How can Guo Caijie’s red carpet style be worn by tucao stars without making mistakes

  BEIJING, Beijing, June 15 (Reporter Tommy) Recently, Guo Caijie’s style on the red carpet at the opening of the 19th Shanghai Film Festival was vomited by netizens. In fact, the dress of many celebrity artists attending major events often causes controversy. For example, G.E.M. is keen on wearing leather pants, and Viann used to wear red and green "flower quilts" to walk the red carpet. How can a star wear to avoid bad reviews? The reporter from Zhongxin. com interviewed a number of fashion people. Some people said that it is necessary to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses when wearing, while others said that they should pay more attention to fashion circle information.

  The star style is self-defeating and is spit out.

  A few days ago, Guo Caijie appeared in Shanghai, because she had to change four sets of clothes in a day, and it was inevitable that her style was not up to standard. First, her hairstyle was too short and she was accused of being ugly, and then her style at the Shanghai Film Festival was also criticized.

  In fact, there are many people in the entertainment circle who are controversial because of their poor styling. For example, G.E.M. changed four sets of styles in New York Fashion Week last year but was ridiculed. When he went to Shenzhen to participate in activities this year, white high-waist hot pants were ridiculed as "adult diapers"; Viann’s red and green "flower quilt" on the red carpet of Cannes International Film Festival last year was impressive; Tang Yan was dragged into trouble by the clothing purchasing company and attended the event directly in a big-name long skirt in the cottage. It was not until afterwards that the brand’s public relations informed Tang Yan’s studio that the dress was not the same as the real one, and Tang Yan and his studio suddenly realized.

  How to determine the artist’s makeup clothing?

  What is the modeling process for celebrity artists to attend the event? What impact will mistakes have? According to Crystal, the public relations executive of a luxury public relations company, "the average artist will ask a reliable stylist or styling studio to co-ordinate the management. As long as you choose something that fits the occasion of the event and your own image positioning, she also said that when borrowing clothes, you will also consider whether the clothes match the artist’s temperament and the content of the event.

  Jiang Mengjie, an actor, told reporters that "the choice of styling should be simple and generous, but also fashionable and suitable for the activities". Liu Shishi, Angelababy and other actresses’ royal makeup artists, and the founder of EBI hair makeup shop, Chun Nan, said that they need to make up and do their hair according to the clothes that stylists choose for artists.

  Looking into the reasons why artists make mistakes in dressing, Tristan, a senior fashion media person, analyzed that "it may be that stylists are not suitable for artists, or that artists have too strong subjective aesthetics but low level". In his view, once modeling fails, it will have a long-term impact on artists: "Photos will become black history forever. In fact, almost every artist has had a style that is not suitable for him. What is terrible is that some looks will make people more impressed. Therefore, finding the right image positioning is critical to career development. "

  People in the industry share fashion rules

  In the entertainment circle, it is particularly important for stars to appear in a suitable shape. How to cultivate accurate and unique fashion taste, Tristan gave a trick: "foster strengths and avoid weaknesses. Show your legs when your legs are beautiful, and cover your arms when your arms are thick. It is also important to conform to the age temperament of the individual. For example, young artists are most afraid of dressing old, and it is strange for artists with deep qualifications to dress too young. " After that, he also stressed, "If the stylist has new ideas, he might as well give it a try. After all, fashion is not only beautiful, but also fun. " Wu Xiubo felt the same way about this. Previously, he had long hair in advance for filming costume dramas, but in order to have a neat hairstyle for attending activities, he tried a half-ball head, which was widely praised by netizens.

  Since her debut, Jiang Mengjie has repeatedly appeared in fashion activities, and has successfully managed her own brand. Regarding her daily wearing habits, she said, "She tends to choose simple and generous designs, so the error rate will be lower". At the same time, she also said that accumulation is very important: "Because of my own clothing brand, there are relatively many books related to art and design. If I go abroad, I will go to some art galleries and art galleries to study, which will also help me improve my taste and brand design." (End)

A quick look at the number of college graduates in 2008 may hit a new high, but there is a shortage of talents in this field, and the annual salary will start at 300,000.

  At present, the large-scale campus double elections in colleges and universities have been launched one after another, and the employment curtain will be opened in 2018. It is understood that the number of college graduates nationwide reached 7.95 million in 2017, and it is expected that the number of graduates will reach a new high in 2018. What’s the latest trend in the job market? What jobs are popular?

  Artificial intelligence is hot, with an annual salary of300,000.

  At the winter job fair for 2018 graduates of Xi ‘an Jiaotong University, more than 300 units from 24 provinces and cities were waiting for more than 14,000 vacancies, attracting more than 4,000 students from different universities.

  However, Qiu Xi, a master graduate in 2018, was unmoved. He specialized in the direction of AI artificial intelligence algorithm, and he was already robbed by a company. Qiu Xi told reporters that this year, fresh graduates of artificial intelligence, mobile terminals, cloud computing, big data and other related majors have attracted the attention of enterprises, and students have been robbed by several enterprises at the same time.

  Qiu Xi, a fresh graduate of Xi ‘an Jiaotong University in 2018:

  The salary can probably reach the level of 300 thousand to 400 thousand (annual salary) As far as I know, there seem to be 300,000 graduates in the AI field in our school, and there are at least 350,000 graduates in first-line companies. Everyone will be treated very well this year.

  The data shows that the gap of artificial intelligence-related talents in China exceeds 5 million, and the current situation of "more pits and less radishes" has led enterprises to compete for campus talents. Shi Feng, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Telecommunications, Xi ‘an Jiaotong University, said that since the school started in September, many units have come to the school to "grab" graduates in artificial intelligence, image processing, machine learning and other fields. At present, the talents in this field in the school can not meet the needs of society.

  The reporter visited and found that this year, IT industries such as electronic information and Internet, machinery manufacturing and real estate construction have strong demand for graduates, and the demand for graduates from strategic emerging industries such as Internet of Things, smart equipment, new materials and new energy vehicles is also on the rise. With the layout of the national grand strategy, especially the project industries related to the "Belt and Road", Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao and so on, it has great attraction to talents.

  Full graduates of University of Science and Technology Beijing in 2018:

  In the national "One Belt, One Road" strategy, it is very important to put materials first. As a doctoral student majoring in material protection, I very much hope to devote myself to the national "One Belt, One Road" strategy. I think only under the national development strategy can individuals have better development prospects.

  The transformation and upgrading of traditional industries urgently need high-end talents.

  China’s manufacturing industry is transforming into intelligent manufacturing. At some job fairs, the reporter found that some traditional industries such as steel and petroleum are in urgent need of high-end talents in product transformation and enterprise upgrading, and all of them have given attractive preferential policies.

  In the research and development of new products, the demand for talents is very urgent. In the past, when attracting talents, we may focus on undergraduates. Now we need both undergraduate and doctoral students. In attracting doctoral students, such as allowances and subsidies, our enterprise gives a set of housing with property rights, and our master students and undergraduates give wedding rooms.

  Small and medium-sized cities frequently recruit preferential policies to recruit talents.

  The reporter found that the competition for regional talents is also very significant. At the double election meeting of Xi ‘an Jiaotong University, the human resources and social security departments of nearly ten second-and third-tier cities, such as Dalian, Hangzhou, Tianjin and Shenyang, led a delegation to participate in the meeting, and recruited talents with a series of preferential policies such as housing, subsidies and scientific research support.

  Head of Human Resources, No.53 Institute of Tianjin China Electric Power Department:

  For example, the annual subsidy is 36,000 for doctors, 24,000 for masters and 12,000 for undergraduates. After the doctor joins the post, we can train in the unit and enter the postdoctoral workstation, and at the same time provide a one-time housing subsidy of 200 thousand.

  At Beijing Forestry University, a delegation led by the Director of the Organization Department of Jiayuguan Municipal Committee of Gansu Province is discussing with the school about the introduction of talents. This is the fourth university they visited in Beijing. The reporter visited and found that in the job fairs and campus presentations of major universities, the fourth-and fifth-tier cities also took action.

  The frequent preferential policies in various places have indeed attracted many outstanding students from famous schools. The reporter found that the mentality of college students after 1995 has also changed. They no longer stick to the North and Guangzhou, and no longer deliberately pursue staying in big cities, but pursue a broader stage of life.

  Tsinghua University 2018 fresh graduates:

  China’s high-speed rail has connected the whole country, so it doesn’t really matter where it is. Such cities (small and medium-sized cities) provide a broad platform for graduates, and their job choices are diversified. According to your specialty, they will let you choose a place suitable for development and give you a space for development.

  The new policy helps college students find jobs and start businesses.

  In order to encourage college students to find jobs and start businesses at the grass-roots level, five departments, including the Central Organization Department, have recently formulated special growth plans, and colleges and universities all over the country have constantly introduced the latest policies for the employment of poor college students.

   At present, the state encourages college graduates to find jobs in the grass-roots and central and western regions, including: three support and one support programs (teaching, supporting agriculture, supporting medicine and helping the poor), college students’ voluntary service in the western region, college student village officials, special post teachers, etc. Among them, the three support and one support programs recruited 28,000 people last year.

  Recently, the Central Organization Department, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League jointly issued the Grassroots Growth Plan for College Graduates. In the latest policy, college graduates who work at the grassroots level will be included in the scope of local talent policy support, and qualified housing, settlement and other supporting support will be provided, and it is planned to build a grassroots talent team.

  Colleges and universities all over the country have set up corresponding encouragement policies for college students to serve the grassroots. For example, Lanzhou Jiaotong University awards 1000 yuan to all graduates who work at the grassroots level.

  For the employment of students from poor families, various localities and universities have constantly set up, supplemented and updated corresponding subsidy policies. For example, from 2018, colleges and universities in Fujian Province will set up the "Employment Subsidy for Graduates from Poor Families", which will be paid in one lump sum at the rate of 2,000 yuan/person for civil service examinations, textual research, postgraduate entrance examination and interviews.

Interview with Qiao Li of Luchuan Academy on the 29th World Reading Day —— Reading according to the soul, reading abroad and reading loudly

  Reading is not aware that spring is deep, and an inch of time is an inch of gold. Time flies, the spring is deep and the day is warm, and the 29th "World Reading Day" is approaching. Let’s walk into Ruili Luchuan Academy, talk with Qiao Li, the head of the academy and a Dai writer, and visit the past and mental journey of Luchuan Academy since its establishment 14 years ago.

Qiaoli life photo

  Qiao Li, female, Dai, Ruili. He is a member of Chinese Writers Association, the seventh director of Yunnan Writers Association, a registered literary volunteer of Yunnan Writers Association, a member of the Standing Committee of Dehong CPPCC, a member of Ruili CPPCC, and the president of Ruili Literature and Art Creation Association. Published a collection of essays, Southwest Book: A Person’s Geography, etc.

  Huang Likang: In 1995, UNESCO announced April 23rd as World Book Day, which is called World Book and Copyright Day, also known as World Book Day. The purpose of the establishment is to promote more people to read and write. I hope everyone can respect and thank the masters who have made great contributions to human civilization. These masters, as Stefan Zweig wrote in When the Stars Shine, "always shine like stars in the sky of human civilization." It is beautiful to look up at the starry sky, but when we look up at the starry sky, we should also look down and see that there are still people quietly trying to promote reading and writing in the lights of the world. Luchuan Academy is such a candle-like existence. In the past 14 years, the Academy has held hundreds of cultural activities and has always insisted on promoting reading and writing in a public welfare way. Today, let’s walk into Luchuan Academy and listen to its story.

The first activity of reading club, 2010 poetry reading meeting.

  Qiao Li: I am an ordinary young Dai writer living in the southwest border of China. I am very happy to talk about my reading and life in the name of literature and reading, and talk about Luchuan Academy, which has been insisting on carrying out activities. I am grateful for this moment, because I have met many teachers and friends and traveled to many places because of reading and literature, and my life has been nourished by literature and reading. In 2010, I was lucky enough to join the Chinese Writers Association. Over the years, I have been studying hard and absorbing more nutrition, hoping to write books that people read and like to read. If the written works can have social significance and value, so much the better. This is the direction of my efforts.

At the 2024 annual meeting, some book lovers took a group photo.

  Huang Likang: You are a person with a sense of social responsibility, and I like your enthusiasm and initial heart. The efforts and hardships of persisting in promoting reading and writing in a public welfare way are probably only known to the authorities. For 14 years, Luchuan Academy has always been the position that you and your friends stick to. Please tell us something about Luchuan Academy.

  Qiao Li: In 2010, I founded the "Ruili Public Welfare Reading Club" in Ruili. In 2015, the reading club was named "Luchuan Academy". In August 2022, the academy was officially registered as a social group "Ruili Literature and Art Creation Association".

Since its establishment 14 years ago, Luchuan Academy has invited Cheng Zengyue (former executive vice president of Lu Xun College of Literature), writer Shi Zhongshan (Years of Burning Passion), Myanmar poet and scholar Mr. Huang He, national jade carving masters Wang Chaoyang, Xu Yanping, Yu Fengye, Zhang Zhiming, film and television actor Wu Jun, professor Tien Lung Yu of Yunnan University, teacher Ni Guoqiang, chairman of Dehong Federation, Yang Delong of Ruili Delong Group, and Ruili Painting and Calligraphy Association. Before 2020, Luchuan College will give regular public welfare lectures every weekend, including writing, drones, martial arts, English, calligraphy and Chinese studies. Later, due to the limitation of offline activities, rich online reading activities were carried out: weekly reading and ten-minute reading every day. Now we carry out offline reading exchange activities 1-3 times a month, and go out for sightseeing and cultural exchange activities irregularly.

  After 14 years’ development, the Academy now has more than 100 book lovers from all walks of life, including many members of Chinese Writers Association, China Prose Society, Chinese Minority Writers Association, Chinese Poetry Society, Chinese Miniature Fiction Society, Yunnan Writers Association, Yunnan Literary Critics Association, Yunnan Reportage Society and Dehong Writers Association.

Annual meeting in 2024, giving awards to outstanding book lovers in 2023.

In March, 2024, Luchuan Academy held the camping bonfire annual meeting in 2024 and the award ceremony for outstanding book friends in 2023.

  Luchuan Academy brings together a group of people who are willing to walk on the road of knowledge all their lives, and are also peers who pursue their dreams.

  Huang Likang: Friends with literature, high mountains and flowing water, the time that exists because of reading, flashing with starlight, ink and piano sound. If Luchuan Academy is a skeleton and a face, then those who get together because of literature are the body temperature and soul of the Academy. As a writer, you must know that reading has a profound and great influence on a person. Please talk about your reading life and the influence and change of reading on you and the people around you.

  Qiao Li: As a writer, it is a shame that I am not so diligent in writing, so I have always been very low-yield. But for reading, I have never relaxed for a moment. At home and on the road, I can read every day. And this kind of reading is conscious rather than compulsory. In the autumn of 2020, when Luchuan Academy first entered a village in Ruili, because the venue was a deserted yard, I was busy weeding and cleaning every day, and I couldn’t study for several days. At that time, I really realized the feeling of "not studying for three days, and my face was disgusting". Probably because of my enthusiasm for reading, many friends around me were unconsciously influenced and began to buy books and read. Later, it developed into "Luchuan Academy", from one person to a group of people. It is also because Luchuan Academy has always insisted on promoting reading in the border areas of Yunnan, and its influence has slowly spread unconsciously. There is an old gentleman in Myanmar, who is a scholar, poet and translator. After hearing about Luchuan Academy and me, he found us and was very happy to join us. He brought us lectures on Myanmar culture and explained the beauty of China’s ancient poems to Myanmar children. As for whether there is more and greater influence, I dare not talk nonsense about it.

  Huang Likang: In a month, we will celebrate the annual "World Reading Day". Reading Day is not only the birthday of books, but also the festival for scholars. Excuse me, Mr. Qiao, what do you think is the significance of World Reading Day?

  Qiao Li: I don’t know which book I read some time ago. The deep reason for saying "World Reading Day" is that there are fewer people reading, so this is a wake-up call. I think it makes sense. Reading may not make us richer materially, but there is no doubt that it can give our souls a place to live in this world. It is not the most terrible thing to choose fewer readers to read paper books, but to "stop reading" and even think that the weird behavior of "reading" is a terrible phenomenon.

In May 2019, the poetry recital "Poetry is the medicine of the world".

In 2018, I went to Mr. Lianghe College to collect the wind.

  Reading is the noblest with the lowest threshold and the commonest with the highest threshold. If everyone reads books and reads good books, there is no doubt that this society can be better promoted. The recording and inheritance functions of characters can make us understand what the "past events" and "unreachable" are like when reading; The thinking and tension of words can enlighten us and expand our mind in reading, thus opening up the pattern and horizon.

  The world is still the world, but after reading and thinking, your perception of the world will change.

  Moreover, I think the significance of reading day is not to ask you to study on this day, but to remind you that reading can be carried out at any time. The length of time is not a reason not to read. Fragment reading is also an accumulation and a habit.

  Huang Likang: Yes, I quite agree with Mr. Qiao’s view that reading is a "habitat". The Polish poetess Sin Posca has a very beautiful poem, "I flaunted myself in another fate and had a rest in a vivid mystery". Reading and writing bring us "another fate" and "mysterious rest". In the past 14 years, Luchuan Academy has insisted on hosting public welfare activities, and the existence of the Academy is the habitat of a scholar. It is said that people gather firewood, so we would like you to tell us some stories about "reading and people" and "academy and people".

  Qiao Li: The difficulty is certain, but fortunately, there are several friends who have been traveling together and are full of affection for the academy, and there are also book lovers who have joined in one after another. Their love and support for the academy is the reason for us to persist. Many things are deeply touching:

When the Academy was invited to settle in a village in 2020, because the site had been abandoned for decades, it needed to invest a lot of money to complete water and electricity connection, interior decoration and other matters. At this time, more than 100 people from the college volunteered to donate money. One of the mothers donated one month’s salary. In just over ten days, we raised enough money. Then, there are book lovers in the academy who know how to decorate, take on these tasks and decorate at the lowest price. Because labor is particularly expensive, he did it himself. Other book lovers have also joined in the construction of the academy, picking up hoes and sickles to weed the ground and planting flowers and plants specially brought by book lovers. In a short period of time, the venue that will be settled in will be completely new, and everyone’s efforts are touching. Although the academy is no longer in that village, the memories of our common struggle are always beautiful.

  In addition to reading together and making progress together, the academy also participated in social donation activities. The donor is two children who are now in high school among the citizens of the state. Some people will wonder why there are still students who need financial aid to continue their studies. Because they have completed the nine-year compulsory education stipulated by the state, they will not be able to pay for their future studies. Their families are very poor, and if they can’t get help from the outside world, their children can only give up continuing their studies and return to rural agriculture or live in society. Therefore, the trickle-down actions of each of us will be of great help to their life at this stage. It is against this background that we began to donate money for their education. From July 2021 to March 2024, we have donated 33,000 yuan to support two students. Our plan is to support our children until they graduate.

  There are many touching things, so I won’t list them one by one. Some people in the academy impressed me deeply, and their transformation is also the significance of our persistence.

  The first one is a father, who has been reading (reciting) with his children for more than 500 days now, without interruption. Sometimes I hear that my child has a cold and is still reading, coughing and reading aloud. Children sometimes read Chinese textbooks, sometimes read The Journey to the West, and sometimes read fairy tales. Father reads poetry, prose and so on.

  The second is a mother, the mother of two sons. My impression of her is that she is very shy, timid and afraid to speak too loudly. Suddenly one day, she began to read the clock in the group. This surprised me very much. Many times, family ensembles are often heard in her background: the voices of old people, the shouts of children, and all kinds of voices.

  The third book club, he is a boiling water station, and usually delivers water and gas to people. One day, I learned about the existence of the academy in a guest’s office and joined in. After a year, he wrote the first article in his life, and it was not bad, full of emotion, and his expression was complete and smooth.

There are also many book lovers who pay no attention to the writing and publishing of WeChat official account articles in the academy, the statistics of reading time, the notification of various matters, data sorting and other trivial matters for many years … …

Therefore, it is these people who have continuously and continuously provided impetus for the academy over the years. Without them, the academy would not be able to go now.

  Huang Likang: It’s great. These people and stories are touching and bring people strength and hope. The short time spent together is brilliant because of reading and literature. I hope this wonderful time can always accompany everyone who loves reading and literature. All good things must come to an end. Finally, I would like to ask Mr. Qiao about his outlook and expectation for the future of Luchuan Academy.

  Qiao Li: Time keeps going forward. One day, due to the limitations of age and energy, when I can’t continue to insist, I hope that someone who is willing to pay will take over and continue this literary and artistic marathon, and strive to make Luchuan Academy a "century-old academy" in Yunnan.

  I hope that with the efforts of Luchuan Academy, more people will join in reading and make reading our daily life. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to seek some help. The venue and funds have always been the shortcomings that restrict the development of the academy. Although we have persisted for so long without a venue, there is no doubt that these shortcomings have definitely restricted the development of the academy. Therefore, I hope that Luchuan Academy can get support in this respect when all conditions permit.

  Yunnan net reporter Huang Likang

In the third grade, boys played games for their uncle’s WiFi. cut class squatted in the grass for a day.

  On the morning of the 2 nd, Ms. Lin, who lives in a community in Longchi Street, Liuhe District, Nanjing, went out early in the morning and found a teenager in school uniform squatting in the grass next to the unit building; When Ms. Lin came home at 5 o’clock in the evening, she still saw the child sitting there, with almost no change in posture. She called him and he ignored him. The abnormal behavior of the teenager worried Ms. Lin, and she called the police for help. The police arrived at the scene and learned that the teenager was a junior three student, and his uncle lived in this building. On that day, he stayed here in cut class for one day to play mobile games on his uncle’s WiFi, which made the mother who came to the scene angry with Ms. Yu.

  The reporter’s investigation found that the popularity of smart phones and children becoming "mobile phone controllers" have become a common worry for many families. Yangzi Evening News All-Media Reporter Ren Guoyong Correspondent Lu Gongxuan

  A crazy teenager.

  Sit in the grass and rub my uncle’s wireless network to play games.

  Cut class, a teenager, squatted down to numb his legs and feet one day.

  "There is a big boy I don’t know downstairs who has been sitting in the grass all day. I don’t care if I call him. Come and have a look." At 5 o’clock in the evening on the 2 nd, Ms. Lin reported the police.

  After receiving the police, the police of Longchi police station arrived at the scene to check that a teenager was sitting downstairs in a unit of the community. He sat under his schoolbag cushion and held his mobile phone intently.

  "He has been sitting here in this posture. I saw him when I went out in the morning. I didn’t expect him to be here when I came back in the evening. I don’t know what happened. I called him and he ignored me." Ms. Lin said that she noticed that the child was also enthusiastic and worried about what bad things would happen to him.

  The policeman walked next to the teenager, and he was still absorbed in playing with his mobile phone, unaware that the policeman was approaching. The policeman patted him on the shoulder, and the boy suddenly got up, but he almost fell down because of numbness in his legs and feet. "What are you doing here?" In the face of the police’s question, the child bowed his head and did not answer, only saying that he had something to do.

  After repeated inquiries by the police, he said that his surname was Cao, and he was in the third grade of a nearby middle school. His uncle lived in this building, and he squatted here to play games on the Internet with his uncle’s WiFi. "I didn’t do anything bad, I just wanted to surf the Internet." He said.

  Subsequently, the police contacted Cao’s mother. Cao’s mother was surprised when she received the phone call, saying that she didn’t expect her son to go to cut class to play games, and spent a day squatting downstairs in her brother’s house for surfing the Internet.

  Soon, Cao’s mother rushed to the scene angrily, and immediately scolded him for being unprincipled again and again in order to surf the Internet. Cao’s mother said that her son secretly bought a mobile phone with a birthday red envelope given to him by his elders a month ago. After the parents found out, they criticized him and advised him to return the mobile phone, which was awkward. Later, the parents confiscated the mobile phone, but I didn’t expect him to take it away from his family and come here to play. "He must know that my brother went out these days before he came here to surf the internet. The senior high school entrance examination is coming soon, and he is still so confused."

  The police also persuaded and educated Cao, and Cao said that he would make up his mind to quit playing mobile phone addiction and prepare for the exam carefully. The police also reminded Cao’s mother to communicate with her children more often, divert his attention from playing mobile phones, and persuade her in time if she has bad habits. After the exchange between the two sides, Cao followed his mother home.

  Parents’ troubles

  Smashed the phone, and both girls cried sadly.

  Do you want to buy it for your daughter now? Mom is very entangled.

  "I want to use regret to describe my current mood. Now I am in a dilemma!" Ms. Zhang from Laifeng Community in Nanjing told the Yangzi Evening News reporter that her daughter had bought a children’s mobile phone in order to facilitate contact, and she could only answer the phone.

  But later, my daughter always said that all her classmates used smart phones, and they used smart phones to check their study materials online. Ms. Zhang was hesitant at first. After discussing with her husband, she felt that the times were developing and her daughter’s ideas were reasonable. It might be helpful to use smart phones to access information. Later, I bought my daughter a smart machine with a price of more than 1,000 yuan. After using the smart phone, my daughter quickly played on WeChat and Weibo.

  "We think there is nothing wrong with sending WeChat Weibo, but now the situation is getting worse and worse." Ms. Zhang said that her daughter’s grades plummeted and the teacher even found her playing mobile phones in class.

  After discovering the problem, Ms. Zhang began to control her daughter to use her mobile phone. But when my daughter does her homework, she asks her for a mobile phone to consult the information from time to time, but sometimes she finds that she is using QQ or WeChat.

  Ms. Zhang asked her daughter how to chat? The daughter’s answer is to exchange learning problems with her classmates. In this way, the daughter’s learning efficiency is getting lower and lower. Not long ago, I found my daughter playing small games until the early hours of the morning, and there were novels in the trace of mobile phone search. I clicked and found that my daughter was reading a "messy" article. In this way, the mother and daughter quarreled many times for the mobile phone, and in the end, she smashed the mobile phone.

  "I smashed my daughter’s mobile phone, and both girls cried. She ignored me for two weeks, and I was heartbroken." Ms. Zhang said that recently, her daughter repeatedly assured her to study hard, proposed to buy a mobile phone again and promised to use it only for consulting materials and communicating with classmates. "I am very entangled, I am afraid to buy it for her, and she can’t control it." Ms. Zhang said.

  Online small survey

  Children are forbidden to use smart phones? Not all are objections.

  In two examples, children have become "mobile phone controllers", which annoys parents. So, at the moment when smart phones are so popular, should children use smart phones? The reporter made a small survey through his circle of friends.

  Should primary and secondary school students use smart phones?

  The online survey lasted for one hour, and 51 people voted.

  A: About 84% are against it.

  Some parents who indicate the reasons think that underage students are addicted to their opponents’ opportunities, which are difficult to control, and most of them are used for entertainment.

  B There is one case in which the parents fully agree with the opinion.

  This parent believes that smart phones are the general trend, otherwise they will be out of touch with society.

  C about 14% supported by conditions.

  This part of parents believe that children need to attach conditions to the use of smart phones. If they want to use them, they must know what their children’s purpose is, and it is ok to check the study materials.

  Teacher’s opinion

  Every time a parent-teacher meeting is held, many parents complain to the teacher. Children can’t live without mobile phones all day. Should they use them? How can I quit cell phone addiction? Jiang bo, a senior teacher and grade leader of a senior middle school in Nanjing, said — —

  Even using a mobile phone to check information has great disadvantages.

  Jiang bo thinks that the only advantage for students to use smart phones is that they are easy to contact.

  "Access to information is a cover. I found that the questions and answers of some so-called learning software are copied from each other, and there are many mistakes and typos. Students who are used to finding answers online lose the ability to think independently. I strongly appeal to students from primary school to high school to stay away from smartphones." Teacher jiang bo thinks that students who are used to finding answers through the Internet will have a decline in their habit and ability to use reference books, and their learning efficiency is very poor. Usually, they click on a window and another one pops up on the Internet. Students are so curious that they can’t control their reading that they can’t concentrate on completing their homework. Indulging in mobile phones is not good for health, typically, the eyesight drops, and you can only see farther if you look up. Holding mobile phones all day long causes some students to have poor face-to-face communication skills; Some parents are afraid that their children will be out of touch with society without using smart phones. This kind of worry is unnecessary. Mobile phones, like computers, can be learned as soon as they are learned, and there is no need to hold them every day. The mobile phone network has a search function, so it is difficult for parents to monitor whether the content they read is healthy or not.

  Parents should set a good example for children to quit cell phone addiction.

  How to quit cell phone addiction? Teacher jiang bo said that depending on the situation, some parents are strong and radical. If they don’t agree to their children’s demands, they will not agree, confiscate their mobile phones and shut down the Internet. Some students have problems in their early education, and their parents have not established an authoritative image at home, and they can’t do the three chapters of the contract. Even if their mobile phones are confiscated and the network is cut off, the effect is not good. Some parents can’t stand the soft grinding and hard foam, but still return their mobile phones to them. When the mobile phone is smashed and the network is closed, it will stimulate such children’s rebellious psychology and stronger curiosity about smart phones. A better way is for parents not to hang their heads all day playing with their mobile phones, but to turn off the home network skillfully, such as changing passwords, limiting traffic, limiting phone bills, and reading famous books on paper. Let children know that mobile phones are just tools and toys, and do not deny that mobile phones are getting more and more fun, but there are more exciting things in life. Parents should take their children to participate in colorful outdoor activities on rest days to divert their attention from mobile phones.

  ● Children’s voice

  Hungry for respect, disgusted parents smash mobile phones.

  Yangzi Evening News reporter also communicated with some middle school students. Some students also admitted that mobile phones are basically used for entertainment except making phone calls and finding answers. Sometimes parents will get angry with them after playing for an hour or two.

  "I am more disgusted with my parents’ tough tone, and it is even more unacceptable to smash my mobile phone." Liu Tong Jr. said that sometimes it was late at night when he was playing with his mobile phone, and he knew that it was not good for him, but the momentum of his father rushing in made people sad.

  Liu Tongxue Jr. said that even if he made a mistake, he hoped parents could communicate in an equal tone. "Confiscation when you come in is disrespect and distrust," Xiao Liu told reporters.

  The teacher’s truth is in place, and the child’s voice should also be heard. But have you noticed that children are actually concerned about the same problem at a different level from us adults? They are more concerned about the attitude of parents when dealing with the use of mobile phones than whether they use the mobile phones themselves.

  Therefore, we want to remind parents that every child has his own personality characteristics, and parents should consider their children’s situation comprehensively, find a communication method suitable for them, and handle this "mobile phone problem" well.

The new president of the Football Association must be responsible! The first goal was finished, and China football took the Korean team to the end.

On November 1st, Beijing time, China drew 1-1 with Korean women’s football team in the third round of Group B of the Asian Women’s Football Qualifiers for the Paris Olympic Games, and finally ranked third in the group, and missed the Paris Olympic Games! This is the failure of China football, and it is also the failure of Song Kai, the new president of the Football Association!

It can be said that China women’s football team and South Korean women’s football team didn’t win. Both sides died together and went out together, and they didn’t wait for a miracle. This is the second time in the history of China women’s football team that they missed the Olympic Games! Moreover, all the competition tasks of China Women’s Football Team have ended this year, which is a great loss of face for the players, and many people don’t even have a chance to make up for it!

After the game, many women’s football players in China shed tears. In the Xie Chang session of the whole team, Dou Jiaxing cried very sadly in Shui Qingxia’s arms. Wang Shanshan, the eldest sister, choked up several times after the interview, and finally she couldn’t help crying. It can be seen that women football girls are very unwilling to lose, but what’s the use? After all, even if the China women’s football team wins the Korean women’s football team, it will still miss the best second place! As early as losing to the Korean women’s football team, the ending has been decided!

In another group match, Uzbekistan beat the Indian women’s football team 3-0, and became the second best team with 6 points and 2 goal difference, and advanced to the next stage together with the first Australian women’s football team, the Korean women’s football team and the Japanese women’s football team! It can be said that after Uzbekistan men’s soccer team let China men’s soccer team see their weight, their women’s soccer team let China women’s soccer team despair in the end!

The most embarrassing thing is that Song Kai just took office as the president of the China Football Association. The first goal he shouted was to ensure that the China women’s football team advanced to the Paris Olympic Games, and he also strengthened the leadership team for this purpose! Now, China’s women’s football team dreams of breaking the Paris Olympics, and Song Kai is humiliated. He was finished as soon as he took office. Will his leading bodies be responsible for this?

Creator of "Fantastic Animals": How to Deal with the Magic World without Harry Potter

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them’s main creation.

Special feature of 1905 film network There may be such a "Harry Potter fan" around each of us: they are obsessed with the mysterious wand and cool spell used by the protagonist, and have been longing for a magical broom or a snow-white owl pet that flies into the sky, and even look forward to receiving the admission notice of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry year after year … … After the endings of seven original Harry Potter novels and eight adapted movies, many fans cherish that wonderful memory with reluctance and look forward to meeting the wizarding world again as soon as possible.


Finally, five years after bidding farewell to the Harry Potter series, a new magician was born in J·K· Rowling’s works, the magical zoologist Newt Scarmand. Although he also graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Newt’s legendary experience actually happened in another historical time and space far away from Harry Potter. And this movie, named Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, will also become the door for the audience and the vast number of "fans" to enter a brand-new magical world.


In addition to director david yates, the other four masters of this film — — "Little Freckles" Eddie Redmayne, katherine waterston, dan fogler and alison sudol are all newcomers to the wizarding world. Can they Hold this parallel magical world without the "legendary" Harry Potter? 1905 Movie Network chatted with these new magicians, Muggles and david yates, the helm behind the scenes, during the promotional tour of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them in China.


"Little Freckle" Eddie Redmayne & katherine waterston

"Little Freckle" Eddie Redmayne & katherine waterston

"As a fan of Harry Potter, acting in Fantastic Animals makes me very stressed."


A long time ago, Eddie Redmayne, a newcomer, had hoped to get a role as the Weasley son in Harry Potter through an audition. Although he was not selected in those years, he is now lucky to be the next focus of the wizarding world. Newt, the protagonist of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, is a magical zoologist who is a bit rash. Eddie admits that he is not very similar to this character: "I am a man with a heavy heart, and Newt’s famous saying is’ Worrying is equal to suffering twice’, and now this sentence has become my motto."


Although many years have passed, there are still many people who like Harry Potter. As a work to restart the wizarding world in J·K· Rowling, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them bears many people’s expectations. As the hero of this series, Eddie naturally took on a lot of pressure. However, he said that the differences between Newt and Harry Potter are the attraction of this role, and he hoped that all the unexpected details in the story would eventually become surprises for the audience.


1905 Movie Network: As a Muggle, did you experience anything beyond imagination during the filming of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them? Will it be difficult to play a wizard?


Katherine waterston: That’s right. If we were magicians, everything would be easy to shoot.


Eddie Redmayne: If you can do magic, your whole life will be easy, okay? (Laughter) Shooting "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" really requires us to use a lot of imagination, but fortunately, the director david yates gave us a lot of help. He and the crew provided many auxiliary tools for the actors, which saved us from worrying too much about imagination. For example, there are many magical creatures in our movies that need CGI post-production, and when shooting, David will find a big dog or a small dog to cooperate with us to complete these scenes.


"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" stills

1905 Movie Network: What is your favorite magic or spell in the movie?


Katherine waterston: What I like is actually a very simple magic, that is, my sister Queenie and I prepare dinner for the boys at home. The scene on the day of shooting was actually very magical. We put on aprons hanging in the air in front of the stove, the dining table was decorated by ourselves, and everything really moved in the room. It felt like magic really came. What Alison (the actor who plays Queenie) has done is also very interesting. We can light candles without hands, open the tin foil of the package and taste the food made by "magic" together, which impressed me deeply. I like the teleport spell very much, too. The two of us just like dancing in a country dance, holding hands and disappearing together.


1905 Movie Network: Why do you think you were chosen to play this role? Are there any similarities between you?


Eddie Redmayne: What every movie wants to convey should have some resonance with your inner thoughts, but many times the characters are not necessarily similar to yours. For example, when I played the wizard Newt, I found that I was actually a person with a heavy heart and often worried, and Newt famously said in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them that "worrying too much is equal to suffering twice". Now this sentence has become my motto, and Newt’s lines have guided my life direction. So it seems that Newt and I are actually quite different.


1905 Movie Network: Many fans all over the world still love the story of Harry Potter. As the protagonist of the new magical world, are you worried that people will compare your role with Harry Potter?


Eddie Redmayne: Most people in the cast of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" should also be fans of the Harry Potter series, so in fact, we are also under great pressure, because as fans, you certainly don’t want to influence or destroy a classic. I think that’s what makes J.K· Rowling great. In Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, she created a magical world that can evoke many past memories, but she also created a completely different new timeline. My character is very different from Harry Potter. Harry Potter is a magical boy chosen by fate and becomes an extraordinary wizard in the story. Newt, however, is just a magician who is very enthusiastic and loves magical animals, which is very different. This is also an important reason why Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and the role attract me, because he is a character who is very unexpected to the audience.


"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" stills

1905 Movie Network: Do you have any expectations for the next sequel to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them?


Eddie Redmayne: We have many ideas and even dreams about the sequel! The director and screenwriter have revealed some small details to us, but … … (Can’t spoil the face)

Katherine waterston: Yes, but we haven’t read the script yet, so we don’t know exactly what happened … …


1905 Movie Network: So will there be more big magic battles and action scenes?


Two people: there will definitely be! We are also looking forward to the upcoming story.


1905 Movie Network: Before Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Eddie was more involved in realistic biographies. Which kind do you like better than the two themes? Which is more difficult to play, the aerial role or the real person?


Eddie Redmayne: At first, I thought that this role, because it is fictional in science fiction, may require me to use a lot of imagination to enrich it. In fact, J.K. Rowling described Newt in great detail, which made me feel like I was playing a character in a biopic. In the process of communication with her, she can tell me many little things in Newt’s life in great detail, so I didn’t continue to explore too much in the end, as long as I performed as she outlined. So at present, it seems to me that these characters actually feel quite similar when performing.

Editing/Ren Jiewen/Zhang Yuning

Everyone has a talent for running, and accumulating exercise can activate your talent …

But I didn’t know running was romantic until I ran for a few hundred meters. I was short of breath, my heart was pounding, and I kept running for a while. I immediately realized the meaning of filling my legs with lead. It was really filling my legs with lead. I didn’t have the strength to take a step forward. I really couldn’t hold on. I stopped and gasped. Look at my mobile phone. It was only six or seven hundred meters, and it was still far from 1 kilometer. At this moment, I suddenly thought about those marathon runners. How did they run down? I really can’t figure it out. I feel tired when I think about it. . .

Practice has proved that waking up your running genes has little to do with the distance you run each time, but with the total amount you run. If you can only run 500 meters at a time, it’s not a problem, as long as you can run the total amount, you can achieve your goal.

The first goal is to run 100 kilometers. If a rookie who can only run 500 meters at a time wants to achieve this goal, he must do one thing, that is, insist. He is not afraid of running less, but he is afraid of not insisting. Theoretically, he can run 100 kilometers in 200 days, but in practice, as long as he insists, he will certainly not use 200 days, because your running genes have begun to wake up. By the time you reach 100 kilometers, the distance you run at a time will definitely exceed.

The second goal is to run 200 kilometers. Why is the goal improved? It is because your single running distance has been greatly improved. The time you spend running 200 kilometers now must be less than the time you spent running the first 100 kilometers. The core of achieving the second goal is still to stick to it. As long as you stick to 200 kilometers, you will soon finish running. When you finish running, you will find that you have stopped talking about 5 kilometers at a time.

After running down 300 kilometers, some people’s running genes are almost completely awakened, and they can even run half a horse or more. Others’ running genes are only partially awakened, but their progress will surprise them, because they didn’t believe they could run 5 kilometers before.

Real runners have accumulated a huge amount of exercise, and with the increase of the total amount, runners will continue to enter a new realm, which will only make runners more convinced.Everyone has a running gene.

Show Me China | Ergun Band: Inner Mongolia not only has prairies, but also welcomes everyone to experience the beauty of winter.

    There are still 15 days before the opening of the 14th National Winter Games. The Ergun Band calls out netizens and invites everyone to come to Inner Mongolia in winter to experience the different beauty of prairies, forests, deserts, lakes and rivers.

    Reporter: Ye Ziyan.

    Reporter: Yu Guang Tian Haolin

    Ye Ziyan studio

    Produced by Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency

Finance and economics are once deep | How to grasp the key of real estate finance to implement "housing and not speculating"?

  Food, clothing, housing and transportation are the basic needs of life, among which "living" is regarded as just needed by many people. These two days, there was an interesting meeting, which was closely related to "living".

  The video and telephone conference on accelerating the development of affordable rental housing and further improving the regulation of the real estate market held on the 22nd reiterated that the house should be used for living, not for speculation, and the real estate should not be used as a short-term means to stimulate the economy.

  The positioning of "staying in the house and not speculating" continued to consolidate, which made many people eat "reassuring".

  The picture shows a commercial house near Madang Road in Shanghai. Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Fei photo

  Whether buying a house, renting a house or building a house, it is inseparable from money. Therefore, real estate finance is a key link in the implementation of "housing without speculation".

  In recent years, China has accelerated the establishment and improvement of a long-term mechanism for real estate financial management, especially under the guidance of the "three lines and four files" rule and the real estate loan concentration management system, many housing enterprises have become more cautious and self-disciplined, and the concentration of real estate loans and personal housing loans of banking financial institutions has steadily decreased.

  In June, the sales price increase of commercial housing in 70 large and medium-sized cities showed a steady and declining trend as a whole; At the same time, at the end of June, the growth rate of RMB real estate loans in China dropped by 2.2 percentage points from the end of last year.

  It can be seen that the regulatory policies, including real estate financial policies, have been effective, the real estate credit environment in some cities has changed, and the price increase has stabilized.

  What is the "sharp weapon" that can make regulation so immediate? How do the "three lines and four gears" rule and the real estate loan concentration management system play a role? Come and get to know it.

  To promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, first of all, real estate enterprises need to be healthy. However, some real estate enterprises are greedy for perfection and blindly expand, and the financial indicators of core operations are "red light", which also leads to the phenomenon of high leverage and high debt in the real estate industry.

  In order to enhance the marketization, regularity and transparency of financing for real estate enterprises, in August last year, the People’s Bank of China, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and relevant departments formed the fund monitoring and financing management rules for key real estate enterprises, that is, the "three lines and four files" rules.

  The "three lines" are actually "three red lines", which specifically refer to: the asset-liability ratio is greater than 70%, the net debt ratio is greater than 100%, and the cash short-term debt ratio is less than 1 times after excluding advance payments.

  According to the situation of stepping on the line, real estate enterprises are divided into four grades: red, orange, yellow and green: the scale of interest-bearing liabilities of "red-file" enterprises cannot be higher than the existing level; The annual growth rate of interest-bearing liabilities of "orange file" enterprises shall not exceed 5%; "Yellow file" enterprises shall not exceed 10%; "Green file" enterprises shall not exceed 15%.

  With a clear "three lines and four gears", housing enterprises must meet the corresponding requirements and constantly optimize financial indicators if they want to raise funds. This is equivalent to a "physical examination" of the financial health of housing enterprises to help them better improve their financial management.

  Behind health is self-discipline. When the financing behavior of housing enterprises is more prudent and self-disciplined, the overall operation tends to be stable. Having tasted the sweetness, more and more real estate enterprises have joined the ranks of "self-discipline". At the beginning of the pilot, the central bank selected 12 representative real estate enterprises as the pilot targets, and at the beginning of this year it expanded to 30 real estate enterprises with large debts.

  Zou Lan, director of the Financial Market Department of the People’s Bank of China, said that the "three-line and four-gear" rule is effective from the situation and reactions from all walks of life in the past year. The three core operating financial indicators of the pilot enterprises, namely, asset-liability ratio, net debt ratio and short-term cash debt ratio, have obviously improved, and the debt scale has steadily declined. Many other real estate enterprises outside the pilot also actively benchmark the rules and optimize their own business practices.

  The picture shows a qionghai city resident passing by an advertising slogan in front of a bank. Xinhua news agency

  In addition to keeping an eye on the demand side, financing management cannot ignore the supply side. In addition to monitoring and managing the liabilities of housing enterprises, the People’s Bank of China also strengthens the management of banking financial institutions — — Formulate the management system of real estate loan concentration.

  The system sets "two red lines" for the balance of real estate loans and the balance of personal housing loans for different types and sizes of banking institutions. The former ranges from 40% to 12.5%, while the latter ranges from 32.5% to 7.5%.

  As the saying goes, eggs can’t be put in one basket. Bank credit should also focus on structural optimization, which is not only related to the risk of the institution itself, but also of great significance to the healthy and steady development of the whole economy.

  Since the implementation of the system, the concentration of real estate loans and personal housing loans of banking financial institutions has steadily decreased. The data shows that at the end of June, the growth rate of China’s real estate development loan balance and personal housing loan balance dropped by 3.3 and 1.6 percentage points respectively compared with the end of the previous year.

  In Zou Lan’s view, while the real estate loan business is subject to certain constraints, commercial banks have put more energy into supporting small and micro, "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and other weak economic links, while the proportion of loans in key areas such as manufacturing and technological innovation has been improved.

  The data shows that at the end of June, the balance of China’s Pratt & Whitney small and micro loans increased by 31% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 18.7 percentage points higher than that of various loans in the same period; The balance of medium and long-term loans in manufacturing industry increased by 41.6% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 16.9 percentage points higher than the same period of last year.

  The People’s Bank of China said that the next step will continue to adhere to the positioning that houses are used for living, not for speculation, implement a long-term real estate mechanism, constantly improve the "three lines and four files" rules and the centralized management system of real estate loans, do a good job in policy implementation, improve the resilience and stability of the financial system, and promote the balanced development of finance, real estate and the real economy.

  To firmly grasp the key of real estate finance, we must continue to strictly implement the "sharp weapon" of regulation and control, manage the supply and demand ends of real estate finance, and make the regulation and control policies more precise, which will not only accurately crack down on real estate speculation, but also better meet the needs. (Reporter Wu Yu)

The turnover of shares in the North Exchange was 11.34 billion yuan, and the turnover of 27 shares exceeded 100 million yuan.

On January 26th, the total volume of shares in the North Stock Exchange was 863 million shares, with a turnover of 11.34 billion yuan, a decrease of 885 million yuan compared with the previous trading day. In terms of individual stocks, 50 stocks closed up.

According to the statistics of data treasure of Securities Times, among the tradable stocks in the North Stock Exchange today, 50 stocks closed up, accounting for 20.58% of the tradable stocks. Huami New Materials closed at the daily limit, and Xuchang Intelligent, Fuheng New Materials and Kaihua Materials closed up at the top, rising by 61.30%, 18.79% and 14.26% respectively. At the close, 192 stocks fell, with Boxun Bio, Tieda Technology and Zhongke Meiling among the top losers, falling by 14.60%, 12.77% and 11.62% respectively.

Xuchang Intelligent (831396), which was listed today, rose by 61.30%, with a turnover rate of 68.73% and a turnover of 492.0674 million yuan.

In terms of transactions, there are 27 stocks with a turnover of over 100 million yuan in the whole day. The top stocks in the North Stock Exchange are Zhongfangbiao, Xuchang Intelligent and Kaihua Materials, with turnover of 542 million yuan, 492 million yuan and 465 million yuan respectively.

In terms of stock activity, among the stocks traded in the North Exchange today, 52 stocks have a turnover rate of over 10%, of which 24 stocks have a turnover rate of over 20%, 61 stocks have a turnover rate of between 5% and 10%, and 114 stocks have a turnover rate of between 1% and 5%. The stocks with the highest turnover rate in the whole day include China Textile Standard, Xuchang Intelligent and Tianfang Standard, with turnover rates of 75.96%, 68.73% and 65.40% respectively. (data treasure)

Details of today’s transactions of stocks in the North Exchange

Note: This article is a news report and does not constitute investment advice. The stock market is risky, so investment should be cautious.
Super complex
North exchange, transaction, active stocks, market performance, turnover rate, activity, trading, resumption