What is culture? On the word culture

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The word "culture": its appearance in China can be traced back to the Western Han Dynasty. "Culture" is not only a system of civilizing and educating, but also a system of rites and music. This understanding has been maintained in our country until modern times. The meaning of the word "culture" that we use today is obviously different from that of ancient times. It was introduced from the west through Japanese translation at the end of the 19th century. At that time, there was no definition of the word, and people only used the word "culture" according to their own understanding and needs. According to analysis, there were about three meanings at that time; First, it is synonymous with "civilization"; Second, in a broad sense, it includes spiritual and "civilization" contents; Three, narrow sense, refers to the spiritual content. To this day. The meaning of culture is broader; There are also many people who agree that culture refers to "ideology", and everything outside politics and economy is among them; Others make a broader understanding that everything created by human beings (that is, the integration of material civilization and spiritual civilization) is culture; Besides, some people have other explanations.

In view of the fact that scholars at home and abroad have different opinions on the concept of "culture", it has been suggested that the word "culture" may be a vague concept naturally, and it is difficult to make a clear and complete definition. Instead of pursuing a simple and precise definition, people should determine a flexible range from the perspective of set.

Although there are many definitions of culture, I personally think that it should be the same in many aspects, and we can roughly summarize it into the following three aspects;

First, ideology (also known as ideology) means people’s world outlook, way of thinking, religious beliefs, psychological characteristics, values, moral standards, cognitive ability and so on.

Second, the way of life, that is, people’s attitude towards their food, clothing, housing and transportation, marriage, birth, illness, family life and social production activities, and some forms taken in these aspects.

Third, spiritual materialized products, that is, from the formal point of view, are some material things, but through the material form, they can reflect people’s differences and changes in ideas.

From the above three parts, the scope of culture is basically outlined. But we should pay attention to: the word culture; It should be an organic whole, which is not only the simple addition of the contents of these three parts, but also the mutual influence and premise of the contents of these three parts, and should be organically combined according to a specific sequence.

Chinese culture has an eclectic and open mind.

Source: People’s Daily-People’s Daily

Eclecticism is a kind of wisdom. Han Yu said in "A Solution to Learning": "Jade cinnabar, red arrow and green cheese, cattle and horses, the skin of defeated drums, all of which are collected and stored, and those who are ready for use are also good doctors." This means that a clever doctor will put away all kinds of things for a rainy day, which means to have both and everything. Eclecticism is also a kind of mind. Culturally, it is to keep an open mind, actively learn from all the outstanding achievements of human civilization, learn from others and use them for our own use.



Chinese culture has an eclectic and open mind, which has profound historical reasons. In ancient China, there was a super-large population and region, with a long-term leading level of economic development and frequent economic and trade exchanges with other countries and regions, the most prominent being the formation of the Silk Road on land and the Silk Road on the sea. These economic and trade exchanges have not only promoted economic prosperity, but also brought about the exchange and integration of science, technology, culture and art between China and other countries. At the same time, an important concept in Chinese "harmony" culture is to value harmony and harmony among all nations, and to advocate that different countries treat each other peacefully and live in harmony. China people regard the world as the world and think that the world belongs to one family. Many ancient rulers also saw that cooperation and exchanges between countries were far more conducive to stability and development than conquering wars. In addition, China’s ancient thought of practical application advocated "unity of knowledge and practice, bowing to behavior", opposed empty talk and advocated solving practical problems. Therefore, methods and means that are beneficial to social development and effective for improving people’s livelihood can be learned and used by me. In this way, a pragmatic and aggressive attitude is formed. When people come into contact with excellent foreign cultures, systems and arts, they are more willing to learn from them.





(作者为中国社会科学院哲学研究所副所长)《 人民日报 》( 2023年08月07日 09 版)