Interview with Wang Xueqi: I will never repeat myself in filming, and I will retire if there is no filming

Wang Xueqi

  Movie Network News(Text/Zhang Wei) He is the male lead of Chen Kaige’s work "The Yellow Land". As a hot actor in Chinese movies in the 1980s, he was once dull in the 1990s, but Wang Xueqi still continues to take on the role and act seriously. In the past two years, he has starred in many blockbusters that have been well-received and well-received. He also won the Golden Horse Award and the Golden Rooster Award in his arms, but he always uses the word "lucky" to describe himself. Wang Xueqi said that he will keep filming until the day when no one is looking for him anymore.

Wang Xueqi is always brave enough to break through himself. In "Sword Rain", he was kissed and seduced by Big S

Being popular is not a must, winning is just luck

  Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor, Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actor… Wang Xueqi won numerous awards for playing the role of the Thirteen Swallows in the movie "Mei Lanfang". After being brilliant and enduring loneliness, he now has many masterpieces, but he only calls himself lucky. If these well-received works did not appear, Wang Xueqi would still use his love for performance to shoot the show.

Movie Network: In the 1980s, you were the leading actor of many classic works. At that time, many people came to you for filming. Did you set a higher goal for yourself?

Wang Xueqi:No, in fact, actors are very passive, just looking forward to playing their roles well, let’s touch it, and I don’t know what will happen to a movie in the end, it’s hard to say.

Movie Network: In the 1990s, it seemed that you were a lot quieter? How could you stand loneliness at that time?

Wang Xueqi:There are also new films every year, and I have never been idle. I want to play every role well, but sometimes the book is limited. At that time, I thought that the next one would be better. It is not good to do it without this heart.

Movie Network: Does it feel uncomfortable to watch other actors become popular?

Wang Xueqi:Popularity is not a must. Opportunities are reserved for actors who are well-prepared. Some people may never have this opportunity in their entire lives. I have seen many directors who have been filming like this, from their initial enthusiasm to their diligence and hard work, and then to their retirement. Popularity is like winning a lottery. After all, it is a minority.

Movie Network: Your starring films such as "Mei Lanfang" and "Zhao’s Orphan" have achieved good reputation. Can it be regarded as another peak in your career?

Wang XueqiBefore the performance of "Mei Lanfang", I felt that this film was very important, because it was directed by Chen Kaige, it was a good book, and I had not worked with him for more than 20 years. Now I am not as curious as when I was young. I will take good care of my role and realize myself.

Movie Network: Having won so many awards, has your attitude towards movies changed now?

Wang Xueqi:Not much has changed, now there are more opportunities, the quality of the films is high, and many audiences look at the awards with an outcast mentality. It is rare to win an award, why is it so coincidental that it is you every year? Unless you are very good. The biggest reason I can win awards is because of luck. Many international directors don’t win every work.

64-Year-old Wang Xueqi hardly uses a stand-in in filming

I will never repeat myself in filming. If no one asks me to act, I will retire.

  In "Mei Lanfang", the thirteen swallows, the wheel-turning king in "Sword Rain", and every character portrayed by Wang Xueqi is very brilliant, in his own words, he is "never repeating himself". In "Zhao’s Orphan", he has become the villain Tu Anjia, and Wang Xueqi is really changeable. Looking closely at these three characters, there are many action scenes, but who would have thought that 64-year-old Wang Xueqi basically does not need a stand-in?

Movie Network: You will not only shoot commercial films like "Sword Rain", but also films with strong artistic colors like "Rizhao Chongqing". Is there any standard for receiving plays?

Wang Xueqi:Just reading the script. When I saw the script of "Sword Rain", I was very excited and wanted to play it, because this character has been a eunuch for 50 years, but in the world of rivers and lakes, it is a killer leader who is very enjoyable to act. Needless to say, "October Siege", so many movie champions and queens are there. I was very happy when "Mei Lanfang" found me, and in "Zhao’s Orphan", the role of Tu Anjia is very plump.

Movie Network: If the box office of a movie genre is not satisfactory, will you accept it in the future?

Wang Xueqi:As long as it can stimulate my creative desire, my standard for acting is to never repeat myself, and each character has to be different from the root.

Movie Network: I heard that your fights in "Sword Rain" are all in person, and you don’t use a substitute?

Wang Xueqi:There are stuntmen in the play of Dangweiya. I have a good imitation ability. I can learn fast gestures and have good physical coordination.

Movie Network: Do you also exercise regularly?

Wang XueqiPhysical training is very important, I insist on running and jumping every day, often filming outside without any fitness equipment, as long as I can exercise.

Movie Network: Is this also to extend the lifespan of art?

Wang Xueqi:Yes, someone asked me when I would retire. It’s not up to me to have the final say. When no one is looking for you to film, I should retire. When I was filming in other places, there were young actors on the crew. I went to eat mutton kebabs at 11 o’clock at night and woke up at 11 o’clock at noon the next day. How can I be in good health?

Wang Xueqi

Young actors will be forgotten if they don’t work hard, and Chinese films can’t just focus on commerciality

  When asked in an interview about the young actor’s broken file, Wang Xueqi’s tone was very earnest, with a heartfelt "hatred that iron can’t make steel". Indeed, he has experienced the ups and downs of Chinese movies, and he is outspoken in the face of today’s problems.

Movie Network: Most of the male actors with box office appeal are old actors. Are young male actors starting to break down?

Wang Xueqi:In fact, both opportunities and roles are very important. Nowadays, there are many excellent male actors, but the producer will have his own considerations. He wants to see your commercial value and return. Many reasons will affect whether the actor can participate in the film.

Movie Network: If you see young actors in the crew, would you give them any advice?

Wang Xueqi:Yes, I am very anxious when I see that they don’t work hard, and I will say it very rudely. It is not easy for them to have such an opportunity now. When I was young, I didn’t have such good conditions, so I was very anxious when I saw that they didn’t cherish it and acted inadvertently.

Movie Network: What’s your take on overnight success?

Wang Xueqi:Don’t learn some bad habits. It is true that some people become famous overnight, but if you don’t work hard and there is no good work, the audience will still forget you after a year or two. Many actors are like this, and they don’t know why they ended up going.

Movie Network: In fact, the return of your career to the peak has a lot to do with the prosperity of Chinese films as a whole, right?

Wang Xueqi:Of course, since I started filming "Loess", at that time, Chinese movies were just emerging. They followed the entire environment, the market expanded, and audiences were willing to enter the cinema. Now there are still few good movies, and there should be good movies all year round.

Movie Network: What problems do you think are still existing in Chinese films?

Wang Xueqi:There are many movies of an entertainment nature, and it is not enough to focus only on commerciality, not to pay attention to art, and it is not enough for the characters to fail to impress the audience.

Movie Network: What are your expectations for the future of Chinese film?

Wang Xueqi:It is definitely getting better and better. I can only catch up with a tail now. It is a good thing that Chinese movies have begun to develop in an all-round way. In addition to making money, we must also promote culture and instill good things. You can see the kind of heroism in American movies, which can especially boost morale. Chinese movies should be like this. They cannot just focus on business, but also have heroism and national spirit.

Next page More wonderful pictures

Guo Fucheng opposed the deletion of emotional dramas and blew up "Don’t Hao Lei" crying for eight hours

The Chinese-language blockbuster "Silver Empire", which was invested and shot by Taiwan’s Crystal Pictures and Bona International Film Group, has recently stepped up its publicity offensive as the August 21 release day approaches. Starring Guo Fucheng, Hao Lei and Zhang Tielin gathered in Beijing, they deeply revealed the triangular love affair in which "father and son become rivals in love" in the film, and the interesting shooting stories behind it.


In the film, Guo Fucheng, who plays Shaodong with the ticket number "Tianchengyuan", freely admits when talking about the plot and the relationship between the characters: he loves his father, but loves "stepmother" more, and sums up his "Third Master Kang" as "deviant". He said: "In the play, because I have a’strange ‘relationship with my’mother’, I am confused and pretend to be mature in the first part of the play. This part is the most difficult to act! Later, I can’t express my most intimate love in my heart, and I feel more uncomfortable than death!"


When a reporter suggested that there were too many emotional scenes between the third master and the stepmother in the film, Guo Fucheng quickly expressed his disagreement: "Silver Empire uses a lot of space to describe the relationship between the third master and the stepmother, and there may even be a lot of passionate scenes. Of course, I think it is absolutely necessary, and it is absolutely unnecessary. Because even growing up in the Qing Dynasty, people will have seven emotions and six desires. It is absolutely reasonable and necessary to have a passionate scene in the plot, just to explain the development of the plot at that time. As for their final ending, it is a beautiful romance, because this plot of’love until separation is still love ‘is more evocative and heart-wrenching. I like this ending very much!"

When talking in detail about playing such a pair of hard-working lovers with Hao Lei, Guo Fucheng lamented that the most memorable thing was that there were a lot of "crying scenes" in the play, and Hao Lei’s moving eyes and rich emotions were an important reason for him to be able to participate very smoothly. "I remember that not long after the filming started, there was a scene where Hao Lei and I were riding a horse and breaking up in the wilderness. I had to hold back a deep feeling and sadness to cooperate with Hao Lei’s turning back. I don’t know why, looking at the moment she turned back, I felt very unforgettable! My tears fell leisurely! That scene is hard to forget!"

After that, the two cried for seven or eight hours "encouraging each other", setting a record, "I feel like our opponent was crying, and every time we cried for a long time, from dawn to dark. I remember one time, we started crying early in the morning. Hao Lei’s makeup artist went to catch up on sleep because she worked all night. When she woke up, she saw that we were still crying there, wow! It felt really incredible!"

The sudden launch of the 16-inch MacBook Pro is a major setback for Apple in the cold winter of the laptop

Suddenly, the 16-inch MacBook Pro replaced its 15-inch predecessor and made it onto Apple’s official website.

Beijing time on the evening of November 13, Apple in the absence of advance maintenance of the official website, the same as AirPods Pro, suddenly launched a 16-inch MacBook Pro, the previous rumors will only be late, not absent.

Coincidentally, in May this year, Apple just updated the 15-inch MacBook Pro, and after a lapse of six months, Apple once again significantly updated this product line, more frequently than in previous years.

To say who can experience this frequency more, it is better to buy a 15-inch MacBook Pro two days ago. Because compared to 15-inch, 16-inch MacBook Pro is more worthy of professional users.

Although the starting price of the 16-inch MacBook Pro is as high as 18,999 yuan, this does not stop its target users.

Looking at the body from the outside, like the 15-inch, the 16-inch MacBook Pro is available in silver and space gray. Not much has changed in appearance, the biggest change is in its screen.

Open the computer, the 16-inch display screen has a resolution of 3072×1920, ppi is 226, and the maximum brightness is 500 nits. The P3 wide color gamut and original color display are retained. As a comparison, the previous 15-inch resolution was 2880×1800 and ppi was 220.

Although the display size has become larger, the display effect of the screen is more delicate, and the supported colors have also been upgraded from "million colors" to "million colors". This display is the best in the current MacBook series, and it is obviously more desired by Pro users.

The display screen has become larger, but Apple has not changed the fuselage much. The length, width and height of the 16-inch are 35.79cm, 26.59cm, and 1.62cm respectively, and the weight is 2kg, while the 15-inch is 34.93cm, 24.07cm, 1.55cm, and the weight is 1.83kg. Almost a 16-inch screen is stuffed into the 15-inch fuselage.

For Pro users, this increase in size and weight is negligible.

By the way, the 16-inch MacBook Pro should have a higher screen ratio. This is also the high screen ratio and narrow bezels we pursue on mobile phones.

The camera in the center of the screen has been upgraded to a Face ID camera as rumored, and it is also a FaceTime camera that supports 720p.

In 2015, Apple, which pursued lightness, added a butterfly keyboard to the MacBook at that time. But this upgrade has been criticized by consumers for its high failure rate and frequent after-sales service. Most importantly, the butterfly keyboard has a short keystroke and a hard typing feel, which is not conducive to long-term coding.

Although Apple later improved it, the effect was still unsatisfactory.

The 16-inch MacBook Pro finally replaced the butterfly keyboard with a scissor keyboard. This is a signal that future MacBook products may be replaced by scissor keyboards, and we officially say goodbye to butterfly keyboards.

However, this scissor keyboard has been optimized by Apple, and its key travel is 1mm. Apple calls it a "second-controlled keyboard". This may also be one of the reasons for its slightly thicker body. As for its typing experience and mute effect, it needs to be actually known. But one thing is for sure, it must be better than the butterfly keyboard.

Key positions have also changed. From top to bottom, the first is that the function area of the Touch Bar is more distinct. The exit key (esc) and the power key (also the fingerprint key) are isolated from the touch area. At the same time, the former is changed from the touch key to the physical key.

This change will solve the "accidental touch" problem that Touch Bar has been criticized by users before, and improve the efficiency of blind typing. For example, pressing the power button but pressing Siri, pressing exit but not easy to find the position.

Further down is the optimization of the arrow keys. The size of the left and right arrow keys is finally no longer the same height as the up and down keys, but has become the same size button. Now you won’t be so awkward to press.

The speakers on either side of the keyboard have been increased to six, still three microphones. Compared with the old model, it will have stronger stereo effect. Apple claims that it offers dual vibration low-efficiency subwoofers for better bass effect.

After talking about external changes, let’s talk about internal improvement.

In fact, this is the last point to mention. As a representative of the top MacBook products, the 16-inch MacBook Pro was born for professional users.

The processor of the 16-inch MacBook Pro starts from the Intel 9th generation Core 6-core i7 processor, and the maximum optional 8-core i9 processor can reach 5.0GHz. Its performance is 2.1 times that of the 4-core MacBook Pro.

At the same time, Apple upgraded the heat dissipation system for this hot processor, officially claiming that its heat sink has increased by 35%, and the maximum continuous power of the MacBook Pro can therefore be increased by up to 12W.

The biggest change comes from the graphics processing unit. The standard and high-end versions of the 16-inch MacBook Pro are equipped with an AMD Radeon Pro 5300M graphics processing unit and a 5500 graphics processing unit, respectively. The standard 4GB video memory is available, and the maximum option is 8GB. This upgrade allows professionals to handle better image work.

Take the common Final Cut Pro X as an example, its rendering speed can be improved by an astonishing 90% compared to the 15-inch MacBook Pro. Therefore, Apple claims that this change can improve the performance of the previous Radeon Pro 560X by 2.1 times.

On the other hand, Apple has also raised the upper limit of options. The storage of the 16-inch MacBook Pro starts from 512 GB solid state drive, and the high-end version is 1TB, with a maximum optional 8TB solid state drive. The memory also starts with 16GB DDR4, but the maximum optional 64GB.

With such powerful performance and storage, there must be a better battery life. The 16-inch MacBook Pro boosts the battery to 100 watt-hours, and comes standard with a 96W charger. As a comparison, the 15-inch MacBook Pro is 83.6 watt-hours and the charger is 87W. Therefore, its battery life has also been increased from 10 hours to 11 hours (calculated by Apple’s wireless network browsing standard).

Other than that, there are no more changes to the 16-inch MacBook Pro. Therefore, it is a bit of a pity in terms of network connection. The 16-inch MacBook Pro does not yet support Wi-Fi 6.

Oh, no, and the price. The 16-inch MacBook Pro starts at 18,999 yuan, with a 2.6GHz i7 processor, 8GB + 512GB. The specific launch date has yet to be announced.

There is no doubt that with the development of the web, video content has become more and more popular. Apple is catering to more and more professional creative workers with products, especially those who have a high demand for images.

Although this group of people is so small, Apple’s product power is enough to make the notebook industry enter its twilight years, which is very rare in the industry.

"Buy or not?"

In Apple’s promotion, the 16-inch MacBook Pro is called "a studio that runs with you." The above problem is naturally solved.

This starting price may be able to buy two laptops for ordinary people, but it is a professional tool suitable for photographers, video workers, game developers and other practitioners who are used to macOS. Whether it is suitable for you depends on your needs and budget.

The title image is from TheVerge.

The 10 most optimistic stocks among institutions on Monday

  Changan Automobile

  UNI-K sales continue to climb, and "Avita" is gradually approaching

  Event Overview

  The company released June 2021 sales: June sales totaled 173,000 vehicles, year-on-year -11.0%, January-June cumulative sales 1.2008 million vehicles, cumulative year-on-year + 44.5%; June production totaled 165,000 vehicles, year-on-year -15.1%, January-June cumulative production 1.127 million vehicles, cumulative year-on-year 37.5%.

  Analysis and judgment:

  Independent growth slows down, Ford improves month-on-month

  The company’s sales volume in June was 173,040 units, + 22.2%/-11.0% year-on-year and -6.2% month-on-month. We judge that the quarter-on-month decline was mainly affected by the lack of cores. It is expected that with the impact of the lack of cores beginning to ease in the third quarter, the company’s sales growth rate is expected to pick up; the cumulative sales volume from January to June was 12.08 million units, + 45.5%/+ 44.5% year-on-year in 19/20. The data of the Passenger Federation shows that the year-on-year growth rate of wholesale sales of narrow passenger cars in June was -5.1%, and the company’s sales growth rate was weaker than the market average. By brand:

  1) Self-owned brands (Chongqing + Hebei + Hefei, the same below): June sales of 91,871 units, + 33.5%/+ 0.4% year-on-year in 19/20, -11.2% month-on-month; January-June cumulative sales of 701,926 units, + 79.1%/+ 67.0% year-on-year in 19/20.

  2) Ford: Sales of 21,752 vehicles in June, + 34.7%/-1.7% year-on-year in 19/20 and + 11.7% month-on-month. We judge that the improvement in the month-on-month was mainly due to the increase in the contribution of the re-listing of the Ferrez model. From January to June, the cumulative sales volume was 120,994 vehicles, + 61.0%/+ 24.2% year-on-year in 19/20.

  3) Mazda: June sales were 10,068 units, + 4.4%/-20.2% year-on-year and + 4.4% month-on-month; January-June cumulative sales were 60,330 units, -1.4%/+ 7.7% year-on-year.

  The proportion of independent sales in June was 53.1%, -3.0pct month-on-month, mainly due to the monthly decline in sales of independent brands; Ford’s June sales proportion was 12.6%, + 2.0pct month-on-month. It is expected that with the improvement of product structure and high gross profit brought by the launch of new cars, it will contribute important increments in the future.

  Investment advice

  The bottom of the passenger car industry cycle drives demand to pick up, and the company’s strategic focus on two core assets of autonomy + joint venture is expected to fully benefit. Among them, 1) Changan independence, the product cycle will rise in volume and price; 2) Changan Ford bottom will rise, and the margin will improve. At the same time, the CHN architecture and high-end electric intelligent new brand jointly built by the company with Huawei and () are expected to achieve rapid progress for the company in the development of intelligence and electrification. We maintain the profit forecast unchanged: it is expected that the company’s revenue in 2021-2023 will be 928.14/1022/113.506 billion yuan, the net profit attributable to the parent will be 53.92/60 25/65.94 million yuan, and the EPS will be 0.71/0 79/0.87 yuan. The PE corresponding to the current stock price is 29/26/23 times, maintaining the buy rating.

  Risk warning

  Downside risks in the auto market; sales of old models are declining, and sales of new models are not up to expectations; cost reduction and control fees are not up to expectations; Changan Ford’s strategic adjustment effect is not up to expectations; Avita brand development is lower than expected.


  2021 H1 performance forecast Comments: Performance exceeds expectations, endogenous changes are born into the sun

  Upgrade the performance forecast and maintain the overweight rating. Based on the consideration of gross profit margin and share, we slightly raise the company’s net profit forecast for 2021-2023 to 6.513 billion yuan (+ 7.5%), 8.181 billion yuan (+ 2.1%) and 10.261 billion yuan (+ 4.7%), corresponding to EPS of 1.41 yuan, 1.77 yuan and 2.22 yuan respectively. Considering the compounded growth rate of the company’s net profit in the next three years, give the PE of 30x in 2021, and lower the target price to 42.3 yuan (-7.7%), maintaining the overweight rating unchanged.

  The company announced that the net profit of H1 in 2021 is expected to be 3.80 billion yuan – 4.30 billion yuan, an increase of 104.6% -131.5%. According to the median, the net profit in the single quarter of 2021Q2 is nearly 2 billion yuan, which is expected to hit a new high in operating profit. The main reasons for the high net profit growth are: 1) the company optimizes the market structure, and it is expected that the three business lines will have good revenue growth; 2) its own management and R & D capacity enhancement brings about continuous recovery and improvement of gross profit margin; 3) the transfer of up to 90% of ZTE’s equity, confirming the pre-tax profit of about 800 million yuan; the overall performance exceeds market expectations.

  5G scale procurement via bidding started, and the company’s various businesses were born into the sun. Recently, domestic operators’ 5G scale procurement via bidding started, and the investment in 2021 showed the characteristics of low before and high after, which better supported the high growth of the annual performance. At the same time, based on the core competitiveness of the company’s chips, algorithms, architectures, databases, etc., it has laid the foundation for business expansion in 5G industry applications, enterprise digitalization, automotive electronics and other fields. The three business lines of operators, government and enterprises and consumers will be further expanded.

  Endogenous changes are obvious, moving towards high-quality development. The company has strong competitive product advantages under continuous R & D investment, superimposed supply chain, operation and management improvement, gross profit margin and net profit margin will increase, profitability will continue to increase, and it has been on the track of high-quality growth.

  Risk warning: The epidemic has led to unclear investment by overseas operators and the risk of Sino-US trade friction.

  Fuman Electronics

  Rising platform IC star

  The main business is growing rapidly, and the new product categories are constantly expanding: the company currently has more than 1,000 kinds of various IC products, and continues to enrich the product line. The company takes the lead in card position small pitch & MiniLED driver chip high-quality track, fast charging chip layout is leading, power management chip product line is rich, and actively layout in the field of radio frequency IC, with power management chip design, packaging and testing integrated supply capabilities. The company conducts strategic layout in the two aspects of core product depth development and industrial chain breadth extension, and gradually transforms from a single chip provider to a platform-based analog IC solution service provider. The future growth space is broad. Quarter 1, 2021, thanks to the company’s new product superposition and production, the sales volume and price of mature market products have risen simultaneously, the company’s performance has achieved rapid growth, and its profitability has been greatly improved.

  LED driver chips are booming, and the company’s products are accelerating in volume: small-pitch LED displays have reached the sweet spot of price, which has significantly stimulated the application demand in related scenarios, and the product has penetrated rapidly. At the same time, under the trend of small-pitch LED displays, with the narrowing of the lamp bead spacing, the number of display driver chips used per unit area has increased exponentially. In the current semiconductor price surge, LED lighting driver chips are not sensitive to price at the end point app store due to their low price base, so there is a large room for price increase. Superimposed with a large amount of chips, it is expected to contribute considerable revenue growth to relevant LED lighting driver chip manufacturers. The company’s LED driver chip layout is perfect, and the technical competitiveness is strong, which can meet the diverse application needs of downstream. The company is the first to break through in the field of small pitch LED display driver chips with a pitch of 1~ 0.3mm, and relies on the comprehensive competitive advantages of technological innovation, product quality, cost performance and the ** to quickly occupy the relevant market, accumulating (), Chau Ming, () and other high-quality customer resources, is expected to continue to increase market share.

  The fast charging market is accelerating its expansion, and the company continues to expand its high-end customers & applications: The fast charging market is in the stage of accelerated expansion, the industry’s prosperity continues to improve, and the potential app store volume is very considerable. The company has a complete fast charging IC solution, and the PD protocol chip has strong competitiveness. The company vigorously promotes the update of fast charging technology, strengthens its technological leadership and product competitiveness, and the fast charging chip continues to expand to high-end customers such as Aoji and Aohai and high-end applications such as standard power supplies, highlighting its market dominance.

  The RF domestic replacement space is vast, and the company actively plans to open up a new growth space: the RF front-end chip market is booming, and the domestic replacement space is vast. The company vigorously deploys the RF IC field, and the RF switch and RF PA have been successfully mass-produced. By increasing the production capacity of 5G RF chips, promoting the R & D and upgrading of RF chips, and expanding to the 5G RF chip fields such as SAW filters, LTCC products, and WiFiFEM through endogenous epitaxy acceleration, it is expected to open up a new growth space.

  Profit forecast and investment rating: We maintain the company’s 2021-2023 operating income forecast of 24.11/35 billion yuan, yoy + 188.4%/45.8%/35.1%, maintain the company’s 2021-2023 net profit forecast of 10.11/14 billion yuan, yoy + 906.3%/39.4%/29.3%, and achieve EPS of 4.93/6 88/8.89 yuan, corresponding to 30/22/17 times PE. Considering that the company’s product categories and app stores in the LED driver IC/power management IC/RF IC market are expected to continue to expand, referring to the average PE (62 times) of comparable companies in 2021, give the company 62 times the target PE in 2021, the target price is 305.66 yuan, and the target market value is 62.682 billion yuan, and maintain the "buy" rating.

  Risk warning: market demand is not as expected; new product launches are not as expected; customer development is not as expected.

Only then did Xiao Ai regret buying it, like a dragon.

  Author: Buy your own flowers and wear them yourself

  618 spent 99 yuan to buy a small love speaker. He thought it was cheap, but in fact, the performance of this speaker is not that good.

  Let me introduce this little love first, just that box, it is a little love smart speaker play.

  It is very small, the color is black, and the color is quite textured. It looks good at home. Its internal thermal infrared control system can be used to control traditional home appliances, such as non-smart ceiling lights, non-smart TVs, and non-smart air conditioners. As long as there is an infrared transmitter and receiver unit, it can be used to control it.

  When you go home, connect it and use it directly. It is really good to use, and it comes with a clock display function. It is quite convenient to place it near the bed and open your eyes to see the time.

  The sound of this router is also quite good, very balanced, I can’t say that he is particularly good when listening to music, at least I can’t pick out any big problems, the price is 99 yuan, after all, I can’t use too good materials, so I am already very satisfied, the disadvantage is that he is relatively dragon…

  Sometimes he couldn’t hear when he was called, but when he wasn’t called, he kept talking, which was very annoying.

  When signing a contract, you are also frequently asked to bind the APP, and you must also open a membership to listen to some more popular music.

  The rest is not a big problem. There are four more buttons on the top of the receiver speaker, the play pause button, the plus or minus volume button and the mute button.

  If you have a smart home at home, you can let him control it, such as controlling it, asking him to turn on the lights, start the sweeping robot, start the air purifier, start the air conditioner or electric fan, etc. He can do it very well for you.

  You can also use it to check the weather forecast and recent fortune, which is very convenient. It would be great if his reception sensitivity was improved a little more, and don’t talk like crazy when I don’t want him to appear, and don’t pretend to be deaf when I need him

Ministry of Transport: Guide and urge all localities to promote new energy buses and taxis

  China News Service, June 8, according to the website of the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Transport issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in Promoting Consumption Expansion and Quality of Transportation" on the 8th, saying that it is necessary to promote the development of green consumption in transportation, guide and urge localities to further promote the application of new energy buses and taxis, and gradually promote the electrification and cleanliness of urban public transportation and urban logistics distribution vehicles.

  According to reports, in order to implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on expanding domestic demand, promote the expansion and quality of consumption, promote the formation of a strong domestic market, serve the "Six Stability" work, and implement the "Six Guarantees" task, with the approval of the Ministry of Transport, the relevant work notice on promoting consumption expansion and quality of transportation is as follows:

  The first is to improve transportation infrastructure conditions and stimulate consumption potential. On the basis of promoting the perfect layout of transportation infrastructure and three-dimensional interconnection, we should highlight problem orientation and goal orientation, and focus on promoting a number of transportation infrastructure buildings that have obvious effects on promoting consumption, so as to create conditions for stimulating consumption potential.

  Accelerate intercity transportation infrastructure building. Focus on key urban agglomerations and metropolitan areas such as the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta region, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in the Chengdu-Chongqing region, and promote the formation of a multi-level rapid transportation network with rail transit and expressways as the skeleton. Improve urban agglomerations and metropolitan area center urban transportation infrastructure building, vigorously develop public transportation, and improve the level of transportation integration. Gradually form a 1-hour commute in metropolitan areas, and a 2-hour accessibility in urban agglomerations.

  Improve the rural transportation infrastructure network. Promote the high-quality development of "Four Good Rural Roads", vigorously promote the withdrawal of organized villages and other large-scale natural villages with a population, and the opening of hardened roads to border natural villages, and promote more transportation projects to enter villages and households. Deepen the reform of the rural highway management and maintenance system, and speed up the establishment of a long-term mechanism for management and maintenance. Promote the construction of facilities such as ferry reform bridges, land and island transportation terminals, Kuhu District waterways and convenience docks, and improve the conditions for ferries in remote areas. Improve rural logistics infrastructure and service facilities, guide township passenger terminals to expand their functions of commerce, logistics, postal express delivery, etc., and realize "one point and more capabilities, one network and multiple uses, and multi-station integration".

  Improve the development quality of comprehensive transportation hubs. Promote the construction of comprehensive passenger transportation hubs, and guide and drive the centralized layout, space sharing, three-dimensional or co-platform transfer of various transportation mode facilities. Encourage the use of large-scale comprehensive passenger transportation hubs as carriers to promote the agglomeration and development of related consumer industries such as commerce and finance, tourism and catering, shopping and entertainment, and build an urban complex. Promote the construction of logistics nodes such as national logistics hubs and freight hubs (logistics parks), and guide logistics nodes to expand service functions such as cold chain, postal express, cross-border e-commerce, and air logistics.

  The second is to improve the quality of transportation services and upgrade service consumption. In response to the difficulties and painpoints faced by passenger travel and lifestyle logistics services, efforts will be made to improve the speed and convenience of travel services, promote the green and efficient development of freight logistics services, and open up the "blockage point" restricting consumption in the transportation sector to enhance consumption vitality.

  Improve passenger transportation services. Speed up the remaining townships and villages with the conditions to pass buses, consolidate the achievements of the existing buses, and ensure the high-quality completion of the goal of passing buses by the end of September 2020. Fully realize the normal operation of the passenger rolling transport liner in the Qiongzhou Strait, and further shorten the average time for passengers to cross the sea. According to local conditions, promote the improvement of night economic transportation supporting services. Continuously meet the special needs of the disabled, the elderly and other groups, and improve the level of barrier-free and convenient travel services.

  Optimize passenger transfer services. Further enhance the service level of passenger intermodal transportation, and effectively improve passenger travel experience. Encourage localities to strengthen innovation, and promote the opening and sharing of information on various modes of transportation, management coordination, optimization of security inspection processes, and integration of ticketing services. Promote the experience and practices of passenger intermodal transportation in Heilongjiang, Beijing, Nanjing, Shenzhen and other places. Strengthen the connection of urban public transportation and auxiliary public transportation services in comprehensive passenger transportation hubs, and improve the level of passenger "last mile" connection services. According to market demand, encourage the establishment of car rental service outlets at airports, railway stations, port passenger terminals, etc.

  Improve the level of ticketing services. Encourage enterprises to use the Internet and other information technology applications to improve the level of ticketing services for networking, connecting, off-site, round-trip, and refund tickets, and guide Internet enterprises to provide "one-stop ticketing services" for intermodal transportation. Expand transportation card travel applications in taxis, city ferries, and road passenger transportation operated by buses. Promote road passenger e-tickets, and carry out pilot applications of road passenger e-tickets in Beijing, Jiangsu, Jiangxi and other provinces to improve the level of digitalization and informatization of road passenger transportation, and improve passenger travel experience. Promote the application of waterway passenger e-tickets, and carry out e-ticket applications in key waters such as Qiongzhou Strait and Bohai Bay. Continue to promote the implementation of the cruise ticket management system.

  Improve the service level of life logistics. Promote the construction of "Global 123 Express Logistics Circle" to support the growing demand of residents for fast and convenient logistics services. Deepen the urban green freight distribution demonstration project, and guide local governments to coordinate urban transportation and urban material distribution needs according to the actual development, and accurately formulate urban distribution vehicle traffic control policies. Encourage local governments to strengthen departmental cooperation, promote information and data sharing, and provide support for improving the informatization level of urban freight distribution. Improve cold chain transportation standards and norms, improve the technical equipment level of cold chain logistics vehicles, and improve the quality of cold chain transportation services. Continue to promote the integration of delivery and mail, and improve the rural logistics service system at the county, township, and village levels.

  The third is to promote the cross-industry integration of transportation and cultivate new consumption. Give full play to the advantages and characteristics of transportation points, long lines, and wide coverage, promote the integration and linkage of transportation "upstream and downstream, left and right" industries, and improve the application and development level of new technologies, new formats, and new models. Provide support for new consumption.

  Promote the integration of transportation and tourism and sports industries. Strengthen the connection between expressways and scenic transportation, fully consider the connection with key scenic roads in expressway planning and construction, and improve the setting of traffic guidance signs. Promote the expressway service area to expand tourism, consumption and other functions according to local conditions, and combine regional characteristics to support RV parking spaces, gas stations, new energy vehicle charging piles and other facilities and equipment. Continue to promote the construction of tourist roads, tourist waterways, cruise yacht terminals, promote the development of cruise economy, tourism trains, low-altitude flight tourism, etc., and promote the cruise port to improve service levels. Encourage the creation of independent brand sports events featuring transportation resources.

  Promote the integration of transportation and information industry. Promote the new transportation infrastructure building, improve the intelligent and digital level of transportation infrastructure. Promote the application of autonomous driving and vehicle-road coordination technology. Use "Internet +" technology to promote the healthy development of shared transportation, and encourage the development of new formats and models of travel services such as small and micro passenger car time-sharing leasing and road passenger transportation customization services. Encourage the development of "Internet +" efficient logistics, improve the level of automation, intelligence and digitalization of logistics, and improve the quality of services in areas such as timely delivery and cold chain express delivery, so as to effectively support the development of e-commerce and digital consumption.

  Promote the development of green consumption in transportation. Guide and urge all localities to further promote the application of new energy buses and taxis, and gradually promote the electrification and cleanliness of urban public transportation and urban logistics distribution vehicles. Speed up the elimination of scrapped and old diesel trucks. Study and establish relevant standards and specifications for the safety and operation and maintenance of new energy vehicles in the field of road transportation. Guide logistics enterprises to use packaging that meets environmental protection and recyclable standards, avoid repeated packaging and excessive packaging, and improve the level of resource reuse and recycling.

  The fourth is to create a safe transportation consumption environment and improve consumer satisfaction. Further enhance service awareness, and effectively safeguard consumer rights and interests through service innovation, transportation market supervision, and smooth rights protection channels, and strive to create a safe, convenient and comfortable transportation consumption environment.

  Encourage innovation in service methods. Encourage all kinds of Internet platforms and market players to participate in the development of big data products and value-added services for transportation and tourism services, and use the mobile Internet as a carrier to provide the public with comprehensive information services such as diversified transportation, tourism, and sports events. Continue to deepen the expansion and application of ETC. Promote differentiated toll collection on expressways.

  Maintain the order of the transportation market. Build a fair, open, competitive and orderly transportation market, improve market access and exit systems, and strive to improve the rules for the operation of the industry. In key areas such as transportation, transportation and logistics, build a new credit-based supervision mechanism, study and promote the interconnection of credit information, mutual recognition of credit evaluation, joint reward and punishment interaction, and credit repair interoperability. Cross-regional credit supervision and application, and optimize the overall credit environment of the industry. Promote the expansion and application of the electronic health file system for automobile maintenance to provide support for promoting used car transactions. Strengthen the supervision and management of transportation services, comprehensively use the Internet, WeChat, telephone and other channels to open up and accept problems reported by the masses, respond to problems in a timely manner and properly solve them, and improve consumer satisfaction.

  Guarantee the safety of passengers’ travel. In accordance with the relevant requirements of the "Guidelines for the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in passenger stations and transportation vehicles by zoning and grading", do a good job in epidemic prevention and control of passenger stations and transportation vehicles. Supervise transportation enterprises to implement the main responsibility of safety management. Further strengthen safety supervision and emergency response capacity building. Increase investment in infrastructure safety protection, and improve the safety protection capacity of key infrastructure. Build a safe vehicle and ship terminal, strengthen safety inspection and danger work, and create a safe environment. Promote the sharing of inter-provincial chartered passenger transportation sign information and external inquiries, and improve the safety and standardized operation level of tourist chartered vehicles. Implement key supervision of safety production on long-distance passenger routes and sleeper buses over 800 kilometers.

  Fifth, strengthen organization and implementation to ensure effective results. Strengthen organizational leadership, innovate working methods, strengthen publicity and guidance, strive to promote consumption expansion and quality improvement to achieve practical results, and provide strong support for coping with the adverse impact of the epidemic, effectively expanding domestic demand, and promoting the formation of a strong domestic market.

  Strengthen organizational leadership. Transportation authorities at all levels should raise their political standing and fully understand the importance of transportation to promote consumption expansion and quality improvement. In their work, they should strengthen organizational leadership, improve service awareness, strengthen departmental linkage, refine and implement measures in combination with actual conditions, and increase the reform of "decentralization, management and service" to form a joint force to promote consumption expansion and quality improvement.

  Innovate working methods. Strengthen policy innovation and system innovation, and encourage local transportation authorities to promote consumption expansion and quality improvement according to local conditions through pilot exploration, demonstration-driven, and policy support. For projects that meet the requirements of the pilot program for building a transportation power, are highly innovative and have outstanding demonstration-driven, the Ministry of Transport will be included in the pilot program according to the procedures.

  Strengthen propaganda and guidance. Give full play to the role of the media in guiding public opinion, make extensive use of key news websites, major commercial websites and media platforms such as Weibo, WeChat, mobile client side, etc., carefully set topics, vigorously publicize the good experience and good practices of transportation to promote consumption expansion and quality, and play a typical demonstration and driving role.

Let’s go Eight "Anyang" subway trains entered Tianjin, Beijing and Zhengzhou.

  On April 18th, at the subway station of Hexi District Cultural Center in Tianjin, the "Anyang" subway train launched by Anyang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government officially entered Metro Line 6. Passengers on this line will enjoy the charming scenery of Damei Anyang in the carriage. On the same day, 8 "Anyang" subway trains in Tianjin 2, Beijing 4 and Zhengzhou 2 were started simultaneously.

  At 10 o’clock in the morning, Yuan Jiajian, the mayor of Anyang, announced that eight "Anyang" subway trains in Beijing, Tianjin and Zhengzhou had started! An "Anyang" subway train loaded with Anyang cultural tourism elements leaves on Tianjin Metro Line 6. At the same time, Beijing Metro Lines 1, 7 and 9, Zhengzhou Metro Lines 1 and 5 and Tianjin Metro Line 1 welcomed the "Anyang" special train.

  Boarding the "Anyang" subway train, the reporter saw that each carriage had a different theme, showing the text and map introductions of more than 10 famous scenic spots such as Yinxu, Hongqi Canal, Linzhou Taihang Grand Canyon, Tangyin Yuefei Temple and Mashi Manor. In order to attract more tourists to Anyang, the departure ceremony also presented a "big gift package" for Huimin to the public. In the "Anyang" subway train, a WeChat QR code can be seen everywhere. The public can simply scan the QR code and get a ticket for Anyang A-level key tourist attractions for free. "Forward this QR code to the WeChat circle of friends. When others see it, they can also scan the code to get free tickets." Xue Wenming, director of Anyang Culture, Radio, Film, Sports and Tourism Bureau, introduced.

  "The opening of the’ Anyang’ subway train this time is not only an important measure to facilitate citizens’ travel, but also a concrete action for Anyang to integrate into the coordinated development strategy of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. In the next step, we will continue to promote the in-depth cooperation of cultural tourism between the two places to realize resource sharing, complementary advantages, market interaction and common development. "Yuan Gujian said.

  Li Zhuo, member of the party group and deputy director of Tianjin Culture and Tourism Bureau, said that Anyang and Tianjin are both national historical and cultural cities. In the past two years, there have been more and more cultural exchanges and closer friendly cooperation. The promotion of Anyang’s cultural tourism resources through a series of activities such as the launching ceremony of the "Anyang" subway train will promote more and deeper cultural exchanges between the two places, attract many Tianjin tourism enterprises and citizens to experience different customs in Damei Anyang, and promote in-depth cooperation and win-win development of cultural tourism between the two places.

  "I only knew that there was Oracle Bone Inscriptions in Anyang before. Today, I learned so many tourism resources in Anyang by subway. I must take my children to Anyang to have a look!" Ms. Wang, a citizen of Tianjin, took out her mobile phone to scan the code and drew a free ticket to the Taihang Grand Canyon in Linzhou. "She said that she would forward the WeChat circle of friends and invite friends and relatives to go together.

  After the "Anyang" subway train started, the relevant departments of Anyang City and the representatives of scenic spots also distributed small gifts and tickets to passengers in the carriages.

How should the new policy of online car-hailing start with controversy and end with consensus?

  CCTV News:Following the exposure draft of the four cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou yesterday, Chongqing, Hangzhou and other places have also followed up quickly, and will make specific provisions on local online car pricing, driver qualifications, vehicle qualifications, etc.

  Driver’s household registration and vehicle license plates have become hot topics for netizens to discuss

  After the release of the detailed exposure draft, it immediately caused a heated discussion. In the message area of the CCTV News WeChat public platform, netizens discussed the hottest, mainly focusing on issues such as ride safety, driver’s household registration and vehicle license plates.Some netizens believe that the restrictions on driver registration and license plates in Beijing and Shanghai are too strict, and the top priority should be to ensure the safety of passengers.

  Phantastishch:I think these conditions must first ensure the safety of ride-hailing customers, which is a major premise. Is it possible to require drivers who engage in online ride-hailing to go to the local public security department for the record first, which is a constraint on them.

  Empty Valley Orchid:Personally, I don’t think it is necessary to have a household registration and a vehicle in this city, but the quality of the driver should be good and the integrity should be high.

  At the same time, there are also netizens who believe that a large number of online car-hailing vehicles are located outside the country, causing illegal parking and charging disputes to continue.

  Mr. lonely:A local license plate should be required. In addition, the driver should be strictly reviewed to see if there is any illegal record. I personally feel that after all, in big cities, if you have a driving experience of less than 2 to 3 years, don’t come out to pick people up!

  Back to nature. : I think the online car-hailing should be from this city, and the car in this city. In this case, personal information is easier to understand, and even if there is anything wrong, it is not so difficult to deal with!

  Recently, when the Shanghai traffic law enforcement department rectified the chaos of online car-hailing, it was found that in the Hongqiao transportation hub area, the three online car-hailing platforms, Didi, Uber, and Yidao, all had lax checks and acquiesced in the situation of drivers and foreign-branded vehicles who did not have operating qualifications.

  In the vicinity of Dawang Road in Beijing, at night, online taxis waiting for orders and picking up passengers queue up with some carpooling vehicles to the suburbs, stretching for hundreds of meters, accounting for two of the four lanes. Among them, online taxis with foreign license plates also account for a considerable proportion.


  Beijing Transportation Commission: "Beijing People and Beijing Vehicles" Consider Population, Congestion and Air Quality

  On the one hand, many people think that the rules are too strict. If implemented as such, it will inevitably lead to a significant decrease in the number of qualified online car-hailing drivers (taking Shanghai as an example, there are data showing that there are only more than 10,000 online car-hailing drivers with Shanghai household registration, and only a fraction of the 410,000 drivers who have been activated), which will lead to rising prices and affect the convenience of travel. On the other hand, it is also impossible to ignore that since the establishment of the online car-hailing platform, various problems have emerged one after another, especially the fact that although the car-hailing in other places has brought convenience to some people, it has also objectively exacerbated the congestion in some areas.

  In response to why "Beijing people, Beijing cars" are required in the exposure draft of Beijing’s online car-hailing implementation rules, the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission explained today that online car-hailing,This is determined by considering factors such as the city’s population, urban traffic congestion, and air quality.Some experts said that the "Beijing People and Beijing Car" was formulated with full consideration of Beijing’s needs for employment and population relief, and should be affirmed.

  Around the net about car exposure draft centralized introduction, which revealed those important signals? As the net about car market ultimate participants, how should we participate in the formulation of policy?

  CCTV Review

  Strict management of online car-hailing "savage growth" stage will end

  With the introduction of the new net car exposure draft, although it has not been officially implemented, it has made the entire net car field face new policy thresholds.A series of regulations, from local hukou and local cars to the large number of new cars, all suggest that the current new policy may be stricter on the management of online car-hailing. This may mark the end of the stage of "wild growth" of online car-hailing.

Map/Visual China

  In the past few years, under the trend of "Internet +" and "sharing economy", the online car-hailing market has flourished from scratch, and a number of powerful enterprises have emerged. At the same time, with a large number of subsidies, cheap and fast online car-hailing has also changed the travel habits of many people.

  However, due to the fact that online car-hailing is a new thing in the market, the management of this field is relatively lagging behind, so there are also some problems in the market. For example, there are large loopholes in the standards of people and vehicles, and lax security measures. The management of these aspects has stayed at the level of internal norms of each company, and has not yet formed a unified rule for the whole industry. The introduction of the new policy is to make up for the shortcomings of the policy by summarizing the practice of the online car-hailing industry.

  The New Deal should be "economic fast", not black humor

  Regulating and supervising new things is a necessary way. The question is how to regulate and supervise? At present, the whole society has reached a consensus on some general aspects. For example, making transportation more efficient and safer through Internet platforms, reducing congestion, reducing carbon emissions, and relieving the functions of core cities. No matter whether it is the regulators in Beijing and Shanghai, or the people living in these places and the online car-hailing platforms, they will not object to these.

  Therefore, the New Deal certainly cannot go against these. But from the current exposure draft,In the setting of online ride-hailing management, many standards are higher than those of taxis. This can certainly reduce the impact on the traditional industry, but in this way, whether online ride-hailing can continue to maintain its economic and fast advantages will be put into question, and online ride-hailing platforms will become more and more like taxi companies. Passengers originally hoped that the development of online ride-hailing could force taxi companies to reform, but if the result turned into online ride-hailing "being recruited", it would become a black humor in the development of the Internet economy.


  In addition, the restrictions on displacement and vehicle wheelbase in the exposure draft are also considered to be inconsistent with the concept of green travel.

  Thirdly, there is also a lot of controversy over whether online ride-hailing drivers must have local household registration. After all, many places (including Beijing and Shanghai itself) are implementing the residence permit system, and gradually realizing that the public services enjoyed by the residence permit are consistent with those of registered residents.

  Finally, the provisions on ride-hailing in the exposure draft are basically determined to be newly added operating vehicles, rather than encouraging private car owners to engage in ride-hailing or ride-sharing business. This essentially solves the travel problem by increasing the operation of vehicles, which is contrary to the essence of the sharing economy. Because the sharing economy itself solves the travel problem of more people by improving the operating efficiency of existing vehicles.

  Only by asking the people for policies can we find the greatest common denominator of the interests of all parties

  Judging from the feedback from all parties on the exposure draft, the controversy is relatively large, which is not a bad thing. In essence, these disputes should only be differences in the ways in which the parties achieve the common goal, rather than the pursuit of the goal itself. And this goal is to facilitate travel, travel safely, and reduce congestion. To solve this problem, we need to really listen to public opinion and find the intersection of interests between the parties after full controversy.

  More than two months ago, the Ministry of Transport officially issued the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Further Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" and the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services". The legalization of online car-hailing has ushered in unanimous praise from all parties. This is also the result of collecting public opinion after 9 months. The exposure draft released in October last year was also criticized by the society at the beginning, and the jokers jumped out to complain. However, the rules issued after extensive consultation finally relaxed some standards based on actual feedback, and gained recognition in the design of innovative systems to give play to local autonomy, as well as the "tailor-made" standardized development of online car-hailing.

  At present, the details of online car-hailing, including Beijing and Shanghai, are also soliciting public opinion, hoping to fully absorb the opinions of all parties in the decision-making process. Start with dispute and end with consensus. This is the result of a win-win situation for all parties. Written by CCTV Commentary, Wang Yahong

Didi says it has zero tolerance for the discrepancy between people and vehicles, and it is its duty to control illegal production

  Our reporter, Du Xiao 

  The intern of this newspaper, Liu Yanqing

  Recently, the person in charge of Didi’s access security publicly stated that the conservative estimate of the market size of online car-hailing black production reached 1 billion yuan.

  Didi also said that the phenomenon of "people do not match" is directly a permanent suspension of service processing. The current platform targets the average daily face verification of drivers to 4.30 million times, covering 100% of the total number of drivers’ out-of-the-car verification and in-trip sampling, and the monthly average manual sampling review 600,000 times. Despite possibly facing the strictest controls, some drivers still take risks.

  The Legal Daily reporter learned in the interview that at first, the illegal production of online car-hailing was mainly to register false driver accounts and receive orders to obtain platform subsidies. Later, some "vest cars" appeared in the development process of online car-hailing, that is, online car-hailing cars whose actual information does not match the registration information. However, with the increasing supervision and crackdown, the problem of black production of online car-hailing cars is gradually improving.

  Called a car and found that the information did not match

  Some passengers will not report

  According to Didi, "the latest information from Didi’s intelligence team shows that the quotation of the black industry’s plan to bypass the face has exceeded 2,000 yuan."

  After searching the Internet, the reporter found that relevant information such as registration can still be found, but the number is very small. Once contacted, the other party will ask to add WeChat for further details.

  "If you don’t have enough driving experience to register with the original license plate, change the foreign license plate to the local license plate, and solve the problem that the system does not send orders," a merchant offering online registration services said in the advertisement. The price of this service is 200 yuan.

  The reporter searched the other party’s public WeChat and found that the WeChat account could not be displayed abnormally, and then the other party provided another contact information. The other party told the reporter that the driving age is insufficient and cannot be handled, but the car age is over and the foreign license plate can be replaced with a local license plate. The average asking price is 1,000 yuan. "The 200 yuan price is just to attract buyers to come to consult."

  When asked whether they could guarantee that they would not be banned, the other party said that whether a normal car could be banned depended on whether it would be complained by passengers. If there were many complaints, the number would be banned, and if there were few complaints, it would not. False registrations pose a risk of being banned. Think carefully before registering.

  Regarding the issue of being banned, the other party also offered a trick: "Once the customer finds that there is a problem, he has to rely on his words to convince the customer, and if he can convince the customer, he will not be complained. Or when he is almost at the boarding location, he will call the customer again, divert the customer’s attention and make him not pay attention to the license plate, and then he will be fine."

  Another registered merchant who advertised on the forum told reporters that it is generally impossible to register if the driving age does not match, and the online car-hailing platform has stricter supervision on this. However, there are also individual online car-hailing platforms that can register if the driving age is not enough. Although the review also has driving age requirements, it can be operated in the background. Charge 200 yuan to help register and activate the account, and ensure that it is in compliance with the registration, there will be no risk of being banned, and access to the order pool to grab the reservation will cost extra.

  For passengers who encounter "people do not match", some people will not choose to report or complain.

  A female passenger told reporters that she placed an order through the platform, and when the car arrived, she found that the license plate number was not the one displayed when she placed the order.

  "At first I thought the driver was looking for the wrong person, but the driver explained to me that the platform had mistaken his information. The driver gave his mobile phone number to prove his identity, and other information displayed on the order was correct, so I got on the bus," the passenger said.

  Another passenger also encountered a similar situation. He told the reporter that the waiting car did not match the information of the called car, but the driver said that it was his friend who took the order, and he came on behalf of the friend because of something temporary. If you are not at ease, you can place a new order. For safety reasons, the passenger chose to place a new order.

  "It’s not credible to get the wrong information." Hu Ping (a pseudonym), who has been working as a part-time online ride-hailing driver since 2016, told reporters that if there is indeed an error in the registration of information, it is more difficult to correct the information, because the customer service is usually busy and cannot take care of it.

  "Whether the information is true or not has a big impact on the driver. Once the passenger complains about this, the platform will block the driver," Hu Ping said. "When registering a driver’s account on the online ride-hailing platform, you need to upload a driver’s license, vehicle driving license, ID card, etc. As long as the information is true and the certificate is valid, the review can basically be passed within three to five working days."

  There are many hidden dangers of fake accounts

  The compliance process needs to be accelerated

  It is understood that the Guangdong police had previously announced the top ten cyber security cases in 2017, among which the "Didi black product" case attracted attention. The police revealed that there were hundreds of thousands of accounts involved, and the amount involved was as high as tens of millions of yuan.

  Zhao Zhanzhan, a special researcher at the Intellectual Property Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, believes that online car-hailing black production involves issues such as the sale of personal information and vehicle information. At present, the supervision is already very strict. The reason why online car-hailing black production exists is because of market demand and profitability, coupled with some deficiencies in the management of online car-hailing platforms, which are exploited by criminals.

  "Drivers registering fake accounts will bring safety hazards to passengers. On the one hand, they avoid the safety review of the platform, and on the other hand, they will increase the risk of personal harm to passengers. For example, some people may want to engage in illegal and criminal activities, some people may not be qualified to drive, and some people may not be skilled in driving." Zhao Zhanzhi said.

  Fu Weigang, a researcher at the Shanghai Institute of Finance and Law, believes that in recent years, regulators have increasingly strictly regulated the online car-hailing market.

  According to Fu Weigang, in January 2019, the Ministry of Transport issued the "Notice on the Key Points of Transportation Safety Production Work in 2019", proposing to speed up the process of online car-hailing compliance, and all localities have also continuously urged online car-hailing platform enterprises to speed up the process of compliance. The Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission Law Enforcement Corps issued a notice requiring all online car-hailing platform enterprises to complete by the end of June: clear the registered vehicles without online car reservation qualifications in the platform, clear the non-compliant personnel and vehicles in the blacklist that were seized and warned in the early stage, improve the basic information of vehicles and drivers, and synchronize the supervision platform in real time. At the same time, platform companies are required to conduct offline entity inspections or reviews of newly registered vehicles and vehicles suspected of "vest" complaints, and strengthen legal education for drivers on the platform.

  "In fact, for many users, they are mainly concerned about whether the driver drives well or not, whether the service is good or not, and whether the driver’s registration information matches the actual situation and whether the household registration is local. Some users may even worry that if the driver’s entry threshold is too high, the number of drivers will be reduced, which will lead to more expensive taxi prices," Fu Weigang said.

  Zhao Zhan suggested that passengers themselves should raise their safety awareness and make more efforts within their means, including complaining to the platform if they find that the driver does not match the vehicle information, and assisting the platform in strengthening the management of drivers and vehicles.

  Appropriately lowering the entry threshold

  Promote the regular operation of drivers

  In 2016, after the Ministry of Transport, MIIT and other seven ministries jointly issued the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services, various localities successively issued detailed implementation rules.

  According to media reports, in 2018, Hangzhou introduced a new policy, canceling a number of requirements for online car-hailing drivers, and at the same time adopting a policy of one test and two certificates. Once the driver passes the test, he not only obtains the qualification to drive an online car, but also can drive a taxi. This also makes the number of compliant drivers increase more than 3 times in 2018. At present, the number of online car-hailing drivers in Hangzhou who have obtained the qualification certificate has reached 55,000.

  Yu Mingyuan, director of the Highway Traffic Development Research Center of the Highway Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, said in an interview with the media that, for example, excessive requirements are placed on technology, and even excessive requirements are placed on the length and frame of the vehicle. Some also require local household registration, and now there are also requirements that the manufacturer is also local.

  In Fu Weigang’s opinion, some places have set more restrictions on the access of online car-hailing drivers, which will lead to some people not meeting the conditions, which will lead to the creation of online car-hailing illegal production. The stricter the similar standards, the larger the scale of online car-hailing illegal production may be. "If the standards are too high, it will be more unsafe to have black cars. If the standards are relaxed, then some drivers can directly operate online car-hailing through regular channels."

  Zhao Zhan also believes that to rectify the illegal production of online car-hailing, the threshold for online car-hailing should be appropriately lowered to solve the problem of non-compliance of some online car-hailing drivers. Judging from the implementation of online car-hailing policies, some places have introduced stricter policies, and there are fewer qualified drivers and vehicles. Although the high threshold for access to the online car-hailing market is one of the reasons for the emergence of illegal production of online car-hailing, if there is no access threshold, it will not meet the current laws and regulations, and it will also be opposed by the traditional taxi industry. The threshold for access to online car-hailing needs to be set, mainly whether the level is appropriate.

  Fu Weigang suggested that to solve the problem of illegal production of online car-hailing, from the platform side, we should first improve the mechanism and system, so that passengers can promptly identify drivers with good service and poor service, and eliminate drivers with poor service. Secondly, the online car-hailing platform should be responsible for reviewing driver information and promptly connecting with the information systems of the public security department, transportation department and other relevant departments.

  Zhao Zhan added that the platform side should play a leading role in the rectification of online car-hailing black production, and can identify fake accounts through technical means, increase the crackdown, and ensure the safety of passengers.

After the 85s, Xiao Huadan "came aggressively" Yang Mi led the limelight

Zhang Yuqi

Yang Mi


  Seeing Xu Jinglei and Zhou Xun, the former masters of the little flower Dan, soaring higher and higher, each holding up a piece of the sky alone, but "the country is waiting for talents to come out", the stage also needs new troops, Yang Mi, Ying’er, Zhang Yuqi and a group of "little talented women" born in 1985 are gradually flourishing, from two or three years ago, young girls have transformed into new forces in the film and television industry that are now blooming. Their gorgeous turns have witnessed the rapid growth of the power of young people in the entertainment industry.

Yang Mi – the "new generation of classical beauty" in the limelight

  Yang Mi, known as the "Little Flower Dan" in mainland China, has always given people a fresh and natural impression of being naughty and cute. At the age of 4, she embarked on the road of acting due to her performance in the historical drama "Tang Minghuang", but in 2011 she really began to make a big hit. The hit broadcast of a time-travel drama "Palace" allowed audiences to see the classical temperament that Yang Mi had never shown. With the broadcast of the drama, the title of "New Generation Classical Beauty" became synonymous with her. The drama "Palace" not only made Yang Mi famous, but also the hype of a true and false relationship with the male lead of the same drama, Feng Shaofeng, became its rapid popularity.

Ying’er – a pure and fresh "Popular Elf"

  Ying’er, known as the "mainland version of Chinese fir dish", is famous for her interpretation of the cute version of "Xiangxiang Princess" in the new version of "Shujian Enmity and Enmity", and then shows good acting skills in the TV series "Wolf Poison Flower", "Jade Phoenix", "Silk Heart", "Thousand Mountains and Twilight Snow" and other works. Her fresh and demure appearance has not limited the multi-faceted development of Ying’er’s acting career, sometimes pure, sometimes stubborn, and sometimes charming screen image has also made her quickly become the best among the post-85 actresses.

  Ying’er, who has already made her mark in the film and television industry, has also been favored by many well-known advertisers, and has shot TV commercials for many well-known brands at home and abroad. In addition, she has also become the heroine of the MV of the new song "You Are in My Heart" by the mainland A-list male star Huang Xiaoming. In 2011, she signed a contract with Sony Music and cooperated with Wang Leehom’s gold medal behind-the-scenes team to release singles and albums to fully develop her acting career.

Zhang Yuqi – the hottest "Star Girl"

  Zhang Yuqi, a sexy and beautiful woman famous in Chinese films for starring in Stephen Chow’s films, has become the latest generation of "Star Girls". Although she has parted ways with Xing Ye for various reasons, it has not affected her acting career in the slightest. After the termination of the contract with Xinghui Company, Zhang Yuqi has increasingly shown her bold and independent side. In her early twenties, she has shown her unique charm in many blockbusters such as Tsui Hark’s, Feng Delun’s, Wu’ershan’s, and Wang Quanan’s "White Deer Plain".

  Recently, Zhang Yuqi has once again become the headline of major news pages, due to her lightning engagement to the famous director Wang Quan’an. Zhang Yuqi, who has just emerged from the haze of "big and small love", has been revealed to have recently registered marriage with director Wang Quan’an, and the two have only known each other since the filming of the movie "White Deer Plain".

  On and off the screen, the new army of the post-85s generation has taken the lead collectively, injecting fresh vitality into the entertainment industry.