia, Ding Ning … … Generations of legendary women’s table tennis players have firmly held the title of "Big Devil" in their hands. The egg at the end of China Ping-Pong’s Jedi Counter-Strike is a history of China Ping-Pong, and scenes of China Ping-Pong are reappeared in a panoramic view. Everyone will feel shocked when they see these photos. Table tennis in the past dynasties "Memory killing "brought tears to eyes.

"One Handsome and Five Tigers" Played the Classic Battle of Turning Defeat into Victory, the most exciting home for Tianjin’s achievements in 1995.

The Jedi counterattack of China Table Tennis tells the story that Dai Minjia, a coach studying abroad, volunteered to return to China in the early 1990s when the men’s table tennis was crushed by the "European powers" and led the veteran recruits to launch a counterattack against the "powers" in Tianjin to save the men’s table tennis. In 1990s, China men’s table tennis suffered a low ebb, losing cups in three consecutive World Table Tennis Championships, and even the team performance once fell to the seventh place in the world. In 1995, Tianjin unexpectedly won the qualification for hosting the World Table Tennis Championships, which also became the best time for China’s table tennis Jedi to fight back. Given the favorable weather and geographical location, human harmony has become a "roadblock" in front of China men’s table tennis. The "One Handsome and Five Tigers" in the film have different images and distinct personalities. They are not afraid of pressure in the face of great pressure and difficulties, and jointly performed a thrilling cup-winning battle. The Tianjin World Table Tennis Championships in 1995 has also become the most exciting home.

Dai Minjia, the "devil coach", used his troops like gods to build five "problem players" with their own strengths but no shortage of shortcomings into a teacher of hope who dares to fight, can fight and can fight. Absolute main force in the team — — Bai Min, the "leading brother", was injured in the shoulder and resisted the pressure at a critical moment that might ruin his sports career. Huang Zhao, the "most beautiful boy" who returned from "stealing a teacher" in Europe, was older, but he kept a key point with rich practical experience; Gong Feng, a "secret weapon" hidden in the snow for four years, has myopia of more than 1000 degrees in both eyes, but he has mastered the stunt of "combining attack and cutting" to beat the top players in Europe; Only 16-year-old Hou Zhuoxiang and Dong Shuai, the "future champions" and "Ping-Pong Moonlight", who showed super dominance, launched an impact from the youthful power on their opponents. As the highest comprehensive word-of-mouth evaluation of the new film released since February, this annual word-of-mouth work of "Good Laughter and Tears, Enough Burning, Enough Cool" has been unanimously recognized by the media, film critics and ordinary audiences with its ups and downs stories, carefree competitions and inspiring ping-pong spirit since its release.

The film "China Ping-Pong Fight Back" is directed by Deng Chao and Yu Baimei, starring Deng Chao, Sun Li, Timmy Xu, Duan Bowen, Cai Yida, Ding Guansen, Sun Jilun, Aruna, etc. The film is now being shown in the country.

These signals remind! Women may have kidney deficiency.

Expert in this issue: Oriental College of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine is proud.

"Men are afraid of hurting the liver, while women are afraid of hurting the kidney." Because of their physiological characteristics, women are burdened with tasks such as menstruation, pregnancy, fetus, childbirth and breastfeeding that men do not have, and it is easy to hurt the kidney, resulting in kidney deficiency. Secondly, with the improvement of women’s social status, the social, work and life pressures they bear are increasing day by day, which can easily lead to the gradual decline of organ function and the decline of essence in the kidney. Therefore, many women have shown kidney deficiency very early.

Kidney deficiency in women should not be underestimated, because it will affect many aspects of women’s physiology, psychology and emotions. So what manifestations will kidney deficiency have? If you have the following signals on your body, it suggests that you may have kidney deficiency.

(1) Premature senility

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that kidney essence is sufficient for good growth and development, strong constitution and long life; Deficiency of kidney essence leads to poor growth and development, weak constitution and short life span. Kidney deficiency in women will be manifested as premature aging, such as premature gray hair, alopecia, tooth shaking, forgetfulness, hearing loss, premature aging of vision and so on.

(2) Early menopause

Generally, women will have menopausal symptoms around the age of 50, while women with kidney deficiency will have menopausal symptoms of kidney deficiency such as amenorrhea, hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, nervousness and palpitations at the age of 40-45.

(3) the trend of getting fat

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the basic causes of obesity are phlegm, dampness and deficiency, and further, it is due to deficiency of kidney qi, which leads to stagnation of phlegm and dampness in the body. Therefore, women with kidney-qi deficiency often tend to gain weight. Modern medicine explains the relationship between obesity and kidney deficiency as follows: people with kidney deficiency have weakened endocrine function and lowered basal metabolic rate, resulting in reduced calorie consumption and fat accumulation, leading to obesity.

(4) Sexual apathy, even difficult to conceive.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that kidney stores essence, controls reproductive development, and the female reproductive system gradually develops and matures under the care of kidney essence. If kidney essence is insufficient, there will be irregular menstruation, decreased libido, infertility and easy abortion.

(5) Fear of cold

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that kidney yang is the foundation of yang. Kidney yang has a warming effect on the whole body, just as solar energy in spring makes people feel warm. If kidney-yang deficiency occurs, the warming effect of body yang will decrease, which is manifested as cold pain in knees, tepid limbs, and cold waist and abdomen. In winter, there will be symptoms such as chills and cold limbs, even frequent urination at night, and listlessness.

(6) Insomnia, dryness and heat all over.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that deficiency of kidney-yin leads to internal disturbance of deficiency of fire, so women with kidney-yin deficiency are easily agitated and have difficulty in concentrating; Because of kidney yin deficiency, yin qi cannot be adducted at night. It will lead to insomnia and dreaminess; In addition, yin deficiency and essence deficiency can lead to bone dystrophy, so people with kidney yin deficiency often feel weak waist and knees.

Kidney is the root of human life, and the qi and blood energy of the five zang-fu organs need the support of kidney qi. Deficiency of kidney qi will gradually lead to deficiency of other organs in the five zang-fu organs. If you have the above problems, it is suggested that you go to a Chinese medicine specialist as soon as possible to seek professional doctor’s guidance for nursed back to health, so as to avoid the aggravation of kidney deficiency and affect other viscera functions.

Source: Guangming Net

Top health care for adults: exercise

Text | Rotating Sunshine (rich book author)

For adults, exercise is the most cost-effective way to keep fit.

At the end of December 2021, Yuan Jingtian, a 40-year-old rice expert in Sanya, passed away due to illness.

When we feel sorry for expert Yuan, we should also realize the importance of keeping healthy.

I remember reading such a passage:

"We can’t control whether the future is rich or poor, when the cause will develop, and how others evaluate us.

But at least we can control our bodies and keep them in the best condition. "

Health preservation is a magic weapon to maintain the best state of the body. For adults, exercise is the most cost-effective way to keep fit.

Insisting on taking exercise as the top regimen is a homework that we need to work hard to do.

  • Exercise gives back to our state of physical and mental health.

Writer Liu Na wrote in "Flowers in Leisure":

"Whether it is a better job, a better company, and a better move forward, we need to give our physical and mental batteries full of energy."

Exercise, like a battery that charges our body and mind, can make us have a healthy body and a good mental state.

Academician Zhong Nanshan, who is over 80 years old, is still fighting in the front line when the epidemic in COVID-19 is raging, maintaining high-intensity work, relying not only on deep scientific research reserves, but also on a strong body.

Zhong Lao’s good state benefits from persistent exercise. In the past few decades, he has exercised at least three times a week for more than an hour each time, which has become his unshakable habit.

Grandpa Zhong Nanshan said, "Exercise plays a key role in my health. The length of life, mostly does not depend on aging and disease, but a normal lifestyle.

Nowadays, it is precisely because many young people have not developed a correct lifestyle that various diseases will appear in their bodies and their organs will age faster. "

The sweat we shed for sports will one day be returned to us with a strong body and a good mental state.

At the same time,Whether it is to drive away confusion or to fight anxiety, exercise is one of the simplest and most practical methods.

Sammi Cheng, a female star, once suffered from severe depression. For a time, she overeated, resulting in a completely out of shape.

She is also getting more and more anxious, and her body and mind are on the verge of collapse.

In order to get rid of her bad state and restore her body and mind to a healthy level, she followed the doctor’s advice and began to try moderate exercise.

She started running for eight kilometers every day, and she persisted for more than ten years.

Although she is nearly 50 years old now, she is still well-proportioned and full of energy, which vividly explains the story that "time never defeats beauty".

Insisting on exercise will make us have a state of good physical and mental health, so that we can calmly resist the traces of time.

The stage of a person’s life is not in the eyes of others, but in his own heart.

We insist on sports, not to win applause from others, but to broaden the length of our lives and the width of our hearts.

  • Exercise can help us form the habit of self-discipline.

Russian educator ushinski said: "Good habits are the capital that people store in the nervous system. This capital will continue to grow, and a person can enjoy its interest all his life."

Exercise can help us form the habit of self-discipline, so as to salvage more light and hope in life.

The writer Haruki Murakami has been running for at least one hour every day since 1982.

In the book "What Do I Talk about When I Run", he recorded his running mood for 36 years and his daily feelings.

It takes a lot of perseverance to insist on exercise, but Haruki Murakami thinks, "I don’t want to run today, so I just run. This is the way of thinking of long-distance runners."

He gets up at 4 o’clock every day, writes for 5 hours, runs for 1 hour or swims for 1.5 hours in the afternoon, then reads and listens to music, and goes to bed at 9 o’clock in the evening. Whenever I started writing a novel, this routine never changed.

To outsiders, Murakami’s writing life is a bit rigid, like a Swiss mechanical watch, and every minute is not bad.

But Haruki Murakami himself knows that this habit of self-discipline has benefited him a lot.

Writer Haruki Murakami wrote in his autobiographical novel: "For more than 30 years, I have never felt that writing is a hard job, and I have never encountered a low tide."

Insisting on exercise has helped him form the habit of self-discipline. He moved the habit of self-discipline into his creation, thus gaining a reputation in the literary world.

Although for most of us, even if we persist in exercise, it will not change our lives dramatically, and we will still be anonymous in the vast sea of people.

But insisting on exercise and getting up early will make us change subtly:

Netease Cloud once had such a hot comment: "In fact, you can get up early instead of staying up late. The world is still sleeping, parents are still sleeping, the boss is sleeping and the teacher is sleeping;

The whole world is still sleeping, so you can watch the sun rise slowly and feel that the light will always come;

The people you care about will wake up slowly, the world is still moving slowly, and you will still have your own time. "

Persisting in exercise and getting up early will give us a brand-new state to treat life, thus continuing to write about beauty in ordinary daily life. This is also the compound interest effect of self-discipline.

Because time knows, there has never been any life, only a lot of accumulation.

  • Exercise can make us more resilient.

Angela duckworth, an American psychology professor, through the study of West Point Military Academy, came to the conclusion that:

"The core element of a person’s success is not IQ, EQ, family background, or so-called test scores, but the person’s psychological resilience, or anti-vulnerability. "

Sports is a powerful weapon to exercise our psychological resilience.

Because many sports have their own competitive characteristics. As long as you participate in sports competitions, you will win or lose.

If you participate in sports regularly, you won’t care about winning or losing for a while, thus making people more resilient.

In his New Year’s Eve speech in 2022, Luo Zhenyu talked about one thing that he went to see 60-year-old Yu Minhong:

"I asked him, do you exercise at ordinary times? He immediately got up and did 10 push-ups, which made me dumbfounded.

What I envy is not only his body, but his energy. New Oriental’s education and training business was frustrated, but it’s okay. People started all over again and worked on agricultural products. "

Yu Minhong, 60, can get up immediately and do 10 push-ups, which means that he should spend a lot of time on exercise.

In fact, Yu Minhong has always attached great importance to sports. He once advocated in his speech that "every child should practice at least one sport."

As we all know, Yu Minhong is a very resilient person:

He was admitted to the university only after three college entrance examinations, and he also experienced various hardships in the process of starting a business in New Oriental.

In 2021, due to the implementation of the national "double reduction" policy, Yu Minhong’s teaching and training business in New Oriental was frustrated. Yu Minhong was not discouraged, but took the lead in leading teachers to transform into live sales of agricultural products.

Yu Minhong’s resilience in the face of difficulties comes from his usual exercise.

Wang Xiaobo said: "Life is a slow process of being hammered."

Exercise gives us the resilience and confidence to wait for a bright future when facing the life of mountains and rivers.

Ming Chen, the champion mentioned by Qipa, once said: "Nothing in the world is meaningful, but meaning is given by people. And persistence itself is an extremely shining meaning. "

Insisting on exercise is to protect our health and expand more possibilities for our life.

At the beginning of the new year in 2022, I hope that when we make New Year’s resolutions, sports can squeeze into our crowded wish list, and I hope that everyone of us can enjoy sports.

Love sports, this is the way we adults should pursue health.

About the author: Rotating Sunshine (author of Fu Shu) upgrades life awareness with 5 million people. The source of this article is Fu Xiaoshu. The copyright of this article belongs to Fu Shu, and it is not allowed to be reproduced without authorization. Infringement will be investigated.

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Running, skipping rope, climbing stairs … hurt your knee? Don’t worry about it. Look at the exercise guide for the best of both worlds here.

When it comes to exercise, many people are worried about hurting their knees.

So what kind of exercise hurts the knee the most?

The answer is

Sitting for a long time hurts your knees the most!

Long-term sedentary articular cartilage will gradually lose nutrition and "starve to death"

So exercise properly.

To prolong the life of the knee.

But the premise is to master scientific methods.

Avoid unnecessary damage.

Chen xingzuo

china japan friendship hospital

Deputy chief physician of orthopedics

Climb mountains and stairs

Risk of knee injury: ★★★★★★★

When going up the mountain (stairs), your knees will bear about three times your own weight.

When going down the mountain (stairs), the knee will not only bear the impact of the ground, but also increase the wear of the knee.

Therefore, it is not recommended to climb mountains and stairs as daily exercise.

Click on the picture below to see the correct posture of going up and down the stairs.

Key points of climbing without hurting knees:

The center of gravity is slightly forward when going up the mountain and slightly backward when going down the mountain.

Hold the railing to help or use the trekking pole.

Knee injury, good leg first when going upstairs, bad leg first when going downstairs.

Tip: Old people, overweight people and people with knee injuries are best to crawl less. Don’t insist on climbing if your knees are uncomfortable.

rope skipping

Risk of knee injury: ★★★☆☆☆

The risk of skipping rope to knee joint is mainly related to the venue.

Generally, the concrete floor downstairs in a residential area can’t provide an effective buffer for the impact force when skipping rope falls to the ground, and it is easy to hurt the knee for a long time.

Key points of skipping rope without hurting knees:

Choose plastic floor or cement floor to lay plastic mats.

When jumping, keep your feet close together to avoid bending your knees greatly.

The take-off height is 2 cm ~ 4 cm, so as to ensure that the skipping rope just passes through the soles of the feet.

Shake the rope with wrist strength and keep the big arm close to the torso.


Risk of knee injury: ★★☆☆☆

Jogging rarely causes knee injuries as long as it is not excessive.

A few people with obvious O-leg, X-leg deformity or knee joint disease and overweight should exercise reasonably according to the doctor’s advice.

Key points of running without hurting knees:

Warm up for 5-10 minutes before jogging, and run for 30-60 minutes every day, without paying too much attention to the distance.

Lean forward slightly, swing your arms naturally, and touch the ground with your forefoot.

Keep the speed "breathing, heartbeat is slightly faster but you can talk normally"

Plastic ground and asphalt road are selected for the site, and cement ground is not recommended.

Tip: Treadmill needs to be used with caution. If the setting is unreasonable and the speed is too fast, it is difficult for the average person to keep up with muscle strength and coordination after fatigue, but it is easy to get injured. In addition, the weight is too large, and the injured knee joint should be guided by a doctor.

At the same time, don’t be a "weekend hero" and suddenly go to exercise. Exercise should be gradual, gradually increase the amount, and the weekly increase should not exceed 10%. Don’t be a "weekend hero" and suddenly exercise.

a kind of traditional Chinese shadowboxing (tai chi chuan)

Risk of knee injury: ★★☆☆☆

Some people think that Tai Ji Chuan’s squats like "Ma Bu" will put too much pressure on his knees.

As a matter of fact, many scientific studies actually show that playing Tai Ji Chuan twice a week can not only protect the knee but also relieve psychological stress.

Key points of Tai Chi without hurting knees:

You need to warm up before playing Tai Ji Chuan.

Don’t squat too much in pursuit of beautiful movements.

You need to stand on one foot or rotate your body slowly.

Once knee discomfort occurs, don’t endure it and stop immediately.

Ride a bike

Risk of knee injury: ★★☆☆☆

When riding, people’s weight mainly presses on the seat cushion, and the force on the knees is relatively small, which also helps to strengthen the muscles around the joints.

However, if you ride too hard or take some wrong riding posture habits, it will also have certain health risks to your knees.

Key points of cycling without hurting knees:

Adjust the height of the seat to: when the foot steps on the lowest position, the knee joint slightly bends about 170.

Hold your head high while riding, keeping your knees and toes facing forward.

Keep riding at a constant speed, and don’t suddenly increase the speed by force.

Exert your thigh, and step on the pedal with the first third of the sole of your foot.

Tip: If there is obvious discomfort in front of the knee joint when riding a bicycle, it is necessary to minimize such activities.

Click on the picture below to see the details of riding a bike correctly.


Risk of knee injury: ★☆☆☆☆☆

When swimming, the body is basically parallel to the water surface, and the knee joint is basically free of load, so it is best for the knee joint.

However, patients with knee injuries should avoid breaststroke as much as possible. Water resistance will impact the knee joint when breaststroke kicks, and long-term high-intensity breaststroke may aggravate the symptoms.

Tip: Freestyle and backstroke are more recommended to protect the knee joint.

Can knee pads help maintain your knees?

Many functional knee pads only sell a conceptual thing, and one thing that all functional knee pads do is actually heating. Keeping warm is a very important part of knee joint maintenance, because the joint itself is afraid of wet and cold.

Therefore, normal knee pads have two main functions.

1. Keep the knee warm

2. Increase the stability of joints.

If the functional kneepad is non-invasive to the knee joint, it is actually no problem to use. However, some people may be allergic to drugs for knee pads, so they need to be careful.

Knee pads used in osteoarthritis, the most important function is to keep warm;

The main function of knee pads used in traumatic arthritis is to provide extra stability for joints;

Primary synovitis and gouty arthritis may not be particularly important for the use of knee pads.

point out

1. Don’t rely too much on knee pads.

Long-term dependence will lead to muscle atrophy inside the joint, which is actually more unfavorable for the protection of the whole joint.

Especially for relatively young people, we must not rely too much on knee pads, but should make muscle strength stronger.

2, the temperature must not be too high, not too long.

3. Observe whether there is drug allergy in time.

4. Don’t wear too tight knee pads.

Too tight kneepads can easily lead to blood stasis, resulting in poor blood return, which may lead to thrombotic diseases of lower limbs, which may even be fatal.

Guide to the risk of knee injury in sports

Risk of knee injury by climbing mountains and stairs: ★★★★★★★

Risk of knee injury by skipping rope: ★★★☆☆☆

Risk of knee injury due to jogging: ★★☆☆☆

Risk of knee injury in Tai Ji Chuan: ★★☆☆☆.

Risk of knee injury by cycling: ★★☆☆☆

Risk of knee injury in swimming: ★☆☆☆☆☆

Source: CCTV life circle

What is culture? An over-interpreted problem, in fact, it is very simple.

"This man is really uneducated!" "This city has a strong cultural atmosphere."We often talk about culture, but have you seriously thought about it? What is culture?

According to statistics, there are more than 360 definitions of culture given by experts and scholars at home and abroad, and more than 200 are said to be more influential.

British Taylor, the father of anthropology, he in the study of human culturePrimitive culture, the pioneering workIn the book, culture is defined as:"Culture is a complex whole, including knowledge, belief, art, morality, laws, customs and all the abilities and habits acquired by human beings in society."

Yu Qiuyu’s definition of culture is said to be the shortest in the world: "Culture is a spiritual value and lifestyle that becomes a habit, and its final result is collective personality."Not counting punctuation, it is exactly 30 words.

An online essay about what culture is said: A real literate person does not depend on how many books he has read or what school he has attended, but should have four qualities:Cultivation rooted in the heart; Consciousness without reminding; Freedom based on constraints; Kindness for others.I personally agree with this view. Let’s share a few short stories that happened around me.

That winter, after the newly bought house was renovated, I bought Hisense LCD TV. On the first day, the delivery man sent the TV set home and told us that there would be professionals to install and test it tomorrow.

The next morning, when I got up and opened the curtains, I saw that there were snowflakes in the sky and a thin layer of snow had been covered on the ground. I thought at that time: I’m afraid the person who installed the TV can’t come today. Anyway, cable TV hasn’t been opened yet, so you can install it any day. Don’t worry.

About nine o’clock, the intercom doorbell rang in a hurry. I picked up the receiver, and there was a young man on the screen, saying that he had come to install the TV. I was surprised and opened the unit door for him.

When I heard a knock at the door, I opened the door. It was a young man who looked about thirty years old. But he was not in a hurry to enter the door, but stood at the door rummaging through the toolkit he was carrying. It was the weather in March 9, and I let him in, but he refused. He found two shoe covers from his bag and put them on his feet quickly before entering the house.

I smiled and said to him, "It doesn’t matter, don’t be so particular!" He replied: "This is my job responsibility, and it must be like this!"

Young people are quick with their hands and feet, and soon they installed the TV set and taught us how to use it. In the meantime, I handed him a cigarette and he said no; Made tea for him to drink, but he said he was not thirsty.

Standing at the window and looking at his far-away back and a line of footprints left in the snow, my heart was moved by his little move of putting on shoe covers.

At the beginning of that year, we traveled to Taiwan Province. The tourist bus is running on the expressway, and my friend’s three-year-old daughter suddenly wants to urinate. A friend asked the female tour guide if she could ask the driver to stop the car so that her little daughter could go under the car for convenience.

These days, the driver and the tour guide are accompanied all the way, and we are already familiar with each other. There is only a friend’s little daughter and a child in the car. Without waiting for the tour guide to ask questions, the words of the middle-aged male driver came up: "It’s not convenient to park on the road, just let her do it in the car. The urine of the boy is very expensive!" My friend was very grateful to hear the driver’s words.

After parking at a scenic spot, a friend wanted to find tools to clean the car. The driver said to his friend, "You go and play well, just let me do this!" My friend was very touched. Although it is a small thing, it makes people feel incomparable comfort and warmth.

Walking in the square early in the morning, a little girl of four or five years old caught my attention. She stood not far from the dustbin, two small hands were peeling something, and she didn’t see it until she got closer. She is holding two packaged milk tablets in her hand, and she is peeling the packaging tin foil with her small hands. Inadvertently, two tiny pieces of tinfoil fell to the ground. The little girl bent down to pick up the tin foil on the ground and threw it into the dustbin. She stood beside the dustbin and threw the stripped tin foil into the dustbin. When she saw me looking at her, she raised a piece of milk in her hand and gave me a sweet smile.

At noon, we ate at a fast food restaurant in a seaside scenic spot. The sun is like fire outside, and the heat wave attacks people; The air conditioner in the store is open and the temperature is suitable. A little boy of four or five years old has been standing at the side of our dining table. At first, it didn’t attract our attention. There are many people dining in fast food restaurants, and diners waiting for seats are everywhere. In the meantime, I looked at the boy carefully: white skin, clean and decent clothes, small age, neat and orderly hair, not like a wandering child. When we are almost finished, he looks at us from time to time. I’ve seen boys stand for so long and look at us from time to time. I leaned close to him and asked, "What can I do for you? Can I help you? " The little boy told me in a childish voice that he was waiting for our seats. Grandparents are still waiting over there. Following his eyes, we saw an elderly couple with outstanding temperament not far away, standing quietly waiting for their seats. My wife and I quickly finished eating the food on the table and immediately asked the little boy to invite his grandparents. "Thank you, grandparents!" The little boy did not forget to thank him. The elderly couple smiled and nodded to us, and politely said "thank you!" As we were leaving, the little boy waved and said, "Goodbye, grandparents!"

I deeply felt: it is rare for a child at a young age to know the rules and be so polite.

One day, walking in the yard of the community, an old man in front of me was walking with his puppy. Soon, the old man and the dog stopped. I didn’t know what they were going to do, so I slowed down. When I came near, I found that the puppy had just finished excreting. I saw the old man take out a stack of toilet paper from his coat pocket, which was dark in color and thick in texture. The old man pulled out a few pieces, squatted down to pick up the excrement wrapped in the puppy and threw it into the trash can. To be honest, this is the first time I have seen what a dog owner has done. The old man’s behavior is not like a temporary act, but more like a long-term habit. The old man’s actions are moving! I am thinking: If all dog owners can do this, what kind of situation would it be?

Many times, culture is a hidden existence. Maybe we often can’t see the concrete image of culture, but it is obviously very important to us.It will make your thoughts richer, your work more independent, your life more interesting, and your behavior more civilized and elegant, which is not only beneficial to yourself, but also a little contribution to social progress.

Bai Yansong once said: "Whether a person has a culture or not depends not on his studies.How high is the calendar. People with academic qualifications do not necessarily have culture; People without education are not necessarily uneducated. Reading a lot of books, having a high diploma, and having education are sometimes completely different. "

Description: original works, infringement will be investigated!

What is culture? On the word culture

Image source network

The word "culture": its appearance in China can be traced back to the Western Han Dynasty. "Culture" is not only a system of civilizing and educating, but also a system of rites and music. This understanding has been maintained in our country until modern times. The meaning of the word "culture" that we use today is obviously different from that of ancient times. It was introduced from the west through Japanese translation at the end of the 19th century. At that time, there was no definition of the word, and people only used the word "culture" according to their own understanding and needs. According to analysis, there were about three meanings at that time; First, it is synonymous with "civilization"; Second, in a broad sense, it includes spiritual and "civilization" contents; Three, narrow sense, refers to the spiritual content. To this day. The meaning of culture is broader; There are also many people who agree that culture refers to "ideology", and everything outside politics and economy is among them; Others make a broader understanding that everything created by human beings (that is, the integration of material civilization and spiritual civilization) is culture; Besides, some people have other explanations.

In view of the fact that scholars at home and abroad have different opinions on the concept of "culture", it has been suggested that the word "culture" may be a vague concept naturally, and it is difficult to make a clear and complete definition. Instead of pursuing a simple and precise definition, people should determine a flexible range from the perspective of set.

Although there are many definitions of culture, I personally think that it should be the same in many aspects, and we can roughly summarize it into the following three aspects;

First, ideology (also known as ideology) means people’s world outlook, way of thinking, religious beliefs, psychological characteristics, values, moral standards, cognitive ability and so on.

Second, the way of life, that is, people’s attitude towards their food, clothing, housing and transportation, marriage, birth, illness, family life and social production activities, and some forms taken in these aspects.

Third, spiritual materialized products, that is, from the formal point of view, are some material things, but through the material form, they can reflect people’s differences and changes in ideas.

From the above three parts, the scope of culture is basically outlined. But we should pay attention to: the word culture; It should be an organic whole, which is not only the simple addition of the contents of these three parts, but also the mutual influence and premise of the contents of these three parts, and should be organically combined according to a specific sequence.

Chinese culture has an eclectic and open mind.

Source: People’s Daily-People’s Daily

Eclecticism is a kind of wisdom. Han Yu said in "A Solution to Learning": "Jade cinnabar, red arrow and green cheese, cattle and horses, the skin of defeated drums, all of which are collected and stored, and those who are ready for use are also good doctors." This means that a clever doctor will put away all kinds of things for a rainy day, which means to have both and everything. Eclecticism is also a kind of mind. Culturally, it is to keep an open mind, actively learn from all the outstanding achievements of human civilization, learn from others and use them for our own use.



Chinese culture has an eclectic and open mind, which has profound historical reasons. In ancient China, there was a super-large population and region, with a long-term leading level of economic development and frequent economic and trade exchanges with other countries and regions, the most prominent being the formation of the Silk Road on land and the Silk Road on the sea. These economic and trade exchanges have not only promoted economic prosperity, but also brought about the exchange and integration of science, technology, culture and art between China and other countries. At the same time, an important concept in Chinese "harmony" culture is to value harmony and harmony among all nations, and to advocate that different countries treat each other peacefully and live in harmony. China people regard the world as the world and think that the world belongs to one family. Many ancient rulers also saw that cooperation and exchanges between countries were far more conducive to stability and development than conquering wars. In addition, China’s ancient thought of practical application advocated "unity of knowledge and practice, bowing to behavior", opposed empty talk and advocated solving practical problems. Therefore, methods and means that are beneficial to social development and effective for improving people’s livelihood can be learned and used by me. In this way, a pragmatic and aggressive attitude is formed. When people come into contact with excellent foreign cultures, systems and arts, they are more willing to learn from them.





(作者为中国社会科学院哲学研究所副所长)《 人民日报 》( 2023年08月07日 09 版)