The beauty industry has been bombarded: sunscreen spray causes white lungs, and hydrating products are all "IQ taxes"?

Image source: vision china

Blue whale financial reporter Wang Hanyi

"Sunscreen spray may lead to the risk of white lung. Can the relevant tips be implemented on every package?" "When will the hydration lie end?" "If there are problems with the test report and various lists, what can consumers believe?"

Recently, a video about "female R&D engineers after 1995 questioned experts at the skin care industry conference" attracted attention. At present, the specific identity of the woman in the video, the information of the industry conference she attended and who the industry experts she questioned are still unclear, but the three issues raised by the woman and some industry status reflected behind these issues are worth discussing.

Is it true that using sunscreen spray on the face causes pneumonia?

An emergency doctor who didn’t want to be named told Blue Whale Financial reporter that the ingredients in sunscreen spray are generally non-toxic to the body, but some sunscreen sprays do contain high-risk ingredients. "It is common for chemicals to cause skin allergies, and lung cancer is an example. If you hold your breath or cover your mouth and nose when using it, the spray will not have any adverse effects on your body."

In fact, some sunscreen sprays also have tips on how to use them correctly when selling. Blue Whale Financial reporter searched on the shopping platform with "sunscreen spray" as the key word, and randomly selected an adult spray and a child spray, both of which had relevant risk warnings or precautions such as "Do not inhale when using" and "Not recommended for people with respiratory diseases".

A research and development personnel in the front line of cosmetics production told Blue Whale Financial reporter: "At present, there is really no clear provision requiring sunscreen sprays to indicate the use method on the packaging, but many sunscreen sprays will be indicated on the details page or packaging."

Bai Yunhu, an expert in cosmetics industry management, said: "Whether it is necessary to mark some possible risk warnings on products, similar to the’ warning’ information marked on cigarettes by the tobacco industry, depends on industry norms and regulatory requirements. In most cases, CFDA (China Food and Drug Administration) has professional judgment, and if necessary, it will formulate relevant laws and regulations. For example, there are strict requirements for the identification of the sun protection index, and sun protection is also a special cosmetic, which needs to be filed separately. "

Adult sunscreen spray details page Image source: Cut from Taobao

Children’s sunscreen spray details page Image source: Cut from Taobao

In addition, the reporter of Blue Whale Finance also interviewed consumers who would buy such products every day. Everyone said that it is common sense to avoid inhaling sunscreen spray, just like "inhaling smog and dust may cause pneumoconiosis". In fact, it’s not just sunscreen spray, but also the prickly heat powder used by children is risky to inhale.

Bing Han, the initiator of rational skin care and a doctor of dermatology at Tongji University, also said in his popular science article that sunscreen spray itself is safe, but it is unsafe to inhale sunscreen spray in respiratory tract. "It is very easy to use sunscreen spray correctly and avoid risks. I hope that everyone will not understand it as’ sunscreen spray causes pneumonia and must not be used.’ This is one-sided and wrong. "

It is worth noting that the sunscreen ingredients added in the sunscreen spray may be solid particles like titanium dioxide, and other soluble sunscreen ingredients such as emulsifiers and solvents may also cause lung damage after being inhaled into the respiratory tract. "Therefore, for the sake of consumer safety, especially for some careless consumers who are not very informed about it, the industry should really print the risk warning more prominently." Ice cold is called.

Is "hydrating" a lie?

The above-mentioned doctor said: "The general hydrating skin care products really can’t achieve the function of hydrating the skin. At most, it is to repair the stratum corneum when the skin is dry in autumn and winter, and human skin can maintain the balance of water and oil."

Although hydrating products can’t "replenish" water directly, they have certain soothing and moisturizing effects, which can increase the moisture content of users’ skin epidermis in a short time and reduce water loss, which is actually "hydrating" in the eyes of ordinary consumers.

Some industry veterans said, "There is important information hidden in the video, only saying that’ so-and-so hydration is invalid’. If the conclusion that the hydrating product is invalid is taken out of context. "

In fact, "hydrating" is just a conventional name, not all water enters the skin. Take the hydrating mask as an example, the patch mask has a function called hydration. To put it simply, the mask is attached to the face, which will soften the cuticle of the skin, that is, the skin is hydrated. "Skin hydration can accelerate the absorption of nutrients, like a kind of infrastructure. Therefore, I don’t recognize that hydrating is an IQ tax. " The above R&D personnel said.

After using the hydrating products, the water will still evaporate, and more importantly, how to retain the water. The "hydrating spray" on the market, take a bottle with you and spray it when your face is dry; Trying to absorb water by slapping hard is actually a misunderstanding of skin care caused by not understanding the principle of skin care. A more effective way is to take advantage of the short hydration time of the stratum corneum and use moisturizing products to retain water. Retaining water is what everyone often says about moisturizing and locking water. Skin care is a systematic project, and it can’t be a single efficacy theory.

Is the sunscreen effect test reliable?

Blue whale financial reporter learned that the standard method for testing sunscreen is human body test. In the test of SPF value and PA value, it is necessary to manually interpret the erythema and melanosis of skin.

For the human testing method of sunscreen, national standards are different. China, Japan, the United States, Australia and the European Union use the human testing method of at least 10 subjects for SPF testing. Among them, the EU standard is ISO24444;; Japanese standard is JCIA; of Japan Cosmetics Industry Association; China is the Technical Specification for Cosmetic Safety in 2015. Even if these standards are generally consistent, changes in details will affect the final test results, such as reference substance, smear area, irradiation measurement and so on.

This leads to that even if the results are tested according to the requirements, they will change because of the skin quality, race, state and even seasons of the subjects. Therefore, even if the same sunscreen product has different results in two human tests, it is normal.

In this regard, Bing Han believes: "The testing institution of sunscreen products is a designated institution, and its management is relatively strict. It must have CMA certification. From the recruitment of subjects, experiments and data statistics to the issuance of the final report, it must follow the norms, and the laboratory must regularly re-examine and parallel reference. It is not easy to obtain the inspection qualification of sunscreen products. Falsification will not only ruin your job, but also ruin your reputation. If I were the leader of a sunscreen testing institution, I wouldn’t take this risk. "

For the above viewpoints, what do the post-95 formulators think of the "rights fighter" in the video? The Blue Whale financial reporter contacted the blogger of the "skin care industry documentary for Lingfei" account, but as of press time, he has not received a reply yet.

According to the data of 36Kr Research Institute, the market size of precision skin care in China will be 48.8 billion yuan in 2022, and it is estimated that the market size will exceed 100 billion yuan in 2026, reaching 123.6 billion yuan. Consumers pay more and more attention to skin health and skin care, so they are more likely to be "anxious".

For consumers, they should learn more about relevant popular science knowledge and avoid being "kidnapped" by deliberate anxiety.


Fujian Sports Lottery Center: Lottery players with valid lottery numbers can apply for live viewing if they are interested.

  Screenshot of the "31 Choose 7" live TV lottery on April 12th of Fujian Sports Lottery.

  Recently, the video of the No.4 lottery ball stopping at the top of the slope of the lottery machine and blocking the No.5, No.6 and No.7 lottery balls at the "31 Choose 7" lottery scene of Fujian Sports Lottery triggered a heated discussion on the Internet. On April 24th, the staff of Fujian Sports Lottery Center responded that this phenomenon was accidental after on-site inspection by lottery machine manufacturers. The lottery system was operating normally and the current lottery results were valid. The manufacturer of the lottery machine also responded that there is no abnormality in the lottery machine involved, there is no fault in the equipment operation system, and there is no situation that the lottery is affected by the fault.

  The lottery ball is stuck at the top of the slope.

  Netizens questioned "fraud"

  Webcast video shows that the first three balls fell out and rolled into the exhibition area below the slope, but the fourth ball stopped at the top of the slope and did not roll into the exhibition area. Subsequently, the fifth, sixth and seventh lottery balls were also blocked by the fourth lottery ball and stopped at the top of the slope. On-site notaries announced the winning number according to the dropped ball number.

  According to the lottery announcement, the lottery numbers are 07, 14, 11, 01, 05, 17, 19, and the special number is 28. The sales amount of this period is more than 930,000 yuan. Two bets won the second prize, with a single prize of 18,799 yuan, 19 bets won the third prize, with a single prize of 1,200 yuan, 75 bets won the fourth prize, 200 yuan won the fifth prize in 2207 bets, 20 yuan won the sixth prize in 20729 bets, and 6 yuan won the single prize. The bonus of more than 1.01 million yuan rolled into the next prize pool.

  On April 24, the staff of Fujian Sports Lottery Management Center told Beijing Youth Daily that after the incident, the Sports Lottery Center also contacted the lottery machine manufacturer to check on the spot. At present, the conclusion given by the manufacturer is that this is an accidental phenomenon. "The lottery system itself is operating normally, and the scene is also supervised by notaries. According to the management measures stipulated in the lottery, as long as the lottery ball is shaken out of the mixing bin, this lottery is effective. This time, the ball should have rolled to the exhibition area after it was shaken out. However, due to this accidental scene, the fourth ball stopped there and the balls behind it could not come down, but this did not affect the lottery results. " The staff said that after the incident, the Sports Lottery Center sent the video to the lottery machine manufacturer for the first time. Later, everyone paid more attention to this situation, and the manufacturer should also ask to go to the scene to check the equipment on the spot. What is the specific reason for this accidental phenomenon? Subsequent manufacturers will also issue a written explanation letter, and the Sports Lottery Center will also announce it to the public.

  In response to netizens’ suspicion that "the notary prepared the winning number before the lottery results came out", the above-mentioned staff also said, "If you watch the video carefully, you can find that the lottery ball has stayed on the upper step for a few seconds before falling to the slope. The notary usually sees the lottery ball fall down the steps before preparing the winning number. There is nothing wrong with this. It may be a problem with editing (lens switching), and there is no situation of preparing winning numbers in advance. In addition, our lottery is always open to the public. If the public has doubts about the lottery results, we also welcome everyone to watch and supervise the lottery. "

  In addition, the staff told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that the manufacturer of the lottery machine will maintain it regularly, and the Sports Lottery Center will also inspect the machine before the lottery. Generally, when the lottery machine reaches a certain age, the Sports Lottery Center will replace it. It said that the lottery machine used at the lottery site on April 12 had no problem in operation and was currently in normal use.

  Regular maintenance of lottery machine

  After inspection, there is no fault or abnormality.

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily learned that the manufacturer of the lottery machine is Shanghai Junti Science and Technology Equipment Company. The staff of the company said that the lottery machine at the "31-7" lottery scene of Fujian Sports Lottery on April 12 was a relatively new machine. During the normal service period, there was no such situation that the lottery ball stopped at the top of the slope before the lottery. "This is an accidental phenomenon, not man-made. We have checked on the spot, and there is no problem with the machine and the lottery system. This situation has nothing to do with the lottery machine. "

  Regarding the speculation that netizens questioned the machine failure or the static influence of the lottery machine, the staff of Shanghai Military Sports Science and Technology Equipment Co., Ltd. said that they would carry out regular maintenance, inspection and overhaul of the lottery machine according to regulations to ensure that the lottery machine can operate normally. "At present, what we have learned and seen is that there is no abnormality in this machine, there is no fault in the equipment operation system, and there is no situation that the lottery is affected by the fault."

  Notary before each lottery

  Will check the lottery machine and the ball

  According to public information, "7 out of 31" is a Chinese sports lottery authorized by China Lottery Center and underwritten by Fujian Sports Lottery Distribution Center in its jurisdiction, referred to as Fujian Sports Lottery — 7/31。 The lottery ticket is distributed and sold by computer network system, and the lottery ticket is drawn on TV regularly, and the winning prize is determined according to the number of matching betting numbers and winning numbers.

  In view of the special situation of the "7 out of 31" lottery scene in Fujian Sports Lottery Center on April 12, Beiqing Daily reporter called the customer service of China Sports Lottery. The staff introduced that the relationship between China Sports Lottery Center and Fujian Sports Lottery Center is business guidance, and "7 out of 31" belongs to local gameplay. The lottery situation is mainly handled by Fujian Sports Lottery Center. According to the China Sports Lottery Center, the lottery at that time was normal, but the lottery ball that was shaken out did not roll to the exhibition area, and the ball behind it did not roll down. "Every time the lottery is broadcast live, there will be relevant notaries to supervise the whole process. The winning number is no problem. Fujian Sports Lottery Center also contacted the supplier to analyze the situation afterwards, and tested the lottery machine and related lottery videos. There is really no problem, and the lottery number is true and effective."

  The customer service staff said that under normal circumstances, before each lottery, the notary will check the equipment and the lottery ball, and after confirming that there is no problem, put the lottery ball into the lottery machine and seal it before the lottery. Except the notary, no one else will touch the lottery ball. "If you are interested, you can also apply for a look at the lottery site through China Sports Lottery Network. If you have any questions, you can also consult the on-site staff."

  Yesterday afternoon, the staff of Fujian Sports Bureau also told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that the staff of the bureau were understanding the investigation about the situation of the "31-7" lottery on April 12.

  Text/Reporter Dai Youqing Coordinator/Jiang Wei

A gold medal carries all the hopes of a country.

Qianjiang evening news Hour Journalist Cao Linbo
At present, there are 26 countries with one gold medal in the gold medal list of Tokyo Olympic Games, and there are many gold medals among them. Only one gold medal bears all the expectations of this country and creates the history of this country.
The rugby sevens final of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games can be called the peak matchup. New Zealand is the triple world cup champion and Fiji is the double world cup champion. In the end, Fiji defeated New Zealand 27-12, successfully defending the champion of the project, and won the only gold medal for Fiji so far. New Zealand won the silver medal and Argentina won the bronze medal.
In fact, at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, Fiji won the men’s rugby sevens championship. Before the Rio Olympic Games, Fiji participated in 14 Summer Olympic Games and 3 Winter Olympic Games, but it never got any medals.
In this Tokyo Olympic Games, they once again successfully defended their title with strong strength. In the men’s rugby sevens, Fiji is a top power. This stems from their strong popular base.
Since New Zealand and Britain brought this sport to Fiji in the late 19th century, rugby has gradually become the national sport here. Almost all the citizens are enthusiastic about it. Boys are proud to enter Fiji’s national echelons at all levels, and there are countless rugby clubs, large and small, in China. There are 890,000 people in China, with 80,000 registered rugby players, accounting for nearly 10%! It is no exaggeration to describe that all men, women and children in the country play rugby.
At the Tokyo Olympic Games, Fiji sent a delegation of 30 people: 12 of them participated in the men’s rugby sevens (and one reserve player) and 12 participated in the women’s rugby sevens.
However, there are many unknown stories behind this popular gold medal.
In April this year, Fiji ushered in the second wave of COVID-19 epidemic. In order to participate in the Tokyo Olympic Games, Fiji gave full support to the rugby team. The government quickly blocked the border and shut down all foreign-related flights.
In order to participate in the Olympic Games this time, all the Fiji team members were separated from their families and isolated at the designated place from the beginning of April. They even had to build a gym in the garage of the station to keep training, and then they were isolated in Australia and Japan. Fiji captain Jerry Tuwai said, "I miss my family so much that I almost want to skydive from the plane and go home to see them."
At the beginning of July, the Fiji team set out and boarded a cargo plane to transport frozen fish. After many hardships, they arrived in Tokyo to participate in the Olympic Games.
In the end, Fiji rugby team defended its title as expected. Although Fiji could not go to the streets as it did in the last Olympic Games because of the epidemic, they still lit fireworks and celebrated with the players from a distance.
Two days later, the Fiji women’s rugby sevens team also performed brilliantly in this Olympic Games. Although Fiji narrowly lost to New Zealand this time, it finally beat Britain to win the bronze medal, which has also created the best record of Fiji women’s rugby in the Olympic Games.
The presence of Bermuda’s delegation may be at most in the entrance ceremony of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. This country, which sounds quite mysterious, also achieved a breakthrough of zero gold medal in this Olympic Games.
In the women’s triathlon of the Tokyo Olympic Games, Duffy, an athlete from Bermuda, won the first gold medal in the Olympic history of the Bermuda delegation, and Bermuda became the smallest country in the Olympic history.
"This is a great moment, it’s incredible! I will be proud of this day for the rest of my life. Winning the first Olympic gold medal for Bermuda is of extraordinary significance far beyond my personal dream. " As one of the only two members of the Bermuda delegation, Duffy, who fought in the Olympic Games for four times, finally welcomed his dream.
In 2008, 21-year-old Duffy was a fledgling. At the Beijing Olympic Games, her bike broke down and she didn’t win the ranking. Duffy ranked 45th in the 2012 London Olympic Games; In the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, she won the eighth place in the individual Olympic Games, and she finally won the championship in this Olympic Games.
Since then, Bermuda, with an area of only 53 square kilometers and a population of only 63,000, has not only the legend of God and the Sunshine Coast, but also has its own place on the map of the Olympic history gold medal list. The last time a Bermuda athlete stood on the Olympic podium was 45 years ago. The male boxer Clarence Hill won a bronze medal at the 1976 Montreal Olympics.
Duffy is now Bermuda’s brightest tourist card. Open Bermuda’s official travel website, the first page is a photo of Duffy, which reads: Bermuda may not be a popular venue for triathlon. But Bermuda has produced a large number of iron athletes (both men and women)-including Olympic athlete Duffy, who brought home Bermuda’s first gold medal.
The Prime Minister of Bermuda sent her a congratulatory voice message. Even michael douglas, a famous Hollywood actress whose mother is from Bermuda, shouted congratulations to her on her social account.
This article is an original work of qianjiang evening news. Without permission, it is forbidden to reprint, copy, extract, rewrite and spread the copyright of all works on the Internet. Otherwise, this newspaper will pursue the legal responsibility of the infringer through judicial channels.

Sticking to his post | He waited for a 20-minute reunion dinner for 7 years.

During the Spring Festival holiday, there are always some people who can’t go home because of their work, but for many people, wherever they are, the Year of the League is Chinese New Year. Follow the camera together and witness a special reunion dinner.
Li Ningyun is a motor train driver in Chongqing Locomotive Depot’s Chongqing Wanke Special. His home happens to be in Wanzhou. Although he travels to Wanzhou several times every day, it is only an extravagant hope to go home and have dinner with his family. He hasn’t been home for a group year for seven years. He took the latest EMU to Wanzhou North Station today.
Arriving at Wanzhou North Station at 22: 45, Li Ningyun’s home is less than 12 kilometers away from Wanzhou North Station. For him, it is so close and so far away.
Li Ningyun, EMU driver of Chongqing Locomotive Depot:No one is allowed to leave the apartment for the night on the north side of Wanzhou, because they will get up at 4 o’clock tomorrow morning and then start their work tomorrow.
To Li Ningyun’s surprise, Li Haiyun, his younger brother, came back from abroad, specially bought a ticket for this train, and told his parents in Wanzhou in advance to prepare a surprise for Li Ningyun’s small year in the south.
Li Ningyun’s father Li Shengan:Usually we don’t see him. When we miss him, we can only look at his car outside the fence of the station and wave to him.
In order to prepare a good meal for their son, Li Ningyun’s parents also came to the vegetable market early and carefully selected the ingredients for the reunion dinner. When I got home, my mother cut vegetables and my father cooked them, all of which were Li Ningyun’s favorite dishes.
Under the coordination of the railway staff, parents came to their son’s apartment early with anticipation and arranged the reunion dinner in advance.
Li Ningyun, EMU driver of Chongqing Locomotive Depot:I have been working for more than 7 years, and I haven’t spent much time with them for the New Year. Let’s go back and spend the New Year with them when our son is busy.
Li Ningyun ate the reunion dinner in a hurry for only 20 minutes, but he felt the love of his parents and the warmth of home. In these 20 minutes, they have been waiting for seven years, and their next group annual banquet will be unknown.

People in Qinghai earthquake zone: No matter what kind of disaster we experience, we must live a good life.

Zhongxin. com Qinghai Minhe December 19 th Issue: People in Qinghai earthquake zone: No matter what kind of disaster we experience, we must live a good life.
Zhongxin. com reporter Li Jiangning Zhang Tianfu
On the afternoon of 19th, more than ten hours have passed since the Jishishan earthquake of magnitude 6.2 in Gansu. In front of a row of dumped houses in Zhaizi Village, guan ting zhen, Haidong City, Qinghai Province, women and children warmed up and chatted around charcoal fire. Not far away, several men set up tents, some carried stoves from home, and some moved bedding and other warm items …
It is night, and this is their "safe haven".
The picture shows villagers chatting around charcoal fire in Zhaizi Village, guan ting zhen, Haidong City, Qinghai Province. Hu Youjun
At 23: 59 on the 18th, an earthquake of magnitude 6.2 occurred in Jishishan County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. There are 22 towns and villages in Qinghai Province within 50 kilometers of the epicentre of this earthquake. The nearest towns and villages are Daofu Tibetan Township, guan ting zhen, Baizhuang Town and Zhongchuan Township.
"My wife and I were already asleep during the earthquake. After being awakened by the loud sound of the collapse of the house, my wife and I climbed out of the window of the house. Fortunately, neither of us was injured." Du Youwen is 60 years old. When the earthquake struck, almost all the houses in his home collapsed except one room where he slept.
The picture shows villagers building tents in Zhaizi Village, guan ting zhen, Haidong City, Qinghai Province. Hu Youjun
The Du family has lived in Zhaizi Village for generations, and there are currently 11 "Du families" living together. "This land was left by my grandfather’s grandfather. I have never experienced such a big earthquake. I was really scared at the time." Du Youwen seems to have calmed down a lot.
The reporter saw in Du Youwen’s home that the wall in the newly built house fell off in a large area, and the color TV and dining table were destroyed.
"After the earthquake, my son who was working in a foreign country called to ask about the situation, but at that time, my wife and I just ran out, and the mobile phone was still in the room. After I got the phone call back, my son and daughter-in-law cried on the other end of the phone." Du Youwen couldn’t help blushing.
"After the earthquake last night, 50 or 60 people in our family took bedding and firewood from home and ran to the mountain behind the village to take refuge." Du Fifty-six, a villager who also experienced the "night of fright", said, "It was very cold on the mountain at night, but at least we were lucky enough to get our lives, and this coldness was nothing."
Du Meiying, who talked about her new house in front of the charcoal fire, was the lucky one in this earthquake. "My house was newly built this summer, and it was built with the help of the government. It is very strong, and this earthquake has hardly been affected." Du Meiying said, "Although some houses in our village collapsed, everyone is fine. This is the best thing."
With the concerted efforts of Qi Xin, a simple and warm tent was quickly set up. "When the house collapses, it can be built again. It is the happiest thing for everyone to be together. No matter what kind of disaster we experience, we must live well! " Du Meiying, who survived the robbery, felt that there was nothing more important than living. (End)

A small-scale "world war"! Deeply reveal why the Syrian crisis can’t stop.

       CCTV News:In Syria, this crisis full of pain and destruction has begun to enter its eighth year. From Dongguta to Aflin, from "politicization of humanitarianism" to successive "threats of chemical weapons", these chaos and the wrestling behind the great powers have become the epitome of the chaotic situation in Syria. So, where did this crisis come from? Why has it lasted for seven years and still can’t stop?


Image source network

       Time has entered 2018, and the Syrian crisis situation that lasted for seven years has not become clearer.

       The conflict in Dongguta, the re-emergence of humanitarian problems and the self-talk of relevant countries have once again shattered the hope of peace that was ignited by the exit of extremist organizations.

       Not only Dongguta, but also Russian and Israeli warplanes were shot down in succession. The anti-terrorist coalition led by the United States clashed with pro-government forces in Deir ez-Zor, and Turkey launched the "Olive Branch Action" against Kurdish armed forces in northern Syria — — The situation in Syria is more foggy than ever.

       Huntington, an American political scientist, in his book The Clash of Civilizations and the Reconstruction of World Order, divided the "fault line war of civilizations" into three levels: the parties actually fighting and killing each other, the countries directly related to the main participants, and the top core countries — — If the top countries have no intention to end the war, the conflict will continue.

       In fact, the Syrian crisis basically conforms to this theory: if the participants are divided into three levels, the extremist organizations that have lost their momentum only belong to the lowest level, that is, one that fights and kills each other, including the Syrian government, Hezbollah in Lebanon, opposition armed forces, the terrorist organization "Conquest Front" and the "Syrian Democratic Army" led by Kurdish armed forces.

Syrian opposition opened fire on buildings (image source network)

Syrian opposition opened fire on buildings (image source network)

       Above the hierarchy of factions on the ground, there are neighboring countries, including Iran, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries. Most of them directly participated in the chaos in Syria and promoted the development of the situation.

       However, although it has great influence on the situation in Syria, the surrounding stakeholders can’t influence the final situation in Syria, because at the top, there is a game between Russia and the United States, two world powers.

       At present, Russia has announced that it has begun to withdraw its troops from Syria, and at the same time, it has promoted several dialogue platforms such as Astana and Sochi in an attempt to solve the Syrian issue as soon as possible. However, the attitude of the United States on the Syrian issue is extremely vague. It has established the so-called "border protection force", set up as many as 20 military strongholds, refused to participate in the Russian dialogue platform, and constantly created obstacles for the political settlement of the Syrian issue on the grounds of human rights and chemical weapons.

Armed men from the People's Protection Force are on alert at the air raid site.

Armed personnel from the "People’s Protection Force" are on alert at the air raid site (image source network)

       There are more than ten participants in the Syrian crisis, and there is also a decisive factor in the absence of the United States. What is more complicated is that the contradictions contained in the Syrian crisis are also different.

       At the end of 2010, the so-called "Arab Spring" swept across the Middle East and North Africa. Since Tunisia, many countries such as Libya, Egypt and Yemen have experienced chaos.

       In March 2011, protests broke out in Syria.

       At the beginning, the main contradiction in Syria was the stay of President Bashar and the reform of the government. However, because of the interests, the protests in those years were used by many parties, including western countries. After seven years of conflict, ethnic contradictions, religious contradictions and sectarian contradictions have already evolved. From the Kurdish autonomy movement to the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in Syria, to the sectarian dispute between Sunni and Shia, the situation has developed beyond everyone’s expectations.

       It is extremely difficult to completely solve any of the above contradictions, coupled with the attempts of many countries in the Middle East to intervene in the Syrian crisis to achieve regional hegemony, the historical grievances caused by the Palestinian-Israeli issue and the Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights, the refugee tide caused by the Syrian crisis, and the rampant terrorism and extremism in the 21st century — — The Syrian crisis has concentrated most of the major contradictions of mankind for centuries, so it has become a small-scale "world war" after its outbreak.

       Xu Dezhi, a CCTV reporter, said that it is almost impossible for more than a dozen crisis participants to solve at the same time, or at least cool down so many contradictions and sort out the intertwined interests, which is the fundamental reason why, up to now, although many parties are calling for a political solution to the Syrian issue as soon as possible, it still has little effect. Igniting the fuse of war is very simple, but ending a war is beyond people’s control.

[Video] Hu Jintao visits Ping-Pong Keys and gives gifts to women’s team members.

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new energy vehicle

# Article First Challenge # Will new energy vehicles replace fuel vehicles?

Different people have different views on whether new energy vehicles will replace fuel vehicles.

Wang Qing, deputy director of Market Economy Research Institute of the State Council Development Research Center, predicted that by 2025, the annual sales volume of new energy vehicles in China will reach about 17 million, and by 2030, the market share of new energy vehicles will exceed 90%. This means that in the next decade, the sales and influence of new energy vehicles will increase rapidly.

On the other hand, new energy vehicles and fuel vehicles have their own application scenarios. In the short term, new energy vehicles may not completely replace fuel vehicles. This is because there are still some problems in new energy vehicles, such as safety, charging and battery life. If these problems are solved, new energy vehicles may further expand their market share.

However, in the long run, it is an inevitable trend for new energy vehicles to replace fuel vehicles. With the continuous progress of technology and the enhancement of environmental awareness, new energy vehicles will be applied in more fields, including passenger cars and commercial vehicles. At the same time, the policy is also promoting the development of new energy vehicles. For example, some cities have gradually stopped selling fuel vehicles.

To sum up, new energy vehicles may replace fuel vehicles at some point in the future, but this process may take some time. In this process, fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles will

Coexist and compete with each other.

Activating traditional culture and continuing to cultivate people with culture.

To promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture, Shandong’s approach is-

Activating traditional culture and continuing to cultivate people with culture.

Guangming Daily reporter Zhao Qiuli Fan Feng

[In this vast land 51]

"Mom, come and see, this pottery figurine is alive!"

In the exhibition hall on the second floor of Jinan Museum, 6-year-old Xiang Li excitedly reported his "great discovery" to his mother: when he learned to bow to the pottery figurines in an exemplary manner, the pottery figurines actually returned the gift to him. This magical scene fascinated the little boy at once.

Xiang Li participated in an AR interactive game, whose design was inspired by the treasure of Jinan Museum Town Hall, "Painted Music and Dance Acrobatic Pottery Figurines of the Western Han Dynasty"-on a piece of Tao Pan with a length of 67.5 cm and a width of 47.5 cm, a performance was grandly opened, with bells and drums playing together and dancers dancing …

Nowadays, through digital technology, this "celestial troupe" of music and dance acrobatics, which has been sleeping for nearly 2000 years, is "alive" in the world of virtual reality.

Shandong is the birthplace of Qilu culture and an important birthplace of Chinese civilization. There are many sages and wise men here. From post-Wenhua Li, Beixin culture, Dawenkou culture, Longshan culture and Yueshi culture to Xia, Shang, Zhou and subsequent dynasties, a complete chain of civilization development can be found in Shandong.

As a cultural province, how to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture?

One of Shandong’s initiatives is to make cultural relics "live" and realize the dialogue between cultural relics and the public across time and space.

In the Sankong Scenic Spot in Jining, Shandong Province, with the help of MR glasses and the mixed reality technology of "Wisdom and Sankong", tourists come to a "parallel world".

"In this virtual’ parallel world’, I not only visited the solemn Confucius Temple, the antique Confucius House, and the quiet and quiet Confucius Forest, but also listened to lectures at the Xingtan and watched the ceremony of offering sacrifices to Confucius … I visited the’ Three Holes’ and interacted with Confucius disciples. This immersive experience feels wonderful!" Beijing tourist Yi Bo told reporters excitedly.

"In the rising tide of digitalization, we try to use new technology to bring tourists a new experience of traveling through time and space and being there, so that tourists can face the sages face to face and make the cultural tour deeper!" At the Confucius Museum in Qufu, Jining, the lecturer Xu Zilin introduced to the reporter.

Rong Ruifeng, director of the Department of Museums and Social Cultural Relics of Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, provided a set of data to the reporter: At present, there are 735 museums at all levels in Shandong, and the total number of museums ranks first in the country.

Digital empowerment not only "lives" the museum, but also promotes the combination of literature and tourism, making the economy more dynamic.

In the Wenchuang block in the northwest of rencheng district Ring Road, Jining City, tourists are everywhere. In 12 small courtyards with their own characteristics, such as hand-painted paintings and cultural experience halls, the cultural and creative products based on excellent traditional culture are dizzying.

Who would have thought that a few years ago, it was still an abandoned old bungalow with weeds. Zhang Hang, a post-80s designer who participated in the renovation, said with emotion: "Thanks to the Internet blessing and digital promotion, this place has been transformed into a’ online celebrity’ base integrating business incubation, online activity introduction and self-media hosting operation."

To activate traditional culture, Zibo’s practice is to continue to educate people.

The ancient shopping mall in Zhoucun, Zibo in early winter is bustling. Dressed in Hanfu, strolling in antique streets, listening to the cries of "shop assistants", Li Xiaomeng, a foreign tourist, lingered: "This place is different from other places! By experiencing activities such as changing costumes and unlocking the game, we can truly understand the culture of Lushang and feel its kindness, honesty, openness and tolerance. "

This ancient village can have today’s appearance, but it has also experienced some twists and turns. It used to be the birthplace of many old commercial brands in Shandong. A few years ago, the local government decided to carry out protective development of Zhoucun, but found that it had no characteristics compared with other surrounding villages.

Unwilling to make a detour in the homogeneous "ancient village tour", Zhoucun looks for innovations from traditional culture. Over the past few years, they have continued to create immersive cultural tourism projects with the theme of Lu merchants, such as "Li Huaxi patrolling the street", "Ming Gong opening the market" and "Chen Liuzi starting work", which makes tourists "zero distance" from traditional culture. The refreshing experience has attracted a large number of tourists.

"From January to October this year, Zhoucun Ancient Mall Scenic Area received a total of 4.01 million tourists, an increase of 40% over the same period in 2019!" Speaking of the development of the village, Huai Ruixue, director of the zhoucun district Tourism Development Center, shouted, "We are on the right path!"

"By constantly innovating the expression of cultural people, Shandong’s cultural and tourism integration format has changed from the’ 1.0′ version of static display and the’ 2.0′ version of performance display to the’ 3.0′ version of interactive experience." Chloe Wang, Party Secretary and Director of Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said.

Culture is a way of life. The purpose of "two innovations" is to let excellent traditional culture infiltrate the hearts of the people.

This year’s Double Ninth Festival, the reporter came to the compound of Yaoxi Village Committee in Yaocun Town, Qufu City. Here, village cadres and volunteers are busy early in the morning, preparing for the annual "filial piety culture festival".

"’Old people and old people, young people and young people’, around the Double Ninth Festival every year, we will guide villages to hold activities of filial piety and love for their parents, carry out the evaluation of the first tree and promote the traditional virtues of filial piety and love for their parents." Li Jin, Party Secretary of Yaocun Town, told the reporter.

Not only the Double Ninth Festival, but also traditional festivals such as Spring Festival, Lantern Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, Qufu will hold activities with the theme of "Festival Ceremony". "The villagers especially like such activities. In the atmosphere of joy and reunion, the cultural implications and values of traditional virtues have unconsciously entered the heart." Li Wei said.

Guangming Daily (November 26, 2023, 01 edition)

Source: Guangming Net-Guangming Daily

What is culture? An over-interpreted problem, in fact, it is very simple.

"This man is really uneducated!" "This city has a strong cultural atmosphere."We often talk about culture, but have you seriously thought about it? What is culture?

According to statistics, there are more than 360 definitions of culture given by experts and scholars at home and abroad, and more than 200 are said to be more influential.

British Taylor, the father of anthropology, he in the study of human culturePrimitive culture, the pioneering workIn the book, culture is defined as:"Culture is a complex whole, including knowledge, belief, art, morality, laws, customs and all the abilities and habits acquired by human beings in society."

Yu Qiuyu’s definition of culture is said to be the shortest in the world: "Culture is a spiritual value and lifestyle that becomes a habit, and its final result is collective personality."Not counting punctuation, it is exactly 30 words.

An online essay about what culture is said: A real literate person does not depend on how many books he has read or what school he has attended, but should have four qualities:Cultivation rooted in the heart; Consciousness without reminding; Freedom based on constraints; Kindness for others.I personally agree with this view. Let’s share a few short stories that happened around me.

That winter, after the newly bought house was renovated, I bought Hisense LCD TV. On the first day, the delivery man sent the TV set home and told us that there would be professionals to install and test it tomorrow.

The next morning, when I got up and opened the curtains, I saw that there were snowflakes in the sky and a thin layer of snow had been covered on the ground. I thought at that time: I’m afraid the person who installed the TV can’t come today. Anyway, cable TV hasn’t been opened yet, so you can install it any day. Don’t worry.

About nine o’clock, the intercom doorbell rang in a hurry. I picked up the receiver, and there was a young man on the screen, saying that he had come to install the TV. I was surprised and opened the unit door for him.

When I heard a knock at the door, I opened the door. It was a young man who looked about thirty years old. But he was not in a hurry to enter the door, but stood at the door rummaging through the toolkit he was carrying. It was the weather in March 9, and I let him in, but he refused. He found two shoe covers from his bag and put them on his feet quickly before entering the house.

I smiled and said to him, "It doesn’t matter, don’t be so particular!" He replied: "This is my job responsibility, and it must be like this!"

Young people are quick with their hands and feet, and soon they installed the TV set and taught us how to use it. In the meantime, I handed him a cigarette and he said no; Made tea for him to drink, but he said he was not thirsty.

Standing at the window and looking at his far-away back and a line of footprints left in the snow, my heart was moved by his little move of putting on shoe covers.

At the beginning of that year, we traveled to Taiwan Province. The tourist bus is running on the expressway, and my friend’s three-year-old daughter suddenly wants to urinate. A friend asked the female tour guide if she could ask the driver to stop the car so that her little daughter could go under the car for convenience.

These days, the driver and the tour guide are accompanied all the way, and we are already familiar with each other. There is only a friend’s little daughter and a child in the car. Without waiting for the tour guide to ask questions, the words of the middle-aged male driver came up: "It’s not convenient to park on the road, just let her do it in the car. The urine of the boy is very expensive!" My friend was very grateful to hear the driver’s words.

After parking at a scenic spot, a friend wanted to find tools to clean the car. The driver said to his friend, "You go and play well, just let me do this!" My friend was very touched. Although it is a small thing, it makes people feel incomparable comfort and warmth.

Walking in the square early in the morning, a little girl of four or five years old caught my attention. She stood not far from the dustbin, two small hands were peeling something, and she didn’t see it until she got closer. She is holding two packaged milk tablets in her hand, and she is peeling the packaging tin foil with her small hands. Inadvertently, two tiny pieces of tinfoil fell to the ground. The little girl bent down to pick up the tin foil on the ground and threw it into the dustbin. She stood beside the dustbin and threw the stripped tin foil into the dustbin. When she saw me looking at her, she raised a piece of milk in her hand and gave me a sweet smile.

At noon, we ate at a fast food restaurant in a seaside scenic spot. The sun is like fire outside, and the heat wave attacks people; The air conditioner in the store is open and the temperature is suitable. A little boy of four or five years old has been standing at the side of our dining table. At first, it didn’t attract our attention. There are many people dining in fast food restaurants, and diners waiting for seats are everywhere. In the meantime, I looked at the boy carefully: white skin, clean and decent clothes, small age, neat and orderly hair, not like a wandering child. When we are almost finished, he looks at us from time to time. I’ve seen boys stand for so long and look at us from time to time. I leaned close to him and asked, "What can I do for you? Can I help you? " The little boy told me in a childish voice that he was waiting for our seats. Grandparents are still waiting over there. Following his eyes, we saw an elderly couple with outstanding temperament not far away, standing quietly waiting for their seats. My wife and I quickly finished eating the food on the table and immediately asked the little boy to invite his grandparents. "Thank you, grandparents!" The little boy did not forget to thank him. The elderly couple smiled and nodded to us, and politely said "thank you!" As we were leaving, the little boy waved and said, "Goodbye, grandparents!"

I deeply felt: it is rare for a child at a young age to know the rules and be so polite.

One day, walking in the yard of the community, an old man in front of me was walking with his puppy. Soon, the old man and the dog stopped. I didn’t know what they were going to do, so I slowed down. When I came near, I found that the puppy had just finished excreting. I saw the old man take out a stack of toilet paper from his coat pocket, which was dark in color and thick in texture. The old man pulled out a few pieces, squatted down to pick up the excrement wrapped in the puppy and threw it into the trash can. To be honest, this is the first time I have seen what a dog owner has done. The old man’s behavior is not like a temporary act, but more like a long-term habit. The old man’s actions are moving! I am thinking: If all dog owners can do this, what kind of situation would it be?

Many times, culture is a hidden existence. Maybe we often can’t see the concrete image of culture, but it is obviously very important to us.It will make your thoughts richer, your work more independent, your life more interesting, and your behavior more civilized and elegant, which is not only beneficial to yourself, but also a little contribution to social progress.

Bai Yansong once said: "Whether a person has a culture or not depends not on his studies.How high is the calendar. People with academic qualifications do not necessarily have culture; People without education are not necessarily uneducated. Reading a lot of books, having a high diploma, and having education are sometimes completely different. "

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