"You are my spring" was released in 7.1, and Super Cass teamed up to interpret you who lived with your heart.

The film You Are My Spring will be released nationwide on July 1st (this Friday), and the pre-sale is in full swing. By interweaving realism and romanticism, the film depicts a warm picture of ordinary people watching and helping each other in difficulties. Previously, several previews and specials released by the film were also filled with warmth, firmness and full of hope, and recorded the sincere cooperation between the main creators in front of the stage and behind the scenes from the initial creation to the final presentation of the film. As the first all-round "heavyweight" film in the second half of the year, "You are my spring" can be described as full of watching.
"Heavyweight" Kasi teamed up to present a variety of "truth" with one "truth"
The film "You are My Spring" is supervised by Chen Daoming, supervised by Huang Bo, directed by Zhou Nan, Zhang Chi, Yu-sheng Tian, Dong Yue and Rao Xiaozhi, and is escorted by an unprecedented "heavyweight" cast. Wang Jingchun, who plays the role of a grassroots worker and is deeply rooted in people’s hearts, plays a community worker who is full of human feelings in this film, leaving a deep impression on the director Yu-sheng Tian: "In a night scene, Teacher Jing Chun wears a mask and only uses her eyes and eyebrows to transform a variety of complex emotions such as surprise, emotion and disappointment in a few seconds!" Zhou Dongyu, the "Three Golden Actresses", appeared simply in this film, playing a girl who was tenacious and persistent in the face of difficulties. In the preview, she stood at the window of the ward and smiled at her boyfriend (YIN FANG), poking tears in countless netizens’ eyes: "She was obviously laughing, but I cried." Huang Xiaoming also plays a father who takes care of his son alone for the first time. In order to pursue the texture of the role, he offered to make his makeup closer to the image of a "tour guide" in the filming process, and "to increase sunburn, there must be traces of being beaten by years". He also appeared for the first time with real white hair and studied Sichuan dialect all night, which made the image of an ordinary middle-aged man who was running around for life real and grounded. In the previous film’s advance viewing activities, many viewers said that "the medical workers played by Chao Huang and yangsi are amazing", "The sound of" Wheat "and" Mom "played by Angel makes people cry" and "No actor’s acting skills are disappointing".It is precisely because they have been in difficulties like countless audiences that dozens of outstanding filmmakers can interpret "truth" with "true feelings", which makes this story about ordinary people supporting each other in difficulties more convincing.
Every truthyou and me"They are all protagonists, and every heart that protects life with care has a lot of "weight"
Realistic themes naturally have the advantage of touching people’s hearts. The protagonist of the film You are my spring is every real "you" and "I" who love life. In the film, Zhou Dongyu and YIN FANG interpret the bumpy but still romantic love story, and the figure of "Nanfeng" traveling alone in the dark to her lover "Xiaoyu" is particularly touching; Song Xiaobao and Pan Binlong play the role of "uncle and nephew" of migrant workers, but they are still helpful to strangers in a difficult situation; Wang Jingchun and Angel’s interpretation of neighborhood daily life is filled with humorous "gunpowder smell" and warm and simple "fireworks smell"; Chao Huang and yangsi are "medical couples" fighting side by side. In order to reach the "battlefield" in the first time, they raced against death during the day and snuggled up and encouraged each other in the cramped car at night. Huang Xiaoming’s father, after his wife (Song Jia) helped Hubei, fell into an "offensive and defensive war" with his son (Zhang Hangcheng), but the friendship between father and son was sublimated through casual stumbling … Behind these "little people", there is a pursuit of true feelings, a persistence in their profession, and a fierce counterattack in the face of despair, which is really touching.
"A group of credible, respectable and lovely little people"-this is a praise from Wu Guanping, president of China Film Culture Research Institute of Beijing Film Academy, and director Huang Jianxin shed tears after watching the movie: "It is very touching and expresses people’s association with emotional needs, and it also gives us the strength to support us to move forward." Just as the film shows: every ordinary "you" and "I" are the protagonists of life, and every heart that tries hard to face difficulties and protect life with care has a lot of weight.
Master Chuang Yan’s creative details give the story "real" "weight"
In order to pursue the real film texture, the main creators began a one-year field investigation and accumulated materials from the early stage of preparation. During the filming process, the directors examined each shot with "critical eyes" and polished the details repeatedly. "Do it again!" It has become a sentence with the highest frequency on the set. Actors Chao Huang and yangsi went to ICU one month in advance to experience the daily life of medical staff and learn professional knowledge, from disassembling medical instruments to doing CPR … without missing a detail. "The director is not an authority, but truth is the only authority." Director Dong Yue said so, and did the same: real medical workers invited to Wuhan No.1 Hospital were invited to participate in the performance and check-in. The tension of emergency treatment in the camera and the belief of medical staff to "rush forward" made countless audiences ahead of the cinema "hang their hearts in their throats" for a while, and then they were moved to tears. In addition, the crew’s requirements for scene construction are almost harsh: director Yu-sheng Tian visited several old communities, and restored the community office in the real situation one by one: supporting materials were piled up, alcohol was disinfected, and a booklet recording the residents’ situation was placed on the desk … Wang Jingchun, who entered the shooting site, immediately expressed "shock" and doubted that he was in the real community, "playing in one second". Directors Zhou Nan, Zhang Chi and Rao Xiaozhi all show their feelings and understanding of life on the big screen through details, just to try their best to give the story "real" weight and leave everyone who "guards each other" in the light and shadow of "spring".
Stars strongly recommend sincere invitation: the first movie in the second half of the year, to see with the most cherished people!
In the movie "You are My Spring" in Changchun "Starry Sky" movie theater, Pan Binlong, the leading actor, appeared from a distance and launched a romantic call in the northeast dialect with full affection, "Save the first movie on the first day of the second half of the year for the favorite person". Angel also expressed his sincere long-cherished wish to netizens in the live interactive broadcast: July 1st is the first day of the second half of the year, so that this movie can start our second half of the year full of vitality and realize every wish. In addition to the main creation, the film was also highly recommended by many "heavyweight" stars-Zhu Yilong, Zhang Ziyi, Jia Ling and other stars made their debut with flowers in their hands, told the audience their good wishes and handed out invitations from "Spring". In the film, everyone is trying to stick to it and look forward to meeting with a beautiful life after a long separation. Whether it’s the real desire of the character from the heart or the simple desire told by the stars, it’s actually the same as everyone’s wish: meeting with your lover, gathering with friends, going to the sea and going to the movies … On July 1, I might as well go to the movies "You are my spring" with the person who is always waiting for you and is most cherished. On the first day of the second half of the year, every promise will be made.
The film You Are My Spring was directed by the Chinese Film Association, with Chen Daoming as the chief producer, Huang Bo as the chief producer, Zhang Hong as the chief producer, Zhou Nan, Zhang Chi, Yu-sheng Tian, Dong Yue and Rao Xiaozhi as the directors, Zhou Dongyu, YIN FANG, Song Xiaobao, Pan Binlong, Wang Jingchun, Zhao Jinmai, Huang Chao, Yang Si, Huang Xiaoming, Song Jia and Zhang Hangcheng (in order of appearance). Produced by China Film Publishing House Co., Ltd., Wanda Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., Wuhan Cultural Investment Development Group Co., Ltd., Changying Group Co., Ltd., Tianjin Cat’s Eye Lithography Culture Media Co., Ltd. and Emei Film Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai Jinghao Culture Media Co., Ltd., Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd., Xiamen Radio and Television Group, Xiamen International Trade Holding Group Co., Ltd., Fengshan Film (Chongqing) Co., Ltd., Beijing Yingke Dafang Media Co., Ltd., Jinchengguo Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Hemuhe (Beijing) International Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. and Beijing Jinqiao Dadi Culture Development Co., Ltd. jointly produced. The film was released nationwide on July 1, and the pre-sale is in progress!
(Source: Sina. com)

In spring, Toona sinensis and shepherd’s purse in the country

Spring has come, and as usual, there are Chinese toon buds on the food stalls for sale. Fresh and tender Ye Er, with reddish and purplish leaf tips, leaves and branches are tender enough to pinch out water, and when you hold them in your hand, it is a strong smell of spring.
The most classic way to eat Toona sinensis buds is nothing more than frying Toona sinensis fish. In our hometown, the common way to eat Toona sinensis is to mix Tofu with Toona sinensis buds. The combination of bean fragrance and bud fragrance is not only a taste, but also a kind of enjoyment. Look at them in the bowl of orchids, and they are beautiful. Sometimes, when you look at it, you can’t bear it.
If you visit relatives in the spring, there will be scrambled eggs with Toona sinensis buds, and the color of yellow, yellow, green and green will be on the plate all spring.
But what impressed me the most was the Chinese toon sprouts pickled by my mother. Toona sinensis buds leave the branches, are washed and dried, finely cut into small pieces with a knife, mixed with salt, and can be eaten on the same day. Mom said that grandma’s teeth are not good, so she can bite if she cuts them carefully. A large jar of pickled Chinese toon sprouts can last for a spring, watching the green in the jar turn dark green and the light green in the field turn dark green.
In fact, the earliest country food was shepherd’s purse. It’s good that "it’s spring at the head of the stream". Shepherd’s shepherd’s purse is Depth Charge in spring, as if overnight, they occupied the fields, in front of the house and behind the house, and even under the grass by the river, they all smiled mischievously.
In the warm and cold spring breeze, shepherd’s purse, like Depth Charge, blew the horn of spring and issued a rally order to all things in the world. While dancing and jumping, she laughed and splashed jade all over the floor. In the spring fields, it was green and green.
Children from three or five villages were attracted, carrying bamboo baskets and sickles, and ran to a spring festival.
Dig down the shepherd’s purse, thick and dark green, holding hands like emerald flowers. When the green flowers are full of bamboo baskets, it will be time for the dolls to go home. There was a kind old woman who wore glasses and sat on a small stool. So I choose vegetables, wash them, cook them, chop them up, put eggs, fungus and shrimp skins, and make dumplings or big steamed buns. No sooner had I taken a bite than I got the laughter of spring. So loud, I desperately want to break free from my hands.
There are various ways to break free: shepherd’s purse spring rolls, shepherd’s purse fried dumplings, shepherd’s purse shrimp balls, shepherd’s purse wonton, shepherd’s purse wheat rice, shepherd’s purse cake, shepherd’s purse scrambled eggs, shepherd’s purse fried rice cakes, and seaweed mixed with shepherd’s purse. "Spring March 3rd, Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Egg Soup, Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Bean Curd Soup, Jade Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Fish Slice Soup … Love Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’s Shepherd’ Every spring comes, we will think of that green childhood, which is full of shepherd’s purse flowers.
Thanks for the arrival of every spring, just like thanking every Toona sinensis and every shepherd’s purse. They gave us hope and vitality, and finally became a part of our blood. Let’s love the land under our feet, be full of awe and never give up.
Yidianhao Baiyang bridge
News clue reporting channel: download the "Qilu Yidian" APP in the application market, or search for the WeChat applet "Qilu Yidian", and 800 reporters in the province will wait for you to report online!

Which of the 23 values of love do you value most?

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Intimacy plays an extremely important role in most people’s lives. But even the same pursuit of love, what everyone wants from an intimate relationship is different.

So, what do you pursue in love? Last week, we collected this question from everyone and received many people’s different understandings of love. Let’s have a look. Is there the one you are looking for?


Loyalty, incomparable loyalty.

I am not a person who puts such characteristics as loyalty and singleness in the first place, and I never use a certain standard to ask each other. But after two times of betrayal and deception in my feelings, I realized that loyalty is a very important standard for me, but I used to regard it as a "default" condition. However, not everyone obeys this principle by default in their feelings like me. So, I began to regard this loyalty as my first emotional standard. If you can’t do it, don’t both.


I hope that I can be a listener and confidante with my lover, and share my experiences and feelings all my life. When you see fireworks and puppies, send them to each other as soon as possible or save them in a mobile phone photo album for him to see. When chatting, you spit and cry without scruple, and never hide the darkness and fragility.


What I pursue in love is a unique passion and a long-flowing romance. Whether it is passionate love when I was young or companionship when I was old, the spark of love is different and gorgeous every day, and every bit of life exudes a romantic atmosphere.


I’ve always longed for a close diamond cut diamond love.

My predecessor and friends around me say that I am sometimes too strong, and I admit it. My personality seems to be more suitable for a typical relationship of "women are strong and men are weak", but I am partial. I know myself. Only when the other person is really strong and confident, let me appreciate and admire from the heart and feel pressure at the same time, will I stay in this relationship with satisfaction. I wonder if I can meet such a person again?


I only pursue passionate and short-lived romance and passion in love. I don’t believe in long-term love. I believe those love stories that are full of daily necessities, but I deeply doubt whether such feelings can be called love in the end.

What I want is the purest love, even if it is only for a few hours. I don’t want to last long, just love.


Eager to be seen.

After many years of marriage, he never ignored my efforts and all my living habits and preferences. Is it because he is a science and engineering man?

After reading "My fragrance", I doubt whether this marriage is really worth it.


As soon as I say it, you will understand. Or, you’ll understand before I tell you.


I am extremely looking forward to a person who can give me justice! This fairness is for my personal feelings, not the kind of fairness that both sides come and go.

I always measure whether I am more happy or unhappy when I am in love, because I think the essence of love is also a trade-off. The accumulation of positive emotions is gain, and the accumulation of negative emotions is loss. When I lose too much, I must stop loss in time. Therefore, there will be a balance in my heart. When unhappiness is obviously more important than happiness, I will break up even if I endure the pain. After all, my happiness is the most important.

Don’t say anything like "Are you happy for each other’s happiness?". When you fall in love with your brain in the early stage, you may take pleasure in sacrificing yourself to fulfill each other, but in the long run, something will happen.


What I have been pursuing is to be myself with ease and peace of mind.


In love, I feel that I am eager to be loved. Maybe it’s because of family of origin that she has become very fond of her brain and is changing, because it’s really not good.


Tacit understanding. Always speak in unison or say what the other person wants to say.


What I pursue in love is the little happiness in plain life. I can wake up every night to tuck me in, go home from work and run into the kitchen to finish the housework I’m too lazy to do, wake up in the morning and deliberately scratch me like a kitten’s paw, and then run away. Like a child in front of me, I can go all out for my career and be my strongest backing when I am anxious. There are so many warm things at ordinary times that I can’t remember them at the moment. In short, when I think of him, I will laugh, from the heart.


I hope both of us can remain sincere. Give love sincerely, express it sincerely, face yourself sincerely, and treat this feeling sincerely.


What if you don’t even want to pursue love?


Absolute honesty and trust. Maybe it’s too idealistic, but I want both sides to be naked and unreserved in a relationship, not mindless, but to give their backs to each other completely and enjoy the rainbow together through thick and thin.


What I pursue in love is tolerance and attention.

I am a person who can’t take care of myself and has a lot of small temper. I need my partner to tolerate and accept my living habits, take care of me like my parents and make me happy. At the same time, I also need a lot of attention, and I need him to respond every time when I seek attention, and I can provide some interesting suggestions when I am bored. Although my current partner is not the same as my checklist, he is patient, tolerant and responsive. I can be happy every day and have more energy to focus on what I like.


I want a friend who can talk to me and always talk to me. Passion in love is often unsustainable. Compared with lovers, it is better to be close friends who can talk about life philosophy from poetry and songs.


Absolute possession, absolute freedom

Possession means that we all know clearly that "you are mine". Freedom means that we have independent space and time for each other.


I always hope to find a partner who can share my views, discuss various topics and even debate with me. I am a typical "broad but not refined" person, who knows a lot and is interested in everything, but rarely stays in a pit for a long time. So I hope to find such a person, so that I can share and discuss with her at any time. It would be better if I can hold different views. I prefer to seek common ground while reserving differences, and I can respect each other while developing our ideas.


I want a comfortable relationship. When I get along with each other, I don’t need too much scheming. I can say whatever I want and do whatever I want. I can be myself with confidence and boldness. The other party likes my advantages and can tolerate my minor faults, so both of them can feel comfortable and at ease in the unique magnetic field.


I pursue a partner who can empathize with me and always support me.

I have a lot of thoughts in my feelings, and I am a sensitive person. Sometimes I cry easily. Even my parents sometimes can’t understand my emotions and behaviors. Therefore, I hope my future partner will be a person with strong empathy and can give me affirmation and comfort when I am sensitive and fragile.

Probably it is also a sensitive reason. Although I have a lot of ideas, I am often not confident. I gave up as soon as others persuaded me to quit. But if someone around me can give me a little affirmation, I will actually rush. I hope my partner can be such a person who will support my decision when I am not firm and let me realize my ideas more freely.


That conviction and peace of mind. Even if you don’t reply to the information in time, you won’t be too worried or angry; Will share interesting news and photos in the first time; When good dishes are served, they will be fed without opening their mouths; Don’t stick together, do what you like, and come and ask for a hug from time to time … Good love should not make you anxious.


Why do you have to pursue something in love? I think every relationship in my past has its own unique bright spot. The reasons why I love everyone and cherish every relationship are also different, and there is nothing I pursue in my relationship.

KY author said:

When I was a teenager, I thought about the meaning of love to people. Later, when I grew up, I found that this question had no meaning at all, because there was no fixed standard answer, only the best answer for everyone.

Just like the answer sheet of life, each has its own reasons and its own wonderful things. Quantifiable standards such as money, status and life span are not worthy of being measured.

However, the appearance of various voices and answers is not to disturb the audience, but to provide a "reference answer", a possibility of "not yet seen".

We put the answers on the table, surround and examine them, like going shopping in the mall to buy shoes, holding them over and over in our hands, and trying to put them on for two steps. I can see that it is infinitely good in the future, and I can also see the bad things that need to be endured behind the glamorous fantasy. Then I finally decided, "Well, that’s it" or "Let’s see".

In any case, the choices you make have to be borne by yourself, just like the shoes you buy are put on your feet. You may not notice whether they look good or not, but only you know whether they are comfortable or not.

I hope we can all know what we want, find what we want, and what we want is the most suitable.

The true love of young people in small towns strikes back. Shanghai girls find happiness and true love in his interest

In the concept of dating, Shanghai girl Zhou Jie is indeed a bit "crazy". Under the traditional mindset of marriage equality and matching, Zhou Jie’s road to marriage seems to be getting narrower and narrower. With the increasing age and persistence in the inherent concept of mate selection, Zhou Jie has been "single". Looking at Zhou Jie, who is too high to be low, the girlfriends who are in a hurry have "pulled" her to his interest! Girlfriends think that so many people have successfully found the right partner in their own interests. How can Zhou Jie not?

To tell the truth, although Zhou Jie has always had some difficulties in making friends in marriage and love, and her personality and feelings have always been somewhat cold, she has a well-off family and a rich life working as a dance teacher, which can be called "high quality" in all aspects. No matter in his family in the same city or in his live broadcast room, Zhou Jie’s interaction with her friends will always show her high artistic talent and always attract the attention of many opposite sex. There are more and more opposite sex who take the initiative to chat up Zhou Jie in his interest, but Zhou Jie doesn’t seem to "call" them.

Including Zhou Jie herself and her girlfriends, no one expected the opportunity of true love to come. One day, a young man from Yunnan named Yang Hui finally let Zhou Jie "fall" in love. The two people were introduced to each other automatically by the system through his interesting voice speed matching function. Zhou Jie likes Yang Huifu’s magnetic voice, which is gentle and special. In the following interactive communication, Zhou Jie learned that Yang Hui came from a small town in Yunnan and worked hard in Shanghai alone for many years. She was particularly smart and motivated. Although family background, education and appearance are not as good as Zhou Jie’s, many of Yang Hui’s ideas and attitudes towards some things are surprisingly consistent. Their sense of tacit understanding and mutual understanding make them deeply attracted to each other at the same time.

Every day, there are endless topics to talk about in his interest, and there will be endless happiness when he is with him. Zhou Jie is more and more aware that marriage equality, door-to-door matching and so on are not the whole of true love. Love doesn’t have to be born in the same background, but based on the spiritual harmony and mutual understanding. In this relationship, Zhou Jie and Yang Hui changed each other and grew together. Two people choose each other, Zhou Jie has changed the traditional concept of marriage and love, and the small town guy has also achieved the counterattack of marrying a Shanghai girl.

As a dating service platform that has been committed to building efficient ice-breaking, high-frequency interaction and multi-interest links for single young people, the real high rate of single-off-order of Taqu APP is an accurate cut-in to the actual single-off demand of single groups, and on the other hand, technology empowers single groups to intelligently match the needs of the other half, which greatly reduces the time cost and energy input cost of single young people in finding the right other half, and it is easy to find the right other half in Taqu APP.

Finance and economics are once deep | How to grasp the key of real estate finance to implement "housing and not speculating"?

  Food, clothing, housing and transportation are the basic needs of life, among which "living" is regarded as just needed by many people. These two days, there was an interesting meeting, which was closely related to "living".

  The video and telephone conference on accelerating the development of affordable rental housing and further improving the regulation of the real estate market held on the 22nd reiterated that the house should be used for living, not for speculation, and the real estate should not be used as a short-term means to stimulate the economy.

  The positioning of "staying in the house and not speculating" continued to consolidate, which made many people eat "reassuring".

  The picture shows a commercial house near Madang Road in Shanghai. Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Fei photo

  Whether buying a house, renting a house or building a house, it is inseparable from money. Therefore, real estate finance is a key link in the implementation of "housing without speculation".

  In recent years, China has accelerated the establishment and improvement of a long-term mechanism for real estate financial management, especially under the guidance of the "three lines and four files" rule and the real estate loan concentration management system, many housing enterprises have become more cautious and self-disciplined, and the concentration of real estate loans and personal housing loans of banking financial institutions has steadily decreased.

  In June, the sales price increase of commercial housing in 70 large and medium-sized cities showed a steady and declining trend as a whole; At the same time, at the end of June, the growth rate of RMB real estate loans in China dropped by 2.2 percentage points from the end of last year.

  It can be seen that the regulatory policies, including real estate financial policies, have been effective, the real estate credit environment in some cities has changed, and the price increase has stabilized.

  What is the "sharp weapon" that can make regulation so immediate? How do the "three lines and four gears" rule and the real estate loan concentration management system play a role? Come and get to know it.

  To promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, first of all, real estate enterprises need to be healthy. However, some real estate enterprises are greedy for perfection and blindly expand, and the financial indicators of core operations are "red light", which also leads to the phenomenon of high leverage and high debt in the real estate industry.

  In order to enhance the marketization, regularity and transparency of financing for real estate enterprises, in August last year, the People’s Bank of China, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and relevant departments formed the fund monitoring and financing management rules for key real estate enterprises, that is, the "three lines and four files" rules.

  The "three lines" are actually "three red lines", which specifically refer to: the asset-liability ratio is greater than 70%, the net debt ratio is greater than 100%, and the cash short-term debt ratio is less than 1 times after excluding advance payments.

  According to the situation of stepping on the line, real estate enterprises are divided into four grades: red, orange, yellow and green: the scale of interest-bearing liabilities of "red-file" enterprises cannot be higher than the existing level; The annual growth rate of interest-bearing liabilities of "orange file" enterprises shall not exceed 5%; "Yellow file" enterprises shall not exceed 10%; "Green file" enterprises shall not exceed 15%.

  With a clear "three lines and four gears", housing enterprises must meet the corresponding requirements and constantly optimize financial indicators if they want to raise funds. This is equivalent to a "physical examination" of the financial health of housing enterprises to help them better improve their financial management.

  Behind health is self-discipline. When the financing behavior of housing enterprises is more prudent and self-disciplined, the overall operation tends to be stable. Having tasted the sweetness, more and more real estate enterprises have joined the ranks of "self-discipline". At the beginning of the pilot, the central bank selected 12 representative real estate enterprises as the pilot targets, and at the beginning of this year it expanded to 30 real estate enterprises with large debts.

  Zou Lan, director of the Financial Market Department of the People’s Bank of China, said that the "three-line and four-gear" rule is effective from the situation and reactions from all walks of life in the past year. The three core operating financial indicators of the pilot enterprises, namely, asset-liability ratio, net debt ratio and short-term cash debt ratio, have obviously improved, and the debt scale has steadily declined. Many other real estate enterprises outside the pilot also actively benchmark the rules and optimize their own business practices.

  The picture shows a qionghai city resident passing by an advertising slogan in front of a bank. Xinhua news agency

  In addition to keeping an eye on the demand side, financing management cannot ignore the supply side. In addition to monitoring and managing the liabilities of housing enterprises, the People’s Bank of China also strengthens the management of banking financial institutions — — Formulate the management system of real estate loan concentration.

  The system sets "two red lines" for the balance of real estate loans and the balance of personal housing loans for different types and sizes of banking institutions. The former ranges from 40% to 12.5%, while the latter ranges from 32.5% to 7.5%.

  As the saying goes, eggs can’t be put in one basket. Bank credit should also focus on structural optimization, which is not only related to the risk of the institution itself, but also of great significance to the healthy and steady development of the whole economy.

  Since the implementation of the system, the concentration of real estate loans and personal housing loans of banking financial institutions has steadily decreased. The data shows that at the end of June, the growth rate of China’s real estate development loan balance and personal housing loan balance dropped by 3.3 and 1.6 percentage points respectively compared with the end of the previous year.

  In Zou Lan’s view, while the real estate loan business is subject to certain constraints, commercial banks have put more energy into supporting small and micro, "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and other weak economic links, while the proportion of loans in key areas such as manufacturing and technological innovation has been improved.

  The data shows that at the end of June, the balance of China’s Pratt & Whitney small and micro loans increased by 31% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 18.7 percentage points higher than that of various loans in the same period; The balance of medium and long-term loans in manufacturing industry increased by 41.6% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 16.9 percentage points higher than the same period of last year.

  The People’s Bank of China said that the next step will continue to adhere to the positioning that houses are used for living, not for speculation, implement a long-term real estate mechanism, constantly improve the "three lines and four files" rules and the centralized management system of real estate loans, do a good job in policy implementation, improve the resilience and stability of the financial system, and promote the balanced development of finance, real estate and the real economy.

  To firmly grasp the key of real estate finance, we must continue to strictly implement the "sharp weapon" of regulation and control, manage the supply and demand ends of real estate finance, and make the regulation and control policies more precise, which will not only accurately crack down on real estate speculation, but also better meet the needs. (Reporter Wu Yu)

I can’t go home for the New Year, but I also have the warmth of home. The hometown that comes by express delivery is full of love.

□ Chutian Metropolis Daily News reporter Liu Qin
I received one package after another from my hometown, and the same delicious food was placed on the table. Although they were in a foreign land, they could not reunite with their families, but they still had a warm year.
This year, many people across the country responded to the government’s call and chose to celebrate the New Year on the spot. The care and blessings of relatives come to them with the package, which warms the hearts of wanderers.
A stranger who stayed in Han for the New Year.
Zhang Zhongyi, 26, comes from Yongzhou City, Hunan Province. In October 2020, he became a Selected Graduates in Wuhan, and now he is a member of the poverty alleviation team of Nanhu Street in Shiyang Village, Wuchang District.
In January this year, Zhang Zhongyi made plans to stay in China for the New Year. "I just joined the work and need more responsibility. I can stay in Wuhan and stand by at any time." Yesterday, Zhang Zhongyi told Jimu journalist.
Zhang Zhongyi and his wife
Zhang Zhongyi is an only child. After he told his parents about his decision to stay in Han for the New Year, he got their support.
On January 30th, Zhang Zhongyi married his girlfriend who had been in love for many years. To his delight, after his wife learned of his plan, she also gave up going back to her hometown in Yueyang, Hunan Province for the New Year and decided to stay in Wuhan to accompany him for the New Year.
"It’s the first time for both of us to spend the New Year outside." Zhang Zhongyi told reporters.
Compared with Zhang Zhongyi, Huang Hua from Enshi will spend the Spring Festival alone in the rental house. This will be his second time to spend the New Year alone. "The last time was last year, and I took the initiative to stay in Wuhan. I am still not used to it. After all, every Spring Festival before, I was with my relatives, and my rural hometown was lively and fun. " Huang Hua said. When he decided to stay in Han for the New Year again this year, his mind was full of scenes of family reunion, and he could not help feeling a little indebted to his parents.
Yang Tianchen and his wife
Also staying in Wuhan for the second Spring Festival is Yang Tianchen from Xiangtan City, Hunan Province. At the age of 30, he has worked in Wuhan for 9 years. He got married in September 2019, took his parents to Wuhan in January 2020, and the family spent the New Year in their new house. Due to the epidemic, his parents didn’t go home from Han until mid-April last year. "For more than ten years, this is the longest time I have stayed with my parents. I cherish the time I spent with them." Yang Tianqi said. Originally planned to return to his hometown in Hunan for the New Year this year, he responded to the call of the local government and decided to stay in Han for the New Year again, which not only reassured himself, but also reassured others.
Hubei people far away from home
Five years ago, in order to support her husband’s career and for the healthy growth of her children, Tian Xiujuan took her children and followed her husband to Hami, Xinjiang, 2300 kilometers away.
Tian Xiujuan’s family
Tian Xiujuan, 36, was born in a small mountain village in Hefeng County. For her, her hometown and Chinese New Year are closely related. In the first three years in Xinjiang, she and her husband returned to their hometown for the New Year.
Before the Spring Festival last year, Tian Xiujuan and her husband worried that the children had to travel too hard because their eldest son had just entered elementary school, so they decided to stay in Hami for the New Year. The three children were a little unhappy and often asked her, "When can we go back to our hometown? When can I see my grandmother? " At this time, Tian Xiujuan will miss her hometown and her relatives more.
"We originally planned to take our children home for the New Year this year, but we decided to stay after seeing local initiatives to celebrate the New Year." Tian Xiujuan said.
Tsang Man
Ceng Min, 26, comes from Xuanen County. After graduating from a master’s degree in 2019, she became a teacher in a school in Dongguan, Guangdong Province. Her brother is one year older than her and works in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province. In 2020, both brothers and sisters harvested love. They made plans early and went back to their hometown for the New Year with their respective partners.
More than a month ago, Ceng Min and her boyfriend booked a high-speed train ticket from Dongguan to Enshi on January 25th. Her brother is going to return home on February 5.
Ceng Min’s parents are very happy to learn that the children are going home for the Spring Festival. Her father worked in Jiangsu, and went home more than a month in advance, renovated his home, installed air conditioning, and bought new quilts and shoes.
A few days before leaving, Ceng Min saw that all parts of the country called on everyone to celebrate the New Year on the spot, and most of her colleagues chose to stay. She couldn’t help but feel a little tangled. After much deliberation, late at night on January 24th, she withdrew her high-speed rail ticket and decided to stay in Dongguan for the New Year.
On January 25th, Ceng Min got up the courage and told his parents his decision. At the other end of the phone, my mother’s tone was full of disappointment: "How can you spend the New Year outside alone …"
To Ceng Min’s comfort, her brother was very supportive and he decided to stay in Zhongshan for the New Year.
A foreign land also has a taste of hometown.
These days, the Zhang Zhongyi family’s necessities are getting more and more every day. His parents bought two native chickens in their hometown and sent them by express delivery. This is his wife’s favorite food when she first went to her hometown with him. Zhang Zhongyi’s mother also specially called to teach him to cook chicken soup and stir-fry chicken. A big box full of express delivery, as well as homemade bacon, lotus roots, sweet potato chips …
My parents-in-law also sent many hometown delicacies to the young couple: beef, mutton, pig’s feet … The refrigerator at home was stuffed to the brim. "When eating New Year’s dinner, I will definitely make a big table dish and take a video for the elders of both sides to reassure them." Zhang Zhongyi said cheerfully.
Huang Hua
Huang Hua also received new year’s goods from his brother. He can’t wait to open the package, bacon, sauerkraut, etc. have been washed clean, and he only needs to fire and heat, and he can taste the happiness from his hometown.
"My brother asked me to open my mouth and said that he would send it after eating." Huang Hua told reporters. These delicious hometowns satisfied his appetite and made him miss his relatives in his hometown more.
Yang Tianchen, who has always loved to eat lard noodles, received 5 kilograms of lard and 2 native chickens from his mother, as well as more than 20 kilograms of meat, vegetables and radishes from his mother-in-law. "I don’t have to buy new year’s goods this year, I have everything ready." He said with a smile.
The rice cake made by my mother is Tian Xiujuan’s favorite, and the bacon in my hometown also reminds her. In order to make her daughter’s family have a delicious year, her mother, who is far away from home, sent Tian Xiujuan bacon, rice chaff, dried potato chips, local honey and fried rice … After receiving a heavy package, Tian Xiujuan was in a particularly good mood and carried it back to her home on the fourth floor.
Ceng Min’s brother and sister also received the New Year’s goods delivered by their parents. "Bacon, sausage, kang tofu, bean skin … and a vacuum-packed braised pork." Ceng Min introduced. These things, all made by my mother, are smells that can’t be bought outside.
"Next year, we can definitely go home for the New Year." Ceng Min said. No matter where you spend the New Year, your hometown is always a concern for wanderers. She hopes that when the spring blossoms and the epidemic dissipates, she will return to her hometown and reunite with her relatives.

Sticking to his post | He waited for a 20-minute reunion dinner for 7 years.

During the Spring Festival holiday, there are always some people who can’t go home because of their work, but for many people, wherever they are, the Year of the League is Chinese New Year. Follow the camera together and witness a special reunion dinner.
Li Ningyun is a motor train driver in Chongqing Locomotive Depot’s Chongqing Wanke Special. His home happens to be in Wanzhou. Although he travels to Wanzhou several times every day, it is only an extravagant hope to go home and have dinner with his family. He hasn’t been home for a group year for seven years. He took the latest EMU to Wanzhou North Station today.
Arriving at Wanzhou North Station at 22: 45, Li Ningyun’s home is less than 12 kilometers away from Wanzhou North Station. For him, it is so close and so far away.
Li Ningyun, EMU driver of Chongqing Locomotive Depot:No one is allowed to leave the apartment for the night on the north side of Wanzhou, because they will get up at 4 o’clock tomorrow morning and then start their work tomorrow.
To Li Ningyun’s surprise, Li Haiyun, his younger brother, came back from abroad, specially bought a ticket for this train, and told his parents in Wanzhou in advance to prepare a surprise for Li Ningyun’s small year in the south.
Li Ningyun’s father Li Shengan:Usually we don’t see him. When we miss him, we can only look at his car outside the fence of the station and wave to him.
In order to prepare a good meal for their son, Li Ningyun’s parents also came to the vegetable market early and carefully selected the ingredients for the reunion dinner. When I got home, my mother cut vegetables and my father cooked them, all of which were Li Ningyun’s favorite dishes.
Under the coordination of the railway staff, parents came to their son’s apartment early with anticipation and arranged the reunion dinner in advance.
Li Ningyun, EMU driver of Chongqing Locomotive Depot:I have been working for more than 7 years, and I haven’t spent much time with them for the New Year. Let’s go back and spend the New Year with them when our son is busy.
Li Ningyun ate the reunion dinner in a hurry for only 20 minutes, but he felt the love of his parents and the warmth of home. In these 20 minutes, they have been waiting for seven years, and their next group annual banquet will be unknown.

The highest temperature reached an extreme value in March, and it rose strongly three times … The top ten weather and climate events in Harbin in 2023 were released.

In the past 2023, we experienced a variety of complicated and changeable weather, which one impressed you the most? On January 10th, 2024, Harbin Ecological and Agrometeorological Center (Climate Change Center) released the top ten weather and climate events in Harbin in 2023, including extremely cold in the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rabbit, extremely heavy rainfall from August 2nd to 4th, and rare snowstorm from November 5th to 6th. Let’s review these weather and climate events together:
1. During the "March 9th" season, the highest temperature reached an extreme value.
According to the average climate, March 949 is the coldest time of the year in Harbin. However, after entering the "Sanjiu" in 2023, the temperature was uncharacteristically rising continuously. On January 11-13 (the 3rd-5th day of the "Sanjiu"), the daily average temperature of the whole city was 13.4 ~ 15.6℃ higher than that of the same period in history. On the 11th, the highest temperature in most districts and counties (cities) rose to above 0℃, and on the 12th, except Mulan, the average temperature in other cities was 13.4 ~ 15.6℃. Although it is the "March 9" season, there is actually a "Xiaoyangchun" scene of melting snow and ice.
On January 12, 2023, the ice sculptures on the streets of Harbin showed signs of melting.
2. The strongest abnormal cold event since 2001 occurred during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rabbit.
In late January, the cold air affecting Harbin was unusually strong, and the average daily temperature in 10 of the 11 days was lower than the historical average on the same day, especially during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rabbit, the average temperature in the city was 7.3℃ lower than that in the same period in history, and the strongest abnormal cold event occurred since 2001. Among them, the average temperature of the whole city on the second day (23rd) and the third day (24th) of New Year’s Day was -29.9℃ and -28.0℃, which were 11.4℃ and 9.6℃ lower than the historical period respectively. The lowest temperature in Yilan New Year’s Day is -35.1℃ (extremely cold), and the lowest temperature in Mulan New Year’s Day is -41.8℃ (extremely cold), both of which have exceeded the lowest value in late January since 1961. Many ice city citizens have personally experienced the fun of "splashing water into ice".
During the Spring Festival in 2023, Harbin citizens experienced the fun of "splashing water into ice"
3. On March 22nd, Harbin suffered the strongest dusty weather in 2023.
Affected by Mongolia’s low pressure, Harbin was hit by the strongest dusty weather in 2023 on March 22, and the sky in many places was filled with yellow sand and dust. Among them, there were gusts of magnitude 8 in the main urban area of Harbin, Shuangcheng, Bayan, Binxian and Yilan. The air quality index (AQI) of the main urban area was off the charts for 11 hours from 11: 00 am to 21: 00 pm, and the primary pollutant was PM10. At 15: 00, the concentration of PM10 was as high as 2719 μ g/m3, and the minimum visibility was less than 1 km. Harbin Taiping International Airport has an average wind speed of 12 m/s (level 6) and a maximum wind speed of 15 ~ 22 m/s (level 7 ~ 9). The airport started the yellow warning response of gale, and 49 flights were affected that day, of which 44 flights were cancelled.
Harbin Taiping International Airport in March 22, 2023, which was hit by dust.
4. The temperature is extremely high in March, and there are three strong warming processes in the month.
In March, the influence of warm air on Harbin was unusually strong and active. The average temperature in the city was 0.8℃, which was 4.2℃ higher than the historical period, ranking the third highest since 1961. There were three periods of strong warming weather in the month, in which the average temperature of the whole city was 11.6℃, 8.4℃ and 7.3℃ higher than that of the same period in history on May 6, 19-22 and 29-31, respectively, which exceeded the extreme value of the same period since 1961.
Variation chart of daily average temperature anomaly in March 2023 in the whole city
On July 6th, wuchang city was hit by a tornado, and some houses were damaged.
Affected by the northeast cold vortex, at about 16: 05 on July 6, Shuangshou Village, Changshan Township, wuchang city suffered a tornado disaster. The nearest regional automatic weather station monitored that the maximum wind speed was 18.6 m/s (magnitude 8) from 15: 00 to 17: 00. The tornado intensity level is the first level of meteorological industry standard (weak tornado, equivalent to EF0 level in the United States), with 120 people affected, 1 household and 2 houses severely damaged, and 120 houses in 60 households generally damaged, resulting in a direct economic loss of about 600,000 yuan. This tornado disaster is the third consecutive year that this kind of disaster occurred in our city after the tornado disaster occurred in some areas of shangzhi city and Acheng District on June 1, 2021 and in Weiguo Township, wuchang city on May 14, 2022.
Tornado disaster site in Shuangshou Village, Changshan Township, wuchang city
6. On August 2-4, extreme heavy rainfall occurred in the southern part of Harbin.
On August 2-4, 2023, due to the combined influence of the residual water vapor of No.5 typhoon "Du Surui" going northward and the shear at the back of the subtropical high, there was heavy rainfall in Harbin, in which the rainfall and rainfall intensity in the southern region were extremely strong, the rainfall lasted for a long time and the disaster was heavy. The rainfall in Wuchang and Longfeng Mountain on August 3rd was 145 mm and 171 mm, respectively, reaching the extreme value of single-day rainfall on record. In some areas, the accumulated rainfall exceeds 250 mm, of which the rainfall at Wuchang Guoqing Village (5) Hydrological Station reaches 350 mm.. The hourly maximum rain intensity reached 106 mm/h, which appeared in Wuchang Security Fort (18-19: 00 on August 3). The rainfall in Shangzhi and other places lasts for about 60 hours. Extreme rainstorm caused the No.1 flood in 2023 in many rivers such as Mayi River and Lalin River, and the highest water level and maximum discharge of Danianzigou (II) of Mangiu River and the hydrological stations such as Shangzhi, Yanshou and Lianhua of Mayi River ranked first since the local stations were established. Mopanshan Reservoir and Longfengshan Reservoir operated beyond the flood season limit on August 5-8 and August 4-6, with the maximum water level exceeding 5 meters. Extreme storms and floods have damaged bridges, flooded farmland and damaged houses, which have adversely affected the production and life of local people.
Extreme rainstorm caused floods in Shangzhi and Wuchang.
7. The temperature during the mature harvest period of crops is abnormally high, and the first frost in most agricultural areas is late, which belongs to the year of "Zilaoshan".
The temperature in September-October of 2023 in Harbin is 1.6℃ higher than that in the same period in history, with the average temperature in September and October being 16.5℃ and 7.6℃ respectively, ranking the first and fifth highest in the same period in history since 1961. The unusually high temperature makes the first frost in most agricultural areas late. Except for the light frost in Yilan and Shuangcheng on September 21 and September 23, the first frost date in other districts and counties (cities) is October 5-7, which belongs to the year of "Zilaoshan", which is very beneficial to crop maturity and harvest.
Wuchang city Rice Harvest Site in 2023
8. On November 5-6, an extremely heavy snowstorm occurred in Harbin.
In November, 2023, there were frequent snowstorms in Harbin, and the average monthly precipitation in the city was as high as 68.2 mm, which exceeded the value in November since 1961. Among them, the most influential extreme snowstorm occurred on the night of November 5th to 6th, and the average snowfall in the whole city was 36.4 mm. Shangzhi, Fangzheng, Yanshou, Yilan, Mulan, Wuchang and Binxian reached the magnitude of extremely heavy snowstorm, and the snowfall in other districts, counties (cities) except Harbin, Hulan and Acheng exceeded many values since local records. A total of 22 stations have accumulated snowfall of more than 30 mm, with the largest snowfall of 53.7 mm in Bird River in Bin County. In the early stage of precipitation in Shuangcheng and Wuchang in the south, there were short-term sleet or freezing rain, and wires froze. At the same time, there are gusts of about 9 in most areas with snowstorms, and the minimum visibility is only 100 ~ 500 meters. The average depth of newly added snow in the city is 25 cm, and the maximum is 37 cm. The extreme snowstorm weather has a great adverse impact on traffic and clearing snow and ice in the city. However, after a snowstorm, the ice city presents a winter scene of ice and snow, which makes tourists linger, and the ice and snow tourism heats up rapidly.
On November 6, 2023, Harbin citizens traveled in the snow.
Ice and snow tourism in Harbin heats up rapidly after snow.
9. The continuous low temperature in November caused the Songhua River to freeze 11 days earlier.
In November, the average temperature in the city was -8.6℃, which was 3.1℃ lower than the same period in history, and the degree of low temperature ranked eighth since 1961. In the month, the daily average temperature was lower than that in the same period in history except that the temperature was higher than the climate average on the 2nd, 16th and 18th-22nd. Among them, the average temperature on the 11th and 12th was 10.0℃ and 10.7℃ lower than that in the same period in history. The abnormally low temperature caused the Harbin section of the Songhua River to freeze at 08: 00 on November 13th, and the freezing date was 11 days earlier than the average freezing period for many years.
Harbin section of Songhua River was frozen on November 13th, 2023.
10. In the middle and late December, there was an unusually continuous low temperature period, and the world of ice and snow opened ahead of schedule, and the ice and snow tourism was getting better and better.
On December 10-22, there was an unusually low temperature. The average temperature in the city was -22.9℃, which was 7.0℃ lower than the historical period, ranking first in the same period since 1961. The lowest temperature is below -30℃ in many places, and the lowest temperature in Mulan and Yanshou is below -35℃. The continuous low temperature is conducive to the ice harvesting operation on the river surface and the production of ice and snow landscape. The 25th Harbin Ice and Snow World opened to welcome guests at 11 am on December 18th, and the opening date was one week earlier. Tourists come in droves, "looking for the cold and enjoying the snow", enjoying the "world of ice and snow", and Harbin’s winter tourism is getting better and better.
The 25th Harbin Ice and Snow World
Reporter: Li Weibing

The temperature reached a record high in September, and 2023 may become the hottest year on record.

  According to Xinhua News Agency, CCTV News and other media reports, Copernicus Climate Change Service, the European Union’s climate monitoring agency, said on the 5th that September this year was the hottest September on record, and the global average surface temperature was 16.38 degrees Celsius, 0.93 degrees Celsius higher than the average in the same period from 1991 to 2020, and 0.5 degrees Celsius higher than the previous hottest September, that is, September 2020. 2023 may become the hottest year on record.

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  On July 13, 2022, in the glass pyramid square of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France, a woman put iced mineral water on her face to relieve the heat (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

  The high temperature weather is spread all over the world mainly because the ocean temperature has been abnormally high and continuous since spring.

  According to Copernicus Climate Change Service, September 2023 is the "most abnormal warm month" since 1940. The global average temperature in this month is 1.75 degrees Celsius higher than that in September from 1850 to 1900 (before industrialization). The earliest data collected by ERA5, a meteorological database in european centre for medium-range weather forecasts, was recorded in 1940.

  The Associated Press quoted Carlo Buontempo, director of Copernicus Climate Change Service Bureau, as saying that the temperature in September this year was "amazing" and "there has never been a month like this in our records".

  According to the report "Global Climate Status" released by the World Meteorological Organization, 2016 is the hottest year on record. Copernicus Climate Change Service predicts that this record will be broken this year.

  The global average temperature from January to September this year was 1.4 degrees Celsius higher than that from 1850 to 1900, 0.52 degrees Celsius higher than that from 1991 to 2020, and 0.05 degrees Celsius higher than that in 2016.

  Buontempo said that this year’s hot weather has spread all over the world, mainly because the ocean temperature has been abnormally high since spring and has not dropped to the usual level in September. He believes that the El Ni? o phenomenon has played a certain role in the high global temperature this year, but the greater impact is the overall warming trend.

  Copernicus Climate Change Service said that in September this year, the average sea surface temperature from 60 degrees north latitude to 60 degrees south latitude reached 20.92 degrees Celsius, the highest in the same period on record, second only to the highest record set in August this year.

  According to the Paris Agreement reached in 2015, all parties will strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change, control the global average temperature increase within 2 degrees Celsius compared with the pre-industrial level, and make efforts to control the temperature increase within 1.5 degrees Celsius.

  There are frequent island fires, and the summer temperatures in many islands are above average.

  At the beginning of September this year, the website of Spain’s Confidential newspaper mentioned in the report that one month after the summer solstice, the Greek islands of Crete, Corfu and Evia caught fire on all sides. The fire destroyed more than 14,000 hectares of land and killed more than 20 people. A few days later, another island caught fire, and this time it was Sicily’s turn. At the same time, on the other side of the globe, Maui Island (located in the Hawaiian Islands) was also burned into ruins. The fire killed 115 people, and with the rescue work, the death toll will rise. Just when Spain thought there would be no more fires this summer, another fire broke out on Tenerife Island, which turned into the worst fire this summer. All fires have one thing in common: they originated from the island. This is unusual. So what are the causes of all these fires?

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  On September 7, in Washington, DC, a man drank water to resist the hot weather. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

  Summer temperatures in Tenerife, Hawaii, Sicily and Crete are all above average. However, this is not the only reason for these fires. Experts pointed out that in recent years, fires occurred in dry conditions and also in bad weather conditions.

  Although all these fires seem to be more like a coincidence, scientific observation stations have not observed any coincidence or fixed pattern in the course of several recent fires. Experts pointed out that many meteorological factors may lead to this situation. In the next few months or years, or there will be a study to analyze this in detail.

  On the other hand, Hawaii, Tenerife and Sicily are all volcanic islands, so it is easier to ignite fires to some extent. They themselves have a historic fire mechanism, which depends on their volcanic activity. Another reason is that these islands are rugged, and once a fire breaks out, it is more difficult to put it out. The wind that affects the island is also much stronger than that on the mainland. In addition, in the process of reducing agricultural and forestry production, such as in Hawaii or Canary Islands, the reduction of land management means that the population is highly concentrated in coastal areas, because it is more suitable for developing tourism. However, there is a lack of management inside the island, neither agricultural management nor forestry management. Once a fire breaks out, these areas are easily affected by such disasters.

  Experts point out that there will be many fires in the future, and all kinds of environments will be affected by them, including urban areas, which people thought would be spared more or less. Scientists’ predictions seem to be getting more and more accurate — — The summer of the earth will be shrouded in fire. And the "perfect storm" that brought all this is not accidental. All indications show that climate change is the main reason for the increasingly destructive, frequent, unpredictable and violent fires every year.

  Jimu News integrates Xinhua News Agency, CCTV News and Reference News Network, etc.

"No need to code my swimsuit!" The actress responded to the controversy.

Recently, netizens issued a coconut tree calendar in 2024, which triggered discussion. The calendar was printed with pictures of many bikini beauties and macho men.

Some netizens think that this kind of vulgar picture is unacceptable, and some netizens think it is normal, and the healthy and plump aesthetic is nothing.

On the 4th, the staff of Coconut Tree responded that this calendar does exist. At present, there is no purchase channel, and local large-scale suppliers will have it. Calendars are not for sale, only for internal storage.

Previously, a video was coded when it was released.

Video screenshot

On the evening of the 6th, actress Raquel, the spokeswoman of Coconut Tree, responded to the controversy: "When I was a child, I saw many beautiful calendar girls’ sunshine and confidence … How beautiful the swimsuit beauties on the old calendar are, and I shouldn’t be ashamed to show the plump beauty of my body or the skinny beauty. Thank you netizens. I don’t need to code my swimsuit. "

Many netizens expressed their support under Weibo.

This is not the first time that coconut trees have been involved in controversy.

In March 2023, the style of the live broadcast room of Coconut Tree Group changed greatly, and the anchor of the live broadcast with goods was replaced by a group of muscular men.

In October, 2022, Coconut Tree Group began live broadcast with goods, but the style of live broadcast room attracted netizens to vomit. Two days after the broadcast was stopped, the Coconut Tree Group broadcast live again. Many netizens waited early and flooded into more than 50,000 people in an instant. However, after a few minutes of broadcasting, they were immediately cut off by the platform. Ten minutes later, they tried to recover, but they were cut off again after five minutes of broadcasting. This happened many times in the live broadcast of Coconut Tree last year.

What do you think of the coconut tree swimsuit calendar being approved for marketing?

Source: Orange Persimmon Interactive Reporter Luo Wei Comprehensive Report
